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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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No.2787140 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I'm going to Japan in a few weeks. I need to know something so I don't come across as a loser there.

Is the typical Japanese teenager/20-something into manga and anime? Or is it considered a total geek hobby, the way it is in the US?

My animefag friends say EVERYONE in Japan watches anime and reads manga, it's like totally cool there -- but I remain skeptical.

>> No.2787143

Fuck off back to /b/.

>> No.2787142

>come across as a loser there

Too late, that'll happen to you as soon as you step off the plane.

>> No.2787150
File: 23 KB, 512x384, 1241028219921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EVERYONE in Japan watches anime and reads manga

>> No.2787151

>Is the typical Japanese teenager/20-something into manga and anime? Or is it considered a total geek hobby, the way it is in the US?
>My animefag friends say EVERYONE in Japan watches anime and reads manga, it's like totally cool there -- but I remain skeptical.

Obvious troll is obvious.

I'm reporting your thread, bro.

>> No.2787153


fuck you, it's a serious question

>> No.2787157


Yeah, and everyone in America watches Nascar.

>> No.2787159

typical 20 year old? i don't really think so, but hey, i'm not japanese nor have i ever lived there. if you were underageb& it might be acceptable, but i think people are expected to leave those "childish things" behind when they grow up.

>> No.2787160

I'm guessing this board hates this kind of thread.

>> No.2787163

That's a good guess.

>> No.2787165

I'm sure every adult has liked at least one anime (considering how broad the medium is), but in general I think it's looked down upon if you watch too much of it, or watch moe crap, or own figures.

>> No.2787166


not everyone, but if you told people you watch nascar, you wouldn't be branded a loser dork

(anime on the other hand...)

>> No.2787167

Manga perhaps anime no

>> No.2787171

I never understood this. Why is that? Anime is just as broad a medium as manga, and manga is something you have to go out of your way to buy. Anime is something you find just by switching on the TV.

>> No.2787170

Anime is all for either children or creepy otaku. Everybody reads manga, but probably not the things your friends like.

>> No.2787173

better yet, light novels

>> No.2787174

Manga yes (well maybe not everyone but a lot of people do), anime no.

>> No.2787176

>Is the typical Japanese teenager/20-something into anime?
No.But most japanese read mangas.

>Is it considered a total geek hobby, the way it is in the US?

>> No.2787178

Perhaps because you can hide the cover and pretend you're reading a book with substance while you're being groped on a train

>> No.2787179


can you elaborate? everyone reads manga? so what kind of manga?

>> No.2787181

Also worth noting that porn is pretty casual in Japan. Not the most hc stuff of course, but its not rare at all to see a hungover salary man flipping through a porn mag in the morning rush.

>> No.2787188


wat? Don't they even print 4komas in newspapers?

>> No.2787190

I met a dude who was on exchange from Japan, and one of my friends took him to an anime convention.
He laughed when he saw that the nametags blatantly had "otaku" written on it.
Suffice to say, he wasn't really a big anime fan, I mean, liking some in moderation is fine, but to call yourself an "otaku" was like calling yourself a loser, as he put it.
It's like readily admitting to people that you're a Trekkie, or Star Wars nerd, or something.

>> No.2787212

I've been there and I've talked to people about it. Everyone is a bit reluctant to admit that they watch manga since it is kind of viewn as a childish, but when you get to know them a bit better then everyone has at least seen some and you come across fans where you woudln't expect them. Everyone knows EVA and stuff. The "reading manga is cool but watching anime isn't" thing is a bit cliched. The problem is that the Japs themselfs are overly self concious about it.

So yeah, I wouldn't (and wasn't) be afraid to admit you like anime and manga, just don't shove it down people's throats.

>> No.2787216
File: 688 KB, 2383x1506, 14a727a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the typical Japanese teenager/20-something into manga and anime?
Of course.

And I suggest you to wear a bandana and a backpack to look cool. They'll call you "cool gaijin".

>I need to know something so I don't come across as a loser there.
If you're on 4chan you're already are a loser.

>> No.2787225

Also what >>2787190 said must also be considered.
The problem isn't liking anime (or manga) it is avoiding being associated with the Otakus. Every Jap has this image in his mind of a creepy guy with glasses hunched over his computer, room filled with anime posters and figs. So best thing to do, just pretend you don't even know what the word "otaku" means.

>> No.2787253

Look at that PC-FX.
I don't know what it is, but I want one.
