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File: 62 KB, 807x604, untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2786225 No.2786225 [Reply] [Original]

That's the last straw, you little bitch.

>> No.2786239

you fucked up. go back to the park.

>> No.2786255

She also stole the last of your pudding, anon.

>> No.2786267

I'd just like to say, I played HF on that odd Nintendo DS port first (Bus rides, toilet, etc). And due to a bug with the variables and saves, I had to restart the route at least 3 times; easily making it my most hated part of FSN.

Sakura being an ugly slut didn't help either.

>> No.2786282

No jackhammer for you. lol

>> No.2786296

Rin enjoyed it.

>> No.2786305

OP here.

I'm a slowpoke and just finished FSN and was going back to get all the Tiger Dojos. I was completing the last few and when I got to this one I straight up lost any tiny bit of sympathy I had for Sakura. She was the least likable heroine IMO but this sealed the deal for me.

>> No.2786306
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You've had your fun, Sakura. Now it's time for your Nee-san to have some fun of her own.

>> No.2786307

I never did Mind Of Steel. And my first HF ending was the normal ending where Shirou sacrifices himself like a little bitch. First i have to put up with Sakuras shit for mad long hours, and then youre going to give me an ending full of her faggotry? Fuck that. Who the fuck cares about that bitch? She can choke on a penis maggot for all i care.

>> No.2786320

It's just Rin.

>> No.2786344

Sakura is the best of he three main heroines.

>> No.2786350



>> No.2786357

Sakura is an emo cunt. Id slap her silly knaawmean?

>> No.2786367


>> No.2786377
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>> No.2786388

So why exactly does letting Rin kill Sakura lead to a bad end? That seemed pretty good to me.

>> No.2786392



she's a bitch ass ho my bro

>> No.2786395
File: 118 KB, 480x272, 1231428131238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Sakura best of the 3 heroines, but I really didn't like the heroines in the first place.

Fate/Stay Night is all about the manly men.

>> No.2786403

I'd let Rider ride me, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2786406

Isn't that the Archer end?

>> No.2786407

Yes because Shirou killing almost everyone he cares about and turning into a shell of a man in pursuit of his ideal like Kiritsugu did is a good end.

>> No.2786416

That's the best end. Even Kotomine is somewhat happy with your decision.

>> No.2786419
File: 461 KB, 804x604, stupid shirou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she still gets her daily dose of Shiroucock in one end.

>> No.2786423

Hehe...in one end...

>> No.2786437
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>> No.2786438

Kotomine is the heroine of HF. Shirou said he liked Kotomine, don't bother him about it.

>> No.2786450


... It made Kotomine happy.

Remember, the only thing that makes Kotomine happy is OTHERS SUFFERING.

>> No.2786454

Kotomine is evil, so him being happy only proves that it's a bad end.

>> No.2786455

Holy shit Shirou has huge arms.


>> No.2786458

I really liked HF. It didn't feel like FS/N at all though, I think thats why people hate it.

>> No.2786465
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>> No.2786473


dude has like 0% body fat, he fights servants for crap sake

>> No.2786490

Having no body fat is a terrible thing. Your body uses it as an incredibly good source of energy for the long-term, which means you have endurance with the proper oxygen supply.

>> No.2786542
File: 164 KB, 315x505, awesome big bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakura. Who told you to rape Rin before I did?

>> No.2786567

Poor Shinji, never got to fuck his dream girl. Isn't it sad?

>> No.2786584
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>> No.2786601

Well, he did get the loser prize of raping Sakura for years, so id say its all even.

>> No.2786615

That's hardly a prize. Everyone fucks Sakura.

>> No.2786620
File: 351 KB, 1280x960, 20090313-055410_00702ba187b0ec85c76e6251ae603199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he got his imouto so it's awwwwright.


>> No.2786628

Everyone except you. Hows that feel, anonymous?

>> No.2786651

Worm sex.

>> No.2786661
File: 98 KB, 339x462, goodgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did give me a pretty awesome blowjob. Came all over her. Felt good, man.

>> No.2786673

Sakura's pussy would be so torn up and stretched that it wouldn't give pleasure anymore.

>> No.2786674


Shirou probably has a healthy amount of fat.

He might fight with Servants, but he eats hand-made cuisine daily.

>> No.2786681

Shirou says she feels like an experienced prostitute.
Yeah, I guess you're right.

>> No.2786689

How does Shirou know what an experienced prostitute feels like? How does he know what an inexperienced one feels like for the proper comparison!?

>> No.2786701


Did it ever say if Shirou was a virgin?

>> No.2786702
File: 126 KB, 480x272, 1240750515140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nii-san, cut the shit.

>> No.2786704

Slowpoke here... where do I get this?

>> No.2786705
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>> No.2786709


I think so, at least... I'm not sure...

I guess he would have to be experienced to know how to be the bone of his sword.

>> No.2786713
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wait, I'm pretty sure he mentions his first time to Saber during Fate route....

>> No.2786714

Rin jackhammering scene.

>> No.2786721

Sakura sucks. Rider sucks (and not in the good way). Storyline sucks. The gar feels about twice as forced as in the other routes.

Heaven's Feel blows, in a nutshell.

>> No.2786723

Somebody didn't get the MIND OF STEEL end.

>> No.2786736

Mind of Steel is one of the worst things about Heaven's Feel too. He goes that far, then gives up on a whim and becomes a shell of a human being, that's about on level with the other HF ends I'd say.

>> No.2786738

Mind Of Steel doesnt relate to this anyhow. If anything, its the shittiest end of them all.

>> No.2786742

Well there's you're problem. You're a faggot.

>> No.2786744

ITT: People that have very little idea of how vaginas work.

(Yes, there can be some 'degradation' with extensive stretching and 'use', but the primary cause of excessive vaginal looseness is multiple pregnancies and the general loss of muscle tone that comes with aging. At Sakura's age, even a constant rape victim (victims of Bosnian rape camps, for example, who were often raped dozens of times a day for years, if they managed to live that long) are still, barring dysfunction due to psychological damage, fully 'functional' and not excessively 'looser' than an average woman with a healthy sex life.)

But then, this is 4chan, so I am entirely wasting my time in typing this out.

>> No.2786761

Cool story, bro.

>> No.2786763

Sup butthurt moefaggot. Go back to lapping up whatever plotless fanservice show your kind are watching this season.

>> No.2786771

Back to /a/, please.

>> No.2786796

Wait, how is it the shittiest?

You spend the entire route deepening your relationship with Sakura, but then Shirou develops the balls to kill the one person he truly loves in order to save everyone around him.

I'd say that Mind of Steel is arguably the greatest end, just because he is fully well aware of the sacrifice he is making, but still goes through with it for the greater good.

Also, Mind of Steel implies that Shirou wins the entire Holy Grail War. He's still a normal human, but he wins the entire war. That is pretty damn incredibly, if you ask me.

>> No.2786823

Any end is arguably the best end. It's based completely on opinion.

>> No.2786833

...Even HF normal end?

>> No.2786842

Not killing Sakura is the whim. His entire life was lived with the intent and knowledge of becoming a super hero, doing whatever it takes to save people. Throwing that away is the whim.

Mind of Steel is best end.

>> No.2786849

Especially the normal end. Serves that whore right. And fuck Shirou, he was a fucking bitch made fuck in HF

>> No.2786851

No, throwing that bullshit away is him growing up and learning to be less of a retard. That's why that ending is shit, it's pure regression, which is why it's a bad end.

>> No.2786860

No, his life's work was to save he people within his sight. Killing Sakura betrays that.

>> No.2786871

Kotomine isn't the kind of person that would've left the job half-done.

If he had to kill his harem to get the Holy Grail, he would've done it in a heartbeat.

>> No.2786889
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate end - Shirou ends up alone
UBW True end - Shirou ends up with a twintails zettai ryouiki bisexual mahou shoujo meganekko tsundere.
UBW Good end - The above plus Saber, most likely plenty of threesomes to come.
HF Normal end - Shirou died for a slut.
HF True end - Shirou ends up in a doll's body with Sakura, who would never let him touch the true prizes Rin and Rider because of her jealously. And before you retards start, the threesome scene in FHA is another Rider dream.
Mind of Steel end - Shirou becomes Archer, who probably died a virgin. (Do you seriously think he would fuck his 'lover' without mana transfer as an initial reason?)

I don't think I need to explain which one is the best end.

>> No.2786910

>UBW True end - Shirou ends up with a bitch and is eventually left for some guy with a bigger cock
>UBW Good end - bitch and Saber run off together

>> No.2786921

>UBW Good end - Rin has her own harem

>> No.2786927

>Fate end - Shirou ends up alone

I always think that Shirou eventually gets with Rin, but I dunno it might be reaching.

>> No.2786932

They remain friends, but don't get romantically involved.

>> No.2786933
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Actually they meet again the throne of heroes. Happy end!

>> No.2786938


oh yeah, last episode. almost forgot about that.

>> No.2786939

>Mind of Steel end - Shirou becomes Archer
I thought this had been disproven?

>the true prizes Rin and Rider
Oh wow.

>> No.2786941

It seems like HF is the only end where Shirou gets a waifu to raise kids with.

>> No.2786945


I don't think the Fate end really elaborates on what happens past the very next day, but okay

>> No.2786948


>> No.2786953

Canon end.

>> No.2786954

Fate route Shirou is all about moving forward. He says that what's important is remembering that he loved Saber, doesn't mean he won't find other people to love.

>> No.2786958
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Rin needs to produce a successor eventually.

>> No.2786971

Rin moves to London after every route. She stays there for several years. Only in UBW does she take Shirou with her.

I'd say it's a safe bet that they don't become lovers.

>> No.2786981

Come to think of it, what was the reason for Riders stay in HF true end? It was the regular Nasu mumbo jumbo, right?

>> No.2786991

I haven't read it in ages, was it explicitly stated that he didn't tag along?

>> No.2786993

Sakura has all the prana from the servants she took in still. Several life times worth of prana.

>> No.2786997

Is it right to feel rage for Shirou in all the routes?

>> No.2786999

UBW has Shirou becoming a real magus.

>> No.2787015

I'm a Rin fan, so I would kill to be in his shoes in UBW route.

>> No.2787021

Admittedly that was awesome. Still kind of felt angry he beat Archer though.

>> No.2787024

Damn I wish there was a follow up manga series to the UBW route.

Shirou trying to go to a magus school in London with Rin as his Sempai would be fun.

>> No.2787039

It would of been better if they'd found a way to work out there problems without a violent confrontation.

>> No.2787040
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Throw in a bitchy rival constantly trying to steal him from Rin.

>> No.2787046

Not only is it right, its natural. Shirou was as much of a cunt as protagonists come. Sure there was mana transfer here and sloppy character development there, but over all he was a spineless little bith.

>> No.2787047

I hate UBW, but I still think it would be entertaining.

>> No.2787082

im confused... who is that and who is "nee-san"?

>> No.2787101
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>> No.2787119
File: 27 KB, 325x214, The_More_You_Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, could be a legit question.

As such, I will do you the favour of responding as such this one time. "Nee-san" is a Japanese term of endearment for an older sister, a diminutive of "Onee-san", which literally means 'Older Sister'.

>> No.2787124

but who is girl??

>> No.2787129

Play Fate/Stay Night and find out young one!

>> No.2787161
File: 93 KB, 800x800, themoreyounoooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her sister, obviously. What are you, retarded?

>> No.2787169
File: 51 KB, 350x467, saber233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Saber always get a bad end?

>> No.2787172


>> No.2787177

She dies happily in her true end.

>> No.2787182

Have they finally translated the whole thing?

I downloaded one of the routes a year or so ago, but never got around to playing it, then wound up deleting it.

>> No.2787183

I thought she was pretty happy in the Fate end. Then again you probably mean an end where she lives.

>> No.2787185

She's too good for this cruel world.

>> No.2787189

It's all fully translated with voice & bonus CGs.

>> No.2787192

Yes, it has been for like 8 months now.

>> No.2787199
File: 5 KB, 350x200, fate37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah yeah, but I mean EVERYONE else either gets with Shirou, or at least LIVES SOMEHOW. She just dies and gets forgotten.

Avalon was nice, but there's something off putting about it.

>> No.2787200

Groovy, thanks. Suppose I'll go check it out, I need stuff to do to take my mind off things.

I think I still have Tsukihime on my HD somewhere, unplayed, too. Should I play that first, if so?

>> No.2787206


Yes. I liked Tsukihime better actually, if only for the fact that Shiki never pissed me off like Shirou did all too often.

>> No.2787207

Just play whichever one interests you the most first. They're both good.

>> No.2787208

I preferred Shirou to Shiki.

>> No.2787209

Tsukihime has a better story, FSN well, if you know its origins it's kind of amusing.

>> No.2787210

Me too. I'm a moralfag idealist just like Shirou.

>> No.2787217

Person inquiring about FSN here: What's the URL of the page that had the translation project on it, again, please?

/jp/ is being so nice tonight, I thought I'd ask here, first.

>> No.2787218 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 600x440, Shirou Emiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate Stay Night? More like Kamen Rider Ryuki mirite?

>> No.2787221

I find Tsukihimes origins far more hilarious. Twilight here we come!

>> No.2787223

mirrormoon.org, you could try googling 'fate/stay night translation'. It wouldn't kill you.

>> No.2787230


>> No.2787249

ORT > Shirou

>> No.2787251

Once again, thank you. I suppose it wouldn't, no, I already know what's going to do that.

>> No.2787269
File: 144 KB, 802x605, illya end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why my precious Ilya's end is a bad end?
because of the discarted h scene?

i still like that end!

>> No.2787273
File: 161 KB, 269x550, 美綴弓道着01a(中).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup faggots. Don't mind me, just being the best girl in the game.

>> No.2787276


>> No.2787277
File: 77 KB, 800x600, FSNchicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but little (even tall) brown girls are the BEST.

>> No.2787282

She was the best, untill Shinji raped her.

>> No.2787283

That was Rider, not Shinji.

>> No.2787294

It's not Rider's fault, though. It was love at first sight.

>> No.2787296


You mean the one where she kills you?

Fuck Saber and Sakura, I wanted Ilya. And Taiga.

>> No.2787305
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>> No.2787327


>> No.2787341

I don't think any man would be able to handle Taiga.

>> No.2787344
File: 1.39 MB, 810x1398, riderayakolovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayako gonna get raped.

Oh wait, she did.

>> No.2787345


God, that entire sequence just made me fucking baw.

"....You're strong, Berserker."

>> No.2787359

Pussy. Real men fapped to it.

>> No.2787755

Do want Doujin of Sakura raping everyone

>> No.2787759

Real man don't play VN.

>> No.2787768

Best part in HF! Should of been the real ending.

>> No.2787771

Real men play eroge

>> No.2787789

Here lies Shirou, he traced fast and died a virgin

>> No.2787801

So is she being raped everyday as if she's virgin ? everyday taking her virginity would be hot.

>> No.2787807

Venus, the goddess, had the power to rebuild her hymen, so that everytime she had sex, she would be a virgin.

Such a massive whore.
