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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2778652 No.2778652 [Reply] [Original]


How does this make you feel?

Pic unrelated

>> No.2778656

Nothing in particular. I learned kanji ages ago.

>> No.2778668

Silly troll.
Everyone on /jp/ knows kanji.

>> No.2778681

You say "know kanji" as if it's possible to actually know all of them.

>> No.2778687

So Japanese people don't know kanji either? Most only know a few thousand

>> No.2778698

Silly troll.
Everyone on /jp/ is too lazy to bother to study kanji.

>> No.2778716
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>> No.2778718

Silly troll.
Some fact about /jp/.

>> No.2778828

Here's the real clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0

OP is a faggot.

>> No.2778854
File: 43 KB, 478x428, 2c1d24186c02eb4dd2b467cbe966de6ff858da67.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll only play XIV if there's no EXP docking on death.

Fuck, that shit sucks and only forces you to grind more i.e. die more i.e. grind more etc. ad nauseum.

>> No.2778864

Funny thing is: Devs try to copy WoW but always take a dump on this kind of thing and let you lose EXP upon death anyway.

>> No.2778898

I'd play it if it wasn't made by square and didn't have sony influence.

>> No.2778903

I've never played a final fantasy game

>> No.2778904
File: 22 KB, 224x215, oh u 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final Fantasy
>not made by Square
>no Sony influence
Oh you.

>> No.2778910
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>> No.2778917

Me neither. JRPGs suck.

>> No.2778919

it's made by enix and will be influenced by microsoft to become non-exclusive.
lucky bastard.

>> No.2778921

Your face sucks.

>> No.2778922

Same. Never gotten into the rpg genre.

>> No.2778926

Protip : JRPG is a term invented by trolls in order to troll RPG players.

>> No.2778928
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I respect your opinion even if it does not coincide with my own.

>> No.2778939

I played a couple of them and they sucked so much I didn't even bother to finish them.
On the ohter hand, I have finished Chrono Trigger a couple of times.

>> No.2778942

>FF sucks
>finished Chrono Trigger a few times
oh u

>> No.2778954

Oh me what?

>> No.2778956

Let's not turn this into a /v/-style flamewar, shall we?

You never tried playing an rpg game, or never enjoyed any that you tried?

>> No.2778957

Back to /v/. All of you.

>> No.2778959

I fucking hate WoW for this, removing the xp penalty on death makes Death meaningless so people are far less concerned about dying and dont even make the effort to try harder

>> No.2778967

I remember losing up to millions of exp on some of the MUDs I played, and skills. And none of this arena or contested territory shit. Yes, that's the way it should be, magets.

>> No.2778974


You know what? I don't mind punishments for death. Deck my gold, my items (lol Runescape), my stats, but not my EXP.

>> No.2778976

I remember playing tetris and having fun, not giving a fuck about epenis and such.
That's the way it should be, buttahflays.

>> No.2778979

Not talking about the ones with the retarded amount of exp either (lol exp integer overflow)

>> No.2778982

Back to /a/. Only you.

>> No.2778989

You obviously have never played WoW, otherwise you would know that the penalty on death is that you have to pay money to repair your gear. And yeah, you die a lot during tries on new boss fights.

>> No.2779010

Let me rephrase that. The console rpg are the ones that I never liked. I don't hate it, I just find it tedious trying to find items, solving puzzles etc. MMORPG I've played, although never really into any of them.

>> No.2779052

You don't have to pay anything if you don't wear any equipment, faget.

>> No.2779077

You are the faggot that dances on the mailboxes naked aren't you. While asking for people give him butt sex.

>> No.2779075
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Also this has turned into a /v/ thread so posting /v/ related picture.

>> No.2779080

Considering equipment is the only real measure of how powerful your character is and whether it can survive or not in anything people actually do in WoW, it's the same as losing exp.

>> No.2779089 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 289x326, faget2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2779108

You don't have to worry about money once you reach 60 and get your ass into the gate.

>> No.2779112
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>> No.2779115

Except repairs are so cheap, it's maybe the equivalent of losing one thousandth of a level...

For real death penalties, see pre-2003 Ultima Online.

>> No.2779120

Understandable, I guess. They usually are time-consuming, tedious, and nowadays somewhat backward in story-telling, but there's plenty other appealing parts to fans of the genre.

>> No.2779123

Oh /jp/. Guess I'll try coming back later tonight.

>> No.2779126

Or Ragnarok Online (LOL WE JUST TAKE 10% OUT OF 2309853486075409709 EXP YOU ALREADY ACQUIRED)

>> No.2779134
File: 52 KB, 796x598, pshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only game by Square I ever played

>> No.2779135

lol a wwefag


>> No.2779139

I wish this turn out to be an anime as well.....

>> No.2779140

Before anyone asks, it's Skies of Arcadia.

>> No.2779149

For real death penalty, see that server of Dofus where when your character died, you couldn't play it anymore.

>> No.2779151

Best square game ever.

>> No.2779158

That's not Terranigma.

>> No.2779161


>> No.2779165

overrat shet

>> No.2779167
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He said "Square", not "Square-Enix".

He said "made", not "published".

Even for stuff by Quintet, Robotrek is better.

>> No.2779170
File: 28 KB, 704x396, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck yeah, broseph!

>> No.2779177
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Oh wait that guy didn't say "made" what am I saying

>> No.2779191

That's awesome.

Although if you were a murderer in UO you did lose A THIRD of your skills (you dropped from 100 to 66.6, so basically all of the part that takes time to gain) so your character was basically deleted and re-made when you died, as far as character stats go. So it's not too far off.

>> No.2779192

Good thing, too.

>> No.2779199

Mmm, I've played some games with permadeath. Though, I believe there was a way to revive players, but they could also do things like stick your soul in other objects.

>> No.2779205
File: 65 KB, 409x335, Skies of Arcadia - Fina Pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Skies of Arcadia
>Made by Square

Um, no.

>> No.2779207

thats the joke.jpg

>> No.2779219

Oh, and I forgot that when you died, you dropped all your items on the ground.

See that for more information : http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/dofus-opens-new-heroic-server

>> No.2779234
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>> No.2779237

Nice, hardly see that. Tons of MUDs were made that way but you see hardly see that in MMOs and they end up with shitty equipment based systems.

>> No.2779412
File: 4 KB, 101x117, images..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

>> No.2779457

Why would you play any MMO other than WoW?

>> No.2779461

To go against the flow and tell yourself you are different, I guess.
