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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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27738844 No.27738844 [Reply] [Original]

Use mpvacious to make anki cards in mpv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlAjNc_sx4A
Ankidrone starter pack: https://files.catbox.moe/z3p9vk.apkg
Dictionaries: https://mega.nz/folder/zZE2XSJS#AHJe6zfSuFzXh06XyiNYmA/folder/TU8xEArQ
Textbooks from 2ch (everyone can upload): http://2ch.club/jp
Must know words: https://quiz-daisuki.com/?s=%E9%9B%A3%E8%AA%AD%E6%BC%A2%E5%AD%97
Jap bookmarks: https://pachimon.github.io/tools/JapBookmarks.html
Grammar guide: http://guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar
Check native pronunciations: https://youglish.com/japanese
Immersion Wiki: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gDpwFl07a0EO_pTHLLVn_Waz2GXwwSE1

Official DJT study room: https://app.element.io/#/room/#djt:g33k.se
If your question doesn't get answered, post it in the room.

>why did DJT move away from discord?
1 https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/discord.html
2 https://stallman.org/discord.html

Previous Thread: >>27688041

>> No.27738856

1st for fuck yuzuki

>> No.27738875

second for lns

>> No.27738879


>> No.27738880
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>> No.27738892

Awful OP.

>> No.27738924

based wallabee

>> No.27738936

more links > less links

>> No.27738939
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>> No.27738944

why can に be used as と sometimes

>> No.27738952

BASED. lns are so underrated in the west, mainly by pseuds

>> No.27738976

>did you know when you fap to doujinsi you are fapping to another man's drawings and writings, not an actual woman
its interesting to revisit this post, for sure what you say is true and im very aware of it but the real magic is suspension of belief
do i think of this fact when im actually fapping? no, of course not but thats because of the medium and the fact that the authors done a good job
if i was unable to suspend belief or was constantly reminded of the 3d hand behind every piece of media i would hate it which doesnt happen fortunately
and its not just me everyone needs suspension of belief

the question is, is there even any suspension in the first place to break with vtubers?

>> No.27738977

Quality > Quantity.

>> No.27739009

>Not fapping to the straight shota drawn by that woman artist who has children of her own

>> No.27739015

i am not happy with mini yoga posing as a kny fan to troll the thread, very disrespectful to the shounenchads of djt! if you want support this is not the way to get it!

>> No.27739018

can't put itazura in the op coz discord servers are shilled there. also someone said it's outdated anyway.

>> No.27739071

i dropped kny after the first episode after seeing LOTS of bad cg

>> No.27739115

now that we're talking about it, sometimes merely knowing the author was a female can make a doujinshi more arousing, hasnt this ever happened to you?
so of course we are never entirely suspended and immersed, its on a spectrum but its the normalfags who need very little suspension or can easily maintain it
it explains pretty much most normalfag preferences when you think about it and also strongly suggests quiz is a closeted normalfag despite the tough act he puts on

>> No.27739118

fucking baaAAsed op

>> No.27739241

why can of be used as from sometimes
why can at be used as in sometimes
why can your mom be used as a seedbed sometimes

>> No.27739253

wtffff quiz had a gf????

>> No.27739257 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.03 MB, 860x968, 1602826453253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try hxh. the first arc introduces the edgy would-be rival to the MC with a traumatic past who rejects everything he was raised to be and walks his own path, befriending the MC. the arc finale is a fight tournament but every fight in the tournament (except one) is resolved through words and/or psychological manipulation. second arc looks like it'll be a rescue arc but ends with the captive simply walking out of his prison after coming to an understanding with his misguided father. third arc is a tournament arc but is mostly set up so that the author can introduce and exposit on the power system, though it still ends with the mc walking away after a loss despite not being disqualified because he accomplished what he set out to do. the fourth arc is a mafia thriller that ends with both the protagonists and antagonists choosing their friends over vengeance. the fifth arc is a sideventure that fleshes out the power system a bit more. the sixth arc is about an infestation of monstrous ants that culminates in a 25 episode long infiltration and extermination mission wherein the ants and humans are changed through their confrontations. there are many poetic character arcs and more crazy spectacle than could be explained without completely spoiling the experience.

>> No.27739315

japanese genre fiction > western intellectual literary canon

>> No.27739360

but i understand the reason for those all
do you not?

>> No.27739370

>I now only like 2 dimensional girls
lol he thinks its kul to be otaku or something fucking holoshitter faggot

>> No.27739372

lmfao n1

>> No.27739406

why is there stallman in the OP?

>> No.27739489

How to practice reading when you have very little vocabulary? Anki hell first?

>> No.27739513

he speaks Spanish.

>> No.27739610

i hate 何*

>> No.27739674

You either power through with a dictionary or you start by learning common vocab first the way you want.
If you find a better method than anki feel free to use it.

>> No.27739710

the gap between what is actually written and what you interpret is massive
why not honestly engage instead of taking cheap shots

>> No.27739733
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>> No.27739756

Core 10K, preferably while watching animus/tv shows whose details you don't mind missing without subs. Disregard anyone who tells you to ditch core decks ASAP, you can still add and schedule words you find in your immersion while doing core decks.

>> No.27739767

why do you think core 10k is better than core 6k

>> No.27739771

hey i suck complete ass and forgot about that distinction since it's been like 6 months since i read it in dojg so that was interesting.

>> No.27739836

what the fuck /djt/ was /g/ all along

>> No.27739838

more cards > less cards

>> No.27739848

@quiz post a sample from your kanken deck

>> No.27739895
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>> No.27739911

acquisition vs memorization
ditching anki means you ditch memorization

>> No.27739916

sooner u realize its all futile and give up the better

>> No.27739929

keep telling yourself that

>> No.27739943

telling myself what

>> No.27739987

you dont need to memorize words

>> No.27740018

>ankidrone starter pack
>those dictionaries
>textbooks from 2ch
>must know words
>check native pronunciations

i somewhat understand the mpvacious shilling as it's your tool (albeit inferior to anacreon's) but who is going to use any of that other crap? you think a newfag is going to download those dictionaries instead of using jisho, yomichan, etc.? people would be more receptive to your spam if you cut out the obviously worthless and ridiculous shit.

>> No.27740158

you can do core, yes. but make sure that sentence is on the front.
download ankidrone starter pack if you want a pre-formatted deck, it's linked in the op.
10k is 6k + 4k more shitty cards.
if you have a choice do tango instead. it's included in the ankidrone starter pack.

>> No.27740236

why do sentence cards
youll find the word in context while reading anyway so vocab cards are lighter and the better option

>> No.27740330

> as it's your tool
it's not inferior to the spammer guy's tool, quite the opposite.
>those dictionaries
those are dictionaries for yomichan. and a few standalone ones as well.

>> No.27740382

you should condense it into one pastebin link
the guide should be no longer than a line

>> No.27740490

the question was
>How to practice reading when you have very little vocabulary?
so if you want to read then at least read sentences. matt always says that in anki you should practice how you play, and in real life you read sentences, not words.
>vocab cards are lighter and the better option
they lead to worse retention rate. and you don't practice your reading and understanding of grammar when you rep them.
vocabulary cards should only be used for very specific type of words. those are nouns.
vocabulary cards should never be used exclusively, and the majority of one’s srsing should be devoted to sentences.

>> No.27740577

true. we actually have plans on making a guide but since other projects stood in our way it got postponed.

>> No.27740625

but doing anki alone is useless anyway so if youre reading and doing anki then vocab cards should be fine
you should be reading sentences and
>practice your reading and understanding of grammar
by reading actual input not by repping the same sentence over and over which is much worse because you are drilling one particular context of the word over and over

vocab cards lead to lower "anki" retention because with sentence cards you arent learning the word as much as you are memorizing that one particular context

>> No.27740837

really pisses me off when a series is centered around a talent buffed but kawaisou mc cuz you can tell the whole thing is going to be one stupid power grind and he was going to make it anyway

>> No.27740904

Previous threads
>>27688041 #2537
>>27644476 #2536
>>27594179 #2535
>>27545021 #2534
>>27464493 #2533
>>27399875 #2532
>>27354961 #2531
>>27302501 #2530

>> No.27740924
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> if youre reading and doing anki then vocab cards should be fine
sounds good on paper but i don't hear any success stories with vocabulary cards.
>you should be reading sentences
in anki as in real life.
>you are drilling one particular context
it makes far more easy to understand and remember the nuance of the word's meaning.
if it has many meanings then just make two sentence cards and you'll easily differentiate them.
>you arent learning the word as much as you are memorizing that one particular context
i don't think it is a problem in practice. at least we haven't seen any, and the ajatt method has been around for years.
it's okay if you use vocab cards for nouns, i do use them too when i learn food and animals, for example.

>> No.27740930

genuinely enjoy studying kanji

>> No.27741081

sentence cards take much longer because youre reading the whole sentence
you can cut the time by more than half with vocab cards and put that saved time into reading actual input
instead of trying to catch nuance with one word which isnt really practical you should just focus on getting a basic meaning and moving on, and with vocab cards you always have the option of reading the sentence at the back if you the meaning is too abstract
youll form natural associations by improving upon that meaning when you see the word again in real input, besides realistically it will take many different sentences for you to really understand the word

>> No.27741103




>> No.27741109

*you find the meaning to be too abstract

>> No.27741130

Finally deciding to learn the language. I know this is a dumb question but how many hours a day should I aim for when learning and how long will it take until I can hold a basic conversation with someone online in Japanese? Really I just wanted to chat with a certain artist but he only speaks Japanese I think.

>> No.27741141

yall need to stop pretending you use whatever improvements to efficiency you think you're getting on anything more than arguing in this thread

>> No.27741156

for output questions try >>>/int/djt

>> No.27741208

its not just about efficiency, the fact that sentence cards take much longer means its more boring and draining doing them so youre actually learning less during your review session in anki irrespective of how much time you actually dedicate to it

>> No.27741363

>sentence cards take much longer because youre reading the whole sentence
yes. it's an opportunity for you to practice the flow of reading. use the auto reveal add-on to speed up your reps. i've achieved 10-12 seconds per card after using the addon for a few months while your typical sentence card users take 20 sec/card. i had the same anki stats too.
>you can cut the time by more than half with vocab cards and put that saved time into reading actual input
sentence cards build a great base of grammatically correct language in one's head, and if you use vocab cards it would happen much more slowly. though if time cuts are important for you you can take that approach. i just don't believe that in a long run it will take you less time to achieve fluency. again, ajatt guarantees you two years to a great level of language ability.
>with vocab cards you always have the option of reading the sentence at the back if you the meaning is too abstract
no one does that. vocab users just press good after they see the backside of a card.
>realistically it will take many different sentences for you to really understand the word
real work is done in you JIM. think of sentence cards as something that augments your JIM.

>> No.27741545

i dun get it

>> No.27741557

vocab cards only take about 3 seconds
even if hypothetically speaking i grant you that sentence cards result in any significant improvements to:
- reading flow practice
- grammatically correct language in ones head
- comprehending meaning
i dont think its worth 4x the time spent
you have to realize that spending that long on each card makes it more likely you spent less overall anki time and get less quality for the time you do because >>27741208
a 30 min anki session will appear a lot less intimidating and more fruitful than a 2hr one and you are more likely to consistently work on it and spend the rest of your saved 1.5hrs on quality input, possibly even more because you stay fresh longer

>> No.27741729

figure it out

>> No.27741901

hes distracting himself to avoid working on the things that actually matter cuz its more work lol truly a dop addict

>> No.27742036
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realistically 6 seconds. vocab cards are slow and clunky because each card breaks your flow by forcing you to press buttons.
>i dont think its worth 4x the time spent
you accumulate the benefits. with the method you need less time to fluency after all.
i don't know how reading sentences can be boring coz it's more real than reading isolated words, especially when those sentences are taken from anime. you can easily rep sentences at the speed of 11 sec/card which is very good in my opinion.

PS: it's very strange that i have to explain things that were obvious just a few years ago. i blame the spammer guy's friend who made that goofy website disparaging sentence cards. remember that the spammer guy's friend doesn't even know japanese and apparently forgot his first (or second) language, so don't believe what he writes.

>> No.27742037


>> No.27742077


>> No.27742085

I passed N4, I feel really proud of myself

>> No.27742086

lmfao what the fuck is this garbage it took him this long to finish this??

>> No.27742098


>> No.27742120

Kirisu ran into some speed issues with the mpv script that were resolved by updating .net framework... people can try this if they have similar problems

>> No.27742177

>vocab cards are slow and clunky because each card breaks your flow by forcing you to press buttons.
? the buttons are exactly the same the only difference is where the sentence goes on the card
>you accumulate the benefits
you also accumulate benefits by reading more input which youre able to do with vocab cards because you save more time instead spending that time repping the same sentence, varied context and exposure will always result in more benefits

you are not explaining new things by the way i know what sentence cards are

>> No.27742197



>> No.27742201


why not use the link to tae kim's guide that's on itazura, it's way better organized desu

>> No.27742243

how the hell is this worth anything lol
he just keeps stealing ideas already out there and rebranding

>> No.27742288

a few days ago i received a bug report from a windows user who was trying to run the linux version of the mpv script on windows.
after that i thought of merging the two scripts together, into one file.
what do you think?
at the same time i'm hesitant because windows-specific code is ugly (you can't escape that on windows) and polluting the beautifully written linux version is kinda meh.

>> No.27742331

dont care, im using analcrayons script

>> No.27742375

the only user of the spammer guy's script spotted

>> No.27742467

you need to stop being so immature/retarded and accept that there will be people who use other scripts and that ultimately all these popularity polls are meaningless

>> No.27742509
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the buttons are exactly the same but you press them 2 times more often.
>reading more input
i'm not against reading your input.
vocabulary cards give us an advantage over regular sentence cards when learning nouns.
if you combine the two approaches, you might spend a little more time, let's say 1.5 times the time vocab dekinais spend, but you gain so much more. watch yoga's beer video for details.
>you are not explaining new things by the way i know what sentence cards are
have you read the ajatt site? it explains them pretty well.

>> No.27742550

>the buttons are exactly the same but you press them 2 times more often.
what do you mean

>> No.27742616

anyone here have experience learning a language just by listening, *without* learning to read and write? is it even feasible? babies can get away with it, even without taking neuroplasticity into account, because they usually have parents and tv shows like sesame street that explicitly tell them what the most basic words and grammar structures mean. but can an adult do it?

>> No.27742657

no to all

>> No.27742680

>babies can get away with it
sure bro just hardcore immerse 24/7 on children's shows and after 5 years you'll be as good as a 5 year old lol

>> No.27742683


Just study properly and you'll understand your Vtuber waifu in no time.

>> No.27742718

>what do you mean
exactly that. it takes time to process each card. it takes additional time to:
- decide what button to press,
- wait until the next card renders on your screen,
- process what's being asked,
- press again to see the answer.
so even if vocab cards are supposed to take 3 seconds per card, in reality they take 6. i've seen people who spend 9 seconds per card. and sentence cards take 10-12 while giving you more practice.

>> No.27742751

thats bullshit vocab cards only take 3-4 seconds on average and thats from the stats menu of most sane people lol
and why the hell would you press the buttons anymore than sentence cards that literally makes no sense

>> No.27742785

ITT people who have not learned of a technique called speed reading

>> No.27742912

I wanna start using anki with sentence cards. Where can I learn how to setup the layout of the card and yomichan to "automatize" creating new cards?

>> No.27742935

>thats bullshit vocab cards only take 3-4 seconds on average and thats from the stats menu of most sane people lol
imagine those poor dekinais.
>why the hell would you press the buttons anymore than sentence cards
dunno just thought if you spend 6 seconds per card then you press more buttons per minute and switch more contexts per minute than a person who spends 12 seconds per card.

>> No.27742952

dont ask him lol hes trying to shill his own untested guide
use the standard guides

>> No.27742978

full guide on using yomichan and whatnot to make cards https://sites.google.com/view/audio-cards-guide/

>> No.27743009

i thought i made it clear i wanted sentence cards, not vocab cards

>> No.27743039

Just because /djt/ is shit doesn't mean it's /v/ like the thread you came from. Instead of looking for the easy way out actually put in the effort to learn the language of the random youtuber with a facerig you watch or get the fuck out, faggot.

>> No.27743055

? you just do the same thing but move where the sentence is, retard

>> No.27743066

they learn much faster meanwhile sentence idiots like fatfuck lucas drone for hours a day and waste years on boring useless shit

>> No.27743080

what a banger


>> No.27743107

ok, let me make it simple, retard. if im gonna make a vocab card, the index is going to be the vocab itself. and how am i supposed to do with sentence cards?
also, what about kanjifying words?

>> No.27743114

there's no guide yet lol. and why would it be untested?
i think you don't really need to learn yomichan, it's straightforward.
as for layout of the card, download ankidrone starter pack from the OP and copy html and css from there, there's nothing special tho.
don't recommend that. it contains harmful propaganda.
and yet it takes them less years to fluency compared to vocab idiots.

>> No.27743148
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getting 90% of my input from sadpanda

>> No.27743197

not really sentence cards are placebo trash anki works best for memorizing readings and basic meanings and any retard who spends hours reading fucking sentences in it is wasting their time when they could be out there reading fun stuff in that time
youre just a sunk cost fallacy victim

>> No.27743205

this guy's gonna make it

no hope for these guys

>> No.27743267

i see you are close to fluecy by now. omedetou anon. im 100% sure you arent "learning" for years and years and still doesnt know shit

>> No.27743272

you advance fast with hmanga in the beginning but you also plateau quickly

>> No.27743300

i dont really want to bully midget yoga but i cant believe just how fucking annoying this fucker is, now he had to go and ruin the fucking OP. anacreon never shills his script but midget yoga shills his crap everywhere he goes.

>> No.27743331

yea if hes going to shill he should at least make it like one link

>> No.27743334

worse than quiz and jamal?

>> No.27743337

thanks for the encouragement! i didn't specify what the language in question i was thinking about was. i already know a solid bit of japanese, and was considering the thought experiment of learning korean just through listening. its grammar is almost one-to-one with japanese, and they both share a crapton of sino-xenic vocab, so i was curious how much effort it would take to learn korean this way.

wrong inference stupid shit

>> No.27743347

he's getting up there fast.
one single image and that's it.

>> No.27743371

dude it doesnt work hasnt worked with anyone really maybe like 0.001% of people or something youll just be wasting your time pretending to learn a language and get nowhere at the end sorry thats just how it is

>> No.27743376

not true. the spammer guy shills his script way more. i do it once per thread max.
our ajatt guide is coming. though i can't say when yet.

>> No.27743391


>> No.27743394

you just made the op with your shit plastered all over it you fucking fat fuck.

>> No.27743407

yogaids needs to be stopped

>> No.27743417

listen i dont care about your guide i just dont want to see walls of shitty text and neither does anyone else so at least cut down the fucking bloat if youre going to shill anyway

>> No.27743425

next time create the thread yourself and stop whining

>> No.27743460

how about you never make the op?

>> No.27743473

i dont mind his walls of text. quiz writes 300x more or at least used to

>> No.27743479


>> No.27743498

did i ever? its boring as fuck. i just dont care

>> No.27743512

not in the fucking op holy shit stop sucking his cock one line or dont make the thread simple

>> No.27743544

if you didn't then why your crap is all over it?

>> No.27743552

next time create the thread yourself and stop whining
also it's the best OP ever produced. as i said, more links > less links.

>> No.27743563

lmao im sucking nobodys dick. i simply dont care about op

>if you didn't then why your crap is all over it?
wtf you talking about?

>> No.27743589
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terrible thread

let's get it back on track https://streamable.com/ws6ry4

>> No.27743593

that's it, you retarded fucking fatfuck midget im gonna shit on you and your crap everytime i see you.

>> No.27743608

>as i said, more links > less links
you dont decide that chump the thread does and its sick of your schizo shit i already said it make one fucking link its not that hard now is it let me repeat for emphasis make a one line pastebin and shut the fuck up

>> No.27743616

based. bet his crying out loud after reading it

>> No.27743634

fatfuck didn't even post the itazura site


>> No.27743639

how bigs your vocab dude

>> No.27743669

english? jp? what?

>> No.27743701

i meant whatever based language youre speaking lol

>> No.27743720

when can we expect an update to the mpv script?

>> No.27743749

ah i see. english then. i had about 2k sentences on anki before i stopped studying english.
out of curiosity, i have 400 cards (vocab) in jp but im considering switching to sentence cards
thanks for your interest in my personal life, anon.

>> No.27743755


>> No.27743771

i don't have any planned changes. one issue someone was having got resolved >>27742120

i'm planning on stress testing it this weekend by making hundreds of cards to see if problems start cropping up.

>> No.27743780

did you mine based

>> No.27743782

best VTuber to start listening to, mostly i'm just reading jap? I want to imrove my hearing skills, but I'd also need subs (in jap) for back up
thanks in advance

>> No.27743802

kinda (english) and core 10k

>> No.27743806


>> No.27743807

feeling fuckin baaaased

>> No.27743856

>i'm planning on stress testing it this weekend by making hundreds of cards to see if problems start cropping up.
ok, because i have that problem where the script ceases to work and i have to either reboot or close mpv and wait for a while.

>> No.27743859

10k words and half your sentences start with based
maybe you should mine from djt bro

>> No.27743880
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i gotta do it bros.

>> No.27743899

whats the problem

>> No.27743904

I mean, I kinda mined English sentences (around 2k). And for Japanese, I was doing core 10k (still at 400 or something). Got it?

>> No.27743919

Sauce? Google, Yandex, SauceNAO, TinEye, none of these turned up results. お願い、この淫らなスケベを助けてくれませんか?

>> No.27743922

sike theyre fatfuck cards

>> No.27743952

woah woah settle down with the uppercase there dude i got you

>> No.27743955


>> No.27743978

Didn't mean to. But using my phone now and it uppercase my posts

>> No.27743998

mpvacious was updated recently.
another update probably in a few days.

>> No.27744020

fuck off midget yogaids

>> No.27744045

you little bastard, i'll get your ass, you jerk. fuck you.

>> No.27744052

love people seething over vtubers

>> No.27744053


>> No.27744056

we only get 1500 posts per thread now could you stop throwing them away like this

>> No.27744077

doors that way

>> No.27744085
File: 139 KB, 993x1192, 1590933539721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any updates on if mpvacious guy ever figured out how to turn 100 textbooks into anki decks?

>> No.27744093

gave up after 97 books.

>> No.27744122

ummm sorry i mean clench haha

>> No.27744126

itazura is useless and dead. and it's also dead.

>> No.27744129

heggin epic

>> No.27744157

i'll never use your crap you retarded fat fuck

>> No.27744163

let anon spend the next 2 years of his life listening to """"""""korean""""""""" vtubers and tricking himself into thinking he knows the """"""""korean"""""""" language
the only downside is i won't be there to see his face when someone who actually knows the language asks him to translate something and he exposes his balls

>> No.27744182

yet still better than your shit.

>> No.27744201

shitty cunt cocksucker i'm gonna fucking smash your head into the concrete

>> No.27744208

its just low iq entertainment for normalfags honestly
if you think theyre funny then there are way funnier streamers, if you think theyre cute there are way cuter anime characters
theyre pretty much replaceable in every imaginable way

>> No.27744227

of course because our guide is still under development.

>> No.27744243

god, i want to fucking murder you.

>> No.27744256

you know if just one person would stfu itd stop

>> No.27744262

didnt ask

>> No.27744273

not gonna happen because you'll be dead long before shithead.

>> No.27744281

ok but why are you telling me

>> No.27744310

friend sims are pathetic enough

>> No.27744372

dunno lol

>> No.27744403

then maybe you should shut the fuck up lol

>> No.27744440

damn ok lol

>> No.27744518

stfu, not only did you had to shat all over the op but now you have to shat all over the thread, unfucking believable how cancerous you are.

>> No.27744604

not only i wrote you a new OP but i also helped dozens of people in the thread already even though it's just started.
you, on the other hand, whined, shat all over the thread, and ruined the discussion.

>> No.27744784

I'm a virgin so I can't be a normie. I'm interested in using the resource as my bitch to improve my nihongo, not to simp out you dunce.

>> No.27744801

how can people read 12 hours a day i read 30 minutes yesterday and i got a massive headache

>> No.27744821

you ruined the op, you shill your crap, you lead newfags astray as you dont post the official djt guide, summary : youre a retarded fatfuck fuck you.

>> No.27746008

ok whats your question

>> No.27746094

just use yomichan ankicard creation

>> No.27746333

yea *looks at nukige*

>> No.27746522



>> No.27746696

its about owls?

>> No.27749579

just gotta do it my man
helps to pick something with a low vocab barrier like flyable heart or makai tenshi djibril

>> No.27750163
File: 111 KB, 983x844, 1598671675893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that some uppercase fag gave us a rip of daijirin for yomichan with the shitty wa-ei part ripped out:
don't feel like this got as much attention as it should've last thread given how i'm pretty sure this is the most popular j-j dictionary to use here

now if only we had a maintainer for the library who could put this there so that people in future could be easily directed to it...

>> No.27750252

this >>27749724 guy's not gonna make it

>> No.27750376

you don't know japanese

>> No.27750807
File: 21 KB, 536x153, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27752143

yah only plebs cant appreciate the beauty of the most successful mainstream anime in recent memory LOL

>> No.27752227

i don't need to write an essay with purple prose to say that garbage is garbage

>> No.27752493

people don't need reasons to hate, they just hate and then rationalize it later

>> No.27752982
File: 104 KB, 196x198, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you guys are studying your 秋 plants right now before 冬 comes...

>> No.27753327
File: 758 KB, 480x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill just post the text to educate you guys on this stuff cause its gonna be on the test later "紫色の花が咲くのでシモクレンともよばれる。これに対して白い花をつけるのがハクモクレン。モクレンは、ハクモクレンよりも少しおそく花が咲く。ハクモクレンとともに、中国では高貴な花とされていて、日本でもかなり古い時代から植栽されるようになった。"

>> No.27753572

just do you and when people flame you you laugh at them, this is the 4chan way

>> No.27754289

went to the site and read the article, now i now スズシロ are tastiest during winter thanks bro

>> No.27754558
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>> No.27755147

now in japanese

>> No.27755193
File: 291 KB, 795x599, 1588428360228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

european languages are just dialects of eachother lol, doing installation of windows to play vinnies and this shit is a joke
dunno how anyone who knows spanish and english can say that they are bilingual

>> No.27755286
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1280, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.27755622

>thousands of people
super ultra mega perfect guide:
play more eroge

>> No.27755658

not that anon but
>delete discord and steam
>set your homepage to yahookidsjp
>make a jp youtube
>watch anime
>play vinnies
>make cards when you want
>do this all day every day

>> No.27756793

people here claim to care about having fun but i've only seen a few posters who really walk that talk
for many others it really looks like japanese is just another thing you use to try to prop up your fragile egos
which is really a shame. imagine spending so much time comparing and judging randoms online when you could just be enjoying yourself and not giving a fuck about petty ego games

>> No.27756921

yep, these are meisou girl posts

>> No.27757298

that's right anyone who likes me is mentally ill

>> No.27757342

imagine being such a child that you think people being abrasive on an anonymous basket-weaving form means they are psychopathic monsters lmao

>> No.27757426

just gross

>> No.27757611

reading the hero academia parts that i only have seen the anime for but might go back to naruto later

>> No.27757789
File: 1.61 MB, 1219x636, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks so good
this is why u need to make it, so you can get a gook wife who can make you seafood

>> No.27757907

not that anon but that's correct, you should read wide, not deep. it's more efficient

>> No.27758239

dont care dont care dont care shut uo shut up shut up

>> No.27758256

wotd: 除夜の鐘
before any smartass say something: this is marked as a noun on jisho

>> No.27758259

curious if moe cares

>> No.27758288


>> No.27758304
File: 421 KB, 1667x921, 1573626979705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27758390

>yesterday there were some anons trying to argue that taking your time to understand and enjoy things more thoroughly was somehow bad
quote the post

>> No.27758403

no wonder it takes 10 years to get good at this language. i've mined everything in like 20 animes already and there is still new shit to learn

>> No.27758414

shut up meisou

>> No.27758465

i told you meisou was coping for having slow reading speed shes always making up random shit like people "bragging about 700cpm" which nobody does lol

>> No.27758479


>> No.27758480

crazy what hiroshima will do to avoid having to give them a board, meanwhile /v/ is split up into 8 separate boards

>> No.27758655

don't worry, my mining is efficient. it's aided by the powers of programming

>> No.27758699

statistics on github

>> No.27758772

whats the alternative to mining

>> No.27758791

# of downloads != # of active users

and why are you posting an unrelated vocaroo? are you too scared to read something for us because your japanese sucks so bad?

>> No.27758971

just switched my patreon from matt over to yoga

>> No.27758979

man yoga is doing great with the uploads, a real work-horse that guy

>> No.27758983

holy fuck yoga just keeps winning

>> No.27759193

well he has to build his own brand and he cuts out some of the culty aspects of matt's videos.

>> No.27759206
File: 323 KB, 800x600, FORTUNE ARTERIAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the august artstyle is so nice even tho the female characters all look the same

>> No.27759277

if it doesnt have h scenes whats the point in reading it

>> No.27759284

are you fucking sight impaired

>> No.27759322

yeah i stared at nihongo for 47 hours straight resulting in permanent eye trauma

>> No.27759367

I see that cellular phones are very convenient. I would have got one, if not for certain reprehensible things about them.
Cell phones are tracking and surveillance devices. They all enable the phone system to record where the user goes, and many (perhaps all) can be remotely converted into listening devices.
In addition, most of them are computers with nonfree software installed. Even if they don't allow the user to replace the software, someone else can replace it remotely. Since the software can be changed, we cannot regard it as equivalent to a circuit. A machine that allows installation of software is a computer, and computers should run free software.
Nearly every cell phone has a universal back door that allows remote conversion into a listening device. (See Murder in Samarkand, by Craig Murray, for an example.) This is as nasty as a device can get.
From the book Alone Together, by Sherry Turkle, I learned that portable phones make many people's lives oppressive, because they feel compelled to spend all day receiving and responding to text messages which interrupt everything else. Perhaps my decision to reject this convenience for its deep injustice has turned out best in terms of convenience as well.
When I need to call someone, I ask someone nearby to let me make a call. If I use someone else's cell phone, that doesn't give Big Brother any information about me.

>> No.27759382

if you're talking about this >>27759206 it has ero
if it was just a general statement i agree, not because i read every single hscene but because if a game is written for an 18+ audience the author has much more freedom in what to write about even outside of the hscenes

>> No.27759389
File: 120 KB, 320x426, 1596326493272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27759419


>> No.27759434

don't care

>> No.27759440

he does but he will pretend he doesn't

>> No.27759495
File: 330 KB, 800x600, FORTUNE ARTERIAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember someone posting the aozora link to this in the thread as a shortstory of the day
djt is educational after all

>> No.27759499

didnt ask dont care kill urself

>> No.27759512

maybe he is rms

>> No.27759530
File: 487 KB, 1145x399, 1516136081414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completely lost.
anyways cheers man
headed to the gym

>> No.27759538

a fat fuck that doesn't know japanese? perhaps

>> No.27759584

lets goooooooooo!

>> No.27759599

fuck yes!!

>> No.27759635
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>> No.27759690
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>> No.27759741

where the streams at yall

>> No.27759833

you didn't do shit?

>> No.27759928

dude where have you been...

>> No.27759951

didn't think anyone clicked those

>> No.27760137

had a dream i was at an orgy and was about to get my dick sucked when the bitch asked me to see my id cause i looked underage. meanwhile irl im 25. so i go to get my id but then of course a billion things preventing me from doing so happen and i dont get my dick sucked. this shit happens every single time im about to fuck in a dream, wtf is my subconscious' issue

>> No.27760150

know that feel

>> No.27760156

sometimes u just gotta go into the hyperballer time chamber and play a gacha game

>> No.27760200

yeah i think thats it too lol

>> No.27760207

but why

>> No.27760239

you're unconsciously sabotaging yourself from getting laid.

>> No.27760274

you mean the autistic spammer ajatt ankidrone

>> No.27760284

wish jamal was here to put the smackdown on quiz last night

>> No.27760310

what stupid shit did quiz do this time

>> No.27760331

Each time I watch anime with eng subs I feel like a 11 years old catholic boy after masturbation - relieved that I‘m not watching it the proper way (raw), yet guilty for the very same reason.
Was eng subs a mistake?

>> No.27760361

japanese subs are the answer bro

>> No.27760381


>> No.27760454

who tf starts wanking that early

>> No.27760547


>> No.27760588

what's a good game to learn japanese from? someone here suggested pokemon

>> No.27760604
File: 34 KB, 413x353, 1584619896345523855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again count: 28 (29.79%)

>> No.27760605

dont think its that uncommon im sure theres a study or something about it but anyways i started around that time too i think

>> No.27760620

sry dude i dont fuck w. that jabroni no more hes perma filtered

>> No.27760626
File: 1.16 MB, 1400x1400, __cirno_touhou_drawn_by_sunuu_miya__d5b69a2792f552db45648f5a0e5f23f5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27760638

reduce new cards
increase hours of reading

>> No.27760651

whatever u wanna play dude but yah kana is a good way to go cuz u need to learn what words look like at some point !


>> No.27760671

its ok to admit youre jealous of his chadness

>> No.27760719

then watch anime take a funny sounding word add it to anki and work from there

>> No.27760720

its not instigation its a basic fact

>> No.27760722

if you've skimmed through tae kim then you're ready for reading
get kanjitomo and download yotsuba
5 cards a day is fine until you're more comfortable with the lang

>> No.27760750

i usually just play multiplayer games with friends, i'm new to the single player scene

>> No.27760793

This posted here yet? Yoga is on fire


>> No.27760816

if "translating in ur head" is even a thought for u its bc ur not comfortable enough in the target language to just let it be what it is by itself simple as

>> No.27760818

said he could get an irl gf easily

>> No.27760840

that's exactly what yoga said... damn matt is getting fucking demolished

>> No.27760842

anyone here could get a irl gf easily if they were around girls enough

unless ur really fat and ugly then it might be harder but i like to think my djt boys are at least reasonable

>> No.27760872

well its common sense so i guess thats good that yoga is hitting on some common sense cuz a lot of ppl dont have that

>> No.27760886

>quiz isnt really fat and ugly

>> No.27760909

it's hard for me to say when i started.

i remember "masturbating" quite early during a time when i had no idea what i was actually doing. of course, since i had no sexual knowledge at all, i didn't know that there was such a thing as an orgasm, and i would always just kinda stop at some point before i got there. one time i came close cooming and got scared by the strange feeling and thought i'd done something bad so i stopped in a panic.

the first time i actually coomed was when i was 15 because people at school kept talking about masturbation and i was curious and wanted to know what all the fuss was about.

>> No.27760928

funny how jamal once made fun of people using filters in the thread and had a problem with being a rude vile piece of shit to people, but once you tear off his facade of fake composure and reach the narcissistic core he shows his true colors and does everything he supposedly was against, first his discord fails, then his irc fails, and now his discord fails again and you can see the frustration just build up
sad guy and he still doesn't know japanese after all these years

>> No.27760944

cant wait till i can read this fast

>> No.27760953

QM !QM7QUiZ0ro 30 seconds ago No.27760928

funny how jamal once made fun of people using filters in the thread and had a problem with being a rude vile piece of shit to people, but once you tear off his facade of fake composure and reach the narcissistic core he shows his true colors and does everything he supposedly was against, first his discord fails, then his irc fails, and now his discord fails again and you can see the frustration just build up
sad guy and he still doesn't know japanese after all these years

>> No.27760957

quiz and jamal in the thread
pausing my immersion for this

>> No.27760969
File: 96 KB, 279x364, 1577655216419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27760997

you have to be a delicate flower to need a filter, just use your brain filter

>> No.27761045

yeah exactly this. I used to worry about translating in my head but likeYoga said it went away because it a pain in the ass to do and I realized I didn't need to do it anymore

>> No.27761061

immersion doesnt work lol

>> No.27761087
File: 102 KB, 1326x702, feel the epic win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats exactly how it works

having to think is a fuckin pain dude why think when u just feel and know

>> No.27761118

why are you avoiding admitting the fact that what youre really into is 3d

>> No.27761124

immersion doesnt work
ur supposed to feel it out via duolingo and then after a couple weeks go to japan and crush pussy

>> No.27761128
File: 756 KB, 428x721, 1602142301085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanna say congrats to all the anons that have read today before posting

>> No.27761238


>> No.27761257
File: 1010 KB, 1026x632, ReadingsForFags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before during and after my nigger

>> No.27761259

don't teach idiots to celebrate non-accomplishments

>> No.27761275


>> No.27761310
File: 90 KB, 1125x681, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of this thread

>> No.27761358


>> No.27761367

It's not really common sense since he was talking about understanding the target language in your native language.

>> No.27761381

its ok, not everyone is going to make it so dont feel bad

>> No.27761442

hes not wrong though VTubers are 3D and thus inferior

>> No.27761446

what do you mean he ran away without giving an answer he needs to be confronted before he starts spamming hololive again

>> No.27761453

just feel it out bros

>> No.27761529

can someone help me with this?
person who said a まともな thing, finally was able to give favor of entering?

>> No.27761559

finally a real nigga

>> No.27761570

find out who's the best of you 3 and voc anything
otherwise your words mean literally nothing to me

>> No.27761586

u first

>> No.27761611

dog ate my mic

>> No.27761616

good damn translation

>> No.27761663

post text
none of that haha funny epic muramasa shit

>> No.27761724


jamal I found something epic for you to watch

>> No.27761733
File: 61 KB, 610x563, 1584481671984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27761748

lmao absolutely assblasted

>> No.27761753

so eat your dog

>> No.27761785
File: 194 KB, 624x441, 00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this strategy going to work for nihongo?

>> No.27761792

your autistic spamming last thread was far more annoying than one post from qm saying he likes vtubers

>> No.27761871

you know marys posted this many times in different forms but he really seems to think bigger = better regardless of how diluted and trash shit gets
thats why he thinks having a scat discord server which makes thousands of garbage posts a day or a large sub count on some vtuber channel is an indication of success, by that logic pol and v are the most amazing boards on this site lol

>> No.27761906


>> No.27761921

first take didnt read it before
know i fucked up the pitch on 日にち cause i checked after
also a lot of stuttering
let's see you do better

>> No.27761941

i mean if i amass a large cult following who throw money at me id consider that successful regardless of what garbage i throw out to the hungry masses

>> No.27761958

heres the thing i dont care what you think is annoying ill do whatever the fuck i want to do you stupid bitch
and it was most certainly not spamming i merely replied to every bullshit hololoving post there and i wont hesitate to ram your head into the ground again if you throw weak replies at me

>> No.27761975

i'm surprised quiz admitted in the last thread to being into little girls and having a stripping fetish and nobody is talking about it

>> No.27762024
File: 63 KB, 640x480, mpv-shot0544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27762026

vinnies have conditioned me to accept lolicons so it doesnt bother me at all

>> No.27762040

why do you get so angry about someone liking something that you don't like

you think you are bringing up all these revolutionary insights in your posts when really everyone already knows everything you say and just doesn't care

>> No.27762051

Have you ever seen any fluent Latin speakers?

>> No.27762102

the way latin expressed ideas is much more similar to english than english to japanese
so no lol

>> No.27762103

you have a very calming narrating voice

>> No.27762104

>having a stripping fetish
i don't remember this, can you point to the post?

>> No.27762120

it seems nobody here can say というか

>> No.27762217


>> No.27762221

i have a bad habit of saying ちゅうか instead of つうか while speaking so i think that might have been why i said it so fucked

>> No.27762247

you said it severa times, like when you made that girl strip in the park, or the other girl strip behind the garage

>> No.27762379

even without pitch it would be obvious i just wanted to try speaking because i never speak nip wasnt even part of the argument ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.27762399

good on you for not knowing what meisou means

>> No.27762439

thinking about disabling nsfw posts on reddit cause when im mindlessly scrolling through it i cant resist opening almost every attention whores nudes

>> No.27762450


>> No.27762472

mb bro thought you were

>> No.27762476

im a well known redditor round these parts

>> No.27762478

you did very well! how long you been doing japanese?

>> No.27762541

Is there a way to change the order of the dictionary in yomichan? the anime and jdrama frequency is nice and all but I think JMDict might be better as the first one to show up.

>> No.27762552

It's impossible to accurately describe just how difficult learning this language is.

I knew it was going to be hard. But after lurking the thread and seeing several comments saying that many people would be disappointed with the slow pace of formal study, I naively believed it wouldn't be this bad. I should have known that -- in true 4channel fashion -- a lot of you are just smart. Like, so smart you don't even know your innate intelligence is insulting. Because I'm not stupid. I'm just normal.

Granted, I'm older now (not yet 30), and going back to college after having already gotten a degree. I know language learning is harder for me now than it would have been then, or is now for my younger classmates. But still, at a "slow" pace, it's an absolute minimum of a few hours every day and a tutor twice a week, on top of classes every weekday.

From what I can tell, the "normal" kids dropped the class early when they realized the only people going to make it through either received merit-based scholarships (because they're really smart) or just really like to hate themselves, which I'm convinced you have to do if you have normal intelligence.

Honestly, I'm not even mad. I can tell the kids who are just smart. Good on ya, mate (and ladies). Seriously. You will make excellent biochemical engineers, doctors, and whatever else smart people do. And you'll speak Japanese, which can be a side quest when you're Just. Naturally. Smart.

But for the rest of us normies, don't say college Japanese classes are slow. Because I've done a decent amount of objectively difficult stuff so far in my relatively short life, and this is without a doubt the hardest thing I've ever done.


>> No.27762576

let me know how that goes... not even sure how to make friends in english let alone japanese haha

>> No.27762628

put up a 募集 on skypech thats where i found mine
i always wrote 年生性別問いません to make sure dudes came cause speaking to japanese women as a gaijin not living there is very formulaic

>> No.27762671

thanks i'll give it a try

>> No.27762887
File: 38 KB, 289x804, 1602873337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's goooo

>> No.27762954

also fuck 会議s that shit is cringe
once joined one and spoke a bit and then a girl joined and they asked for her line and i was out

>> No.27762973

i don't understand why i keep sucking

>> No.27762993

youre going to be raped in a gay porno

>> No.27762998

there are natives stupider than me who can do both so of course i can too

>> No.27763016


>> No.27763042

yah but they cant speak eigo for shit no clue what youre getting at

>> No.27763196


>> No.27763213

that would be like 12000 episodes, dude. who the fuck has watched all of that?

>> No.27763249

if you watch sazae san you're already halfway there

>> No.27763257

i was in it for a few days it was just analcream dropping an image every once in a while lol

>> No.27763268
File: 1.63 MB, 1282x825, RealMenWatchChildrensShows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what shounen are you watching lads

>> No.27763379

might watch some hunter later

>> No.27763383

he made an alt and joined duh
freddie just cant live without being part of everg dee-jay-tee chat lmao prolly cuz he wants to keep a tab on what everyone is saying about him what a sad guy

>> No.27763401

what shoujo anime are you watching

>> No.27763524


>> No.27763528

wanna just run in and double clothesline them out of their chairs

>> No.27763582

i don't get it was i right?

>> No.27763608

you're ready to translate for 4kids

>> No.27763625
File: 1.24 MB, 1015x682, firefox_2020-10-15_21-20-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27763656
File: 42 KB, 326x296, FunimationDub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27763686

who shit on the bed

>> No.27763698


>> No.27763752


>> No.27763788


>> No.27763792
File: 192 KB, 1922x929, firefox_2020-10-15_21-19-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like his crying face too

>> No.27763840


>> No.27763847

vn stream anyone

>> No.27763860

what vn should i read now that ive finished fsn

>> No.27763873

i love when female 外人s get the full わ treatment
really feels like they're being looked down on by the person translating

>> No.27763874

the one where u vore ppl

>> No.27763876

stream whatever you decide to read

>> No.27763907

have you read subahibi its pretty fun

>> No.27763934

damn subahibi stream anyone

>> No.27763937

bro isn't that like 50 hours? fucking baaaased. no i don't want to read that one it seems full of edgy or pseudointellectual claptrap

>> No.27764045

don't get these jokes cuz i've never watched a dub or used funimation in my life

>> No.27764099


>> No.27764101
File: 1.47 MB, 3185x1348, 1381769819807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27764134

it's difficult to stream vns with lewd content that you don't know yet cuz all of a sudden some lewd shit may pop up and youtube bans you

>> No.27764166


>> No.27764196

but youre not going to stream anyway lol kind of disappointing

>> No.27764225

tell me how to do this with obs

not right now but i will soon

>> No.27764321

cant you just do a screenshare on discord?

>> No.27764348

just use a temporary email to make a dlive account

>> No.27764445


>> No.27764525

wow we may actually see quizlers second stream before jamals redemption stream crazy stuff

>> No.27764575

how is he going to deal with streaming to all of djt from his own connection lol

>> No.27764625

yeah all 3 people

>> No.27764642

yea im not watching that im gonna drink instead

>> No.27764649

didnt mary say he was going to stream soon like 3 weeks ago
oct 1 passed he submitted his assignment and then nothing
all talk

>> No.27764685

can you get banned for streaming to a private lobby on youtube?

>> No.27764718

do both

>> No.27764739

i streamed three days in a row so it'd be my 4th stream or something haha

not sure if i did say that, but you know shit is constantly changing in the world and our lives and streaming to djt is low priority compared to other things

no clue

>> No.27764863

you can do it i believe in you

>> No.27764981

itd still be your second stream i count those 12hrs as 1 stream

>> No.27765042


you can be the little girl when you stream too

>> No.27765073

just stream here https://www.smashcast.tv/
its a dead service so who cares if you get banned lole

>> No.27765106

I'm a beginner and now I'm studying about Onyomi and Kunyomi Kanji and everywhere I research about is just a history class, I get where they come from, but is this useful?
Should I just memorize the way a certain Kanji should be pronounced (both ways if is the case) instead of trying to differentiate it?

>> No.27765113

lmfao maeri beri incoming

>> No.27765128
File: 460 KB, 594x620, 36849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already have this figured out, i have even set up my own avatar did you not see her haha

>> No.27765200

knowing readings is only good for guessing how to pronounce words (useless)

>> No.27765227

is it hard to setup that app? looks fun

>> No.27765260
File: 192 KB, 526x360, n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope this happens 2 quiz

>> No.27765265

i haven't tested too much yet but no from what i've seen it's incredibly easy

>> No.27765306

shaved my beard and disposed of the hair in the trash so the sink wouldn't clog

>> No.27765340

qm are you gonna stream or what

>> No.27765350

lol owned

>> No.27765400

you don't fit here one bit

>> No.27765405

at some point in the future but not right now or in the coming days
i also have a one week course to attend the next week so i won't be doing much then either

>> No.27765414

now thats a ikeman

>> No.27765427

that's just your opinion

>> No.27765502


>> No.27765569

Fell for the MIA meme because I believed in the people uploading progress videos thinking they were actually finding success, started to hate sentence cards by the time I finished the Tango deck which gave me incredibly useful loan words like Onions Sauce and Cellophane Tape because of how long it took to rep and that barely reading at all was somehow going to help me. Only thing I did right was not give Matt any money to his shitty patreon. Never read the /djt/ threads because everyone says not to and now I'm regretting it.

Jumping into reading VNs now while making occasional anime cards and actually having fun again.

>> No.27765570

heres an unironic ikemen
wish i looked like that

>> No.27765630

So for example, what you guys are saying is that I should i just learn what 玉ねぎ is and how is pronounced, instead of trying to learn what and how 玉 is pronounced then add the hiragana ?
Sorry, I started a few days ago, just finished learning both hiragana and katakana

>> No.27765663


>> No.27765676

why do you have djt plastered over your avatar

>> No.27765686

the threads are not good because everyone is tired of talking to beginners and the way to learn japanese is just kind of expected to be known, if you want to get some valuable support from advanced learners check out the djt discord (not the itazura one)

>> No.27765696

not either of them but i did a core deck and just naturally picked up readings after i knew several words with the same kanji, though when i find new words i usually check what the meaning is in yomichan/jisho

>> No.27765706

to show allegiance in the great battle of japanese learning factions dude!!

>> No.27765759

because hes ゲイ

>> No.27765768

majide cringed

>> No.27765867

my biggest wish is that qm just fuck off forever. why can't i have the nice things?

>> No.27765877


>> No.27765982

well then AMA

>> No.27765987

gsenjou no maou

>> No.27765994

>t. two digit iq person

>> No.27766022

>he doesnt enjoy shitposting about qm

>> No.27766024

ama and ill just tell you to stfu

>> No.27766065

qm is the ボケ担当

>> No.27766074

will you tell me to stfu?

>> No.27766090


>> No.27766177

>First published in 1918, Kenkyusha’s New Japanese-English Dictionary (新和英大辞典, Shin wa-ei daijiten) has long been the largest and most authoritative Japanese-English dictionary.[citation needed]

>> No.27766181

love jamal
love quiz
love ciaran

simple as

>> No.27766183

>If you want to get some valuable support from advanced learners check out the djt discord
Could you point out where I can find an invite for that, since it says that they "moved away from discord" at the top, I'm aware that I'm a beginner any my questions are probably annoying since they are obvious for advanced learners. (Still, there are good anons in here that gave me support and guided me before)

>> No.27766189

how new

>> No.27766191

can some 有識者 give me a rundown on how quizmasters japanese will improve in the future

>> No.27766262

it'll be less gay because his streams will have his avatar sucking dicks instead of him

>> No.27766263

the guy who says "moved away from discord" is just one desperate spammer who wants people to go to his dead matrix room
this is the real OP website, you can find both discord links if you click on "feedback" at the top
"itazuraneko discord" is the discord of the site maintainer and "djt discord" the djt community discord where people actually post
you need to pass a test to see the main chat, but you can still ask things and get them answered in the join chat, have fun

>> No.27766273

whats his issue?

>> No.27766326
File: 88 KB, 648x1080, oxford_pocket_kenkyusha_japanese_dictionary_1529127474_e684b584_progressive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to have this but never actually looked anything up except for fun

>> No.27766373

can some 真の忍者 give me a rundown on how jamals japanese will improve in the future redemption stream

>> No.27766379




>> No.27766387

been here for years lol i don't like quiz either but some of you guys act like the replies to trumps tweets whenever he posts and it's funny

>> No.27766445

quiz man bad

>> No.27766461

idk its just a lot of fun hating on mary

>> No.27766482

first of all his accent will be native level

>> No.27766570


>> No.27766584

what is your opinion on eops that actively avoid and deflect from the idea of learning japanese

>> No.27766589
File: 25 KB, 970x314, 1598594428751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another ez win

>> No.27766608

wheres thte fuck all of em option

>> No.27766610

two of those aren't even namefags

>> No.27766701

i hate them and desire to have no contact with them

>> No.27766746

vote for moe

>> No.27766773

I appreciate a lot, I remember you also answered a beginner question I had in the past, thanks.

>> No.27767073
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>> No.27767176

which anime is this

>> No.27767200


>> No.27767358

i was more a hulk hogan fan sorry

>> No.27767365

i mean mustard and lettuce wouldnt be a terrible idea

>> No.27767453







>> No.27767536
File: 109 KB, 1079x1285, firefox_2FT27B8nI7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these really the greatest vns of all time?

>> No.27767554

mine ヨママ!
haha gets me every time

>> No.27767565
File: 20 KB, 690x412, 1587911274633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still #1

still the king

after all these years!

>> No.27767697

its a good thing i dont use a trip or people would find out im a schizo

>> No.27767699

dont push yourself if you dont like it there are more than enough VNs and you can always come back later

>> No.27767751

I mined that one from colors chan

>> No.27767768


>> No.27767865

like all media you're not going to like everything, it may be because your nip is shit, in which case trying it later will help, or it could just be shit

>> No.27767873

you're right im gonna sub to this dude

>> No.27767875

i've been watching it and it's really funny, great content thanks for the link

>> No.27767892
File: 34 KB, 591x455, 1590614611981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know more japanese right now
than you have ever known in your life

>> No.27767986

thank you kirby

>> No.27767993

put your trip back on

>> No.27768039

who do you think it is

>> No.27768054

your post and the image you used don't really vibe together

>> No.27768057

related wotd 印籠

>> No.27768098

no it doesn't

>> No.27768172

based. it took me 5 years to get on the right track. no regrets

>> No.27768187


>> No.27768195 [DELETED] 

How do I install Linux?

>> No.27768221

is it possible for an anki addon to change the buttons to a float input rating system from 0-10? recently learned some basic machine learning and it got me thinking using machine learning with a ranking system might provide a better system for binning reviews as 'hard' 'good' and 'easy'

>> No.27768233


>> No.27768245

you press the windows key
type cmd.exe
format c: /y

>> No.27768253

shut da fuck up nerd

>> No.27768267

windows the is OS of choice for the modern japanese learner, don't fall for the linux meme like i did

>> No.27768273

humans are shit at that type of thinking m8

>> No.27768290

I mean anki is open source, the fact that you had to ask that questions probably means you won't be able to implement whatever you're thinking of

>> No.27768292

yea and spend twice as long making garbage estimates that completely fuck up your steps genius idea

>> No.27768334

this is a great idea. i sometimes feel like my retention on a card wasn't good but wasn't easy either something between. a floating number might help with that.

>> No.27768345

>is of choice
You have anki and the script probably works on Linux too. Anything else you can just use a virtual box, y would you shift your os for language learning tools?

>> No.27768360

lmfao retard

>> No.27768367
File: 201 KB, 1239x712, osisnotaboutfreedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because learning japanese is more important than freedom

>> No.27768418

Oh yeah vn too, but again you can just use a virtual machine for that

>> No.27768425

>the script probably works on Linux too
it doesn't

>> No.27768468

instead of 'hard', 'good' and 'easy', you would get a prompt asking you to rate the ease of the card from 0-10
a simple machine learning algorithm then would choose which cards belong in which review group
please explain, i find it easier to give a card a 7 instead of thinking about if it deserves good or easy
the machine learning bit would be easy for me, but i admit ive never looked into anki's source code

seems most people here are against my idea but i suppose i could make it and try it out when i have the time
if i find it useful i will share

>> No.27768500

instead of thinking about pointless data you should use matto's right or wrong system

>> No.27768521

don't think my pc is powerful enough run everything in a vm

>> No.27768527

what was this addon called again?

>> No.27768552

your "judgement" on how difficult a card was is completely worthless. you either remembered the word or you didn't. reduce the problem down to a binary correct/incorrect system, use a simple search algorithm to find optimal ease like https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/957961234

>> No.27768563

ah yes the classic out of nowhere qm post

>> No.27768570

you shouldn't use it as it messes with ease in a non trivial way which is ultimately to the detriment of the learner, the best way to modify the algorithm is just changing parameters provided by the options menu and this addon https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/957961234 which fixes the way ease works in anki

>> No.27768585



>> No.27768599

fucking retard i'm talking about the one that reduce the number of buttons not the one that messes with ease

>> No.27768604

this >>27768521 why would i waste money on a better cpu and more ram to virtualize when i could run it directly?

>> No.27768619

isn't that the same one?

>> No.27768658

matt recs these 3 different addons

>> No.27768664

is a 4k monitor a good way for consuming sad panda?

>> No.27768668

okayu has a really nice soothing voice, i like her songs, she is also just consistently good and nice to listen to:
another hololive singer i like is towa:
but i think she doesn't perform this good consistently, she is kind of like a raw diamond
she has an insanely powerful voice but i think she hasn't quite mastered the art yet, looking forward to how she will do in the future

>> No.27768698
File: 4 KB, 245x135, 1583020450037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.27768704

you spend more time on decision making because the options are no longer discrete, even if you dont you do get distracted trying to come up with an estimate of how well you understood which detracts from your reviews and your estimate will always be horribly off because people suck at this sort of numeric self assessment
even supermemo 2 or w/e ankis based on with its 6 or so options gets shat on because 6 is too many to choose from when youre supposed to be spending just a few seconds on each card

>> No.27768709

wanna dunk qms head into a toilet bowl

>> No.27768713

i dont see this data as pointless? memory is not binary success/fail, if you have difficulty remembering something but you manage to remember it after a bit, it is not a success or failure. it needs to be viewed more frequently to increase the ease but doesnt necessarily need to be turned into a relearn

>> No.27768726

i dont use any of those stupid ass anki addons whats even the point

>> No.27768750

i just use the low key anki shit never had any issues with ease

>> No.27768753

why not just watch a 3d streamer

>> No.27768757

quiz could you please destroy this machine learning 1-10 card scoring anki guy, his idea is awful but i don't have the energy

>> No.27768761

>if you have difficulty remembering something but you manage to remember it after a bit, it is not a success or failure.
actually that *is* a success or a failure, you have to define these things for yourself. if taking 5 seconds to recall something is how good you want to be then mark it as good

>> No.27768782


i wonder why egs bothers leaving up ratings for versions that obviously can be replaced like why keep the non-voiced clannad there or unchanged releases like the re-release of parfait there

>> No.27768789

what does streaming have to do with anything?
i'm talking about their singing skills and song covers

don't really care people can do what they want

>> No.27768793

can you stop rimming his ass

>> No.27768852

only if u rim mine

>> No.27768856

the human brain thinks in discrete categories
there also would be no machine learning involved so you're clearly an idiot

>> No.27768883

>changing parameters provided by the options menu and this addon https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/957961234
what settings do you use and why?

>> No.27768912

Just use the time, the better you know a card the faster your recall will be unless you're wrong or slightly wrong

>> No.27768974
File: 290 KB, 500x500, tobari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you don't have to adjust the jimaku timings cause it just works

>> No.27768978

You'll drastically increase your card time doing this as well as eventually develop decision fatigue because you don't know what to rate certain cards. Binary is much more efficient in the long run.

>> No.27768982

heres an example of good music

>> No.27769013

for me its arguing over efficiency for 5 hours instead of just learning

>> No.27769019

what's ciarans take on this?

>> No.27769027

think ill read muvluv

>> No.27769075

high starting ease, modified steps, increase interval modifier, new interval of 20%, no leeches
i think the exact settings would differ for each individual, i would simply experiment with increasing those settings and seeing how your reviews go

>> No.27769110

u just use default in the add-on?

>> No.27769124



>> No.27769125

yea i agree i think if you're using anki a lot you want to have to think about what to pick as little as possible. i use the pass/fail add-on/low-key myself

>> No.27769136
File: 10 KB, 530x195, 1591394620226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my add-on settings are this

>> No.27769149

thats why id use machine learning
it would determine the best way to bin cards based on your data and still retain the 4 standard options so even if you are shit at rating the cards the code figures it out for you
so we agree that you have to rate your own success? then a number system would work just fine, it doesn't have to be binary
while binary is a discrete system, so is a numeric rating system. the only difference is 10 discrete categories vs 2
>there also would be no machine learning involved so you're clearly an idiot
how do you figure? im not trying to meme on you guys, i legitimately know how to code simple machine learning algorithms
this is the best argument against my idea i think. but i still want to try it out before writing it off completely

>> No.27769165

you said you enjoy them as streamers because they are good entertainers but there are many more streamers who are way more entertaining and not watering down shit to serve the largest possible audience
so you either have a shit sense of what is entertaining, are ignorant and dont know of other entertaining streamers, or are lying when you say you watch them because theyre good entertainers

its pretty obvious to me its third thing and that you watch them almost exclusively for the cute visual element and maybe their "moe voices" or whatever and would definitely not watch them if i took those out, so if youre willing to abandon pretense and admit that id like to ask you why watch them when theres anime and vns out there that have the same if not better appeal?

>> No.27769201
File: 349 KB, 675x589, 1571677030924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk is cheap

show me the code

>> No.27769238

>but i still want to try it out before writing it off completely
I understand that feeling and sometimes you just have to do it to get it out of your system. I had a similar thing with morphman where no matter how much I tried it still kept giving me shitty cards. I wasted a lot of time on it when I should have given up because I was fixated on the idea of it being good and couldn't see the reality of it being shit.

>> No.27769241

no i forgot 5000+ kanji overnight

>> No.27769343

what about the auto ease factor addon? is bad?

>> No.27769360
File: 30 KB, 500x705, 1600788118068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27769365

why do you want to watch a woman with a face rig pretending to be 2d but who talks about 3d shit all the time lol can any holoshitter explain

>> No.27769366





>> No.27769368

which one?

>> No.27769448

oh right i talked about this one before
well i don't like this one because it's too intrusive and messes with ease in such a way that what is going on is not comprehensible anymore, you are also not allowed to change things like the interval modifier anymore which is retarded
you would install this kind of thing only if you believed in le perfect memorization algorithm meme which is nonsense, ultimately how ease works in anki is simple, but there is the issue of ease not increasing if you don't use easy despite information becoming easier over time, and the fix for that is the straight reward addon
so i wouldn't use it

>> No.27769464

fuck this word

>> No.27769667

i read it as odokasu first

>> No.27769706

imagine finding that gimmick entertaining
bet you love capeshit and netflix shows too

>> No.27769763

ぼく れずを みる

>> No.27769773

hope it goes well

>> No.27769782

but payco payco tubers talk about 3d shit from their lives all the time lol

>> No.27769795

>I don't go on /a/

>> No.27769810

there's always someone stronger than you and you ain't shit without your nakama that's the lesson of one piece

>> No.27769813

nope it happens in pekoland
didnt you read her backstory lmao

>> No.27769822

its funny how you always clench about vtubers lol

>> No.27769876

i wish quizmaster would blindly follow me and watch good anime instead of generic shounen like one pissu and bnh

>> No.27769888

true all streams are for losers who crave human interaction but can't get any

>> No.27769891

name TWO good anime

>> No.27769895

because you brought hololive up and are obsessing over it peko

>> No.27769902

op and bnh are great manga, you're just too dumb to enjoy them

>> No.27769921

really not cool to spam late game spoilers in the catalog without tagging them you rude fuck

>> No.27769924
File: 830 KB, 800x800, 1596461919111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27769926

Anti shounens never seen episode 19 of kny

>> No.27769936

why is matt's taste so refined...

>> No.27769938

monogatari made me a pedophile

>> No.27769946

he said good

>> No.27769956
File: 1.12 MB, 864x714, firefox_2020-10-15_21-22-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27770013

right so you basically want to hear a woman blog about her life while pretending to be a gayming streamer or whatever you have no idea how fucking cringey and needy you look orbiting like that but anyway im done with you you dont seem to have any solid points at all

>> No.27770015

"luffy wins a fight" is hardly a spoiler it's basically guaranteed to happen

>> No.27770022


i'm on a roll

>> No.27770220


>> No.27770235


>> No.27770237

i mean youre a mentally ill faggot so thats kind of redundant

>> No.27770330

op cant bump their own thread friend

>> No.27770341


>> No.27770356

no way, that must be new
i swear it was possible after someone else replied

>> No.27770358

whoops i just made my nightly jidaigeki post in that /a/ thread by accident lmao

>> No.27770365

Who knew matt had good taste

>> No.27770371

ciaran what boards did you use before coming to djt

>> No.27770526

must suck being a poorfag lmfao hope you freeze to death this winter

>> No.27770531


>> No.27770536
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>> No.27770544

i try my hardest never to use my radiator because i feel its wasteful or something (know its stupid)
so im pretty much always under my duvet (sry esls and americans)

>> No.27770545

this place just has some funny characters like hxhguy, jamal, quiz etc if it was like int where people just talk about japanese related shit id be out in a day but there's some funny posters in here. it's gotten worse recently though tbqh

>> No.27770571

>it's gotten worse recently though tbqh
because of the hololive invasion? how do we combat this menace?

>> No.27770574

it's "new" if you mean like 2-3 years

>> No.27770576

short answer is no. long answer is i dont currently have the symbolic math toolbox and matlab by default only uses discrete samples

>> No.27770585

be honest how long have you been coming to djt for

>> No.27770593

3 years why

>> No.27770605

i dont think someone here from 3 years would write >>27770571

>> No.27770618

djt is a form of purgatory

>> No.27770621


>> No.27770630

alright it's closer to 2 and a half years.

>> No.27770646

idk but there was a period for a while where basically every retarded post was guaranteed to be a reddit repost and now there's a shitload of dumb posts about anki that basically sound like something id have posted as bait last year and people just reply normally

>> No.27770669

we've been anki posting since 2016 what are you on about

>> No.27770672

funny seeing an autist with 60k cards talk shit about anki

>> No.27770683

is there a good way of thinking how 付く and 付ける work with combo verbs?

>> No.27770684


>> No.27770686

he's not talking shit about anki he's talking shit about anki shitposting big difference

>> No.27770701

what shitposting they seem like genuine questions

>> No.27770709

their genuine posts are shit

>> No.27770812

the machine learning guy for one lol

>> No.27770821

kys then you worthless maggot ajatter

>> No.27770848

if you dont have concrete examples you should shut the fuck up

>> No.27770860


>> No.27770905

for examples just scroll up. i didn't answer your question because i don't think you're seriously asking that question you're just playing some stupid game

>> No.27770913

for example were 1000 posts in and there hasn't been one use of the word "flashtard". a year ago it would be at least 50. the ankidrones are too comfortable these days.

>> No.27770924


>> No.27770968

most anki posts these days are about vocab vs sentence cards, what core deck to use, how long to spend on reviews etc before the mia dissolution you had more pitch accent info questions and mining method qs
the posts itt are exceptions to the standard anki posting so idk what youre on about

>> No.27770981

imagine you're allowed to send a 20p doujin to COMIC 快楽天 for it to be released what would your doujin be about?

>> No.27771035
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>> No.27771040

supermemo has this

>> No.27771056

all the non drones dekinaid out

>> No.27771058

yea and its trash

>> No.27771104

yeah supermemo sucks but it'd be cool if someone ported the algorithm shit to anki. there was a "copy" of the supermemo algorithm or whatever on github but someone would have to make it work for anki somehow. i'd give it a try for a few months in that case.

>> No.27771154


>> No.27771168


>> No.27771173

really someone should make a new program more stable than anki that doesnt take hours to process large decks
shame noone will since anki is just good enough

>> No.27771177


>> No.27771189

i dont know why people like to pretend deck size doesnt matter when its literally a measure of how many words you can recognize

>> No.27771198

i know you're the ccs jsub guy

>> No.27771205

my deck has ~3000 cards and i'm better than 99% of this thread

>> No.27771217

recognizing is weak

>> No.27771226

recognizing words is pretty close to meaningless. you can probably recognise tens of thousands of french words because they're so similar to english ones but if someone spoke to you in french youd have no idea what they were saying

>> No.27771240
File: 39 KB, 594x354, dicksize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mines pretty huge

>> No.27771248

dont need to understand speech to read vinnies

>> No.27771281


>> No.27771283

made a new batch of writing cards

>> No.27771314

ok you didnt add all words you saw sure thing you used anki that way fine what im saying is that having a small deck doesnt mean you recognize few words but having a large deck of learned does mean you recognize a lot that is undeniable

>> No.27771335

did you really just start learning to read vns

>> No.27771342

*learned cards

>> No.27771362

>its not the size its how you use it

>> No.27771375

>recognizing words is pretty close to meaningless
youre fucking stupid dude

>> No.27771397

not an argument.

>> No.27771403

i didnt even say that though? i dont get what you mean try again posting directly

>> No.27771426

did you really just give a serious reply to a shitpost

>> No.27771427

well i just replied to my logh thread and it got bumped
no idea what system is in place here but it does seem to still work

>> No.27771453

only thing i've watched here is yuru yuri which is fun alright
well i suppose i watched a big of sangatu but that shit was so lame i had to quit

>> No.27771460

based moe liking the popular shows.

>> No.27771472


>> No.27771497

no argument is needed to chuck such a stupid opinion into the trashcan lmao are you fucking serious if you didnt have to lookup anything up in a sentence itd be much much easier to understand because youre able to focus on the whole sentence structure without getting distracted by individual words
you sound like a day 1 jp retard tbqh making a stupid english french analogy and thinking it applies in any way here and then spouting such bullshit lol

>> No.27771522

can anyone help me break this down?
in wide place, this does thing, was dream?

>> No.27771542

maybe it prevents consecutive bumps? dont remember the specifics honestly

>> No.27771544

acquired「二人」「愛情」「同じ」「でも」「嬉しい」「チュチュ」「君」「のに」「いつまでも」「大人」「指せて」「意味」「お休み」「ずっと」「皆」and a sister complex.

>> No.27771594

if i could spend my life only on japanese i would

>> No.27771602

im going to assume youre mocking the post above let me tell youre one stupid motherfucker because knowing all the words in a sentence is already a massive step in the direction of comprehension would you take that over not knowing half those words and repeatedly hovering while you try to keep it all in memory?

>> No.27771603

recognizing a word doesn't mean you understand what it means in a sentence. you just know that it exists. having a word in anki doesn't mean you understand it well or every usage of it. someone could potentially learn 300 words a day and get to 20k "recognized vocab" very quickly but they would still be extremely bad at japanese compared to someone with 5k recognized words who has spent more time with the language itself. i almost certainly "know" more words than a typical native but my japanese overall is like a 5/10 compared to theirs because there's much much more to language acquisition than simply knowing words.

>> No.27771613

weird how yume has the same double meaning as in english

>> No.27771659

this is just a drone's fantasy scenario you're actually jsut wasting a lot of time in anki to still not understand anything lol

>> No.27771678


i have no idea what you're talking about i just can't figure out the grammar pls throw me a bone

>> No.27771718

you dont remember anywhere near as many words just from reading stop kidding yourself

>> No.27771748


>> No.27771775

maybe if you spend all day arguing about anki on djt rather than actually reading

>> No.27771821

should give you an idea of how much of a fucking scrub you are when it comes to anime

>> No.27771825

maybe it's 2/10 as long as we agree that words arent the important part of it

>> No.27771913

i guess so i haven't watched too many anime especially lesser known ones but idk why you have to be rude about it

>> No.27771926

>idk why you have to be rude about it
same reason you've been a cunt to people for no reason hundreds of times itt haha

>> No.27771940

crazy that you would spend your time watching streamers instead of anime's finest

>> No.27771992


>> No.27772002

sure but not recognizing the words in a sentence means youre not even at the first step of understanding it
having lots of learned cards means youve passed this initial obstacle to understanding that many more sentences

>> No.27772019

i've watched 250 shows and have seen nothing from moe's 3x3

>> No.27772031

cause you're arrogant

>> No.27772040


>> No.27772109

and that obstacle is ultimately but a tiny 土塊 on the 道端 of 日本語

>> No.27772144

irrelevant its still something you have to clear youre being very stupid

>> No.27772145

always get a dopamine hit when some nip bitch pronounces one of my words on forvo

>> No.27772146

quiz likes feeling like he's part of some active community and the hololive community is banging right now. that's why he's not watching popular anime around which active discussion has slowed

>> No.27772189

I looked up like 3 really well known shows on moe's list and he hadn't seen any of them.

>> No.27772194

lol what are some of the recent words

>> No.27772202

>this does thing
no no no you see これやる is like これをやる or "do this". so it should be "thing of do this in wide place was dream" or more naturally "I've dreamed of doing this in a wide place"

>> No.27772211

a failed normalfag masquerading as an otaku how pathetic

>> No.27772214
File: 911 KB, 336x252, 1561816624065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27772220

it's not irrelevant you claimed erroneously that it was an indicator of someone's ability in japanese when it's simply the starting line

>> No.27772246


>> No.27772263

based context poster

>> No.27772277

seems more like a woman speaking

>> No.27772299

>を, が, and の got dropped
wtf why

>> No.27772318


>> No.27772332

there was no wah

>> No.27772338

there was no

>> No.27772347

livestreams are super effective for brainwashing people into thinking they are part of a community too
starts with you getting lured in by the prospect of maybe engaging directly with a popular online figure and reinforces the allure by having thousands of other people incessantly posting to get their attention too so if they ignore you you are just left thinking they didnt see your comment
then money gets involved which guarantees engagement and suddenly you are throwing thousands of dollars at some random person pretending to be a 3d model just for the dopamine you get from that one second of engagement

>> No.27772358

no i never claimed that you strawmanning sack of shit maybe try posts for once instead of indulging in your preconceived biases and posting the same old shit again and again

>> No.27772378

yeah i suck at judging that from stuff like this so i believe you

>> No.27772391

is there an anime/manga where the mc could start the hero's journey but he rejects it and just lives a normal life and all sorts of crazy mystical stuff happens in the background but the mc doesn't (at least deliberately) partake and the main appeal of the series is the mc's comparatively mundane activities and relationships with other normal people

>> No.27772436

really really informal japanese

>> No.27772514

no idea

>> No.27772600
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>> No.27772605

so you want a sol in a fantasy setting?

>> No.27772609

stfu queeran you manlet inbred

>> No.27772761

I search through his anime list for 3 anime and couldn't find them

>> No.27772776

>>27772663 how does this make you feel

>> No.27772782

what are they

>> No.27772857

naruto, dbz, conan

>> No.27772891


>> No.27772932

moe is too low t for syounen

>> No.27772934


>> No.27773000

its waffle if youre a birdbrain which you evidently are so let me make what is already extremely clear even more obvious and demystify it for you
recognizing a word youve seen in anki means you recall its reading and basic meaning when you see it input
yes this absolutely and unequivocally matters when it comes to written japanese comprehension because the converse means youre staring at a string of chinese houses and brainlessly hovering back and forth because you cant keep as many new elements in your working memory to piece together the sentence
if you dont even recognize the words in a sentence you have little to no hope of understanding it lest you autistically wrestle with it
the more words you recognize the easier it gets to understand more sentences
youre either shitposting are retarded or have completely forget what it means to be restricted by vocabulary

>> No.27773009


>> No.27773045


>> No.27773054

try screaming a bit louder next time

>> No.27773056

when are they releasing the blue ray?
does anime really take this long to make btw, i hate how every spans over years these days by the time they release another sequel i'll have forgotten the entire plot

>> No.27773134

>these days
bro logh

>> No.27773155

You would rather wait for years to see trash like this instead of watching classics that are already finished

>> No.27773157

its alright but obv inferior
idk, i thought it was weird that they decided to go for a movie instead of just another season, though im sure that'll come out too eventually. i guess they might have thought they could make more money with a theatrical release given how popular kny is in japan.

>> No.27773165

perfect for a rewatch

>> No.27773194

keep on sething, hatefag

>> No.27773198

>completely forget what it means to be restricted by vocabulary
yeah i have cause it's irrelevant in the long journey of nihongo as i said lol

>> No.27773211

@feel bro

>> No.27773238

damn you're really getting exposed lately
>trying to be a normalfag
>barely watched any anime
>know nothing about the anime industry

yeah, you're a niwaka

>> No.27773269

>does anime really take this long to make btw
does a deck take that long to make? does writing up a few pages worth of guides take that long?

>> No.27773279
File: 370 KB, 739x640, 1575388779773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27773298

ufo table finished a whole feature film in the time it look quiz to do a couple of sections of his kanken deck

>> No.27773314

great song

well i'm just one guy doing this as a hobby and i'm not getting paid, well i suppose i'm getting a few bucks now but you know what i mean
i'll get the kanken deck done soon and then i'll do the site

>> No.27773352

the kanken deck will not be out this year

>> No.27773360

wonder if anything in the movie will match episode 19..

>> No.27773443

stay mad

>> No.27773479

it had a lot of images and gifs, it's not bloat

>> No.27773487

yes i know who im talking to i dont need you to butt in just because hes good doesnt mean retarded shit he says isnt retarded anymore

>> No.27773505

ive heard it does

>> No.27773530

all im saying is that if u are good at japanese too it might lend some credibility to ur case haha

>> No.27773537


>> No.27773603

what case? that you need to at the very least know most of the words in a sentence to begin comprehending it?

>> No.27773653

eternal esl

>> No.27773664

know what think i'll straight up finish making the kanken deck today to show those haters

>> No.27773689

dont care about no gay ass fuckin deck

>> No.27773699

>proceeds to watch vtuber clips and fuck his onahole for the next 5 hours

>> No.27773700

depeding on the media not really
for an LN thats true, but for anime and manga, particularly shounenshit and things youve already seen in filthy englih,you can miss half the words and still get whats going on.

>> No.27773703


>> No.27773709

its trash no one cares about lol
also looking at the sample cant believe its taking this long to make that kind of easy shit also kudos for stealing and rebranding again

>> No.27773741

what are you even talking about (stealing and rebranding)
and it takes some time because it covers a lot

>> No.27773743

fucking baaased

>> No.27773760

wait till you see the actual deck before shitting on it, it may well be a dumpsterfire but patience is a virtue

>> No.27773770

word recognition, anki or some stupid fuckin deck dont matter just listen to this and u are guaranteed to make it

>> No.27773785

you mean like how you were gonna quit the thread 30 times?

>> No.27773810

i hope quiz being mad at the haters is gonna make him rush and release it in a bad state

>> No.27773817

you posted the wrong song

>> No.27773824

it will be pretty hard to top that

>> No.27773845

>at the very least
exactly. it's the base case. you basically are reaching a native english speakers natural french level by memorising these words. you may as well talk about how it's important that your eyes work.. yeah it is important but it's not really relevant to how good you are at the language on any meaningful level

>> No.27773856

its a shame they butchered the recent one

>> No.27773858

the idea of having a production card with a japanese sentence on the front with the keyword in kana has existed for a long time, i think even fucking nuke talked about it ages ago youre doing nothing new or special what a waste of time

>> No.27773894

what is it with this thread and busuposting

>> No.27773942

lisa isnt a busu

>> No.27773965

if you think shes a busu you would die watching 行ってq

>> No.27773969


>> No.27773973

well i didn't say i was reinventing the wheel, the significant thing about this deck is that it has full coverage of all 常用 kanji in several different contexts and readings even accounting for different kanji meanings and essentially guarantees practical writing ability as you are trained to recall kanji with different practical prompts aiming to drill into you an idea of the kanji that is close to the understanding of a native speaker, and on top of that has native audio on every single card
don't see nuke making that deck

>> No.27773979


>> No.27773985

youre making less and less sense now
if its the baseline that makes it even more vital to learn recognizing more words so >>27771189 is even more on point then

>> No.27774068

the point they're trying to fail and make, i think, is different people have different acquisition methods for mining
some mine every word not in their deck some mine words they kind of knew, some mine all words they dont get, and some mine all words they dont get that they dont immediately recall after seeing the definition
within the same category, size is a good general measure of vocab but not so much between categories

>> No.27774074

kinda sick of anime for immersion. what kind of stuff do you guys watch on youtube?

>> No.27774086


>> No.27774110

you need to know words to understand but you also need to know japanese. no matter what method you do you'll know the words before you know the japanese, which renders anki and "deck size" an irrelevancy. i could link you some voice clip of a guy saying words everyone here knows but you likely wouldn't be able to understand it because your inflated word recognition is rendered useless in the face of actual japanese

>> No.27774118

yea a couple years ago matt uploaded a video showing he has a writing deck where he did the same thing. and his deck was probably years old at that point.

>> No.27774137

watching this rn (make an account to get the mega code)
had a few laughs so far

>> No.27774170

and he still sucks lmao

>> No.27774189

gonna put ur pc up on the highest shelf if u keep this up

>> No.27774192

matt and the japan code like this show

>> No.27774200

why not just tell me the code what the fuck. i'm not making a fucking account

>> No.27774235


>> No.27774241

>knowing more words doesnt affect your comprehension of the language
lmao u are fucking retarded

>> No.27774256

already clarified
why do you repeatedly bring up the other components you need to comprehend when im just talking about the necessity of one i mean how stupid are you its like incessantly droning about how you need to cook pasta to make it when im saying you need some water first

>> No.27774288


>> No.27774294


>> No.27774309

are you sure they mentioned ゴッドタン

>> No.27774317

i already proved it since i can't understand a simple french conversation yet i know thousands of french words

>> No.27774327

ye u are

>> No.27774351

whoops nvm

>> No.27774352

read 0 today

>> No.27774368

yea and youd understand even less if you didnt know those words lmfao fucking retard

>> No.27774463

you can't make pasta with only water though. which is why deck size is irrelevant it's just water without pasta

>> No.27774481

saying you know french words because you know related words in another language is really dumb

>> No.27774500

another day without a fucking stream

>> No.27774604

grammar and your "japanese" are largely an arbitrary abstraction that a normal person can fill in. even when speaking you may sound like a god damn retard but youll still be understand
"man ball at throw dog is kill" with a picture of a dead dog for example

>> No.27774614
File: 54 KB, 691x425, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bro

>> No.27774647

you're the most pathetic person here right after qm

>> No.27774652

not wiping your ass

>> No.27774707

so what was the point of your original post? "you need to know words to know a language" damn that's garryben level insight. no, you're just changing your point to be something extremely bland and unattackable because you know what you were trying to say (that anki deck size is a measure of japanese ability) is in fact indefensible

>> No.27774711

to the extent that an eop can figure out a french sentence because that sentence uses french words which have very similar english counterparts, that back up with the anon is saying about anki being a useful tool. although he's making a separate point from that.

basically the analogy fails on two fronts.

>> No.27774725

they have different accents and stresses though so you dont really know them

>> No.27774776

what's with people having these huge decks
all automatically generated shit is dumb and useless

>> No.27774777

it is tho

>> No.27774790

he recognizes them which is all that matters

>> No.27774791

yeah and japanese words people have in their anki decks are actually completely different to what the english on the back of the cards say and the image of it they have in their head is

>> No.27774800

newfags dont know the midget likes to shitpost and argue incessantly almost as much as jabum

>> No.27774838

anki defense automatons going all out

>> No.27774858

i think the default 10k comes with 4 card types and most are suspended so im assuming thats what hes using, otherwise god damn

>> No.27774875

wow youre really strawmanning hard now
i very carefully have been using "recognize" from the very beginning youre just angry because youre making 0 sense and losing hard so you wish i meant comprehend instead lol

anyway the point is people cope and tell themselves because you need all these other bits to comprehend a sentence that somehow means knowing many words doesnt matter or doesnt make comprehending sentences easier but alas youre too dumb

>> No.27774905

lets all just agree that noone in this thread is going to make it

>> No.27774916

except me

>> No.27774947
File: 48 KB, 735x399, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 4k of these cards are mining and i dont really care about anki
name and pitch decks are big

>> No.27775027

i wonder if any elementary/middle schooler nip kids have their own native version of something like rtk and use an srs to finish their entire jouyou kanji up to highschool in like three months

>> No.27775029

yeah it's much worse because they think it actually means they know some japanese whereas i know i don't know shit about french

>> No.27775040

not him but if u concede that statement as accurate then how does it make sense to say that anki is useless since it can aid ur ability to learn to recognize words

>> No.27775043


>> No.27775046

yea its pretty profound if youre enough of a knucklehead to say recognizing words doesnt matter lol shame you couldnt squeeze in a larger brain in that dwarf skull of yours

>> No.27775061

which makes your arguing against it pretty ridiculous more deck=more words

>> No.27775063

can't believe you think you're making an actually good point by claiming he has a cold take when on djt it's actually somewhat controversial because of anki haters. damn get fucked you retard lol

>> No.27775088

damn queeran revealing his godly iq

>> No.27775093


>> No.27775113

dont care about this argument

>> No.27775123

are you scared of pitch
i was before i started learning it

>> No.27775130

does this guy have actual autism i dont follow ecelebs so i dno

>> No.27775158

just seems like RTK yeah it might be useful but you spend so much time for such a marginal gain

>> No.27775181

wonder if ciaran is still doing my kanken deck

>> No.27775192

yeah ciaran's right

>> No.27775218

wow a lot of upset anki drones just replied. the point is that simply being able to recognize words is something you'd get by reading through a couple of visual novels, so why waste your time in anki for the same thing with no other added benefit like learning japanese?

>> No.27775236

spent 8 mins on my pitch deck today and did 25 new cards as always
all the time you spend listening is time spent on pitch too

>> No.27775332
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>> No.27775331

what makes you think you can order me to do things

>> No.27775345

remember how ciaran spent the first 4 years or whatever learning japanese, hes not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed

>> No.27775347


>> No.27775351

this is the power of word recognition

>> No.27775407

I saw it in opm

>> No.27775416
File: 4 KB, 297x31, G8MNBrkTOZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another wonderful day of anki.

>> No.27775421


>> No.27775426

i wasn't really trying to learn japanese like yall are tho i just did it as a fun little hobby on the side

>> No.27775436

anki isnt bad when used right but this level of droning is retarded

>> No.27775480

cope. im gonna recognize way more words than you

>> No.27775491


>> No.27775498
File: 2 KB, 289x33, PoundMeHarderDaddyAnki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go team

>> No.27775633
File: 1.90 MB, 400x212, 1578560013153.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw this fat otaku is cuter than the actual female vtubers

>> No.27775637

maybe you should make better cards then mr goalpost
not seeing that theres a reason=you being ridonkutardedly stupid

>> No.27775642

wait why are you talking down the benefits of anki when you yourself have used it heavily?

>> No.27775757


>> No.27775761
File: 2.70 MB, 683x652, 1578893854978.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27775764

yep the anti anki gang won this 1

>> No.27775769

t. has watched next to no good anime and has completed no vns

>> No.27775771


>> No.27775778

this, i made cards from k-on a while back, worst mistake of my life, so fucking cringe

>> No.27775786

both of those are not true

>> No.27775792

im saying im a neet now but i wont be by then

>> No.27775797
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>> No.27775803

finishing 1 route doesnt mean u finished a vn

>> No.27775808

so khatz?

>> No.27775816

dont care

>> No.27775819
File: 342 KB, 220x121, WelcomeToTheRiceFields.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im saying you're here forever

>> No.27775821

never 100% a vinnie and i never will

>> No.27775865
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>> No.27775875

vr would be good if they integrated it with onaholes

>> No.27775876


>> No.27775883


>> No.27775892

linear VNs are for plebs, if it has under ten routes its a shite game

>> No.27775905

can anyone stream

>> No.27775972

whats ur problem

>> No.27775986

sorry my friend made this post when i was afk ignore please haha

>> No.27775989

why would you wash them, the stickiness makes them so much better
thats why you switch to j-j cards

>> No.27775994

agreed bro

>> No.27776000

>its pretty easy to tell when the stuff you learned in anki isn't actually helping you
how about no
>english definitions
you can put jp defs in anki too??

>> No.27776016

my mission is to stop djt from existing how do i start

>> No.27776024

close your eyes

>> No.27776026


>> No.27776066

the balance will never be restored to this thread without jamal

>> No.27776081
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>> No.27776101

without jamal this thread is in a 廃部の危機

>> No.27776107


>> No.27776115
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>> No.27776146

Is it better to study a pre-made deck for Anki, or make one yourself as you find new words

>> No.27776147


>> No.27776222
File: 1.59 MB, 1125x1392, __.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are half japanese way cuter than full nihonjin girls?

>> No.27776223
File: 115 KB, 1024x1024, YouDeserveASiezure.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27776239

damn thread just went from bad to good to really bad

>> No.27776256

Both of them are true, i ask this kinds of questions here because i get unfiltered answers like yours, so, what would you say is the best?

>> No.27776289

you're supposed to read 膣内射精 as 中出し
ask jamal if you don't want to take my word for it

>> No.27776296

mining but i did half of the core2k first so maybe whenever you get bored of a pre-made deck, reading is really hard in the beginning either way

>> No.27776302

how much jap do you know

>> No.27776310

well the hiraganas usually there because i mostly read pleb vns....

>> No.27776316


>> No.27776330


>> No.27776342

the key is to do eroges on autoplay so you can jack it with one hand while doing reps with the other

>> No.27776377

be careful about posting shit like this, some burgerking went to prison for assault over posting a similar gif

>> No.27776391


>> No.27776422

land of the free

>> No.27776429

im a filthy fucking kike so itd make for a fun court case

>> No.27776440

Im really just starting, im studying grammar right now and heard that is better to study both grammar and learn kanji at the same time, i wanted to find the best approach

>> No.27776488
File: 840 B, 134x20, fuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling baaaaaased

>> No.27776518

read 40k today

>> No.27776527

I prefer natori

>> No.27776556

pick up the improved core 2.3k deck
start mining when ur dun

>> No.27776573

how does this even happen

>> No.27776575

hit it

>> No.27776586
File: 358 KB, 800x600, FORTUNE ARTERIAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read 60k today
really enjoying this route

>> No.27776679

40k more than me
60k more than me

>> No.27776699

two yous more than me

>> No.27776700

thoughts on The Black Experience Japan?

>> No.27776702
File: 30 KB, 323x310, 1580292244636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27776771


>> No.27776780

>a few
what's the disagreement then?

>> No.27776802

i mean a handful so it's not close to none

>> No.27776844
File: 243 KB, 680x709, Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you want to kill me

>> No.27776857

handful is close to none yes

>> No.27776876

lots of high iq posts tonight

>> No.27776943

wrong thread

>> No.27776950

wait hololivers look like that!?

>> No.27776989

doggo does

>> No.27777038


>> No.27777127

Fuck finally all the migaku/mia addons are on the new anki. Over a week late, i dont know why i ever updated to begin with

>> No.27777135
File: 397 KB, 1280x2446, ed633c2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27777142

you can see what all their 3d models look like in the アニメ videos on the official homolive youtube channel


>> No.27777213

no thanks

>> No.27777287

>Fuck finally all the migaku/mia addons are on the new anki.
doesn't seem that way

>Supported Anki versions:
>2.1.14-2.1.16 (updated 2019-12-25)
>2.1.22-2.1.23 (updated 2020-09-18)

>> No.27777300


>> No.27777314

god damn bitch that's coming out of your allowance

>> No.27777396


>> No.27777401

gonna have to work daddy for that money

>> No.27777409

kids in japan get almost no allowance, it's probably gonna take half an year to pay for that shit

>> No.27777427

what zero ____ does to a nigga
all you ESLs try to solve this one

>> No.27777482


>> No.27777492
File: 18 KB, 241x263, YoSoyBlanco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27777535

less than 200 cards left to add media to
and then the kanken deck is FINISHED
i won't release it yet though, i will finish it myself first and make sure i can pass the kanken test with the knowledge i gained from learning the cards

>> No.27777551


>> No.27777587

don't post in here and waste the get kudasai

>> No.27777643


●●○ ○●●


>> No.27777644

linuxbabbies btfo once again

>> No.27777646

thought about going for the 7 get but it's pointless as i already have one of two octs on /jp/ i'll give someone else the joy

>> No.27777694

There's a difference betwixt being a SIMP and a Good Guy.

SIMPS are men who will do anything in their power to get under a woman's you know what. And men who call other men SIMPS are actually SIMPS themselves. I actually never blatantly called a man a SIMP. But everyone does to me for some reason. And just because a Man likes Japanese women... Doesn't mean he fetishes them or are SIMPS for liking them. God created every race, and everyone should be attracted to which ever they choose. Stop calling a man a SIMP because he admires God's creation in a way that makes him want to do anything in his power to be with her.

I'm different... In fact... I don't want women, I want a woman. A woman who I will be with forever... A woman who I will absolutely appreciate and cherish with all of my heart and soul. A woman who I will hold tight in my arms until we're old and rotten. A woman who I will get close to and hear her precious heart beat, and hear her lungs breath in and out. It's not all about what's under her skirt, it's about becoming one with her soul... And loving who she is as a human being. It's about supporting her, and loving her, protecting her, and being there for her when she's sad like a Man should. Being SIMP means you'll do anything for any woman... Being a Good Guy means you'll do anything for the woman that loves you... The same way you love her. If you find the right woman... She'll be everything you need. Keep searching for her, she's somewhere. Never stop looking, and don't let a bad woman get into your way because of the raw feelings you possess. Keep going men. You can do this!

>> No.27777708

don't remember asking

>> No.27777723

i fixed it by downgrading back to 2.1.22 so i guess there's no more updating anki for me

>> No.27777736
File: 101 KB, 666x532, 1597085480635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27777845 [DELETED] 


>> No.27777860

>hololive shitter

>> No.27777867


>> No.27777869

>also let's see the lucky guy
wow what a waste

>> No.27778003

he gets to jack himself off

>> No.27778016

thread theme

>> No.27778018

that's just something people have to live with i guess

if i don't post with a tripcode people keep trying to call out random posters as being posts from me it's quite annoying
besides in a thread in which people try to build a skill/gain knowledge being able to gauge what level the person giving advice is lets people make more informed decisions

>> No.27778021

depends on how confident you are they arent an undercover cop

>> No.27778025

quiz already got a getto it was pretty based too

>> No.27778127

you mean 10k
then you can start yotsuba

>> No.27778133


>> No.27778224 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 500x333, 1601905577676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 year ago

>> No.27778247

すなわちpeaches are baaaased

>> No.27778551
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, EK1S1IjX0AAOkss[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its also a really chill game to play when starting out because you dont need to understand jack shit to follow waypoints

>> No.27778587

no grammar
no anki
pure immersion

>> No.27778679

well you can say whatever you want but we'll see who's right in the end when he gives up

>> No.27778731

anki is like brushing your teeth
you dont enjoy it but if you dont do it shit starts falling apart

>> No.27778851

enjoy your calcified pineal gland dumb anki drones

>> No.27778876

do you ever plan on quitting anki

>> No.27778891

when i finished rtk i was at the peak of my motivation
but then i got a job
and it all went downhill
dont fail me now brother

>> No.27778895

anki is useful but im mining new words with new kanji in almost every sentence
does this mean i should mine something easy for quick gains?

>> No.27778903

thats from drinking fluoridated water and being in 5G areas not from anki silly

>> No.27778956


>> No.27778988

>not syncing with ankiweb over 5g while sipping fluoridated water from your huge black bottle

>> No.27779223


>> No.27779367

it's curious as how my essay deadline approaches my desire to read japanese instead skyrockets

>> No.27779417


>> No.27779470

negative 5 out of 5 for putting persona 5 garbage in top left

>> No.27779557

ur retarded lol

>> No.27779639
File: 145 KB, 720x720, 1589783436966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many people here don't use anki at all

>> No.27779727

playing eu4 instead of doing japanese

>> No.27779823

can we see a screencap of the cards

>> No.27779965

Sounds good anon.

>> No.27780071

fuck 挨拶

>> No.27780181

>probably in a week or two
so six months got it

>> No.27780203

i tried not using it for a long time but my autism won out in the end

>> No.27780552

lmao nah i dont get them mixed up i just get mentally fatigued from seeing dense shit like 派閥 every word

>> No.27780688
File: 666 KB, 1280x720, 1583257304444.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27780776


>> No.27780900

what's this guy's problem?

>> No.27781549

anki makes my チンポ expand

>> No.27781630

finna sleep

>> No.27781653



>> No.27781674

finna watch eng sub anime

>> No.27781677

qm is constantly shitting up the thread
jamals loss is deep tho

>> No.27782039

extremely based

>> No.27782077

how do you expect us to search catbox

>> No.27783015
File: 339 KB, 860x1400, 72-726349_nip-nong-ching-chong-to-you-young-lady[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27783091

hehehe waste this post@

>> No.27783376

dropping this bong rip 12 hours a day lol

>> No.27783388


>> No.27783397


>> No.27783404

fucking baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaased

>> No.27783423

dont even post here if you arent 15k+ cards deep into corejmdict or coretatoeba
