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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2775131 No.2775131 [Reply] [Original]

Remember me, /jp/?

>> No.2775135

Did someone say something?

>> No.2775143

Yeah, I do. I always thought this meme was stupid.
I'll go load up my Dark Kiss Mark save and get your True End again, Sacchin, since nobody else loves you.

>> No.2775152

shaniqua? gurrrrrrrl dat aint mah baby i seen u wit dem boyz in da hood dropin yo trousers n shit u best back da fuck off nigga

>> No.2775158

Hanyuu is the one you can't see. Sacchin is the one you can't remember who she is.

>> No.2775164

Who is this?

>> No.2775172

Oh, no. I just didn't hear her.

>> No.2775179
File: 362 KB, 646x504, Dark Kiss Mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure are a whole lot of faggots ITT.

>> No.2775182

I still like you sacchin. I will wait till next year dutifully for you.

>> No.2775191

She better have a route in remake etc.

>> No.2775199
File: 262 KB, 848x480, 1243047236125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upping the faggotry level ITT.

>> No.2775208

You use the avatars just to make me mad, don't you?
Well, that's okay. This is the last !/uhtKOHuio post I'll read outside of the archive.

>> No.2775215

you guys are going to be sooooo disappointed when you finally get your sacchin route and realize that, outside of being a crazy yandere vampire,
she's not really very interesting or likeable

>> No.2775218
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So mean. ;_;

>> No.2775226
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>> No.2775228

But she's already interesting and likable aside from the vampire aspect in the original Tsukihime.
Try harder.

>> No.2775233

>>crazy yandere vampire
Man this makes me want to play Tsukihime

>> No.2775240
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This is how I remember you, Sacchin.

>> No.2775281
File: 61 KB, 470x465, Not so sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(  ゚,_ゝ゚)

>> No.2775293

That style, I've seen it before...

Are you the man with the iron liver?

>> No.2775309

No, I just use the same style as him, my liver is pretty weak.

>> No.2775344

I remember you TRYING TO KILL ME.

Why couldn't you have done that during Ciel's route? I would've loved to be saved from you by her.

>> No.2775390

It's funny because your beloved Ciel tries to kill you as well.
You've just got lousy taste, that's all.

>> No.2775409

I remember your crazy psycho ass from my playthrough on sunday. I liked you more in the other routes when I didn't realize you were a crazy obsessed stalker who became terrifying after you gained the ability to rip me in half with your fingertips.

>> No.2775421

... in what universe are those bad traits, anon?

>> No.2775431

I personally wouldn't like it if a crazy obsessed stalker had the ability to rip me in half, other wise it's totally good.

>> No.2775444

She tries to kill me, and then actively avoids it. And then makes up for it by saving my life. Repeatedly. In almost every other route.

Satsuki? In every route she has a real presence in, she tries to turn Shiki into a vampire, kills people indiscriminately, etc, etc.

>> No.2775454

A true yandere would never intentionally hurt you. She might turn you into a ghoul, or kill all your friends, or remove your limbs and hold you in a dungeon, but killing/torture aren't their thing.

>> No.2775462

She's a vampire, a real one, that is killing does not have the same inherent meaning to her. Satsuki never tries to kill you. Turn you, but never kill.

>> No.2775464


>> No.2775466

The only reason she doesn't kill you is because she's not sure if you're Roa yet.
The difference between Ciel and Sacchin's behavior is that Ciel's murders are premeditated, whereas Sacchin's are crimes of passion.
There's nothing wrong with a little passion is a girl, is there?

>> No.2775483

Satsuki does indeed try to kill your ass dead after you express a desire to fight back. Then gets all weepy about how she beat you half to death which gives you that second to kill her.

>> No.2775500

>Sacchin's are crimes of passion

I'd say they are crimes of necessity. No, from her point of view, they can't be called crimes at all. Killing a cow or plucking a head of lettuce are not crimes, they are something people need to do to survive. Same for her, she's not human any more, so human values no longer apply.

>> No.2775509

>Then gets all weepy about how she beat you half to death

Somehow you're missing that she stopped, not to mention that however broken up you got, a little vampire blood would be all it took to fix you.

>> No.2775522

I know, I was just trying to use flowery language. Forgive me?

>> No.2775526

>Do you remember how many breads you have eaten?

>> No.2775544

The reason we kill cattle would be the fact that they are lifeforms which do not approach a human level of intelligence. For this reason, we avoid killing and eating apes/dolphins/whales even though we do it when we see it as a necessity.

Vampires and Humans share a very similar level of intelligence, and even if they are a little smarter, they still operate within the same 'context of reason', as opposed to let's say roaches and chimps who have less a measurable difference in IQ and more an inferior and superior (respectively) understanding of reality.

That said, Shiki stated that true vampires in that world are mindless when it comes to feeding. He tells what's her name with the purple hair that she can't demand the same mercy he have Saachin, due to the simple fact that miss spirit hacker only had to 'resist', whereas Saachin was a slave to it.

It's not a matter of survival, just questionable capacity to make a choice and how cruel one goes about feeding, as NoW certainly was evil, feeding need or not.

>> No.2775560

It's only recently that humans have held intelligence in high regard, and only for other humans. When it comes to animals, how "cute" their faces are plays a much larger role than intelligence in determining whether we sympathize with them.

>> No.2775583

Until recent times we had no reason to assume that chimps or dolphins were any smarter than cattle. As far as not eating 'cute things', rabbits remain a common food source, and the number of cute animals eaten has not changed, with the exception of said intelligent animals that we 'try' to avoid eating.

Whales are still hunted, but the whalers tend to be from backgrounds that root their understanding of nature into the old days.

>> No.2775593

If humans could ONLY survive by eating whales, dolphins and apes, you'd be saying "Pass the blubber" with not a trace of guilt to be found.

And despite that, Sacchin DID feel remorse. She could have detached herself from human emotion like Roa, Chaos et all, but she clung to them even though they made her suffer.

Though in that regard, that makes her evil- same principal as when Kotomine was trying to get Angrymanjew to be born. If they kill with no remorse or conscience, they are essentially good, since they are carrying out the purpose they were born for and have no real choice. If they kill but feel anguish, they are essentially evil.

>> No.2775596

The reason we don't eat chimps or dolphins is because they aren't domesticated, and aren't as good sources of meat as cattle. I don't really see how you can say that rabbits are a common food source, especially compared to cattle.

>> No.2775606

Ah- your the guy who plays a VN every Sunday right?

>> No.2775628

Sooo...Why wasn't there a bad end where you become a vamp with sacchin?

>> No.2775632

Uh, there is.

>> No.2775633

Except that her remorse came from an understanding of 'humanity', rather than any internal remorse. It was simulated remorse that she though she should feel, and the fact that it wasn't sincere probably caused her a great deal of pain, given that vampires are just remorseless in killing, not inherently immune to guilt. There's a good bit of irony in that, perhaps.

In terms of whales, yes, I would eat them if it was required. Whales however are just an example of what we 'avoid' out of caution, and still, as far as we know, do not share our context of reason.

If there was another creature similar to a human that was the only thing we could eat, even if it were a bit dumber, then and only then would I at least hesitate and I believe naively that I would feel remorse for an act of selfishness.

Good people die for others, normal people make ends meet, and evil people revel in hurting others.

Satsuki's acts fall into none of those categories, for the reasons stated by said priest.

>> No.2775650

>I don't really see how you can say that rabbits are a common food source, especially compared to cattle.


>The biggest problem with raising rabbits for meat is that they are just too darned cute - and you become attached to them. Fortunately, they taste really good and their fur is highly prized. The benefits of killing them outweigh those of of petting them... .

>> No.2775651

Really? I don't remember that one!

>> No.2775666

Though in that regard, that makes her evil- same principal as when Kotomine was trying to get Angrymanjew to be born.

Are you really using HIM as a basis for a moral compass.

>> No.2775671

Didn't Satsuki give you a bad end where she made you her sex toy.

>> No.2775678

With the rise of narratives in popular media viewers become increasingly more aware of the falsehood of the most common simplifications originally present in them. The correlation between visual characteristics and the worth as a sentient being is among the first to go.

Even if what you wrote still holds true for the majority of people, it won't do so for long.

>> No.2775686

She makes you into a ghoul. Shiki didn't seem to go braindead, so it's assumed he could eventually become a true vampire.

>> No.2775687

I think her remorse was sincere. The way she'd flash hot and cold said to me she had two contradictory natures, human values and vampiric ones, battling within herself. But instead of picking the human side and letting herself die since she could not survive without killing them, or the vampiric one and cutting ties with her human desires (read: Shiki) she tried to hold onto both. Keeping those two opposing forces within her in check is what made her suffer so much, and is why pure vampires didn't feel any such pain.

>> No.2775696


See >>2775179

>> No.2775708

Well it's like Shirou in UBW facing reality while holding on to the fantasy of saving everyone.

It's merely the dark side of it, how Shirou would of become if he had no one to help him...and he had to kill people to survive...so it's actually not that alike.

>> No.2775715

Which holds her in the neutral field... well, at least we've got a classification, and not every character has to be Jesus to be likable, or even admirable, as she held on despite the pain.

>> No.2775718

Is he wrong? Sure he's evil, but he KNOWS he's evil and admits as such. He knows what good and evil are, he tried the 'good' thing out, and it just wasn't him.

You wouldn't call a Tyrannosaurus Rex evil for eating people, it's just doing what it was made to. Jeffrey Dahmer on the other hand...

>> No.2775732

A force of nature cannot be evil. The Tsunami wasn't evil, and neither is Swine Flu.

I refuse to blame Saachin for not killing herself in a situation we can only, realistically, look at from the outside in.

>> No.2775761

...Dark Kiss Mark should of had a follow up ending in Kagetsu Tohya.

5 Years Later, with Ciel attempting kill Shiki and Satsuki.

>> No.2775780
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and let's keep in mind that this wasn't, as far as we know, a question of holding off the hunger and starving. it seemed more like waiting for a switch to flip that would keep doing so while she existed. it's like if god was jigsaw.

>> No.2775876

That said, Sacchin had been a vampire for like, two days. Going by what Roa said in one of those flashbacks, the normal process of vampirism took more like decades. Given some time to normalize herself and get control of her powers, I think she could have gotten things into balance and only fed as much as necessary. But then again, maybe one side or the other would win in the end too.

>> No.2775923

This is why unimportant support characters really shouldn't be given sprites: idiot fans will demand routes for them that will never exist.

>> No.2775945
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Sacchin and Enhance will hook up later on is what I like to believe for the tsukihime 2 story.

>> No.2775949

She may have become a new kind of vampire, yes. Certainly it wouldn't be the strangest thing to happen in the nasuverse.

And she is somehow alive in Melty Blood, so yeah...

>> No.2775959

How exactly does that work? I mean he got her g-spot...

>> No.2775972
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>And she is somehow alive in Melty Blood, so yeah...

No. It's been retconned that Satsuki was a nightmare made real by the TATARI.

"You didn't save me, Tohno-kun..."

>> No.2775975

re-act takes place after her true end apparently

only in the manga

>> No.2775979


Lookin' kinda troll there KATTO-san

>> No.2775989

Manga retcons don't count. Sacchin aside, it went of in a real weird direction on the subject.

>> No.2775996
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I like it better, because it actually makes sense.
The storyline of fighting games only exist to make people fight. TATARI is excellent in this function.

>> No.2776006

It made sense, but it violated enough of the fightan gaem story to let me dismiss it for Sacchin's sake. Methinks Type Moon agrees.

>> No.2776018

he never said it was canon, just that it would be more proper than the story as is.

>> No.2776022
File: 76 KB, 750x1084, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, I did say it was canon in the word "retcon", in the sense of the manga.

But nobody really likes the manga except for THISPAGE

>> No.2776034

Damn. But what a page.

>> No.2776037

Would you agree that retcons are from the nonexistant anime, then?

>> No.2776038


No, but Melty Blood isn't a coherent story in the slightest and the manga tries to set one.

Coherency is best in canon.

>> No.2776041

bitch was out of line. a man who cares about his hoes cares enough to discipline them from time to time. except for kohaku.

disciplining her would require embedding and then betraying sincere emotion in her, and that'd probably just work once. best to let that bitch do her thing.

>> No.2776054
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>> No.2776058
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But Melty Blood was actually very coherent, it's just the arcade mode that was the issue. There were a number of clear points the manga blatantly ignored, which makes it a non canon retcon. It'd be like taking the. It'd be better if the story was clearer, but with certain exceptions like Neko arc, a game is not subject to manga or anime canon and is even still considered only secondary canon when it fails to contradict it.

>> No.2776070

>It'd be like taking the

It'd be like taking the better developed character relationship between Laharl and Flonne in the manga as canon. Games are more self contained than anime and manga in that way.

>> No.2776083

wouldn't that mean the arcade isn't canon, as it's not part of the main storyline?

>> No.2776098

you've been reading the SA LP of FS/N havn't you?

Since that just appeared in the last Dead End update...

>> No.2776101

Possibly, but the manga dealt with the arcade mode, and between the two of them, the game has priority. Again, I agree that the manga version 'should' be canon, but as far as Type Moon is concerned, the manga was just fanfiction.

>> No.2776114

Yumizuka is the only real vampire protagonist in the story, Arc doesn't count as a real vampire.

>> No.2776123

Shiki should of just found a way to disable her or make her unconscious, tied her up, taken her back to the mansion, put her in a room and boarded up the window, and then go rob a blood bank.

And then go do the Arc True End, kill chaos, kill roa, and when Arc pisses off Shiki has a backup vampire girl back at his place.

Good end.

>> No.2776125

Arc was pretty ragetastic in Ciel's path. But you raise a valid point. A game all about romance and vampires doesn't have a romance with a real vampire. Guess that's why Nasu is adding it in the remake that will never come out due to the new laws in the works

>> No.2776127

To be fair, Arc is still more of a vampire god, and there is Sion, but she hasn't actually become a true vampire yet.

IIRC, Sensei actually implied that she had the talent to become one of the 27 ancestors, which is pretty hardcore.

>> No.2776136


>IIRC, Sensei actually implied that she had the talent to become one of the 27 ancestors, which is pretty hardcore.

... What.
Aoko is not a vampire and has no reason to drink blood.
If she WAS, like Zelretch, then she'd probably fill one of the blank slots by default.

>> No.2776142

Reverse yandere end, ftw.

>> No.2776143

Fully powered Satsuki could be pretty scary. When Roa was telling one of his mage girlfriends about how he planned to become a vampire, she was like 'So should I tell my grandkids not to pester you when you finish changing?' But Roa cheated, he fooled Arc into biting him and stole some of her power through the contract that was formed. Satsuki became a vampire overnight and without any cheap tricks. That IS pretty hardcore.

>> No.2776150

Er, you misunderstood. Aoko said that Sacchin had the potential, and remarked on her achievement of a reality marble at so young an age.

It just emphasizes how much of an actual 'vampire' Sacchin truly is.

>> No.2776162
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Didn't see the context.

>> No.2776173

Quiet Arc, it's not like you even make an appearance in that route.

>> No.2776174

As much as I agree with you, this simple solution never seems to be implemented. In all instances of humans versus vampires, no one ever realizes that the vampires could probably just 'buy' blood. Blood banks would offer a price relative to the vampire population's to the human's, and it'd work like any other economy.

There aren't generally more than a million vampires in any world, and decreased biting of other kinds would prevent too many mass breakouts.

Too damn simple for fiction, though.

>> No.2776193

I believe it was implied that 'dead' blood wasn't very satisfying.

Akiha was drinking blood taken from a blood bank in her true end though. So it's not like it wasn't considered.

>> No.2776194
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Nobody remembers that girl.

>> No.2776195

In Underworld I believe vampires own a company which clones blood, so they don't have to draw attention to themselves by attacking humans.

But yeah, you are right, I hate plot devices like that, great part about the sacchin scenes is how she says she becomes irrecoverably separated from human society, I believe she says she would give anything to become human again.

>> No.2776210

I loved how they went the 'super strength' route with her. Getting kicked/torn in half by a schoolgirl in kneesocks is an oh so amusing way to die.

>> No.2776217

Do you think If Zelretch had known Sacchin existed he would have been all over that 14 year old pussy?

>> No.2776223

That's a moot point. Nobody knows she exists.

>> No.2776229

remember when shiki told threatened to beat the shit out of sion for talking bad about sacchin?

good man.

>> No.2776240
File: 167 KB, 600x640, so happy together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see her become one of the Ancestors as an accidental result of her quest to gain back humanity.

>> No.2776250

Well, at least Yumizuka remains an important person to Shiki, which is really what she wanted. She has absolutely no idea that he does think about her, but it says a lot for the man, regardless.

>> No.2776255

How did those two meet exactly? I remember them being friends in Melty Blood, but it was sort of unexplained.

>> No.2776268

both homeless teen girls who are tragic vampires, they just kinda clicked when one found the others boxhouse.

>> No.2776280

Sure. You're the new girl from Tsukihime's remake.
Too bad they cancelled it.

>> No.2776284

That actually makes a lot of sense. They also both have unfulfilled romantic situations with...

Hey, Shiki has personally killed two of the woman currently after his cock.

>> No.2776288


>> No.2776305
File: 85 KB, 800x1163, 9fc23fbe835c730e4dac0b6c4adcbc53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He also murdered Arc in her apartment (she got better) just before emptying the full contents of his bowels on her corpse. I would have tried dinner and a movie, but hey, he's the one getting laid.

>> No.2776306

>Akiha was drinking blood taken from a blood bank in her true end though. So it's not like it wasn't considered.
But Akiha isn't a vampire. She only needs the extra heat to relieve her from her pain that's being caused from supplying 2 bodies with energy.
And you're talking about Kohaku's end, I think.
since either Akiha or Shiki dies in Akiha's endings, or you can keep feeding her your own blood, but that's still from a living person

>> No.2776309

You're gonna have to trust on Shiki with this kind of stuff. He's getting all the ladies.

>> No.2776316

Ah yes, didn't think of that since she didn't stay dead for very long.

Hmm, if I ever meet a hot vampire chick I'll have to give it a try.

>> No.2776318

don't waste your semen, they're all twilight fangirls now.

>> No.2776328

So you're saying to take a shit on them, but don't let your load out on them for the first date?

And fuck you, now I realize that there is at least one pic of Sacchin meeting whatever his name from Twilight.

>> No.2776335


>> No.2776337

Like the Axe Effect, but it's a knife instead of an axe.

>> No.2776414
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>Too bad they cancelled it.

Best be jokin.

>> No.2776418


There is actually no type moon/twilight crossover art from what I've seen.

even /r/ed it on /fate/

>> No.2776431

I should really break out the tablet.

>> No.2776432

Yeah, like that wouldn't be seen as a troll.

>> No.2776433

I did it all civil like, threads still there.

>> No.2776439
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>> No.2776458
File: 67 KB, 407x405, 1243968578123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more non-human heroines and pregnancy in your eroge bro.


Blame the feminists conspiracy.

>> No.2776482

can they still put rape in katawa shoujo seeing as its a fan work?

>> No.2776490

"might" is not "will"

Also, doujins are safe for now.

>> No.2776521
File: 79 KB, 407x405, 1243968510291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's almost for certain (at least for these Norn guys).

(in b4 Sankaku complex)

>Also, doujins are safe for now.
>for now.
Mark my words.

>> No.2776549

It's the industry groups passing these restrictions so there's really no way for it to spread to doujins. If it was an actual government ban things might be different.

>> No.2776559

Norn had to cut some contents of the game because it was furry rape.
The pregnancy ban was just overreaction.

>> No.2776580

I expect this will have as much of an effect as the already existing Japan loli ban.

>> No.2776623

It's great because they're just banning anything controversial with the knowledge that it won't affect anything. Sort of like what'd happen if the US rating center stopped assigning letters to movies containing rape.

It's still sold, and it just comes with an [NR].

Catgirls being banned is hilarious, though.

>> No.2776624
File: 384 KB, 494x701, halfelfds1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so there's really no way for it to spread to doujins
Remember this ?

>> No.2776632

We all know what this is leading to and it's fine. The mainstream will stop selling adult titles and the industry will move a little further underground.

>> No.2776635

If something might happen, Sankaku reports it as something that's certain. You're better off following Canned Dogs with this.

>> No.2776637
File: 16 KB, 358x401, ren is not amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catgirls being banned is hilarious, though.

>> No.2776638

Again the govements is pressing them, so they decided to self-regulate to save their asses. In the end it's the same for commercial products. You won't see products in the market like before, at least in regards of the spread of genres

And don't get me hurr durr self distribution. Who is gonna finance this? A little low-wage eroge company?

>> No.2776639

The Future:

"Hey, what do you got for me, shopkeep?"



"We pretty much just sale Clannad now."

>> No.2776641

Were you aware that loli games are banned and have been for years? Did you know that they still make those?

>> No.2776642

>"Aren't the school scenarios banned? Do you want me to call the cops?"


>> No.2776643


It depresses me that grammar has not improved in the future.

>> No.2776646

you're already banned as a loli.

>> No.2776647

That actually makes sense, given that many of those girls are underage. National consent won't be considered, obviously.

>> No.2776652

I know we've been over this, but damn, Japan sucks. How's Futaba reacting to all this?

>> No.2776657

let it be known that this sacchin thread was only now sidetracked, so huge success.

>> No.2776661

They weren't banned

>> No.2776665
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But she is 400 yo...
she must be legal right ?

>> No.2776667

newspeak doubleplusgood

>> No.2776668

Too busy depressing over K-ON! ending soon.

>> No.2776674

By the government no, but by the industry yes. Did you really think even Japan would go after catgirls before 'cartoon child raping'?

>> No.2776675

Pregnancy is banned.

>> No.2776679

Seriously? The otaku really aren't up in arms over non physics related catgirl death, abortion of preggo, the consensualization of rape, and the aging of loli?

>> No.2776686
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So even Clannad is too hardcore for Japan?

Never mind the tentacle rape JAVs on my comp...

>> No.2776688

Prove that loli was already banned.

>> No.2776696

They don't give a shit since they are well aware nobody will care.

>> No.2776701

Bah, none of this matters as we have enough material to last us a lifetime. In fact perhaps I'll take up smoking to ensure that.

Japan is becoming a nation of boring moralfag twats. Though in truth, that's exactly what Japan has always been, and now they're taking a strike at the freaks who gave that country an ounce of flavor.

>> No.2776722
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>By the government no, but by the industry yes.
Yeah, right.

>> No.2776728

The 'industry' is not the actual individuals producing the games, but a larger body that handles media in general.

>> No.2776753

But in the eroge industry they aren't banned yet (except for the raping part... maybe).

>> No.2776767

Anyway, do you think they will :

[ ] release Tsukihime 2.0 with sex scenes and voices
[ ] release Tsukihime 2.0 with sex scenes but no voices
[ ] release Tsukihime 2.0 without sex scenes (disgusting non-human heroines) but with voices
[ ] release Tsukihime 2.0 with sex scenes except for Sacchin

>> No.2776778

>He also murdered Arc in her apartment
That was just a plot device to weaken Arc so Shiki would have to step up to the plate in fighting chaos and then roa.

>> No.2776779

Not all loli is banned, there's just a lot of rules and restrictions.

>> No.2776782

The murder is the spark for most of the events and connection with Arc.
Calling it just 'plot device' is stupid.

>> No.2776786

Rape (and sexuality more broadly) is still an essential part of storytelling, if they want to ban it in visual novels then they might as well ban it in regular novels because people still have imaginations.

The problem with censorship is that it never just targets the 'worst' as they part, it's almost always used as a beachhead to censor more mainstream eroges.

>> No.2776800

[ ] not release Tsukihime 2.0

>> No.2776812

Although I wouldn't mind a Tsukihime 2.0, I won't cry if I don't get one, FSN has nice voices, good resolution, nice CG, but even with all that it can't beat Tsukihime because the story isn't good enough.

>> No.2776818

Opinions, really.

>> No.2776821

>story isn't good enough
more like opinions

>> No.2776858

I agree with his opinion.

>> No.2776870

>The only reason she doesn't kill you is because she's not sure if you're Roa yet.

Are you serious? I mean, considering how often people bring up how her ENTIRE SEX SCENE is based around suppressing Roa, I don't see how you can be.

Shiki fucking stood there and waited for her to kill him, even ASKED HER TO, and she didn't. She put away her weapon... well, as away as that thing can get anyway, then took him home and promised to try and find a cure.

>> No.2776878

Well, on the subject of non-human heroines, is Type-Moon even part of that group of companies? CSA, wasn't it?

>> No.2776971

I thought they were with the EOCS? Either way, it's looking more and more like they wouldn't be able to add the ero to 2.0.

>> No.2776975

There's been talk (maybe trolling, maybe not) on /jp/ of Tsukihimake being all-ages for a long time now. Since it was announced, I think. Looks like there may be some truth to that, whether it was originally intended or not.

>> No.2777002
File: 16 KB, 582x234, sad sacchin is sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tsukihimake being all-ages

>> No.2777012

We should make some sort of reversed waku waku patch that implements the old sex scenes in the new games.

>> No.2777054

But why would you even want to? The h-scenes in the original was awkward at best, painfully hilarious the rest of the time.

>> No.2777096

Alright, then just implement Akiha's H-scene?
and maybe Hisui's

>> No.2777111

Have you ever play a Key game ? TM wasn't that bad.

>> No.2777973 [DELETED] 

Source is here

Of course, it is Sankaku Complex, so this proves nothing, but I don't care enough to dig up a better source, so yeah...

>As previously explained in detail, the ban will only affect members of the EOCS group; this accounts for most companies in the industry, but as ample alternatives to classification at EOCS exist, the real effect may just be to cause a variety of cunning dodges within and without the organisation.

Notably, the EOCS previously banned games with loli or incest content, but this proved totally ineffective (perhaps as designed), whilst allowing the body to present a facade of “responsibility” (if appeasing moralists can be considered such) to those who might otherwise fret.

>> No.2777980

Source is here

Of course, it is Sankaku Complex, so this proves nothing, but I don't care enough to dig up a better source, so yeah...

>As previously explained in detail, the ban will only affect members of the EOCS group; this accounts for most companies in the industry, but as ample alternatives to classification at EOCS exist, the real effect may just be to cause a variety of cunning dodges within and without the organisation.

>Notably, the EOCS previously banned games with loli or incest content, but this proved totally ineffective (perhaps as designed), whilst allowing the body to present a facade of “responsibility” (if appeasing moralists can be considered such) to those who might otherwise fret.

>> No.2777987

>>2777980 I don't care enough to dig up a better source
Better not post at all then.

>> No.2777995

Normally I'd agree, but the thread has been plastered with their articles already and the ban is common knowledge.

Newfags deserve nothing better.

>> No.2778009

The 18+ bullshit you see on the front screens is more than enough of the previous loli ban. You can dig up your own proof.
The incest thing is proofed by the almost forced "surprise i'm not blood related" bullshit you see. Once again, go dig up your own proof.

I'm not the previous anon, and I'm not doing your footwork for you. These have been discussed countless times in these BAWWWW threads.

>> No.2778034

have been wondering why no one has been freaking out over sc's stuff being linked. perhaps /jp/ is growing up? or then again, maybe it's just newfags not knowing the site's reputation.

>> No.2778199

maybe that is because no one was able to make a concise critic as to why that site is to be less trusted than any other english anime news site.

Sure, it has an somewhat biased writer who more often than not fills the information with his personal opinion, but it never alters the core content of the articles that appear there.

Maybe /jp/ realized that, along with the fact that most of SC rage was generated over the site being spammed on /a/.

>> No.2778533

Maybe. Or maybe the 'everything sucks and I hate all of you for liking anything' trolls finally got bored and left? Unlikely, I know, but still more likely than /jp/ deciding that something didn't deserve the hate it got.

We probably just forgot about it.

>> No.2778548

The incest ban was repealed at the end of 2004.

>> No.2779675

So, just so I'm understanding this....The Tsukihime remake isn't canceled, but just delayed because of all these laws n shit?

>> No.2779708

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

>> No.2779733

I don't think it's even started yet, really.

>> No.2779811

S-So...what about my Sacchin route?...

>> No.2779857

"Fuck, now I'm going to have to write a Sacchin route. Damn it. Shit, I think I even said something about Melty Blood being connected too it. FUUUUCK. GOD DAMN IT. Why did I paint myself into this corner. They are going to pester the shit out of me anyways. Fuck, damn, I better write this shit so they stop bitching."

>> No.2779916

YAY! Now get your ass to work Nasu!

>> No.2779955




>> No.2780823
File: 95 KB, 344x344, Dee Snider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Japan really needs is mother fuckin Dee Snider to render these new laws useless just like he did with the PMRC.

Fuck Yeah Dee Snider

>> No.2780832

fuck yeah dee snider

>> No.2780841

Don't fucking post a blank picture on an imageboard.

>> No.2781939

Nasu got the anti-non human regulations passes solely to avoid doing Sacchin's route.

>> No.2782311

you mistook her for beatrice. she's that girl nobody can remember, not the witch that's a delusion and doesn't exist.

>> No.2782836

Hollywood should release a Tsukihime movie (set in in the UK or US with Western names) which focuses entirely on the Sacchin story (with Shiki killing her in the alley as the end), and just use the school and Akiha scenes as filler.

With the stuff over the Twilight films, it's almost guaranteed to go blockbuster.

>> No.2782852


(╬ ಠ 益 ಠ)

>> No.2782858

Oh God no.

>> No.2782865
File: 102 KB, 400x576, 1223981291208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2782871

better idea. watch a fap-pire movie instead.


>> No.2782875

Well played.
