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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 208 KB, 1280x720, 4264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27376099 No.27376099 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>26951017

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.27378590
File: 393 KB, 444x569, rin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So recently I finished Hakuchuumu no Aojashin and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Definitely better than expected.
However, I have some nitpicks especially right at the end. I think Yonagi's reappearance happened way too quickly and thus felt cheap. I know that quite a bit of time passed in the story, but I didn't feel it. If you go for this type of ending, at least do it properly.

Also there are some open plot threads. There was no explanation about the origin of Yonagi's power, maybe it's just a mutation, maybe it's artificial, maybe it's inherited, we don't know. I always thought that this is where her father comes in a bit more, but it didn't happen. There are some other things, but this one bothers me the most. There should've been a proper wrap-up in Yonagi's epilogue.

It's a bit of a shame, I think the writer could've done better. It feels like they ran out of time at the end.

>> No.27379626

Can't access https://www.omega-star.jp/
Anyone else?

>> No.27379652

>broken ssl cert
Looks like it's fucked for me too.

>> No.27379677

imagine being so burnt out that you play visual novels on auto mode with max text speed effectively skipping all non-voiced lines and only listening to the voices with the window on one half of the screen and browsing 4chan on the other half

>> No.27379700

It's not like you are able to read the text anyway

>> No.27379718

Just read a book or something. I alternate between a VN and a LN or two.

>> No.27379754
File: 750 KB, 1600x1131, __renge_bishoujo_mangekyou_drawn_by_bitterpain__57eadc218763ab25b13b248edd4ba472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why they decided to end the Bishoujo Mangekyou series, and also what ωstar's next series is going to be, if anything at all.

>> No.27379995

They ended it because it had to. Company is dead.

>> No.27380217

Works fine for me. Here's a fresh copy if you still can't access it.

>> No.27381458

Stop making up fake shit. The company is alive and doing well.

>> No.27381570

Their last two visual novels were a flop. It's over for wstar, Happoubi Jin is wasted on the hack writer Kichijouji Dolores.

>> No.27381617

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.27381693

It's not fake. I have insider information and we will write an article about it soon.

>> No.27381818

I hope you die a painful death

>> No.27382208

Another banger OP by ALNEAR


>> No.27384890

Another KINO OP by ALNEAR and No:R. I like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU9D_9WwLwI a bit better though.

>> No.27385038

God will punish liars. Leviticus 19:11 You shall not steal; you shall not deal falsely; you shall not lie to one another.

>> No.27385897

My favorite OP would be you committing suicide.

>> No.27386155


>> No.27386334

I think the sadest thing about modern TM is that Nasu has surrounded himself with people that refuse to call him out on his bullshit
The guy went on a long rant about how the motivation of the FGO protag has totally shifted after the latest story chapter and the first arc of part 1 is now complete and it just made me laugh at how he really thinks that way.

>> No.27386492

Does Gudao even have any motivation or personality at all?

>> No.27386519

No, he's a standard gacha self-insert non-character.

>> No.27386536

Nice points, but I don't feel like they bothered me almost as much since the story felt pretty complete even without it.. What I do complain about is the lack of music mode in a game that has this much of a godly OST.

>> No.27388828

Lol at your life, subhuman.

>> No.27388842

No, not in the game. But in Nasu's head he is somehow this very complex character when in reality he's whatever the current writer needs him to be and doesn't even have a consistent personality. Also Nasu doesn't even read the story scripts anymore before greenlighting them and has to push changes as he is playing through the released chapter on his fucking phone for some reason

>> No.27390688
File: 144 KB, 640x480, dignified lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they make her talk so weird. This is going to bother me.

>> No.27391010

>private video

>> No.27391726

I read this in Lum's voice

>> No.27392829

what game is this?

>> No.27392953

Kaseki no uta. I was actually deceived by the beginning. She's not a major character at all. Looks like it's more of a weirdo scifi story.

>> No.27396057
File: 438 KB, 1619x1619, -oqv7lh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up you shitty imposter. When I have to ruin /jp/ I'll do it myself and I don't need you. I'm tripping extra for this reason so other idiots don't post as me and troll to anyones misfortune.

Anyways, I'm still in Case01 if Aojashin and it drags a lot... just done the second H-scene, the one in teachers home. Pretty good so far I just wish he would finally confront his 元妻 while standing up for Rin.

>> No.27396795

Rude! No one here or "there" likes "Hata", no matter if real or impostor. Fuck off and kys.

>> No.27397617
File: 846 KB, 1920x1080, ハミダシクリエイティブ_-_Ver1.00_『本場の酢醤油』_2020-10-08_12-26-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you don't put calendars in the background. Her calendar is July 2020, even though it's already August in the game.

>> No.27397667

There are still 2019 calendars hanging where I work.

>> No.27397704

I've forgotten to change the calendar for multiple weeks before. Doesn't seem unusual to me.

>> No.27397715

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA my autism. Game ruined.

>> No.27397781

I will report back when it's September in the game.

>> No.27397888

Fuck off faggot

>> No.27397946

Heh, fair point.

>> No.27398071
File: 24 KB, 1358x134, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello guys can you help me with translating this line cause my software can't seem to???

>> No.27398092
File: 728 KB, 2048x1297, madosoft crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> expecting something from sameface shit company

>> No.27398155

I cant stop listening to this.

>> No.27398213

Is Raspberry Cube good? Heroines look cute and some CGs make it look fun.

That's a fake. >>27396057 is the real faggot

>> No.27398239

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.27400572

In the Requiem collab event a few months ago Guda was actually showing some semblance of personality and character, and people on twitter were talking about it and praising it etc. etc. Then it turned out that only happened because the writer of the event had no experience with FGO at all and no one had double checked his work, and they released an edit during the event to change a bunch of the dialogue. It was a very amusing situation.

>> No.27401933

Yeah, but the changed dialogue had nothing to do with Guda and was about the Servants that he portrayed wrongly. That and just adding more stuff to the prologue.

Honestly, the only thing that really stood out was "not making the guy with memory problems talk about forgetting someone while he waits for them".

>> No.27402833

Can't beat the first one.

>> No.27404110
File: 46 KB, 722x131, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did they make her talk so weird.
But anon, that's the best part.

>> No.27404698

I want to play some old eushully games because I never played even a single eushullyge released before kamidori. I'm thinking of starting "Mine Fukaki Se ni Tayutau Uta"

>> No.27409323

jesus christ

>> No.27410982
File: 336 KB, 800x600, mamalove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any VN with authentic dialects?

>> No.27411145

>The guy went on a long rant about how the motivation of the FGO protag has totally shifted after the latest story chapter and the first arc of part 1 is now complete and it just made me laugh at how he really thinks that way
Maybe that's what he really thinks is happening during the story and just didn't write it out, which of course makes him retarded

>> No.27411321
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, 相州戦神館學園_八命陣 (90).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

karuma's got me digging hiroshima-ben which i don't typically hear
the only other time i can think of hearing it is when i played yakuza 6

>> No.27413975

fortissimo used kansai-ben

>> No.27414793
File: 474 KB, 1600x900, plus minus wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Kyouko and Tomoe. Any of the other girls worth playing? I'm thinking of doing Mei's route but don't want to waste my time if it's no good.

>> No.27417937

Do you want to fuck the girl? Then do her route.

>> No.27418585

oh no retarded moebuta-kun can't even decide without 4chan help whenever he wants to fuck a girl or not, just look at this looser ahahaha

>> No.27420166

Just checked and is still a public video.

>> No.27421360

Geez man. If I wanted sex I would just play Bitch Gakuen for the 3rd time. I just wanted to know if Mei's route is any good.

>> No.27421723

Just ignore the buzzword using shitposter.

>> No.27427814

I liked Aisa's route. Energetic spastics are my favourite.

>> No.27427991
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, u6HPsH69gy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I roll lads.

>> No.27428316

Yeah, it's back now. Was initially public, then private, now back to public. Bizarre.

>> No.27428425

It might me focused on comedy but it's still a moege, if you like the heroine and want to see more of her play the route, if not drop it.
What is even the basis for a "good route" in a game like this? There's no story, if you liked the humor and character interactions in the other routes then might as well try the rest, it's going to be more of the same.

>> No.27430721

I just want KKK, man

>> No.27430913

? It released like 6 years ago?

>> No.27430931

Fair enough but there are characters and routes in moege that drop the ball pretty hard. There's also times there are special moments between characters that are fantastic despite being in moege.

>> No.27430972

Don't worry, it's in Japanese so it's not like the feds will think you're importing klansman material.

>> No.27431509
File: 328 KB, 1280x720, 78294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could any self-respecting kurokami fetishist play this kusoge when one of the has dark blue hair, second one purple hair, and third one dark green hair. There's only one heroine with black hair. inb4 retarded post about the patch. The patch is only for tachie.

>> No.27431581

What the heck. Were the developers all colorblind? That's nowhere near dark enough.

>> No.27433707
File: 113 KB, 640x480, I'm not a furry but...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she has some H

>> No.27433978

What level of Japanese skill did you guys have when you started playing untranslated VNs? Even being able to pass N2 sample questions reading anything in Japanese feels so hard.

>> No.27434118

That's because the vocab used is very different from jlpt questions. You should be fine on the grammar side, but you should accept that you will be adding 50+ words a day into your mining deck.

>> No.27434439

Also, here's a site so you know what's easy reading:

>> No.27434815
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, 神咒神威神楽 (132).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 years
more like almost a decade ago bro...

>> No.27434824

Lol at your life, EOP.

>> No.27434898

See, you went too hard the other way. Normally you have autists that only read some shit and then pretend they know Japanese.

You didn't do enough actual reading.

>> No.27435209

>can read autistic chuuni ramblings no problem
>can't hold a normal conversation
In my defense, I can't hold a conversation well in english either.

>> No.27435334

Who said the quoted part?

>> No.27435790

Can you converse about autistic chuuni eroge though?

>> No.27435918


>> No.27438417

oh no, retarded moebuta from 4chan is even worse than a fucking eop and can't just fucking read it without asking a question
oh no oh no
god i hate fucking moebutas

>> No.27438888
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, 133013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the first chapter of 絶対女帝都市 today. The gameplay is atrociously simple and boring. It's literally just making your stats higher by beating random enemies on nodes and controlpoints on a map, each enemy killed highers your stats and the bosses have a high statnumber you must overtake so you win.

The subject matter of the game is femdom and it delivers in that area. The girls are attractive, menacing and cute and the leader of the villain group the Nightmare Ravens looks like a carbon copy of AgKs Esdeath. I'm wondering how the game continues, the first HScene was great, it was a footjob while the penis is caught with the whip and naked men are hung up on crosses and whipped. Good combination of my sadist fetishes. Obviously I would never self insert in the maso cuck.

The lack of good music drags down the game so far, the only good track is a Slap Bass Solo.

>> No.27439122
File: 342 KB, 1980x944, parser brrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> jplt meme

>> No.27439359

Im studying for the JLPT N2 right now.

>> No.27439461
File: 682 KB, 893x440, MgW9XK9PTe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....and yes, it gets a loooot easier, just with that level, to read VN. Im reading モノノ系彼女 right now.

>> No.27440126

I never read anything and only learned for jplt, after passing N1 i just went and read muramasa kkk senshinkan mareni without any texthookers!

>> No.27441152

That's racist as fuck

>> No.27441195

Why are you learning based on jlpt curriculum, retard?

>> No.27442090

You learned Japanese just to read overrated kusoge?

>> No.27445949

I don't have a target why I learned Japanese. Probably just because picking anything you want when you want it and just start reading it is a good feeling to have. Learning a language to read something specific like Muramasa with is cringe. Japanese is a tool that opens mamy doors entertainment as careerwise or just to proliferate your own ego. It's in your hand. Run wild.

>> No.27446101

The gameplay isn't even worth being called gameplay. And as for the tone of future h-scenes, generally each heroine has one femdomish scene then it's all maledom from there. Plus some rape bad ends.

>> No.27446110
File: 513 KB, 1280x720, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is biman 4 in this bad meme?

>> No.27446536

That sucks, the Herencia games I played (Prison Queendom, Kangoku Joou, Kangoku Hime) all were full on through femdom, going to some pretty nasty places. I'll probably only continue slowly with the game then.

I recently decided I'll test multiple of the eroge that amassed over the years and play them but I'm unsure if I will finish them when they don't appeal to me. Should be fair.

>> No.27446867

> overrated kusoge
fuck off eop

>> No.27447639

Maybe he's not a fat American Ungeziefer and has some use for JLPT certification?

Or he reads /r/learnjapanese too much, fair enough.

>> No.27447654

You're not even human though.

>> No.27447733
File: 191 KB, 800x600, ev5003b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you.

>> No.27448232

> subashit

>> No.27448330

That's just how it goes. The blondie game also only had 2 actually blonde girls. Two were fake blonde and the rest weren't blonde to begin with.

Dunno how you can have much of a black hair fetish though, given how common that is anyway. Just play Kara no Shoujo or something. I suppose moege try to be colorful, usually, but if you go away from that, there should be some games that try to do the "realistic hair colors" look.

>> No.27450217

Only EOPs talk like you. You ain't fooling no one

>> No.27450480

Only eops referencing to kamige they can't read as "overrated kusoge", you clearly didn't read them or you just a fucking retarded hipster.

>> No.27450920

Seethe more, retarded EOP. You haven't even read them and you think they are kamige because muh moogy and kastel and other ecelebs said so

>> No.27450956

Nice going, my eop-hipster sweetie.
Go read them first, retard.

>> No.27451666

>Noooo you're an EOP if you don't like moogy approved kamige
Just stop this cringe already

>> No.27451719

It's not really hipster thing to hate muramasa. It's a very polarising VN

>> No.27457317
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, cs2_dkvI26Vr5O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Arishima-sensei, you don't even live alone!"

Shit bros, our affair got busted.

>> No.27457633

Sure, eop-kun

>> No.27460444

Where can I find Dies Irae Acta est Fabula? I can't find it.

>> No.27460988

AB, sweetie

>> No.27461285

It's literally on anime sharing you fucking faggot

>> No.27461348

Dead links.

>> No.27461477

I find it really hard to believe that not a single person is seeding a famous game like this.

>> No.27461568

no one needs clearly inferior jp shitty ver when tled ver exists, just go dl en ver and read it lmao you're gonna find it easily

>> No.27461806
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, cs2_1bA164pCQ8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the first case of Hakuchuumu no Aojashin. That was a rollercoaster... and it ended on a life-shattering note.

>> No.27462558

you are wrong.

>> No.27463033

>The subject matter of the game is femdom and it delivers in that area.

When I started playing I expected it to be a Kukkoro game, but most of the CG's are vanilla or exhibitionism. Besides the first CG there is some loli femdom and the jotei herself also has some scenes that you might file under femdom, but calling it a femdom game is a big stretch. It's pretty much in line with Astronauts previous works. If you just want to see femdom you should read the chapter where rozelica first appears and call it a day. The different chapters are mostly self contained so you aren't really missing anything if you skip to it.

Personally the best part of the game is the 女帝 herself. In almost every Astronaut game the main villian's CG's don't deliver on all of the setup but this time they nailed it. Shame they fucked it up again in Molester terminus.

How long dit it take you?

>> No.27463053

I think there should be a link in the archive.

>> No.27464285

>How long dit it take you?
30 hours? I'm a bit slow. I finished the first route a week ago and then found out it wasn't the end of the route. Oopsies can happen to the best :smug:

I really liked Case01 though. So far it's a masterpiece and the most life-changing kamige since Musicus.

>> No.27468599

Any recent (2015 or above) non-nukige game that features Yakuza as a theme or at least as a side plot? I've been itching to play more yakuza themed game after finishing the entire yakuza series.

>> No.27468703

Noratoto 2 Nobuchina route.

>> No.27468905
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, cs2_LAe9RY2KGQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so thats the drama he is writing. Fuck, I don' have it in my fresh memory anymore. It's about some guy who feigns madness right?

>> No.27469038

Wow, so I have an imposter here that automatically reposts my stuff I post in /vn/. Great.
But yeah, that Hamlet monologue was pretty cool.

"Hamlet, you must carry my wrath and become madness" or smth like that.

>> No.27469118

Fuck off and kill yourself

>> No.27469348

Can we just report the moebuta/eop spammers? They add nothing to the thread and just lower the discussion quality and their efforts to get rid of moege or whatever their goal is hasn't worked in 12 years and never will.

>> No.27469747

>Evangelion Rebuilds
>FFVII Remake
>Higurashi (2020)
With this trend of remakes being secret sequels, do you guys think the Tsui no Sora Remake is going to follow suit?

>> No.27469807

>their efforts to get rid of moege or whatever their goal is
Do you even know what moebuta are, retard-kun?

>> No.27469832

Anno really is the greatest trendsetter of our generation

>> No.27469943

He meant "moebuta spammers "people like >>27438417, same posting style as >>27450920 so really it's like one dedicated shitposter that needs to get banned.

>> No.27471109

No one has to get banned just because you don't like them. Just like you like your retarded serotonin injections, people can also hate them. No one's trying to get rid of moege.

>> No.27471215

>No one's trying to get rid of moege
>>27247911 hate whatever you want but telling people to fuck off because they're talking about something you don't like is retarded.

>> No.27472206

Then grow a thicker skin and learn to ignore people like that when you post your screenshots instead of talking about the quality of the discussion being lowered as if it was high at any point in time.

>> No.27472394

The problem is, and the reason I brought it up, is because it adds nothing and starts arguments.

>> No.27473175

Oh that. Yeah there's one persistent guy who always spams "moebuta moebuta." He's also in the EOP general. Sometimes he disappears for weeks. I think he may be the same retard who spammed Totono over there some time ago. That guy hates moe and has generally the same attitude as the "moebuta" spammer. I don't see those posts anymore so I ignore him.

>> No.27474090

Speaking of kurokami fetishist
where that Oni-uta artsit? I miss him.

>> No.27474333

Black hair is hot as fuck with the right design. I don't know how you could pull off an entire game of it though.

>> No.27477527
File: 57 KB, 601x557, Ej13D9aXkAAQ6M8.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Kurokami hours.

>> No.27477934

Like https://vndb.org/v23258/chars#chars

>> No.27478041

Alright, this looks like a kamige.

>> No.27478930


New Key kinetic novel in the works.

>> No.27479096
File: 393 KB, 1280x720, 20201010_042938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the first case of Hakuchuumu today and went right into the second one. I have to admit what the hell was that ending in the first case, I absolutely didn't expect it to end there and without ... closure? I was actually waiting he whole case for a confrontation between Rin and Arishimas Ex-wife and somewhat of a standoff but Arishima just ran away when he was with her in the book store.

Generally the first case was a total rollercoaster of emotions. It had both hot and heartfelt moments but also made me sit with all fingernails stabbed into my chair how it would go on. The atmosphere in Hatano Shuhous study was so eerie and I expected everything to happen and scare but the truly terrifying part was Arishimas reaction to the diary and how obsessed he became. The descriptions in this part actually were kind of ugly.

I kinda wish their affair wouldve ended happier but all the dates and the exchanges with her at either homes evoked great feelings of comfort in me. Amplified by Rins calm and collected voice.

The second H scene is actually very kinky in context but I wish she went a little further with it. Generally has the first case a lack in hscenes, just two and the rest is offscreen or just in text transition.

>> No.27479139


>> No.27479811

Boring all-age kusoge with overused please make me cry plot. Key is trash now.

>> No.27481846

keep seething, fucking moebuta
oh no, moebuta at it again
if you can't fuck your generic cloned girls, then it's bad by default?

>> No.27482272

That's not me, schizo.

>> No.27482312

it's okay, moebuta, do not resist

>> No.27482395

I know "keyaids" is a meme but surely not all the girls in every keyge is terminally ill.

>> No.27483073

They aren't. But it still shows up commonly enough to be associated with them.

>> No.27483968
File: 56 KB, 500x600, TIN_OT10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /jp/. I was browsing some old CDs when I found these couple of really old images from a long dead site.

Rest in peace, ELF.

>> No.27483997
File: 64 KB, 640x480, TIN_OT11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27484043


>> No.27484051
File: 37 KB, 500x584, tama_maho01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27484116
File: 43 KB, 400x523, jintoniku-reico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all for now. I'll go be an おっさん somewhere else.

>> No.27485483

They rely a lot on keyaids tho

>> No.27488010

No H no read

>> No.27488235

fuck off moebuta

>> No.27488276

Reading something without H is basically NTR so it makes sense that plotcucks like it.

>> No.27488297

just fuck off already, fucking coomer retard

>> No.27489602

Fuck off, dead libido cuck.

>> No.27493482

can i read marutoges if i'm an N5?

>> No.27493953

You can watch Miru Tights!

>> No.27499097

Anyone know where I can find 隣人 -Neighbor- I've been sitting on the nyaa torrent for 1 hour with 0% progress.

>> No.27499211

>1 hour with 0% progress.
That's nothing. Wait a few weeks and see what happens. Well maybe there's a DDL somewhere.

>> No.27499333

AB, sweetie

>> No.27499808

Can't find it on google. How many other places are there besides nyaa?

>> No.27500054

nyaa, tokyotosho, AB, F95zone, anime-sharing. There is really enough if you wanna be a pirate guy, but you could also just buy the game, its really not that high of a pricetag.

>> No.27500771

I'm looking for ユーマを抱きしめて
隣人 -Neighbor- (besides nya)
Angel Halo −エンジェル・ハイロウ− and having no luck. Those links don't them on there. I am in despair.

>> No.27501118

are there any good VNs where you're a straight protag but you have the option to fuck a twink/trap?

>> No.27502125

Suit yourself, faggot.

>> No.27502252

so you want a game without a straight protag

>> No.27503564

Close enough?

>> No.27503938

speaking of Clock-Up, is Dead Days any good?

>> No.27503975


>> No.27504232

how much non-mc sex stuff is there?

>> No.27504469
File: 406 KB, 800x500, sample01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flawed. It's basically a shitty death game where the characters have to commit a crime and then get horny from the adrenaline of murder and then fuck. Paired with trying to uncover the reasons why they died and how. Between rounds everyone gets instructions via phone and a weapon of choice to commit a murder in the allotted time - when they manage to kill someone the timers stop and they proceed a round.

The characters themselves aren't really intriguing either, though their designs are pretty good. You have Harley-Quinn like Gyaru, an unhappy mother, you yourself who died because he got fooled by a friend, and Gakuto from prison school. All are shady characters whose motivations why they are in the death game are unclear and there is also an underlying whodunnit who might be a traitor and relaying information. Sadly the game doesn't do much with it.

The sex is also not as wild as you expect it to be. The closest "fucked up" scene you will get later in a H-Scene with a character whose role I don't want to spoil yet. She fits the yandere trope though and feels like a yuno gasai ripoff down to her poses.You'll have a bit of rape here and there, consensual sex because the adrenaline forces them to bonk, quite a bit of 青姦 and reverse rape.

As a death game looking for guro there are better titles but Dead Days can never match the likes of Euphoria or Maggot Baits.

>> No.27504476

Bunny Paradise
you fuck Miria's twin brother in a 3 way

Happiness Re:Lucks
MC finally gives in and fucks Jun

Muriyari!? Otome Days
MC is a forced trap because his friends are trying to make him an idol. He discovers that his rival is also a trap. There's a side story where he fucks him

>> No.27504594

A good thing I can say about Dead Days is that the death game is happening in public and the real world, not an alternate dimension plain. The game makes clear that the happenings and murders the characters commit corrupt their character and also have repercussions on their sanity and how save they feel in real life. Protagonist for example becomes more and more abusive towards his childhood friend who is just out to help him. He outright rejects her because he can't deal with his problems and became much more jaded in the process

It was cool to see how the death game basically integrates itself in their daily lives like it is a common occurance and chore to do. It reminded me of that shitty Darwins Game anime that recently ran last year.

>> No.27504705


>> No.27506373

Bura bura.
About a bunch of whores trying to get in the way of a guy and his trap.

>> No.27507081
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>> No.27510159


>> No.27510264
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>> No.27512508

I'm playing IxShe Tell untranslated, mainly using it as material for japanese reading comprehension since the plot seems easy enough to follow. I just want to know, do any of the non main girls actually have sub routes attached to them?

>> No.27513756

You already asked that on /vn/ and got an answer.

>> No.27514339

Learn what 攻略 means and use it to search for questions like that.

>> No.27514628

Follow the 攻略 Guide on Seiya-seiga. https://seiya-saiga.com/

>> No.27518720
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>> No.27521070

Don't write about vns ever again, untermensch.

>> No.27530250
File: 909 KB, 1920x1080, ハミダシクリエイティブ_-_Ver1.00_『月が綺麗ですね』_2020-10-11_03-28-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end we truly were the ハミダシクリエイティブ(™)

>> No.27530683
File: 1.25 MB, 925x1001, ハミダシクリエイティブ_-_Ver1.00_『大貧民負けてマジギレ』hamidashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spoilers bro I'm not that far yet

>> No.27534675

You are slow as fuck. This is my third route and they namedropped the title in every route so far.

>> No.27534694

What does this say?
"You came into everyone (nakadashi) or so i heard?"

>> No.27534770

Daily lecture for the EOPs who should be in their own thread I guess.
>I was ostracized from the group of ostracized people. Are you sure you want to accept me?

>> No.27534830

Damn bro that's very deep

>> No.27534999

Followed up by prostate massage

>> No.27535052

Your message literally just changed my life

>> No.27535114

No need to thank me; thank Madosoft instead.

>> No.27535139

domo aritaou gozaimasu, mazosoft-dono

>> No.27535150

Tweet at them and post proof.

>> No.27535938

Daiakuji has a scene that's gonna be right up your alley.

>> No.27537631

Wow, you truly raise the bar of discussion with this gripping content?

>> No.27539659

my calendar is from 2017

>> No.27539811

Actually the same for clocks. If you noticed they never have hands drawn onto them.

>> No.27539888

You don't need to reply. I already figured out based on the holidays and the previous month also having 31 days, that her calendar is in fact January 2020.

>> No.27544456

He did Oni ga Kuru. Currently he is working on some other game that's not a VN.

>> No.27545793
File: 930 KB, 1284x724, 暁の護衛トリニティCE_2020-10-05_030342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a while but I finally finished Akatsuki no Goei Trinity.

Like the first game it was enjoyable to read but the conclusion once again felt somewhat rushed and many foreshadowed or built up elements were resolved in an extremely anti-climatic way. E.g. Masaki being alive, Haku's secret, the resolution of the Restricted Zone conflict, Igarashi's ambition, Akemi's hidden grudge, Akira/Ryou's relationship, etc, etc.

This game + the FD already matches Baldr Sky's total word count without including the first game so it's surprising that Kinugasa wasn't able to conclude the story in a satisfying manner. It would appear that Kinugasa's strength lies in writing comical slice of life with a bit of conflict and mystery mixed in but he's weak at delivering an overarching message and plot twists to meet the expectations that he builds up.

Currently contemplating between reading Reminiscence or Sorceress Alive next. Any good eroge with decent plot and action that's been released in the past 5 years?

>> No.27546047


>> No.27546164

Yes that one is very kino. But he wants action so not the right thing for him. How about Silverio Trinity or Hello Lady?

>> No.27546368

>Any good eroge with decent plot and action
Rance 10

>> No.27546468

Judging from the pictures, that one has an interesting atmosphere. I'll consider it.

I typically enjoy action mixed with fantasy or sci fi like Baldr Sky/Aiyoku/Senhatou and but for some reason I don't gravitate towards things like Dies Irae, Cou, the Fate series, etc. I guess I might have a mental block for chuuni or super powers in modern day settings.

>> No.27546518

also finished it like a week ago and really wish it never started with the serious stuff

>> No.27546594

Hmm how about Bradyon Veda. That one is hard science-fiction.


>> No.27546719

Of action I have only played some mainstream ones, but I would suggest to play a 3rd eye game,Zombie no Afureta Sekai de Ore Dake ga Osowarenai or re;lord.
Nine and nukitashi I think were the best action (?) vns but I think you would know of them already.

>> No.27547080

Like another anon said, Nukitashi is a great plot and action eroge from the last 5 years.
>Currently contemplating between reading Reminiscence or Sorceress Alive next.
Haven't played Reminiscience, but Sorceress Alive definitely has some pretty nice action.

>> No.27547139

Sorceress Alive is also on my wishlist (high) but I didn't get to it yet, Someone on our server said that after you fight yourself through some mediocre and moe routes the game gets really good and the second part blows the first one out of the water. I'm excited.

>> No.27547334

Dead days is pretty good, but only action

>> No.27547445

It's alright but goes some weird places. Like there is the machine gun woman from Nemurenu that makes a return and the weird public masturbator. Probably not the action the guy is seeking for.

>> No.27547570

Hard sci fi sounds good. I'll add it high on my read list. Think I'll give Sorceress Alive and 白昼夢の青写真 a shot for a change of pace from Kinugasa. If only my reading speed in JP was faster.

>> No.27547645

Fuck off with your shitty opinion, hapa

>> No.27547661

Fuck off nigger

>> No.27547769
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, cs2_srVuSpvlPj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hakuchuumu is pretty simple to read all the way except a diffspike around Case-0 where a teacher talks about Glycolysis and something called Para-Glucose which plays a role in the worldbuilding.
Nothing chuunifags couldn't read but its specialized vocab.

>> No.27548930

Neck yourself hapa scum

>> No.27549168

Die, faggot

>> No.27550527
File: 229 KB, 1280x720, angfd_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baldr Sky
That's a pretty short game anyway. If you remove the repetition I think the entire thing is around the level of Akatsuki no Goei 1. There's is just an insane amount of copy and paste, as well as "basically the same, just with a different main heroine" stuff, plus that recap in the final route.

Length has nothing to do with finishing a story anyways. It actually gets harder, when the work gets longer. As in, genuinely longer, not padding and copy and paste. And then there's also taste.
The best VN ending I've seen was in Seisai no Resonance. The ending was very short, but managed to give a quick look at the cast, makes the story feel round and makes sure you know, the two leads are okay and go strong towards a future, whatever that may hold. I'm sure there are enough people who'd call it too short and thus unsatisfying, because you don't get to see what they actually do later on or whatever, but to me this was basically perfect. I know some people also really didn't like some of the endings of the original AnG. Can't even say I always agree. Something like drill's "ending" in the FD, okay. That was.. not good. But I never minded how blondie's route ended, as an example.

>> No.27552567

>That's a pretty short game anyway
Even if you cut it down, sky is probably 30-40 hours of text with no repetitions.

>> No.27552595

Also if you're not a scrub, you play on the hardest difficulty which will take even more time.

>> No.27553198

Yeah pretty much.
Reminiscence is more of a mystery/detective game than an action game, but the heroines are better than Sorceress Alive imo.

>> No.27553791

I just want a good, comfy moege with cute art that isn't filled with characters sperging out over vtubers or gacha. Is that too much to ask for nowadays?

>> No.27554300

where do I get 428 ~封鎖された渋谷で, nyaa has no seeds

>> No.27555051

also with the retarded way the game is coded it's not like it's actually possible for a human being to 100% avoid the repetition bullshit

>> No.27556270

Pretty sure honey*honey*honey doesn't have that.

>> No.27556363

The new release matome site which got linked here a while back is already ded http://honey58.net/

>> No.27557259

Houkago Cinderella
The new ASa Pro doesn't seem like it's going to have any of that either, and Ai Kiss 2, though it's kinda weird since two of the heroines and two side characters are real life vtubers but I don't think they bring it up in game since they're technically different versions of the same character.
That's a nukige

>> No.27559303

>That's a nukige
H only in routes and it has 3 H-scenes per route which is a lot less than most modern moege have.

>> No.27560307

If Harem Kingdom has either of those I'll play Chuunige.

>> No.27560782

>3 H-scenes per route
>For 7k yen eroge
What a letdown.

>> No.27560812

There are 3/3/3 more H-scenes in the menu.

>> No.27561574

Really? I thought it was a nukige from the set up and the aliases the seiyuu are using.
How is it?

>> No.27561793

It has pillow talk CG so it's a kamige by default. Other than that, the girls are pretty aggressive from the getgo. It's a full on deredere game with chilldhood promise, neighborhood onee-san/sensei, and a pure gyaru. Not really anything special, which is completely fine. Just look at the heroine profiles on the official site and see what's what. I found their eyes really pretty.

>> No.27562335

Nice compensation for that Marco VN it seems.
At last that black hair chick is close enough.

>> No.27563955
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, cs2_9ZeieRwFre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hakuchuumu really has some of the most adorable moments by far.

>> No.27564148

This is the No Hatas Club. Please follow the rules.

>> No.27571759

fuck off subhuman

>> No.27572827

It was just about actual story length. You can't avoid the repetition outside of skipping unread text, yes. Doesn't change how long the actual story is though.

As far as actual content goes, the first route, part of the second route, part of the third route and part of the final route is new stuff. Route 4+5 are basically the same as route 3 with a heroine swap and barely new stuff. Heck, the beginning of route 6 outright tells you that the idea was that all the routes are similar enough with minor differences. If you think about it, the game really doesn't have that much stuff. That's why I'm not a fan. It could've been a good 20-30 hour game, but that wasn't meant to be, because of this weird gimmick of repetition. Endless 8 in VN form, not quite as repetitive, but a LOT longer. The entire Reminiscence part was a fucking insult as well. 15 hours of recycled text, some of which you've seen 2 or even 3 times already, with maybe 5 new lines.

I know I know, people like the game. But damn does it explain why the industry is padding left and right without a care in the world. I would've enjoyed Baldr Sky a lot more, if it wasn't padded to this extreme extend though. The core story is quite likable, if you ask me at least. (the villains suck though, outside of Gregory)

>> No.27573447

Who would've thought that a moege could have a scene about shitting in diapers.

>> No.27573651
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, ハミダシクリエイティブ_-_Ver1.00_『そしてふりだしに戻る』hamidashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mr president of madosoft-san, we've decided to cut one of the heroine's routes, what should we do with her scenes and CGs that we've written/drawn so far?
>just throw them in the common route
stop doing this Japan

>> No.27573711

No, that's called
>>mr president of madosoft-san, we've decided to cut one of the heroine's routes, what should we do with her scenes and CGs that we've written/drawn so far?
>just throw them in the common route so retards buy the fandisk that's already in the making

>> No.27580149

The same major events all occur in the first five routes. The main difference is how Kou is involved which alters the outcome in certain cases. In Rain's route, Kou is too ignorant to do anything substantial so it feels different than the other ones (also it's the most boring route imo, poor Rain). I liked the subtle differences and gradual reveals across each route and thought it was mostly pulled off well. I can see why some people may find it too repetitive. I do agree that Reminiscence was a fucking mistake. I don't know why they forced through all that again in Dive 2. It should have been a part of Dive 1 as part of the whole "Kou remembering his past" story line.

>> No.27593580

I am very impressed by Hamabe Miu's performance. If this isn't some obscure seiyuu's alias, which EGS says that it isn't, then the voice in her first work was amazing. During long plot scenes, there's occasionally a line which she clearly had to re-do as the sound differs from the previous line, but I think that would've been fixable during sound editing.
Her moans are as exquisite as her teasing tone. Maybe she starred in a JAV before.

>> No.27594284

I haven't played Hamidashi yet but some people in a seiyuu thread on 5ch were saying she sounds like Moka Choco though apparently she also said during a stream that it was her first main role so who knows.
>Maybe she starred in a JAV before.
Are there actually any examples of JAV actresses doing eroge?

>> No.27594407

>Are there actually any examples of JAV actresses doing eroge?
Nitta Emi is the only one I know of. Unless her hardcore fans still deny the tape.

>> No.27596553

they're coping to this day my dude

>> No.27602813

I mean I'm not gonna praise baldr sky as some masterpiece, it's just "good". I honestly much prefer heart for being as focused as it is, the problem is every second game in the franchise the devs just forget everything they learned and create actual kusoge

>> No.27608546

Is there a visual novel where you get to date really cute girls but as soon as they get you alone they mug you and leave your unconscious body in a ditch?

>> No.27610763

If somebody actually gave you an example, you'd have it spoiled and the scene's emotional impact would be zero.

>> No.27616500

Feels like a general problem with the industry. Leads to everyone to try and stick to "what works" even more, but then they don't really know why it worked and mess it up. That's probably why Bringer became a thing. Heart sold well enough, so they were scurrying to get another out, and that wasn't so hot. Now Baldr is probably dead.
Eushully and others seem to have this issue as well.

>> No.27621177

Can I just skip Dies Irae and go right to KKK?
I'm kind of bored with the story so far, granted i'm still on the first route

>> No.27621374

>can I skip right to the direct sequel?

>> No.27621606

Well it's a sequel anon, so no.

>> No.27621656

i thought it was just a "sequel" in that it has a couple of references to DI

>> No.27621703

the one with a couple of references is Senshinkan

>> No.27621880

don't forget they had that fucking DMM gacha game as well that lasted for 5 months and wasn't even an action game, massive fucking hit to the IP within like 1 year

>> No.27622094

Like the other anon said, Senshinkan is the one with just a few references here and there. KKK is an actual sequel that follows one of the endings and has reoccurring characters

>> No.27623894

Another good example.

>> No.27624010

Slay the gay

>> No.27624042

This looks a little homosexual to me.

>> No.27624665

Masada claims to this day that KKK is just a what-if and not actually the canon ending for DI, which is fucking retarded considering the entire universe continuing is dependant on it happening

>> No.27625047

>Masada claims to this day
He said it once in an interview like 8 years ago
Though yeah, I don't think he'd just forget about it though. From what I understand, the canon ending for Dies Irae is Rea's ending but for the entire shinza series' canon it goes Marie > KKK. With his recent work in Avesta, it feels like he's doubling down with KKK being the "canon" for the shinza series.
But yeah, these chuuninigger writers can be really autistic sometimes, unsurprisingly.

>> No.27633263 [SPOILER] 
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Done with Yuuhi's route in AkaSaka. The tsundere part of her character is done alright I guess, thanks to her being nice to other characters, friendly enough to MC when he's not acting like an ass, and willing to give MC second chance for the for the bad first impression after he properly apologize for it. I can tolerate tsundere heroines more if they can act like this and not being an unreasonable bitch for the entire route. Two things that I don't like though, first, fuck the route's final drama, it can be easily avoided and completely unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. Two, the bloody long common route needs to be trimmed down to like 1/3 of the actual character's route, I mean like, this VN is split to 25 episodes like an anime series, and Yuuhi's actual route only goes on the last 6 or 7 episodes, including the drama. The ichaicha's payout is barely worth it. Guess I'll do the childhood friend heroine or the hidden heroine next before moving on to another title on my backlog.

>> No.27635880


>> No.27638120

If you feel like reading another good classic tsun who gets plenty of ichaicha time then 祝福の鐘の音は、桜色の風と共に is the one

>> No.27639365

he fucking bundled the prologue for his dead gacha game into DI on switch, which takes place after KKK. Its just retarded

>> No.27639455
File: 263 KB, 1484x420, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't burst out in laughter over a cheap ダジャレ in a long time, but this one completely interrupted my H enjoyment

>> No.27639613

To be fair, I don't think that was entirely his decision considering he's a grunt for light and they needed a reason to resell dies irae for the 20th time. Instead of maybe adapting Todestag Verloren into vn format, they decided to shill the gacha which is indeed extremely retarded.

>> No.27640077
File: 373 KB, 1515x621, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they fucking double down on it, even with the nametag change. How am I supposed to fap when I'm dying over here.

>> No.27644555

>Childhood friend
If you mean the tomboyish brown hair girl, don't do it. Her route is the worst imo
You should do Nagomi instead, she's fun also maybe the green hair is not bad too

>> No.27651513

Sakuretto had a reference to COVID, is the first one in eroge?
Wonder how much it's going to be showing up from now on.

>> No.27652095

Pretty good Dajare. I give it that.

>> No.27652891

Mask blowjobs are hot

>> No.27653162

If you're bored with died Irae why would you wanna read another work by the same writer

>> No.27654456

I'm predicting a coronavirus moege coming in anytime now.
MC and his class are on a school trip when it breaks out, and he's forced to quarantine alone with 3-5 cute girls - what shenanigans will ensue? From yuzusoft/madosoft/asaproject/smee

>> No.27655855

Isn't htat just Natsukuru?

>> No.27655904

damn, and I thought I was being original. At least I got something to read out of it.

>> No.27666206

That's just a red herring.

>> No.27673284
File: 170 KB, 800x600, forgotten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, added it to my backlog, I don't feel like reading another tsundere at this time.
>Her route is the worst imo
Can't say I'm surprised, childhood friend heroines often suffer from bad routes, I like her more than Nagomi or Mitsuki though, and the hidden senpai heroine reeks KEY nakige magic bullshit when I take a peek on her story, so I'll read the childhood friend's route anyway.

>> No.27677149

new Baldrhead will save the mecha genre

>> No.27678846

Giga better make fighting game than baldr.
New V.G. when?

>> No.27679790

Looks really good, Baldr battle system but with multiple playable characters like Duel Savior. Is going to be full voice including MC?

>> No.27681522

>Is going to be full voice including MC?
Why would anyone even want this?

>> No.27681834

The MC does have some sample voice lines but I don't think they've said if he's fully voiced.

>> No.27681949

you can just turn it off in settings if you don't like it, people that like it the other way around are just cucked.

>> No.27681987

You're right. I can only recall Utawarerumono where I could not turn his voice off and became gayer as a result.

>> No.27683104

Full voice MC is required for kamige

>> No.27683388

V.G. Neo ends on a sequel hook so I hope they return to it eventually, even if it's without the fighting game aspect like that one was.

>> No.27684516

Do you have the あかね色に染まる坂 Ver.1.02 patch? The official website seems to be defunct and I can't find the patch.

>> No.27686589

Use archived website

>> No.27686694

remember deep one?

>> No.27686775

As I submit this post I found out it's a fucking dmm gacha game now what the hell

>> No.27687451

I really hate Nukitashi for ruining Ayumi Sara for me. Any role that I hear her in now, I can think of nothing else but Misaki.

>> No.27687624

I always remember her as the girl from Ikenai Kozukuri 3. Aka, 'The nukige where you cuck your son by knocking up his girlfriend'.

>> No.27690763

Ooh nice, didn't know that archived downloads as well. Thanks anon

>> No.27696669

Her most popular role is a trap MC, did that not ruin her for you before?

>> No.27699545
File: 995 KB, 1920x1080, ハミダシクリエイティブ_-_Ver1.00_『かいちょうのおしごと!』_2020-10-15_14-35-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I left Hiyori for last in Hamidashi. As a hardcore jitsumaifag, her route is an absolute godsend. There's a long period of "more than siblings, less than lovers" with constant hugging, headpatting, awkward moments, and most importantly 添い寝. I can't even express how I love this leadup. When I first started the game, I thought she wouldn't be a great imouto, as MC appeared to be damedame and she as a reliable character who takes care of him. An onee-chan in the body of an imouto, if you will. I couldn't have been further from the truth. She wants to be spoiled by her Onii hard.

>> No.27717496

>thinking about reading Higurashi
is it really worth not getting to nut inside of the orange hair girl?

>> No.27718104

You will have to play the original release that has everyone looking like fucking goblins anyway, because every single re-release has retarded censorship and script changes, even the one from literally last year

>> No.27718837

are there no torrents that have the original script but with the new sprites modded in? i legit dont think i can play the game if it has those awful sprites

>> No.27719060
File: 48 KB, 755x457, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> because every single re-release has retarded censorship and script changes
not it's not, retard, you can choose yourself, pic related

>are there no torrents that have the original script but with the new sprites modded in? i legit dont think i can play the game if it has those awful sprites
have you tried to just fucking buy it, retard?
steam version has japanese in it, retard

>> No.27719202

is that a change you can make in the steam version?

>> No.27719230

You shouldn't play anything than the original unvoiced Comiket releases with R07 art anyway unless you're a huge faggot.

>> No.27719449
File: 95 KB, 640x360, higurashi_bychild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fully configurable
fuck off retard

>> No.27720021

yeah but rose gun days had other artists too

>> No.27720097

You will never be a woman.

>> No.27720137

sure, now fuck off, faggot

>> No.27720172


>> No.27720212

keep seething, sweetie

>> No.27720779

>not it's not, retard, you can choose yourself, pic related
wooooooooow a fan made mod restores content!!!. My statement is literally factually correct

>> No.27720951

No, retard.
Censorship happens because of mod adding voice acting, retard, but you can revert changes, retard.
Have you tried reading, retard?
Show your retarded statement right into your retarded ass.
Now fuck off and die.

>> No.27721038

Every retard you add diminishes your argument.

>> No.27721722

>she as a reliable character who takes care of him. An onee-chan in the body of an imouto
I love that type of imouto who takes care of their damedame onii-chan (me). Sweet imoutos are great, but tough ones are more my thing.

>> No.27724948
File: 257 KB, 1440x1080, ONScripter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely, the raw doujin soundtrack is much more important than the voices and new art. Voices and lip sync just look and feel wrong.
Anyway, the original art is plenty cute.

>> No.27725167

Onii-chan is not supposed to be damedame all the time. How am I supposed to give my imouto the big tokimeki if I'm not willing to make her feel safe and loved, even through self-sacrifice? Imoutos are to be fawned over and protected, and a weakling is not fully capable of that. The MC here is usually taken care of, but he's a やれば出来る子. When she's weakened, the only one she can open up to is Onii-chan.

>> No.27727596

But the raw doujin sountrack is mostly crappy free songs and the good ones that were actually composed made it to every single port.
And voices are 100% worth it for Higurashi, Rika-Keichi-Rena knock it out of the park every single time.

>> No.27728148

Higurashi is one of those games that I really liked but also never want to replay so I can keep those feelings of enjoyment since I'm pretty sure it's way worse on a replay. Same with F/SN and the old Key VNs.

>> No.27728355

I know it's crappy, I'm saying the crude raw feeling of the doujin soundtrack fits the game. I went in with an open mind and read the first bits of both versions, and liked the doujin version a bit more.
It's just not the same with high production values and voices. The voices take the focus away from the atmosphere of the game.

>> No.27728465

>Same with F/SN
I've reread F/SN twice and it's still god-tier every time.

>> No.27729003

For you maybe but now that I know what happens in the VN I won't have the 'what happens next' feeling driving me to get through the 20 or so hours of slog that is the build up to the third route where the VN actually begins. And I can't just reread the third route only because a big part of the reason it was enjoyable is because of the build up even if that build up was a slog. It's the kind of annoying narrative setup that only works once even if it works pretty well that one time.

>> No.27734050

As you say, retard
Rofl, can you just fuck off already with your retarded shit?
>The voices take the focus away from the atmosphere of the game.
What a retard looool, voices adds so much, just imagine retard looking at all those voiceless nipaaa, kys faggot

>> No.27739979

>The voices take the focus away from the atmosphere of the game.
What a pretentious faggot you are

>> No.27740025

are you the kind of guy who thinks tsukihime characters have voice actors because of some shitty anime and a fighting game?

>> No.27740156

Yes, I'm that kind of guy.

>> No.27740532

>muh crude PASSION
You talk like quof

>> No.27741161

/ourguys/ are announcing their new game today.

>> No.27742921

Literally who?

>> No.27743153

> tsukihime characters have voice actors
They have no voice in vn, how is this even related to higurashi, faggot?

>> No.27745015

How's the gore with the original art? Is it like in Umineko where there's just blood splats?

>> No.27747053

>trashcan moeblob shit
lol no

>> No.27747320

Who are you quoting?

>> No.27747471

the contents of that shitty game

>> No.27747524

Maybe he'll link some yaoi for you next time

>> No.27749290

The game isn't out yet though, how do you know the contents?

>> No.27750621

That's a schizo, ignore it.

Meanwhile THE cure for the faggotry has got a trial version

>> No.27751717

> That's a schizo, ignore it.
look's like a fucking eop to me

>> No.27752001 [DELETED] 


don't forget to make a new thread, it's annoying going through the archive and finding no links to the previous thread

>> No.27752095


don't forget to make a new thread, it's annoying going through the archive and finding no links to the next thread
