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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2767856 No.2767856 [Reply] [Original]

Do you use terms like kawaii and moe in public?

I do, as I'm not afraid to show my power level.

>> No.2767867

I have never uttered a weeabooism out loud and I don't plan on starting now.

>> No.2767863

You're not afraid to show that your power level is unabashedly low?

>> No.2767868

I don't, as I know the difference between "showing my power level" and "being a faggot"

>> No.2767871


>> No.2767874

Not even when you're whispering to yourself in the dark?

>> No.2767881

No. Never. Because I'm not a fuckin weaboo.

>> No.2767882
File: 10 KB, 279x291, 1243881802817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>2767868

And i even suck cock

>> No.2767889

I haven't sunk to that level of faggotry yet.

>> No.2767890


You're on /jp/.

You are a weeaboo.

>> No.2767900

I've never been in a situation where I would use words like that in real life. And I would never say kawaii. Moe is slightly more acceptable but I would still never say it in public.

>> No.2767902

I have an irl weeabro. We talk about eroge, moe and the like when we are together. Both of us have the good sense not to reveal our power levels to anybody else though.

>> No.2767908

I used the term moe talking to a group of friends accidentally once.

Luckily, either no one heard it or they forgot about it.

>> No.2767910
File: 229 KB, 800x450, 1242309450361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Moe with friends that know what it refers too

>> No.2767920
File: 177 KB, 337x404, 1234508753941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2767924

Someone in my Japanese class did.
I seriously wanted to punch him in the neck.

>> No.2767928

ur just jealous you can't find anyone else to relate to irl

>> No.2769009

I say it a bit, but its not really a word I like using because of you faggots

>> No.2769015
File: 81 KB, 500x500, 1244664840788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would I go out in public? Fuck off normies.

>> No.2769019

"moe" (萌) is nearly mainstream in Chinese youth nowadays, so yeah, sure I use it.

As for kawaii, roots in chinese etc etc so obviously yes.

>> No.2769027

This may be my lack of social experience speaking, but I can't think of any realistic situation in which I would use kawaii or moe.

>> No.2769048

When discussing the latest episode of K-ON with your irl bros. ;_;

>> No.2769075

>As for kawaii, roots in chinese etc etc so obviously yes.

What the fuck are you smoking? The pop culture definition of kawaii has minimal connection to the original expression which probably did come from China (可爱). 卡哇伊 isn't 可爱, your tones would have to be hella fucked up to pronounce 可爱 that way.

>> No.2769081

this >>2769015

gtfo normfags

>> No.2769083

I've only used "moe" when joking around with people who know what it means.

Other than that... I think anyone that tries to use any Japanese term in public is a huge faggot.

>> No.2769082


I've never heard this in conversation or on TV... Some give me a example sentence?

>> No.2769094

fuck off Chinafags

>> No.2769095

In real life /jp/ doesn't talk.

>> No.2769102

I called my brother a baka once and when I did he asked me to repeat myself because he wasn't sure what I said and then I had to explain to him it was Japanese for stupid. I regret doing it a lot.

>> No.2769105

How is that high powerlevel? if anything, that is showing the contrary.

>> No.2769107

Using cliquish terms around people that wouldn't know what you're talking about is dumb. I cringe every time I hear a shitty meme in real life.

>> No.2769110


This is true for me. I went through High School known as the guy who doesn't talk.

>> No.2769111

Real high powerlevel is showing you about it while not sounding stupid and rather the opposite.

>> No.2769114

I used to know a guy that meme spouted in real life. He pronounced "meme" as "me-me".

>> No.2769116

Oh man, missed the verb right there, sometimes when I think before writing I somehow assume I already wrote that and skip some words and letters.

>> No.2769120

Did you punch him in the face?

>> No.2769127

Proofreading, anon. Proofreading.

polite sage

>> No.2769128

I did this too. All the black kids thought I was the next Hitler and everyone else thought I was a serial killer.

>> No.2769130

No, but I imagine the shame he will feel when he realizes how long he's been pronouncing meme wrong will be a good as punishment as any.

>> No.2769132

Yeah, I'm THAT lazy you see.

>> No.2769134

I guess so

>> No.2769179

i do because i talk with japanese

>> No.2769211

I have revealed some power level in hopes of finding someone with a similar power level but that shit backfired. I met one okay guy but he isn't as diverse as me so we can only talk about anime (and he watches everything while I watch only certain things).

I spout weeaboo nihongo shit whenever my sister is around because she gets fucking pissed off every time I do.

>> No.2769239

I've done that, bit differently, and it worked.
My trick is talking to them as if they should know what I know, casually, humans instantly try to put up with the pressure. One time, a study friend gave me his usb to put some anime in it since he knew I had a huge collection, but I gave him an extra, all Touhou games, I told him I had given him the Touhou games (as if he obviously knew about them). Suddenly we were playing SWR on netplay and he loved them, he even beat my high scores ;_;.

>> No.2769256

>I have revealed some power level in hopes of finding someone with a similar power level but that shit backfired.
Same here.
I had the mistake of describing myself as an anime otaku during class once. The result isn't pretty, the prof didn't know what otaku meant and asked me to explain it and then there's a wiseass that explained that otaku means man in japanese. Then I noticed that literally the whole row of seat I'm sitting in is empty expect me.
Needless to say I dropped out of that class and enrolled in a different subject.

>> No.2769258


>> No.2769261

>I dropped out of that class and enrolled in a different subject
Just for that? such a weak anon.

>> No.2769264


One time that anime guy was selling a Mikuru figure to this other guy I've seen around. The buyer was all like, "I love Mikuru." and I was like, "Fuck your moeblob." The anime guy explained to him that I was a Nagato fan.

That shit happened to so spontaneously that it surprised me.

>> No.2769273

Where are you guys making friends at? Do you ever talk about what you fap to together? How do you bring up lolis casually?

>> No.2769293

uhhh no
I keep my friends relations as if it was a slice of life anime. You get that kind of people at universities, people majoring sciences are the most cultured and pure.
Although, i still got some friends from high school, they do lurk 4chan, not sure which boards, but judging from their stupidity it must be /b/ and such. They love CP.

>> No.2769299


Sounds like questions to be brought up in an anime-con panel.

>> No.2769301

>They love CP.
How did you find this out? How did you and they react when this was first heard?

>> No.2769316

Jesus fuck no.
It's as >>2767868 says.
My friends and family already think I'm strange, I'm not about to start saying shit like that and look like a total faggot.

>> No.2769317


I only ever meet people who browse /b/. Shit fucking sucks.

>> No.2769319

I say "that's kawaii" in a boring and indifferent kind of way, and some people I know have adopted it too.

>> No.2769333

Weak? Well yeah I was a hikkikomori for 6 months. Took a lot of effort to come out of my room. Just resumed college with no friends or acquantances whatsoever. Obviously my social skills are nonexistent.
Also my motivation for that class went to shit after that so I figured that I might as well drop it. Not really the best way to start the sem.

>> No.2769334

Well, one of them pretty much links me to every single CP and "funny" thread on 4chan, annoying sometimes. The other goes a lot to /v/ and /a/, none on /jp/, reason why I'm free to post this. How did I find out? well, we're pretty much childhood friends, CP is common topic.

>> No.2769343

Study a science, that's instant motivation for me.

>> No.2769344

But how did it come up the first time? It wasn't awkward at all? Did you guys just decide to be pedo together one day or what?

>> No.2769347

No, since I don't go outside, thus no speaking in public in the first place.

>> No.2769350

No. I have a friend I talk weeaboo shit with. But it's all interspersed between talk of school, sports and life. Like how we'll crack a joke about marimite when we sit down at a cafe and we always order tea.

>> No.2769356

I actually can't remember, I think it was just luck that everyone liked lolis, I remember only one of them was disgusted by that so we never talked about it when he was present. Even now we share our image folders and treasures.

>> No.2769361

How can I meet weeabro in real life?

>> No.2769366

Fuck off.

>> No.2769367

From /jp/? never do that, ever.
Instead, turn a friend you already have into a bro.

>> No.2769370

Fuck ON!

>> No.2769375

How do I do this?

>> No.2769385


I think you mean.....K-On!

>> No.2769387

Luck and guts.

>> No.2769395

I'm considered weird enough as it is. I don't need to try talking to people and sounding like I'm mentally handicapped.

>> No.2769400

What if I have none?

>> No.2769405

I have the perfect life for a hikkikomori.

I order groceries by a truck that brings food and shit to people when you order monthly I have a at home job and only have to go to work for presentation which almost never happens. Kids go around asking to mow my lawn and stuff every once in a while during summer. I order everything online and don't go out too stores, So, I literally never have to leave my house.

>> No.2769407

Then look for some, but it's simple. I needs to happen casually. Do you study?

>> No.2769410

What kind of job is that?

>> No.2769416

>a friend you already have
About that...

>> No.2769420

Yeah I am this guy: >>2769333>>2769256

>> No.2769429

Well, what have you thought on studying now?

>> No.2769430

/jp/ is tsundere to its self

>> No.2769436

Well I am studying Computer Science but almost everyone is an idiot that thinks programming is copying code you found on google.

>> No.2769470

>kawaii and moe
You don't have a powerlevel.

>> No.2769483

Will any of you be my friends? ;_;

>> No.2769488

Hmm, that does happen a lot.

>> No.2769492

Not a chance, unless there's a way to know you better.

>> No.2769498

We can make aim accounts and post them in this thread?

>> No.2769511


>> No.2769529

I'll have to think about it, it's not that easy.

>> No.2769552


What would that entail?

>> No.2769567

We could play games online and talk about lolis we want to bang.

>> No.2769596


Not this time, Hansen.

>> No.2769731

this thread is crazy a troll post turned cry for help. its facinating.

I also learned im a hikkikomori, thanks for that.

>> No.2769741

Want to be hikkibros? ;_;

>> No.2769753

>Do you use terms like kawaii and moe in public?

I don't go out in public.

>> No.2769767


sure bro! but really i want to stop change. I just read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hikkikomori pretty interesting but of course it has no advice..

>> No.2769791

So moe!!
