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2766869 No.2766869 [Reply] [Original]

So, who wants to tackle the mysteries in Episode 4? There was a pretty entertaining 'Krauss was the culprit' theory posted late last night. That theory had gaps in it though, like who was guarding the prisoners, why Krauss let Jessica and Kyrie talk on the phone before he killed them, how Battler died, why special care was taken of Maria... And don't even mention how Jessica knew how Battler would find her corpse (or why she thought Battler would find her corpse at all. Niggas was gettin killed left and right.), or what that 'golden thread' that 'flew through the keyhole' was (I think Kyrie was trying to pass a coded message to Battler, but he didn't get it). And it doesn't explain who the hell Battler met on the balcony. Or how he died.

>> No.2766875

What I want to know is how Kyrie called Battler before she died. The phone line should had been busy from Jessica not hanging up.

>> No.2766883
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Oh yeah, Kyrie also mentioned 'Kanon-kun's red laser'. What. Add to that that she seemed to have been attacked several times while she was on the phone. By what? A magical golden thread that came in through a nonexistent keyhole (these doors all have cylinder locks, remember?)?

>> No.2766885

Jessica not hanging up should just mean that you can hear Battler's and Kyries talk there as well.

>> No.2766891

If you're talking about the theory I posted, and I think you are, I covered plenty of those things.

>who was guarding the prisoners
The blackmailed servants
>why Krauss let Jessica talk to Battler
He has a soft spot for his only daughter
>why Kruass let Kyrie talk
He didn't let her, he forced her. He made her say all that bullshit.
>golden thread
see above

>> No.2766899
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I'm sure they have more than one line. These people are fucking rich, I doubt they'd have a single universal line.

>> No.2766904

Oops, forgot
>how Jessica knew how Battler would find her corpse
There was a gun to her head that she knew would be fired as soon as she hung up/said something wrong.

>> No.2766907

The fact that you have to actually dial to get another phone and dial a 0 to get an external line should mean that they have a pretty good telephone system on the island. An active connection between two phones should not interfere with an active connection between two other phones.

>> No.2766913

I still think the servants are behind it all. They've all been conditioned by Kinzo to carry out his insane ritual, even if he dies.

The only time it doesn't fit is in Episode 3, but in that game, I'd assume that Eva realized that they were going to kill her and she took the initiative to get them first.

>> No.2766921

Yeah. Or Jessica was forced in the same manner as Kyrie.

>> No.2766925

Theres no way to prove the whole prison scene happened. There's no way to prove anyone other than Kyrie was alive or there when Battler got that first phone call. Remember? All the others were the one who confirmed the other people were who they say they were. Since Battler only spoke to Kyrie we can only state as a fact that Kyrie was alive in the first and second phone call. Shit, even in the third phone Maria was the one who picked it up. They specifically went out their way to say that Maria was the one who answered.

>> No.2766933

I have doubts about what his motivators for letting them make the calls in the first place is. Why bother? And if he was gonna kill them anyway, why didn't they try to say something clearly? Why and how did Gohda and Kumasawa get locked back into the garden storage, and why display their corpses in such a way?

I know Krauss has a big ego and likes to swing it around, but there are limits. And why be gentle with Maria when he blew his own daughter's head off (unless we take the theory that Jessica isn't his daughter at all to heart)?

>> No.2766943

Was it ever said in red that Krauss died with the others?

>> No.2766951

>how did Gohda and Kumasawa get locked back into the garden storage
Now that's an easy one:
1. Destroy lock.
2. Open door.
3. Kill.
4. Put one key into victim's pocket.
5. Lock the door with another lock that looks the same.

>> No.2766958

Well, I do have one thought. He may have been conditioning Battler to be his alibi. But then someone else killed him, wandered off someplace, and died.

Battler found him with his head half off. The whole point of blowing half their heads off in this game was 'you can make a certain identification yet also be certain they are dead'. Which leaves only Kanon in the grey area at the end.

>> No.2766960

>Why and how did Gohda and Kumasawa get locked back into the garden storage, and why display their corpses in such a way?

Why "locked back"? There is no proof that the storage was opened again after the cousins closed it up.
They could have "hanged" themselves with the rope or were even ordered to from someone outside the window.

>> No.2766961

For Kyrie, she probably become complicate for the sake of hers or any number of others lives Krauss had in his hand. For Jessica, I think Krauss planned on keeping her alive, but she witnessed George's murder and he couldn't risk her spilling. She wouldn't divulge the truth because she doesn't want to testify against her own father, even if he has to kill her.

>> No.2766967

That was my theory- the killer came to the window, and said they needed to tie ropes around their necks, or else he'd kill the children (remember what was said in Gohda's TIPS?)... Once they did that, he(or she) had them face him and shot them both.

>> No.2766980

I'd just like to pitch in what I always say about the "mystery" of Battler's killer. If it's poison, then he can be the last one alive, but still get murdered, and it can be ANYONE. like Jessica

>> No.2766989
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>2. Open door.

>> No.2766995

Krauss used the small bombs for the massacre.

>> No.2766997

Yes, but was it confirmed when he died, and if so, who with? If not, then the OPs theory gains at least a little more feasibility; it's reasonable to assume Kanon killed him in revenge, escaped the island (fuck knows how, he can project a pink sword from his wrist), and Battler died of poison

>> No.2766999

Yeah, I've been thinking about that. Notice that Beatrice never said that "I will kill you now." She just said "I will kill you."
Therefore, my theory is that the food and drink that Battler had was poisoned by Beatrice, or whoever Beatrice really is. As for "I am here, now", it never said that Beatrice was alive. Just that she was there. Her state was not mentioned.

So yeah, it gives more strength to the Jessica = Beatrice theory.

>> No.2767001

I'm pretty sure it wasn't ever said in red that the door was never opened. If someone did say it in red, please post a screenshot of that scene instead of a retarded reaction face.

>> No.2767011

His death was confirmed with red.

>> No.2767018

He didn't have to escape the island, just find a place Battler wouldn't look. Not too hard considering Battler believes he's in the well and probably looked no further than that after wasting his energy trying to open it.

>> No.2767019

That last thing isn't true; if it really was poison then it really could have been anyone. The real evidence in that part of the story is the Beatrice on the balcony: 2nd floor instead of 3rd, blonde girl in school uniform (obscured by nighttime typhoon), etc.

>> No.2767027

No, he would; the red says Battler is the only living human.

>> No.2767032

Just what would someone do, after he is forced to stay on an island for a whole day with a suddenly disappeared murderer, who just massacred his whole family within two hours?

>> No.2767036



>> No.2767041

Well, Maria's corpse is still warm, let's have some fun

>> No.2767042

The big question I have is 'why does everyone want Battler to believe in the witch?' Considering he is the one that survives the longest in every Episode, it's not impossible to consider that things like the stakes, the order of murders, the locked rooms and the appearance of Beatrice are all done for his benefit, to get him to accept the presence of a magical murderer.

But why go through all that hassle? You could easily get another alibi from a co-conspirator. What's so special about Battler that the murderer(s) would make things more difficult for themselves just to accept witches, even seemingly rational people like Nanjo and Kyrie?

>> No.2767050

I think he meant find a place to die. The problem here is that Kanon was confirmed the first dead out of Kyrie's group, the 9th victim. Someone blew Krauss's head off, but it wasn't Kanon.

Since we know who the first 6 victims were, does that make Jessica and George the 7th and 8th victims, or Gohda and Kumasawa? Those two really could have been killed at any time.

>> No.2767051

"It feels good, but somehow, it's not the same without the moans of "uu~" every time I thrust."

>> No.2767052

>Considering he is the one that survives the longest in every Episode
Eva and Jessica survives the longest in Ep.3

>> No.2767054

If we trust the scene where meta Beatrice and piece Beatrice talk, it's pretty obvious that Beatrice's true goal the whole time was to make Battler remember his sin. When he didn't, she "lost her bet" and totally gave up.

>> No.2767061

Dammit, I thought not even /jp/ was this low.

>> No.2767062

rape every female corpse

>> No.2767065

A spell to always be friends with Mama ; ;

>> No.2767070

>Kanon was confirmed the first dead
I don't remember this. Got the red text?

>> No.2767072


Hey that's not cool buddy, being a necrophile and playing Umineko makes it hard to concentrate towards solving the mystery.

>> No.2767073

And that's how the poison got into Battler's body.

>> No.2767083


Play David Carradine games in the wardrobe?

>> No.2767084

By fun I meant solitaire, and by warm, I meant life-like texture.

>> No.2767087
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>> No.2767099

Well damn. This reduces my theory to small bombs.

>> No.2767110

Actually, we don't know how Maria died.

Could it have been poison gas? Battler would have inhaled it, and that would have killed him.

>> No.2767118


>> No.2767121

Any theories on Battler's sin?

>> No.2767140


He's incompetent.

>> No.2767149

Probably related to that broken english what Beatrice MK II was snickering from the phone, and to the reason why the culprit actually wants him to believe in the witch.

>> No.2767152

red button, sixty niggers, etc

>> No.2767154


He's a sack of doorknobs.

>> No.2767178

And that's why he's immune to the witch's magic!

>> No.2767208

It's got something to do with 20,000 NEETs.

>> No.2767210

Okay I lol'd.

>> No.2767223
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I don't get it

>> No.2767273

It's awfully predictable, but I think that the culprit is Kanon/Real Battler acting as Kinzo, using Jessica as an accomplice.
They planned to fake both Kanon and Jessica's deaths and escape with all of Kinzo's gold, using Battler as their witness to throw off investigations with a cock-and-bull story of magic and witches. However, they get drunk and have an argument, and Kanon kills Jessica with a gun in the heat of the moment. He then further damages her head (say, with an axe) to make the injuries match the original plan, and puts her in her room. Kanon then escapes the island through the harbor at Kuwadorian, where he has a small boat waiting. This means that when our Battler dies, there are indeed no other people on the island.
As to how Battler dies, I have no idea, but I would assume an accident or something else that isn't keikaku doori, since the culprit put so much effort into making Battler swallow the witch story. Maybe he stepped on a small bomb, or something.

>> No.2767287

his sin was committed six years ago
Ange was born six years ago

>> No.2767293
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>> No.2767344

But Kanon was confirmed dead in red. That's not deniable is it?

>> No.2767345
File: 57 KB, 646x505, Clipboard03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See the picture. Although you can take the red text in multiple ways.

>> No.2767354

This Real Battler/Fake Battler shit is all a giant red herring. Battler's sin is going to be something on the level of Keiichi not giving Mion the doll in Higurashi. Or, more predictably, small bombs

>> No.2767363


Maybe he drowned at sea trying to leave the island.
I don't remember the exact phrasing of the red, so this could be a fatal flaw in my reasoning.

>> No.2767364

Did Maria die AFTER the Ange/Beatrice golden land scene where she vanished with Sakutarou?

>> No.2767366

>Battler's sin is going to be something on the level of Keiichi not giving Mion the doll in Higurashi.
That's what I was thinking all the time as well.

>> No.2767369

That's a witch scene, I was always under the impression they existed outside of time. So it doesn't really matter does it?

>> No.2767371

Pretty sure it is a fatal flaw. See >>2767087 for additional info

>> No.2767381

Yeah, it is. I could handwave it by saying that he dies accidentally as well, but that's not really a good solution.

>> No.2767397
File: 118 KB, 638x1378, sixyearsagoparttwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much the only characterization trait we get from Battler "six years ago" asides from his feud with Rudolf (which we know isn't involved with the sin), and it's brought up separately in more than one episode...

>> No.2767400

But it's not far flung to imagine there might be a connection; did it ever say Maria was killed? If not, maybe that scene 'happened' and pushed this gameboard's MARIA/Maria to committing suicide to escape this plane of existence. It's symbolism, I guess; beyond Maria and Battler, there was nobody else there.

The scenes with Rosa being tortured by Maria were definately inside this Kakera, I believe.

>> No.2767414

Wait, Battler used to say random phrases in english? Just like Ange does in 1998... and didn't Beatrice do the same when she phoned him up in ep4?

>> No.2767425


So that must mean that:

1. Battler promised that he would come back.
2. He didn't
3. Shannon didn't like that. Not. One. Bit.
4. Meakashi-hen

>> No.2767428

For Ange, it could be part of her obsession with him.

>> No.2767430

Yes. That's why the Beatrice on the phone acted surprised and annoyed that Battler wasn't responding in kind, because that's probably one of the big things she remembered about how he used to be.

>> No.2767436
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>> No.2767442

Well that's some strong evidence for the fake battler theory if anything.

>> No.2767454

I think that battler is the battler who committed the sin and that he forgot, either naturally or artificially. I also believe Meta-Beatrice was the victim of the sin, and the reason she lost interest is revenge was no longer worth it due to her target not having a clue what happened. Jessica = Beato is feasible, but towards the end of ep4 Jessica fades into total obscurity.

The first slide on that screenshot where he said his mind 'froze up' is what leads me to believe that there is no other battler, and that Kanon is a nigger.

>> No.2767473

How is that strong evidence? Why on earth would someone still be doing the same childish thing they did when they were younger? He grew up.

>> No.2767474

Sounds delicious.

>> No.2767480
File: 442 KB, 633x3733, remember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and that he forgot, either naturally or artificially.

>> No.2767493

That's exactly what I think, but then again I think it in order to help out my pet Jessica is Beatrice theory, so yeah

>> No.2767495

You know, we forgot one thing about Beato that seems important to her reaction to Battler not remembering his sin.

She's a sadist. Big time. So if Battler accidentally Asumu to death, he might forget it intentionally to protect his psyche. And you know he'd be a sobbing bitch over that, which just happens to be Beato's fetish.

>> No.2767497

Just because Battler remembers something from then doesn't mean he remembers everything.

>> No.2767499
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Shannon's behind the murders.
They wouldn't put zOMG Rie at her VA unless she has a larger role in events at a later date.

That said, they did turn mai wolfu into one of despicable people in the series, so who knows.

>> No.2767505

No, I posted those screenshots because I agree. A huge deal is made here about how Battler "wants to forget" all that crap he used to say, and doesn't remember it clearly.

>> No.2767515

I thought it was Kanon that she was voicing. Or is it both? HMMMMM

I guess now I understand that Horosa stuff I've seen, now.

>> No.2767526 [DELETED] 

>Or is it both? HMMMMM
Well that is another theory. The number of people on the island might as well be less than 17 minus the murderer.

>> No.2767536

>Or is it both? HMMMMM
Well that is another theory. The number of people on the island might as well be less than 17 plus the murderer(s).

>> No.2767542


No, Kanon's voiced by someone else, I forget who.

>> No.2767552
File: 169 KB, 635x1418, sin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatrice's reaction, after Battler got done with the huge rant about Asumu and his feelings about her death.

She just wants him to remember his promise or whatever to her, dude

>> No.2767565

Question: Is there any real world location that resembles the place where Battler and Beatrice hang out all the time? Kuwadorian, perhaps?

>> No.2767566

Beatrice is Kohaku.
Battler never came back for her.

>> No.2767569

All we've seen of Kuwadorian is one room, the backyard, and the tunnel. It's certainly possible, I suppose.

>> No.2767571

You mean the place with the void-space like backround behind the windows, right?
Not from anything that we've been shown so far, I believe.

>> No.2767574

If I remember correctly, he has the same VA as Satoshi.

>> No.2767577

(Kobayashi Yu)

>> No.2767578

Have some loli Beato and Drama CD preview

>> No.2767600

Magic is real, everything actually happened the way it appears to in the story. Battler loses.

>> No.2767607

Magic is real what happens in the island is not

>> No.2767641

You can't prove that, and neither will Battler be able to in the end. Nearly every single one of his theories is complete bullshit.

>> No.2767658

Oh god, I can't believe they really call her bay-ah-toe-ree-chay. The anime is going to be so awkward.

>> No.2767708


So, what exactly is going on in this?


>> No.2767717

Goddamn it, Japan.

>> No.2767722

I'd like to make a small addendum to those that have debated on the Jessica=Beatrice topic.

At the end of Episode 3, Battler actually hypothosized that himself, saying if 'Jessica' didn't kill Nanjo, maybe she has some 'other, witch-like personality with a different name which carried out the killing'... EVAtrice sidestepped the issue, neither confirming nor denying, and instead replied that for Jessica's body, murder was impossible.

>> No.2767744

that's actually closer to the Italian pronunciation than Beatrice in english

>> No.2767755

Oh wow, thanks a lot, I had forgotten that. More evidence for Jessitrice; it just keeps piling up!

>> No.2767757

after the ???? its pretty apparent that this is the case. if it really was magic beato would actually have a chance to win.

>> No.2767760


Holy shit Ronove sounds BADASS.

>> No.2767761

I get that the loli is beatrice, but who else is supposed to be talking in that scene? Are those the voice actors for the anime?

>> No.2767762

Yeah, cuz there's plenty of Italian influences in the Japanese language, amirite?

Seriously talking, you are right. But since her name is used in an English context within the story, it seems far far too silly. Maybe if she was Italian or something OH HO FORESHADOWING?

>> No.2767763

Gaap calls Beato "Riiche" in the translation.

Also >>2767744

>> No.2767767

Also, at that time EVAtrice was in 'Flood your ass with so much red your eyes start to bleed' mode, making me think that if she COULD have denied it, she WOULD have. But that's a devils proof

>> No.2767792

If Alice is アリス, you'd think Beatrice would be ビアトリス.

>> No.2767796

In the divine comedy, written by Dante Alighieri (Italian), Beatrice guides Dante through heaven, and she represents unattainable love or something like that. Virgil also guides Dante through hell (Where Virgilia's name comes from). There actually is Italian Influence in Umineko. The magic is supposed to be western magic, but they never say it's specifically English. Also, some of the songs have Italian lyrics and whatnot.

>> No.2767811

Beatrice is not an English name. It's just the english form of Beatrix, so it's not necessarily used in an English context. It just so happens to be written as Beatrice because whenever you see it not in Japanese characters it's either been translated like that because the Japs think Engrish makes everything look better or becaue of the Witch Hunt trnalation.

>> No.2767812

Someone needs to tell Ruykishi07 that he can't just figure out the pronunciation of words by looking at a katakana table. It should have been ビアトリス.

>> No.2767813


Ah I was wondering about that.


Well, fuck.

>> No.2767827

Listening to this one: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7344318

Oh lawd Kanon's voice, I just can't feel that it fits. Everyone else works well though (HNNNNGGGG lazy Beato).

>> No.2767853

I thought the one waking up was supposed to be Siesta 410? whoever's on the other side of the door definitely calls out 410 twice. I might be wrong, but I thought Beatrice was supposed to be the loli at the end

>> No.2767866

It's a doujin drama CD.
"Official" is here. Maria and Battler are saying "Beatrice" at 4:40-.

And, check the native Italian pronunciation.

English "Beatrice" is "ベアトリス", and Italian is "ベアトリーチェ".
Umineko's Beatrice is the latter.

>> No.2767870

You mean Ange? She calls Battler Nii-san.

>> No.2767891

It's "bee" not "bay;" ビアトリス

But yeah, using the Italian pronunciation makes sense, especially with the Inferno references

>> No.2767911

It should be written as "Rice", but the translator thought English speakers would feel funny.
In Italian, it's pronounced as "Ree-chey".
For example, "voce", which means "voice" in English, is pronounced as "vou-chey".

>> No.2767944

Basically Japanese tries to call foreign names of persons(or places) with the original pronunciations.
Of course it has an accent though.

Remember Aria. Characters called their town "Neo Venezia".
English speakers tend to think that all things in the world should be called with English, but Japanese don't.

>> No.2767954


>> No.2767956

I know what you mean, but it usually is written as "ベアトリス", and sometimes is written as "ビアトリス".

>> No.2767990

What I like best about the Jessica = Beatrice theory is the awesome wincest that will take place once Battler 'resurrects the lost love' and puts Beatrice to rest.

>> No.2768003
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You all are looking into this too much. The culprit is obviously Ms. Scarlet, in the library, with the candlestick.

>> No.2768014

CLUE!? I hate that damn game so much.

>> No.2768039


>> No.2768049

Kanon isn't his real name, right? So can't we use the phrase "Kanon is dead" to mean that the cold, stoic personality we know as "Kanon" is dead, and his true self is moving on without "Kanon?" Could the "real" Kanon be a cold-blooded murderer?

>> No.2768053

I think you meant to say it was Coloniel Mustard, in the study, with the small bombs

>> No.2768071
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Kannon's real name is minature explosives.

>> No.2768101

By that line of thinking, it could be applied to anyone. 'Hideyoshi is dead' could be taken to mean just his self identity has 'died', and now he's Superman. It completly negates any deaths confirmed in red as being something so vague as to be meaningless. I really don't think so.

>> No.2768106

What should "real name" mean in this case?
When we say "real name", it means "legal" and "social" name. But witches obviously haven't been bound to our human society. We don't know what is "real name" to witches.
It means, when we start to suspect names used on the game board, it becomes impossible to speculate.

>> No.2768107

Well given what Jessica says about him needing to live life to the fullest, wondering what his real name is, etc. etc. I think it's at the very least a possibility. Kanon and Shannon are really the only ones we know have a name other than what we know them as.

>> No.2768261

Kanon is, without a doubt, the shadiest piece on the board at this time. His unknown past, emotional distance, and unconfirmed deaths in several games makes eyes be naturally draw toward him. For this very reason, I have doubts about the theories regarding him as a culprit. It's too obvious. I think that whatever the truth about Kanon is, it's not something we have thought of.

For those suspecting him however, do recall one thing- he's a scrawny little kid. Battler was able to hoist bags he could barely move with little effort. Unless that was an act, I'd say it's unlikely he could haul around dead bodies for the various twilights without an accomplice.

>> No.2768284

Kanon is actually a secret agent. You heard it here first.

>> No.2768296

I heard a theory somewhere that Kanon was consistently shady, not because he was the culprit, but because he keeps trying to investigate and deal with the culprit on his own through all of the episodes. That theory 'feels' more right to me, I have to say.

>> No.2768391

I kind of like that, it could be supported by the idea that all the people on the island were bribed by someone. Maybe his key arrived early. Its possible he IS an agent for someone, maybe the Sumaderas. Or the Ushiromiya Group, trying to find out what the hell is going on with Kinzo.

>> No.2768640


Any Japanese person would write ベアトリーチェ

>> No.2768664

I belive it. He always the first one to rush to the scene of the crime. Every time he dies it seems like he was in a confrontation with the perp.

>> No.2768772

Good point. Maybe his death and dissapearence in Episode 2 was due to him trying to question Jessica about the crime. or maybe Beatrice woke up and realized he was on to her. After he confronted her, there was a struggle, and Kanon died after injuring Jessica. Jessica moved the body out of her room, then locked herself in, and presumably died. She could have faked it though if Nanjo was a part of her scheme somehow.

>> No.2768781

The answer to everything is [spoilers]small bombs[/spoilers]

>> No.2768787

doin' it wrong

>> No.2768789
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use [spoiler] tags.

>> No.2768817

Ange wasn't born six years ago...

>> No.2768824

She was born six years before the Rokkenjima incident, but if that was Battler's sin she would be only 5 years old when it takes place, but she is six years old when it happens.

>> No.2768834

When you think about it, Umineko sort of is Clue. Being given cards or however it works is the same as seeing red text denying something. I bet Mion has a special edition Umineko clue in her collection, called Cluemineko no Naku Koro ni

>> No.2768838

If we take the fantasy scenes as meaning something, even if they aren't literally true, Kanon is the one who's always portrayed as struggling the hardest against 'Beatrice' in the end, even if he gives a lot of lip service to being 'furniture'. The whole deal with Beatrice "desecrating" him by making his body disappear makes me wonder if a killer might have decided to "get back" at Kanon for digging too deeply by deliberately setting him up to be suspicious post-mortem.

>> No.2768839

I know, but the post I'm referring to says she was BORN the year the incident happened. But, I'm pretty sure that in the end, everything was small bombs

>> No.2768842

I wish I could hate you to death right now.

>> No.2768845

I bet one of Satoko's traps is made using small bombs, get it? Or maybe Rika's sake has small bombs in it.

>> No.2768846

Um guys.

Thoughts on Shannon and Kanon knowing whats going on the whole time? Their talking about the twilights and their past deaths kind of threw me for a loop.

And it's not fucking small bombs.

>> No.2768850

I wonder. I have a feeling though that the whole incident is going to end up being one big case of Shrodinger's Cat.

>> No.2768855
File: 55 KB, 295x248, Clipboard04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2768856

They knew because small bombs small bombs small bombs small bombs small bombs small bombs

>> No.2768865
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>> No.2768868

That's a pretty interesting thought. I've been thinking that the fantasy scenes have to have at least some loose relation to the story, otherwise that's a lot of the time spent writing by Ryukishi/reading by us down the drain.
Speaking of that, who else got more than a little angry about how that gets presented? It's made to sound like it comes purely from logic, rather than physics.

>> No.2768875

George was having a stroke that whole scene, as evidenced by this face. The hole in his head is actually where the blood vessels burst out of his skull.

>> No.2768880
File: 438 KB, 755x1255, 1244665398858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That happens in the same part of the story where Kinzo, who should be dead, is throwing bunny sniper girls, goatmen and demons all over the place. Picture is how to handle these things

>> No.2768883

It was a tad annoying.
If only Battler knew about quantum mechanics. He could easily explain everything away up until the red text was introduced,
thanks to quantum mechanics being essentially magic anyway.

>> No.2768887

Kinzo did it by putting everyone into a large bomb which was filled halfway with medium bombs. He then proceeded to put small bombs into everyone's food. Which makes sense if you think back how during Ep 3, Battler found small bombs where they were. Just my theory that everything was Kinzo's green drank the whole time, but combined with small bombs

>> No.2768890
File: 33 KB, 407x559, newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Einstein doesn't exist.

>> No.2768896

Is Kinzo going to buy you a drank?

>> No.2768898

Good thing Einstein hated quantum mechanics, then, right?

>> No.2768906

Actually, that theory does make sense. Therefore, everyone could be drunk the whole time. But I still support the small bombs cat theory.

>> No.2768910

The ????? on the very last episode should be Kinzo coming to in his study, with Nanjo saying "I'm always telling you not to drink so much," and Kinzo saying "I had the most amazing vision! Let me describe it in full detail!" And then you're in the airport with Battler etc. hearing about how there's going to be a typhoon.

>> No.2768917

I think it was more of a case of "I'm too old for this shit" especially combined with the fact Einstein grew up with a stable universe.

>> No.2768918


>> No.2768927

Okay, I just finished reading all 4 for the second time, and I figured it out. Battler is small bomb's father. But Beatrice wants us to believe that she is Battler's small bomb sex slave.

>> No.2768928

I think it was part that and part "How the hell does this shit even make sense? There's a 1 in some ridiculously huge number chance that my hand will travel through a door knob? How does that even work."

>> No.2768935

Hell, they might even introduce Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle into this whole mess screwing it up even more.
"Lol no Battler, that won't work. By even seeing the crime scene you've tainted it so much that you can't even be reasonably sure what happened"

>> No.2768944

But that would conflict with smallbombingers cat theory

>> No.2768953

She never directly denied his small bombs theory. Therefore, this might, TRULY BE, because of some small fuckin bombs.

>> No.2768958

Your hand will pass through the door knob given time anyways. There are far stranger things in QM than that.

>> No.2768961

If that happens, I'm learning Japanese just so I can compose a very strongly worded letter in Japanese about it.

>> No.2768973

It's the best example I can think of currently besides virtual particles, but I'm not sure where that falls under currently.

>> No.2768975

I want to see her say in red "The following statement applies to all deaths except the first twilight in the church with the Halloween party: small bombs never cause anyone's death."

Then, at the end of the story, when the actual non-magical truth is being said in red or whatever, Ep2 first twilight can be the only thing left out/not stated decisively. NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW THE TRUTH BEHIND SMALL BOMBS

>> No.2769061

Hey, guys how else are we gonna prove Akasaka magically learning Martial Arts despite never learn it and while in a another reality he became a SUPAH BLACK BELT and Keichii magically dodging bullets and picking up Satoko and Rena and running away while also picking up tear gas to throw and the people shooting are Okonogi's trained team with Takano in Miotsukushi-hen without magic?

>> No.2769063


Um... Gods? Does that count as magic?

>> No.2769101

I thought that said "Marital Arts" and was highly disappointed when I read otherwise.

>> No.2769122

Tunneling is better. I can't pass this wall...guess I'll just teleport to the other side.

>> No.2769186

Hey, how come instead of walking around doing nothing important why didn't Battler stock up on canned food and get a gun and some of that expensive wine and hideout up in Kinzo's room. He wouldn't have died, would've had plenty of threatening calls by the killer another thing is possibly the killer attempting to shoot through the door or window with a gun or maybe even sawing their way through into the room somehow but too bad Battler also has a gun and he's damn drunk so he's not afraid to shoot. It's a Winchester with 5 live rounds or perhaps he could have taken all other live ammunition he could find for extra ammo. It even said the thing could be fired like any semi-automatic pistol today if fired properly. No one could get into the ultimate closed room. Only trick him but he won't listen to nobody when the boat comes the killer would've killed the boatmen and took off to hide then police comes to investigate and finds Battler with a a gun in his closed room he's prime suspect right then and there until he proves himself by showing off his hax theories.

>> No.2769199

'Cause he was to busy confirming the deaths and actually helping us with this case than being smart and hiding out in the forest in the forest. Actually, would attempting to run into the middle of a 10 Kilometer forest in the middle of a typhoon to hide from a killer a bad idea? Or a good one? I hear there is a big~ mansion out there..... Though, it could be a lie...

>> No.2769614

Everything can be explained with NANOMACHINES

>> No.2769708

Except he did that. Too bad that he can't hide from magic and poison.

>> No.2770821

He lost all her senses when he's drunk, so he can't even shot the gun. It would have been an epic fail.

>> No.2770830

Helping us with this case?

What the hell are you talking about?
What case?


>> No.2770835

I wouldn't put it past Kinzo to do that

>> No.2771044

At this point I wouldn't put anything past Kinzo.

>> No.2771049

May I pass through here?

>> No.2772696

I wouldn't if I were you.
