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2765499 No.2765499 [Reply] [Original]

So how are you supposed to beat that guy?

He is faster and takes like half of my HP in one hit.

>> No.2765502

What item do you have Kenshin equipped with?

>> No.2765506

I'm working on this myself. My Kenshin is only level 47 or something though, so I can only take two hits.

I would recommend using the paper that gives you a shield.

>> No.2765509

Man now that I think about it the paper would have been perfect.

Sadly I can't use it anymore because I'm using the emperor sword.

>> No.2765510

you can just reload a few times, sometimes he doesn't hit as hard and you can take 3 hits

>> No.2765512

You're a higher level. You should out damage him unless you weren't raising her stats. Raise her defense and speed, and give her a good item, like one to raise her damage or lower damage taken by a %.

>> No.2765514

If all else fails, you can always give Kenshin those last 10 levels via. the level +2 option thing when she gets to full satisfaction.

>> No.2765517

>unless you weren't raising her stats
I'm not sure if troop stats affect commander battles at all. I know for a fact that units get faster as they level, not as they gain points in speed.

>> No.2765520

Also, you could just not fight him. There are plenty of easier people, unless Xavier got to them first.

>> No.2765530

I tried equipping the sword myself, raising her strength from 8 to 9, but the damage she dealt was still exactly 100.

>> No.2765532

Yeah he got them all, the only guys left are Dokuganryu, Keikoku and Nobunaga.

I win the race if I kill him though.
He is faster and packs more punch, I think it's because those bonuses he has.

>> No.2765541

WTF? so speed stat is useless then?

>> No.2765544

I think it's level that controls it (and maybe those hidden stats).

>> No.2765546

I didn't fight Baba when I won the race playing it translated, I did fight him back when I tried to force myself to play it untranslated. His hits are almost completely random due to the bonuses. I think I was around your level, I just had to reload plenty of times. If you're getting blown away, yeah, get another level or two, but I've had times in duels where I got easily twoshot and on a reload I safely had three attacks. I am not really sure why it's that random.

>> No.2765549


The 4 paramaters matter a lot in troop battles, while levels mean nothing. In contrast, commander battles focus almost solely on level and the hidden stats they have.

>> No.2765553

Whoa! What's that game?

>> No.2765558

seriously, fuck you

>> No.2765564


Yeah sure anytime, but gimme the name first!

>> No.2765565

...It's Ranceachu!

Rance! Rance!

>> No.2765567

This looks pretty interesting. Is it translated?

>> No.2765572

When Kenshin was level 65 or 70 for me, the fight was still close a bit.

>> No.2765574


Ok, thanks!

>> No.2765606
File: 137 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mini hijack.

Is the game fucking with me? 50 search? You can only assign 5 generals, and the max stat is 9 so the maximum search points you can get is 45.

>> No.2765610

Spread it over several actions.

>> No.2765615

You can do it multiple times.

>> No.2765633

Oh. I thought that you had to clear it in one go.

>> No.2765657

How the fuck did you manage that by turn 67?

>> No.2765662

You dont.

>> No.2765680

I killed him though.

Also, is the Emperor aura any different from just telling them to surrender? Apart from the neg cost.

>> No.2765681
File: 136 KB, 816x656, two stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really that hard per-se.

>> No.2765695

Just dd it myself (after leveling up from 49 to 61).

>> No.2765703
File: 130 KB, 800x600, ALCG0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any tips? Did you do get the permits at the start?

>> No.2765708

What do permits do anyway?

>> No.2765715

Can attack areas NO MATTER WHAT (including restrictions that the storyline forces)

>> No.2765722

What's that, automatic win?

>> No.2765724

Can you control it?

>> No.2765728

The equipped commander will take random territories every turn.

It never takes the castle though.

>> No.2765749

One star difficulty, battle permits, staff of popularity, Erina and Uesugi bonus characters. And obviously the extra action fan.

Leazas reinforcements to get Maria and Leila.

Just take it easy, save often for when you screw up, like letting that Yuki whore run amok and having to fight 3 factions at the same time.

>> No.2765756

How do you vassalize states? And what do they do?
I had Tenshii has Allies and they dont do shit.

>> No.2765758

Which reinforcemenst are better? The mages are pretty kickass.
never tried the others.

>> No.2765776

I did it with Asakura so they wouldn't bother me anymore.

Iga got against me while I was struggling with the multiple Takeda attacks and the Demon army, and you don't get shit from beating them anyway.

The reinforcements are shit indeed, I always end up firing them.

tl;dr I didn't want to bother fighting them.

>> No.2765785

Maria is awesome and so is Kasumi, so get up until the second of Leazas. I normally get all of Zeth, because of Magic and her White Destruction Ray and Urza.

>> No.2765788

The cannon units kicks ass, they're like muskets but can attack from the back row and not as fragile.
Leila too with her second attack skill that deals huge damage as long as she has less troops than her enemy.
Practically only Kaname isn't that useful but thats because there's tons of special char ninjas better that already have skills.

>> No.2765790

>The reinforcements are shit indeed
Ha ha ha, oh wow. Only 2/6 are useless.

>> No.2765791

You vassalize them via asking them for surrender after declaring war.

And it doesn't do anything apart from sending you reinforcements from time to time and not having to fight them.

>> No.2765796

The Tactician has a move which cancels preperation and reduces all enemy moves by one.

Magic has her White Destruction Beam.

Rizna has her Angel Cutter.

>> No.2765804

Angel Cutter is awesome when it's time to fight the Demon Army.

>> No.2765808

Huge slowpoke here, what game is this? I can only read Sengoku Te(something)su, Google failed me.

>> No.2765809

Sengoku Rance.

>> No.2765810

Huh? I was talking about those shit troops allied countries send you.

>> No.2765813

I forgot Urza, Urza rules in dungeon/commander battles also her unique learnable skill is very useful. It attacks everyone cancelling preparation and removes one moves to each of them. Paired with Kenshin and each enemy units would 2 moves taken away from them.

>> No.2765820

Make that 3 in Kenshin route.

>> No.2765822


Oh, so that's a "Ra" and not a "Te".

Damned traditional writing.


>> No.2765824

Where is my netplay feature?

>> No.2765829

It's been a while since I played rance, but IIRC troop stats are independent from captain stats

for captains the most important thing is level

I recommend the +100 ATK sword. It guarantees you do do 100 damage even if you are underleveled.

>> No.2765831


Kanami being fucking useless is a running joke of the series

>> No.2765841

She is a good early edition due to high number of troops, but yeah.

>> No.2765842

I don't care. I hive her 1000 troops, give her the operation permit and she conquers areas for me. Nothing is wasted!

>> No.2765856

Permits make everything easy

but otherwise, Ninjas are only good for canceling Onmyouji summon spells

>> No.2765863

Rape Kanami option is bad end?

>> No.2765868

kyu kyu shuriken likes to have a word with you.

>> No.2765873

She runs away. It'd be better to finish her storyline instead. She's pretty cute when she deres.

>> No.2765895


The problem with Ninja is they do very little damage. Assassination while based on chance, is considerable better.

>> No.2765903

Tell that to an enemy Ryouma with 5000+ troops.

>> No.2765905

Since you seem to know, what the fuck was up with the guy with the scissors? It was big enough to cut her stomach, but for some reason only the clothes got cut.

Then they disappeared and she started peeing.

Was it a dream or something?

>> No.2765906

My Orime is broke?

In army battles she is a ninja and in dungeons she is a warrior.

>> No.2765910

Ryouma with Castle Seige expert and the Poison Dagger, deals insane damage to the demon army while chilling in the back row. Never got the reinforcements on my first run, or used the battle permits, the final fights were so fun that way.

>> No.2765916

If you want to know which characters are good in Boss battles just look at their level caps

In general Urza and Kenshin are very good. So is One Eyed Masamune (PUT YA GUNS ON!) but he comes very late.

In 2nd play you get more optional characters, though

>> No.2765929

you doubt the skills of ninjas.

>> No.2765930


She's weird like that. Don't worry.

>> No.2765937

They were using ninja techniques to slowly cut her clothes, then cut her in half as the final part of the ninja show, because Kanami is a rogue ninja of that area.

They disappeared because Rance and Suzume saved her in the nick of time. She pissed herself because of the relief Rance showing up gave her.

The event ended with Rance hugging her tight. DAWWWW

>> No.2765942

Do Mikos ever get better? Never really messed around with them because the healing they did was terrible, and miko storm isn't too great either.

>> No.2765943

The best character for troop battles on first play is the Kitsune

just spam her thunder


>> No.2765952


The Miko institute leader is awesome. She has a 30% damage spell towards all enemies. In higher difficulties this does massive damage.

I can't remember if she can be recruited on 1st play, though

>> No.2765953

The only good Miko is Natori. The others, not so much. But I just can't bring myself to fire Fuuka.

>> No.2765955

Front side is warrior.
Back side is ninja.

>> No.2765958

Sengoku Tennis.

>> No.2765964

Natori from Miko country is awesome.
30% out of all the enemies.
When then have more than 1200 or so later on, it's invaluable.

>> No.2765967

Fuuka is good. Give her rances heart. She will max out all her stats soon.

>> No.2765968

You can.

>> No.2765971

Speaking of ninjas, Goemon (a generic ninja) is a pain in the ass. Whenever we meet in battle he almost always ends up killing someone. Damn guy always uses assassinate first thing in battle.

>> No.2765972

Yeah, you can get her on first play.

The only ones I think you can't get on first play are Yukihime, Akihime, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the Shimazu brothers (Seeing them die is better though).

>> No.2765977

>(Seeing them die is better though)
Of course, I only meant the Shimazu bros.

>> No.2765978

had the same problem with ninjas,only used 'em for assassination (2)

orime has nice stats though,so I guess having her from the start of the game would make her decent enough as a main team back row dps

>> No.2765983

Actually she can't attack in dungeon battles from backside.

>> No.2765984

why does noone like them?I though they were really good,and would like them to come as a bonus pack for new games

>> No.2765985

When Kentarou becomes a Majin he can win troop battles by himself


Just reduce his troops to 1/1
Yes, that's right 1/1
Since he is a Majin he can never be damage by anything other than the final boss and maybe Orochi

And since he receives no casualties, the victory bar will not move.

He makes an excellent shield.

>> No.2765987

They're men.

>> No.2765995

I like having my troops get experience.

>> No.2766000
File: 471 KB, 1082x1600, 戦国ランス_213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One eye bonus + staff of popularity = YUCK YEAH.

She can`t loose.

>> No.2766001


Onmyouji are more useful

Ninja aren't very effective if the enemy has Footsoldiers protecting the row. Actually, Footsoldiers are broken, period. I can will a 5 Star game with just Footsoldiers. I can't do that with Bushi/Warriors

>> No.2766002

They make Agireda sad.

>> No.2766013

Yeah, it'd be nice if they were available as a bonus, but they're tied to the plot, so I can see why they aren't.

>> No.2766024

Are hanny units any good?

>> No.2766030


>> No.2766031

I'd recruit them just to spite them and make them accept that Rance is superior in getting women.

>> No.2766036


You can't normally recruit them, IIRC.

But as per series tradition they are completely immune to magic/onmyouji

>> No.2766038

They're immune to magic, but that doesn't really come up enough to be useful.

>> No.2766045

So in other words. It is hard to win FFA modo with them?


>> No.2766086

Not really.
They're the only faction in FFA that can produce commanders. All the others need to capture troops in battle.

>> No.2766094

is intelligence useful at all aside for foot soldiers?

>> No.2766102

I think defense against magic is determined by int

>> No.2766103

Anyone knows how to trigger a scene where the Shimazu bros get it off with Agireda?I had once seen a CG regarding that iirc...

>> No.2766128

That little prick is good. He is a good addition to my army.

>> No.2766151

I managed to captured him on our first encounter FYI he has assasinate2 just like suzume.

>> No.2766189

How can I stop Princess Slut from causing wars? 4 lands against me at turn 20 is a bit much.

>> No.2766192

For Onmyouji and mages, the damage is determined by atk or int?

>> No.2766196

Recruit her father and get him up to trust.

>> No.2766254

Can I do Kenshin route when I pic her house bonus?

>> No.2766292

Of course.

>> No.2766302

For me it the search for Yukihime command appeared when I got him up to normal.

>> No.2766321

Ah, you might be right.
I was probably thinking of that thing where he ups the level of all your provinces.

>> No.2766518

yup,you only need to get him up to trust for character clear and the NP gain

>> No.2766594

How deep do you have to go in Orochi to meet Xavier? All the way?

>> No.2766607

He went deeper with every turn.
Then suddenly BAD END

>> No.2766609

If it's the first turn of him entering the dungeon, you'll have to get to dlvl 10. He goes deeper each turn, though.

>> No.2766620

Oh, just found him after level 8.

>> No.2766680

Sprite rips where?

>> No.2766732

Who is the best archer in the game?

>> No.2766740


>> No.2766746

The archer whose name has not been translated yet; Yamamoto 56. She gets both an awesome sweeping fire attack AND an assassinate attack.
Urza is a tactician.

>> No.2766751

I fought Sekirei and he was pretty hard to beat. So if Orochi has 9999 HP, the battle should be near impossible. How do people manage it?

>> No.2766757

Hit it until it dies.

If it not dies hit it harder. Ergo level your units.

>> No.2766759

Yay 71 points!

>> No.2766761

I'd tend to say Yamamoto, but I don't use archers that much.

>> No.2766766


>> No.2766767

Hey guys OP here.

I just killed Xavier, had to use a continue though.

I have about 72 points, apart from the action fan and permits, what else should I get?

I heard about the staff of popularity but which is it? The names are cut so I can't tell what most of them are.

>> No.2766769

Urza > Any archer. Especially in a dungeon.

>> No.2766775

I use the wiki to help me figure out what's what:

>> No.2766791
File: 675 KB, 800x600, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started this today. I think I'm going to go ahead and force myself to fap to this scene.

>> No.2766805

Chaos gets reverse gangraped?

>> No.2766806


>> No.2766821

He fucks them, actually.

>> No.2766827

How? He is a sword.

>> No.2766842

He makes a magical hand and penis.

I remember he was rubbing the tits of a girl from the inside.
Do I have to do anything to unlock the staff? There are like 6 items on the wiki and the staff is 4 points, but there are only 4 on my game and they are 2 points each.

>> No.2766848


Didn't it occur to you that he is not your regular ol sword when he can fucking talk?

>> No.2766851

I think you have to find them in a game first.

>> No.2766857
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Is it possible to scroll this list?

>> No.2766859

I'm more interested in the female swords special features.

>> No.2766865


And here I thought it was a bonus only item.

The wiki says I have to refrain from fighting any battles for 25 turns, is that even possible?

>> No.2766908

I did it after beating Xavier in the temple.
I had conquered almost everything but One Eyed and the Faggot Brothers, so I just racked up money, imposed levies, did extra dungeons and racked up character clears, along with collecting bonuses.

>> No.2766914

It's currently bugged, and it definitely shouldn't look like that at all.

>> No.2766917

Are even more bonus points something I should desperately want?I already have 59 points and I pretty much get any bonus I need at the start of each game.

>> No.2766920

hAhAhAAhAahhA fAgGEEts

gO bBAcK tO sdHiThoU

>> No.2766924

You can start a new game and just pay that house's fine for 25 turns without anyone declaring war.

>> No.2766939

But it shows the right stats

>> No.2766946

Can you fuck that bitch? She suddenly disappeared after you win the emperor race.

>> No.2766948
File: 133 KB, 816x656, Family bonuses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can unlock house bonuses with will give you all the characters from that particular house, which is nice.

That being said, I kinda like capturing them myself, so I've refrained from using them so far. You definitely need them for 5-star difficulty, though.

>> No.2766950

I find it very easy to get that staff from the dungeons.

>> No.2766979


I was doing this and the game freezed at turn 19.

>> No.2766991

Load the autosave.

>> No.2767010

Yeah just did and got the stave.

Who would be a good candidate? I was thinking of giving it to the musketeer girl, but there is probably a better option.

>> No.2767021


>> No.2767030


>> No.2767043

Put it on Niwa Nagahide for EPICK captures.

>> No.2767053


That guy managed to be fairly useful for the whole game, even though I didn't upgrade him at all.

The spearman died early on though.

>> No.2767112

If he teakes half of your HP, it should be pretty easy.
1/2=1 (0,5 is rounded to 1)

>> No.2767122

what is this i dont even

>> No.2767134

About those bonuses..

I got the "Additional Character" one, which supposedly gives me Shizuka and some guy, but they didn't show up at all.

What happened?

>> No.2767145

There's an event, I forget where it is, one of the south-middle countries. He's a ninja, and he's fairly awesome, though he's not really worth 20 points.

>> No.2767169

I'm pretty sure he appears along with reinforcements.

>> No.2767184

Anyone got any tips on captain battles?

Troop battles are fine, I'v e got them figured out, but captain fights I can't get the hang of them at all, and I keep getting utterly wiped out at Honnouji.

>> No.2767216

Shizuka appears along with Maria.
Gekko, on the other hand, never came to me.

>> No.2767245

Don't try to kill all the enemies, as long as you keep your battle rating to the right of the arrow at the top of the screen when the time is up, you'll win the fight. Some units move that bar more than others when they are hurt, so try to focus on those (musqueteers, for example). Likewise, use foot soldiers and such to avoid losing too much units.
Also, Natori hax.

>> No.2767251

What matters most is the level.
So here are some tips.
One, anyone BELOW 30-34, have him use his strongest attack right away and be slaughtered.
When you reach a decent party that includes Rance and Sill and possibly Himiko(she can restore 2 action points in cost of 2 of her own), attack till Rance runs out of moves.
Use Sill to Restore Rance and he can re-use the Rance Attack(ultimate attack).
Then Himiko can restore Sill's 2 actions. And She can heal Rance again(which also keeps him alive).
You can ideally use 9-11 Rance attacks.
Having a few party members being targets so Rance survives longer helps too.

>> No.2767252


...captain battles?

>> No.2767271

Or another strategy is to put Rance in the backrow with Natori healing him. Whenever I have Rance in the front row, he dies and nobody else can damage Xavier anymore.

>> No.2767288

That's why I save a few strong foot troopers(like Shibatsa and Senhime) and when they come out, I have them guard.
Rance should be used in this combo as the damage dealer, while others cover him, Sill heals restores movement, and Himiko restores action points.

>> No.2767290

he randomly showed up for me the first time, was an event at hara, but i didnt manage to get him the second time i did it, no idea what triggers it

>> No.2767299

Does higher troop size increase a Miko's healing?

>> No.2767301

I know this has been asked before, but what the fuck how do you get the takeda generals again, I did the assassination event but they didnt turn up at any other places? Do I need to do them before you start a certain route, or is there a certain route which you have to do them on?

>> No.2767312

I just use guard shikigamis on Rance to keep him alive.

>> No.2767324

Oh fuck, I need to sleep.

>> No.2767338
File: 113 KB, 800x600, checkforthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't skip through the other countries activities scrolling summary. Attack countries that hire the Takeda generals. It'll require a lot of waiting.

>> No.2767351

how do you get Yukihime? When I beat her house she just escape and go to fuck other people so they fight me, but even after conquering that house she doesn't join.

>> No.2767353

Is this an eroge?

>> No.2767356

Morita Ai is a good bonus character too, she has better stats than Ranmaru except for int, but comes with 5 action points.

>> No.2767358

You need to hire her dad.
After beating the house she influenced, there's an exploration command in Texas you do to get her to join.

>> No.2767368
File: 53 KB, 480x640, d74d06c3e49fe61f0dc1e84a32afee21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. Thanks anon.

>> No.2767372


I can't believe there are still people who don't know about this game.

>> No.2767376


>> No.2767379

Started a game with the Houjou house characters (Ran and Komatsu). I feel cheated, they both suck.

>> No.2767384

Sengoku Rance, by Alicesoft.
Half translated by Takajun at Yandere Translations.

>> No.2767389

Komatsu's Fanclub skill is useful. She'll end up to be the first at 1000 troops for the battle permit, probably.

>> No.2767395

I don't have anytime to sift through this thread.

Name/torrent of this game please.

Also, is it translated?

>> No.2767401

Komatsu stats aren't that good but books can fix that and Fanclub is awesome, especially with a rod of popularity.

Ran however is not that great. Elina is better.
The warrior you mean? I conquered like 3 houses with just her and Ranmaru. Magic hurts a lot but she has very good defense.

>> No.2767405

Do I have to get the bonus when starting a Second Game to get battle permits? Or can they be acquired in First Games?

>> No.2767410

>Is the Second Game bonus the only way to get them.

Corrected my misleading wording.

>> No.2767413

You get them at turn 60 by default.

>> No.2767421

See >>2767384

>> No.2767427

put rances love on komatsu, she already has a free popularity staff

>> No.2767443

So, how do they work? And what's all this about 1000 troops?

>> No.2767452

Only units with more than 1000 troops can equip them.
And they can capture areas outside your action phase (though never conquer the castle)

>> No.2767461

Put a popularity staff on her, and watch her numbers growwwwwwwwww

>> No.2767735

I got her to 5k yesterday, everyone else is at 1500-2000.

>> No.2767758

Goddamn the Shimazu siblings and thier 3000 size units are annoying

>> No.2767829
File: 109 KB, 800x600, ALCG0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hey, I got that Gekko dude from the character bonus, but what about the loli? ;_;

He showed up at a "Lighting during the day" event at Ise.

>> No.2767847

Replaying on 2 star difficulty.

Sieging castles is too hard. Any tips?

>> No.2767877

those brothers must be, united like pros

man shall heed this thing over here

>> No.2767893

Played this game's OST while driving down the freeway today. I felt like a real eroge otaku.

>> No.2767946

Delicious flat chest.

She gets an event with Katz, apparently.

>> No.2767991

But can you recruit her?

>> No.2768108

Hey, how do you get the red haired girl from Himeji? I've experienced both sex scenes but she never shows up.

>> No.2768315


A flat chest? In MY Rance?

It's more likely than you think!

>> No.2768341


learn how to tank / use footsoldiers

>> No.2768350

is there anyway to use muskets properly?

I like their attack power but being a front row only unit means they get slaughtered fairly quckly by bushi if they don't get the first hit

>> No.2769236

You mean the Nuhe Hibashi?You can only get her as a subcaptain for Kazemaru,the young lord,and only after you raise him enough to see her events and do a search for her.
