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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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27654391 No.27654391 [Reply] [Original]

How can early 2000's VN arts seem that they were drawn in MSPaint and could easily be in Adventure Quest, and yet at the same time seem they were made with such love and care put into them?

Rika's "skirt hair" is as canon for me as Arcueid's "square hair"

>> No.27655571

Some aspects were carefully mastered, while others were complete trash. Which is why, as you say, it looks both good and bad in different ways.

For example, look at the pixel-perfect quality of that lineart. You don't see lineart like that in hobbyist work. Same for the forms, they're all shaded with correct perspective, the form choices themselves (and their colors) are just terrible.

>> No.27655769

>How can early 2000's VN arts
The VNs you mentioned are doujin VNs. What you're thinking of is Doujin art, ala Touhou. And the answer is because that's how doujin is, amateurs making stuff.

>> No.27656886

deeper colors, deeper detail.
what exists today is simply more advanced than the previous versions. That and people became more skilled.

>> No.27658355
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Say something nice about nipah 2020

>> No.27658521

She's more fuckable looking

>> No.27664678

As the cool kids say today, it's called soul.

>> No.27668877
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Still got soul

>> No.27669078

She's for press mating

>> No.27669222

What are those holes in her pants for?

>> No.27670236

Looks like shit.

>> No.27670282

Easy access

>> No.27670535

Moe shit having deeper detail? What?
Is /a/ leaking out again?

>> No.27671267

Fuck off and die, subhuman homosexual.

>> No.27673152

hipjobs obviously

>> No.27674290

Seems I've nailed it on the head.

>> No.27674978

This. Only contrarians and brain dead retards will disagree.

>> No.27678692
File: 76 KB, 640x480, 1545683428337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you complaining about moe, on the god damn Jay of the Pee of all places?

>> No.27678911

That character isn't moe

>> No.27679447

>on the god damn Jay of the Pee of all places?
Please explain what you mean by this.

>> No.27684171

It honestly looks closer to the original novel's artstyle. I like it.

>> No.27699965
File: 1.03 MB, 768x576, 200901-04.57.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that character is very moe

>> No.27700931

That character is a bitch and a disgrace to catgirls.

>> No.27733945

Gap moe is a thing though.

>> No.27734638

Isn't gap moe acting a certain way when a character normally acts another way? She's always the same.

>> No.27789624

I love the art in Kanon and Air.

>> No.27789745

Air-era Key was the epitome of SOUL

>> No.27794436

She's naively honest to her feelings so she shows a lot of contrasting emotional reactions. There's also a gap between her personality and the fact that she's a helpless 10-year-old girl living in poverty who looks like a maid

>> No.27812711

Yes /a/ is leaking, you should go back

>> No.27877306

they made her too sexy

>> No.27877332

hate how they pasted on her eyes with cg

>> No.27883879

Key's early art looked so terrible because they kept using the same artist for almost anything. Planetarian was also made by Key but they used Eeji Komatsu instead and suddenly it actually looks good even though it's still from the early 2000s.

>> No.27885066

That's just how hakama are.

>> No.27892421

Disgusting savage.

>> No.27893123

This is a bad example because r07's art has barely improved.

>> No.27893176

About the series in general or just Rika? I like her older look and I really love how the characters look in serious mode.

>> No.27930225

now i'm just thinking about how funny it would be if there were higurashi characters in adventure quest

>> No.27947500

Dejiko is the QUEEN of moe
Get out of here

>> No.27947550

You should play the VN

>> No.27988327

There's a VN?

>> No.27988426


>> No.27988499

Wow, that's extremely obscure! I might read it if I can even find a download for it anywhere. Thanks anon!

>> No.27995475

What's the point of getting rid of her personality? There are already plenty of anime/game characters that are shy and quiet.

>> No.27998810

Companies tend to do that with their mascots.

>> No.27999410

I didn't know it was a common thing. Do you have any more examples?

>> No.28001221
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>> No.28056761

yes, it's a break in character.
I've never seen it but I can mostly sum it up to someone like sakaki from Azumanga Daioh screaming when a roach crawled into the classroom.
A person seen as mature, reserved, quiet, athletic, tall with an unexpected love for cats suddenly breaks character and reverts into a little girl because she saw a bug. I could easily be wrong however.

>> No.28057628
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the sad state of this board

>> No.28058643

Be nice dude.
Most people watched Higurashi 10 years ago and never knew about the VN. I know. You all shoved it in my face to play the VNs whenever I showed up.

>> No.28059035
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But they weren't and they didn't. You're cherry picking examples.

>> No.28059699

>Most people watched Higurashi 10 years ago and never knew about the VN
Speak for yourself
Now go and play VNs
This isn't the anime board

>> No.28062136

You said those exact words the last time.

>> No.28062312


>> No.28066383
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou - 03 [v0][1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.28_[2020.10.15_18.58.47].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah right I can't talk about a Higurashi SEQUEL with my /jp/mates you dumbass.

>> No.28107150

I'll say them again the next time

>> No.28110278

You're correct. You can go to /a/ for that.
>Higurashi SEQUEL
It's a remake.

>> No.28110345

And they still hold true.

>> No.28118527 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.39 MB, 1920x1080, 1603477043906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does this happen in the original series?

>> No.28128881
File: 405 KB, 1632x918, 1603495356251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you not watch the OVAs?
