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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2756232 No.2756232 [Reply] [Original]

So very, very bored.

What is /jp/ doing to pass the time? I imagine that the NEETs here are experts at alleviating boredom.

(It can't be touhou, unless you have a cure for danmaku sickness. I played touhou for four hours today and my peripheral vision is shot.)

>> No.2756237


>> No.2756238

Spectating meltan while eating cake. Somehow I doubt this is what you were looking for.

>> No.2756239

I played through Silent Hill again yesterday, read some Brass Restoration this morning, and that's all I've really done the past couple days besides come here.

>> No.2756242

Usually I'd be reading VNs but at the moment I'm not sober and not in the mood

Just listening to music, /jp/, msn

>> No.2756243

listening to GRIME MUSIC

>> No.2756244

That would require relearning, and I don't have the materials needed to digitize drawing (tablet, scanner, whatever) in the first place.
And my mouse broke.

Learning how to draw people again would be a great way to pass the time, except that it'd be an exercise in futility if I can't even use it.

>> No.2756248

Listening to music doesn't reduce boredom for me, it just gives it a pleasant soundtrack ;_;

>> No.2756249

Sitting in a corner and imagining a world where I'm happy, and I have friends, and I'm not weak, pathetic, ugly, fat, worthless shit.
I can get lost in such a world for hours.
It really hurts when they try to get me back to the real one.

>> No.2756250


>> No.2756251

Sometimes it's just background noise, but it's nice to sit back, close your eyes, and listen to some of your favourite music sometimes.

>> No.2756259

Meltan, Reading VNs, fapping. Take your pick.

>> No.2756260

Define "use it". Why not just draw for fun for yourself and at the same time improve your abilities meanwhile you get a new mouse or a scanner/tablet?

>> No.2756270

I guess that's doable.

I wonder how to go about learning how to draw? When I was a kid I learned through art classes one of the museums offered... can't exactly do that now.
Suggest a good online resource.

Sage because thinking about something seriously is making me less bored already!

>> No.2756280

draw with your HEART

>> No.2756281

go out and get drunk

>> No.2756285

go drunk and get out

>> No.2756286
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I can do that, but it looks like shit when I do.

>> No.2756292

I know what you mean ;_;

>> No.2756300

Play some piano.

>> No.2756301

You know what you should do, Jones?
Stop being such an antisocial jerk and get MSN. It won't kill you to try, believe it or not.

>> No.2756307

Get drunk. See what happens.

>> No.2756314

I just grab some really old video games and play them. Otherwise, I just put some music on and relax.

>> No.2756319

That's not what antisocial means, silly.

>> No.2756332

I'm magic the gathering with myself....

>> No.2756335

Sengoku Rance. Unless your screen is exposed to passing family members, as mine is...

>> No.2756340

You could try attention whoring on some internet community site or something.

>> No.2756342

I'll continue being an asocial jerk and not using IM, you closet normalfag.

>> No.2756345

I hear you can play that online with others.

>> No.2756348

>get drunk
It's too early to be drinking. Tonight, sure. But I can't in good conscience get drunk while it's bright and sunny outside.

I still don't see why I would want to do that.

Even if I had a piano, I have no idea how to use one. Playing a piano like a fightan game is probably not a good idea.

>> No.2756349

Well I usually read a VN, play some old PS or Snes games, browse nicodouga, browse pixiv or some Japanese BBS for new pictures to save, draw.

>> No.2756352

If you're going for it seriously, you need to learn realistic human anatomy & proportions first. This seems too much /ic/-like, but you should take a look at Loomis books. Available on /rs/.

The best way would be to take live art classes. I improved much more in half a year of taking live classes, which included some nude model drawing. You could sit in a nearby park or mall and draw the people that go by. It's relaxing and helps you improve much more than drawing a generic touhou closeup.

How eager you're to leave your room or abandon your NEET lifestyle may be

>> No.2756354

I played that in middle school. I wonder if I still have the cards in a box somewhere?
Trading card games suck because they're weighted in the favor of whoever has the most money to spend on them.

>> No.2756355

>But I can't in good conscience get drunk while it's bright and sunny outside.
But that's the best time to.

>> No.2756357


Don't you need to use Wizards software and buy online cards and shit?

>> No.2756358

>sit in a nearby park or mall
>people that go by
>It's relaxing

>> No.2756363

The first, yes, not sure about buying cards online though. I'm pretty sure there'd be a torrent for the software up somewhere.

>> No.2756368

That's what I did when I was younger.
I used to take art classes during the summers, and I was actually pretty good. I don't know why I stopped, but years of disuse mean I can't do it anymore.
I'm on a pretty tight budget now, though, so I don't think taking classes would really be an option.

>> No.2756370

1) Download a SNES emulator.
2) Don't leave your room for weeks.

>> No.2756373

And draw. Although I wouldn't be relax at all since I end up take it seriously and get annoyed by faggots looking. Sometimes asking questions like "are you an artist?" and "what school you go to?" etc.

>> No.2756375

If I let myself think like that, I'll turn into an alcoholic.
You should learn some restraint, Anonymous.

>> No.2756379

But I did that 8 years ago.

>> No.2756380
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They aren't talking to you or watching you, right? It's not a social situation, so it's relaxing.

>> No.2756382

Sitting in your house alone in the dark getting drunk is much more alcoholic-like than getting a few friends together for a barbeque and having a few drinks in the sun

>> No.2756384

Having a beer isn't the same as getting drunk.

>> No.2756388

It is in my family

>> No.2756389


>> No.2756393

You should try it sometime, reading VNs and watching anime doesn't make you some sort of social leper.

>> No.2756401

Play some Rumbling Spell Orchestra.

>> No.2756404

No, but we were all social lepers to begin with. The VNs and anime came after.

>> No.2756406

Get Team Fortress 2, play it when bored.

>> No.2756408

Oh wow.

>> No.2756415

TF2 is shit. Play some DoD:Source, or better yet some Natural Selection.

>> No.2756417

Computer is not good enough.

From what Google-sensei just taught me, this is a Japanese online card game.
Watashi wa don't know nihongo desu.

>> No.2756420

Hang out at Pooshlmer like Anonymous Jones used to.

>> No.2756421

>TF2 is shit
>Play some DoD
oh u

>> No.2756422

>Computer is not good enough.
Add to this, my mouse is broken. How are you supposed to play an FPS without a mouse?

>> No.2756425

TF2 is pretty easy to get into, relatively low skill level required not to get munched every 20 seconds at the start, hence the recommendation.

>> No.2756426

>Watashi wa don't know nihongo desu.
Learn it to pass the time then

>> No.2756427

Any of you guys play The Specialists, a mod for Half-Life?

>> No.2756431

I'm playing Sengoku Rance currently. Addictive as crack.

>> No.2756432

Posting with a tripcode on that board is counterproductive, so I just post Anon.
And no, you won't get rid of me so easily, /jp/.

>> No.2756436

I'm not learning a language with thousands of fucking logograms.

>> No.2756437

Vidya gaems.
Currently, replaying Duke Nukem 3D.

>> No.2756438

Are there any games like Sengoku Rance that aren't 18+?

>> No.2756440

It's not as hard as it looks.

>> No.2756443

I know, but it's tedious memorization and I hate tedious memorization.

>> No.2756447

I've been watching old episodes of Ghost Hunters on Dailymotion all day.

>> No.2756449

faker wee

>> No.2756450


>> No.2756453

I guarantee you probably still have some animu to watch.

>> No.2756455

Marathoned Saki this morning. Tired of anime.

>> No.2756456

All you need is to get a little bit of grammar down (Tae Kim) and you can start reading simple manga, which is pretty fun and should take your mind off the snail-slow pace you're reading at

>> No.2756460

Why would you play 3D if Duke Nukem Forever is out already and twice as good?

>> No.2756462
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You could always read SICP.

>> No.2756470

>Natural Selection
Damn. I used to play this all the time. Good times.

>> No.2756474

Mahjong. Getting my ass handed to me by nips and weeaboos each.

>> No.2756484


Okay, now watch something good.

>> No.2756499

NS2 pre-orders are open now, if you didn't know. They're planning a Fall 09 release.

>> No.2756503

Watching Kamen Rider Decade. FUCK YEAH!

>> No.2756505

Yeah I just checked their site. I'll try and wait a few weeks after it's out to see if it has the same feel to it as NS had. It had an awesome atmosphere when you played as marine. Very AVP like.

>> No.2756508

Saki was pleasant enough to watch. There's just a limit to how much anime I can watch without getting tired of it and wanting to do something else.

And learn a useless language? Why?

I'd do this if I weren't too lazy to sit down and memorize yaku.

>> No.2756530


Through the magic of the internet an entire library of books, videos and games are at your finger tips. If you can't find something to interest you then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.2756542

Anyone think Jumpgate Evolution is going to be any good?

I like the concept of EVE, but EVE itself is a massive borefest. Space combat where you determine the best orbital range? Boring.

>> No.2756638

Playing Prototype.

>> No.2756648

I either play video games, read VNs or watch anime. That's what I all do all day, every day when I'm not refreshing 4chan boards.

>> No.2756656
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reading David Busch's Nikon D60 Guide to Digital SLR Photography

>> No.2756667

I nick things from my housemate's rooms and fix them.

>> No.2756671

Tea drinking
Music listening
Anime watching
VN playing
Internet lazing

>> No.2756678

Playing video games, reading VNs, listening music. And sleeping most of the day.

>> No.2756692

6 PM, was going to sleep longer but I suddenly got an urge to fap, which threw away all sleepiness.

But besides that, I just play video game (which I mostly torrent, besides for pay to play MMOs and multiplayer games like TF2), watch movies and TV shows, read manga and watch anime, internet browsing (/jp/ included), listening to/composing music, VNs, etc.

There's tons to do as a NEET.

Polite sage for blogging.

>> No.2756698


go masturbate or something.

>> No.2756799

Good science fiction books are great if you're out of top-tier VNs to play.

>> No.2756804
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>> No.2756830

I just tried to play RO, but I failed. I guess I'll watch some anime or fail again.

>> No.2756836

What do you recommend? I'm enjoying Vernor Vinge's A Fire Upon the Deep.

>> No.2756838

Gorgeous Takarada is my herro

>> No.2756898


Fuck yeah, programming. I'm finally getting around to learning the Qt toolkit.

>> No.2756961

Yeah, Vernor Vinge is great. I highly recommend everything he's written. I'm also a fan of Dan Simmons' Hyperion series, Illium, and Olympos. Some of Isaac Asimov's work is classic and very much worth reading, and the earlier stuff by Neal Stephenson (Snow Crash, etc) is also very good.

>> No.2758119


>> No.2758288

I'm so very bored right now
Who wants to talk?

>> No.2758293

Hm... I'm game, so I'll place my bets on you.

What do you want to talk about?

>> No.2758294

anicechat.net is empty right now if any of you guys want to chat. It'll only be us there.

>> No.2758305

oh no you didn't just suggest Asimov has ever written bad books....

>> No.2758358

How was your day

>> No.2758361

Let's see... I guess you could say it was pretty standard. I spent pretty much the entire day on /jp/ and AIM.

>> No.2758367

Anything else? Games, did you go outside etc?

>> No.2758370



>> No.2758380

Well, I played some @HomeMate.

Haha, no.

>> No.2758382

Read some manga. I caught up on Berserk and KnJ today. In retrospect that seems like a weird mix.

>> No.2758399

Just woke up. Gonna play some poker to try and pay for a timid hooker some time in the future.

Ever jerk off over the moe poker avatars?

>> No.2758409

what's the source of this?

>> No.2758410

In case you haven't guessed I'm summerfag hiki.

>> No.2758412

Playing Touhou or VNs or videogame for the whole 3 months does not seem very plausible.

I could try to learn Nips, but I'd probably get tired of it real quick.

>> No.2758414

Anyone want to have a chat on AIM? Go to room "jpchat" and we'll see how fast it turns to shit. Whatever.

>> No.2758424

watching shugo chara... so kawaii<3~
playing summon night swordraft story

>> No.2758435

Ah, I was going to finish that up, but I played Mech Mercenaries all day instead.

>> No.2758447

Why not? Seems like a perfectly viable way to spend three months to me.

>> No.2758462


Since I get bored quickly, doing the same thing for almost everyday somehow doesn't cut it.

At times like these that I wish I have a real bud to hang out.

>> No.2758503


>> No.2758520

I can't find it

>> No.2758540

I don't have AIM, but there is some sort of browser based version on AOL's web sight... does anyone know how to make this thing join a chat? The only option it gives me is "create a chat".

>> No.2758556

I think you can just "create" a chat with the same name, and end up where we are.

>> No.2758571

It's a new, empty chat.

>> No.2758574

Just download pidgin. You can uninstall it later.

>> No.2758576

Bodyweight exercises, internet, games, reading about everything

Would I be a normalfag if I signed up for the gym?

>> No.2758579

You'd probably just add "fitfag" to your list of faggotries. Go for it, feels good man.

>> No.2758595

I can't find it, so I created one.

>> No.2758601

I'm a pyromaniac. I entertain myself by burning things on my kitchen floor. my house always stinks like burning plastic, not that it matters since the closest thing I have to visitors is the domino's delivery guy

>> No.2758603

get more melatonin and vitamin B6 in your diet, and sleep all the time. maybe write down your dreams.

>> No.2758605

Fuck, my finals got over two days ago but I'm already bored as hell despite having tons of anime, manga, and VNs to catch up on. I should also start playing video games again. I just can't find the motivation to do anything.

>> No.2758618

go outside
make friends
start doing drugs

worked for me, EVERYTHING is more interesting with some psychedelics

>> No.2758622

Anyone going to AnimeExpo?

>> No.2758629

Nobody wants you here, filthy hippy.

>> No.2758640


Only because I already paid for a goddamn ticket.

>> No.2758749
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>> No.2758762

Jones, what kind of a faggot are you? BAWWWWing about not having a tablet? Just fucking draw on paper, that is the only, and the best medium to learn to draw. Tablets don't do shit for people who can't draw, and even dickheads like half of /ic/ only get worse by using them. Fucking take a pen or a pencil and use paper like every normal fag in this world.
