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2753732 No.2753732 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2753741

I wish I could report forever.

>> No.2753760

Bern's in Higurashi?!

>> No.2753769


Higurashi is to Bern as Radioactive spider is to Spiderman

>> No.2753774

...A radioactive cicada bit Rika and so she turned into the WITCH OF MIRACLES?

>> No.2753777

Bern was Rika in her previous life. She even said so herself.

>> No.2753776

Wow this is so fucking cool.

And it's not obvious whatsoever.

>> No.2753788

No fucking way.

>> No.2753796


Best theory I've heard since Battler's small bombs idea.

>> No.2753806

Bern was always in there. Check her poems, duh.

by the way OP, any nico link for the OAV?

>> No.2753807

SO she died right after Higurashi?


>> No.2753811

>Bern was always in there.

No way. There is just no fucking way.

>> No.2753815


>> No.2753817 [SPOILER] 
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>LoL i troll u

>> No.2753826
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u trol me gud

>> No.2753829

Was it ever confirmed that the poet Frederica Bernkastel in Higurashi was the same Bernkastel in Umineko?

>> No.2753835
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>> No.2753839

It is confirmed in Umineko that Bern was trapped in tragic fate when she was "human".

>> No.2753841
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>> No.2753844
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>> No.2753874

Wow you people are so fucking smart.

>> No.2753881

If it was finally confirmed that Bern was Rika in her past life, what about the Lambda Delta and Miyo connection?

>> No.2753892

IIRC, there was a flavored extra text regarding Lambda, and Miyo was her pawn (lambda ranted that some people couldn't ask for a proper wish, then Miyo barged with "I want to be god!")

>> No.2753896

Frederika Bernkastel
Furude Rika


>> No.2753900

I am who I am; Frederica Bernkastel.
Furude Rika and Frederica are different. Shame on you if you thought so.
My age? I've gotten bored with it, so I've quit counting.

Huh? Are you speculating that the real identity of the Oyashiro-sama is me?
Giggle giggle. You are so insolent.
The Oyashiro-sama is the Oyashiro-sama. You want me to introduce it to you? It's rather shy.
It gets frightened easily so don't scare it, okay? However, it seems that you are the one that's scared.

Giggle giggle giggle...

>> No.2753901

except that it was also implied in umineko that Lambdadelta was already a witch when she was facing Bern, who was still human (as Rika).

Furthermore, Lambda's "memoires" confirm that Miyo is linked to Lambda, but arguably not the same entity.

>> No.2753902

Why is there such a casting overlap between Higurashi and Umineko?
Battler = Akasaka
Beatrice = Rika's Mother
Maria = Han'yuu
Krauss = Okonogi
Eva = Takano
Kanon = Satoshi

Lazy typecasting?

>> No.2753905


Okonogi = Okonogi

>> No.2753906

if they were really that lazy, they would just pick random pricks without much fame to save money.

Ryukishi helped in the casting choice, and it is clear some are totally justified (especially Miki Itou as Eva).

>> No.2753911
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Rika is holding a small bomb prototype.

Bernkastel is the culprit.

>> No.2753926

Is the fourth episode out yet?

>> No.2753929

Try TT

>> No.2753932


>[Smallbomb-Raws] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei - 04 RAW (NICO 480x270 H264 AAC)​.mp4


>> No.2753958
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Comment: the end.​ farewell, hinamizawa.​ welcome, rokkenjima.​

>> No.2753960


>> No.2753961
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My expression

>> No.2753963


The next episode was streamed online early. Somebody obviously ripped it.

>> No.2753974
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Not enough Bern in this. Fuck Studio Deen.
They'll turn Umineko into shit too.

>> No.2753992

As it has happened with all the previous ones.

Does anyone have a nico link to the new one?

>> No.2754013

Poor Battler is NEVER going to live that down.

>> No.2754018
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Whoa there.

>> No.2754021


In case any one hasn't seen the Bernkastel stuff from Higurashi.

>> No.2754022

Takano is innocent.
Rika dies because of small bombs in her wine

>> No.2754025

Ryukishi has more creative control. I'd wait for the first arc to end before passing judgment...

>> No.2754042
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"Rika's mom died due small bombs."

>> No.2754047

I'll wait for Dread of the Grave before I pass my judgement.

>> No.2754065

Repeat that in red.

"Ryukishi has more creative control"

>> No.2754080


>> No.2754103


>> No.2754107

Did they actually say Frederica's name?

>> No.2754135

Just once! and only the Bernkastel bit when Rika wakes in hospital

>> No.2754174

Endless Nine is superior. Shit makes you yell OBJECTION the moment it starts.

>> No.2754374

"Those who have known Higurashi will be tricked more easily." - Ryuukishi07

>> No.2754445

Is that supposed to suggest Bernkastel isn't really Witch Rika and thus, we shouldn't trust her so easily?

>> No.2754493

Lambdadelta gave Miyo Takano the power of certainty. So you could say that Beatrice now is how Miyo was then, a mere piece in a game.

That's what I can remember at least. I don't recall which Episode/tea party/??? this was said in though.

>> No.2754496

In Higurashi, we learned to accept the idea of fragments and world travel.
In Umineko, that's all a lie.

>> No.2754532
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>> No.2754566



>> No.2754581

We should think like "if I hadn't known Higurashi, what would I think of it?"

>> No.2754589

It'll be super obvious as to who the culprit is.

>> No.2754594

So how do you explain the groundhog day we're seeing? Are we really just Witch Hunters reading the multiple accounts of the event that washed up on shore and filling in the rest with imagination?

>> No.2754601

Obvious answer: Trippin' balls/dreamlol

Not-so-Obvious answer: Black holes.

>> No.2754606

Don't you mean small bombs?

>> No.2754626

That would suck so much... So much of this game is fantasy that if you took it all out very little is left and you'd just feel like you've wasted your time reading it all.

>> No.2754641

What I don't get is why Okonogi isn't Okonogi.

>> No.2755017

Because Umineko's Okonogi doesn't act like Higurashi's Okonogi

>> No.2755072


Okonogi probably WILL be Okonogi.

He hasn't been announced a VA since he only comes up in Ep 4.

Moreover I hope he is. Okonogi had a damn awesome voice.

>> No.2755105

Actually, it might be appropriate for his voice to be somewhat different. Takano mentions in one of the TIPS that he adopted that accent after moving to Hinamizawa in order to blend in more with the locals.

>> No.2755192

Because it might not be the same character? Umineko's Okonogi is named Okonogi Tetsurou, and Higurashi's Okonogi is never explicitly named, so it might be a relative or same character.

>> No.2755206


Two sly-talking green-haired (in a ponytail) sharp-faced double agents with the same name?

Okonogi never died in Higurashi. (Akasaka beat his ass down, though.) It's entirely plausible that he's alive 15 years later, in a completely different profession.

>> No.2755258

Higurashi and Umineko are set in completely different worlds. Higurashi is simply a mystery novel in Umineko (which Battler has actually read).

>> No.2755266

That doesn't change the fact that witches are beings with godlike powers existing outside of reality and are able to manipulate worlds as they see fit (if we accept how the fantasy world is built). For Battler it might have been just another mystery novel but for Bern and Lambda it was a real game world. Witches can break the fourth wall on top of that.

>> No.2755274


Maybe. Maybe not. Witch's games kinda fuck reality over.

Of course, witches don't exist, so it never happened.

>> No.2755285

Yes, but what I'm trying to say is that Hinamizawa presumably doesn't exist and in that respect Battler's world is more similar to our own. The worlds where Higurashi takes place must be quite different (though voyager witches can travel between them).

>> No.2755324

He's read it because it never existed aside from being a novel - enjoy witches not existing and just Battler going insane and imagining up Higurashi and Umineko. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2755337

There is also another similarity to Higurashi. Shion and Ange both went to the same school, St. Lucia.

>> No.2755384

Anti-fantasy interpretation of Saikoroshi-hen: Rika becomes so lonely after losing her friends due to the dam that she starts imagining a world where the dam was never built and her friends stay with her in Hinamizawa. She starts deluding herself that she can return to that world by killing someone and ends up murdering her mother and then killing herself in a misguided attempt to reach that ideal world of hers.

Quite a tragic story.

>> No.2755391

How is that related to what I said at all? ಠ_ಠ

>> No.2755392

All the previous worlds in Higurashi are actually Saikoroshi-hen Rika's delusions. It's not as if a divine moeblob, a mysterious lethal disease that's only found in a single vilage and a secret government conspiracy out to turn that disease into a biological weapon could ever be real after all.

>> No.2755394

Your post served as inspiration for it.

>> No.2755398

Oh okay, cuz my point wasn't anything near that, more along the lines of Higurashi only was ever a book and Battler having read it made it 'real' like Umineko - including having those two as characters in his new little bout of insanity. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2755399


>a mysterious lethal disease that's only found in a single vilage and a secret government conspiracy out to turn that disease into a biological weapon could ever be real after all.

Devil's Proof.
I refuse to explain.

>> No.2755408

Kind of off-topic, but hey CurryButt. Found any good Ciel doujin lately?

>> No.2755415

How do you explain the moeblob god and memories from other worlds? Obviously none of these are real and are merely the delusions of a little girl who retreated into a fantasy world after all her friends moved away.

>> No.2755420

You know, I havn't really looked at all lately, I should though! Thanks for reminding me, anonymous, if I find anything good ill mention it when theres a thread it'd be at least semi-relevant to ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2755429

Higurashi never happened aside from as much as it has in real life, this thread is pointless, it was all a big troll by ryukishi. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2755432

I wouldn't put that past Grandfather!

>> No.2755452

So I should start a Ciel thread?

>> No.2755456

So how far is Higurashi actually translated? I've been wanting to start up on it at some point, but I don't know how much of it is already finished. After Umineko I wanted to get the backstory from Higurashi that the anime never covered.

>> No.2755459
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My internets being slow and like I said, I don't have anything new. I need to eat anyway, maybe another day or later or something. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2755470



>> No.2755485

All right, then...

>> No.2755486
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I've always used 'cuz' here, no one cares anymore, get over it.
