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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 169 KB, 1056x1500, nicegirlplayinwithtomatosauce .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2746093 No.2746093 [Reply] [Original]

You find yourself in Gensokyo... in the middle of the night. You are miles away from the human village.

What do you do?

>> No.2746095


>> No.2746097


>> No.2746098

Find myself likely to be eaten by a grue.

>> No.2746100

kill myself

>> No.2746101

let Rumia eat me...
Happy End

>> No.2746102

light lamp

>> No.2746109

Have sex with youkai.

>> No.2746111

set up a camp and pray for the best.

>> No.2746113

Lay down and smile.

>> No.2746114
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Run in circles until I get tired.

>> No.2746115


>> No.2746123

Cast magic missile.
On the darkness.

>> No.2746128

I take off my glasses. I know I can kill.

>> No.2746130

Run around and hope to find Alice's house.

>> No.2746132
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throw steak all over the place and run

>> No.2746137

I'd go beat some touhou ass! Make it to the stage 6 boss and get eated cause I can never kill the stage 6 boss.. Unless I get to Kaguya.. she won't eat me like the others will.

>> No.2746140

Deck some youkai with my brass knuckles.

"It's gonna be a long night"

*Puts on sunglasses*

>> No.2746141

If I date you will you buy me one of those?

>> No.2746143



>> No.2746147

You wear your sunglasses at night?

>> No.2746152

I put on my robe and wizard hat.

>> No.2746154

What makes you think she won't eat you? Do you know Lunarian diet? Also, you live a long enough time you pick up some strange culinary tastes.

>> No.2746158
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Go find Rumia and rape the living daylights out of her.

>> No.2746162

Only if you promise you won't hurt it.

>> No.2746165

Put on my demon mask and start pulling the moon down.

>> No.2746166
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Sneak up and have surprise sex with a Youkai loli.

Since she's not human, and is more than likely older than my grandma, it's technically legal.

>> No.2746169

Do YOU know?



>> No.2746170
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I love Rumia!

>> No.2746175


I am pretty sure she won't! then again.. what do Lunarians eat anyway?

>> No.2746179


>> No.2746181
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>> No.2746184

If I know which way the human village is? I start heading towards it. 'Miles away' just means it'll take me a few hours to get there.

If not? I try to figure out where the fuck I am, and go from there.

>> No.2746190

Not sure, but the only people you can count on not eating you are the actual humans and maybe Keine.

>> No.2746191

youkai sex

>> No.2746195

It's gonna be one hell of a night.

>> No.2746197

Light a fire, wait for shit to happen.

>> No.2746199

since its the land of illusion

I'll imagine myself god powers and wreak havoc

>> No.2746201

Pizza Hut.

>> No.2746202

I would definitely go kill Reimu.. I don't like her!

>> No.2746208


Oh.. in that case I'll kill all the touhous up to her then just eat her pizza.

>> No.2746209

I'd kill you first.

>> No.2746216


Why? are you Reimu?

>> No.2746219
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>> No.2746222
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I'd try to make a run for it and reach the bamboo forest. From there I can try to find Tewi and use her fortune to gain enough power to defend myself.
If I can't find her, there's always the chance to run into Mokou and appeal to her origins as human to stop her from burning me to death. Should that fail, I can try and use the information I have about every Youkai of Gensokyo as a trade token to stop her from killing me and make her escort me to the human village.
Now, let's say that I can't find neither. Since the forest is near the human village I can try to go there, and look around for Keine while I'm at it. She's one of the few characters that will eagerly help me just for the sake of it, so I'd be pretty much safe if I somehow make contact with her.

If none of those characters are found, and I don't find any other friendly on the way to the human village (Like, per example, Nitori, Rinnosuke, Reimu or Marisa) then it's very unlikely that I'll reach the village alive. Meh, I didn't have much of a chance in the first place.

>> No.2746228

No, but I'm her husband.

>> No.2746230
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I'd rape Rumia so fucking hard

>> No.2746250

Adult-looking Rumia = do want

>> No.2746258

I'd like to run into cirno. She'd be fun to play with!

>> No.2746259
File: 207 KB, 831x1000, 1df2f031c3e709a8d3871925fe29b89c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How repulsive are you that Mokou would try to kill you on sight? Doesn't she already regularly escort humans in and out of the Bamboo Forest?

>> No.2746270

I run for either the Hakurei Shrine, the Forest of Magic (which is probably worse), or to the Human Village.

If Rumia attacks, I claim there is better meat just a few miles opposite of my direction.
Hopefully she falls for it.

>> No.2746275
File: 208 KB, 616x693, 1244037022583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2746282
File: 529 KB, 750x900, 1240192413699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find Nitori, give cucumber convice her to let me borrow some of her supplies to build an AB levitator(http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Farx
b5RtA&sig2=hSfQF5RM9TmqZqpPcVIMBA) and a plasmak cannon(http://www.prometheus2.net/)) so that I can fly around and shoot colored balls just like touhous. Then I GTFO as fast as fucking possible and shoot anything that gets in my way. I'd fight in 3d as opposed to the 2d touhous fight in. Given that an AB levitator capable of supporting a human has a projected range of about 1000 km, I should be fine.

>> No.2746287
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>> No.2746290

Hug her tight and force your shoulder up under her chin when you do. Its hard to bite someone that way.

>> No.2746299

Either head to the shrine and find Reimu or go into the forest and hope to find Alice's house.

This is, of course, assuming that getting to the human village would not be an easy task.

>> No.2746304

I really don't think Rumia is all that threatening.. I'd be more worried about other touhous..

>> No.2746306

Light a fire and sit until dawn, hoping I get lucky.

>> No.2746311

Try and find a body of water, river or lake, then work from there.

>> No.2746312

Get a hat as silly as possible, as soon as possible.
Then take it easy.

>> No.2746315

Actually, wait, lighting a fire is stupid as hell since I would just be asking for youkai to come and kill me.

I'd probably just find a safe and hidden place to hide until dawn.

>> No.2746327


>> No.2746330


Oh I'd love to have Keine's hat.. wonder if she'd let me have it..

>> No.2746338

head to the forest and sex marisa

>> No.2746348

Might be, but it would be VERY visible from the human village too, and the youkai don't light fires.
Light fire. Pray for friendlies. (hiding while tending the fire might help too)

>> No.2746375


Thanks for reminding me of that song asshole

>> No.2746392 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2746465
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I'd go get caved by Ex-Keine

>> No.2746498

Asking for a ban, huh?

>> No.2746504

Alright, sounds like a plan.

My alternative is to find some fairies, tear them all up, grab the Power items they drop, learn how to shoot danmaku REALLY quick

And then try to fend off Rumia as best as I can.

Alternative to THAT:
"If I offer you my left thigh, will you let me go? ;_;"

>> No.2746508
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1242813474387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying mods ever visit /jp/

>> No.2746523

1. Find posts asking Pygma-chan to go out with you
2. Give money to down-on-his-luck moderator.
3. ????
4. Eliminate the competition!

>> No.2746527

/jp/ isn't different from Pooshlmer or Shrine Maiden now.

>> No.2746528
File: 56 KB, 797x388, pygmaban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be surprised.

>> No.2746543

you guys have me.

>> No.2746554

Which makes /jp/ even shittier.

>> No.2746563

>Judging a slow board by a single thread in the front page.
You sure are stupid.

>> No.2746595

>implying that there is content different to this thread in the other 10 pages
Did I make my point valid?

>> No.2746805

Way to ruin a Rumia thread, you faggots.

>> No.2746873

Gensokyo is essentially a rainforest-type envrionment, right?

Well, all you'd really have to do is find a nice alcove to hide in and wait until sunrise. The moonlight should be enough to see in.

"The humidity in the air and your concealed position should mask your scent and temperature, assuming there are youkai who hunt through infrared sensing.

At dawn, it should be bright enough so you can see well enough to avoid any hostile (remember, they don't know you're there yet, so they won't be actively watching for you)

Also, assuming the wildlife in Gensokyo is the same as it was when the barrier was put up, there should be an abundance of snakes, birds and rodents that can be used as a food source. Even if you don't have any fire making tools, rodent meat can be eaten raw with very little chance of ill-effects. Hope you have a knife on you. Water can be gleaned from plants and other sources. Do not drink water from puddles or ponds.

Tread quietly and deliberately, making sure not to break any branches underneath your feet.

If you do encounter a youkai, be as kind and courteous as possible, and do not make eye contact. Attempt to make small-talk, and if they take a liking to you, they may not eat you.

If you do have to fight, remember, youkai prefer to bite into their prey, which means they have to come close to you. Grabs and grapples work best, as do kicks as it will knock them off balance. Do not bother to outrun a youkai. Either incapacitate a youkai long enough so that you can escape, or "kill" the youkai long enough to run away with a stab to her chest."

Pg 150 p.5 FOXHOUND Standard Issue Gensokyo Survival Guide Vol. 3: Wilderness Survival and Youkai Combat Tactics

>> No.2746906

"hey paramedic...how do youkais taste? I mean, technically they're not human, right?"

>> No.2746907


Are you a bad enough dude to punch the shit out of an immortal supernatural entity?

>> No.2746927 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 299x599, 33c646dcf14a133e66c975da90c8d6ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What kind of stuff do we have on hand?

Or are we going in Naked

>> No.2746932


I'd punch Yukari right in the face!

>> No.2746972
File: 186 KB, 480x640, 1221618414893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ you know it aint easy



>> No.2746990


>> No.2747081

Has there been any reference to how powerful the actual danmaku shots are? Can they melt armor plating? Are they affected by gravity, wind etc? This is important.

>> No.2747089


I think they are more like bbgun shots..

>> No.2747112


>> No.2747131


I was expecting naked pics of Rumia

I am disappoint :(

>> No.2747210

I'd attempt to seduce Rumia. My flabby figure, neckbeard and ponytail are irresistible.

>> No.2747464

Try to get somewhere safe, then try and pantomime my situation as I don't speak Japanese.

>> No.2747519
File: 593 KB, 1460x2165, 364dc1f8ee5871fee875816f654b8283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt anyone has it but does anyone have a better res of this?

>> No.2747526

better.... res?

You mean a cleaner scan? Or higher resolution? Because that's pretty high resolution.

>> No.2748968

Find Cirno, get close to China, enter SDM, befriend Keine and eat Mokou's liver.

>> No.2749009


>> No.2749029

My gods, don't attack her, her hat is FUCKING RIDICULOUS, do you realise what kind of danmaku she has? I'm wincing just imagining her spellcards.

>> No.2749055

How is this unusual? I go to Gensokyo often. In fact, I plan on going there again tonight.

>> No.2749068
File: 399 KB, 800x1237, cute_alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take part in that tea party

>> No.2749085

Prepare to take my final action after dying. I can't decide between the terrible visceral execution (or in a few cases, the temporary disembodying) of my murderer; or, asking Rin on a date.

>> No.2749383
File: 107 KB, 347x550, 1242506550994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd go find Cirno and convince her she could be the strongest by ruling all of Gensokyo. After she agrees to follow my plan I would start teaching her ways to use her spell cards most effectively in small simple steps so she can easily understand. But I won't stop there because if I'm going to make Cirno ruler of all Gensokyo she would need to act accordingly. So the next step would be to teach her manners fit for a lady. If she is to run a country she has to be both strong and disciplined.

Then after all the secret training was over we would start going around Gensokyo and challenging the most dominant and powerful entities. But we would not recklessly attack everyone that stand in our way. Only after the negotiations have failed will we use force to gain their acceptance and respect. So in the end she will rule over everyone be it through negotiations or fear.

Sure that would mean there would be plenty of challengers that will get in her way but with me as a strategic advisor she will come out victorious over all of them. Now another good part about that is that she will gain a lot of confidence from all of her wins since until then all that she knew was defeat.

Then after months of intense danmaku battles she would finally get recognized by most of Gensokyo. And because every king needs a castle she will make an ice castle right in the middle of Misty Lake leaving the edges as a freezing cold moat.

Then with me and Letty as her most trusted servants she would change the seasons letting it be winter for 6 months a year (of course she wished to make the whole 12 months winter months but during heated up negotiations with Reimu, and at Letty's request she agreed to only half of that).

And that is how I'd get to live a royal life freezing my butt off in Cirno's new castle and how Cirno would finally, truly became the strongest in Gensokyo.

>> No.2749411

Walk around aimlessly, hoping to find Alice's house.
If I meet Wriggle, tell her she's a beautiful girl, then hopefully escape or she'll not kill me.
If I meet Mystia, I'll tell her shes a wonderful singer.
If I meat Rumia.....I'm kind of fucked, so I'll tell her shes adorable and fearsome.

Hey, they might not kill me if they like me.

>> No.2749430

Is that Paranoia Cat? Is it work safe?

>> No.2749439

Mandatory sauce

>> No.2749449

Witches' Tea Party.

>> No.2749463

Hunt down a piece of flint as soon as fucking possible, and strike it every once in a while until I reach the human village. Rumia's extremely sensitive to even the smallest bit of light - a few sparks of flint should keep her at bay.

>> No.2750379 [DELETED] 


>> No.2750429

put on a stupid hat.


>> No.2750551

Actually I wouldn't have much of a problem. If you think Rumia would be a problem she probably isn't, according to Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red(canon)she states that even though it is a Youkai's job to attack humans, she doesn't do it much because the got "beaten up" and humans generaly won't let her attack them(who would?). Another solution is to just challenge her to a spell card battle, or talk with her, Rumia in canon isn't mindless and evil. Now that's out of the way, I would try to wait until dawn and walk to a village, watching out for wild youkai(the mindless animal ones, ironicaly, they are mentioned in canon works, but the normal enemies in the games are fairies)or fighting them off with a weapon, if i do have one. Seeing as how this is Gensokyo and we all know us otakus have katanas hanging from our walls, I would most likely have one or something for protection.

>> No.2750624

Well, I live in Amerikkka, so I have an AK-47 in my closet. That could be used to help me if it comes down to combat, which I would do everything in my power to avoid. If the worst case scenario can't be avoided, then perhaps the rifle would scare them, with the loud sound, bright flash, and faster-than-the-eye-can-see bullets from my science-blessed 7.62mm danmaku. This could buy me time to retreat, while also attracting the attention of the humans and any other friendlies.

>> No.2750683
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I'm in the middle of a gloomy forest, with the trees blocking out the moon and stars.
The baying of wolves, the low mournful calling of the owls, and the chirps, chitters and buzzing of night insects are all I can hear.
It is so dark that I can only dimly make out the looming tree trunks and the leafy boughs they carry, waiting to pierce my eyes or knock me unconscious should I run. Brambles and thorny bushes abound, tearing at my clothes and pricking at my skin.
Truly, the forest is the abattoir of the gods.
I have no hope should I encounter something so strong it forces me to flee. Running will mean certain death.

So I crouch within the protective arms of some large tree's mighty roots. I lie in the ground, in fear and panic, waiting for the night to end.
Should day come without my demise at the hands of some monster roaming the forest, I try to make my way to some sort of clearing, perhaps, killing and eating the forest wildlife for sustenance.
At some point in time I'd find my way to the human village, or to one of the local landmarks, while avoiding contact with all youkai if possible.. If I find sanctuary at Reimu's shrine, I would hide there for a while.

But if my steps took me to the door of the Scarlets, the Yakumos, or any of the other noble or powerful beings, I'd probably end up dead.
If I was greatly lucky, I might find someone wandering around the forest. I'd dispatch them as quickly and quietly as possible, and then offer their body to the noble youkai as an offering. It might at least buy me a quick audience.

>> No.2750743

>>text adventure

You are in a dark Forrest within gensokyo. Current location is unknown. The ground is moist dirt, and you are surrounded by trees, grass, and bushes in every direction. A wold howls to the moon from some far off locale.

What do you do?

>> No.2750783



>> No.2750881


You have a cellphone, 7 american dollars in change, house keys, and a ballpoint pen

>> No.2751015

you forgot that this is a world where katana's cut through bullets like butter

>> No.2751029

Attempt to use cellphone. it displays out of service. You here some rustling nearby in a bush. Could just be the wind. What do you do?

>> No.2751066


It doesn't have to actually work, I just have to be able to challenge anything dangerous I meet to a duel, since they're not actually allowed to eat/kill the loser.

>> No.2751135

You take out a dollar bill. You write Spellcard on it. What do you do next?

>> No.2751164


[BAILOUT SIGN] Government involvement!

>> No.2751194


These games are always asses about limited battery life.


>> No.2751438

Use skill: Papercraft
On: Dollar Bills
Received: Silly Hat

Use: Pen
On: Silly Hat
Received: Doodled Hat

Look at: House Keys
You see: A set of keys with a small rubbery keychain

Select: House Keys
Remove: Keychain
Received: Keychain

Use: Keychain
On: Doodle Hat
Received: Small Sign Doodle Hat

Equip: Small Sign Doodle Hat
You have equipped the Small Sign Doodle Hat!

Select: Phone
Use: Flashlight Feature
You now have a light source and can move around in the forest!

Look at: Keychain
Only a small chain remains of the original keychain.

Search: Surrounding Area
You are in a dense forest. All around you can see trees and thorny bushes. The ground is muddy with puddles here and there.

Look at: Puddle
A small puddle that seems fairly recent.

Look at: Tree
A large tree. Looks like the forest is made mostly of this type of tree.

Hit: Tree
Due to the shock a few leaves fall from the tree.

Take: Leaf
Got: Leaf

Break: Keychain
Received: Broken Piece of Metal

Look at: Broken Piece of Metal
A metal piece left from braking the keychain. You wander if you can use it for anything.

Use: Leaf
On: Puddle
The small leaf floats on top of the puddle.

Use: Broken Piece of Metal
On: Clothes
Received: Static Charged Metal Piece

Use: Static Charged Metal Piece
On: Leaf
Guided by the small metal piece the leaf slowly begins to turn. You now know which way is north.

Meh would do more but It's already fucking morning and I need to sleep.

>> No.2751498

My lessons in electromagnetism are years behind me, but I can't imagine being able to build up any kind of charge on the crap metal from a keychain.

>> No.2751515


>> No.2751529

Meh was just tired and running out of ideas but I still wanted to make it a little complex. Just going

Look at: Tree
A large tree. Looks like the forest is made mostly of this type of tree. Examining the roots reveals that moss has been growing there for some time now.
You now know which way is north.

would have been to plain.

>> No.2751540

