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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2745236 No.2745236 [Reply] [Original]

Part French
Part Scottish
All Curry

>> No.2745241

all shit

>> No.2745246

I like Ciel, when she isn't wearing glasses and isn't acting like a joke character.

Which isn't that often, sadly.

>> No.2745251

You mean she's not a joke character?


>> No.2745255
File: 15 KB, 308x500, ciel_n02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who allowed you to make a Ciel thread?

>> No.2745264

butthurt deafiler did

>> No.2745262

Ciel is great.
Y'all are just a bunch of haters.

>> No.2745265

Really? I rather like her with or without them, but I will admit that my favorite parts are when the mask drops while she's still trying to act normal.

>> No.2745277
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So only when she's not pretending to be someone she isn't? You only really see her not putting up false pretense at the end when she starts really getting torn and confused.

>> No.2745323

She's totally a cold-blooded killer, too. Just because she's capable of loving someone and feeling emotional confusion over them doesn't mean she's not a killer.

>> No.2745328
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Ciel has to be the most well developed of the character in Tsukihime.(other than Shiki, Kohaku also does come close) Sadly she isn't liked because she isn't generic enough for most.

>> No.2745349

See to me it always struck me as neither killer executioner Ciel or Schoolgirl Ciel being real.

One is just trying to make sure she doesn't fail in her mission due to emotions, and the other is trying to make sure she doesn't lose her humanity in pursuit of that mission.

Real Ciel is in there somewhere, but you've gotta look.

>> No.2745350

How come only the two foreigners in tsuki have a decent breast size?

>> No.2745356
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She's the character to go through the worst life. Kohaku's was easy compared to hers.

>> No.2745359

Because all japanese girls are flat-chested lolis.

>> No.2745361

All of the Tsukihimes are well developed. Ciel and Kohaku just got turned into joke characters. Kohaku, I can understand. Nobody wants Nasu to dwell on the fact that she got massively broken in her childhood and became a shining example of what not to do to little children. Ciel, though?

She has all kinds of stuff she could talk about with Shiki besides CURRY. The whole curry thing was just... overboard. Especially by Kagetsu Tohya.

Ciel was the one person I could see acting like a teacher, not just about school shit, but wanting Shiki to join her doing calisthenics, training, and such, even if it's just an excuse to look at Shiki's ass. She's also completely more knowledgeable about magic than Arcueid is, in at least its application. Shiki wondering about her work, maybe Ciel learning about his past and wondering about his childhood.

You just never get the chance to connect with Ciel like you do with the others. You kill Arcueid, which is an instant turn on for her and a permanent attachment, since she's all "YOU KILLED ME, REMEMBER?" Akiha has the whole underlying plot of Far Side and NII-SAN, and the twins have the "girl I played with" and "the girl who gave me the ribbon" thing, in addition to all the rest they do.

Ciel seems to be relegated to HONORABLE SEMPAI, which she just isn't good at.

>> No.2745369

Yeah but Kohaku didn't come down with a case of Christian guilt.

>> No.2745374
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Because europeans are better in all ways than asians of course.

>> No.2745375


>> No.2745378

Kohaku's wasn't easy. They both suffered. At least Ciel got to be relatively old before getting possessed by the Reincarnating Rapist and forced to do all the shit she did. She has a lot of guilt because of that.

Kohaku didn't even get to grow up any before being mangled.

>> No.2745410

It's like a demented version of KT.
Instead of girls with various disabilities it's girls that are murderers/rape victims/rapists/monsters/christians/vampires.

>> No.2745418



>> No.2745430
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There is one innocent among the group. Of course fate makes sure all the vicious ones are rid of on her route.

>> No.2745444

Truly, the most boring Tsukihime.

>> No.2745465
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Those boots are looking kinda cool.

>> No.2745470

Nice pic op

>> No.2745478

Hey, how bout fuck you!

Psychological routes are awesome.

>> No.2745488

Hisui would have to have a personality for it to be psychological on her end!

>> No.2745558

True, but Ciel never killed her personality. She suffered through everything as herself, and a lot more than rape. Just google 'inquisition torture devices' for a few examples, and all this AFTER she suddenly felt an incredible desire to kill all her family and friends, and then went through with it?

Daily rape is bad, but at least that ended within five years or so, and she didn't even feel it after a while. Who the hell knows how long Ciel was 'exorcised' by the Church, never giving in to the temptation to lose herself?

>> No.2745577

What'd I do now?

It was most of the time, in Tsukihime. Then Nasu took an enormous shit on her personality and completely shafted her in terms of story throughout Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.2745599

One month.

>> No.2745613

She did, but you were to stupid to see it. You would have seen it if you paid attention to the flashbacks, not to mention she showed fear and did show emotions through her actions.

>> No.2745615

That was the excessive masturbation period, Jones. When she locked herself in her room and tried to suppress Roa all on her lonesome. No food, no water, just schlick schlick schlick, trying to keep from killing her family.

>> No.2745627

She was also repeatedly killed by the Church for one month.
I think.

>> No.2745645

How seriously people take joking comments.

She didn't suffer as long as Kohaku, although being cut up by Church-sponsored physicians to see how she regenerates couldn't have been pleasant.

>> No.2745650

Then they started experimenting on her after they decided they couldn't kill her.

>> No.2745662
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>> No.2745690 [DELETED] 

Sexy sexy Elisia-senpai~

But not Scottish. French-Asian.

I swear it was longer than a month... Eh, whatever. I've been meaning to re-read her route anyway, now that I have the actual Tsukihime music and not the Kagetsu Tohya music.

I did the entire first half of Arc's route with the wrong music, then realized something was wrong when it started playing that happy, peaceful music as Shiki raped Arc.

Or I'll just wiki it. Wikipedia says a month, too. But it's still a long time to be put through that kind of shit without completely breaking.

>> No.2745699

I don't think "Cut up" accurately describes the pain of having your eyeballs cut out.

>> No.2745710
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Sexy sexy Elisia-senpai~

But not Scottish. French-Asian.

I swear it was longer than a month... Eh, whatever. I've been meaning to re-read her route anyway, now that I have the actual Tsukihime music and not the Kagetsu Tohya music.

I did the entire first half of Arc's route with the wrong music, then realized something was wrong when it started playing that happy, peaceful music as Shiki raped Arc.

Or I'll just wiki it. Wikipedia says a month, too. But it's still a long time to be put through that kind of shit without completely breaking. And then there's all the experiments on things like why she couldn't die, what kinds of things she could take and still remain in battle-ready condition, how long it takes to revive from, say, being bathed in acid, etc. Don't underestimate the creativity and ruthlessness of the Church.

>> No.2745741

Mutilated. Vivisected.


Get the alt compilation pack. IT'S BETTER.

>> No.2745751

If I had any idea what to search for, I would. But I don't, so I just mounted the Tsukihime .iso and burned all the music to .ogg and stuck those in the CD folder.

>> No.2745771



>> No.2745783

I fapped many times to the part of the mango where they take her brain out.

>> No.2745825
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Come on, tell me Shiel isn't a Scottish name.

>> No.2745879

That's retarded, you smelly, dumb, walfas scum.
Everybody knows the story about Nasu's bad language skills and L'arc en ciel.

>> No.2745890
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>> No.2745897

lol u mad

>> No.2745907

It's not Shiel, it's Ciel. Which is French for 'Sky'. And her real first name is 'Elisia', which is decidedly not Scottish.

>> No.2745915
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>> No.2745971

>Aphex Twin, various other artists

HAHA, no. The songs don't even have the same mood as the original.

Did I download the wrong compilation, or were you trolling me?

>> No.2746046
File: 120 KB, 583x765, 5330918ef5750d8353440e5af41a6b2a2b333aa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoilers: Arc and Ciel got their names from the french word 'arc-en-ciel', which means rainbow. This is supposed to imply a homosexual relationship between the two.

>> No.2746176

I speak French as a first language and I never noticed this

currently en train de shier des briques

>> No.2746328

Except they're Arcueid and Ciel, or more accurately, Arukueido and Shieru. And Arcueid, as noted in KT, sounds suspiciously like another vampire.

Certainly more likely than Nasu having half an idea of the French language.

>> No.2746343

I can't think of any possible reason for it to imply a homosexual relationship, or why you would think it does. They're the two near-side routes. That's more than enough for their names to come from the same phrase.

Besides, they fucking hate each other. What are you, a yaoi fangirl? IF THEY TRY TO KILL EACH OTHER, IT'S TROO LUFF.

>> No.2746350

I disagree with your assessment, your opinion, etc.

You got the right pack.

>> No.2746351

The name came from L'arc en ciel, which Nasu was told meant "bow in sky". He got it backwards, though--Ciel was supposed to be "bow", and Arc "sky". By the time he learned of his mistake, it was too late to change the names.

Nasu agreed in an interview, don't bother him about it.

>> No.2746370

Then why is her name Arcueid, instead of Arc? Nobody ever calls her Arc in the games, unless I just completely missed it.

>> No.2746398


I just got the alt version and i think it's pretty good, but that one vocal track is awful.

>> No.2746413
File: 61 KB, 403x600, 712593_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 'Arcueid' because 'Arc' not only sounds silly but is also a (if at all) male name. So they just added a few syllables to make it sound like a proper name for her. And then made her german to explain it.
Rainbow theory is the only valid explanation for their naming. The amount of fanart further backs it up.

>> No.2746436

You really think so? I compared the tracks side-by-side, and they just seem completely different in mood and tone from the original tracks.

Just listen to Track10 in the original set, and then Track10 in the alt set. They're completely different; the original is a very slow-paced, peaceful song, while the alt not only has vocals (an instant veto, in my opinion) but is also faster paced and more action-oriented in tone (though maybe not lyrics).

And the Track7s; OST is a very peaceful reminiscing theme, while Alt is more of a 'I know you killed him, and this is how I figured it out' song.

>> No.2746445

Your opinion, etc.

>> No.2746449

>>too lazy to link to all of your posts

In my humble opinion, that alt version sucks.
So does the original Tsukihime music.
The Tsukibako music is at least halfway decent, and unlike that alt version, it fits the mood properly.

So use the Tsukibako music and replace the sex scene track with Yakety Sax.

>> No.2746450

>used as a reason that something is so
It burned my soul to google and download this, but I think it proves my point.

As for the rest of it, I can accept that their names come from rainbow. But it's because they're the same-side routes, not because of any homosexual undertones. See: >>2746343

>> No.2746460


Since i listened to the original for so long, even though its really repetitive, i still like it the most. Honestly i don't know why people rip on it so much

>> No.2746463

You could at least compare the songs with each other instead of just brushing it off as baseless bullshit. I seriously thought about the tracks and how they sounded side-by-side, along with what kinds of scenes they would be/were used in.

>> No.2746467


And by original, i mean Tsukibako version

>> No.2746479 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 498x365, n92ej2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's fun being a failure.

>> No.2746511

...I can't tell the difference.

>> No.2746553
File: 123 KB, 938x576, [SaHa] Moon Drops 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are just tsundere for each other. And it's not like they don't know they both cannot die.

>> No.2746555

I prefer the original.
Yes, the original tracks that came with the game.
I just can't stand remixes, you can almost always tell that they're remixed and most remixed anything just doesn't sound good to me.

>> No.2746574

...Right. Because all Tsun and no Dere is troo luff, right? Not to mention how both are extremely possessive of Shiki, not each other. Or how Arc KILLED CIEL ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS.

Doesn't matter if the other person can't die, killing them is going way too far to be called love.

God, you're just as bad as a yaoi fangirl.

>> No.2746691
File: 54 KB, 410x333, 1200733303619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well keep believing whatever you want, you homophobic dick. But you will never be able to censor their love.

>> No.2746706


You know, up until now I could convince myself you were serious. Nice going.

Thanks for the doujin recommendation, by the way (Moon Drops). A bit of futa, especially if it's Ciel and Arc going at it, is always nice.

>> No.2746713

/jp/ - Touhous

>> No.2746737

Always been, always will

>> No.2746766
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What a shitty thread.

>> No.2746785
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>> No.2746793
File: 55 KB, 600x500, ciel caramel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hat's off to ya; it was a fun exercise.

>> No.2747024

- Ciel was tortured for several months in the game, for nearly a decade in the manga.
- Kohaku's torment has only been alluded at in one page of the manga, but is in black and white in the game.
- Ciel literally has to live with the fact that she was a uncaring and psychotic monster that raped, brutalized, tortured, and murdered her entire village.
- Kohaku chose not to live with the extra scars of her youth at all, save what would keep her going as a human being and her vengeance.
- The two traumatic pasts are like apples and oranges, and anyone trying to compare with "THIS TRAUMA WAS DEEPER" in mind as an objective is a moron, plain and simple.
- Both of them are Erotic Black Holes.
- That last bullet was purely opinion.

>> No.2747052


Ciel raping someone would be pretty hot.
