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File: 124 KB, 800x600, natorigetto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2742930 No.2742930 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is on autosage, so here goes.

Also Natori GET. I wonder if I can take Tokugawa before the majin army comes...?

>> No.2742955


>> No.2742963

d'oh, didn't register it because it had a figure instead of a screenshot. Let this thread die then or delete it if the janitor sees it.

>> No.2743004

Why did you let takeda take houjou?
I declared war on them to prevent that. Even though that made me at war with 3 families (Takeda, Uesugi and Tokugawa) at once.

>> No.2743017

Wrong move, buddy. Take control of all the central mini-states first, except Iga, Tenshi, and Asai. Do not rape the Hojo woman after conquering Imagawa.

Then declare war to both Hojo and Uesugi. You could always conquer Takeda after you've defeated Mori.

>> No.2743202

Well I'm doing fine anyway. I managed to conquer Tokugawa while defending from Uesugi and Takeda. Now I'm just wondering who to take on next.

>> No.2743231

protip: you have 20 turns per gourd so long as you don't defeat the house that has owns it.

you have all the time in the world if you can, say, leave 1 city standing and declare war on a second power. also, fight the non-gourd houses first.

>> No.2743303
File: 58 KB, 450x338, 1240920105919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was I not informed?
Now I have to start again. And I'm in turn 60.

>> No.2743322

shoulda read the guide.

too bad it's in moonrunes.

>> No.2743479

Do I get bonus points for clearing characters (+2 if char stays alive) if I'm at 100+ turn?

>> No.2743492

You only get points in your second gameplay when you boost the difficulty. Hard 1 gives you 120 points, taking in account you might clear the game in 80 turns at best, you're getting 50 points or so.

You won't get shit if you keep playing in the normal difficulty.

>> No.2743588
File: 127 KB, 796x599, whan now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what now?

>> No.2743593

Can you spend your score points? It seems a bit odd to only have 5 at this stage.

>> No.2743597

Wait, why the fuck the Houji is still standing?

>> No.2743609

Because of Xavier hijack lol. I tried to clear Youkai Country this time.

-1 each turn.

>> No.2743624

1. Try to get at least 10 points.
2. Buy 3rd action fan
3. Rush through normal again. He should be able to get 30-40 bonus points this time.
4. Hard modo

>> No.2743627

choose skill "End Game points" (+2)

>> No.2743637

Ran route is the shit!
Thy started stealing my female commanders ;_;

>> No.2743651

I never even shared a border with Hyoujou, Takeda took them really soon.

>> No.2743659

1. Fire the characters cannot be cleared (kenshin, isoroku...).
2. Employ a lot of general female characters whose skill slot is empty.
3. Character Clear(+2) End Game Points (+2)

>> No.2743669

they only need to steal one to get kurohime event.

careful who they're gonna steal

>> No.2743700

Where can I download this game? I always see it on /jp..
I want to play with it!
Please JP!

>> No.2743737

I'm not using the english patch so maybe someone else can link you.

>> No.2743746


>> No.2743758

I played the kill the monkey route to do some unlocks and I think they stole four or five before I got the event. Good lord was that a lot of reloading.

>> No.2743809
File: 791 KB, 800x1200, ALCG0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone unlock the Takeda house bonus yet?
I can manage to get Baba and Sanada on my army before conquering all of Japan on easy mode, kill the monkey. It seems like nobody wants to hire the other Takeda commanders after I assassinate Shingen.

Pic of savegame where I tried unlocking all the family bonuses. Found myself unable to get the Takeda bonus. Already dicked around, doing nothing for ~30 turns hoping for some house to hire Takeda commanders.

>> No.2743956

Keep defending until they hire the other two.

Let them take some of your territories to increase their income, and then take it over again.

>> No.2743977

If you conquer the house, a lot of generals go to other house. So, do not conquer the other houses more than the necessity.
1. Hara - Surrender
2. Tokugawa - Conquer
3. Takeda - Assassination
4. Do not skip the information. If Takeda's general goes to other house, declaration the country.
5. Capture

>> No.2744001
File: 119 KB, 805x650, Plot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what this game is about, huh?

>> No.2744027
File: 126 KB, 799x595, browncow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what now? should I start shit with the eyeball dudes or just sit tight and wait for the demon to arrive?

>> No.2744096

How strong is your army?

Youkai are serious fucking business!

>> No.2744109
File: 152 KB, 800x600, ALCG0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, this is the easiest castle battle ever. Back row can't attack.

>> No.2744129

I don't think it will be possible to eat takeda before the demon army does, but you can give a try.

>> No.2744145

I DoWed Takeda and Mori in that situation. Managed to defeat Takeda and get Mori down to two territories before shit hit the fan.

>> No.2744153

I'm pretty Demon army will take over Takeda and shit all over you with 5 assaults in the same turn (incidentally what happened to me. Don't even bother with Takeda, aim for Mouri.

>> No.2744160

I love you!! Thx!

>> No.2744320

In the freeplay mode as other houses, is it possible to recruit characters found through Rance's story? I'm still on the first playthrough and would like to try another house when I'm done, but I'd still like to recruit Yamanaka.

>> No.2744585

So I'm here trying to get a few easy character clears, specifically Hara Shyouji's.
The wiki says
>Visit Rance's room until having H with Princess Aki twice (the 2nd time you see the ass-slappin-good H-scene again)
But every time I go Rance either fucks Suzume or Sill.

>> No.2744593

It happened to me too

I saved, went to sleep, loaded, did a dungeon, and then I got it.

>> No.2744635

What do I do about the demon army after they throw most of their human units away. They're not strong per se but they manage a fucking brick wall defense combined with killing half my units before anything can be done.

>> No.2744646

I recommend battle-gauge changing abilities.

>> No.2744750

Anyone try the 2 star or 3 star difficulties yet? What did you priority spend your game points on? (around 40-50)

>> No.2744768
File: 170 KB, 816x656, Ryouma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking pretty fat there, Ryouma

>> No.2744811

I had to face a 9999 troop Ryouma before, but luckily, Xavier took care of her for me.

>> No.2744819

It's okay for-Well, fuck me. Here I was hoping their country would be a piece of cake.

>> No.2744822

Action fan, then bonus characters: Warrior, monk, diviner.

The rest, items.

>> No.2744828

Don't worry; that's on two-star difficulty.

>> No.2744856

which items are the best? I got the popularity staff (+20 units per turn), what else is good?

>> No.2744913

Sill just got frozen. Any way to get her back?

>> No.2744927

The barrier paper item thing. Check the wiki; most of the names are cut off. Also don't forget to grab the battle permit set.

>> No.2744933

I like that frog paper that gives the character a barrier at the start of the battle. I equipped it on Natori, that way it will block any attack if the enemy attempts to cancel the miko storm.

>> No.2744941


>> No.2744974


The next Rance game will be somewhat about finding a way to unfreeze Sill oh wait new rape regulations bye bye Rance.

>> No.2744987

Do the youkai that you fuck when you kill them have any extra scene if you build up the relationship?

>> No.2744988

Most of Rance is concentual sex anyway.

>> No.2744991
File: 95 KB, 799x598, HATE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here know how Character-clear her?

>> No.2744992

I don't think she has one.

>> No.2745002

I like...
Man-faced Dog - Nagahide (for capture)
Rance's love - Asakura, Komatsu
Work Patch - Yuzumi
Dragonfly Slasher - Teru (counterattack!!)
Ninja Mask(?) - Kiku (Leaf hiding and mask = untouchable)

>> No.2745015

I can't even see Shizuka in my game, just a big black box.

>> No.2745017

Play previous Rance games. She's being raped by Rance since the seconde game.

>> No.2745215

What the, I can't even find her

>> No.2745222

Sounds like you didn't apply the 1.4 patch before applying the English patch!

>> No.2745249 [DELETED] 


95% of the sex Rance has is consensual.

Most of the brutal, bloody rape is done by demons or pissed off soldiers.

>> No.2745252


95% of the sex Rance has is consensual.

However, there is quite a bit of brutal, bloody rape done by demons or pissed off soldiers.

>> No.2745263


You're being way too generous with that percentage.

>> No.2745587 [DELETED] 

I think I'm really bad at this game, how the hell do you get huge armies like
>>2744768 ? I can't win more than 2500 gold/turn at that point, and my best characters have something like 700-800 units each for the front row, 400-500 for the back. What am I doing wrong?
Also, is there any way to quickly win satisfaction?

>> No.2745611

I think I'm really bad at this game, how the hell do you get huge armies like
>>2744768 ?
I can't win more than 2500 gold/turn at that point, and my best characters have something like 700-800 units each for the front row, 400-500 for the back. What am I doing wrong?
Also, is there any way to quickly win satisfaction?

>> No.2745632

Have fun against the ninja king when he strikes back.

>> No.2745756

(400+(number of territories*50*n)+(Hiring Microscope*100))*troops ratio
n: difficulty star 0=1, 1=2, 2=4, 5=6

In this case, star 2

>> No.2745769

National power counts as number of territories, right?

>> No.2745863

It doesn't relate to the National power.

>> No.2745904
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 0100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shizuka is tsundere for Rance. First tsundere in eroge history, actually IIRC.

>> No.2745961
File: 22 KB, 186x220, cg00436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragonfly Slasher - Teru (counterattack!!)
She's a monster in the battlefield.

>> No.2746010

I would have to admit, in Sengoku Rance, he's not as rape crazy as he normally was before. Or i'm not remembering things too well. Besides, the new rape regulations in Japan just stops games from being completely rape themed, with rape being about only 1/5 of the games' content.

I'm pretty sure that Rance games would be able to sneak through that since rape probably won't be as big a factor as it was back in the past. Rance mellowed in 7.

>> No.2747976

>I can manage to get Baba and Sanada on my army
How did you get those 2? captured in battle?

>> No.2747982

Is there any way to make demon army appear later, or to make it not show up at all? This game would be the best thing ever, but Xavier annoys me.

>> No.2747983

1. trigger the assassination event
2. all takeda captains leave.
3. they get hired by other houses (hopefully)
4. capture them.

>> No.2747985

1. you get 20 turns per gourd if you don't defeat the house that has it. so leave those to last.

2. Ran route and monkey-killer route doesn't have the demon army.

>> No.2747988

Awesome, thanks man.

>> No.2747993

Was Shizuka tsundere? She's the last one you defeat in Rance 2 right, I can't even remember. Maria was a better character anyway.

>> No.2747995

Am I suppose to get Shizuka with Maria? Because I didn't... managed to get Gekko fine.

>> No.2747999
File: 125 KB, 801x599, argh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is the end for me now, I can't take enemy countries since I'm facing two Shimazu commanders with 3000+ troops in every castle I attack. Guess it's restartan time?

>> No.2748012

No, there'll be a timeskip later where you'll automatically get all the territories.

>> No.2748030

Is it a good idea to impose levys or bad stuff will happen afterwards?

>> No.2748032

no, but if you leave it it eventually goes up to 5000 (i think). since you can only levy once, leave it until it gets there.

>> No.2748058

How can I get the third action fan?

>> No.2748065

Satisfaction reaches 50.
You should try getting it by the late tens, after turn 20, you will be pressured a lot.

>> No.2748096

I just finished the game with 0 points (turns) , 22 points (character clear) and 10 point (30000 soldier army)
but why when i try to start a new game i get only 5?

>> No.2748101

Add up all the points you gained. Now subtract the number of turns you took. That is your score.

>> No.2748102

Remember to include the base 60 points for regular difficulty.

>> No.2748111


yeah but wouldn't you get atleast 5 points from game cleared after first play?

>> No.2748119

Yes. You get five points for clearing the Real History route.

>> No.2748125

or wasn't it 10 points for game clear?

>> No.2748131

>Was Shizuka tsundere?
Sources have said that she's the original tsundere. But she's around 80 percent tsun and 20 percent dere.

>> No.2748231
File: 437 KB, 801x605, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can´t killd dis fu**ing thing in 4turs and get a game over.
Have someona an idea?

>> No.2748241

Hover over Kentarou.

>> No.2748243

That's a pretty good ratio.

>> No.2748245
File: 43 KB, 336x349, hay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...The fuck?

>> No.2748255
File: 15 KB, 472x312, suzakuballerina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I kill him?

Even Kenshin dies like a rat!

>> No.2748275
File: 12 KB, 195x257, rance is a fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people should be able to kill him.

>> No.2748277
File: 172 KB, 816x656, masamune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is masamune supposed to be riding? A fish shaped cart or something?

>> No.2748284

whats this item?

>> No.2748287

A stone that was sealing Omachi.

>> No.2748301

How to recruit Houjou Soun?

>> No.2748317


>> No.2748357
File: 105 KB, 800x597, rance orime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF? What kind of Youkai is she?

>> No.2748377

The kind that tries to devour you alive when she orgasms.

>> No.2748381

bre getting her to love.

>> No.2748383
File: 120 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally managed to recruit Takeda. I cleared the prison then it started capturing normally, which is weird because the prison was only half-full.

Only One Eyed House left to unlock.

>> No.2748391

So are you going to play through all the untranslated bits a second time once they are trnaslated?

>> No.2748397

>rance is a fag.jpg
You are now aware that you hate a character that symbolizes a true conqueror from Asia in the time period before the arrival of Europeans.

Meaning you hate the vanilla version of Genghis Khan.

>> No.2748418

More like the Japanese before MacArthur came in and neutered them.

>> No.2748427 [DELETED] 

Well yeah and I still haven't played Isoroku's route yet. I played Ran's though and got pissed off at Rance assholeness and Houjou's stupidity.

I can't win at 2star difficulty too, their starting armies are much much larger than yours and you'll ran out of troops defending multiple attacks per turn.

>> No.2748440

Some sort of Cobra.

>> No.2748441

Well yeah and I still haven't played Isoroku's route yet. I played Ran's though and got pissed off at Rance assholeness and Houjou's stupidity.

I can't win at 2star difficulty too, their starting armies are much much larger than yours and you'll ran out of troops defending multiple attacks per turn

>> No.2748449

>Rance assholeness and Houjou's stupidity
lol'd at how they just treated Ran like some kind of object. highlight of my day is when Ran falls in love with Rance even through it.

>> No.2748461

Your priorities are not where they should be. You should be desiring the murder of that big tittied chinawhore.

>> No.2748463

I asked this before but nobody answered:

What do the difficulty stars represent?

Enemy has more units, higher stats, more turns, or what?

>> No.2748479

Dunno about stats, but they have more troops and can attack multiple times (3+) per turn.

>> No.2748483

I've heard a lot about it, but what exactly is the "kill the monkey" route? What exactly happens? How do you delay/ stop the demon army from coming?

>> No.2748493


The monkey breaks the gourd, which is when all hell breaks loose. In the Kill the Monkey "route", if you can call it that, you can kill the fucker before he does it.

>> No.2748603

>What do the difficulty stars represent?
Higher difficulties means that you'll be facing larger troop sizes, in general. Also, each house will have many more units to use, which means that you'll see damaged unities less often in battle.

>> No.2748609

Higher difficulties also make dungeon battles significantly harder by adding more dungeon levels and making enemies higher level.

>> No.2748612


Does it affect captain battles? I find I have a lot easier time with troop battles.

>> No.2748615

If you're wondering whether you should go for one star or two star difficulties for your second playthrough, I'd reccomend one star; it's not that much more difficult, and you get twice as many points.

>> No.2748669

I can't seem to character clear anyone. I always get to the last step and I don't get the purple event needed to clear. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.2748678

You'll need to be more specific; which characters are you failing to clear?

>> No.2748687

Go to http://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/Sengoku_Rance:Character_clears#In_1.04_order

>> No.2748699

Anybody know what happens in the event that makes Natori reach Love and clears her?

>> No.2748716

Bitches and snakes happen, both die. Ideally.

Usually you'll die, though.

God damn 9999 hp.

>> No.2748732

No, I know that part. What about the event that clears Natori? Do you know what they're saying there?

>> No.2748738

Ranmaru stalls out on the second to last event (no event with Rance and Shibata seeing her)
Magic stalls out on her last event

I haven't gotten to the Temple event yet, but getting rather close

>> No.2748740


Her entire life as a miko, and the entire Miko Institute, was about suppressing Orochi.

If someone goes in and fucks his shit up, that's pretty awesome.

>> No.2748742

Savour the mystery and use it as an incentive to beat Orochi.

>> No.2748748

Those are most likely occuring because there are higher-priority events on the beginning of term event stack; only one event can happen per turn, so you'll have to wait for plot to resolve before seeing such events.

>> No.2748755

It's almost impossible for Ranmaru to stall. Even if you don't talk to Ranmaru, her character clear will come. Except for the Ran route and you let Kou join lolicon dude.

Magic, just get her to 7 love and talk to her. Then talk to her Magic's pretty straightforward.

>> No.2748759

Yeah I can't get Magic to clear too and I'm already on my 4th playthrough. Apparently you need an item but I can't find it.

>> No.2748763

But it's so f-in hard. It's not like you can get to randomly H Natori in Rance's mansion as a reward with that.

I actually would've liked if Kurohime could have had that. Then you'd get 2 sat points every time.

>> No.2748766

Magic doesn't require an item. Rizna requires an item.

>> No.2748769

Go to >>2748687

>> No.2748771
File: 11 KB, 150x177, Sengoku_Rance_-_Yamanaka_Kojika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows how to get Kojika?
Or is she a 2nd game character only?

>> No.2748774

Conquer Mori house. An option to recruit her should appeaer in the top-left territory eventually.

Note that you'll probably need to do this before the demon army shows up.

>> No.2748781

Also, if you guys want to try to get character clears without spoilers, I'd reccomend waiting for the full translation to come out first.

>> No.2748782

And do NOT start the Kyoto events that will recruit Nozomi, or Kojika dies a horrible horrible death after getting raped.

>> No.2748786

Yeah I noticed my mistake, they are both magic units, anyway I can't clear her (Rizna that is). Where do I get her item? Already on my 4th playthrough and I'm pretty sure I explored all the dungeons I found.

>> No.2748788

Thanks a lot anon.

>> No.2748789


If you want a Ying Yang, use Omachi, she's broken beyond comparison. If you want a second one, use Soun or even Ran if you're on her route.

>> No.2748792
File: 126 KB, 561x370, the_more_you_know2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. I didn't know that.

>> No.2748793

But you can recruit Nozomi after the Mori have been beaten.

>> No.2748798

Because of those stinking Haniwa.

>> No.2748802

Try to recruit Nozomi and then immediately finish off Mori on the same turn before events resolve; that might work.

>> No.2748808

The item Rizna needs is random. And to trigger that, you need to randomly sex Rizna up in the mansion first. Then, hopefully, you can get the item that makes her pretty horny with just one re-clear of a cleared dungeon.

>> No.2748827

That might be a bit difficult, seeing as Takuga might declare war, and the need to clear several steps of Kiku's character clear before Mori is beaten. They'd be several fans.

>> No.2748829

Fuck... oh well, next play then. Thanks again.
Going for her next then. You need to conquest Masamune territory for that right?

>> No.2748835

Yes. You get plenty of delicious monstergirls from it.

>> No.2748843

>you need to randomly sex Rizna up in the mansion first
So thats why I can't find the item, dammit the wiki should have worded it more clearly.

I already recruited Nozomi but Kojika is still wandering around, can I still recruit her? Mouri isn't conquered yet.


>> No.2748844

I was wondering, but Nobunaga won't start the Ishijii event until after you conquer South Africa or Morocco, right?

So you can theoretically let the game last until turn 999 if you just don't take over the southern part of Japan?

>> No.2748847

I actually didn't find that out until I just stumbled onto it. Same with Agireda needing to be sexed up at some point in the mansion, leading to her final event.

>> No.2748850

Conquer Mori immediately.

>> No.2748859

Kojika will be tricked by the Haniwa in a few turns, leading to her untimely demise unless Mori is defeated before that happens IIRC.

>> No.2748868
File: 825 KB, 1082x1600, 戦国ランス_180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yin Yangs
I've always wanted to have them immediately in my armies, but I always have the urge to character clear Komatsu so I can't recruit any until after I clear her. She's just so sweet.

>> No.2748881

I'm looking forward to editing her character events, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2748885

Her hscene sucks though, I want a proper hscene.

Damn, its a lost cause then, they still have all their territories since I'm focusing on both Ueseigi and Houjou. BTW Mouri is in my team since I picked Mouri family bonus at the start.

>> No.2748886

I think there are tons of hidden stats you can't really affect.

In a captain battle, I compared One Eyed Masamune to Rance. Masamune was at 8 Atk and level 65, Rance was at 9 Atk and level 73. Masamune out damaged him by almost 1.5x.

>> No.2748891

Heck Yeah!

Oh, question! Do you guys plan to proofread the script? I just read the 0.5 patch and I felt like it was missing something compared to when I read the lines raw. Like they aren't themselves.

>> No.2748899

Yeah I noticed that too. Compare Suzume and Kaname, I upgraded kaname to have the same stats as suzume (pretty easy since they are only 1 points apart), suzume still makes way more damage than her.

>> No.2748901

Those stats are their unit stats, not their actual character stats, IIRC.

>> No.2748910

>Her hscene sucks though, I want a proper hscene.
Well true.

>Mori in your team.
Then Kojika will probably not die, because it requires for Mori to actually be in control of his domain. You have to defeat Mori to be able to access Kojika, I think.

>> No.2748919

>Her hscene sucks though, I want a proper hscene.
Me too. Reading about the lengths she goes to be an idol and Rance's girlfriend kinda makes up for it though.

>> No.2748928

Very few h-scenes in this actually turned me on. I think so far it's only been Kou's rape, Kou's bath scene and the archer woman, when you hold her upside down and rub your dick over her pussy.

>> No.2748930

SZ and myself edit Taka's translation to remove engrish/spelling errors/gramatical errors and work on localization and some rewording. I can't read Japanese myself, so I have no idea if Taka's translations are accurate. SZ can to a point, but I think it'd take him too long to translate each line himself and keep up with Taka's editing load.

So no, we don't have any proofreaders in that sense.

>> No.2748936

actually, you could just keep her in prison for a while. there's a second h-scene to be had there.

>> No.2748937

I agree with this. Most characters read in the same way, there's no real variation in how they talk. They should really give the characters like Kouhime and Yukihime more elaborate speech. I mean, in this translations current form, the personality only really comes across in how often they FUFUFUFU or KEKEKEKE.

>> No.2748942

When Kiku lost her bet, I got into a raging storm of furious hardness. Sen rape, Ai rape turned into happy sex, and Ran rape also were hot. Don't get me started on Maria.

>> No.2748949

That's gonna be a hard thing to keep up with then. You guys are doing good work though with such low manpower.

>> No.2748952

I just cleared my first playtrough, and got 5 points!
What should I do now?

>> No.2748953

coming to think of it, alice games in general are just bad at the h-scenes. well, okay, some of the older stuff were good for their time, but by today's standards they're nothing special.

>> No.2748956

Good to know. I'll talk to Taka about it and see if we can't get some speech-models going for future character-translations.


>> No.2748961

If you say so; I'd still like to find ways to improve as an editor, and find ways to improve the group as a whole. Advice or criticism is always welcome.

>> No.2748963

Well, for Kou, she mostly uses normal speech, so it would make it unnatural for her to have any form of elaboration. I just find it weird that she calls Nobunaga Brother then An-chan in the same event scene. It might've been safer to just have stuck with the actual Japanese term instead.

Besides, lolis saying onii-"xxxx" are hotter than saying brother, which is kind of a turn off LOL.

>> No.2748964

get a girlfriend?

>> No.2748965

Even with the pron focused ones, the ratio of hot(content, build-up etc) scenes is just not good.
They are mostly average.

Written sex rarely is well written and can easily be horrible and even a turn off.
Voices can also make it decent or pure hell.

>> No.2748967


>> No.2748973

>When Kiku lost her bet, I got into a raging storm of furious hardness.
Made me fall in love with Kiku hard.

>> No.2748975
File: 84 KB, 670x779, 086c0aaa61cba0a3427e87265f324c32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope her stuff route will be translated soon, from what I've seen of her she's really awesome.

Also, does Naoe get proper H-scene? Or does she have Ranmaru treatment?

>> No.2748976

How the FUCK do you have Ryouma at turn35? I didn't even see her until about turn 65.

>> No.2748980

Naoe falls in love with Rance. She most definitely has one.

>> No.2748984

Rampage your way to the west of JAPAN, or do they have a family bonus?

>> No.2748985

Hh come on!
Should I use this points? Should I save points and play normal modo first route again or what?

>> No.2748990

Those points cannot be saved. Just use them on what you want.

>> No.2748991

Well yeah, it's the build-up that's the problem. I just played a bit of Nocturnal Illusion and there's one bit where you fuck this vampire woman. I can't be bothered to explain it all, and if I could, you wouldn't want to read it all, but it was built up very nicely and even though it wasn't visually that amazing, it was still incredibly hot.

>> No.2748992

She's awesome, especially if you like futa.

>> No.2748995

Could you suggest me something? I'm totally lost in this points stuff. And what should I play next, kenshin route in normal modo, or first route in 2 star?

>> No.2748996

> family bonus
They don't sadly. They should have made it so that clearing the character allows you to put them on your team at the start like Daibanchou.

>> No.2749001

None of their units are particularily noteable, though.

>> No.2749003
File: 47 KB, 800x600, cg00711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this and where is she?

>> No.2749005

go for 5 star. if you know what you're doing (i.e. if you spam special abilities like mad) you'll do just fine.

>> No.2749008

You'll need to hit the "Reinforcements" button under satisfaction bonuses three times and select the first house each time to get her.

>> No.2749011

rance's satisfaction bonus. call for reinforcements. she's like way down the list.

>> No.2749013

Or go one-star and get a decent number of points with a moderate-hard challenge.

>> No.2749014

3rd reinforcement from Leazas, obtained from Sat bonus foreign reinforcements.

>> No.2749017
File: 92 KB, 800x600, cg01508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that shota in the background fucked someone.

>> No.2749019

if all you've got is 5 points, either get the staff of popularity or the siege/open battle magazines.

>> No.2749020

What about those 5 points?

>> No.2749022

Rance's Love(2)
Work Patch(2)
Staff of Charisma(4)
Jagged Sword(4)

>> No.2749023

Killing the Shimazu brothers. I always enjoy seeing them all squirm to their deaths. EACH and EVERY time.

>> No.2749024

Not that guy, but I found the regular game pretty hard after a point. I think even one star would fuck me up.

>> No.2749025

or the battle permits. those are good too.

>> No.2749026

Can't wait for it, then.


>> No.2749031

Well he does at one point. They all fuck that native looking woman and I think it's him that actually has his dick in her in the image.

>> No.2749032

You posted that in the previous Rance thread as well. You must really like your shota.
Heartless bastard.

>> No.2749037

you're not using the special abilities right.

at higher levels, onmyouji and other specialist troops do all the work. the swordsmen/spearmen are just there as meatshields.

>> No.2749038

Only happens in Ran route, though, and if you recruited the Shimazu brothers into your army. Which I only did to spite them by seeing the women pick Rance over them.

>> No.2749039

I like how you can even fuck that MILF that hangs around with Ryouma.

>> No.2749040

Fucking that MILF will make Ryoma disappear though.

>> No.2749044

>Heartless bastard.
They hurt Agireda and her people. It's all good in love and war.

>> No.2749047

Oh how come? Does he rape her or something? Also, how come Ryouma has a dick in the scene where she fucks (or gets raped by) those oni but doesn't when Rance fucks her?

>> No.2749050

he/she has a dick to start with because she got cursed by oni. it's been so long that he/she doesn't remember if the curse was the dick or for him/her to look like a girl despite the dick.

>> No.2749051

No. Rance and MILF have consensual. But to do this, Ryoma will have become into a man.

If you make Ryoma into a woman, you can fuck her consensually which turns into rape in the middle of it because apparently, Rance's dick is too big for her.

BTW, you can only clear Ryoma if you fuck her.

>> No.2749059

Who's onmyouji?

>> No.2749060

Go back to >>2748687

>> No.2749063

Too bad you can't fuck her as a futa, or at least have her fuck other women.

You know when you first see her and her crew in that scene? What exactly is meant to be happening when the guy is scruffy armour takes her into the tent? I pervily thought that he had to fuck her as part of her curse, like the typical hentai plot device where sex performs a really practical function (recharging mana, for example).

>> No.2749066

What I found incredibly hard was getting Natori. I don't even know who that guy you're talking about is.

>> No.2749074

Onmyouji is the actual term in Japan for the Yin yang users.

>> No.2749084

OK, I just checked the wiki and you're not talking about a character but about a troop type. Well at the moment, Nobunaga is going around taking over kingdoms and I don't have any of these onmyouji people at all.

>> No.2749096

So... how do you get these yin yang people?

>> No.2749112

get lucky with captures. lots of houses have one or two. or fight Houjou.

also, get Natori. her special attack is great, and you don't even have to spend money expanding her army, since her power isn't dependent on it.

>> No.2749118

why is it hard getting Natori? just capture the miko academy and bob's your uncle.

>> No.2749121

Do you get the points for a game-clear each time, or only on the next game?

For example, If I beat the game normally (5 points), I'll have 5 points for the second game. If I beat the second game on 1-star difficulty, does that mean I have 10 points for my third game? Or do I only have 5 points?

Also, the +2 character points option for leveling units, is that determined at the very end (meaning an absolute minimum of 7 points at the end of the game), or does it add before the turn count, meaning a "negative" score will completely invalidate the +2 points?

>> No.2749122

should have built up your army before the demonic invasion.

>> No.2749131

I spent literally hours and dozens of reloads trying to beat her. The game was a piece of piss until that point, and then suddenly I just couldn't survive against her. Since then the difficulty's sort of wavered but recently got tough again. At the moment it's a chore to play, to be honest. I'm probably just burnt out because I've played it only twice but for about 12 hours each time.

>> No.2749138

You get 5 a permanent five points *once* for completing the real history route. You get a permanent 10 points *once* for each IF route.

Your final score is calculated by:
(Initial score + all score bonuses) - # turns taken.

Therefore, if you take a lot of time and get a bunch of bonus points passives, you'll still be at 0 in the end.

>> No.2749140

I was trying to but this game is nothing but a series of hidden triggers. You do one thing, and about 6 other unrelated things suddenly start. You have to sink days into it just to understand that going to X place causes Y army to attack and stuff like that. It's kind of like trying to make a sandwich but if you open the butter before you take the bread out, the ham explodes.

>> No.2749145

I honestly don't think I've ever seen one of this yin yangs.

>> No.2749168

IF routes give 5 points each,like Real History route.

>> No.2749172

I think, 5 points for each if route

>> No.2749205

How are you meant to be good enough to declare war on Uesugi and Hojo at the same time, early in the game? If you need Natori to do so, how are you meant to be good enough to defeat her even earlier in the game?

>> No.2749224

with uesugi, use rance for free wins.

also, battle permits come in handy here.

>> No.2749225

Yes, this is what I don't understand. I had enough on my plate just putting up with the unavoidable battles at the start. I mean, are you mean to ignore all events, all options, other than just attacking everything? Would you just run our of money then, since you're being injured so much and not making much money?

>> No.2749226

But you don't get them till pretty much at the end.

>> No.2749228

Also, I didn't get 1000+ troops until they gave me those mercenary people.

>> No.2749252

what the fuuuuu

is there no way to prevent this fire devil from killing my people?

>> No.2749284

Initial Score: 60, 120, 150, 200
Defeat Orochi 10
Defeat Masamune 10
H300 10
Treasures6 10
Troop30000 10
Amusement Park 3 * X(max5?)
Character Clear 2 * Y(max29?)
End Game Point 2 * Z(max29?)

Initial Score + Bonuses - Turns = Current Score
YourPoints = Highest Score + ClearRouts(max4) * 5

I heard someone had gotten 316 points.

>> No.2749286

1. Recruit Houjo Soun
2. Let Kentarou demon form fight him
3. Sacrifice some useless unit > come up with tactics choice > let Rance fight

>> No.2749686

Why would you do that? I just let demon kentarou fight every time until he reaches lvl99. That way is fucking easy to kill xavier at the end of the game.

Another way to make the gay demon disappear is conquering all demon army's territory.

>> No.2749713

>>conquering all demon army's territory

oh, that easy huh? I'm only looking at 15 countries held by an army four times the size of mine with enemies that can take 200+ men from my armies permanently and having to lose a character after each battle, sounds like no problem.

I'm totally unable to make any decent progress to the west, someone said there'll be events that help? When do those happen and what do they do? I'm probably better going to restart unless something really useful will happen real soon.

>> No.2750040

Okay, I just started my second game and realized I don't want the bonus I chose.(Yin-Yang commander) If I make a new game will I get to pick another bonus? If not, will loading from my old first game and recompleting the game give me another five points?

>> No.2750040,1 [INTERNAL] 

Okay, so after like my 12th playthrough, I finally got everything.

First off, since nobody seems to have addressed it, during the ran route the female commanders you lose? Yeah, they'll be revenged. In about 2 or three fans you can pay off an event of Kidnapping the four brothers' sweetheart (I.e. Demon Xavier's immortal daughter, etc etc) with about a total of 50 score. Revenge time! Listen up-

1. You get to fuck the girl during this route if you killed the Demon Xavier in another game.

2. The four brothers end up abandoning their armies and sending their army into chaos, only to show up trapped in your dungeon for your choice of rehire if you want. (I let em rot for taking away one magic user and Elina, my All guard bonus divine. Seemed fitting)

After that, use your permits not your fans to keep their bases whittled down while you replace your lost forces with ol' one eye's gals.

Such tear jerking moments need some female companionship to ease Rance's burdens after all ^^

Have fun!

>> No.2750040,2 [INTERNAL] 

thanks for this

>> No.2750040,3 [INTERNAL] 


