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2742633 No.2742633 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from >>2740974

Sengoku Rance. Questions, comments, whatever.

>> No.2742643
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>> No.2742644

>I was attacked by several armies at first.

There is only one event where this happens, and it's the Ashikaga and Hara alliance. It'd be better if you just paid the Ashikaga money while you took on the Tokugawa for Senhime before fighting them.

At the same breath, defeat Ashikaga, leave Hara alone. Defeat Natori first.

This will train you to handle two countries at once.

>> No.2742647

Why is that character carring a briefcase?

>> No.2742650

In the other (auto-saging) thread, someone said to post a screen cap of my army. I will do right after I beat Xavier at Honnouji (if...)

>> No.2742652

I don't even remember who this is...

>> No.2742656

You will. It'll just require continues.

Also, if you still have some satisfaction bonuses left, I'd reccomend using it to either weaken the enemy army when the demon army shows up or to add 50 troops per unit.

>> No.2742659

>What's confusing is that the other day people were telling me I'd fucked up by building up my army with prisoners too much.

Prisoners as in generic prisoners. Build your army up with the special captains instead which are also prisoners, as well as using the foreigners from abroad.

>> No.2742662

I think the Tenshi also attacked when I attacked the Iga (or vice versa). In general, and my memory is blurry because I've played this in two massive sessions of about 12 hours each, it felt like I was playing tennis or something; batting one enemy away only for another to bounce back. I don't really play strategy games, though, so maybe there's all sorts of acquired common sense that I'm just missing.

>> No.2742663

I don't know who it is but it's tagged as Sengoku Rance on Pixiv.

>> No.2742668

Some prisoners can be excellent; specifically:
Foot soldiers with high defense and a large unit size
Monks with guard cancel or convert action
Diviners with shikigami

>> No.2742670

Is there a free play mode, where you play the game without being held down and buggered by various triggers and time limits?

>> No.2742677

Kill The Monkey route or Free For All. That being said, they really aren't that big limitations once you get used to the game.

>> No.2742680
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>> No.2742686

Yes, people said it million times already.

Finish the game and select the "kill the monkey" bonus before starting a new game.

The day before Toukichirou breaks the gourd that contains Xavier's soul, you get the option to kill the fucker and Nobunaga won't transform into a demon.

>> No.2742689

Iga should not be attacked as it breaks one seal and it really does nothing for you. Tenshikyou will always declare war against you because of plot reasons. Beating them is not a priority because you get nothing out of it except wasted turns of trying to conquer their territory, Iga declaring war several turns later, as well as Asai fighting you hard.

It's better not to conquer those two. Iga can be left after the Xavier event and when you've conquered Hojo, Uesugi and Mori.

>> No.2742690

Okay, I'm starting a new game, and I've got five points... what should I pick? I'm going to try to play the Kenshin route.

>> No.2742694

As I said before, not in a bitchy way, but I don't really see myself playing this after I've completed it... Knowing me I'll just start a 2nd playthrough and stop after the first time I save and quit. I've been on my 2nd playthrough of Persona 4 since January.

>> No.2742699

Uninstall, install. Patch with 1.04.

The other routes are not something a new player should play.

>> No.2742700

I didn't realise it was that little nigger that broke it. I thought Nobunaga just dropped it like the clumsy hippy he is.

>> No.2742704

Other routes are inaccessible unless you've finished the True Route first.

>> No.2742708

This game reminds me of so many other games in the way in which it's ticking along really nicely, really enjoyably, and then they go and fuck it up by fucking with the nature of the game in favour of plot. It's almost like if Mario became a fighting game for the last 3 levels.

>> No.2742711

So, I happen to be a lolicon, is there any decent loli sex in this, or even just an awesome loli character to use a lot? Or is it mostly normal girls?

This wont prevent me from playing when its fully translated by the way, but it would increase my enjoyment of this game.

>> No.2742713

Not that clumsy. Nobunaga is actually a better swordsman than both Kenshin and Rance.

Kenshin took quite a while to down Rance, Nobunaga did it in one move.

>> No.2742715

Wait, there is an English patch? I thought there was just the wiki.

>> No.2742718

There's loli rape. You're not gonna be the one who does it. Also, if done correctly, Rance will rape one without the girl or HIS own consent.

>> No.2742720

But age 20 is not loli.

>> No.2742721

But a drawing of an 8-year-old is.

>> No.2742725

>Rance will rape one without the girl or HIS own consent.

I lol'd when it happened.

>> No.2742727


aw, i prefer love'd tenderly. well, i guess I have to accept what they give me.

>> No.2742728

Even Kou-hime is older than that, by what, 3 years?

>> No.2742730

If you do the kill the monkey route, of free for all, do you still get the non-Xavier-related scenes? Like the raeps and the general flavour scenes?

>> No.2742733

About 50% of this game is still untranslated.

When they're going to finish it?

>> No.2742734

Don't worry, there's some heartwarming sex in this game. Can't believe it, coming from Rance of all people.

>> No.2742736

>even just an awesome loli character to use a lot

>> No.2742740

There's no story in free for all mode.

>> No.2742742

Dunno. They're pretty fast though.

Unfortunately, I couldn't wait and played it in raw. It still astounds me that I was able to understand the entire dialogue. I guess the Japanese used in the game wasn't that hard.

>> No.2742745

You fuck a "fake loli" (as has been mentioned), you see two shota cumming on an 11-year-old and you also bathe that girl yourself later. One of the characters is openly a lolicon and gets together with an adult woman just so he can be around her adopted little girl (she did this on purpose).

There are several loli characters in it but the main character is against fucking lolis himself.

>> No.2742747

>(she did this on purpose)
She's a chess master, I tell you.

>> No.2742749

And in the kill the monkey route? I like the scenes that add character to the game, h-scenes as well as the general little skits.

>> No.2742750


if its not loli sex, I don't care, he can rape all the women in japan for all I care, just lolis need to be loved tenderly.

even if he doesn't fuck them, are they awesome characters to use in battle or what not?

>> No.2742756

>One of the characters is openly a lolicon
He actually denies being lolicon, but everyone knows better. And the woman's plan for it, I lol'd because she knows the loli will grow older and the dude would lose interest but they'll STILL be married.

>> No.2742757

I noticed it too.

Aside from names, all the kanji used in the dialogues are common stuff.

>> No.2742760

Kill the monkey is a normal game, just without Xavier and Demon Army.

>> No.2742764
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I was on my 2nd playthrough when suddenly this shit came up.

What did i do wrong?

>> No.2742767

>if its not loli sex, I don't care, he can rape all the women in japan for all I care, just lolis need to be loved tenderly.
True Route is the route for you, because you become Kou-hime's Oniichan in what is basically the Kou route.

>even if he doesn't fuck them, are they awesome characters to use in battle or what not?
Kou is a good spear unit, just not as awesome as Sen, and not as powerful as Teru, which I will argue as the strongest spearman unit in the game.

Kojika has a good one-time battle use ability that can diversify your army battles. Also, you just can't help but recruit her if you've read her entire story throughout the game. Just don't recruit Nozomi before beating the Mori, or she dies a horrible death after getting raped.

>> No.2742768

>even if he doesn't fuck them, are they awesome characters to use in battle or what not?
You don't get the main one, Kouhime, until late in the game. You see her a lot throughout the game though. You can hang out with the unique characters whenever you like.

>> No.2742769

Our deadline for Ran's route is July 25. That should mark the 75-85% point in the project.

>> No.2742772


You didn't give the pink haired girl her citrus fruits.

>> No.2742776
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Oh shit. LotR reference.

>> No.2742778

>not as powerful as Teru
She's already powerful just by herself. When I gave her the counterattack+50 and she's on guard, even the Shimazu brothers just get destroyed in one attack.

>> No.2742781

Please don't forget about the Alice Room stuff.

>> No.2742785

I LOVE you guys.

>> No.2742786

Damn... I knew i forgot something.

>> No.2742789

Also, this is my perfect woman. Yes, I know. ;_;

>> No.2742792

We're going to do everything; don't worry.

>> No.2742794
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Forgot mah pic.

>> No.2742795

Well, uh, thanks. I'm glad you're enjoying the game.

>> No.2742801

Your perfect woman is a spider demon that likes to stare at you while you sleep and follows you around after you rape her in the battlefield?

>> No.2742803
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A wild loli appears.

>> No.2742804

No, I actually finished the game raw already. I just love the work you guys do so that everybody else can have a crack at it and actually understand it. Tried game translation before. Pretty hard stuff.

>> No.2742805

No, I just forgot my pic.

>> No.2742810

The hardest part is always the h-scenes.

>> No.2742816

That's for sure.

>> No.2742825


lol, thats what takajun always says, sup man. any plans on whats next?

>> No.2742831

TakaJun doesn't read 4chan, for better or for worse.

>> No.2742832

Sorry to break it to you but, your waifu is a man.

>> No.2742834

There's several perfect women for me in this game.

Naoe Ai is one, Kikkawa Kiku is another. Then there's Agireda. Sen has one hell of a character storyline for the clear. Also, Suzume and Magic.

Then there's the other tier of Maria, Urza, Sill, Kou, Kanami, and Rizna.

When you finish Ran and 56, you fall in love with them even more. Kenshin, despite all of the hubbub, doesn't live up much to me compared to the others.

>> No.2742838

Ran is love. Kenshin is retarded moe, which isn't really my thing.

>> No.2742839

>Then there's Agireda

I enjoyed it when she finally fell in love with Rance.

>> No.2742844

>Accept Youchirou's book.

There you go, enjoy your loli rape.

>> No.2742845

Oh, and Fuuka. She's likable because she shows Rance's civility by her clear.
Making Ran fall in love with Rance put a smile on my face. Too bad it doesn't have a CG of its own.

>> No.2742847

>Kikkawa Kiku

>> No.2742851

> Uninstall, install. Patch with 1.04. The other routes are not something a new player should play.
Already patched.

> Other routes are inaccessible unless you've finished the True Route first.
Well, I have.

Now what do I spend those five points on? That diviner looks pretty nice.

>> No.2742855

If Ai is Kenshin's retainer girl, then I agree with you. When I saw the HCG of this game ages ago, she's the one that stood out most. She's even wearing bike shorts.

>> No.2742856

Extra cash.

>> No.2742860

Yes, she is. Also, tsundere for Rance.

>> No.2742861
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>> No.2742862

Good god no.
Use it on the Warrior (Mortai Ai) or Diviner or Monk. All are cash shit.

>> No.2742865

Ah yes, the reward for conquering Iga. Fucking a kunoichi while other loli watch you do it. It's too bad conquering Iga leads to a whole slew of problems, one of which is a broken urn.

>> No.2742868

If an anime was made of this, I might actually buy it.

>> No.2742869

Well, there's a typo. Thanks.

>> No.2742874

I'd say tsundere done right. Along with Kiku and Sen, my holy tsunrity for the game. Only because Ran dies.

>> No.2742879
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>> No.2742883

Screw an anime. Must be hentai with all of its glory.

>> No.2742884

Explodes is a better verb when dealing with Ran.

>> No.2742885

that's why we call her hime-chan.

>> No.2742888

Trick question. This will never happen if you don't defeat the Tenshikyou.

>> No.2742891

Save and try out both.

>> No.2742893
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>> No.2742895

I did.

I lol'd.

>> No.2742897


>> No.2742901

Black Shirou in the background, apparently.

>> No.2742904

Oh, but when you get her event that makes her reach love 7 and clears her, I go HHNNNNNGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH at it.

>> No.2742906
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This girl was unbelievably cute too. I can't remember her name though.

>> No.2742911

All right, cheated to finish my second game. Xavier is level 100 and would have raped all my party if not, how are you supposed to kill him?

Now I have like 60 points to splurge. Any recommendations?

>> No.2742914

I just started the game (turn 12 I think) and I've got some questions if someone can help.

First, I saw things like bonus fans in the previous thread, how do I get those?

Second, I don't really "get" the Ninjas. They can't tank, their shurikens are weak and the assassination only works on enemies too weakened to be a threat. It says shurikens stop preparations, but I haven't seen any of those yet. What am I missing?

Also, I recruited an awesome old man with pandas in some kind of event, he's great for negociations, but he's worthless in battles. Is he a joke character or something?

>> No.2742915

Imagawa Anko.

Too bad that's her only part in the game. Would've enjoyed it if she also had a random scene in Rance's mansion.

>> No.2742925

Two ways to get the fans.

One is to accumulate satisfaction points and you'll be able to get them at 50, 160 and 260 IIRC.

Second is the third fan when you have enough points in the Second games.

>> No.2742929

A) Use continues
B) Recruit a lot of good unique units and go to C)
C) Do all the dungeons to level up your troops
D) Give your troops good items
E) Release prisoners in multiples of five to get an item that levels up a single unit.

>> No.2742931

Preparations are when your opponents are starting to charge their lasers. Ninjas can stop those. And Ninjas can assassinate pretty troublesome units. Since ninjas are pretty useless for tanking, that's a good trade-off.

>> No.2742936

Also, use Defense Shikigamis and Natori to keep Rance alive during the fight.

>> No.2742939

When Rance's satisfaction gets to a certain level, you can get more fans as the bonus.

The assassination can work on an enemy with 900 troops if your ninja only has about 400. It's really quite random in that way. The preparation thing is when certain super-powerful (and annoying moves) take a turn to prepare. The only way to stop them is to kill the unit or to shuriken them. Ninja also get skills that raise their def by 70%, lower the encounter rate in dungeons and raise the advantage in battle (the % at the top). They can also be pretty powerful when you have more troops with them. Like in Advance Wars, the more troops (the HP, if you like) the more damage they do.

This is the opposite to certain special boss fights and to dungeon fights. In those cases, HP doesn't affect damage, their level does. Normally level is meaningless.

>> No.2742941
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>> No.2742945

If you touch her boobs, they declar war on you. I don't know about the other option (lol).

>> No.2742946

Fffffffffffff, what the hell is that? And how did you get that scene?

>> No.2742952


>> No.2742954

Keeping Rance alive has never been much of a problem for me. He's actually one of the strongest units in the game for me. And using spear units like Sen or Teru are more than enough to defend the frontline.

Never really bothered with Yin Yang units, because Daidoji makes for a good harem addition.

>> No.2742958

ninjas can stop those mega-spells that requires two turns to cast. after the first turn the caster will have a 'preparing' sign over them. then you can use ninjas to disrupt them.

all in all assassination is the more important skill. note that they have a chance of success regardless of how much troops the enemy has (although it goes down). this means save/loading works, if you're going to try that.

>> No.2742959

In the first play is so easy to beat xavier and finish the game if you have abused the gay demon to level up kotarou to lvl99.

>> No.2742960

Thanks, I guess I'll pump my satisfaction then.

>> No.2742961

Strange. For me Rance has died more than any other single unit. He was OHKO'd several times when I was fighting Natori.

>> No.2742964


>> No.2742965


Orime, from the One Eyed house. Noir from the OP's pic is also there.

>> No.2742967

need to get the satisfaction bonuses that give him stat boosts. also get him some more troops.

>> No.2742968

They will declare war with you no matter which of the two you choose. Rance will still grope her. The deciding factor of you going to war against Asai is either you defeat Tenshikyou or not. If you don't, they don't send their envoys to Oda.
That's Orime and the after battle pseudo rape conclusion. Her head turns like that when she orgasms.

>> No.2742984

Do you max Rance's troops always? Did you reinforce his troops with a satisfaction bonus? If you strengthen Rance's troops the most like he's the special forces of the game, which he ought to be, the rest of your army will follow and the game will not be as hard.

Because trying to defend Rance is an effort in futility when you should just let the man have the strength to fight alone while your defenses are left for your magic, ninja, gunnery or archer teams.

>> No.2742989

Ninjas are perfect for attacking troublesome units like musketeers and mages before they attack, thus greatly reducing the damage you will receive. I have suzume quite pumped up and it's a great unit (with the poison dagger and the 70% defense ability).

>> No.2742995

Rance is only mid-tier. I usually just give him about 1000 troops so as to be useful early-game. later you get much better troops to spend money on.

>> No.2742996

Epic final battle against Inukai.

>> No.2743000

Rance is the most malleable out of any unit in the game. Ignore him, and he's weak and useless. Give him the Elite troops sat bonus, take him along on all dungeon runs, and get Rance Attack.

As a bonus, if you level him enough, Sill becomes awesome too.

>> No.2743005

>Give him only 1000 troops.

Which is why he sucked. He's even better than Kenshin.

>> No.2743006

yeah, he's important for captain fights, but for troop fights just about all the unique swordsmen you get are better.

>> No.2743010

But dungeons are boring!

>> No.2743014

lol no. kenshin has the -1 action ability. combined with that whassername archer's precision attack you can lock down the enemy completely.

>> No.2743026

Kenshin has the -1, true, but in actual combat, Rance has a better fighting unit under him, especially against Mori.

>> No.2743027

locking down the enemy this way also has the advantage of letting your onmyouji spam their 2-action attacks without running out of time. very important in higher difficulties.

>> No.2743033

Do dungeons, you don't lose boss fights.

>> No.2743034

in higher difficulties swordsmen barely do damage anyway. they're just there to tank for the casters. kenshin definitely does a better job there.

>> No.2743043

Except for fighting.

>> No.2743047

>they're just there to tank for the casters
>not spearmen

>> No.2743052

All right, if you say so anon....

By the way, any good 2nd game bonuses to pick up? Besides the extra action.

>> No.2743054

IIRC kenshin has the better troop stats unless you're going to spend books on Rance. even after the satisfaction upgrades.

>> No.2743069

get the staff of popularity. make sure to equip it asap on your most expensive troops. free troop increase.

>> No.2743074

I spend books on Rance and Kenshin equally. In my experience, the AI just disables Kenshin in faster fashion than they could Rance. For some odd reason. In any event, I always have them fight in the same battle unless it's blitz time (only three territories left in a province).

>> No.2743078

on the same note, get the three gold statuettes that give +10% each to income. very useful.

>> No.2743079

>I spend books on Rance and Kenshin equally
And I did this because I thought Kenshin was the better unit. But outside of that -1, Rance had the better unit in actual combat for me.

>> No.2743080
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Sooo anyone managed to unlock Takeda yet?

>> No.2743085

I don't recruit old men. Can't sex them.

>> No.2743086

Noted. I had it on Maria last game, 1500 cannon troopers hurt a lot.

Any other recommendation?

>> No.2743094

Maria and Kasumi in the same army is a massacre.

>> No.2743102
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>> No.2743110

get the magazines, except for the dungeon one. they're surprisingly powerful if you remember to equip the right one right before a fight.

>> No.2743117
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Best women in the game.

>> No.2743121

Rance 6 is one that i'd like a translation for. But will most likely never get.

>> No.2743127
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Can someone explain me what's going on in this event?

>> No.2743128

100 ways to conquer a castle and Japan Weekly's column on field battle?

>> No.2743130

yeah. you get bonuses on all 4 stats.

>> No.2743138
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Like magic units, cannon ignores guard right? My main damage hitter is elina equipped with commander guards(+5000 guards). Obliterates most foes just need to watch out for the ninjas.

>> No.2743139

the female ninja is actually an escaped ninja from that clan. she got caught and they're going to execute her in public. but not before making a show out of it.

I think there were Hard Gay references.

>> No.2743141

Kanami was scouting around in Houjou territory, where she is now considered a rogue ninja of the local ninja, the Fuma. She gets captured and is about to be split in half before Rance arrives with Suzume to save the day.

Kanami pisses herself in relief, but is very embarassed that she did it in front of Rance. Rance also says some cool one liners.

>> No.2743142

commander guards are best on an onmyouji. just pump up the speed with books and let it rip.

>> No.2743148

Why is Rance such a slut?

>> No.2743151


>> No.2743156

Even if you did spend your books directly on Rance, he still hits a limit. I don't think you can even spend many books on Kenshin. But yeah, like you, Rance is pretty strong in my game. In fact, my weakest unit is Kojika, and she never dies.

I hardly even use Kenshin in castle assaults. Teru and Sen with Rance with Natori, Suzume and Yamamoto are pretty well equipped for it.

>> No.2743160

Because he gets laid?

>> No.2743163

play on 5-star difficulty.

>> No.2743165

Because he had a 4p in the game?

>> No.2743174

Why would you even play that far? Swordsmen become useless in that difficulty so the only use of Kenshin becomes her -1 God of War aura. Doesn't make any difference that Rance is still the better combat unit. Unless you make an effort to not make him strong.

>> No.2743177

1 star is my limit, 2 star horribly raped me. Multiple house attacking you 3+ times per turn made me ran out of troops. The fact that they starts with more troops than you didn't help either.

>> No.2743179
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Well. This is new. Apparently Ran can summon Suzaku who instarapes everyone.

>> No.2743182

Which is why you kill her first.

>> No.2743183

only true reference for unit strength, since if you can survive there you can breeze through the lower difficulties.

since swordsmen are useless at 5-stars but kenshin still has the aura, she's the better combat unit. also she's not stuck to a single item like Rance.

>> No.2743186

That's not a combat unit, but a support unit. Learn the difference.

>> No.2743190

is it in combat? why yes it is. i guess that makes it a combat unit.

>> No.2743195

Logistics batallions and engineers are also in combat, but they don't fight. They are called SUPPORT units. Again, learn the difference.

Kenshin has the better support, Rance fights better.

>> No.2743197

Holy fuck, how do you have Natori AND Senhime by turn 20? I think it took me till turn 35 or more to get Natomi. Also, how the hell are you meant to beat those enemies anyway?

>> No.2743207

they're the exact same troop type. and kenshin has the better stats. and the ability to use one of many stat-boosting items that make her even more powerful. and the ability to eventually take a passive skill that doesn't suck, unlike Rance's regen.

I really don't see how Rance fights better.

>> No.2743214


Of course, this means you'll be at war with Natori, Ashikaga and Hara at the same time when this happens.

>> No.2743216

ninja. or just give away a territory that turn. you know it's coming since she gets an event beforehand.

>> No.2743226

Rance can also get a new passive ability in the True route.

And as I've said before, it's just that way. Kenshin just gets killed faster when I use her against the same opponents than Rance. And she still has the higher numbers than Rance in my game. And I use them the same way.

Experience trumps stats.

>> No.2743232

Oh, and this is 1.04.

>> No.2743240

so... you have nothing to back up what you're saying except anecdotal evidence that nobody else can verify.

well isn't that just peachy.

>> No.2743241

And that's after I've given her the swords or the ring.

>> No.2743251

It works that way. Find out for yourself. Rance only becomes a subpar unit if you go on an effort to make him weak. And he was already strong even before I learned that that books could actually boost stats up.

>> No.2743263

oh, sure, I'll just whip out this old game I got bored with ages ago and grind for 10 hours just to prove that the unverifiable statistical anomaly you experienced is, in fact, unverifiable.

or I could, like, not.

>> No.2743269

It's not an anomaly if it happens every time.

>> No.2743271

>ages ago

>> No.2743282

that's great in your la-la land.

yes, ages ago. um indeed.

>> No.2743288

Since when is an observable quirk in a computer game la la land?

And ages ago is right. You forgot. Or you just didn't level Rance up.

>> No.2743289
File: 14 KB, 317x367, 1236457718199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2743295

it's not observable. it doesn't happen to me. it doesn't happen to anyone else. i don't know whether it happens to you by freak accident, or you're a lying faggot, or a troll. probably the third now that I think about it.

>> No.2743300

It does happen. Fight Mori. Fight the Demon Army castle fights. I generally have a harder time winning with Kenshin leading the force than if I used Rance. And she has the better numerical stats.

>> No.2743305

screenshots or it didn't happen and you're a lying faggot.

onus of proof is on you since the stats say otherwise.

>> No.2743308

You guys, is it possible that it's a matter of tactics? I mean, if we do look at it, Kenshin does only have 2 moves to start with. By the time you get her, Rance would have had 4.

>> No.2743309

Oh lawd, how the fuck do I do that?

>> No.2743311


>> No.2743312

3, actually. rance has 4. generally though you only get enough time to use 3 in large fights.

>> No.2743314

Unless you use assassination techniques.

>> No.2743315

1. get both the same number of troops.
2. get them to fight the same enemy with save/load.
3. post the attack damage / defence damage.

if Rance is better as you say he should do better damage / take less despite crappier stats.

>> No.2743319

This is probably in higher difficulties. I don't remember Kenshin having more than 2 moves when I get her. Had to use one of those level 2 +1 move books to make her into a 3.

>> No.2743327

But that would require me to play the game again. And it'd take too much time to pull off.

>> No.2743330

Besides, I tried using screenshot before and all I get is a huge black when I paste.

>> No.2743334

Maybe it's a matter of speed. Rance has always been faster than Kenshin when I play them. Don't know if it's actually strength of stats that go into it.

>> No.2743341

alt+s, the game engine can make screenshots

>> No.2743344

Didn't know that.

>> No.2743346

Rance does extra damage with his hyper weapon that does not appear in the stats, while Kenshin obviously doesn't have one.

>> No.2743348

>But that would require me to play the game again. And it'd take too much time to pull off.

>It works that way. Find out for yourself. Rance only becomes a subpar unit if you go on

>It works that way. Find out for yourself.

>Find out for yourself.

oh dear, is this what hypocrisy looks like?

>> No.2743349

Thanks, but even if I do that, going into Mori is a difficult amount of time. Don't know if waiting for peasants would work, but that's also several hours of gameplay.

>> No.2743353

That was before you told me that you haven't played the game in ages.

>> No.2743355

Hey, uh, does Rance's usefulness really matter that much? I mean, if people like using him, let them use him. If they dont't, then that's fine too.

>> No.2743357

Actually, it's both of those things. That, and at least in my games, Rance criticals a lot.

>> No.2743360

How does it even matter if Kenshin or Rance is slightly better? You'll need to fight several times per turn anyway so it's rather advisable to have more than one usable swordsman.

>> No.2743362


>> No.2743634

Just to get this straight, I need 10 points at the end in order to be able to kill the monkey in the next playthrough, right? How the fuck do I get points? I must have like -30 by now. I found it pretty hard (and very frustrating) on the first playthrough so I don't think I'll be able to do it on the harder difficulties to get easier points.

>> No.2743761
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Soooo anyone unlock the Takeda house bonus yet?
I can manage to get Baba and Sanada before conquering all of Japan on easy mode, kill the monkey. It seems like nobody wants to hire the other Takeda commanders after I assassinate Shingen.

Pic of savegame where I tried unlocking all the family bonuses. Found myself unable to get the Takeda bonus. Already dicked around, doing nothing for ~30 turns hoping for some house to hire Takeda commanders.

>> No.2743963 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 799x594, HURRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Already dicked around, doing nothing for ~30 turns hoping for some house to hire Takeda commanders.

I dicked around 150 turn. Baba joined Mouri on turn 123. Kousaka, Akashi turn 173. Yamagata, Mouri turn 191.
