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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 450x600, 1234510370037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2720269 No.2720269 [Reply] [Original]

Do you see yourself getting ronery enough to actually buy a Japanese sexdoll for companionship, /jp/?

>> No.2720272

I never get ronery enough to consider buying this kind of thing.

>> No.2720278

I'd buy one in an instant if I could afford to.

>> No.2720286

yes. but ownership of those jap realdolls like that will probably become illegal with the increasing censorship laws passing. if someone can get convicted for shota manga, what would happen when i own a DFC one of these with extra penis attachment?

>> No.2720284

I'd buy one in an instant if I could think of a way to hide it from my maid.

>> No.2720296
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why hide?

>> No.2720334

Those things - those dead eyes - freak me out.

>> No.2720369

For a second there I thought that was an average Japanese house.

>> No.2720403
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>> No.2720490


Yes, I can see where society is heading. Soon it will be called rape if you have sex with sex dolls because they can't say no.

>> No.2720580

It'd be no different from sex from my ex. Empty head and the bitch couldn't moan for her life....

>> No.2720581 [DELETED] 

OP here. Cool site: http://www.AmonTalk.com/ (Amon = Anon)


>> No.2720591


>> No.2720595

If dakimakura didn't exist, I'd buy one just to hold at night.

>> No.2720624

Except... that's real.

>> No.2721400
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>> No.2722289

Honestlly, though I feel a certain attraction to things like this, I find it interferes with my imagination too much.

>> No.2722328

No because I don't think a doll would be able to relieve any of my roneriness.

>> No.2722339

My friend's wife did that one year as a present to him. I duct taped the box shut, she was pissed.

>> No.2723576 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2725392


>> No.2725403

I would love to have one just to dress it up. I don't think that requires roneriness. It just needs money that I refuse to spend.

>> No.2725427


Same here although I find that I'm limiting myself to nothing bigger than Dollfie Dream sized.

>> No.2725450
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>> No.2725452


>> No.2725462
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A doll thread ~desu.


>> No.2725469
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>> No.2725475

I bought a fleshlight, so this would probbbaly be the logical progression, yes.

>> No.2725477

maybe you could like shove a fleshlight into the groin of a doll.

that seems like a pretty cool idea.

>> No.2725480

wasn't the girl on chobbits like a doll/computer thing? I would defnatly get one if it was washable.

>> No.2725482

Fuck yes. I got sick of my fleshlight pretty fast but a doll would be a lot less awkward and require less imagination. Plus I could enjoy speaking to it and deluding myself that it was mai wiafu.

>> No.2725484

I'll wait for that creepy guy in Canada to perfect his persocom.

>> No.2725489
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You can do this.

>> No.2725493

You know, I would think if you're so reclusive and anti-social that you resort to buying one of those things, it would only fuck you up a thousand times more.

For instance, scary underage doll crumpled up in a closet. That is some fucked up shit.

>> No.2725497

oh wow.
I'd love to try that out.

>> No.2725499

This guy has a lot of semi-3D waifus.

>> No.2725508
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>> No.2725509

the video doesn't mention the name of the company though.

>> No.2725521
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>> No.2725538
File: 92 KB, 600x800, sex_doll_dutch_wife_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2725509 name of the company
Orient Industry.

The showroom in the video was their Candy Girl showroom in Akiba.

>> No.2725544

If I ever move out of my parents house, get enough money, and become ronery enough, then yes.

>> No.2725559

Wow, so lifelike. I suppose $2000USD wouldn't even get me close amirite?

>> No.2725569
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Correct. Says in the top left corner ¥550,000...

>> No.2725596
File: 169 KB, 1252x924, wut.1218980702328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first 15 minutes of this video are a mandatory prerequisite to participating in this thread.


>> No.2725620
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Oh goodie golly.

>> No.2725684
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Well it's better than masturbating all alone.

>> No.2725688

Objects aren't people.

>> No.2725730

But owning one affirms that there's no hope for you. Not that it's compulsory to "get some", but the Rest Of The World™ tends to think otherwise.

>> No.2725732

Those arms are disgusting.

>> No.2725749

I have a dakimakura but I still think that it's pathetic to own a realdoll. Am I a hypocrite?

>> No.2725759

Dakimakuras are more pathetic, you're hugging a pillow with a picture on it. At least these actually almost feel like a real person.

Though I like both.

>> No.2725763


"Get some" involves getting laid by someone in my "league".

I'd rather masturbate, thanks. Unless you mean a whore?

>> No.2725769

It's more of a waste of money than anything else. Who can afford $8000 for a doll and not bother hiring a prostitute?

>> No.2725812

Really? Surely a realdoll is much more pathetic?

>> No.2725827

A realdoll is more delusional than a pillow, so it loses some pathos.

>> No.2725830

I can imagine even a normal person would buy a realdoll, but only extreme otaku who have fallen in love an anime character enough to fork out $100 just to seem closer to them would buy one.

Like I said though, I have no problem with either.

>> No.2725848

A normal person would buy neither. A very lonely person might pay a few hundred to enhance their fantasy world. Only a delusional fool would pay thousands of dollars for a plastic shell that isn't and has never been a person but that looks and feels as much like one as possible.

>> No.2725860

Someone with a decent amount of money would, but not to pretend she's real or something. Just to make masturbation better.

I think so, anyway. A good way to find out would be asking on /r9k/ their opinions of realdolls and dakimakuras.

>> No.2725884

Think about it, if another person saw your realdoll, how would he react? He would probably freak out, call you insane and refuse to have anything to do with you.

If he saw your dakimakura he would probably just think that you're a bit odd, if he even knew that it was a hug pillow. Just say that it's a decorative pillow and nobody would think twice about it.

>> No.2725887



>> No.2725917
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Hug pillows are not statues or paintings.

>> No.2725939



>> No.2726489
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>> No.2726509

why not get one of these? :P http://www.projectaiko.com/
only $20K

>> No.2726521
File: 183 KB, 471x625, Durrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2726539

h,mm retard robot cosplaying chobits
