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2723303 No.2723303 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted start playing this tomorrow, so this is now a IS thread. Anything I should know? Tips and opinions?

>> No.2723314

/v/ material.

But uh, I can't really give you any tips that you couldn't find in a walkthrough. The one I used was really good about telling you what personas to upgrade to and stuff.

>> No.2723319

Grind for cards, and ditch your first demons after the mental institution. From there on out its grinding and yet more grind. I think theres some sort of charts online listing all the nuances needed to acchieve cards like a motherfucker

>> No.2723323

Watch out for Hitler and his Masterwork Greatspear. American soldiers targeted people with the Mark of Nyarlathotep in WWII because their killing power was feared and respected after all.

>> No.2723327

/v/ doesn't want JRPGs. I say we take them.

>> No.2723329

Nigga played with a walkthrough? Psssh, go back to your halo brehbreh

>> No.2723337


>> No.2723343

Sorry, it's a bad habit of mine. I have some sort of OCD about not wanting to miss anything in an RPG, even if it's some silly potion hiding behind a house.

>> No.2723363

How is the difficulty compared to the latest Persona games.

>> No.2723367

Much higher.

>> No.2723371

Save often.
You can either play the 'Glorious charge' game, aka fighting bosses till you die and level up a bit, and going through the basic story without caring what scenes you trigger or extras, or the 'Perfectionist route', where you will maximize everything, contract all demons, get the secret Encounters and weapons, talk to everyone twice to doublecheck, and use a Spoiler free guide that tells you what to choose in certain situations to eventually get the most out of the game.

It's a nice run, either way.
Also, use PSX emulator.

>> No.2723374

Harder I would say. Although P3 did get a bit silly with its Tartarus bosses.

>> No.2723383

I'll use my PSP

>> No.2723385

>use PSX emulator.
The best tip ever. I hated having to adjust 400 different settings for all the plug-ins in epsxe.

>> No.2723391

Well, if you can properly run the game, sure.
I could not save while playing it in my PS2.

>> No.2723408

Pretty much 98% of PSX games run 100% on the PSP.

>> No.2723411

Yeah I will take a look in various walkthroughs, both P2 games are fucking too long for replay, I want at least minimize the risk of missing something important

>> No.2723427
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There really is a lot of fun conversations you can miss out on too. Fuck year, Lisa's Chinese lessons.

>> No.2723437

To get the important stuff and a few bonuses without MUCH spoilers, check here.

>> No.2723452

it's a great game. best boss music and plot in the series. you should play it with a guide, there's tons of stuff you can miss and certain choices can make you miss out on great gear / personas. I hope you can use save states on your PSP, some bosses are very annoying, like longinius 1-4.

also, finish EVERY battle with a fusion spell. this leads to mutations and stats increases for your personas (great because in this one personas don't level up)

>> No.2723459

Who needs upgrading?

Just mutate your starterpersonas.

>> No.2723473


>Implying you need to grind in Persona 2

Haha,no. OP You can get by just fine with the starter Personas and the Upgraded ones that the game hands out to you. You should only need to change ONE persons Persona,that being Ginko's as its not really verstile enough.

That aside though,every other generic Persona is quite literally strong enough to last you through to the end of the game.

Persona 2's actually the easiest SMT game i've ever played. I did die a few times in my attempts of sheer laziness,but I got through the game with very minor problems. I had oh so much more trouble with the original Shin Megami Tensei and Persona 3(And FES' hard mode) than P2 could ever hope give.


Just be a bit stubborn and you can get through this game with no grinding.

>> No.2723488

P3 wasn't too bad until you got to the random Tartarus boss that would only have a weakness to only one type of attack and would have a multitarget status effect spell and you had to create a Persona just to counter it perfectly. That was annoying.

>> No.2723495

The problem is the attrition, in this game.
A few dungeon have nasty encounters and you can't return to town and restock easily, and with run-on-the-mill Personae, you don't beat them fast enough.
Of course, the game allows you to go Contact Crazy for demons and avoid most battles, so you can keep your items for bosses.
It's easy, but it has so much shit you can do.

>> No.2723505

What's this dumb grinding meme in easy games anyways? Oh no you died once in a JRPG due to something you didn't expect, guess it's time to over-level and not put a second of thought into how to counter what killed you.

>> No.2723512

It's called taking the easy way out.

>> No.2723543

It was really sad when the major story bosses were easier than the Tartarus bosses.

Although that's not exactly out of character for SMT, what with the typical "final boss being a pushover compared to the extra boss(es)"

Painfully true. After SMT1 and 2 all the other games seem like nice walks in the park. Soul Hackers can be unforgiving, too.

>> No.2723547

What? SMT1 is the easiest MegaTen.

>> No.2723549

I'm still butthurt over how insanely hard DDS2's Satan was. I raged so hard I cried.

>> No.2723550


>P3 wasn't too bad until you got to the random Tartarus boss

Dont forget the Fortune/Strength and The Hanged Man. Fortune/Strength is just plainly a fucking stupid fight and The Hanged Man is cheap as shit with his Akasha Arts bull.

Nyx is also VERY hard too if you dont use Monad. Seriously,try beating the guy on a fresh New Game on Hard Mode,it feels near damn hopeless.

>> No.2723565

1) What about the Demi-fiend in DDS?

2) Rage belongs on /v/.

>> No.2723587

Demifiend is a SUPERBOSS.
Aka, needs both almost perfect preptime and maximized abilities and some luck.

These are always a pain, and some exist even in otherwise very easy series.

>> No.2723592

DDS2 Satan took it to a new level. 30,000 HP in a Megaten game? Fuck.

>> No.2723601


Hanged Man was piss easy.

Fortune/Strength I'll give you, but it still wasn't too bad.

Then there was that fucking table.


Fuck you, table.

Fuck you.

>> No.2723602
File: 233 KB, 768x1596, hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What? SMT1 is the easiest MegaTen.

You didnt play the game did you? Or no,no,let me guess,you used a guide? Because there is no way that you can go into SMT1 and say "Well that was pretty easy."

If you have no idea what to do,YOU'RE FUCKED! Granted I used a guide too at the end game(Fucking Cathedral and that Neutral Armor) but theres absolutely no way you could have been so lucky throughout that..that...HELL! With such a thought in your head. The dungeons are long and grueling,the game likes to deprieve you of items you want thanks to your little amount of pocket space,the game LOVES to spam status effects/mudo and hama spells that will ultimately get your human character(s) killed which instantly ends the game and....and...

It just never ends with that game...It makes me cry...

>> No.2723609

Lucifer had 65535...

>> No.2723611

Lucifer didn't have an attack that did 9999 damage.

>> No.2723616 [DELETED] 

Satan has 3 means of Insta-Kill and if you don;t finish him off fast, full healing.
Being unprepared spells certain death.

>> No.2723623


I suddenly want to play this more.

>> No.2723628

Not like the Demi-fiend doesn't have that and more.

>> No.2723630

Satan has 3 means of Insta-Kill and if you don;t finish him off fast, full healing.
Being unprepared spells certain death.

But he is still not as bad as Demifiend, due to phases and patterns that are much easier to keep track off.

>> No.2723639

I will admit that after you can get certain demons it becomes much easier. However, if you don't know to get those demons in the first place it's much harder.

Oh god, Sleeping Table. I'll be over here crying in the corner.

Also I honestly think Satan and Demifiend were about equal in terms of pure difficulty, it's just that Demifiend required a lot fucking more luck than Satan did.

You can bypass Satan's "bullshit phase" if you're smart and/or have a calculator. Demifiend came down to "oh god please don't resist Dormina oh god"

>> No.2723641

>>2723327 /v/ doesn't want JRPGs
/v/ doesn't want Halo either, but too fucking bad, it's a video game.

Japanese non-doujin games belong in /v/.

>> No.2723644

It made me regret increasing my luck on my characters for once.

>> No.2723652

People summoning spirits named after tarot cards... Hm, why does that sound familiar?

>> No.2723658
File: 115 KB, 600x800, top778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both.

>> No.2723660


>> No.2723661


Play it without save states for the full experience.

No,i'm fucking serious. Try it and take it in full as why now we have "Teleports" in our dungeons now these days. Oh yeah and have fun with those Succubi. Those whores will put you to sleep.

When I look at SMT I seriously get some honest respect for what we get in games today. And SMT isnt a bad game...IT'S JUST ANNOYING!!! ALL THOSE HOURS I WASTED IN THAT FUCKING CATHEDRAL BEFORE I FINALLY CAVED IN AND USED AN ONLINE MAP


>> No.2723663

/v/ talks about Halo with surprising frequency, but they're about equally as likely to have a decent JRPG thread as a decent Touhou thread.

>> No.2723668

It's exactly the fact that Demifiend has more situations that need LUCK to bypass that makes it more frustrating.

>> No.2723675

Get out of /jp/. Do not come back.

>> No.2723683


Save states are for wimps anyway.

Then again, I'm also one of those obnoxious fucks that will make games harder if I find them too easy, which I blame on being brought up on games like Contra, Gradius, and Ikari Warriors.

I really need to get back to beating Contra 4. But I need to finish Ninja Gaiden first.

>> No.2723684

God forbid someone get angry on /jp/.

>> No.2723694

Get out

>> No.2723703

There's a difference between "I'm angry." and "I'M FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCKING PISSED XD"

>> No.2724295

sagefags go away, I like this thread.

>> No.2724299

It's been 1.5 hours since the last post.

>> No.2724305

Hey, I think you missed your target somehow. Did you get high sniffing paint again?

Well, whatever. Here's some directions:

<-- /a/, /b/, /v/

>> No.2724304
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>> No.2724307

Get the fuck out, KoG

>> No.2724310
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>> No.2724313

Hey, 'sup? Reported.

>> No.2724315
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>> No.2724319


>> No.2724323
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>> No.2724328

You do realize that you actually will get permabanned soon if you keep doing this, right?

>> No.2724331

Get the fuck out of /jp/.

Don't come back.

>> No.2724339

KoG really tests my nerves.

>> No.2724350
File: 89 KB, 320x240, yugiyamiv4red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you frustrated?

>> No.2724365

Pretty chill, actually. I was very bored before you came along, so thanks.

Still reported, though.

>> No.2724372

Fuck off KoG.

>> No.2724378

What the fuck just happened to this thread?

>> No.2724383

KoG happened

>> No.2724566

sagefags come back, I don't like this thread anymore.

>> No.2725907

Hows the first Persona? Never played this one, but read somewhere of being unplayable.
And still no Soul Hackers translation, right? ;_;

>> No.2725937

First one is full of shit. But there will be a PSP port, which will improve it.
>Soul Hackers
You're a bit slow, aren't you.


>> No.2725976
File: 126 KB, 640x480, ramus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow awesome, haven't read about it before. But

Translation: ?%
Hacking: ?%
Complete: ?%

;_; This will be long year
