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File: 309 KB, 608x595, 1576607774381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27176393 No.27176393 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27176402

Moona is a fatass

>> No.27176404
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>> No.27176408
File: 64 KB, 622x680, EjJJ0DQU8AE1oEI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about my daughter

>> No.27176409
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I made the switch. Did you?

>> No.27176411
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This is literally R.RAT

>> No.27176412
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>> No.27176415
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>> No.27176414


>> No.27176417

Today was a good day.

>> No.27176418
File: 1.14 MB, 4093x2894, ryo328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear

>> No.27176419
File: 244 KB, 500x501, 1600890470149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that Gura will always be there to brighten up your day.

>> No.27176422
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>> No.27176423
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>> No.27176427
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>> No.27176428
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:3 Remember, Same-chan wants you to sip water so you can survive! We can't be Chumbuddies if you're dead! :3:3:333:3333333

>> No.27176430

by Gura's recommendation I went full on the Watsoncoin

>> No.27176432
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>> No.27176435


>> No.27176437

is the meltdown over yet....

>> No.27176438

I can never look at these images the same ever again

>> No.27176439
File: 496 KB, 737x544, ゴズリング90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for being mentally ill /hlgg/ ... you can call me every word in the urban dictionary... I can take it...

>> No.27176441 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 825x733, 1601619158341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The post that could've save /hlgg/ but, nope. I agree that gosling and idolshizos should die.

>> No.27176442
File: 811 KB, 791x837, 1601517132969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Gura like horror games so much?

>> No.27176445 [DELETED] 

haha that's neet's cum

>> No.27176446

Punished Gura with eyepatch when?

>> No.27176447


>> No.27176449
File: 1.06 MB, 4096x3242, EjCR_i0XsAAqTWg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MY favourite is Kiara.

>> No.27176450


>> No.27176451

staying with ame unless there's some blatant attempt to deliberately spite the people here, yabai aside she seems nice from what we know assuming it's not all lies

>> No.27176453

we're having a joint fap session with out anikis
get the fuck in here bros:


>> No.27176455
File: 831 KB, 876x807, 0686a3d0163229bd6424b5241470241c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the average Watson fan. Imagine how would they react to the boyfriend news.

>> No.27176458

This thread is for those who support all of the girls sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being gay

>> No.27176460
File: 79 KB, 400x410, 1574798282031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh narrative:
The only people who shit on Kiara are vegans because she has fried dead meat in your face every stream.

>> No.27176461
File: 597 KB, 2480x3508, 1599798886608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow ChumChads, I've never fallen for a girl for her singing voice before, but this one really hit me in the kokoro...


>> No.27176466

she gets paid to make cute squeals

>> No.27176467

Women who like horror sometimes want a man to protect them against scary things.

>> No.27176468

The meltdowns are never over, just you wait till the SEAmonkeys and Australians start getting home from work

>> No.27176472
File: 238 KB, 550x550, 1601519437316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No seriously, I have been here the past day, what developments happened?
Did something happen with Amelia and the Teamates?
How was Gura's stream?

>> No.27176473

Is that a flip? It has to be.

>> No.27176474


>> No.27176475

How about friend? Drop the gosling, become a chumchad. Or, find your true oshi. Whatever moves you forward, man.

>> No.27176476
File: 501 KB, 642x618, 1601596162827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27176479


>> No.27176484
File: 74 KB, 627x784, 小粉紅.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit only works if they post it within their wall.
All the chink little pink commies using a VPN to climb over their firewall don't actually get banned by this text.

Would still be based if Coco did that but it doesn't work.

>> No.27176485

>High Pitch Squeak
>Singing voice is too cute for a shark
>Closet Degenerate
These quality is the reminder that Gura is actually the dolphin wearing a shark skin.

>> No.27176487

tribalism isnt the way
i have time for all of our girls

>> No.27176496

Either a flip or a spic, the world is a living meme.

>> No.27176495

me on the left, right and center

>> No.27176497

What is that guy's race? I can't tell

>> No.27176502

ENs birthdays since it was brought up last thread
>Gura: June 20th (Jaws release date)
>Ame: Jan 6th (Sherlock Holmes Birthday)
>Ina: May 20th (???)
>Mori: April 4th (Jap play on for death)
>Kiara: July 6th (National Fried Chicken Day according to the chicken herself)
Does Ina's reference something that I'm missing?

>> No.27176503

Reminder that the biggest distinguishing point between virtual idols and irl idols is that the vtuber and the person playing her are not the same

>> No.27176504

After you give that a view and like to feed the YT algorithm, enjoy this superior recording without the dropout


>> No.27176509

That guy wasn't the other one and was just some troll who got banned.

The main guy implying he actually saw proof they were over, he didn't post. These guys



needs to put their money where their mouths are.

>> No.27176511
File: 701 KB, 1514x1739, 1600938164368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously think Ame actually cried before the stream thus she delayed it earlier. Her voice was a little bit hoarse than normal. The spicy ramen thing was probably an alibi because she actually cried and felt bad about the whole situation. The way she talked about misleading people at the start was also weird. I'm getting mixed signals about it. If Ame or whoever close to her is reading this, please don't feel bad. You have the right to be happy too. Ignore the idolfags. It's so tiring seeing someone potentially gets Aloe'd again in these times when Horriblesubs fucking died

>> No.27176514

Anon. The meidos are taking doxxing really seriously right now, and you post my picture?

>> No.27176515
File: 161 KB, 1369x1183, 1590276765374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Amelia had to answer
>What do you like most: thighs, amrpits or boings?
Guess who influenced her answer.

>> No.27176516

Become a Driver, anon. Goslinging went through a real character arc. Lars is gone, be melancholic, but unbreakable in your resolve.

>> No.27176517

I'm not surprised it's a spic/flip

>> No.27176518

mos def is, looks like homies in the province rn lol
t. ameriflip that's been to the islands a few times

>> No.27176520
File: 2.39 MB, 1297x1216, 1599717376273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not going to call you any mean words.
I'll only tell you that you are better than this and if you learn to love yourself you just might get an Ame of your own

>> No.27176521

Oh fuck yes, her moans are the best.

>> No.27176523


>> No.27176526

Mori is April 4th, Japanese lore 4 = death
Kiara is July 6th, National Fried Chicken Day
Amelia is January 6th, Sherlock Holmes birthday
Ina is May 20th, dunno.

>> No.27176530
File: 440 KB, 823x1192, 1601448329088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia is still top EN, but all of EN is true quality. Osu, Valorent and karaoke on the schedule.

>> No.27176531

La Creatura

>> No.27176533
File: 397 KB, 2310x1530, 1600566920387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that doxfags, numberfags, narrativefags, antis, and trialist all get the rope

>> No.27176534

I don't think I want to use the term metal dan on someone with malice behind it. Take a deep breath, seek help and practice not leaning on these girls for a romantic type of thing.

>> No.27176537


>> No.27176540
File: 137 KB, 623x517, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176542

if you read the dox Ame herself is telling you that no one is born beautiful, they work on themselves till they make it.
So get started and stop crying like a bitch.

>> No.27176544

If she was sad, it was probably because it reminded her of a shitty breakup.

>> No.27176545
File: 378 KB, 1200x1042, 1601603808400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the shark
>a big deal
>main eventer
>A+ player
>Guys want her
>Chicks too
>works hard
>works marks
>works smarks
>works anti-smarks
>works jabronis into a shoot
>works any gimmick given to her
>works through horrible doxes
>main evented the highest drawing hololive stream
>protects the bussiness
>protects her brand
>best member of Holo En
>best member of indie scene
>best member of the English vtuber
>Yagoo's favorite shark
>jannetied Amelia
>jannetied Pekora
>jannettied Kiryu fucking COCO
>looks good with any game
>makes any song sound better
>won the simps
>GOAT aesthetic
>GOAT Hair
>GOAT taste in big-tittied broads

The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cultivator of Class. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Passion. The Que-hagen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultan of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism












>> No.27176546
File: 3.96 MB, 266x400, 1600908941305.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was never interested in Ame from a romantic point of view so I'm going to keep watching her. But I don't actually dislike the idol angle so I understand the importance of the no-boyfriend image, so I hope for Ame's sake those DMs were real.

>> No.27176547
File: 54 KB, 225x234, 1529894469988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia is still top EN

>> No.27176548
File: 59 KB, 651x624, 1601054252108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to bed and hoping I dream of her instead of making moonshine out of household cleaners been having oddly specific vivid dreams lately not enjoying it

>> No.27176551

Mod was right. These are the faggots flipping ten shits over it and lashing out in rage.

>> No.27176559

Has Hololive really reach the point of popularity were spics photoshop them into photos?

>> No.27176562

I thought they were ranged banned?

>> No.27176564

The timing of nuking all those old posts with the delay tipped it off that something was up. We just don't know the details.

>> No.27176566

>Osu, Valorent and karaoke
I sleep...

>> No.27176567
File: 361 KB, 720x720, 1601612430683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I also did a thing.

>> No.27176569
File: 203 KB, 640x1351, 1601604478921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what you have to do to gain the CCP's approval...

>> No.27176573

The money you spend on Ame isn't coming back, but you can save up and spend it on yourself. One day you'll have your own ame and it will be real.

>> No.27176576

Thread quality pre and post purge is like night and day, desu.

>> No.27176577

Anon most of their foreign fanbase is made up of spics and flips

>> No.27176581

fucking what? am i just too drunk for this shit or does it not make any sense

>> No.27176583
File: 25 KB, 347x353, Capture188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why choose?

>> No.27176582

Chinks are responsible for:
>anime shows being delayed
>Haachama not being able to go back to Japan
>death of comiket
>Coco and Haachama being banned for 2 weeks
>HorribleSubs closing down

>> No.27176585
File: 76 KB, 1187x780, hmm_investigating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has ame ever said what color pantsu she wears like the jps have?

>> No.27176587

Hey Dead Beats! Post your favorite remixes! Here's mine:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzNTBQxmYfM by Cream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpuQ__dmqKA by Boogie Voxx
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY0V94p5uAU by Purple Namako

>> No.27176588

phone alarm

>> No.27176589

Name of this streamer, is this actually real?

>> No.27176590

i will gladly volunteer for this duty

>> No.27176591
File: 591 KB, 800x576, zoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah

>> No.27176595
File: 25 KB, 771x372, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't membership Kiara and Mori because of timezone shit, they're nice though.

>> No.27176597

wtf I love china now

>> No.27176599

Reminder that 62% of HoloEN income is from the US and that SEA barely registers, Ame is losing nothing of value from these idiots leaving, if anything she's better off for the dangerous ones fucking off.

>> No.27176604

>already found a few bugman accounts on twitter
>They're even posting their shitty 4chan screencaps with their awful english
No wonder they gave up on trying to attack Garu.

>> No.27176606

It's actually real, video got posted here a few days ago. It was incredibly based. Starts off as NTR bait

>> No.27176607

Are you sure? Seething Chang's seem to stop posting after it appears

>> No.27176609

I wonder how this SEAmonkey will take the news

>> No.27176611

As long as you didn't throw away a bunch for superchats I think it's not actually that big a deal anon, all you lost was time.

Really I blame all this on her starting off with Superliminal, which was practically like a playdate to a weird art exhibit and there wasn't really much for her to gremlin over. If it was Valorant and CS:GO first she would have immediately been sized up as a very Twitch-like Holo.

>> No.27176614
File: 40 KB, 600x450, 1580000062266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's count the damage
dead but drawfags get a pass
HER(and that's a good thing)

>> No.27176616

Lost the link to the youtube video but it was real, she called him Ni-chan

>> No.27176618

does she fuck her ni**er slave too?

>> No.27176621

I'm not into metal but I do like the one Turbo made, I'm surprised about the lack of meme remixes though

>> No.27176622

Oh god no one tell him...

>> No.27176623

Kiara needs to be tortured and dismembered

>> No.27176624

This looks like NTR though?

>> No.27176625
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>> No.27176626 [DELETED] 

anons why are you upset about amelia having a boyfriend? you know her roommate is just playing a character to begin with right?

>> No.27176631

Parody of tribalists I suppose.

>> No.27176630

it's real

I don't know her name though

>> No.27176633

I'm not upset, but I did cancel my membership.

>> No.27176634
File: 640 KB, 2052x4096, 1600548577524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumbud bodyguards when?

>> No.27176635
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>> No.27176637

To be fair, Amelia is the one that stays in-character the least out of all of them.

>> No.27176638

I looked around with Ina's birthdate and nothing really showed up related to Lovecraft mythos. Might just be a random day.

>> No.27176639

Mario odyssey is not that fun of a game to watch

>> No.27176640

I like being angry at trivial things.

>> No.27176641

Understandable nothing wrong with spending your simp dollars on single idols

>> No.27176642
File: 23 KB, 275x320, peesa kitkat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out about the news.

>> No.27176652

I wonder how she'll handle 3 streams tomorrow since we confirmed she knows about this whole situation (she deleted all the shit).

>> No.27176653
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>> No.27176656

I never joined in the first place.

>> No.27176657

Tentacultists are on the path of self-improvement, anything but dead

>> No.27176658

Pekora did cleavage streams and private videos anon, not really the best example to us.

>> No.27176661

chumbuds should all get ripped as fuck and wear the shark hat (if one ever gets made for mass consumption) for a photo shoot

>> No.27176663 [DELETED] 
File: 3.67 MB, 658x717, 111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not beat up over the whole idol thing, but what's the lowdown on him making fun of us? I'm less inclined to see her in a positive light if she's supportive of an asshole.

>> No.27176664
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What could this button be?

>> No.27176668

*Had* a boyfriend, I choose to belieb in the DMs

>> No.27176669


>> No.27176670
File: 121 KB, 400x400, 1600567065757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's not supposed to be good.

She's sufferingkino. You're supposed to hate her.

Chickenfags, I'm FUCKING KNEELING. I'm so sorry! Kiara is better than Mori, Mori is my new number 5.

>> No.27176672

>I seriously think Ame actually cried before the stream
no, she's not made of glass, she was hiding the curiouscat/monitoring the situation/talking with manager/taking some time to get heavy mod support in chat ready to go/getting in the right headspace after dealing with all that/actually getting woken up/etc etc.

you can pretend she's a fragile little girl who got her delicate heart shook by suicidal NEETs shitposting about her boyfriend if that makes you feel better, though

>> No.27176674
File: 141 KB, 682x519, firefox_wnXFinnXNI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is the time of test. Only weak people quit.

>> No.27176677

>hand on her shoulder
For someone condemning another race, they sure like to get close and physical..

>> No.27176681

Well, when I watch,
When I consume,
When I pass by,
When I see hentai,
When I see art,
Personally, you know the big old badonkers,
The big old tiddies.
You know, I'm not a huge fan of them big, size L.
I like them smaller.

>> No.27176685
File: 1.13 MB, 864x878, 1599919283168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amebros it's over............

>> No.27176686
File: 42 KB, 402x659, trinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because I'm not mentally ill like some people that browse these threads.

>> No.27176689

>Playing multiple streams on Holotools
>Holo schedules
>Playboard Superchat Tracker
>Realtime Vtuber Subs Tracking
>Vtuber Glossary



CN (Overseas)

CN (Occupied)


>> No.27176690

Uh oh.

>> No.27176692

The fact he's being a cunt about it reinforces the narrative they aren't together.

>> No.27176694

The damage is that anti niggers need to hang.

>> No.27176698

She wiped her membership community posts.

>> No.27176697

is that tomar

>> No.27176702

these threads are going to be forever tainted by this shit aren't they.

real shame because some threads here were fun but today was extra shit

>> No.27176703

It ended up being a completely unrelated shithead with the same nick.

>> No.27176704

FAQ, I'm saving this for when the threads inevitably turn back in her favor

>> No.27176707

Amelia is /mydaughter/ now!
I'll be the papa for her she never had!

>> No.27176709
File: 6 KB, 255x67, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more kitkats. Love is over

>> No.27176714 [DELETED] 

He had that as his thing long before we found his profile.

>> No.27176717

I think Watson had a bit of an insecurity streak. If you know people who are insecure, they're often happy to brag about something or someone they haven't had before, and their early relationships are often short-lived.

>> No.27176718
File: 351 KB, 1079x1066, Screenshot_20201002-022629_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176720 [DELETED] 

I don't care.
I want everything to go down in flames.

>> No.27176721

If you want someone to call you papa, the Chicken should be your girl instead

>> No.27176725
File: 54 KB, 915x455, just_woke_up[gura].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176726
File: 722 KB, 2000x2000, 1600071300107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he actually did it, the mad lad

>> No.27176727

Holy based.

>> No.27176728

But Pekora is just an entertaining retard. She doesn't give of the girlfriend simulator experience.

>> No.27176729 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 169x39, 1601572333016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but you can ask her bf on twitter if you want.

>> No.27176730

Good thing I saved it

>> No.27176731

You know the brap business isn't actually that big a deal compared to dox/BFs shit. Given time the new trinity could well be Gura/Kiara/Mori, as weird as that sounds.

Also the Ina thing seemed really minor and in further-further details, actually it seems that it was another girl she pretended to marry in-game that whole time, it was long term LARPing (and probably ERP that Ina prays never surfaces). Literally a nothingburger, and if anything did happen it was fucking 7 years ago and a very autismal LDR.

>> No.27176733

He actually did it, holy fuck.

>> No.27176734

I've noticed that Japanese girls fucking love horror and shit like deathmatch wrestling.

>> No.27176735
File: 250 KB, 480x473, 1601619822011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro no you didn't just

>> No.27176736
File: 134 KB, 817x702, chrome_2020-10-02_16-27-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute madman

>> No.27176737
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>> No.27176741
File: 10 KB, 284x297, 1588679002360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the caged one Paul Levesque

>> No.27176742

bye bye kitkat

>> No.27176745

we've been waiting for you chickenbro

>> No.27176748
File: 495 KB, 2048x1765, 84329087_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura loves you!

>> No.27176749

Trinityfags did this to themselves.

>> No.27176750

Buddy, /hlg/ got through towa, watame, even aloe.
I just don't have much faith in cross-boarders and EOPs/ESLs, becacuase likey these kinds of posters are just really persistent trolls. Like it or not, global really has been just containment.

>> No.27176751

Reminder that the other girls are just that unlikable?

>> No.27176754

The crying was probably due to stress about the whole thing. If she ends up quitting, we'll know whose fault it'll be.

>> No.27176756
File: 411 KB, 692x692, ゴズリング71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's difficult to explain. Hololive makes a big deal about being an idol agency, no matter how people will say HoloEN doesn't have the same rule it's still somehow expected that there should be some sort of keyfabe. The logical part of my brain completely recognizes that a woman in her early 20's will most likely have a boyfriend, but the emotional part is crushed that this illusion is gone. If Amelia was an "entertainer" like Peko then it would have been less of a shock, but the fact is she enabled the Goslings with her therapist sessions. I'm just coping right now.

>> No.27176757

is this your first day on 4chm?
forchmonkeys love chimping out

these threads were never pure and clean, I soiled them with my sinister evil spirit from the very start

>> No.27176761

Oh no, not a url. Keep crying idolfag.

>> No.27176765

Is in FFXIV.
That is just your everyday in balmung.

>> No.27176766

Any idea why most community posts got wiped? I only see Inas still being up

>> No.27176769


>> No.27176770

>Ina dead
She's specifically for comfy and self improvement audience so I don't see how she doesn't do that. Also her skeletons are nothingburgers to the max.
>Gura being HER
I wish I knew what led her to transform into such a wholesome streamer.
Actual autism that hopefully the mod purge took care of.
I'm glad Kiara got to get out of everything unscathed at the very least since we need some normalcy among the autism.

>> No.27176771

Still felt betrayed

>> No.27176776

That Cream looks like a diamond in the rough. I commented on her baka mitai video yesterday and she actually thanked me. It was nice.

>> No.27176778
File: 62 KB, 360x450, 1601569871769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is his endgame?

>> No.27176779

The best part is that since we know Ame's here she's definitely noticed him and will likely ignore him both because he's just a pathetic weirdo and also probably because it's funny.

>> No.27176782 [DELETED] 

because it's disgusting to any sane human being to watch her pretending to be lonely and autistic girl while you know that she is getting a regular dick from some smug faggot who brags about it on internet

>> No.27176788

He just did a 3 post chain just for that bullshit and you're replying to it.

>> No.27176792

To eradicate the demons from this thread.

>> No.27176794

Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody fucks
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody sucks
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody cries
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody dies

>> No.27176796

She committed the sin of being a woman

>> No.27176800


>> No.27176803

do your archive reps anon

>> No.27176804

Ame is a menhera. They never have stable relationships. I've known girls like her and there's no way she dated anyone longer than a year.

>> No.27176808

he doesn't know

>> No.27176811

Murder-suicide of all Goslings.

>> No.27176815


I think there's enough circumstantial evidence that this could be real.

1) >The anon screencapping his DM conversation to s*chi had her reply she's been single for almost a year
If the DM was real, why would she lie about that in a private conversation? She could have just said all the other things and not stuck that lie on top.

2) >Last Curiouscat was september 19
Timeline matches up

3) She seemed very happy about her relationship in the curiouscat and proud to show it off - so why is this the first we heard of it? Wouldn't there be a bigger trail of evidence in twitter posts or twitch VODs if their relationship had progressed or stayed good over the past year? Why didn't more s*chi fans know about it?

>Literally the only evidence that they're still together is the fact they're still on friendly terms, and like each other's content
I read all the archives and there is literally no further proof anyone managed to find. People latched onto it because it was the wilder narrative and shouted it until everyone believed it.

People stopped questioning it further because they thought it would be painful or rude, but thinking more about the truth might actually set things better.

>> No.27176818
File: 1.50 MB, 1000x1413, 1601611263481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she outlives you

>> No.27176820

Become a Driver, anon. Shed the Gosling, kill the optimistic Lars. Be a real human bean

>> No.27176827 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 576x607, 1601615456338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Ame is NOT Sachi, y'all have been harassing a random twitch streamer.

>> No.27176828

I was fine with alot of the garbage of earlier threads but today was exceptionally shit
not really I left 4ch ages ago and only come back when i find something interested holoEN being the most recent. These threads were clean sure but they sure as hell weren't quite this shitty either.

>> No.27176831

this post looks like it's 2 weeks back

>> No.27176833

Wow, this thread really slows down when burgers go to sleep

>> No.27176835
File: 17 KB, 245x255, 1601344950614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.27176841

Just some debunked scatnigger narrative used by literal shitposters, don't pay it much attention.

>> No.27176843

It's very possible there was a breakup. Infact, I'd say it's likely. Like it or not, people like her roommate don't handle longterm relationships well, and it happened a year ago.

But we really shouldn't be shifting into dramaposting again. The thread was getting nicer.

>> No.27176842

should we share the mp3...

>> No.27176849

>worse case scenario, we might get the first female US president via Trump and Biden dying (and nobody even likes her)
>lonely sadsacks can't go out and meet people because everyone is staying home and fucking, leaving dating apps as your last resort, which is filled with roasties and third worlders looking for greencards (v-tubers are also a thorny path)
>vidya delays
>Rick May dying
only good thing is the death of movie theaters
>t. movie theater min wagecuck

>> No.27176851
File: 639 KB, 2893x4092, 1601415596039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead hours survey time!
>Favorite HoloEN
>Favorite Artist
Jean-Michel Basquiat

>> No.27176852


>> No.27176853

>If the DM was real, why would she lie about that in a private conversation? She could have just said all the other things and not stuck that lie on top.
She's not stupid. She knew there was a high chance of that DM itself leaking to the public. And whaddya know, it did.

>She seemed very happy about her relationship in the curiouscat and proud to show it off - so why is this the first we heard of it?
It was on Twitter too. Posts deleted.

>> No.27176855
File: 477 KB, 1494x1494, 1600567874459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176857

She, at one point in her life, had a boyfriend. Shocking to say the least, yes.

>> No.27176860
File: 846 KB, 1232x957, 1601234469454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it

>> No.27176863
File: 345 KB, 500x500, 1598054043247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176864
File: 754 KB, 1221x1150, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_shihou_g_o_s__a5e6f39b9760ad6cf7218f411751985b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176865

I want to believe.

>> No.27176867


>> No.27176869

>Says they dont know who youre referring to
>Will mention it to a friend
A little more wordplay to not make it so blatant. Still, that matches up with the story.

>> No.27176870

Imagine being stupid enough to not understand not directly replying to some retard assuming you are someone else

>> No.27176872

I thought purityfaggotry didn't apply to holoEN because we aren't incels like nips

>> No.27176873

Why do you want to invite more retards here? Fuck off with this shit.

>> No.27176876

I love China now

>> No.27176878

Why does this faggot start by calling her sachi and then end by calling her ame? It makes him sound like a complete faggot.

>> No.27176880


>> No.27176883

Does anybody happen to have individual audio recordings of Gura's songs last night with no stutters? I only have the links for Fly Me to the Moon and Promise of the World.



>> No.27176885


>> No.27176886

Jesus, cope harder

>> No.27176890


>> No.27176892
File: 551 KB, 543x747, 1601515120134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176895

This is getting into real cope. What's it good for digging for the real story if you cant post the source for it? It wont stop the narratives. And for fucks sake we don't have a language barrier and this thread still gets baited by narratives

>> No.27176898

around 27 seconds max volume anon

>> No.27176899
File: 669 KB, 833x1000, 1601572479103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176901

you answered your own question

>> No.27176900


>> No.27176903

>the fact is she enabled the Goslings with her therapist sessions
Your brain just skipped the lars and the real doll part didn't it?
> the emotional part of my brain wah wah
what are you a woman?

you're mentally ill get help.

>> No.27176904

How is this random webm archived?
How does that site work?

>> No.27176905

He thought he was being cute lmao

>> No.27176909
File: 341 KB, 800x1037, 800px-Albrecht_Dürer_-_Knight,_Death_and_Devil_(NGA_1943.3.3519).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albrecht Dürer

>> No.27176911

Mentally ill chickenfags wont stop me from loving my wife

>> No.27176913
File: 241 KB, 442x267, Gura and Ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27176915

But none of them were from within the last few months - and even if you could argue they were deleted beforehand for being more obvious, this sort of big news would have spilled out quick from any s*chi fans that had the tweets in recent memory

>> No.27176916
File: 12 KB, 340x233, Homuncurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to ressurect https://files.catbox.moe/i8lcp0.webm
But it will take some time to gather the materials required for a url transmutation. I'll see you gamers tomorrow.

>> No.27176919


>> No.27176920

Apparently not

Were beneath even chinks and 5ch unicorns

>> No.27176922

You creepy fags better stay away from my daughter.

>> No.27176923

Sorry deadbros, but 5am is just too early for me, gonna have to miss it. Anyone wanna guess what the announcement is gonna b e? I'm hoping new song

>> No.27176924
File: 98 KB, 327x435, 1600999104596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now we watch, bro

>> No.27176925

she was talking about her bf/ex-bf retard

>> No.27176932
File: 424 KB, 563x544, 1599936610368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176933
File: 1.22 MB, 1262x1063, 1600795857692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't my favorite, but dropped her from top 3 to not watch her again

>> No.27176934

yes, i have just finished clipping all the audio (including the three standalone songs from other streams) but i need some time to encode and tag it.

>> No.27176938

Maybe now you ragecucks can save your superchat dollars and go commission some skeb art of (you) NTRing that guy or whatever
cope lmao

>> No.27176940

You will not be missed goslingfag

>> No.27176946

You're over thinking this, her audience is rddit not this shithole

>> No.27176950

Roommate posters and those granting them (You)'s, please kindly neck yourselves. Finish what the meidos started.

>> No.27176951

S*chi is a bit scatterbrained. Keep in mind that she didn't bother to update her Marshmallow profile info despite several changes to her Twitter. It is more than plausible she just forgot about the Curiouscat with all the shit on her plate at the moment.

>> No.27176952


>> No.27176953

Most likely membership changes

>> No.27176956

What does this even mean?

>> No.27176960
File: 223 KB, 2427x1579, 1578065535414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More shark stomach noises!

>> No.27176963


>> No.27176966
File: 110 KB, 990x1024, Beksinski-2-990x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zdzisław Beksiński

>> No.27176967
File: 241 KB, 495x495, 1601600565919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176973
File: 415 KB, 769x1280, 1601620732102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176976

>Vincent Van Gogh

is that what you expected? My favorite artist is LDV, baby. I wish I got leave to paint an entire fucking chapel.

>> No.27176977

It's only 2:30 on the east coast and 11:38 on the west coast, we're still up.

>> No.27176978

Hearing Ina clickety-clacking during CoC is very relaxing

>> No.27176982
File: 27 KB, 498x452, 1D0F5EF3-4EE0-447C-A887-D7BBD4A256DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like people are over exaggerating how big of a deal this boyfriend shit is. If this was Japan, then sure, you’d have reason to be cautious, but the West doesn’t think like that. Streamers like SSSniperWolf talk about their boyfriends all the time on-stream, and her donations don’t decrease, nor has her life ever been in danger.

Just maybe, you guys shouldn’t freak out about tiny shit like this every single day? You’ll get grey hairs working needlessly like that.

>> No.27176985


>> No.27176986


when the fuck is holoEN playing RFA

>> No.27176992

What will they mention, dont be a dick/ dont insinuate a relationship?

>> No.27177001


>> No.27177007


>> No.27177012

it's just the idol label attached that changes things man, if you can't comprehend that much you don't belong on a board full of idolfags

>> No.27177018
File: 37 KB, 164x162, 1600995019362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people who care are people who don't deserve to be fans in the first place, my Fubukibro.

>> No.27177021

shhh idolfags need to think that they're important. It's all they have.

>> No.27177025

Amelia waTTTson
H. R. Giger

>> No.27177024

Anon, nobody really give a shit. This is trolls trolling trolls with some mentally ills SEAniggers getting baited here and there

>> No.27177027

Eternal reminder, there will be JOPs who pirate and sub EN membership videos.

This is our current world.

>> No.27177029

It was the Kit Kat webm. Turns out the original uploader was a Goslingfag.

>> No.27177031

where do you think you are? you need to lower your expectations of the autists here

>> No.27177034


>> No.27177037

Dodger is married and she still gets a shit ton donations and has constant threads on /gif/ and shit about her. The idolfags are the equivalent to Pokimaine tier 3s that think they will date her. The west laughs at idolfags.

>> No.27177038

>expecting people who hate things to ever not be retarded about those things

>> No.27177039

Anyone have a full archive of Gura's singing stream? The clips I've seen are amazing and I want to experience the full thing.

>> No.27177041

I was told by /a/ to ask about Amelia Watson here.
Explain the scandal please.

>> No.27177042

Fuck off yellow man bad doomcat.

>> No.27177043
File: 65 KB, 552x438, 1601584312268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ame

>> No.27177046

I got 1 peesa KitKat... and I got another peesa KitKat.
Gone forever

>> No.27177047

this https://files.catbox.moe/lquj7m.webm

>> No.27177049
File: 1.03 MB, 814x730, 1593589989281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You expect way too much of these people.

>> No.27177048

fuck off doxposter

>> No.27177050

Yet you refused to believe enjoy your suffering shark will be next she's just like amelia she had simps that posted here before too and her past will catch up to her all of their pasts will

>> No.27177051

You mean like, any artist? Kind of a weird one but Hushabye valley soley for the muscle girls.

>> No.27177052
File: 179 KB, 366x514, 1601305182969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japs only care about people pirating shit when they can use it to refute chinks who complain about their anime

>> No.27177053

Go away.

>> No.27177055
File: 334 KB, 586x325, 1600984529405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27177056

This board is full of touhou and trains.

>> No.27177058

if that's true, Ame should just straight up announce it on stream as a middle finger to the idol culture she genuinely hates

>> No.27177059

Who else would be into that shit?

>> No.27177060

It's pretty much just shitposters, antis, and schizos. You can't really stop them because they just ban evade and reply to themselves.

>> No.27177061

she has a boyfriend (me)

>> No.27177065
File: 810 KB, 2560x1530, 1493529207681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177076
File: 344 KB, 1280x952, 1280px-Un_bar_aux_Folies-Bergère_d'E._Manet_(Fondation_Vuitton,_Paris)_(33539037428).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Édouard Manet

>> No.27177081

just a heads up hes been doxxed and people might dm him threats?

>> No.27177084

She had sex on stream and apparently that's something wrong according to idolfags

>> No.27177085

>Why aren't idols just like my twitch whores what. the. fuck?!

>> No.27177086

yes, and idolfags
catalog wo miro hyper please

>> No.27177087

Might as well.

>> No.27177088

I love her more

>> No.27177089

You guys call redditors and normalfags cringe for spamming the same jokes but Pekofags are no different. They love to run their epic "jokes" to the ground like ogey, rrat, pardun, do you know pekora and other annoying spam garbage that were never funny in the first place. They think they are so smug for replying ogey, rrat, and pardun to shitposters when in fact it makes them happier because they give them even more (You)s. Don't even bother replying this post with ogey, rrat, or pardun because I don't give a shit. I just want to let you know how pathetic and insufferable Pekofags are

>> No.27177090
File: 3.71 MB, 1223x1280, 1600173113269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takato Yamamoto is one of my favorites

>> No.27177091
File: 665 KB, 800x999, 1601075008773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely wish she would, anon.

I really fucking do. But she could never, given what Cover has built itself up as. This is a future that is VERY far off.

>> No.27177093

Hand it over, that thing,Amelia's DMs, for my schitzo's post.

>> No.27177096


>> No.27177098

oh no Holo EN will lose a few hundred bucks a week because of the goslingfag incels. How terrible.

Meanwhile, shark is at 613k subs. No these aren't idolnigger subscribers either.

>> No.27177099

Doubt it she on her other twitch account is still favorting and clipping her bfs streams

>> No.27177100

It's plausible, yes
And also likely she forgot to delete it because she saw it as an older part of her life she wanted to move on from and try to forget
If she really still had a boyfriend then it would have been much more at the forefront of her mind to clear out any trace of it

At this point everything is circumstantial, but you weigh the probabilities on which is more likely:
>They're still secretly together and all evidence and fandom memory of it for the past 6+ months was erased except that one curiouscat
>They really did break up last year, but are still friends

>> No.27177102

I bet her stomach did this a lot when she was in shark school and she was always super embarrassed about it!

>> No.27177103

The only reason why /hlgg/ exists in /jp/ is because Hololive is an """idol""" company. You know we'd be in /trash/ if it weren't for that.

>> No.27177104

That was part of the sketch, she teased her viewers with an NTR joke

>> No.27177105

how many of them have boyfriends?

>> No.27177106
File: 663 KB, 591x378, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pieter Bruegel

>> No.27177109

Cover won't allow that shit because they still believe they are running idol company. Not even independent vtubers get rebellious against idol culture because incels who watch them would be mad angry

>> No.27177112

Something something fool me twice

>> No.27177113

Everybody's getting laid except for us.

>> No.27177114

Shark is safe. She's a ghost.

>> No.27177115


>> No.27177116 [DELETED] 
File: 303 KB, 527x738, Eg1gOJFUMAcLvJd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure where to post this. This thread is the only EN Vtuber thread on /jp/ so I feel it makes sense to post here rather than the standard Vtuber thread. Does anyone here watch the Tsunderia girls? I have fallen for this literal SEA doggo. She even likes Shark. Pls meidos don't kill me.

>> No.27177117


>> No.27177119

your hissyfit really proves that we need /incel/-internet celebrities to contain this shit from all boards

>> No.27177120

I'm working on something behind the scenes anon. Wish me luck.

>> No.27177122
File: 356 KB, 1080x1072, 1601516702740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177123
File: 50 KB, 643x251, 1601519127933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Gosling posting is really funny when done ironically and/or as a way to overreact for the purpose of having fun but I never thought some people were legit this obsessed.

>> No.27177126


Check this out in order

>> No.27177127

Buddy, I think you've got the wrong thread. /hlg/ is two bumps down.

>> No.27177128

>Not the ENHANCED edition

Cmon dude, at least do it right.

>> No.27177134
File: 3.79 MB, 10000x10000, Gura!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177137

enchanced is fake tho

>> No.27177138

the image is cute even though I have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.27177139

stop fucking spoonfeeding the tourists

>> No.27177142

Also, Trump has Covid now, apparently?
Are they responsible for Minecraft Steve being in Smash too?

>> No.27177143

Honestly, she didn't even do that much. A couple ara-aras and smooches, and people's brains did the rest of the work.

>> No.27177145

Yoshitaka Amano unironically

>> No.27177147

None. Ame broke up with her ex last year

>> No.27177149
File: 232 KB, 824x1593, 1600963412109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Francisco Goya, can't wait till she plays Blasphemous.

>> No.27177150

We're having our 8th meltdown this week, leave while you can.

>> No.27177151

based rationalchad

>> No.27177153

Maybe it's you who should fuck off back to watching twitch e-girl streamers if you like them so much.

>> No.27177154

Did you faggots make Amelia cry? She seems kinda out of it last stream.

Yeah. 27 years and counting.

>> No.27177160

goslings are reacts are pretty funny done right but unironic goslings thats a thinker.

>> No.27177159

I don't keep up with this shit enough. What does she mean by KitKat?

>> No.27177161

Nice Boat.

>> No.27177162

That's right bitch >>>/a/209525319

>> No.27177163


And Ina doesn't have a boyfriend. Technically it's a fiancee.

>> No.27177168

No no no no this can't be

>> No.27177172

I thought there was something around May wasn't there?

>> No.27177174
File: 1006 KB, 1000x1414, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ayamy__43c213fd4108d507a18b68a9558621c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177178

allegedly she might not actually be an anime girl, some people are saying there's a real human bean voicing her

>> No.27177179

Can you became membership with different currencies?
I only want to pay real money for Gura while using monopoly ARS for the others.

>> No.27177182

big kusa

>> No.27177183

Fuck off, elitist cuck.

>> No.27177184

cute, ill allow you to share more

>> No.27177187

Color me skeptical.
The shark was a discord gremlin but I don't think there's anything legit out there that would turn a gachikoi.

>> No.27177189
File: 361 KB, 837x1181, 1600747451162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the Bird.

>> No.27177190


>> No.27177196

Why the fuck does this make me laugh?

>> No.27177198

She has a fear wetting fetish

>> No.27177200
File: 147 KB, 1079x2048, 7d9b9e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Artia shits on Idolfags

>> No.27177201

Yeah buddy just upload a pic of your credit card and I can point out the important bits for converting to ARS.

>> No.27177204

I want Kiara's fried chicken in my mouth uwu

>> No.27177206

I like the fact that people only know my country because they use our dirt cheap currency in youtube and steam.

>> No.27177207


>> No.27177209

Christ, I take not even a full day off of hlgg and you faggots are whining that a 30 year old girl HAD a boyfriend, guess what, Gura most definitely did too.

>> No.27177208

>actually posting this

>> No.27177212
File: 1.31 MB, 2893x4092, EiyU_u5VgAA5Vi-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inukai Purin. Flip Vtuber speaks English and is super cute.

>> No.27177213


>> No.27177215
File: 122 KB, 637x479, laughing sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177216

Wait, what? Why'd she nuke her community page?
I was actually looking forward to playing some of the community OSU beatmaps this weekend but I guess that's gone now

>> No.27177217 [DELETED] 

Have you guys honestly tried therapy?
I'm getting concerned. Most people do have boyfriends or girlfriends, like 80% of people who work.
This is really unhealthy, to get mad at an entertainer for doing something that's normal for most people. Yes I know this is 4chan and a hive of neckbearded virgins but you bring this up anywhere else and people will stare at you in shame.

>> No.27177222

Well no shit retard, she's like 10,000 years old. Of course she's had sex.

>> No.27177224

Wasn't there a huge fucking shitstorm in the west when people found out Alinity had a husband?

>> No.27177225

fuck off

>> No.27177226
File: 98 KB, 584x1040, im here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why anyone would believe in this shit. Do they really think all of these young girls are spending years of their sexual prime chatting up losers through a screen?

>> No.27177227

henreader is my boy

>> No.27177228

those happen a few hours before the stream

>> No.27177229


>> No.27177230

I'm seeing how much damage untreated mental illness can give you, just a lil fun experiment

>> No.27177232

It's more than likely that someone was doxxing her in the posts. Some dude was doxxing her in her latest vid's comments as well.

>> No.27177231

Amelia of anyone seems off kilter enough to get away with having had an actual life and not be a free range chicken of a person.

>> No.27177235

Idols should remain pure until their JAV debut
such is the natural order of things

>> No.27177238

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.27177244


>> No.27177245

She denied it on stream: https://files.catbox.moe/t730r5.webm

>> No.27177249

>with ur waifu lole

>> No.27177250

I kneel Artia...

>> No.27177252

y'all take this vtuber and past life thing way too seriously
btw ame's mario stream and ina's CoC suck dicks

>> No.27177258

I don't even know how to ask a girl for sex and thus I hate and envy whoever that has sex.

>> No.27177257

Am I the only one who doesn't give a fuck? I just want more GurAme collabs.

>> No.27177260

I can't stand the "always holding the two chicken thighs" thing and the "two hats" thing
just imo

>> No.27177261
File: 275 KB, 506x567, 1600998841868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that my wife Artia wants to fuck Civia just as much as I do!!!!!



>> No.27177263

Damn, thought Gura was doing it for a second

>> No.27177264

As much as it doesn't seem like it, Cover really does still consider themselves an idol company.

>> No.27177266
File: 275 KB, 1080x1019, 1601621505697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seriously have to go back where you come from. Fucking asking the same question every 5 minutes.

>> No.27177269

More than you? Impressive. I'll check them out.

>> No.27177271 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 966x720, mpv-shot1657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's live...

>> No.27177270

Actually Gura might still be a virgin due to her extreme social anxiety, she probably doesn't even leave her house too often.

>> No.27177272 [DELETED] 

>great value korone

>> No.27177273

sorry about your neckbeard, didn't mean to offend you.

>> No.27177274

Relax, only couple retards were losing their mind, rest of the thread played along or just laughed at them.

>> No.27177275
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, aklg260xkbm51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ame deleted all of her community posts in membership

Wait why? Did something happen THERE too? I already canceled my membership but man it keeps tumbling down

>> No.27177278

just as real as her pro-ccp weibo posts

>> No.27177280

>This 3dpd talks about her boyfriend, and rich coomers still ask her to bend over in front of the camera
if Gura or Ame were to turn off their live2d for their streams, the views would not drop nearly as much as if 3d tittystreamers turned off their cameras for their streams. This is an awful comparison.

>> No.27177282

Damn, that's a good post. Saved.

>> No.27177283

aosora mizore

>> No.27177284

what stream did ame say they had/have a boyfriend. This shit is getting wild and I want to know more

>> No.27177287

I straight up don't understand gosling hate. It would be like sperging out on UOOOOOOHHHHH!!! posting and telling them that they should be in jail every time it comes up.
Imagine if every time we had a Gura stream, the thread was flooded with unironic Ventiposting.
That's what it's like being a teamate.

>> No.27177288

I don't really watch that much but Purin is pretty cute, it's shame people try to shit on her being a korone ripoff

>> No.27177289

the absolute fucking state of humanity

>> No.27177290 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 463x453, 1601267344416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay strong bro

>> No.27177291

fucking dangerously based

>> No.27177292


>> No.27177294


>> No.27177296

used to watch the fox until she changed her avatar

>> No.27177297 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 966x720, mpv-shot1636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177301

you speak english
you're super cute

>> No.27177302 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 276x293, 1599837384106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. She's the only Tsunderia girl I'm subbed to.

>> No.27177303

>Doxxfag hours again
Meidos just need to delete this thread

>> No.27177305

Some people said she got doxxed in the comments.

>> No.27177306 [DELETED] 

someone pop the question

>> No.27177310

>Alphonse Mucha

>> No.27177313

You guys need to watch lamy manstrubating right now

>> No.27177314

she would get suspended or graduated if she did that

>> No.27177319
File: 512 KB, 900x767, 1600736143524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Deadbeat taste.

>> No.27177323

Whatever your head canon is, just don't be a spiteful retard when the illusion breaks.

>> No.27177325

you think idolniggers are human?
Watch there not even be a dent in the income of EN.

Idolfags live in delusion of pure waifus until JAV debut, live in delusion that they're all important and pay 100% for all the chuubas and also live in delusion that they won't kill themselves 5 years down the line.

>> No.27177328

I'm doing the same thing as a prank

>> No.27177330
File: 95 KB, 232x322, 1474024877322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This art is so beautiful. Man, like real beautiful. I want to draw like this.

>> No.27177335

Mods please just move /hlgg/ to trash

>> No.27177336

I can't believe Amelia Watson from Hololive EN went live on stream and begged for dick


>> No.27177341

you realize by insinuating the girls shouldn't have to hide their identity to play a character you're telling them not to do their job and this is why japs found it insulting when redditors told towa she didn't need to apologize for her mistake right? you're acting like they shouldn't do what they're supposed to, that's an insult

>> No.27177342

Did she become Amelia Baldson yet?

>> No.27177343


>> No.27177345

You think if they were dating, she'd actually allow him to do that shit? They'd both be retarded.

>> No.27177353

Being rabid fans are the parts of Kayfabe too.

>> No.27177355
File: 218 KB, 1280x796, Cole_Thomas_The_Course_of_Empire_Desolation_1836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas Cole - Desolation has been my desktop background for years.

>> No.27177356

What a goddamned slut.

>> No.27177357

God I cannot wait for nijisanji to bring on some English people so I can leave this place and never have to look back

>> No.27177362
File: 250 KB, 1500x878, IMG_20201002_145315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate idolfags
i hate doxfags
i hate tribalists
i hate tourists
my resolve will not be shaken

>> No.27177361

Bro, some even allow his girlfriend to have onlyfans

>> No.27177366

That one streamer that got famous for her "Okie Doki Boomer" tiktoks took a lot of shit for mentioning a boyfriend, you're an idiot that doesn't know what he's talking about

>> No.27177369

So whats this latest amelia drama?

>> No.27177370 [DELETED] 

Why do you hate non-virginity? What's even the appeal of virginity?

>> No.27177371 [DELETED] 

a neet who made it and got an irl amelia.

>> No.27177372 [DELETED] 
File: 754 KB, 1080x2340, Suck Purins femcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know she's getting hornier and hornier by the day, right?

>> No.27177373
File: 89 KB, 262x262, 1601132502075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177374

Just woke up

>> No.27177375


>> No.27177376

Move over, chums.

>> No.27177379

Maybe. I was not talking about Amelia though.
I'm talking about anons here who are agressively against anything remotely idol. Why do you people come to the one company in vtuber business that plays an idol agency and loudly complain about it? There are countless indies out there if you just want girls making autistic noises and talking about their boyfriends on stream. Is someone forcing you to watch Hololive while you hate it? Are you just autistic and can't stand something being not to your liking on the internet?

>> No.27177384

Same. I still want to watch her chimp ouut in fps games.

>> No.27177385 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 305x472, 1601596033333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177386

This pic reads exactly like the Towa post.

>> No.27177392

I saw some spic hugging Fubuki some weeks ago.

>> No.27177393
File: 2.05 MB, 4020x2832, 1600559819239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been an hour and Kiara has mentioned Pekora five times

I'm starting to think she's playing this just to play with Pekora.

Does she know that Pekora doesn't generally seek others out in minecraft and she's super fucking anxious about it? She's a superfan, right? So she must know... right?

>> No.27177395

They already introduced a Niji eng bro

>> No.27177398

I've probably watched this close to 100 times now and it's still just as good as the first time

>> No.27177399

>bryan rodeleo
Names with Anglo first names and hispanic surnames are common here. Also, he's shorter than an average Mexican. He's definitely a flip

t. flipfag

>> No.27177400

funny enough that song she was dancing to was by HER

>> No.27177404
File: 247 KB, 815x838, support moris roommate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move over, chums.

>> No.27177407

Alcohol and Ring-Fit, a perfect combination.

>> No.27177410
File: 60 KB, 915x455, 1601575062496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, has Gura announced membership yet?

>> No.27177411

So you're just a dumb idolfag. Fuck off already

>> No.27177414
File: 64 KB, 356x407, 1601621635572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this bitch moaning like luna

>> No.27177417 [DELETED] 

Alright now this is fucking pathetic.

>> No.27177418

Believing the strangest things.

>> No.27177421

Just ask Pekora directly and she won't refuse.

>> No.27177423

Luv shark
Luv Mori
Luv chicken
Luv tentacle
Dislike Ame (not anti, jus don like eher)
simple as

>> No.27177428

Image got it spot on. Deep down inside, you know the girls are getting dick. People are just mad because it's now public knowledge.
Out of sight, out of mind.

>> No.27177429

Based deadbrap

>> No.27177430

I hope you love padjeets

>> No.27177435

>44 bucks

hahahahaha i might buy this for a morifriend of mine

>> No.27177436

she's not even streaming you fuck, don't get my hopes up

>> No.27177438 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 966x720, mpv-shot1754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel knowing your wife Amelia is getting plowed by a fat cock while you watch her streams like a god damn cuckold and eat up that cutesy persona? Pathetic!

>> No.27177440 [DELETED] 


Eh, boring "extreme weeb" aesthetic is played out and it's overall a boring stream. Not impressed with her overall choice but to each his own.

>> No.27177441

stream over rip..

>> No.27177443
File: 30 KB, 264x372, 1596203714915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's live chumbud

>> No.27177445

>Coco ex-bf = no drama, no.1 superchat earner, top membership
>Ame ex-bf = drama, graduate, cancel memberships
Lmao /hlgg/

>> No.27177444
File: 27 KB, 463x453, 1601605405370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177446 [DELETED] 

I'm glad a few of you guys watch her. I also watch Kana and Char. Though I haven't for some time. With the recent shit flinging drama going on here I kinda wanted to forget about /hlgg/ and at least have a somewhat normal conversation about EN vtubers. I'm gonna gtfo here until shit calms down.

>> No.27177448

She's been pretty open about the fact that she started Minecraft because she doesn't wanna be a total noob when she gets to go to the JP server. But she actually starts to genuinely enjoy it and has played it offline several times, documenting stuff on twitter.

>> No.27177451
File: 1.45 MB, 1600x2000, d3a5d257a1a05bb41ccf3c2107302860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I slowed down Gura's Fly me to the Moon and she went from daughter to wife. I'm not sure what to feel about this chumbuds...

>> No.27177453

Because idol or not Hololive is the place to go for western viewers, and western viewers care more about content much more than any level of idol-ness
And with HoloEN being made majority burgers and anglos..

>> No.27177455

Family, your board is two blocks down.

>> No.27177457

Therapy is for rich white people.

>> No.27177459

Yes and I LOVE IT

>> No.27177462
File: 229 KB, 427x422, my love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah sorry, I mentioned earlier in thread how i was watching her first minecraft stream. My bad, chickenhomie

>> No.27177463
File: 88 KB, 1800x1012, 1601585287307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its weird, I never did goslingposts but just thought they were funny. I've even told anons "you know they all have boyfriends right?"

Like I 100% know that's the case, so why does the news sit so poorly with me?

>> No.27177465

shut the fuck up about drama and watch luna's english stream

>> No.27177470

Idolfag watching an idol who belongs to a Japanese virtual idol company.
Sounds like you’re the outsider in this case.

>> No.27177471

oh uh he noticed it...

>> No.27177472 [DELETED] 

Amelia is a fictional character

>> No.27177478 [DELETED] 


>> No.27177479

What's amazing is that she made those album covers by herself. The recent ones are really aesthetic.

>> No.27177480

>do cute things
>suddenly erupts and shouts obscenity in Español-SEA language

>> No.27177482

greetings from /a/

what's the amelia clout? quick rundown?

>> No.27177483

well, it's just here. I don't see anything outside this shithole (except someone tries to leak it out).

>> No.27177487
File: 366 KB, 895x692, unknown-63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so conflicted right now chumbuds. She's my Daughter...

>> No.27177491 [DELETED] 


>> No.27177492

she believes with the power of LOVE, she can cure the rabbit of anxiety and turn her gay.

>> No.27177495

Because these threads will never be the same

>> No.27177498

Pretty much spot on

>> No.27177501 [DELETED] 

>we got 50 viewers
>something fishy is going on

>> No.27177502

It's breaking the illusion. It's hard to enjoy your chuuba when you have that looming in your mind. Just see >>27177266

>> No.27177505 [DELETED] 

For people who missed the 999 threads today, you deserve to know

>> No.27177506

no, she was more like Amelia Toxson in that stream today lmao

>> No.27177507

Well she's my daughterwife.

>> No.27177511 [DELETED] 


>> No.27177512

Are they good?.
I'm not really feeling it.

>> No.27177514

Oh I know full well that Hana is all they really have going for them right now, but they opened actual auditions didn't they?

>> No.27177515
File: 303 KB, 680x680, 1600436151708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177516

That sounds so fucking good. Yagoo needs to buy her singing lessons.

>> No.27177518

She seems anxious about not being seen to be a noob in games in general.

But I think her interest in Minecraft is genuine. That or she's a masochist and just loves to suffer....which is an equally valid answer.

>> No.27177520

her "cleavage stream" was showing off her hestia cosplay. If you know hestia, you know why titties are usually shown.

>> No.27177522

Starting to get the feeling that most of these crossboarders, SEAmonkeys, and purityfags WANT her roommate to have a boyfriend.

They’re being presented with legitimate evidence to suggest that they have moved on but these schizos just stomp their feet and scream it’s fake or you’re being lied to.

>s-s-she was gushing on her curiouscat!
Oh wow, a curiouscat answer to an anonymous person! that must mean she 100% is down on that word and will never go back on it. Get fucking real. You don’t even need to have experience with females to know this one, just at least a couple of acquaintances with average social skills. I’ve had friends straight up tell me, to my face, that a girl they were dating was “the one” and talk about how in love he was with her and how they think their future will be. Two months later said girl is now “a cunt” and they want nothing to do with them. But I’m sure she’ll never go against her word on a fucking curiouscat answer, sure thing.
>But she clips him (occasionally) and he said his favorite was WATSON
Wow, they still briefly interact, I guess they are fucking. Maybe loserbait is in on it too, despite being across the fucking world and clearly being a Cover employee, he was in her discord messages that must mean something, right? Hell maybe she’s a part of Ina’s 100 MMO marriages she has with people, that’ll really get the party going won’t it?

Praying that you all get permanently banned from here. Roommate posting is fine from a distance, it’s fine to acknowledge their past but holy fuck you retards just have the need to take this too far don’t you.

>> No.27177524

These people are empathy lacking ugly bastards with rotten personality. No way these people can get into romantic relationships.

>> No.27177527

Masturbating during menstruation?

>> No.27177525
File: 93 KB, 1244x572, 1601325988567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based

>> No.27177528

She got fucked while streaming

>> No.27177529 [DELETED] 

ma nigga I don't get crunk when the VA of waifu of the season gets fucked why should I care?

>> No.27177531

she gets really into the game later and more or less limits her discussion to minecraft related things if it helps, except when she sees a bunny of course. she actually improves pretty quick

>> No.27177534
File: 77 KB, 562x628, Shoggoth_(Cultists_of_Cthulhu).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going insane not from any eldrtich horror, not from forbidden knowledge, but by you fags asking the same set of questions over and over, and other fags that keep mass replying to those said questions
Its the same stupid bait, same cope responses, same inconsequential outcomes, but somehow even more narratives than before.

>> No.27177536

Which one do I watch if I wanna coom?

>> No.27177540

Was that an attempt at censoring, or did you just want to highlight the word?

>> No.27177541
File: 24 KB, 549x471, 1446174736176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177542

Ame got fucked on stream.

>> No.27177543
File: 191 KB, 480x473, 1601621985161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177545

She said that her love her Pekora isn't romantic

>> No.27177548

how many redditors do you think are into idol shit. Hololive is the only vtuber agency catering to EN and maybe they shouldn't have split it three ways between idolshits, EN twitch normies and chinks but that's what they did.
the 40 or so idolshits in this thread don't really count in the long run, reddit and discord outnumber you by a at least a hundred multiplier.

>> No.27177549

See: >>27177336

>> No.27177552


>> No.27177557
File: 40 KB, 411x454, 165337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit based.

>> No.27177559
File: 947 KB, 1116x1579, 1601599496868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken. Oh my god does her whining get my motor running like nothing else

>> No.27177561
File: 431 KB, 691x691, 1601621169783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or does Gura sound like an obese woman? The psychopathic cat lady type with pink and green hair

>> No.27177564

Cause some people who're aimless come into the threat, see goslingposting, and become legitimate goslings because they think that's how they're supposed to behave

>> No.27177565

What is /hlgg/'s opinion on watame

>> No.27177566

pretty sure the clout is about a boyfriend tho

>> No.27177570
File: 55 KB, 351x354, 1575591083868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the FUCK would you do this to me? Gura isn't even my oshi but this is hitting me too hard. I've had this belief that the girls like Gura and Ame have been using programs to pitch their voice up a bit and I can easily imagine this being Gura's real voice.

>> No.27177572

/hlgg/ is just antis and doxxniggers. The split was 100% justified.

>> No.27177578


>> No.27177579


>> No.27177581

You thought you were above the shitposts but its impossible not to internalize things on some level when youre bombarded with it constantly.

>> No.27177583

What the hell are those noises.

>> No.27177587
File: 184 KB, 455x372, 1601104408797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>luna engrish kino until mori
let's have a laugh lads

>> No.27177589
File: 165 KB, 964x578, matisse_index_336249274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henri Matisse

>> No.27177590
File: 389 KB, 512x527, 1601204128526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna is international

>> No.27177591
File: 146 KB, 827x1281, mc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all of the girls, Mori is the only one whose solo streams I have never watched from start to finish. I don't know why she filters me so hard, it must be her manner of speaking. Am I the autistic one here?

>> No.27177592

>They’re being presented with legitimate evidence
One denial is not legitimate evidence. See: Towa.

>> No.27177595
File: 227 KB, 500x500, 1601604215392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna

>> No.27177594

Every post is a blur of magenta

>> No.27177598

Yo this is legit

>> No.27177599

This should clear up everything https://files.catbox.moe/t730r5.webm

>> No.27177601
File: 3.58 MB, 2400x3000, 1590623276057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-this is heresy...

>> No.27177604

>t. ESLchama

>> No.27177609

>legitimate evidence
Huh? Did I miss something?

>> No.27177612
File: 226 KB, 446x590, 1574246477067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing work.

>> No.27177613
File: 49 KB, 958x720, 1595591773990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's beautiful.

>> No.27177620

I'd rather hololive cater to chinks that to you. And maybe they will since at least the chinks have money.

>> No.27177622

>it's 4chan

>> No.27177624

Here's the quick rundown bro

>> No.27177626
File: 324 KB, 453x511, 1600567770761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mhm! I've noticed that she's getting a lot better about it. Even just compared to her debut and first stream, this is an insane ratio on pekofagging improvement.

If she genuinely loves her that much, she really must be trying hard.

>> No.27177628

>It still sounds amazing

How the fuck...

>> No.27177631
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 1601514347009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gawr Gura karaoke archive (02 Oct 2020)
16 tracks, 52:55


>> No.27177632
File: 37 KB, 533x248, Free_Ogey_Coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Luna honorary EN

>> No.27177635

Shes too cute and it makes me embarassed so i run away

>> No.27177637

Oh shit time for another Simlish stream?

>> No.27177641

I'm an ESL autist and enjoy them immensely, I guess that means you must be alright.

>> No.27177642

What if this is Gura's real voice and every video and stream of hers is just slightly sped up?

>> No.27177644
File: 34 KB, 403x450, 1597653986024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was busy with work, what's this drama over Ame about?

>> No.27177650

That's what his post boils down to, dumbfuck.

>> No.27177653


>> No.27177659

The evidence for is as legitimate as the evidence against at this point.

>> No.27177664

between here and 5ch there is a real chance its gonna eventually make its way out, some idiot was spamming the odyssey comments with "she has a bf"

>> No.27177665

Luna having a stroke

>> No.27177666

There's something so endearing about her accent, I love it

>> No.27177667

Leave while you can

>> No.27177671

Mori tits are hypnotic

>> No.27177672 [DELETED] 

it's idolfags. they're not human don't try to reason with them.

>Idols should remain pure until their JAV debut
such is the natural order of things

>> No.27177674
File: 63 KB, 512x456, 1600376624876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck this sounds so good

>> No.27177676
File: 188 KB, 850x1202, 1601015212068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had to make any switching, welcome aboard my fellow chumchad.

>> No.27177678

So has anyone asked already?

>> No.27177679

nice epic troll dude you got me go agane

>> No.27177680 [DELETED] 

Purityfag here, i'm a fan of mutual exchange and saving it for someone you won't regret. Doesn't even have to be marriage, a long term relationship that simply didn't work out is fine, just don't give it up in a simple fling. I don't want to just get my dick wet, I want companionship and trust. I was given a harsh reminder that this is not a popular mindset after all the girls in my graduating class had their nudes leaked to the whole football team before the end of middleschool.

>> No.27177682

Well, you should have gone for real idol-like idols then. Not youtube streamers.

>> No.27177683


>> No.27177685

Great, now the speedwatchers are coming

>> No.27177686 [DELETED] 

just being a smug dipshit

>> No.27177688

She deleted the posts personally. It's her.

>> No.27177687

fellow veteran?

>> No.27177694

A-anon. . . I kneel. . . .

>> No.27177695

Think about it, have you ever heard Amelia say anything along the lines of "I love you guys?" I can't remember a single instance, but for the other four I have heard it at least a few times. At most it's appreciation for support. And it shows in her lack of paypigs.

>> No.27177696

I understand the perspective of gosling posters now

>> No.27177698
File: 330 KB, 437x486, 1601305253497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanolish nanora

>> No.27177701

Not that I can see

>> No.27177703

It's forbidden knowledge

>> No.27177706

Why would anyone watch Hololive over Nyanners' gang if they weren't into at least some aspects of idol culture? Amelia is literally a twitch e-girl, you could have easily watched her there if you wanted to. It's not like her content dramatically changed to the better.

>> No.27177710
File: 1.92 MB, 10000x10000, 1599397455871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177709
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1531529856420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon.

>> No.27177712

It's not. I would prove you very wrong, but it'd be easier for both of us if you looked at the archive, starting from the ground zero thread.

>> No.27177717

She talks with a very strange cadence, as if she's lecturing or giving a speech. Her member-only streams where she just drinks and hangs out are really cozy though, she's a lot less stressed and has 0 problems with getting caught up on some weird detail. I think when the chat is moving at a million miles per hour, she sometimes doesn't know how to handle it.

>> No.27177720

I'm sick of numberfags and boyfriendfags wasting posts. I'm going to combine them together.

Ame - 3 boyfriends
Ina - 5 boyfriends/8 girlfriends
Mori - 2 boyfriends
KFC - 1 girlfriend, but did compensation dating
Gura - 2 boyfriends

>> No.27177721

I cringed at her playing doom

>> No.27177724

I'm doing my archive reps.

This is fucking demented. Everything that happens here is a million times more entertaining than any stream could ever be.

I have no words. I literally can't leave this site for a day without some new fucking -gate tier shit happening. Please... I have work to do...

>> No.27177728
File: 99 KB, 300x292, iloveyoushark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura doesnt have a boyfriend, I knew I made the right choice

>> No.27177730

Life is truly suffering.

>> No.27177733

You put sex on a pedestal and worship it, moron.

>> No.27177737

Best thing I watched today.

>> No.27177739
File: 456 KB, 1172x818, poe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177743

Your country is already famous even without ARS.
We just found out recently your currency can save our wallet.

>> No.27177745
File: 279 KB, 750x1112, 92245DB5-E8EC-41F4-B21B-5C071C87968E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what 5ch people are saying?
i don't understand Japanese

>> No.27177747

because they're actually try, are competent and create entertaining content, simple as

>> No.27177746
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1601101181086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177750

the fact that he's streaming is pretty strong evidence against rn imo

>> No.27177752

Webcam feed leaked during stream and she was caught having sex with her boyfriend

>> No.27177753
File: 219 KB, 502x502, 1600911255096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK!

>> No.27177756
File: 419 KB, 761x615, shortstack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177757
File: 89 KB, 844x845, 1579273815635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she was saying it always makes her cry but fuck I really want to hear her sing Can't Help Falling in Love. Shits fucking great, I'll probably be right there crying with her if she ever does it

>> No.27177758

I was entertained from 9 to 5 the entire way through my job, Anon.

That was one wild train and I'm sorry you missed it.

>> No.27177760

It sounds real nice

>> No.27177761
File: 32 KB, 327x455, 1580329294202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah buddy they """broke up"""

>> No.27177764
File: 601 KB, 2048x2037, Watson.Amelia.full.3069564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried to type a chumbuddy post, had one of those cute guts pictures
>just feels messed up since I'm just a homeless teammate

I dont wanna switch sides, I just want to go back

>> No.27177767

your guys' faults for making such a big deal out of the whole thing. besides, you guys have over 60 threads in the fucking archive.

>> No.27177769

thats the appeal for most of the lurkers, falseflaggers and shitposters here from now on ever since Hololive got monthly drama which is kinda sad

>> No.27177770
File: 29 KB, 916x788, 1600125730939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What manner of sorcery is this

>> No.27177771

I'm every single one of their boyfriends and I've cum inside them all and left them begging for more.

>> No.27177772

>yfw this is actually her real voice
>she actually sped up her voice

>> No.27177773 [DELETED] 

he's talking the situation right now

>> No.27177774

how can an AI have a boyfriend?

>> No.27177775

>he doesn't know

>> No.27177777

Honestly I didn't like her music and thought weeb rap was lame. However, after Live Again dropped, I started revisiting her songs with the knowledge of her journey and her story. Suddenly I'm really into all her music. I finally decided to buy all her albums after listening to Kakigori Galaxy Astronaut on bandcamp. It's probably the most entry-level stuff but it's really magical. If you don't feel it it's okay bro, but do give it a try since it's free to listen to on bandcamp.

That would be funny hahaha.

>> No.27177779

Maybe you should go back to AK48.
Are you really going to get the redditors to cancel Amelia? Good luck bro, we're not in japan.

>> No.27177780

Dear Lord! The Nanolish is real...

>> No.27177781
File: 275 KB, 638x602, 1579375812079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177785
File: 920 KB, 788x771, 1599159518369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177786

>Mori - 2 boyfriends

>> No.27177787

Bro I'm a teamate but you're seething a bit too hard rn

>> No.27177788

looks like a lot of autistic screaming to me, anon

>> No.27177789

Get real, the pekora poster got doxxed not too long ago.

>> No.27177791

Do you mean about that senator sucking that girl tits?.
Anyways, good to hear we are helping someone.

>> No.27177792

>I don't want to just get my dick wet, I want companionship and trust.
Having sex doesn't exclude "companionship and trust" lmao
You are like a delusional christcuck

>> No.27177793

no problem, we will have to see if i can keep up in the long run.

>> No.27177794
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1600333251291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177795
File: 56 KB, 800x450, yakuza-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177800


>> No.27177804


>> No.27177805


>> No.27177807

I will never EVER understand the fixation on nudes/sex videos in todays relationships. Like holy shit theres no possible way their existence ends well in a world where your shit is constantly being monitored and a half step away feom being public info

>> No.27177810
File: 101 KB, 786x800, 1517387339896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, is Luna playing a Mario battle royale?

>> No.27177815

>a long term relationship that simply didn't work out is fine
I did literally this, and it ruined my life.

>> No.27177817

Deepest lore

>> No.27177818

>just got back from work

Jesus I can't even go 8 hours without a shitstorm of catastrophic proportions. Also how hard is it for these retards to nuke their private life off the Internet fuck me.

>> No.27177819

There was a dude in the background of HER stream in that one beercan clip

>> No.27177827

hate to break it to you but

>> No.27177829 [DELETED] 

Ok so when exactly should one have sex in a relationship? After fucking 10 years when they made sure they won't leave each other for some reason?

>> No.27177831

shitstorm was going strong 12 hours ago

>> No.27177832

Whyd loser bait get kicked then retard

>> No.27177835 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 1280x720, ame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread bros come here: >>27177790

>> No.27177846


Aw ye

>> No.27177847

This song must mean a lot to her if she can't make it half way without breaking into tears, it's a shame that due to this, we are robbed of watching a cute shark girl singing this.

>> No.27177850


>> No.27177852

Is this the onlyfans thread

>> No.27177853

This is fantastic. Really good. Really well done.

Her voice has such great harmonics that even slowed down it sounds great.
Her little laughs are the best too.

>> No.27177859

Ina retweet with wrong account?

>> No.27177858

>just got back from work

>> No.27177861

all me, i have dissociative identity

>> No.27177862

You sound like an overemotional faggot

>> No.27177864 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1583480423049.jpgdie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177867

Please kill yourself, I don't want Gura associated with you schizos

>> No.27177869

I actually like S*chi better than Amelia, I might watch her. Hololive was competitive and vetted out the top 5 out of what was possible a thousand or more candidates.

>but but you guys secretly like idolshit
No we don't you fag. Have sex loser.

>> No.27177871

Here's the clip since nobody else wants to help.

>> No.27177873 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1601063294809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27177880
File: 37 KB, 728x594, L9MlEPwg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27177881 [DELETED] 

Chinks did this ?

>> No.27177882

This thread is junk lmao

>> No.27177883

>This is the average hlgg fan

>> No.27177885

I have, you fuck. It just told me how quickly the thread believes info with no basis.
I was there when someone posted a picture of some black guy and said it's him and twenty people believed it.
Also when someone pulled up a search of that r9k user and everyone screamed until it turned out to be someone completely different with the same username.

They were together, that's clear. The only evidence for them being still together is them liking each other's stuff

>> No.27177884 [DELETED] 

There's been webms of her for a while anon

>> No.27177891 [DELETED] 


>> No.27177894

It doesn't even sound like her anymore.

>> No.27177901

God Bless Gura.

>> No.27177908 [DELETED] 

>why does the bf of the vtuber I love calls me names after I shat on him
Ame should publicly humiliate you all like Nyanners and her bf did so we can filter out all the schizos and get back the comfy threads.

>> No.27177909
File: 350 KB, 597x588, 1600429630860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the beginning of each thread, we might as well have a previous thread summary for the literal dozens of just woke up and just got back from work posters. How hard is it to take the time to read, you faggots?

>> No.27177910
File: 186 KB, 680x763, 1600578053268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang in there teamate

>> No.27177912

It feels as though she's speaking english with a japanese audience in mind, making sure to enunciate everything so they can do their best to follow along.
It's admirable keeping our JPbros in mind, though it does come across a bit awkward in collabs when others speak english a lot more casually.

It does play well into the adorkable reaper gimmick though, so it could be considered a charm point if that's your sort of thing.

>> No.27177913
File: 398 KB, 1750x1180, 1600848539641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27177914

her own lmao dumb bitch should learn to delete her past better

>> No.27177919


>> No.27177920
File: 477 KB, 590x591, 1575099511600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop Luna's stream
>I can still hear her talking
So, this is what schizophrenia is like.......

>> No.27177921
File: 53 KB, 457x497, 1593201500692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad

>> No.27177927

Mods just ban anyone who ask what happened

>> No.27177930


>> No.27177932

So gura membershrimp has all the benefits and the shark side is just for support?

>> No.27177933

First time experiencing clout? Drama is literally needed to keep everyone alive. example: Korone.

>> No.27177940

She better not. I already dropped my Tier 3 membership to a Tier 2. I might drop it to to a Tier 1 if she upsets me more.

>> No.27177941

>can't help falling in love makes her cry
I knew it, she had a boyfriend too!

>> No.27177942

when the fuck did she pretend to be that you disgusting schizo

>> No.27177945 [DELETED] 

>6 and 52''

>> No.27177946

In the end, Luna was the HoloEN we searched for all along......

>> No.27177951 [DELETED] 


>> No.27177952

Most likely. Wasn't 100% confirmed.

>> No.27177953 [DELETED] 

S*chi says she's 5''2' and that neet is 6''0'.
Who's this fag then? Doesn't look like he's that much taller.

>> No.27177956

Looks like meidos gave up because this thread is 100% garbage

>> No.27177959


>> No.27177960 [DELETED] 

Nyanners for EN2, am I right? Schizos would be really seething.

>> No.27177963 [DELETED] 

She looks pretty average desu.

>> No.27177965


>> No.27177966

Do this for Promise of The World I beg you.

>> No.27177968
File: 316 KB, 624x561, 1601312510044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the ame doomposting is so thick we didn't even have a happening of mori liking pictures of 3d men on twitter

>> No.27177970
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1600759634924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if Ame is going to get Aloe'd because of some anons from /jp/ leaked her curioscat, I think it's time for mods to move both Hololive generals into the >>>/trash/

>> No.27177969
File: 391 KB, 554x309, 1601184210198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you guys do once the illusion is broken? How can you back to watching their streams like normal?

>> No.27177974

>after I shat on him

but i didn't?

>> No.27177975

>we might as well have a previous thread summary
This but unironically.
>just read 10k posts bro

>> No.27177976
File: 499 KB, 960x960, 1601605657668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one guy who always randomly brings up Nyanners in these threads for no reason
Are you obsessed with her or something?

>> No.27177978

I also wanna save myself for someone I give a shit about but I don't really care much if someone else isn't doing the same thing I'm doing.

>> No.27177977

Become an anti, pretend it never existed, or watch Lamy.

>> No.27177980

Can you even imagine how worse these threads would be?

>> No.27177981 [DELETED] 

Nyanners can't get past the interview, she has a long and dirty internet history that Cover will not appreciate.

>> No.27177984

That's not neet

>> No.27177988

Shit, do it for every single one of her songs, even when she was still HER

>> No.27177992
File: 377 KB, 1000x1000, 1601586290313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say the line gura


>> No.27177993

Finally, now I don't have to go through the archives.

>> No.27177995

>dirty internet history
Like what?

>> No.27177998
File: 189 KB, 383x452, 1601575485905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slaps ur waifu's ass
Nothing personal lole

>> No.27177999


>> No.27178006

Why are you idiots still talking about roommates when we got fucking NANOLISH going on?

>> No.27178007

this is cursed but strangely pleasing

>> No.27178008
File: 186 KB, 480x480, 1601609495404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We almost saw a resurgence in Goslinging during Fly Me to the Moon. Gura doing THIS would generate chaos on an unprecedented level, ESPECIALLY if she actually started crying halfway through. I don't know if the HoloEN community could recover from it. I know I wouldn't.

>> No.27178011


>> No.27178013

How many tens of thousands of posts do you expect people to read every single day just to keep up anonchama? 10 thousand? 20 thousand?

>> No.27178014

I don't, I watch their twitters and watch indies

>> No.27178016

Just x posters are cancer and contribute to schizos and antis posting garbage constantly

>> No.27178019

No illusion was broken

>> No.27178020

The shock hit me for one of the JPs I watched, then I realised it really doesn't matter and doesn't affect the stream experience.

>> No.27178021

It doesn't even sound like her anymore

>> No.27178023

Dream big. Dream another zoey quinn.

>> No.27178024 [DELETED] 

Fuck Cover, we hate Cover here.

>> No.27178027
File: 563 KB, 494x498, 1601305425051.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch luna you absolute niggers she's streaming in english RIGHT NOW

>> No.27178026

There's a reason why she's a ghost. No one close. No leaks.

>> No.27178030

Amazing anon, but do you get higher quality music files or is it same quality as what you find for free? If it is do you really notice it?
I'm considering doing it too

>> No.27178032


>> No.27178031

Laughing at this guy right now.

>> No.27178034

this actually works. it's like a ward spell.

>> No.27178033

She's not getting aloe'd literally nothing happened and she even gained 100~ more memberships
Schizos and cross-board tourist won't stop reviving this """scandal"""

>> No.27178035 [DELETED] 

Its still hard for me to guess ame's race, she looks like a brit, an italian and american

>> No.27178046 [DELETED] 

We hate Cover but we love their talent scouters and they would never let her through. Cope.

>> No.27178047

>gossip gossip gossip gossip
Holy fuck I didn't know I was in highschool girls and losers

>> No.27178049

What's your point? They decide if she makes it or not.

>> No.27178050

I can't believe goslingfags still actually exist, I thought it ironic.
Did you get anything out of Ame mentioning Lars and the real doll?

>> No.27178051

Then we would have schizos stalking the flip and then we'll never see the end of SEAniggers.

>> No.27178052

Well, I don't see a reason not to.
>favorite holoEN
>what you're doing right now while waiting for streams that aren't luna english

>> No.27178056

This other guy was right though

>> No.27178057

Took me a good 2 hours to do my archive reps today

>> No.27178066 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 576x607, 1601589018922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you feel people "deserve" this then at least post the end of the story to let people hear it all instead of making it a pure doompost

>> No.27178067

Because that's literally not worth mentioning at all, the only thing it tells us is something that we already knew. She's straight-ish

>> No.27178068

Do worry bro. I'ma become a vtuber and stream /hlgg/ all day as my content. Just check out my archives.

>> No.27178071 [DELETED] 

WOW that's long. I ain't got time for this shiet fuck this drama.

>> No.27178077

Hold me, bros...

>> No.27178082

Same as always because im not a permavirgin manchild who feels threatened and infuriated by virtual girls having boyfriends. I'd spit in your face if i could, idolfag.

>> No.27178083


>> No.27178084
File: 28 KB, 491x487, 1561484113995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that you're right

>> No.27178088

Imagine thing an english first-language woman with an intact virginity after the age of 15 exists on the planet.

>> No.27178093 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178095 [DELETED] 

>she didn't say no kappa
yup. that's a lie.

>> No.27178098

Trying to watch Assault Lily

>> No.27178099

You guys know that the comment under tweets are still archived after the op ones are deleted, right?

>> No.27178103 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 500x554, 1601623321189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke answer: pic related
Real answer: that's up to the person to choose. I know married couples that started dating in middleschool, and my dad was my mom's first and only boyfriend. Literally just try not to have a shit judge of character and don't fuck the coomers or daddy issue roasties that just want sex. Don't go for the people that you know aren't worth sticking around

>> No.27178105


>> No.27178108


>> No.27178112

Hololive Moments are reporting other translator channels. What an irony. Report them:

Or write them a nice mail: hololivemoment@gmail.com

>> No.27178113 [DELETED] 




>> No.27178114

Watch Luna you stop your doomposting

>> No.27178118
File: 750 KB, 2622x3862, 1601516535777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. From a squeaky kid to a proper lady singing in some classy jazz club. Nicely done.

>> No.27178119

Listening to Lamy.

>> No.27178126

Anglo girls are very sexually active from the age of 12.

>> No.27178128 [DELETED] 

>things have settled
Looking at the state of this thread, no they haven't

>> No.27178129

I have that issue with Mori and Kiara's streams, but it's mostly a scheduling issue for me. They both tend to stream too early or too late for me.

>> No.27178130
File: 40 KB, 525x587, korone disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27178131

you should seek help, they're just streamers

>> No.27178132

I'm too drunk right now. I would be doing my guitar reps and FFXIV reps right now otherwise

>> No.27178133

Can't Cover just copyright strike them?

>> No.27178134

These chinks have some fucking cheek.

>> No.27178135
File: 2 KB, 125x122, 1601438017796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew lad.
Does she know..?

>> No.27178140

I didn't look into pirating it since I assumed it'll be hard to come by since she's indie. If by free you mean youtube, nah you're not going to get all the albums there, and on bandcamp there's a limit to the free listens. If you buy it, you can choose the file format which includes mp3 v0, flac, and even WAV so basically its the highest quality you can get, and the difference is noticeable.

>> No.27178143

I mean, if they didn't then their relationship can't be lasting much longer seeing as he seems to be going the extra mile to fuck up her career.

>> No.27178144

Don't worry Korone, I hid the SOAP.

>> No.27178145 [DELETED] 

Also based

>> No.27178146

She also sounds like she's got a mouthful of marshmallows when talking in English.

Although, that actually is suitably fitting for Luna so maybe that's a plus.

>> No.27178147 [DELETED] 

Just did a deepdive on twitter to search for every post mentioning s*chi or her boyfriend's twitter handles.

There's a lot of tweets mentioning them together and congratulating them... last year.
But there's basically nothing since the start of 2020, except for s*chi mentioning a boyfriend daki in her 'old room' and saying it doesn't apply anymore.

Their relationship basically went off the map in early 2020 for SOME reason.

>> No.27178151 [DELETED] 

So nothing changed huh.. Good

>> No.27178152

That's based of them and we're not your personal army. Crawl back to weddit, nigger. We're busy talking about real shit, like if Watson's puss getting slammed is a thing of the past or present.

>> No.27178154

>he dropped the tier instead of increasing it
You aren't a real NTRchad. You would keep the tier and you'd be tipping her streamlabs account too if you really were.

>> No.27178155

watching luna english and waiting for melatonin to kick in

>> No.27178156

Leave nigga. This aint high school anymore. There's no principal keeping you here. You're only doing this to yourself by staying here.

>> No.27178157

Why is no one talking about the chinese anymore?

>> No.27178158

Why is there no videos?

>> No.27178160 [DELETED] 

Stop posting polls you fucking retard
I feel obligated to click them

>> No.27178161

So is this time skip Gura?

>> No.27178165


>> No.27178167

Is the only evidence for Ina in FFXIV? Because XIVfags marry each other all the time just for the shitty marriage mount and dress.

>> No.27178169 [DELETED] 
File: 372 KB, 580x397, mor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were kidding, what the fuck?

Hilarious that if this happened 24 hours ago the thread would have ignited

>> No.27178170 [DELETED] 

>that's up to the person to choose.
>but having sex is bed
I bet you think all non-virgin girls are sluts

>> No.27178173

>all these ultra normalfaggots
Chanology was a mistake...

>> No.27178177

legitimately don't know where the meme that girls gossip more came from, any youtuber drama easily disproves this

>> No.27178178 [DELETED] 

She's such a nice woman. She deserves happiness too

>> No.27178181

Can anyone explain to me how /hlgg/ is any better than the CCP chinks or the 5ch that made Aloe graduate? The people in this thread are fucking pathetic excuses for humans. Congrats on being on the same level as bugmen.

>> No.27178187 [DELETED] 

Is that gigguk?

>> No.27178186

They took all their videos down because they are angry about Coco and Haato. Not joking.

>> No.27178188 [DELETED] 

It's that the anime man?

>> No.27178189

Nice try, chinky Chink.

>> No.27178190

proud of you /jp/

>> No.27178192 [DELETED] 

Kiara a shit

>> No.27178193 [DELETED] 

This guy has a pretty smooth voice.

>> No.27178194 [DELETED] 

Weeb girls wet their pants for theanimeman. I am no gay but it's understandable why girls are crazy over that faggot.

>> No.27178195

I like her the best but then again I am 36 so maybe she just appeals to an older fanbase.

>> No.27178198 [DELETED] 

The only deadbeats left on here are stalwart, it wouldn't have been bad

>> No.27178201

>I don't really care much if someone else isn't doing the same thing I'm doing
i know how you feel, I'm 21, and there's no way that there are any sane women that haven't had sex near where i am. I missed my chance for my negligence (and unironically chads getting the head start), now i have to just try to compromise for a girl that is not crazy and can at least tolerate my hobbies

>> No.27178202 [DELETED] 

Can't believe Mori wants to get spitroasted by those guys

>> No.27178203

Personally she lacks the swagger that helps to make a good rapper. She sounds like she has actual rapping talent but none of the confidence. The "idol rapper" thing is pretty funny because I wonder what she'd think of someone like MIRI who used to be in a hip-hop idol group (Rhymeberry) and is still an idol but regularly takes part in rap battle competitions and seems to be treated as pretty legit.


>> No.27178205 [DELETED] 

Who cares?

>> No.27178206

It's some kid, dude.

>> No.27178207

This is the anti general anon you should know this by now

>> No.27178214 [DELETED] 

>Liking another group of weeb e-celebs
Who gives a shit

>> No.27178215 [DELETED] 

These are just e-clebs who """review"" anime and talk about v-tubers

>> No.27178217 [DELETED] 

Christ how do you normies go without gossip every couple of hours?

>> No.27178220 [DELETED] 

The one on the left looks like the fat guy from the edited fedora tip meme which features that uniform and yare yare daze caption.

>> No.27178221

We aren't, this is the anti thread now. Go to /hlg/ for the fan thread.

>> No.27178222

It doesn't have much power to affect the chuuba irl

>> No.27178223 [DELETED] 

idolshits are above bugmen actually and down there with pedophiles and muslims.

>> No.27178227

Last I checked we didn't collectively bully someone out of a job Chang. Also the doxposters are a vocal minority unlike the Chinese hivemind.

>> No.27178228

Take Benadryl. Melatonin effects are kinda mild

>> No.27178232 [DELETED] 

Based Gigguk

>> No.27178233

Dude i cant the thread where everything went nuclear in the archives.

>> No.27178235

Christ, she has such a nice voice. I don’t quite know why, but I find it extremely attractive.

>> No.27178236
File: 78 KB, 637x900, 1599868300869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holos can be divided in to 2 groups
>Entertainment streamers
Holos who's main goal is to entertain the audience either with their dumb persona or their quick wit.
Subaru, Pekora, Marine, Roberu, Luna, Polka and Kiara are examples of Holos who fall in to this group.

>Girlfriend streamers
Holos who aren't that funny but provide comfort to their viewers by making them feel loved.
Aki, Noel, Kanata, Watame, Lamy and Watson would be examples of Holos who fall in to this group.

Now these groups aren't set in stone and many Holos are a mixture of both. But the fact is that if a Holo who has heavily invested in the "Girlfriend experience" gets busted for having a boyfriend, the backlash will be a lot harsher than if a "comedian" Holo were to get busted.

>> No.27178239

Same for the minecraft bit actually. Playing completely vanilla for once since Kiara has inspired me to take a look at all the new shit.

>> No.27178243

Who here are in their late 20s, are romanceless kissless virgins, yet don't give a fuck about this drama?

29 year old kissless virgin with no experience of romance here

>> No.27178245

Is gura the perfect vtuber idol?
>cute voice
>cute design
>barely has done any superchat readings
>great sing
>fun gameplay streams
>family friendly enought to reach a wide audience
>motherfucking undoxxable so the illusion stays intact
She is the most powerful and dangerous hololive being right now, even the Chinks think twice before chasing after her for that Coco shout out because they dont even know how to start harassing a internet ghost

>> No.27178249

Wow Coco fags are sad

>> No.27178250

Based NTRchad.

>> No.27178252
File: 1.01 MB, 2000x1434, sb9_masuyama_the_lost_works_of_caspar_david_friedrich_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caspar David Friedrich

>> No.27178253


>> No.27178254
File: 128 KB, 886x1311, 1601055320238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what the fuck hold on.

>> No.27178258
File: 161 KB, 563x540, qmuw73lt9iq51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to believe her old fanbase are migrating this fast. She only uploaded like once a year.

>> No.27178265

To be honest my rap experience is pretty low.
Love me some DMX though.

>> No.27178268 [DELETED] 

She's planning for fucking 4some with those guys???

>> No.27178269

No because she keeps playing stupid horror games. She's nearly there though.

>> No.27178270

>being a sneaky 50 center is based
you have to go back

>> No.27178275

Unironically Hokusai (Bosch as a close second)

>> No.27178277 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178280

she can give us the cucked boyfriend experience now

>> No.27178282

No, I meant that they are pissed at Coco for the Taiwan thing. They are angry chinks who think she deserves more punishment.

>> No.27178288 [DELETED] 

Literally the ironic weeb e-celeb trio. Who gives a shit.

>> No.27178289

Wow, that's really smooth idiots.

>> No.27178291

You niggers seem to trying judging by that /pol/fag on youtube

>> No.27178292

Which one is Suisei?

>> No.27178293

Because they spammed the boyfriend shit to take the heat off themselves, and it worked

>> No.27178294 [DELETED] 

Proof or ban. End this shit please.

>> No.27178295

I can continue watching her because I'm not mentally ill.

>> No.27178296

No because L*l* exists

>> No.27178297 [DELETED] 

cool now clip it and cut this narrative in the bud I wanna move onto the next one

>> No.27178298

basically, but I don't like idols

>> No.27178300

we're the apex degenerates

>> No.27178302

To the guys that have eyes over Coco's roomate steam account
what has she been up to?

>> No.27178305
File: 65 KB, 710x710, 1601035086344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Breaking News: Local shark eats horny OL.

>> No.27178304 [DELETED] 

He's not fat

>> No.27178308 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178316 [DELETED] 

I wouldnt be surprised if one of the terms of the debut contract was to be single

>> No.27178317 [DELETED] 

proof faggot i beg of thee

>> No.27178319

>Girlfriend streamers
Is this mental illness?

>> No.27178320
File: 449 KB, 800x800, 1592511861531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does risu have a boyfriend? I have money and I don't know where to throw it

>> No.27178321

26 and same

>> No.27178323

Acting watching pudding dog for the first time.
Pretty degenerate stuff. *subscribed*

>> No.27178324

Don't like what people are saying about you? Change the conversation. - Yi Chink

>> No.27178325 [DELETED] 

wtf brossssss

>> No.27178327

Drunk FFXIV sounds like fun if you keep away from the high end stuff, or at the very least crafting to make some gil.

>> No.27178334

Watson had called out weirdos a lot of times and barely cares about getting SCs, thats why she speedruns her readings. She just wants to stream video games for a living, not your virtual girlfriend who panders at you. EN still doesnt have Lamy or Rushia equivalents yet.

>> No.27178335

Yes. She can also do whatever the fuck she wants.

>> No.27178336

you are either damage control or coping, can't tell

>> No.27178337 [DELETED] 

Clip it and post it here

>> No.27178338 [DELETED] 

>Trash Taste
haha I get it

>> No.27178342

Did you miss all the Goslingposts around here?

>> No.27178343
File: 107 KB, 1000x786, The Thankful Poor (1894).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henry Ossawa Tanner

>> No.27178347

All Goslingfags should funnel to the shark. She's undoxxable. It's for your own good.

>> No.27178350

>gosling for an indog
Don't do this to yourself man

>> No.27178352 [DELETED] 

>but having sex is bed
literally never said this you dumb shitter. I can't tell Stacy who to fuck. If she fucks brad and they get married afterwards, then great. If she dates Mike the delinquent, gets raped in front of the football team and transfers schools (based on a true story), i'll know that she's a dumbass that can't read the danger signs.

>> No.27178354

>No because she keeps playing stupid horror games.
Honestly she should just play what she likes, remember the Maneater stream?

>> No.27178355 [DELETED] 

Fake news

>> No.27178359

>almost saw
Nigga, that karaoke stream made more goslings in one hour than had ever existed before

>> No.27178363

reverse engineering reps

>> No.27178365

People have mentioned that Korone and Pekora are much better at pure game streaming, and they are right.
Gura is capable of bringing out a more intimate streaming manner though, which makes up for it.

>> No.27178366 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 966x720, mpv-shot1616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narrativeposters BTFO

>> No.27178367

listening to music and popping bars

>> No.27178369

If you give it to me, I'll pretend to be a girl and be your exclusive girlfriend.

>> No.27178370

I'm more amazed that SHE out of all of the others turned out to be the most idol like.

>> No.27178374 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 400x800, reptaro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons I have schizo fatigue please set me free

>> No.27178375 [DELETED] 

>Almost won an emmy
So proud of our little detective..

>> No.27178376

boomdeyada boomdeyada boomdeyada

>> No.27178382

Who's due for a Model Update?

>> No.27178386

She just sounds like some random western whore now.
Yes it sounds really good obviously but that's not her appeal.

>> No.27178390

>motherfucking undoxxable
Why would you poke the bear like this

>> No.27178389

Risu won't, but Ayunda almost certainly will have.
No man can resist ara aras of that manitude.

>> No.27178391 [DELETED] 

I see the question in the chat, but I missed the answer. Clip?

>> No.27178394

Imagine seriously thinking any of these old slags aren't thoroughly demolished and disease-ridden.

>> No.27178396

Carpool Critics

>> No.27178397 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178398

I'm new here :)
My favorite member is Watson! I'm sure she is very pure and still single so I have a chance to make her my girlfriend! xd

>> No.27178401 [DELETED] 
File: 572 KB, 790x721, 2xFujt8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27178403

> hating idol culutre
> is in a company that praises and encourages idol culture
I guess the paychek is too big...

>> No.27178404 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178405 [DELETED] 

>Are you single?
>By chance I am, I'm single and ready to mingle

>> No.27178406 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178408 [DELETED] 

Now we just need someone to get with him and find his stash of Ame nudes.

>> No.27178409

Watame's boyfriend got leaked on stream and Aki is married. Why don't you go back to stabbing yourself?

>> No.27178411 [DELETED] 

Obviously just lying to satiate you retards.

>> No.27178414

When does Hololive Nanolish debut?

>> No.27178416

What about daughteru streamers?

Haato, Shion, Luna, Nene, Gura

>> No.27178417
File: 115 KB, 827x1161, 1601467661368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight I might just go ahead and do it next pay, been considering it for a while.
Knowing her story and sitting there during streams talking with her talking to us even if she's got an act up has made me love this music way more than I probably normally ever would have. Before this I only really listened to music because of the sound, but this chick has made me see music in a completely new way.
I'm gonna be enjoying music of all kinds way more now that I'm thinking of the people behind the music and the lyrics.

>> No.27178421 [DELETED] 

WTF Mori based

>> No.27178424 [DELETED] 

nice reps reptaro, also go to a doctor anon

>> No.27178425 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178426 [DELETED] 
File: 2.72 MB, 240x234, 1445763596193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27178428

Ina still has the most WOMAN POWER though, according to Kiara and Huke-papa

>> No.27178429

"Are you single by chance?"

>> No.27178430

It hasn't jinxed Suisei, Subaru, or Flare yet.

>> No.27178434


>> No.27178437

I don't mind them i just got bored of the constant crude sex jokes. Such is the fate of pandering to ironic weebs

>> No.27178440
File: 69 KB, 605x486, 1501019086748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god here we fucking go again

>> No.27178442
File: 20 KB, 399x399, 1597581463381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girlfriend streamers
>Watson aka twitch whore
anon pls

>> No.27178444 [DELETED] 

They suffered for our entertainment

>> No.27178445

huh? yes the shark l*l* exists

>> No.27178446 [DELETED] 

Such a nice boyfriend, denying the relationship in order to protect his girl.

>> No.27178448

doing this.

>> No.27178449 [DELETED] 
File: 997 KB, 160x160, 1582883664986.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can sleep easy today

>> No.27178450 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178451 [DELETED] 

no way this is true
clearly lying

>> No.27178452 [DELETED] 

Now ask if he knows Amelia

>> No.27178453 [DELETED] 

Doubt it. Sachi already commissioned a new 3D model likely as a backup if she didn't get accepted for HoloEN. If she breaks up because of HoloEN it won't make sense to do it at the start of the year

>> No.27178455 [DELETED] 


Mori gave gigguk or whatever a heart on a youtube comment he left on her first song. She may be trying to network with them or she already knows them. They're normie anime "content creators" and they all live in Japan. Nothing much more to it other than that, Mori may be a fan.

>> No.27178458


>> No.27178457

Yeah, don't tempt fate on this one. People with inside knowledge always exist.

Francis Bacon

>> No.27178460

I hope everyone learned a valuable lesson today: the Chinese are evil and caused this whole thing.

>> No.27178464 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 128x128, 1600370393558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conveniently says he's single today of all days
boy you fags sure are gullible

>> No.27178466


>> No.27178468

God this thread makes me wanna die and I don't even give a shit about this boyfriend stuff

>> No.27178469 [DELETED] 

Got a link bro?

>> No.27178471 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 355x362, continued_laughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threads were literally a nothingburger

>> No.27178472

Why'd she delete her Curiouscat? I swear she only stoked the flames with that move.

>> No.27178476 [DELETED] 

>likes NTR
uh oh

>> No.27178479

He's just trying to cover it up for his gf. Not gonna resub or membership again

>> No.27178480 [DELETED] 

there's 2 post in the thread with clip

>> No.27178481

Right after Maringlish.

>> No.27178485
File: 19 KB, 600x350, gsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just nutted to ntr manga, it hurts, but at the same time feels good. So thats how ntrchads feel

>> No.27178484

wtf I'm a samefag now

>> No.27178487 [DELETED] 

>anyone who doesn't bag a perfect partner on first try is dumb
Ok, retard. You just don't understand the precarious nature of romantic relationships. You seem to think one can be sure that they found perfect partner for life after a certain period of time and then have sex. That's not how reality works. Also giving this much importance to sex only shows how much of a retard you are. Stop promoting your christcuck ideals and die already.

>> No.27178489 [DELETED] 

he was asked by chat retardchama

>> No.27178490 [DELETED] 

Don't people who sign up for hololive usually go off the radar for long periods prior to debut? Maybe she went silent over her relationship because Cover asker her to

>> No.27178491 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 966x720, mpv-shot1887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are pathetic. You know these streamers will never love you, right?

>> No.27178495
File: 399 KB, 658x537, 1574167177021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is people say thread? am losing i grasp on english the longer I watch the luna

>> No.27178497
File: 46 KB, 832x286, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27178498
File: 119 KB, 1200x1200, 1601474435731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed. Remember to keep your money if you're low, Mori can wait.

>> No.27178502

So crazy schizos can't spend hours analyzing every answer and carving it into their arms.

>> No.27178503 [DELETED] 

Some fag from here was asking him in chat retard

>> No.27178504

The way to do it is to self insert as the ugly bastard

>> No.27178506 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 651x601, 1600800069486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27178507 [DELETED] 

I swear to god you fuckers never learn

>> No.27178508 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178510

Based adaptationchad.

What of my post made you think I give a shit.

>> No.27178511 [DELETED] 

He's got a good voice, radiophonic even.

>> No.27178513 [DELETED] 

oh how convenient, can you cope any harder?

>> No.27178514

Threads too fast. I don't get (You)s anymore

>> No.27178515 [DELETED] 

im sorry for your loss anon, i'm sure you can schizo about something else soon

>> No.27178521

Your turn

>> No.27178520
File: 176 KB, 1072x843, 1593010639383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nunya deadbraps are doing any good.

>> No.27178523

You think rapping in Japanese would be popular with all their play on words and triple meaning words. But it's niche and only a few can appreciate the word play.

>> No.27178524 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178527
File: 595 KB, 600x479, 1600920536919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your day/night friends, I don't feel like going on another rollercoaster. Good night

>> No.27178528

The way to do it is to self insert as the girl

>> No.27178530

They had the entire thing archived anyway. All it was doing was confirming it in their minds.

>> No.27178529

>he didn't know

>> No.27178531
File: 15 KB, 275x183, escapism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have one on me

>> No.27178532

I just woke up, I get all the Ame drama, but what the fuck happened to Ina?

>> No.27178533 [DELETED] 

If what he says is actually true, Watson-coins will skyrocket

>> No.27178534 [DELETED] 
File: 260 KB, 463x453, OGEYYY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking day.

>> No.27178537 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 427x381, 1583866379293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone get me off this wild ride

>> No.27178536
File: 145 KB, 650x900, 1600943766038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27178539 [DELETED] 

They will learn to love me or else.

>> No.27178540
File: 212 KB, 300x248, 1601063580534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame may have been a gf streamer after Superliminal and her QnA but now she's devolved back into her twitch gremlin form. Ina is the real gf streamer of EN

>> No.27178543 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178548 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178551 [DELETED] 

This is from today, of course they are full damage control

>> No.27178552

Don't knock it when it fucking works.

>> No.27178563 [DELETED] 

I don't trust big pharma nor I would spend any money to talk with someone about my problems. Modern problems stemmed for the loss of religiousity. I wouldn't be surprised if there will be another missionary fervor like what happened in the tail end of the 19th century because of how postmodernism is failing

>> No.27178566 [DELETED] 

So she's lying?

>> No.27178568

she's flat as a board

>> No.27178569

>with all their play on words and triple meaning words
Not even nips actually like their kanji wordplays

>> No.27178570

Ina is for self improvement anon. Do your reps and find your own Ina

>> No.27178571 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 355x333, 1600261990841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter because Ame is NOT my girlfriend. We are FRIENDS!!!

>> No.27178572

May the flights of angels sing thee to thy rest, dear anon.

>> No.27178575

I'm so happy for Amechads! All was nothing but l-lies! Trinytyfags gather again

>> No.27178577 [DELETED] 

There is good reason to believe his words to be true. When the thread started watching his stream and he noticed the view count, he thought he was being raided by /pol/, not /jp/

>> No.27178580


>> No.27178581 [DELETED] 
File: 561 KB, 1080x1331, 1601519441754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once again, ask you to vote.

>> No.27178583 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, how is that even less suspicious? No shit he's gonna give an answer to someone from here that'll make you tards calm down.

>> No.27178584 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 140x140, ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27178585 [DELETED] 

He knows her.

>> No.27178587 [DELETED] 

>they're in damage control
yeah right retard, and Ame said that it's been 1 year since they cut it off, you have nothing left again to schizo about hahah

>> No.27178596 [DELETED] 

damn he's got a nice voice

>> No.27178597 [DELETED] 

Holostars EN when? Legit he has a nice voice

>> No.27178598 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178599

Someone must have doxxed l*l* by now.

>> No.27178604 [DELETED] 

You've been avatarfagging the whole thread and honestly I was starting to get annoyed, but you did good, anon.

>> No.27178605 [DELETED] 

This clip is from today you pathetic cuck

>> No.27178607
File: 618 KB, 832x1000, 1601603863405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, 26 here. I've long since forsaken women but Gura has slowly changed my opinion with her singing. I don't care if the autists or CCP crowd somehow dox Gura and reveal her personal life as well as past/present boyfriend. I feel like she probably does have a significant other offline because her mannerisms and voice would likely belong to a decent looking chick and guys would jump at any opportunity to romance her, and it doesn't bother me one bit. Maybe I'm on my way to wizardom or whatever it's called because although I do enjoy girls/anime girls and porn, I feel no obligation to get into any relationship at all or care about getting attention, and it has been this way since my teens.

>> No.27178608

Are there no churches/cults around your area, Anon? Maybe you could join one, see if that helps.

>> No.27178609
File: 29 KB, 318x416, 1600901683740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it to yourself anon...

>> No.27178612
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1601507823999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally from the moment i woke up to getting ready for bed now has been a roller coaster.

i now understand the appeal of soap operas.

>> No.27178614

>Hunter ecks hunter
Gura is a flip

>> No.27178616 [DELETED] 

He thought he was being raided by /pol/ not /jp/ it was genuine I was there

>> No.27178618 [DELETED] 

Thank god.

>A lot of circumstantial aligned evidence that they are no longer together
>"He still likes watson art so obviously they can't have broken up because then he would hate her guts!!"

At this point anyone who pushes the narrative they're still together is on the same level as a brapposter.

>> No.27178619 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178620 [DELETED] 

It's over...

>> No.27178621 [DELETED] 

What are you talking about?

>> No.27178622

Doubt it's her old fanbase. A YouTube channel that sporadically uploads like that has tons of dead subs. She only managed 40K followers on Twitch.

>> No.27178626 [DELETED] 

Teenagers are retarded anon, if what you say actually happened then she sure as fuck knows how to "read the warning signs now"

>> No.27178627 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178632

This thread is like a bunch of woman gossiping.

>> No.27178631 [DELETED] 

So it was because this guy sending these fucking messages to her that she sounded like she just cried when she started her stream.
And why she purged the community.

>> No.27178633
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>> No.27178634
File: 76 KB, 960x700, coco - had it not been for the laws of this land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this thread

>> No.27178639

For Nips daughteru streamers are no different from girlfriend streamers.

>> No.27178640

The more you improve the less likely you are to find a girl like Ina, ironically.

>> No.27178641 [DELETED] 

Meds. Now.

>> No.27178642

I had sex with her 7 years ago

>> No.27178643 [DELETED] 

Holy shit finally we can go back to our dead ass thread until a stream begins

>> No.27178644

What a ride. 2020 is happening

>> No.27178645

fuck you Amelia for stirring up schizos like this again

>> No.27178646

I just listen to a lot of old school 80s/90s/early 2000s stuff. DMX rules for exactly that reason too: he sounds confident and completely fucking nuts. Charisma will get you far.

>> No.27178647
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>> No.27178650 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 20200929_145050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 Chickenbros
More of us here than I expected to be honest.

>> No.27178653 [DELETED] 
File: 553 KB, 1414x2000, 1600668394805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he likes ntr then we just have to take ame from him

>> No.27178654


>> No.27178656

Coco will save Amelia, just like she saved Haato.

>> No.27178659 [DELETED] 

I don't know. That's the point. When he saw that his current viewership had increased, he presumed it was /pol/ and said as much on stream, warned everyone not to say nword.

>> No.27178661 [DELETED] 

Everyone thinks 4ch is /pol/.

>> No.27178662

I havent slept since AmeliaGate and holy fuck HoloEN and these threads have taken over my life

>> No.27178663 [DELETED] 

You convinced yourself they are not dating based on something he said after this whole shit was uncovered

>> No.27178665

i only come to this thread for the drama

>> No.27178666

Anime of the year for sure

>> No.27178667

One is happening right now, anon.

I bought the dip btw and I'm converting my watsoncoinis into liquid assets tomorrow morning.

>> No.27178670

>he cancelled his membership and unsubscribed just because of some old stories, not even considering the fact that she may be single now and that having so many youtube fans made her happy again
Don't come back. You don't deserve her.

>> No.27178672

I never get this gf streamer and found the superliminal entertaining/funny. I never seen blade runner too (on all gosling movies ive only seen drive) so thats that.

>> No.27178673


>> No.27178674

Very based chumbuddy. I share similar feelings.

>> No.27178677

Holy fuck what in the shit happened for the thread to have devolved into nothing but narrativeposting

>> No.27178676

Goddamn thats hot

>> No.27178678
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>> No.27178679
File: 37 KB, 579x536, 1601583418513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never cared, just spent the whole day laughing at thread and enjoying the streams

>> No.27178680
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>> No.27178684
File: 22 KB, 777x285, 66aIOQ14Ev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy who canceled his membership earlier here. I renewed my membership. All that I gained from this is 1 (one) shark daughter.

I do what I want.

>> No.27178685 [DELETED] 

Girls don't have sex with delinquents for serious relationship shit. It's just for fun lmao

>> No.27178686

And i love it.

>> No.27178687

Yeah, and?

>> No.27178688 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 469x407, 1600928322610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now the reason why Ame was crying at the tail end of her stream earlier is that it reminded her their break-up. It all makes sense now

>> No.27178689

Canceled Dragon

>> No.27178691
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>> No.27178692 [DELETED] 

I mean it pretty much is a this point.

>> No.27178695

I don't want to have these thoughts about my daughter NOOOOO...

>> No.27178696
File: 158 KB, 387x500, 1533086239713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't. I wish you people would just shut up and do your reps if you have nothing of value to say. Every day these threads become more tiresome.

>> No.27178699 [DELETED] 

Thank god we don't have brapposters anymore...

>> No.27178700 [DELETED] 

You know, Hololive is a super big things in streamer circle.

>> No.27178701

sorry your boyfriend dumped you

>> No.27178702

This is fucking smart holy shit. If they know everything about Ame there is nothing to dig up..

>> No.27178707

wtf is this with Amelia crying and dm's? Is there a new case of something like that Ina pfp schitzo messaging Kiara?
I know about the drama that went down like 5+ hours ago, no need to repeat but I wasn't in these threads after that.

>> No.27178709
File: 31 KB, 128x128, 1600849054221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to apologize for, I am not a schizo anti

>> No.27178712 [DELETED] 

If lying will help them save face/protect their relatioship then they will
Take your meds

>> No.27178714
File: 335 KB, 786x720, 1601239911330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the moment holoEN was announced I knew they were gonna get doxxed because of bad OPSEC and revealed as used goods
Feels fucking good to sit back and watch idolfags seethe their blood out

>> No.27178716

How does this work so well...

>> No.27178720
File: 161 KB, 600x719, 1300896608343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dats it mane

>> No.27178722 [DELETED] 

Calii bros.....

>> No.27178723

Welcome to world of celeberties, tabloids and why this site is better off without them

>> No.27178727
File: 657 KB, 1000x1000, 66770379_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is how dead hours work for Hololive global, huh. How interesting.

>> No.27178728

21st century schizoid idolfan

>> No.27178729 [DELETED] 

Do you want an official document? What will satisfy you to confirm your retardedness?

>> No.27178730 [DELETED] 

he's a pretty cool dude. unfortunate hes subjected to schizo's bullshit.

>> No.27178731 [DELETED] 

Can you really blame people? It's basically the entry board for newfags

>> No.27178734

>This whole shit could just end if Ame just addressed the issue
>she fucking can't, not even on her alt because that would bring the controversy to light
it must suck being Amelia right now. You pretend that >we're irrelevant, but we are the only source of criticism that isn't a shady discord. The shit from here will reach the ENs whether they want it or not. Ame 100% hates this place and everyone in it (yes even you) if she didn't before due to the shitfits this place has brought to her and her friends.

>> No.27178736 [DELETED] 

I mean, the timeline of the twitter posts with neet makes sense. She stopped tweet replying to him at the end of 2019.

Why does this make you so upset?

>> No.27178738

I unironically want him on HolostarsEN 2bh

>> No.27178739
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>> No.27178740 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178741

Today has made it very obvious why the mods refuse to make a vtuber or eceleb board.

>> No.27178743

Based norfposter. You fucks are the best group in this thread.

>> No.27178745

Gone for one day. The fuck happened here.

>> No.27178747 [DELETED] 

I'm Amelias boyfriend, ask me anything.

>> No.27178751

Unityfags ww@

>> No.27178753 [DELETED] 

Save face from what retard, do you think it's such a big deal either way?

>> No.27178755

spoilers: it won't, it just gives you another thing to obsess about and lose more of the precious time remaining in your life

It's just a stopgap half-assed measure people take instead of finding something or multiple things that they enjoy in life and can devote themselves to enjoying in life. You don't need religion to have a community, to have friends, or to even have a marriage. It's just another form of shitty-ass tribalism that still poisons and holds down modern society even to this day.

You'd honestly be better off having fun and watching holoEN (and taking their advice to heart instead of drooling over the thought of a virtual gf) than trying to join a cult or religion. Pick a hobby that interests you and go wild. Find other people that enjoy said hobby and interact. Make friends, have fun, and enjoy life.

>> No.27178756

So let me get this straight: Amelia cried before her stream, and purged her yt community because some autist from reddit or /hlg/ messaged IRL Amelia about how we found out about her real identity??

>> No.27178757 [DELETED] 


>> No.27178758
File: 145 KB, 300x439, 1596290727835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it.

>> No.27178761 [DELETED] 

Real talk, does anyone in this thread think they'd measure up after him? Dude has a good voice, charismatic, pretty attractive and Ame's type.

>> No.27178764

You really don't deserve Amelia.
Or anyone to be honest.

>> No.27178766 [DELETED] 

>thought he was being raided by /pol/
Why would /pol/ give a fuck about this guy?

>> No.27178767

What did her unwashed snatch taste like

>> No.27178765 [DELETED] 

>she says they broke up in a DM today b-but that's a lie
>fans from her past life say she mentioned they were over, b-but that's a lie
>the guy in question says he's single b-but that's a lie

It's just up to whether you have faith in the truth or not now.

>> No.27178769

>western women
>are acutally retards and whores
How fucking dumb are the people that are surprised by this?

>> No.27178770

There’s a jojo /pol/fag schizo posting in her comments, but that’s the only real equivalent.

>> No.27178771 [DELETED] 

Based NTRchad.

She wasn't referring to him but it's okay, the antis don't need to know.

>> No.27178773 [DELETED] 

What's the record of highest number of times you fucked her in a day?

>> No.27178778 [DELETED] 


He's single
Ame said she has broken up with her previous bf


>> No.27178777


>> No.27178779
File: 126 KB, 597x584, p5jmpkj7uz441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the bright side, I can finally use this. Gonna work on the edit.

>> No.27178781

I need more.

>> No.27178783 [DELETED] 

you forget about the "He's a little rough around the edges, but i can fix him" girls

>> No.27178785

Detective failed to cover her tracks.

That or she used her time-travel powers to orchestrate the most hilarious troll of all time.

>> No.27178784

>reading her old QnA
>seeing her gush about how great her bf is and how much she likes hanging out with him and doing lewd stuff
My rational brain disregards this as irrelevant to the current state of things. But the heart still hurts.

>> No.27178786

Sometimes it's comfy sometimes it's concentrated autism

>> No.27178787

based T2 shark-bro

>> No.27178790

Listen I don't give a single fuck if someone's being railed this very moment or has a hole wider than a spacex shuttle.
The real question is, did the faggots talking about killing themselves actually did it?

>> No.27178791

Holy shit you're naive
Just any mention of it before today was enough

>> No.27178793

Every single one of them hates this place, you have to be deluded not to think so at this point.

>> No.27178797

like instant mashed potatoes left out for a few days

>> No.27178800

Never doubted Ame for a second. But just in case I'm going to look into HoloJP to have something to fall back to

>> No.27178802

Ne*t seems like a alright guy tbqh.

>> No.27178803

Honestly these threads should be purged alltogether. Nothing good comes from 4chan obsessing over ecelebs

>> No.27178808

They're not wrong, just look at this faggot >>27178665

>> No.27178810
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>> No.27178811

That's also true for Japanese girls, dumb weeb.

>> No.27178816 [DELETED] 

What does her blowhole feel like?

>> No.27178817

I hope so

>> No.27178821

I got my money's worth from the threads. Ame is a tough girl, so I doubt she'll take it personally.

>> No.27178822
File: 69 KB, 1024x749, 1601369393751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are still at it, huh? I thought it will be over by the time I wake up.

>> No.27178824 [DELETED] 

>Falseflagging chinks sweating nervously

>> No.27178826 [DELETED] 

Yes because normies are afraid of getting death threats from twitter retards

>> No.27178827
File: 101 KB, 640x363, wolfinger-sex-partners-divorce-figure-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes it substantially more likely. Most people realize this intuitively, it's only Western brainwashing that makes people believe otherwise.

>> No.27178830

lmao you're taking this too seriously idiot

>> No.27178831

>someone gives amelia a heads up about all the people boyfriend posting
>she then tells him to say he's single if someone asks him
I feel so bad for you people, you're just setting yourself up to be fucked over even harder

>> No.27178832

Anon, it should inspire you to improve yourself so that one day you'll have a girl gushing about you like that online as well.

>> No.27178833

This is the future

>> No.27178834


>> No.27178838

So he dumped her? The fucking bastard. I bet he cheated too. I'll kill him

>> No.27178839


>> No.27178841

It would just move into a different chan and then it'd be so much worse you have no idea

>> No.27178842


>> No.27178844

You niggers are the very thing you hated on the internet, one that constantly attacks holos for no legitimate reason other than to make happenings out of thin air

>> No.27178845 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 478x618, 06e486c098bd31b5548d844670886818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is, you fags should have never tried to shake this tree in the first place and ruin a good deal.

>> No.27178846

I hope watson's boyfriend auditions for Holostars EN and becomes the EN Roberu so you faggots get cucked
he has a good voice

>> No.27178848
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 1601504988835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You DID submit your marriage application, right?

>> No.27178849 [DELETED] 

library books and tobacco
tight fit

>> No.27178851

Not that anon, but I tried doing that and that's exactly how I ended up here.

>> No.27178852

>Want to be an artist
>Suck at drawing
>I sing like an orc
>Don't want to commit time and effort to learning a musical instrument because the very idea of doing it is exceedingly boring.
Thus I lift. I lift for my Oshi. It's the only thing I can do.
I'll make my own body a work of art.

>> No.27178853
File: 140 KB, 540x253, 1600399351560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the new normal and you should have expected this the moment people were being tribal about the girls.

>> No.27178854 [DELETED] 

My therapist is awesome. Dunno what id do without her, even if the lead up to some sessions suck balls because no one actually wants to be in therapy (om the same level as no diabetic wants to take insulin but oh fucking well)

>> No.27178858
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>> No.27178859


>> No.27178860

Can someone post the image of Lamy leading you to the psych ward? It's a good time to post it.

>> No.27178861

thread theme? go

>> No.27178863
File: 525 KB, 658x717, 1601278736409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god a Chinese spyware is taking my attention from the Holos otherwise I would've suffered with you schizos.

>> No.27178864

Reminder to watch him and adapt from his ways. We can learn so much

>> No.27178865 [DELETED] 

It's plenty fucking possible to be platonic friends with people after breaking up. See: Elaine in Seinfeld. Also I've known plenty of people who are like that IRL. They knew each other for like 5 fucking years, it's no surprise they're on good terms but something just didn't work out.

>> No.27178866

I'd usually tell you to fuck off and read the archives faggot, but I don't want to subject you to that horrible experience. Just.. lurk or something, some retard will eventually bring it up again.

>> No.27178868

He likes ishgard, can't fault him for that

>> No.27178869

your heart hurts because a 30 year old woman had one (1) boyfriend?
Are you serious? By western standards she's a Mary.

>> No.27178870

>the women around me are whores so surely the same goes for elsewhere!
That's a cope alright.

>> No.27178871

At the very end of the Mario stream (https://youtu.be/Hp10iDUOR9Q?t=14903)) you can hear her crying. It's just a gag like the "ara ara"s from one of the previous streams but of course it fed the narrativebros

>> No.27178872 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 1800x1125, 1601624996733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your enthusiasm

>> No.27178874
File: 20 KB, 209x205, 1513102966250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also 26 and feel the same

>> No.27178876

im addicted

>> No.27178877

The Ame ride neves ends.

>> No.27178879

how much did you slow this down by?

>> No.27178881
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>> No.27178884 [DELETED] 

But where's the fun in that?

>> No.27178885
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>> No.27178886

There was literally only one schizo who did that, everything was contained on this shitty site

>> No.27178889

>Chinese spyware
If you're referring to Genshin Impact, I'm unironically enjoying it and hope holos get permission. Gen 5 co-op would be great.

>> No.27178895


>> No.27178897

I hear good things about the quality of lolibutt in that thing.

>> No.27178899

Detective with multiple brain cells indeed.

>> No.27178901


>> No.27178902

>teacucks celebrating
the cope is real, imagine falling for this damage controll

>> No.27178903


>> No.27178905
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>> No.27178907

To be fair, it sounds realistic and I would have believed it were it not for the gremlin scream she apparently did after.

>> No.27178909
File: 119 KB, 548x318, firefox_rIlSNWt2iB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The test of loyalty, huh?

>> No.27178910

Schizos dug up Ame gushing about her boyfriend 2 years back. Piss-poor sleuthing attempts identified him as a /r9k/ poster begging for video games in exchange for girlfriend nudes. Shitshow ensues for 1000+ posts until someone points out robot was in Brazil and they got the wrong guy.

And now you're here after someone asked the actual guy if he was currently single, and he answered yes.

Does it matter? No. Did it matter to begin with? No. Days of our Lives....

>> No.27178911


>> No.27178915

Will be 29 this month. Kissless, not hugless though. Squandered every opportunity to get a gf because I'm a social retard. Probably could get one now if I tried, but can't be bothered.
I don't give a single fuck about this drama, but schizo and purityfag meltdown was very entertaining to watch.

>> No.27178917

I don't know about anyone else but I did.

>> No.27178922

>I liked him in... actually, let's just not go there

>> No.27178924

Coop is only 4 players, which one would get BTFO'd?

>> No.27178925

I just did what the other anon did for Fly Me To The Moon; 90%

>> No.27178926

Those types don't date completely fucked up people irl. They just accept that people are flawed and it's no better to wait for a perfect man. Some teenshit girls hang out with delinquents because of their rebellious tendencies.

>> No.27178928

He honestly seems like a good guy
I hope he treats her well

>> No.27178929

no pure idol would talk to a male. get the fuck off my board.

>> No.27178931

>those absolute braindead retards actually believed what her boyfriend said AFTER that shitstorm happened, when Amelia and him already had a bunch of time to discuss their damage control strategy

>> No.27178933

based sloppy seconds poster

>> No.27178934

shut the fuck up schizo flip tranny

>> No.27178935

The levels of cope here really is disturbing. It's fine, I understand. Call me back at the next happening, but until then I'll see you on the sharkside.

>> No.27178938


>> No.27178940

Glad they got filtered, I hope they don't come back

>> No.27178943

this is damage control, you KNOW not to be this gullible.

>> No.27178945 [DELETED] 

Nah, more like you mentally ill faggots should stop harrassing someone for having a life outside their vtuber work.

>> No.27178949

I am a purityfag but it only applies to someone I want to date. I don't give a fuck about how many boyfriend the chuuba that I like had. I like her because of her stream not because I want to fuck her.

>> No.27178950

I'd prefer to have them cope, otherwise this shit will leak outside /jp/ thanks to retarded SEAmonkeys on facebook

>> No.27178951

I still don't understand why people go gosling over ame, she's not even good looking

>> No.27178952

Since every other website on the planet is a cocksucking hugbox with no criticism allowed whatsoever, yes this is what happens. All the frustration and problems that cannot be vented elsewhere end up here.

>> No.27178955

turned 26 and yes

>> No.27178959

There's a reason he said "Gen 5"

>> No.27178961
File: 3.40 MB, 2508x3110, IMG_20200927_124023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it feels good. It was like a test, and now that I passed I can fully enjoy her.

>> No.27178962

I would if I could offer something

>> No.27178963


>> No.27178964

Can you faggots stop? what if he actually made a move on gura?

>> No.27178965

I want an Onee-san Gura now

>> No.27178968

you should die in real life

>> No.27178969
File: 158 KB, 314x288, 1601059361836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for actual Ame fans itt. People who just love shitposting got their big narrative to pull for the next weeks. But I hope it will follow the same path that Kiara had when it all ended up being forgotten in the end.

>> No.27178970

One schitzo and a lot of SEAmonkeys.

>> No.27178972

Keep coping retard, at least the japs were smart enough to cover their tracks the biggest jap whore already got kicked out.

>> No.27178973

Nah, more like you mentally ill faggots should stop harrassing someone for having a life outside their vtuber work.

>> No.27178977 [DELETED] 

Meido, why you letting THIS out of all things up so long while deleting everything else? kinda weird huh?

>> No.27178980
File: 64 KB, 750x350, 1601280817497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27178983

She has to resort to playing 4D chess

>> No.27178985

It clearly helps. Makes my mind feel ease and it does make me reflect of my past actions whether or not it was self-immolating or not. The fucking problem is that the government closed down all churches and the clergy followed the decree like the cuckolds they are. I don't even know where to have my confession right now that the outright refuse to do the rite to everyone and I'm starting to hit my limit

>> No.27178986

That's like leaving a gun out in the open next to a tard reserve and then being surprised a tard grabs it and shoots someone.

Anons need to learn that anything posted here will break containment thanks to some fuckwit, and act accordingly.

>> No.27178988

Sorry but I'm already 32

>> No.27178991
File: 258 KB, 762x800, 1595579533459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like a second wave of Gura healing.

>> No.27178997

Correlation doesn't mean causation, retard. You can't say having sex causes trust issues in future relationships or whatever from this statistics because these numbers also includes mentally ill sluts and they deviate the results.

>> No.27178999

>he gets his dick sucked while listening to Fly me to the Moon on stream

>> No.27179000 [DELETED] 




>> No.27179001

Where's the shitstorm thread link me pretty please.

>> No.27179002 [DELETED] 

They either gave up or it's a different Meido on shift who doesn't give a fuck

>> No.27179003

You had your imgur proof piss off the maids so u got nothing now, dig more if you want to stay relevant.

>> No.27179005

can we let them cope, it's really better than what's been happening in these threads

>> No.27179007

Chumbuds, just a warning, but the Goslings have migrated to your Oshi now. Be wary

>> No.27179008

>Amelia reacting to a situation calmly and strategically.
She seems more like the person to cry in a shower for half an hour before going into a depressed sleep. She's fucking dumb anon.

>> No.27179009

Coco murdered Genshin permissions. Chicken was going to stream it, and suddenly she wasn't.

>> No.27179013

Thanks to Superliminal, which was her peak. She went downhill after that

>> No.27179014

I'm glad Chicken never gets shitposted

>> No.27179015
File: 278 KB, 469x407, 1601392965852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>known since 2014
>together for a year
What did she mean by this? how do I come with the fact that she posted this on the internet? do I pretend it just never happened and let it end at the new twitch clip or do I try to stay rational and think more about it?

Should I just convince myself she was talking about Bubba? help me NTRchads...

>> No.27179016

RIP that bro that deleted the catbox kitkats.

>> No.27179018
File: 166 KB, 1017x481, watson switch overheating - this is fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking kick this thread to /trash/ already for the love of god

>> No.27179019

This shit happens in holojp all the time.

>> No.27179021 [DELETED] 

I hope that meidos permaban the guy that brought Pandora's Box here, along with the guy that told him to open it.

>> No.27179026 [DELETED] 

Fun fact: an undercover meido posted that.

>> No.27179037

You act like deny deny deny is a high level strategy. Even toddlers know to not admit to wrongdoing. Not that this is wrongdoing...

>> No.27179038

I only hope Amefags will learn their lesson from this and humble themselves and don't further incite unnecessary discord and tribalfaggotry.
Ah, who am I kidding.

>> No.27179040

Personally I think Mori is most fuckable but she is so boring

>> No.27179041 [DELETED] 

Yo Ame's boyfriend is actually kinda based

>> No.27179047

damn I want this gura too

>> No.27179046

Take your fucking meds.

>> No.27179049

I'm falling in love all over again

>> No.27179051

I wouldn't worry too much about it, same thing happened when korone got exposed and everyone still loves her stuff.

>> No.27179052
File: 102 KB, 271x306, 1601181885146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's because they feel that she's the most "real" if that means anything. Kiara's a lesbian, Mori is well, Mori, Gura is a literal unknown, and Ina's a shut-in who probably gets 1 hour of sunlight a week. A woman like Ame in that case wins by default.

That being said, lord have mercy on these threads if HoloEN Gen 2 gets a Rushia-type.

>> No.27179053

stop projecting

>> No.27179054
File: 114 KB, 230x243, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bubba here, sorry that you guys got played all day. Amelia and I thought it was really funny. Reminder that Amelia is a time traveler and controls all narratives.

>> No.27179055

Never heard this rendition of Tunak Tunak Tun desu

>> No.27179056

Have fun paying for his condoms

>> No.27179058

cry me a river normalfag

>> No.27179059

Anything posted here should stay here and should never be taken seriously, it's your fault for not gatekeeping mongoloids

>> No.27179061

I was considering ebding the membership after the first osu stream. Ame's content just doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.27179069

You think this will stop them?
I just pray this means the thread will be less obnoxious for the gura ame collab.

>> No.27179072 [DELETED] 

He would stream having sex with her if he was really based.

>> No.27179073
File: 289 KB, 605x512, 1600750297692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ina is just gura if she talks slow

>> No.27179079
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, 1601248306149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night buddies. I will go to sleep hoping things are calm again when I wake up.

>> No.27179080

I agree, Amefags should tone it down so it doesn't bite them in the ass again in the future

>> No.27179081

You didn't hear this from me, but their relationship didn't last long because they live far apart.

Since they have known each other for a long time, they just decided to end it on a good terms.

>> No.27179082

Why tho

>> No.27179085

>doing lewd stuff
See this is the part i can actually understand people being buttmad about. Why do i as a fan need or want to know that? Is anything gained on either side besides stirring up shitty feelings in people who are lacking and trying to fill voids in their life with cute anime girls.

>> No.27179088

did you even watch her?
the worse she'd ever be is sitting in the shower for 15 minutes, she's not emotional like that

>> No.27179089

Done, thanks. Now? please I need more advice.

>> No.27179093

Keikaku doori

>> No.27179096

stop samefagging

>> No.27179097


>> No.27179098

It's called pair bonding you retard this is foundational world view shit.
Having multiple prior sex partners has a very obvious negative effect on women's ability to form a bond.

>> No.27179099

I guess it truly is a never ending timeloop.

>> No.27179100 [DELETED] 
File: 1.76 MB, 1500x1332, 1600266845165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way to think that you have to pay someone to be your friend is just depressing to me. Its not because it's a stigma, it's just that you realize that you're so alone that you have to pay someone to talk about stuff you are better off dealing with yourself anyway. There was a time where genuine friendships were free and non-transactional. I don't want to stoop that low. It would probably make me feel worse

>> No.27179101

Man narrativefags just keep getting btfo

>> No.27179107

He doesn't use condoms because Amelia is barren.

>> No.27179108
File: 160 KB, 500x374, your meds, take it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27179110

This is why I gosling for Ina. She's the most relatable to me.

>> No.27179114

they were internet friends at first, it can take years of building trust to meet them offline

>> No.27179115

>bugman narrative to divide us
>it was weak as shit

>> No.27179118

What do you guys use to clip videos? There's a scene from a video I want to clip.

>> No.27179122

where are the onee san gura fanarts at

>> No.27179125

The problem was the kayfabe was disturbed but honestly with the new info coming out that she stopped tweeting with him for about a year, and he announced he's single on stream.
That's probably enough plausibility to restore the kayfabe.

Maybe the truth is Amelia is too fucked in the head to actually have a relationship, they tried to take it to the next level but couldn't.

>> No.27179128
File: 29 KB, 157x224, 1600890489192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should take meds

>> No.27179131
File: 243 KB, 1800x1500, 1600222927372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ride never ends

>> No.27179133

Believing him saying that he's single is pretty much the same as believing Aloe breaking up with her boyfriend. It's all lies.

>> No.27179134

having sex before marriage is the reason why western civilization is destroyed. But it does not matter because there is exactly 0 (zero) chance Ame will ever want to be with you faggots.

>> No.27179135
File: 680 KB, 822x802, 1577393026159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finding out she doesn't in fact have a boyfriend actually makes you feel better
I mean, I know it's silly to care in the first place, but it really was ruining her stream for me. It's like a giant weight taken off my shoulders. I can enjoy her streams again in earnest.

>> No.27179137

>pair bonding
You might as well believe in cupcakes shitting unicorns

>> No.27179138

Is Mafia: Definitive edition a good game to stream? I want to suggest it to HoloEN cuz I saw Jerma played it days ago and am craving for open world gta style game. Miko gta...

>> No.27179140

Sorry your narrative got disproven schizo, maybe next time?

>> No.27179141

It's an anime character you fucking moron, not the person voicing her. When you fucking idiots start cooming over a vidya/anime woman do you coom to their voice actress, or the character herself? You morons have been beating this fucking horse for at least 12 goddamned hours.

>> No.27179143

Reddit dragon deserves the rope

>> No.27179144

I just want my tee hee to continue.


>> No.27179145

If schizos are correct and they are in damage control why the fuck would he stream for 20 viewers after such a thing? He doesn't care

>> No.27179147


>> No.27179150

Its only kinda worrying that she wrote that at like 23 years old. It sounds like something a 15 year old wrote.

>> No.27179152

It's not an ex-bf from what it sounds like, which is the larger issue. If there was confirmation that they had broken up this issue would have died down pretty quickly.

>> No.27179154 [DELETED] 

They already talked about this. They're both lying.

>> No.27179155

goslingfags PLEASE kill yourselves.
I don't get how any of you still exist after lars. Thought it was a joke the whole time too.

>> No.27179156

Mentally ill sluts probably aren’t affecting much until you get to 10+. Correlation might not equal causation, but you can’t just disregard such a strong correlation either.

>> No.27179157
File: 54 KB, 636x493, unity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, I'm with you with my meme currency

>> No.27179159

nice cope lole

>> No.27179162

If you're living together, you don't need to tweet at each other. He announced after the shitstorm. Nothing is resolved if you actually gave a shit about this.

>> No.27179163

Wait, I'm retarded. It's 110%, not 90%. Or 10% slower

>> No.27179164
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>> No.27179165

It's fine, deadbeat. Think of yourself as a connoseur, your taste in favorite chuubas is not for the masses.

>> No.27179169

i use kdenlive, but if you're not on linux there's probably something less weird for you.

>> No.27179171 [DELETED] 

>Having multiple prior sex partners has a very obvious negative effect on women's ability to form a bond.
No proof

>> No.27179178

thanks to the industrial revolution we are reduced to these facsimiles of relationships and work but hey at least the global GDP and population numbers will continue to increase so there's consolation in the fact that things will only get worse for a greater number of people as time goes on

>> No.27179180 [DELETED] 


>> No.27179187

I can see it being completely onesided until ame got a dose of reality during her Lars moment.

>> No.27179188

Yeah I found it fun to watch when Forsen was streaming it.

>> No.27179191
File: 300 KB, 2048x1996, 1600710770358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm going to sleep. It's been one hell of a ride.

>> No.27179189
File: 151 KB, 877x1080, 1585717094088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN and JP translations
>In Luna's English only stream

>> No.27179193

Normal people actually get to know each other for a time before entering into romantic relationships.

I'm telling you this because i'm wagering you're legitimately autistic.

>> No.27179200 [DELETED] 

you know people can break up in good terms, right? HAHAHAHHAH

>> No.27179201

Good taste

>> No.27179204

Requesting 1free single and ready to mingle coupon.

>> No.27179206
File: 203 KB, 354x447, 1591472185914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Cover just hire an OPSEC specialist that could prevent all of this by tying up loose ends so their talent doesnt get doxxed by retards in 3 fays? The fact that these people can do it means this info is super easy to find so why can't they clean it up beforehand? They know its gonna happen eventually.

>> No.27179205

Understandable still ngmi

>> No.27179207


>> No.27179209

Go back to rebbit

>> No.27179211 [DELETED] 

Cope, Chang
Your narrative has been destroyed

>> No.27179214 [DELETED] 

But we already knew what she looked like.

>> No.27179217

Go read studies on pair bonding or some shit, it's not something that needs explaining if you have a brain but if you really need an authority in a suit to hand you the papers they're out there.

>> No.27179218 [DELETED] 

That doesn't mean they're fucking at all, especially if they're still regular frens after breaking up, which does happen believe it or not especially if they had been just-friends for like 5 years prior. Dude was literally friendzone orbiter for most of the time, she gave it a shot and he's back in orbit.

>> No.27179221

Mentally ill schizos and anti niggers will use any bullshit, no matter how inane, to excuse and justify their faggotry.

The only solution is to cut that cancer out and leave it to wither and die.

>> No.27179225
File: 155 KB, 1000x976, 1601501896314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this shit matters.
Imagine yourself one day on your deathbed. Will you still wonder about the sanctity of Watson's cunt? I hope not.
Is there nothing else worth doing?

>> No.27179226 [DELETED] 

Is this where the narrativefag coping begins?

>> No.27179227

she saved them from that chink spyware trash

>> No.27179229

This guy is based as hell

>> No.27179231

The meido was mad at South Asia IPs, not Taiwan.

>> No.27179232 [DELETED] 

Maybe they parted under amicable terms and she is thankful for him introducing him to streaming, hence her reposting his stuff

>> No.27179235

Yes. I want them to still be together so I can let go. How hard is that to fucking understand?

>> No.27179237

I feel like these threads would increase in quality 10 fold if meidos just banned all discussion of Amelia to /trash/
Something about her just attracted the biggest autist on this website

>> No.27179240

where were you when watson time-travelled to one year prior so she could break it off for this timeline to exist?

>> No.27179241

You really shouldn't equate therapists and friendships. Therapists are there to help you, but they're not your friend. Your friends are also there to help you, but they're not your therapist. If you're not mentally sound, you need both and having one can help you with the other (therapy will be more effective if you have a social life, getting therapy will make having a social life easier.)

>> No.27179242
File: 261 KB, 314x595, 1601495752981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina/Gura collab but with Ina's voice sped up and Gura's voice slowed down.
Do we dare pursue such knowledge?

>> No.27179243

I'd still take a girl having one boyfriend over the average of 3 boyfriends and 30 one night stands.
It's still the better deal by far.
Kinda agree but pol shit is off topic.

>> No.27179244
File: 39 KB, 179x161, 1600240131548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which side has the more accurate translation?

>> No.27179245

This dude is toying with goslingbros.

>> No.27179246

Holy shitttt

>> No.27179247
File: 109 KB, 881x1052, EiuMor9UwAAIMTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went to work
>Came back
No idea what the schizos are raging about, couldn't care less and couldn't be happier.

>> No.27179249

I'm going to bed now, anons. Take responsibility and spread the truth to the anons from the early threads when they wake up again.

Especially if you were an idiot that already spread the news to another site, go fix that right now

>> No.27179251 [DELETED] 

You've never had a relationship and it shows anon. My Ex and I are still great friends but romantically it was garbage.

>> No.27179256

I've been operating on 3-4 hours of sleep a day for the past week. Why why why did Mori have to be my oshi

>> No.27179257

Because cover is a shit tier black company that only exists because they had a few famous talents and got big. Now all they have to do is hand the girl an iPhone and a model to begin raking in the money.

>> No.27179258

The problem is these people who are okay with spending life time with their first partner are most probably christcucks who force themselves to stay with the same partner they stopped loving years ago because muh religion. Really can't comment on fucking statistics without further specifications

>> No.27179261 [DELETED] 

keep seething in your own delusions, you mentally ill faggot.

schizos like you should be gassed.

>> No.27179262
File: 32 KB, 729x367, luv me girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me tako
luv me shark
luv me detective
simple as.

>> No.27179264

Buddy they can't even stop their holos from getting demonetized mid-stream. I don't know what you're expecting from them.

>> No.27179265

that shits expensive
4ch does it for free!

>> No.27179266

>Favorite ShindoL? The one with the dog.

>> No.27179267

Why cant niggers just take their meds is a better solution

>> No.27179268

let him

>> No.27179272

>"Yeah I fucked Amelia"
He actually said it bros...

>> No.27179273

Cover doesn't learn until it gets hit. Clearly the Aloe incident didn't knock their dumbasses hard enough.

>> No.27179279

seek help, you headcase.

>> No.27179280

Should have said Emergence

>> No.27179281
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>> No.27179284

Doesnt't matter what will happen now, teacucks will always be buttom of the barrel from now on.

>> No.27179285

cover if you're here I'll do it for minimum wagie

>> No.27179286

Why are you guys lurking him still, he gave you the goods.

inb4 this was all an elaborate plan by Watson to get viral attention to her friendzoned ex out of good will because she has so much clout now. Would be about as ingenious as the narrative that she let a ping from loserbait show up to get him fucked over.

>> No.27179291

Is this the perfect moment to start getting invested into Artria? What am I in for bros?

>> No.27179292

I'm going to bed, take care you schizos, the lack of sleep is making you crazy.

>> No.27179293
File: 3.49 MB, 1060x1804, trustfbk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you still trust FBK?

>> No.27179296

Uh no I send tweets to my ex when we were together?
You can be in different places.

>> No.27179303


>> No.27179305

Rejected from the underworld by Calli, huh?

>> No.27179304
File: 59 KB, 847x513, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27179308

Thanks NTRbro now I can sleep soundly.

>> No.27179310

holy shit based

>> No.27179312

cope brapbeat

>> No.27179314

Yeah, bro. Imagine having a worldview where everything hinges on exclusively on sex and then reading papers written by christcuck hacks to justify this view.

>> No.27179315


>> No.27179317

that's because it's not her old fanbase
those people didn't give a shit when she tried streaming with HER personality before

>> No.27179318

Loser virgin! Kill yourself

>> No.27179321

Fubuki is the only Holo you can trust.
>"If you think about what's always fixed for my end of the month streams, it's got to be the fact that there's Part C! Thank you guys so much for September! I'm sure a lot of you guys are worried about Hololive, but we Hololive members are having a proper talk with the staff about it, so please rest assured. I hope you guys will keep supporting us so that we can continue our activities with joy. Thanks for supporting us as always. I love you guys.
She ended her stream with that yesterday.

>> No.27179322

I like chicken and mori but I don't catch them often enough to feel like subbing is worth it

>> No.27179323

Always have

>> No.27179327

welcome, please enjoy your stay and ignore all the shitters

>> No.27179328
File: 137 KB, 960x960, fd9a2vlkiln51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks sus

>> No.27179333

Yeah bro, just go out and meet people. Find one you vibe with then just ask them to kick it as friends. You gotta be a girl's friend before ever going further. Ask her our and she's not down for it? Just be friends and move on to the next one. The hardest thing about this is that initial step of getting our of your comfort zone and actually meeting people

>> No.27179335

He's a fun guy to chat with

>> No.27179336

There is proof and it doesn't just affect women.

>> No.27179338

Mori already mentioned it on her member stream as a possible prospect. As for how fun it'd be, I'm not too sure. It has more in common with Max Payne than GTA, all things considered. Very tightly directed, so it doesn't really lend itself to the usual stream hijinks. The eurojank is strong though, so it could be fun to see the streamer wrangle with that.

>> No.27179340
File: 256 KB, 480x473, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27179341


>> No.27179342

holy based

>> No.27179343 [DELETED] 

My therapist isnt my friend either though. I pay her to help me function in real life because life is fucked up. A lot of that is her going "youre being a fuck up and heres why, now go fix it" and me very begrudgingly doing it and reaping the benefits of almost being a normal person.

>> No.27179344

So you don't care about anything but how many boys she fucked in the past?

>> No.27179345

They give them a top of the line iphone 11, don't try and under sale Cover.

>> No.27179350

you are the only reason i'm still up

>> No.27179353

What happens if you shift down Shark squeals and squeaks from Outlast?

>> No.27179354

>the way to think that you have to pay someone to be your friend is just depressing to me.
Therapists aren't your friends, that's kind of the point. They're impartial sounding boards and catalysts for conversations you would feel worried about the fallout and consequences of if you had them with people you care about.

If anything they're more along the line of confessionals, except exploring more why you feel bad and what to do about it than 'say 10 hail marys and call me in the morning'

>> No.27179359
File: 14 KB, 173x291, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.27179361

You're a fake NTRchad. I'm disappoint.

>> No.27179367

I'm not your friend, take your goddamned meds when you wake up for the love of fuck.

>> No.27179368

not a virgin

>> No.27179373 [DELETED] 

>I like dragon girls
Oh fuck he's after Coco now

>> No.27179374
File: 551 KB, 640x842, ngcgi01ykdm51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27179382

I truly believe she adjusts the pitch of her gura persona with some kind of program

>> No.27179387
File: 208 KB, 327x316, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what about detectives

>> No.27179398

>t. girl with an absolutely ludicrous bodycount

>> No.27179399

>ame reveals she fucked everyone in her gen
>except the phoenix

>> No.27179401

When she said "hold the line".

>> No.27179406

All the girls have been calling her a wonderful singer and that she's always singing. It's no surprise.

>> No.27179407

Can't believe this guy fugged my oshi

>> No.27179408

Good to see that not just Ame but Ina is also scrubbing some of the stuff the schizos are picking up.

>> No.27179409

The whole point was that I do care. 1 boyfriend is better than 5 boyfriends. Maybe it was puppy love.

0-1 is the best range, the problem with 0 boyfriends is that those girls are uggo or have mental problems like cutting.

Are you seriously telling me there are good looking girls who make it through puberty with 0 boyfriends? Maybe in your fucking head.

>> No.27179414

Love him ignoring those questions

>> No.27179417

He can have her. Busted up whore.

>> No.27179422


>> No.27179423

so THAT'S what she meant by
>I have four girlfriends

>> No.27179424

A disgusting gremlin who doesn't wash her hands after coming out of the restroom

>> No.27179430

and the setup message into that, legend

>> No.27179428

gura's voice is magical

>> No.27179431 [DELETED] 

Divorce rates increase drastically the more sexual partners someone has. This applies to both men and women. Literally google "promiscuity divorce rate" and do avoid the feminist science articles from fucking v*x.

Thinking it doesn't have an effect is absolutely retarded and fit for fucking midwits.
*tips fedora*

>> No.27179433

>When you fucking idiots start cooming over a vidya/anime woman do you coom to their voice actress, or the character herself?
It can be both. I love nana mizuki and the characters she voices, but theyre separate boner inducing things

>> No.27179434

sold my amecoin and invested hard into nenecoin

>> No.27179435

Fuck. She's even holding drumsticks and everything...

>> No.27179436

I am almost certain she does. Same with Watson.

>> No.27179439

You are what 10 months of unfiltered migration towards /jp/ does.

>> No.27179443

why is this deleted

>> No.27179447

It should make you less worried, desu. You can see the evidence in front of you: by all accounts and appearances of her in HoloEN, she can play the roles of mommy and retard and advice-giver and tech support and be simultaneously calm and professional while also spazzing out and making raptor screeches. We all have faces in the various facets of our lives, and this just shows Ame can easily slot into that twitter/tumblr-like speech and fit amongst them as well.

I think, overall, that she's quite good at presenting whatever image she wants to present, and thus she'll probably be quite good at being an entertainer for the years to come.

>> No.27179449

Dunno, wasn't me.

>> No.27179451
File: 101 KB, 1000x1000, 1601349489484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those sketches that Ina posted on her membership
I love her!
Is there any way to make the images posted there bigger? It feels like youtube and their code team of interns and diversity hires resize it way too much.

>> No.27179457

It's not a worldview, it's just the world. It is how the body and mind work. Gravity is not a world view. The existence of my left nut is not a world view. All the same, pair bonding is not a world view. It simply is.

>> No.27179463

Luv me friend
Simple as

>> No.27179468

You know what fuck Amelia. Neet is my oshi now he's fucking chill.

>> No.27179477


>> No.27179478

1. Your favorite HoloEN
2. Would you be part of the train that she is having right now?

>> No.27179480
File: 570 KB, 1031x765, shien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This general is like a concentration camp for simps. You fags don't even get your own containment board, you get a refugee camp on a backwater board where you spend most of the thread's life with no imageposting, talking about giving money to women you'll never meet. You're second-class posters compared to PONYFAGS. This is truly the cuckshed of 4chan.

I sincerely hope you escape your EOP self-cuckery and graduate to superior HoloJP bros, for your own good.

>> No.27179484

Read first comment fellow tentacult

>> No.27179483

>When you fucking idiots start cooming over a vidya/anime woman do you coom to their voice actress, or the character herself?
there are quite a few characters whose main appeal to me is their voice actresses' voices.

>> No.27179486

>leave for one thread
>now some literal who is the obsession of the general
whats wrong with you fags

>> No.27179488

FBK is a FRIEND to all.

>> No.27179491

>Ame being NTR'd by her ex

>> No.27179492
File: 1.12 MB, 895x995, Lars_melancholic_smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful. Blessed Gura.

>> No.27179494

Nah, I mean what if the girl with 3 boyfriend has nice compatibility with you than the girl with 1 boyfriend? You seem to make decisions by only considering how many boys she fucked in the past.

>> No.27179495

Poorfag here, what is she sketching? I guess the other holoEN or some emotes

>> No.27179498

Yes, that's my fetish

>> No.27179499

Levels of cuckoldry we did not think were possible, gentlemen. What a ride.

>> No.27179500
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1601103183126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I feel so sad after reading this...

>> No.27179501
File: 171 KB, 1005x1553, IMG_20200929_184152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a boyfriend please. I want to let go.
You keep me hanging on with this denial, whether it's real or not is irrelevant to me.
Just admit it. Just admit it so I can move on.

>> No.27179502

>uses virgin as an insult

>> No.27179505

With some training/practice she could be about as pro-sounding as most big-name singers honestly. When she gets a good streak going it's humbling to think someone that fucking good is in HoloEN, it almost feels like a waste that she's RPing being a silly shark playing games instead of trying to make a career out of it.

Or maybe Yagoo can make that happen in a way through Gura, we'll see. He definitely fucking noticed as well yesterday, that's for sure.

>> No.27179507

>surely this will be the fall of Ame
>dissolves to nothing within 24 hours

How does it keep happening!?

>> No.27179508

i think people are bored

>> No.27179509

real talk NEET's stream is comfy as hell, and now he's getting dragged into ERP lmao

>> No.27179511

Maybe that's exactly why? She seems attainable to them?
Based Morichad.

>> No.27179513

Not the same anon, but a huge chunk of natural world kind of does hinge on sex. Pair bonding isn’t some religious term. It’s a Biological term to explain mating behavior in animals.

The question is whether or not it’s the predominant mating strategy for humans.

>> No.27179516

the fact that she fucked someone in the past means she doesn't have any responsibility or respect at her own body.

>> No.27179517

>isn't being an idol supposed to be fun?
i love alien cat so much

>> No.27179518

Dude /hlg/ is indistinguishable from global no matter how hard you cry that it's not.

>> No.27179520
File: 56 KB, 365x365, 1601576180477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 and maybe it's too early to say but I do feel kinda similarly.
I just really like Gura, her being happy makes me happy and I enjoy seeing her have fun. She's baby.

Also gosling posting is funny and I do it from time to time with no shame lol

>> No.27179524

He sounds like a top 10 video youtuber IMO
Fuck Amelia, im a fan of Neet now

>> No.27179526
File: 1006 KB, 1200x1281, 1600842779579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh i'm a dumbo brain. I forgot you can read comments under the youtube community posts. Thanks.

>> No.27179527

cucks the lot of them

>> No.27179528

I think Ame is cute

>> No.27179529

You might be interpreting it the wrong way
It's a positive message

>> No.27179530

>Divorce rates increase drastically the more sexual partners someone has. This applies to both men and women. Literally google "promiscuity divorce rate" and do avoid the feminist science articles from fucking v*x.

This is a case of you already making up your headcannon and looking for things that support it. Actual divorce rate have been dropping for years anon.

>> No.27179531

Turn back.

>> No.27179532

neck yourself, schizo.

you idol faggots are nothing but a seething minority in the grand scheme of things when it comes to the western audience.

>> No.27179535

There's absolutely no artifacting or aliasing which would be noticeable with a program (unless she prerecorded all of it beforehand)

>> No.27179536

You missed out on cheapies.

>> No.27179540

She's single and probably lonely

>> No.27179541

Always trusted her.

>> No.27179543

LUCK 99 build.

>> No.27179545
File: 8 KB, 235x236, 1600550911311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27179546


>> No.27179547

Making mountains out of molehills is fun.
It's nice to feel something for once.

>> No.27179550

Teflon Watson.

>> No.27179551

Anons have the attention span of a goldfish. And also a huge, prolonged banning spree.

>> No.27179553

EN is unironically overqualified.

>> No.27179554

>Maybe that's exactly why? She seems attainable to them?
I see this happening, men think they have a chance with less attractive people for some reason

>> No.27179555 [DELETED] 

>Divorce rates increase drastically the more sexual partners someone has
Statistics tell nothing but correlation. Maybe people with low sexual partners were religious and they aren't okay with the idea of divorce. Too much context is lacking to say anything on this. Divorce isn't exactly a bad thing considering the alternative is to be with someone you don't love.

>> No.27179556
File: 107 KB, 551x600, 1583881673909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whichever one of yall niggas that's askin shit in his chat got me fucked up lmao

>> No.27179560

HOW??? is this really possible with slowed down music?

>> No.27179564

faggots need to separate fiction from reality.

>> No.27179567

>its her.

>> No.27179569

it was a nothingburger to begin with, just like most of the shit /hlgg/ becomes preoccupied with

>> No.27179571

Okay this guy is legit chill as fuck. Glad he's single because I'm gonna fuck his BP.

>> No.27179575

>When you fucking idiots start cooming over a vidya/anime woman do you coom to their voice actress, or the character herself?
See this works fine for me with HoloJP, but something about being able to understand everything natively cranks up the potency of the vtuber drug. It’s completely irrational. This shit fucks with your brain.

>> No.27179577
File: 126 KB, 219x362, 1601009337684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nenecoin is a solid investment, the CEO will be pleased.

>> No.27179578

reading reps onegai, also comprehension reps onegai

>> No.27179579

Do we still like Amelia?

>> No.27179580
File: 166 KB, 1088x1191, PWJnO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teamates......... did we win......?

>> No.27179581

imagine the most tinfoil hat based connection of things ever
now chain 20 of those together to form a conspiracy so stupid, you wanna shoot yourself

>> No.27179582

It's the first one. Someone who is that worshipful of their BF isn't going to get into a situation where they break up with their long term, pedestal'd partner but in such a gentle way that they stay friends.

>> No.27179583
File: 10 KB, 512x207, nothingburger coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally dove into obscure japanese sites to clear Aloe's name from nijishitter propaganda when I didn't even like her.
This boyfriend thing is a literal nothingburger and burnt itself out in less than 24 hours.

>> No.27179585


>> No.27179586

the floating onahole pulled me in

>> No.27179590

Now this is meltdown worthy

>> No.27179591

That's funny. Amelia said "no" to NTR. Guess we know why they broke up. Neet wanted her to cheat on him and she lost all respect for his ass lmao

>> No.27179594

I agree.
>roommate drama actually results in finding a cool dude to watch
thanks guys

>> No.27179596
File: 115 KB, 425x400, 1601246567240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just here for the memes fren

>> No.27179598

kinda weird tone for for someone begging someone else to come back

>> No.27179600
File: 19 KB, 518x501, that scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't feel like it, Muv-Luv bro.

>> No.27179603


>> No.27179604
File: 65 KB, 579x536, tm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always have been

>> No.27179607
File: 329 KB, 500x1379, i-was-worried-about-the-two-of-you-i-didnt-44553768[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly missed your advanced cuckoldry reps

>> No.27179608

Targeted moderation and people coping

>> No.27179609

What server is he on?

>> No.27179614

Ok let's be honest here. Out of all the sexual partners you've had in your life how many were pure virgins and also good looking?
This is an impossible standard. I'm just working with what I've been given.

>> No.27179615


>> No.27179616
File: 296 KB, 1266x2048, l84nzmttjiq51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27179617

>now they're watching him unironically
Were hitting levels of insanity that couldn't be possible

>> No.27179620
File: 371 KB, 1843x1820, 20200928_031923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my detective wife

>> No.27179619

She's too good of a woman. She won't be single for long.

>> No.27179624

That Luna stream.... My thoughts are very, very cloudly right now....
Anyways, who's ready for that Gura karaoke stream in 16 hours or so?

>> No.27179625

Ame, I still support you!

>> No.27179626

>EN is unironically overqualified.
They have to be. If they had just hired literal whos, Holo EN would've bombed hard

>> No.27179627

>Divorce isn't exactly a bad thing considering the alternative is to be with someone you don't love.

Yep, just generations of fucked up kids with no family unit being shuffled from one parents house to another or being cut off from one parent entirely.

>> No.27179628

Now THIS is cope

>> No.27179629


>> No.27179631

Because it gets funnier each time

>> No.27179633

Honestly I'm okay with Ame fucking this guy.

>> No.27179635

Adam on Aether.

>> No.27179639


>> No.27179641

we refused to fall prey to chinese influence

>> No.27179644

fyi you can also adjust the playback speed on yt so you don't to have do all these adjustments here

>> No.27179646

Really, you guys don't deserve both of them. They're too good as a person.

>> No.27179648

i am not sure it's all that clear she wants to focus only on singing. it seems to be just one thing among many that she likes doing that fits into streaming. but i am sure that she'll get a chance to record some songs.

>> No.27179649 [DELETED] 

Based midwit.
>Divorce isn't exactly a bad thing considering the alternative is to be with someone you don't love.
Then find out if you love the one you're marrying before shitting on their chest?

>> No.27179652

I jerked off and had a nap so I'll watch it after it finishes.

>> No.27179653

>Western society is too promiscuous
>divorce rates are going up
No they aren't

>> No.27179655

Don't forget your mom last night.

>> No.27179660

>a true neet doesn't know what day it is
I forgot how comfy chats can be that don't fly by at 500 mph

>> No.27179661


>> No.27179663

Isn't it fun seeing her getting away with it?

>> No.27179664

Shitposting aside, she became fat and depressed after her grandma died and that's probably when they broke up, I'm sure she found a pity bf within the next week of breaking up but he probably doesn't want to get involved in the shitstorm. There there is no way she's going to mention anything about this ever again, that DM if true will most likely be last thing you hear from her about this whole situation, just like Mori suppresses her inner Californian avoiding /pol/ topics, she'll just do the same.

>> No.27179667
File: 75 KB, 480x533, 1588775457808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HolostarEN doesn't sound like a bad idea after all.

>> No.27179668

there's a reason she's the face of hololive

>> No.27179669

As much as I want to get into her, I can't stand that Twitch accent.

>> No.27179670

...Anon your timeloop reps?

>> No.27179671

she's ending it now, she's just talking to chat

>> No.27179672 [DELETED] 

I walk the talk. I don't have sex with someone before I marry her. My previous gf were all virgins as well. It also helps that I don't live in a westcuck countries where women is looser than dogs over there.

>> No.27179673

Someone update 5ch already

>> No.27179679
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, 1600654923327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she really does have luck on her side. It's fucking amazing

>> No.27179686

I am 27 and feel that women who deserve to be famous because they have a talent in entertaining people (Pekora, Polka, Korone, Gura, Fubuki, Amelia) all deserve financial compensation and happiness.

Gura in particular has a really beautiful voice. I feel like she's Filipino, I don't know why.

>> No.27179690

People who actually read the dox info will see that Ame is a really, really good person. I like her much more as a person now, she's gone through so many hardships in her life and she's fucking made it now. I can only hope that her future gets even better from here on out.

Plus she really seems to know her stuff. Tech support Ame go! Please help make the collab setups better...especially the audio balance...

>> No.27179693

Are they still seething about chinks?

>> No.27179695

so much "this", have you seen that otachan garbage?

>> No.27179697

Yeah, we get to felch Ame tonight.

>> No.27179699

Yes. I'm almost glad the meltdown happened because we purged the schizos and idolfags

>> No.27179702

>I walk the talk.
Anonchama... your sleep reps...

>> No.27179707
File: 176 KB, 512x512, 1594004115557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chang thought he was dividing EN but all he did was cull the weak goslingfags that never evolved into larschads

HoloEN will only get stronger for the upcoming memewars

>> No.27179710

>ame is single.

fuck. so i got bald and fat for nothing??

>> No.27179711

So we just need gayanon or femanon to seduce Neet to debunk the schizos? Gogogo

>> No.27179714

Absolutely Based

>> No.27179715

>thread is now watching and liking the guy they hated mere moments ago
You guys are the biggest batch of crazies ever

>> No.27179716

I always liked her

>> No.27179719

Sorry, I jumped into the reply chain, can you quote where you saw that?

>> No.27179718

oh shit I am a retard.

>> No.27179720

ESLchama... your english reps

>> No.27179721

"Previous sexual partner" is almost synonymous with "failed romantic relationship". It shouldn't be surprising that someone with a history of breakups can't keep a marriage together.

>> No.27179725

Artia is so great. I hope everything works out for her.

>> No.27179726

>This is truly the cuckshed of 4chan.
Wrong. There is a literal cuck general thread on /soc/.

>> No.27179727

That last one oh my god.

>> No.27179729

is dumpster dive anon still on hiatus after being burnt out by CCP shit?
I miss them already

>> No.27179730

im watching Neet right now hes way better than amelia

>> No.27179732

>torrenting anime n getting ready for work

>> No.27179736

Hololive EN had like 2000 applications and only 5 got in. This harder than getting into an ivy league school.

>> No.27179737

>29 year old kissless virgin with no experience of romance here
literally me.

>> No.27179740

Can someone ask him straight up in a beta kind of way
>Hello friend, people were freaking out in some parts of the internet. Can you confirm/deny if you're in a relationship right now for real?

>> No.27179741
File: 1022 KB, 382x498, 1601188007466.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for nothing...

>> No.27179747

i told them but they're all screaming about luna so i got exactly one (you) and it was somebody replying "they were still on about that?"

>> No.27179750

This guy is cool as hell.

>> No.27179754

You can't turn sluts into a wife

>> No.27179755

You can still do it anon.

>> No.27179759

He seems to be deliberately avoiding addressing anything related to hololive or vtubers.

>> No.27179760

Depends, do you believe statements made after everything went down? There's your answer

>> No.27179762

How about generations of fucked up kids who have parents who devote all their energy to hating each other and the kids are caught up in the crossfire?

Yes, the foster system is garbage, and divorce is awful too, but you've never seen how nasty two seemingly well-adjust people can get when they're forced to live together and take care of a kid together.

I'd never wish my childhood on anyone else, even though I turned out okay somehow.

There needs to be another solution that ensures that kids are still taken care of, but that's probably not going to happen until society advances a little more and people have less things in their life to stress over so they can devote more energy to being empathic toward others.

>> No.27179763
File: 209 KB, 412x519, 1600201799066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right about this being a concentration camp. Get back into your designated oven.

>> No.27179764
File: 62 KB, 405x720, 1469763871967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27179767

she is basically the canary in the coal mine. plus she treats my oshi nicely, so i trust her.

>> No.27179770

Don't bother NEET like this, he's a bro

>> No.27179771
File: 28 KB, 1114x514, 1600176478706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Watson is so based she can even redirect seething antis into unironically liking her ex.

>> No.27179772
File: 69 KB, 230x200, hej.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't be the boyfriend, be the gf

>> No.27179774

What's the female equivalent of gosling?

>> No.27179775

In my opinion, it's basically kind of like politics. Last night, only one side was heard, the rest were banned, and now the other side is heard (the side that says Amelia dindu nothing).

Honestly, I think the answer might be in the middle, I still think Amelia has "one" but really, why should I care?

>> No.27179777

i think only ina and maybe mori have those supersized talents that feel way overspecced for hololive

everyone else is really good but like, within the range that you'd expect for hololive. gura's a wonderful singer and amelia's an excellent entertainer but i don't think that either's talents give off that "untouchable" feeling.

>> No.27179778

I saw some of his twitch stuff, I kind of liked his voice.

>> No.27179779

You can now be the fat bald man from your favorite doujin.

>> No.27179781 [DELETED] 


>> No.27179782

wokeup too early, this is what a seanig infested /hlgg/ looks like huh.

>> No.27179783

Already asked as a throwaway question. Let's use some consideration here, no need to rope the guy too deep into this.

>> No.27179784
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 6k2cpCvC_400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY YOU! YEAH, YOU! YAGOO has personally PICKED you to determine the THEME of the next Hololive EN generation!


>> No.27179785

Fucking kek

>> No.27179788


>> No.27179791

Imagine him joining Holostars. There would be no collabs lol

>> No.27179792

You'll find someone eventually. I can tell.

>> No.27179796

He's pretty cool. No joke, under different circumstances it'd be neat if they could stream together ala Pat and Paige and spit mad bants at each other, that'd be fun.

>> No.27179797

read the thread you fucking retard

>> No.27179798
File: 71 KB, 354x385, 1600410311665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my breakfast, Gearing up my new POE build and planning what drawing reps i'll need to do for today.

>> No.27179799 [DELETED] 

live in a muslim country but I'm not a muslim

>> No.27179801

Yes, even though I meme about her so much.

>> No.27179803
File: 307 KB, 463x453, 1576103323003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 variations of Gura.

>> No.27179808

He already said he's single, whether he's lying or not that's all you're gonna get

>> No.27179810

S*chi is better than Amelia. Too clean.

>> No.27179816

That'd be pretty second hand embarrassing

>> No.27179817
File: 688 KB, 910x744, luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh good I'll watch the chat then go back to the gameplay after
The type of ego he has he'll feign ignorance rather than answer the question.

>> No.27179818

For as much as as spaz as the memefox acts, there's a reason why she's top dog.

>> No.27179820


>> No.27179821
File: 21 KB, 607x145, Screenshot 2020-10-02 052531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27179822

No shit?
Oh fuck i got warned

>> No.27179823


>> No.27179827

What's wrong with Kiara?

>> No.27179829

>Divorce rates increase drastically the more sexual partners someone has.

I'm not surprised, considering all the marriages I've seen that are people just settling for each other because they're too scared to strike out and find someone else they might be more compatible with. It's like falling into a pit, you can't leave your marriage because divorcing looks bad to others in your social group, and you don't have much experience in the number of people you've had seriously relationships with so you don't even know if there's someone out there that's better. So, in the end, the two people settle and a lot of them spend their lives in dead bedrooms or in misery.

>> No.27179832

lmao you serious? the meidos banned people trying to defend watson?

>> No.27179834

all men

>> No.27179837

solid wall of catgirls

>> No.27179839


>> No.27179840 [DELETED] 

I could tell. Have fun stoning your women for not wearing a veil.

>> No.27179846

HololiveEN was a mistake. Bring the HolostarEN.

>> No.27179847
File: 21 KB, 280x343, 1580824853198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/hlgg/ spent all day seething at this guy only for them to like him in the end

>> No.27179848


>> No.27179849


>> No.27179850

4 Copies of Ina who stream constantly. 4 specifically because it makes it easier to play games together sometimes.

>> No.27179851

Mori are my favorites. I like it when people work hard for their dreams like she does.

I am in my office about to leave. I'm currently writing a pleading that will send a guy accused of rape (falsely) out on bail

>> No.27179852

Inas is just her real birthday cause everyone knows who she is and she doesn't care. Ina is based.

>> No.27179853

Hololive, hire this man!

>> No.27179854

>Imagine him joining Holostars.

I would unironically stop watching anything Holo related.

>> No.27179856

>all the marriages I've seen that are people just settling for each other because they're too scared to strike out and find someone else they might be more compatible with.
Now THIS is cuck cope.

>> No.27179857

Hololive ghetto

The characters consist of various types of hood rats who engage in gang warfare among one another.

>> No.27179859

I hope gura sings more eigo songs, nip song just doesn't feel right

>> No.27179860

I don't think anyone hated the guy besides a few fuckin schizos, at most people were jealous

>> No.27179863

anyone sane shouldn't give a fuck what any of the EN girls do in their personal lives, so long as they aren't doing anything illegal or fucked (e.g. abusing animals)

>> No.27179872

Hololive Virgin

>> No.27179873
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>> No.27179875

I never stopped, and you should be able to answer this for yourself. Do you still like her, anon?

>> No.27179876

Working on Assault Lily

>> No.27179877

Yeah, the range is too wide and spontaneous. Shark's dropped the high pitched voice a few times when startled or that one time during the karaoke when gasping for breath.

>> No.27179878

nigga same

>> No.27179879

Who is this cutie, anyway?

>> No.27179880 [DELETED] 

a moderate muslim country is significantly better than having to live with sluts who thinks that sleeping around is a form of "empowerment".

>> No.27179881

Naw it was mostly niggas going crazy with the doxxposting and shitting the thread up in general

>> No.27179882

Stay strong 3- i mean condombro

>> No.27179886

Anything new is based anything old is cringe

>> No.27179888


>> No.27179889


>> No.27179890

The people here are massive tsunderes

>> No.27179891

Authoritarian leaders

Hitler, Mussolini, Gaddafi, Stalin and Mao

>> No.27179895 [DELETED] 

>Then find out if you love the one you're marrying before shitting on their chest?
Love isn't permanent. Things change. People change. Environment change. Conditions that held the relationship together changes. Relationships change and some change for worse. It's better to breakup at that point instead of going muh divorce bad.

>> No.27179900

I won't pretend that i am without sin. I DID cancel my membership in these trying times. Was still going to watch her and support her, but HE rubbed me the wrong way, so the thought of directly supporting him financially felt wrong to me. Now that word is out that >we probably ruined Ame's week for no reason at all, i had to make it right no ARS, real money this time. I don't deserve it, but i hope you forgive me Amelia and also clean your shit so you don't go through this shit again.
Sadly trinityfags are gonna be back to shit on Mori (and maybe chicken)

>> No.27179899

This thread has maybe 15 talents to discuss and only ever focuses on 5 to maybe 7 of them, I suspect people get very bored and just shitpost to break the monotony.

>> No.27179902

it's just the NTR fags who were laughing. Apparently they're all fags too

>> No.27179903

3 bros, a trap, and a reverse trap

>> No.27179907

Will the true passion idol return for HolostarsEN?

>> No.27179908
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>> No.27179911


>> No.27179913
File: 196 KB, 646x356, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK he's a flip, this is why flips are self-hating
t. flip

>> No.27179914
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yoshitaka amano

>> No.27179915

Sorry. I'm the one who brought up the fact, in chat, that I was listening to Pekora's music in the background during her stream. Bonus: It wasn't even a SC It's probably because she saw Pekora's name, just as she was replying to someone who posted seconds before I did

>> No.27179916
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>Felt bad for her ex knowing she'd eventually rise in popularity
>Sets up a mastermind plan to get him some recognition
>Possibly sacrificing her entire career for this
>It works out
Heh.. Well whaddya know

>> No.27179917
File: 136 KB, 640x521, figure2sexmaritalhappinessupdated-w640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, in the end, the two people settle and a lot of them spend their lives in dead bedrooms or in misery.
Studies have shown the exact opposite.

>> No.27179919


>> No.27179921
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Yes. Your english is very good.

>> No.27179923

Boyfriends of all the EN's roommates and they all collab together often.

>> No.27179924

Most of the people from earlier in the day got nuked by meidos and won't be showing up for a while

>> No.27179925

this thread is the thread i needed tonight. im fucking crying and wheezing laughing right now, bravo anons.

>> No.27179927


>> No.27179928 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27179929

your meds are on the counter bro

>> No.27179930
File: 40 KB, 1000x731, fbf6074fe7dcf98bef22b6fc8371c258[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's wrong with Kiara?
We just don't know.

>> No.27179932

duplicate gura and ina a couple times

>> No.27179933

It goes both ways, doesn't it? I feel like JPbros do the same.

>> No.27179934

New is always based

>> No.27179935

i like them and often relate to what they are saying. i appreciate the anons who take the time to make 5ch digests.

>> No.27179938

Did you miss when they got called out for being crazy by a literal psychotic murderer?

>> No.27179939

Is diving from one divorce into the next really something preferable in your mind? just asking, are you a guy or a girl?

>> No.27179941

Holy fuck
I'm in love with this voice

>> No.27179942

Holo Futanari. We don't even need Homostar with this.

>> No.27179943

I hope she pees herself again.

>> No.27179944

Pack mentality. The alpha chad always comes out on top, among a bunch of borderline ghosted faggots, the faggot that managed to get a reply from her oshi is the alpha chad.

>> No.27179951

I'm glad teamates are strong again. Nothing, but I mean NOTHING can take her down.

>> No.27179952

you dont gotta enjoy em all bro
It's fine

>> No.27179954

And now they want to fuck him

>> No.27179955

We can only dream

>> No.27179956 [DELETED] 

What happened to your gfs who were all supposedly virgins? So they got pumped and dumped once so what now that they're used good? Do they get stoned right away for being whores?

You muslims don't treat women like human beings. I'm glad that I'm close friends with someone with five confirmed kills.

>> No.27179959

For the love of god, at least reserve big choices for the days you take your meds.

>> No.27179961

You do you anon, but get som fresh air.

>> No.27179962

She isn't hosting a minecraft server for me to play on

>> No.27179964


>> No.27179965

Unironically still drawing

>> No.27179963

I no longer do

>> No.27179966

yes and?

>> No.27179967

>when a translator posts this on 5ch and the replies are just a wall of

We love you though bros

>> No.27179968

But why is the format an mp4?

>> No.27179972

what's he saying bro? never did no tagalog reps so shit goes over my head

>> No.27179975


>> No.27179977

Meido rant about being close to range banning SEA to get rid of doxxfags....

>> No.27179979 [DELETED] 

>goes into NEETchads clips
>check who clipped one from 9 days ago

>> No.27179980

Yup, suck my balls Nips. PS. They're nicknamed Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

>> No.27179981

He's given me faith in the future HolostarsEN

>> No.27179983

>so long as they aren't doing anything illegal
So you'd stop liking Ame if she slaughtered livestock within 1500 meters of where it was reared (violation of federal farming regulations)?

>> No.27179984


>> No.27179986

Cakelive, with 5 adult character designs
>Pilot/Flight Attendant

>> No.27179988


>> No.27179989

luna saves the day again

>> No.27179992

>Month after their debut they break up and we get The Break Up Arc
sounds good to me

>> No.27179993

Rerolling genshin impact, china namba wan!

>> No.27179995

The voices..they won't stop...

>> No.27179996

Oh, ok. I was talking about her second stream btw

>> No.27179998

good way to die alone with lots of alcohol or with some loser you barely know and a heart filled with regret

>> No.27179999

Just got home from wage slaving chumbuds are both tiers of Guras membership the same? Content wise?

>> No.27180002

Oh shit, they're still together bros...

>> No.27180006

Should have done it just because.

>> No.27180007

mp4 is strictly better than mp3 for audio. if it didn't draw so many obnoxious newfag complaints i would use it for the karaoke archive too but i've given up dealing with retards who cling to a broken 25-year-old audio codec without even having a reason to.

>> No.27180009

Yes, but I feel they do the same with us. Honestly I really like the JP posters in the 5ch thread. Reading all the replies they post give me a good laugh and it makes me realize that we aren't so different after all in many ways. Bless them.

>> No.27180011

I call it that and I'm not any type of Asian.

>> No.27180012

kill yourself for doing this to amelia

>> No.27180013

new narrative is to suck and fuck her NTR-loving bf so she breaks down on stream and cries

>> No.27180014

thats his banner, flexing he got noticed by a local vtuber. all his tweets are english though.

>> No.27180016


The theme will be PLOT TWISTS. There will be a very slutty-looking and slutty talking holo. She will then reveal, through progression in the streams and fantastic writing, that she is in fact a hopeless romantic that gave up on romance so she has then instead turned towards the more sexual, but all she wants is friends, and finds "love" in being an idol.

Another holo will be a potty mouthed tomboy that will-- again, by fantastic writing and acting in streams-- act as if she fucking hates the rest of the girls and will try to act all by herself. She will reveal how a friend once betrayed her trust, and she has trust issues. She will then get along with the rest of the girls.

You know, now that I typed this bullshit out of boredom, I realize that they never actually fucking do this and it would work wonders for real.

>> No.27180017

Trinity uber alles

>> No.27180018

NO, don't do this, YAGOO! I'd never stop watching. What would happen to my job? I can't get autism bucks!

>> No.27180020


>> No.27180024


>> No.27180027

Probably the voice

>> No.27180028

I don't know but I checked those 9s

>> No.27180032

Again dumb statistics with no context. What's the age of these couples with 1 or 0 previous sexual partners? Looks like they are first time newly weds so ofc they'll be happy.

>> No.27180035

I will never get my $73.51 back...

>> No.27180036

>It's nice to feel something for once.

>> No.27180037

we don't know. in the end, she got the emojis done and had some ideas for the other perks but just kind of trailed off with a vague explanation. it was cute but i can understand some people are going to be bothered and confused by it.

>> No.27180038

If Yagoo is reading this I would like to propose a radical shift in the Vtuber meta to prevent doxfags from seeing things they're better off not knowing about and breaking the illusion.

If a Vtuber has a boyfriend they should be required to do extra lewd joi streams that their boyfriend is required to watch live. In this way everyone will be cucked and the doxfags will get to lewd their waifu. Everyone wins.

>> No.27180041

cow girl cowgirl
chocolate skinned native
bobby the builder tomboy
aggeessive flirty highway cop
guerilla warfare stacey

>> No.27180042

Nobody knows because the stupid drunk didn't explain it well enough.

>> No.27180044

meant for>>27179863

>> No.27180045


>> No.27180046

Something between medieval and Rennaissance Europe.

>plague doctor

>> No.27180048

The time traveller does it again

>> No.27180051

Primal gods
Similar to Myth, but in ways that can provide funny moment of interaction
Beings whose bodies and blood have formed the mountains and seas of planets in various universes, gods that embody fate and chaos and order and justice, gods that seen universes birthed and destroyed.

Okay, and then maybe one catgirl.

>> No.27180052

Looks like it

>> No.27180053

>but I've heard about you

>> No.27180054

>Skirting these questions effortlessly

do you really believe?

>> No.27180055

Are we recovered yet?

>> No.27180057

Culling the useless ones should've been done ages ago she tried to save them with lars and the ones tht listened can find their own amelias

Purityfags get the rope i will never have empathy for you niggers after what you did to aloe

>> No.27180058 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, goatfucker. You fucks see girls as slaves of men and kill innocent raped victims. Islam is a cancer to earth

>> No.27180062

These threads really need around 200 less ips

>> No.27180063

I wasn't mad at him, I was mad at the situation. If I were in his position, I'd have gone for it 100% too.

>> No.27180064


>> No.27180065

uh oh

>> No.27180067 [DELETED] 

Wait why are condomates rejoicing now? Nothing changed

>> No.27180068

uh oh

>> No.27180070

he has a good radio voice. Would bang desu

>> No.27180072

dumb narrative, they remained friends after the breakup

>> No.27180077

I canceled and don't regret it
Fuck, I don't understand why is everyone a cuck here all of a sudden, guess I'll just go play tf2 and watch the luna stream archive and see if this is temporary

>> No.27180078

Undead theme.

Medium/Quack that has little spirits floating around
Dullahan (girl that can detach her head/hold it)

Mori's their boss (except medium). They're scared of Rushia. They're out to get Kiara because of rumours that obtaining a phoenix feather will return them to life. Medium becomes unstable when around Ina. Amelia gets closer to them to investigate this disturbing surge of undead manifesting in the physical world. Gura says shark and continues to gain 20k subscribers a day.

>> No.27180080

They realized that they're collectively all gay

>> No.27180081

Ok jew

>> No.27180082

I du

>> No.27180085


>> No.27180086

>>27179979 (You)
We know

>> No.27180088

If they are rare beasts in zoos, then we're also crammed into the cage right next them.

>> No.27180090


>> No.27180092

Your shitposting is weak and tired, oldman. The thread has already moved on. Take your last pity (you)'s. I can only hope you're at least not an actual schizo.

>> No.27180095

Can you post it? All I found was that he actually looks pretty good in person.

>> No.27180096

Both of them seem like nice people...

>> No.27180098

>Actual alien
>Mecha pilot
>Hologram AI
>Hyper-dimensional Q-like being

>> No.27180099

mindbroken damagecontrol while doing double v's

>> No.27180101

Her bf is chill as fuck, we ditched her and are watching him now

>> No.27180104

No one cares about Amelia anymore bro, they're giving money directly to neetchad.

>> No.27180103

Thank you

>> No.27180106

Dude told them today he was single and currently people beleeb it

>> No.27180107

Definitely the voice, also he seems cool to hang out with

>> No.27180109

TeaCHADS I'm off to the gym then gonna shower and go out on a date with my GF. Stay strong bros and all the ones that unironically dislike her because of this, thank god we don't want you in the Teamates.

>> No.27180110

Fuck off, sand negro. Alternatively SEA negro

>> No.27180111

They deluded themselves because the guy said he's single

>> No.27180114

>Does a goblin scream at the very end
I don't know why anyone would think she's crying for real.

>> No.27180119
File: 233 KB, 1600x1010, 1600923889715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bald and fat
How are your art reps doing?

>> No.27180116

He has a good voice, interacts with chat, and has 4chan-lite humor. Like Ame, Id fuck this guy too.

>> No.27180118

All the dox info just made both of them seem like good people...

>> No.27180124

wots dis then buddy?

>> No.27180129

>good people can't be friends after breaking up
anon... your social reps...

>> No.27180133

What happened to the old edit?

>> No.27180132

>American time passes
>thread is back to normal yet again

>> No.27180134

Yea he's single and I am going to take him

>> No.27180136

I know this is impossible because it's overtly political but historical regime themed girls would make for excellent entertainment. Imagine if they were chosen specifically for having the wrong personality/beliefs for their aesthetic.
Anyway append my suggestion to yours.

>> No.27180139

Dudes Please have neet for holostars En

>> No.27180140

>>27180124 (You)

>> No.27180146

I'm honestly surprised that hasn't been a Dullahan vtuber yet. The 'decapitated head floating around' thing seems like a simple trick to pull off, but I suppose if you were wanting to do it properly you'd need to rig the head and body seperately.

>> No.27180147

They're not together anymore. There is more circumstantial evidence for that argument. You can deny this but it's true.

>> No.27180148


1. A generic slasher in a jumpsuit with strategic cutouts that show off her best bits. Perhaps something like a short denim overall. She has a mask she wears sometimes and a knife/chainsaw. Either long, black hair or short/tomboyish. She's the gaming specialist and is good at what she plays.

2. Vampire ojousama with a humorous servant mascot. Very puffy, frilly dress. Classic blonde hair and red eyes combo. Perhaps hair drills. Her specialization is singing.

3. Jiangshi kuudere with big boobs. The clothing should be a bit on the skimpier side. She is the artist of the group. Has a wicked sense of dry humor.

4. Flat loli-type swamp monster girl, only obviously not as disgusting. Borderline monster girl, but wears relatively normal clothing that hides it well. She is a Coco-style wildcard.

5. Tomboy werewolf girl. She is athletic and loves video games, but also has a nice sense of humor. Has good chemistry with the other girls and acts as a foil in collabs.

>> No.27180150

We know they're still friends, he liked her new art and fanart. Doesn't mean they're dating schizo.i swear none of you have friends irl

>> No.27180151

>Using ARS the first time
You don't deserve to be to forgiven.

>> No.27180153

man 5ch fucking loves luna and so does /hlg/
i'm amazed at how she doesn't have more subscribers

>> No.27180154

All the idiots who were seething got banned in the last two threads. They needed the time out. I hope they take their MEDS before they get back.

>> No.27180155

Fuck off Chang

>> No.27180162

Yeah but not necessarily like those. Only Noel would be the one where it's like ".. we already have one of those", in which case maybe just scrap that for I don't know, a tailor/tapestry weaver or something.

Iofi is a modern painter and this would be rather different from a classical type that does big murals etc. Western nun etc is similar-but-not-the-same as a miko.

>> No.27180163 [DELETED] 

The love isn’t permanent thing is such an excuse. If you genuinely know a person before you get married it’s so easy to know if you’ll be able to make it together. Love that crumbles over adversity isn’t love at all. But people would rather chance it and call the best available option love than risk never finding love and ending up alone.

>> No.27180166

we werent seething at all actually, we thought he was chad for cucking THOUSANDS, until we briefly thought he was a pathetic beggar on r9k

>> No.27180167

I'm still up baby!

>> No.27180171

eslchama, your english reps...

That phrase implies that I am talking about the marriages that resemble that situation. I've seen plenty of good relationships too, and in those ones the people in the relationship are truly best friends, in the strongest meaning of those words. Those are the successful relationships, the ones where they love and support each other to the end. The shitty marriages I was talking about are the ones where they don't even fuck anymore and instead spend their time together at home bitching at each other and creating false drama because they don't know what else they're supposed to do.

>> No.27180175

The shit stirrers were samefags all along.

>> No.27180176

I swear to god if this entire fiasco ends up being the reason he applies for and gets into HolostarsEN it's going to be a bigger Cinderella story than Mori

>> No.27180177

How's your day been meidos?
Had fun cleaning up our shit?
Don't worry, the next narrative is gonna be a spicy one, this shit's a breeze by comparison

>> No.27180178

nah, USA still here, I think the NEET stream fixed the thread

>> No.27180179

I just want a queen bee holo

>> No.27180180

This is the price we pay for polluting the pure 2D with the wretched and vile 3D roastie menace.
This the price we chose to pay in the name of progress.
Our forefathers were right to shun and hate the 3D and we, who were cast out of heaven, must now lie in our bed.

>> No.27180183


>> No.27180184

>chicken's intuition was spot on

>> No.27180185

>American time passes

It passed hours ago, retard.

>> No.27180186

Not going to post his face but he looks not bad for a degenerate weeb who drowns in hentai every night and read ShindoL everyday in public.

>> No.27180187

Where are the streams?

>> No.27180189

It's not, her real birthday was last week

>> No.27180190

I've been playing this all day, bros
I feel like a bancho already

>> No.27180191 [DELETED] 

>If you genuinely know a person before you get married it’s so easy to know if you’ll be able to make it together.
Spoken like someone who never actually tried actual relationships.

>> No.27180195

did a slowedit get posted for Gura's Judgement yet?

>> No.27180197

Crossdressers. Artists would be AogiriP, Nemunemu, Locon, Makuro, and Suemitsu Dicca

>> No.27180198

I will never enjoy her actual streams, but holy shit, let me never miss a karaoke stream

>> No.27180199

why watch idolvtubers if you dont like idolfaggotry? theres plenty that dont do this stuff. watch niji for example.

>> No.27180201


>> No.27180204

>genki protag mecha pilot holo
I want it.

>> No.27180209

That is indeed how burger hours work anon
t. burger

>> No.27180212 [DELETED] 

I'm not a muslim you fucking nigger. Stoning only happens in a fucking extremist muslim countries. Not like muslim is not a problem. They're fucking cancer but at least the moderate one actually practices self responsibility.

>> No.27180213

4chan is like 300-500 people.

>> No.27180218

You're a 3DPD too, buttercup. So kill yourself already

>> No.27180220

>I hope they take their MEDS
I am. I’m disgusted by how much this crap affected me.

>> No.27180226

Oh shit, they're onto us!

>> No.27180228

300-500 posters

>> No.27180230

HolostarsEN auditions are probably already underway/decided

>> No.27180231

They will be based off of heroes and gods
Potential designs
>Ancient greek/roman woman draped in robes
>Ancient soldiers uniform that is stylized, Based off something like the Roman or East Asian empires
>Ethereal nature like design, similar to a Dryad nature god but human
>Designs of gods akin to Athena or eastern gods

>> No.27180232

Still you, chicken.

>> No.27180235

All five girls are from different countries
They all play their respective country stereotypes

>> No.27180237

reddit and /v/tards who apparently love NTR shit. Probably also have girlfriends with 5+ body counts lol

>> No.27180240

1. Surprise, people that there's something better think that this is the best they've got.

2. Zero information in that chart on when the couples were surveyed. Considering the huge spike at 1 partner and the steady decline afterwards I wouldn't be surprised if the 1-partners were all in their honeymoon phase when sampled

>> No.27180241

Honestly, Larsfagging was the right play for Ame or those goslingfags would have anheroed in mass.

>> No.27180242

i get what you're saying but what i mean is she attracts a very adoring fanbase, i wonder why that isn't reflected in her numbers

>> No.27180243

based, can't wait for gyms to start opening back up near me

>> No.27180244

Take your meds schizo.

Based NTRbro.

>> No.27180245

the slowed-down gura is killing me, i listened to like 10 seconds of the first one and 5 seconds of the next one. all it does is make her voice normal and boring.

>> No.27180248

What I learn from here is the power of words. Just one sentence, you can sway a lot of people.

>> No.27180249

Feel like this also applies to Mori in EN.

>> No.27180251

Based Morifriend

>> No.27180254 [DELETED] 

None of the actual Muslims of turkey or Indonesia or whatever moderate shithole even see women as a human being on equal footing with men. The progressive Muslims of burgerland aren't actually Muslims at all.

>> No.27180257

Still bottom left chicken atleast amelia was smart about it and didnt make it a big deal just deleted the old posts and moved on

>> No.27180260

Didn't I reply to you in the last thread?
Hololive had over a thousand EN applicants to become vtubers and they picked the best 5.

the EN fanbase is into that talent and not idolshit. You and your idolnigger kind is like .05% of the EN market.
JP is in the other thread so kindly fuck off and go there.

>> No.27180262

meant to reply to

>> No.27180263


>> No.27180269


>> No.27180271

>"sleep less than cuck"

>> No.27180273

She has limiters on her voice. She's singing in-character and you can tell.

>> No.27180276

So what hours are these? Threads fucking comfy rn and I wanna be here next time it's like this

>> No.27180277

i kinda fibbed on that part, i payed $5 the first time, but i was sure someone would tell me to T2 to repent but i'm too poor. Again, i have sinned

>> No.27180278

>EN talent pool
Are you genuinely brain damaged?

>> No.27180281

what the fuck happened with amelia and why is every talking about it but only implying but never actually saying what happened?

>> No.27180284

Most likely they are in denial. They still want to support Ame and will believe anything

>> No.27180286

>American time passes
For underage

>> No.27180287

It makes me a little suspicious she filters her voice somehow for Shark because it sounds so natural slowed, but she also sounded like that for s*n so either she had long been used to that routine or her stealth manuevers are so fucking top-notch we don't even know what her real voice is.

Even so I don't know if we could a handle sexy honey-voiced Gura instead of the cute voice she has. It'd be too much, maybe it's for the best.

>> No.27180289

>I'm not a muslim.
Eat a dick Muhammad. Go fuck some boys.

>> No.27180291


>> No.27180295

holoEN is still a part of hololive
hololive is an idol group
hololive is on /jp/ because it is an idol group
if it were not an idol group and they did not act as their job encourages them to act a large percentage of people here would not be fans
if you can't understand that you are a retard

>> No.27180298

>watching your oshi's bull's stream
You're better than this, anon. Act like it.

>> No.27180301

Anon, your lurking reps...

>> No.27180303

Because it happens every time some drama pops up concerning one of the girls.

>> No.27180305

Come during Kiara's streams, guaranteed comfy threads

>> No.27180307

Spoken like a true tourist
When are you people going back to wherever you came from?

>> No.27180309


I want holoEn to play their TTRPG already. My cock is so hard that they got perms for World of Darkness.

>> No.27180310

You only make those 'moderate shitholes' sound even better. Women are property and marriage is the transfer of responsibility from her father to her husband.

>> No.27180311

I'm sorry HoloEN, but my heart belongs to Risu.

>> No.27180316

i'm going to rep your neck off you fucking barracuda

>> No.27180319 [DELETED] 

>I'm not a Muslim but Muslims treat women better
Ok, then go to Muslim countries then, you fucking muzzierat.

>> No.27180320

>idolfag/idol group debate timeloop

>> No.27180321

Because meidos have been randomly banning people for the last 20 hours

>> No.27180322


>> No.27180324

go read the archives anon, we're not here to spoonfeed you

>> No.27180325

am dude
No, it's more that people should really, really make sure they want to get married before they get married, instead of only getting married for convenience or because their culture or society tells them that they should be doing so.

>> No.27180327 [DELETED] 

Desperation and status-quo maintaining is a factor for long-term relationships, but not as big as you'd think. Actual love is all about both parties prioritizing their partner over themselves, and attaining actual self-improvement through that perspective. That sort of thing is really rare, though.
In the end, there are a lot of factors making meaningful relationships less likely to form or be maintained.

>> No.27180330

read archives

>> No.27180332

The fuck is this nothingbuger I keep hearing about?

>> No.27180334

I'd love to see a video or some training materials on what they teach the girls specifically. Like "don't ever say this or that" or whatever.

>> No.27180344

look through the archive at the deleted posts

>> No.27180345

Kill yourself, mohammad al pedo

>> No.27180347

Or like someone who’s ended every serious relationship he was in because it was really obviously not going to pan out.

>> No.27180352

>what they teach the girls specifically
Have you been paying attention?

>> No.27180353

Good news for Gura..

>> No.27180354

that's literally not true but you're welcome to believe whatever you want

>> No.27180355

NA degen hours
It also helps that most of the schizos got nuked in the ban wave earlier today

>> No.27180356 [DELETED] 

only the shariah obsessed schizo thinks that way. Though most people prefer a traditional gender roles including the women which is the best way to go
Only fucking retard thinks that muslim treat women better kek. The shariah obsessed muslim retards treats them like property. Almost like how you idolfaggots treats Ame.

>> No.27180359 [DELETED] 

Muh sekrit club.
New flash Hololive doesn't belong to the 5-6 schizo loser weebs who post on jp 24/7.

>> No.27180360


>> No.27180364

Additonal designs, perhaps more pagan like stuff
>Norse priestess like figure, draped in furs and potential antler head dress
>Gaulic/Druid like designs with body paint
Perhaps even some native american styles stuff, tho I'm sure people would seethe cultural apropriation unless an actual native is behind it

>> No.27180367

I'm still here but I'm also playing minecraft. You're so needy, anon

>> No.27180368


>> No.27180369

>messages, twitter, friends, and both of them have confirmed they broke up
>i-it's j-just denial
Cope narrativefag

>> No.27180372

A giant nothingburger. Retards got purged for shitposting. Just move along and post as usual. If you care a lot, check archives.

>> No.27180375

Ikuzo? Doko he?

>> No.27180376

>ina's ffiv-project
>holoen erp
would you watch it?

>> No.27180378

>hololive is on /jp/ because it is an idol group
Factually incorrect. Even niji is here.

>> No.27180380

if you're taking from the west better take some from Scandinavian myth

>> No.27180382 [DELETED] 

I just wish there was a way for someone to quietly tell Ame it'll all be okay now.

>> No.27180384

Islam is for brown people but to deny that element of it is to disenfranchise your children, boomerchama

>> No.27180386 [DELETED] 

>"Hololive is popular on /jp/ because it's an idol group and they act like idols"
>M-muh sekrit club!! Your opinion doesn't matter weebs!
Neck yourself.

>> No.27180387

>which is the best way to go
Just leave that decision to women. I don't understand why men are so obsessed with making women behave like slaves to them. It's fucking disgusting

>> No.27180388

Why arent you supporting the best hololive talent?

>> No.27180391

inb4 they stream on adamantoise and group up with certain people

>> No.27180392

I don't trust any of them to be able to write decent ERP
Hard pass

>> No.27180393

Sounds like you're in full cope trying to stick to a narrative desperately. Don't want the fun to end?

>> No.27180395

>he doesn't post on /jp/ 24/7

>> No.27180398

idolfags can't control their desire to hurt women.
Their anger stems from the fact they've never been laid.

>> No.27180399

Ame you don't need to nuke your membership zone...

>> No.27180400

I love Gura!

>> No.27180404

God I love Amelia

>> No.27180406

Didnt need to cuz I knew right from the start who was gonna be good and who was gonna be shit.

>> No.27180407

last time we leave any decision to women we got kicked off from garden of eden.

>> No.27180409

>Leaving ANY decision to women

>> No.27180410 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure her boyfriend's been doing that all night, among other things.

>> No.27180411

I am supporting Kiara.

>> No.27180413

HoloEN ERP with Amelia NTR ASMR.

>> No.27180415


>> No.27180419

Exquisite taste.

>> No.27180420

I suddenly feel the need to pin Gura down and mercilessly breed her.

>> No.27180422

>he doesn't know

>> No.27180424

Games are presented as MOTW that they have to face and collabs are set in a giant robot cockpit.

>> No.27180425


>> No.27180429

Correction, *retards.
Legend sounds pretty cool actually. Might need some work on the character, but a solid idea.

>> No.27180430

I play on adamantoise and I've no clue what you're talking about

>> No.27180431

Mori's stream is in a few hours

>> No.27180433

Ina has played for years and is a raidfag, raidfags are all degenerate ERPers so I bet she's good at it

>> No.27180435 [DELETED] 

>Actual love is all about both parties prioritizing their partner over themselve

Agree with everything except that. It’s about putting everything into a mutual life, not prioritizing yourself or your partner. Working towards the same goals and compromising.

>> No.27180437 [DELETED] 

Statistically you're more likely to kill yourself because only a maladjusted loser could think like that.
I have a high paying job and a support circle, how about you?

Remember learning how to tie a noose is just one youtube video away.

>> No.27180439

officially worse than any /vg/ thread ever including ffxiv ones

>> No.27180442

She's learning from Gura!

>> No.27180444 [DELETED] 

There is no need for words, a good dicking will be enough, like always.

>> No.27180445

If you know, then you know

>> No.27180447

alright anon, you win
this sounds fantastic

>> No.27180448


>> No.27180450

I've played for years and was a raidfag, raidfags don't know how to do anything besides DPS optimization, most of them don't even play the game outside of weeklies

>> No.27180453

I just looked through the archives and I don’t understand why you schizos are all making a fuss of it. I’m still supporting Ame

>> No.27180454


>> No.27180455

Wouldn't it be funny if Ame's chat goes fully japanese after the THAT goes viral?

>> No.27180456

She wouldn't be able to take it seriously though, filling it full of memes and puns, which would be hilarious.

>> No.27180458

Why are you just NOW saying this after what happened earlier?

>> No.27180460

HoloEN have never once been marketed as idols - furthermore, the vast majority of the western audience watches for entertainment and doesn't care for idolfaggotry.

>> No.27180461

well, let me fix my phrasing
we get 400 ips and niji doesn't because the girls are held to idol standards
it's the same reason why kpop idols are more beloved and have more dedicated fanbases than western celebs, because they're held to strict standards and people love the false image that's presented, not the real, flawed people

>> No.27180462

Cause women, for the most part, are not really the best decision-makers out there. Most of them run on emotional arguments. Lmao.
Same, anon.

>> No.27180463

>ina tries to shill people to join her in FFXIV where so she has raid buddies to fuck around with

Honestly, pass. It's kind of funny Ina seriously wants to do that just to continue her MMO hikki ways but I don't see it as very likely compared to say messing around on the HoloJP Minecraft server. Better start learning the game, Ina.

>> No.27180466

No, I meant the actual term "nothingburger."

>> No.27180468

>nothing significant happened
I could've slept through all of this..

>> No.27180469

I've been playing the original Animal Crossing for some bizarre reason. I should try and get all the NES games I can get...

>> No.27180470

Wait, is this about that FC that constantly advertises their ERP brothel?

>> No.27180471

I'm a raidfag and have a bunch of raidfag friends who are triple legends and spend all their free time on balmung text fucking

>> No.27180473 [DELETED] 

Yea, it's easy for obsession or lust to be mistaken for love I think, but it's something more than just putting another person on a pedestal.

>> No.27180477

And we can't even shitpost with images for like 300 more posts.

>> No.27180478

Sounds like pure cope to me, buddy

>> No.27180481

Nah, don't worry about it anon

>> No.27180482

Schizos making a fuss? Get it together anon, that was hours ago

>> No.27180483

I think imo her anxiety wasnt from performing for all these people but if the gura shark persona she created is accepted

>> No.27180491

Retarded seaniggers and VPN chinks kept pushing doxxes about Amelia's roommate until Meidos crushed them.

>> No.27180492
File: 59 KB, 392x293, 1297664693702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can still post images, though, can you? :^)

>> No.27180493 [DELETED] 

Are you really bragging about being socially well-adjusted while using a mongolian image board to argue about cartoon avatar youtubers? Surely you can't be this retarded?

>> No.27180499

You're like 15 hours late to post your shitty take

>> No.27180500 [DELETED] 

Why do people downplay the importance of feelings and emotions in decision-making? Having empathy and compassion is really important for a society to be humane than calculating and greedy toxic masculinity of men.

>> No.27180503

Don't say that. You'll upset the schizos and their feelings.

>> No.27180505

unironically just finished playing Genshin Impact and am listening to Neet's stream

>> No.27180506

I just got home from college so I don’t have the time to join in

>> No.27180507

Online exams

>> No.27180511

So wise in the ways of character design

>> No.27180513

I'll take your word for it. I came to Aether to get out of Balmung's data center anways

>> No.27180514

I think he was asking what the term "nothingburger" is.

>> No.27180516

>Installing chinese spyware

>> No.27180518

As am I but I can't get enough of the chocoballs riling each other up with 'they're together' and 'nuh they're not'
Sure thread quality is once again bottom of the barrel but this thread has been a roller-coaster since the beginning

>> No.27180521

>paying money to 4chan of all places
terminally retarded

>> No.27180522

It's mean nothing happened just add burger for colloquialism.

>> No.27180523

can't believe anon is pole sisters with Amelia

>> No.27180524

Bro your data

>> No.27180525 [DELETED] 

Someone should DM sachi that damage control has been done, everything's gonna be alright, nobody believes the "narrative" anymore, she should stay privately happy with the people she holds dear without fear of ostracization.

You faggots DM'd her about this anyways someone should make another last DM now.

>> No.27180527

Mori talks in her debut about how she wants to be an idol, though. It's implicit in the fact that they join Hololive, an idol group. Keep telling yourself that though.

>> No.27180529


>> No.27180531

They raid on aether too but yeah you can avoid the degeneracy more on aether, it's just that a not insigificant amount of raidfags have erp alts on balmung/mateus

>> No.27180532 [DELETED] 

Guy was telling me to kill myself. Only depressed losers kill themselves I'm just being real.
Honestly most of these purity idolfags aren't really hitting home runs in real life so I'm just saying it like it is.

>> No.27180533

I miss the daily Kiara Minecraft streams already

>> No.27180534 [DELETED] 

stream is comfy

>> No.27180537

God I want fuck Paimon

>> No.27180539
File: 162 KB, 1468x1334, 1600063079117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that, since noone else ITT has the powers I do, I might as well post some nice things.

>> No.27180540

You just jealous you don't have 4chan Gold.

>> No.27180541 [DELETED] 

Now that the dust has settled,
Ina is still without punishment for her sins

>> No.27180542

i want to watch NEET play genshin

>> No.27180543

We get 400 IPs because Hololive gets translations and Niji does not. We get 400 IPs because Hololive has a real En branch and Niji has Indians. That's it.

>> No.27180546

>late night
>literally afterglow hour
Imagine the satisfaction she's feeling after going at it for hours while knowing that butt-blasted purityfags are seethe-posting everywhere on the internet right now.

NTRchads cannot stop winning.

>> No.27180547

stream is comfy ngl

>> No.27180548

Man. This shit is so hard to do. Ill work more on it later but I tried to duet Sinatra and Shark.

>> No.27180551

Watching my archival copy of gura's karaoke stream while waiting for izuru's stream to start.


>> No.27180555 [DELETED] 

Yeah, no, you sound like a coping moron. Not someone who's "saying it like it is".

>> No.27180557

>I just looked through the archives
I'm so sorry you had to experience all that

>> No.27180559 [DELETED] 

No, that’s fucking weird. Just leave her alone.

>> No.27180558

Do all HoloENs go to 4chan? I know Mori and Amelia do, who else?

>> No.27180560 [DELETED] 

She did nothing but steal my heart boner

>> No.27180561

who? Hope you're not talking about my boyfriend Neet.

>> No.27180568

Thanks, this calms my seething.

>> No.27180569

i can't believe the trinity is over. in the end, EN only got one true idol. at least it was best girl. i don't know what i'd do if we lost gura now

>> No.27180571

Based I love chicken.

A Mori is fine too

>> No.27180575

This shit realy turned into a soap opera.

>> No.27180576


>> No.27180577


>> No.27180581

Niji is off-topic, but they'll have serious problems breaching the EN market like Hololive. They'll definitely attempt it in a few months, but their format doesn't work well with a non-Japanese market.

>> No.27180582

I thought about getting it a couple months ago, but hiroshimoot only wants payment in bitcoin so fuck that.

>> No.27180583

DM her and tell her she's a whore and I've unsubscribed and I will never ever watch collabs involving her again.

>> No.27180584

Haha holy shit fucking based.

Also, Nijishit dumps their talent like garbage when something hits the fan and just shits out 30 more new talents. When a nobody in a sea of nobodies gets canned, you don't pick it up.

>> No.27180587

Mori is dumb

>> No.27180588 [DELETED] 

Whatever makes you feel better faggot.
I'm actually on my way to FIRE before 35, you'll never know what it's like to have your shit together.

>> No.27180589

People can speak and sing in a variety of different ways. Maria Bamford speaks with a really high pitched voice but drops it down so well you'd think her natural voice was an act.

>> No.27180591

Did we become an unironic cuckoldry thread? Why are you watching your oshi's boyfriend's stream? Wake the fuck up.

>> No.27180593

We hit 400ips before HoloEN existed and Niji has been getting translations for literally years now, don't be so obvious about your newfaggotry. It's literally just that people prefer idol girls to normalfag Niji girls. That's it.

>> No.27180594

Can you fuck off back to the other shitty thread already you flip trannoid?

>> No.27180595 [DELETED] 


>> No.27180596

Watson's manager really knows his stuff. But as long as it calms Amefags, it's fine, because holy fuck you people are the most cancerous fanbase here.

>> No.27180597

I'm glad as fuck I was here for that. Because fuck trawling through all that shit.

>> No.27180599

my oshi is NEET

>> No.27180600

You already got btfo narrative schizo why do you keep trying?

>> No.27180603

What is Genshin? An open world single player game with Gacha with co op sometimes?

>> No.27180604

>namefag says dumb shit

>> No.27180605 [DELETED] 

While you guys were fighting, S*c*i liked some loli ass drawing by one of my favorite artist.

>> No.27180611

NEET > Amelia

>> No.27180612


>> No.27180613 [DELETED] 

I'm just saying you already directly involved her and emotionally damaged her, I mean, you can see it in the first few minutes of her stream her voice sounded like she just cried.
why not send a DM apologizing?

>> No.27180615

Kill yourself good bait, take your (you)

>> No.27180616 [DELETED] 

She has a bf

>> No.27180618

We're going to ntr him from her.

>> No.27180619

He's pretty chill

>> No.27180621
File: 455 KB, 2640x2946, 1600371958235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure passfags don't get this kind of access, although I could be mistaken and someone's free to prove me wrong since I've never actually had a pass, so I don't recall if they have such access.

Not gonna confirm or deny whether mods can do it. Ohoho.

>> No.27180623

and the only casualty was the leaf with the .22

>> No.27180624

I know how to separate the character from the entertainer portraying them

>> No.27180626

She's a non SC reader, like Gura.

>> No.27180630 [DELETED] 

Nigger I don't know what the fuck FIRE is. You are bragging on an anonymous image board. That reeks of insecurity. If you were confident in your ability to argue you would not need to bring up irrelevant factoids you think are good about you.

>> No.27180631 [DELETED] 


>> No.27180636

>western audience watches for entertainment and doesn't care for idolfaggotry.
NTRchad "Based." as expected.

>> No.27180637

>Did we become an unironic cuckoldry thread?
Yeah, we're cucking Amelia by stealing NEET

>> No.27180638 [DELETED] 

nobody cares about her anymore anon

>> No.27180640

As somebody who had to do their archive reps today, it was pure comedy gold

>> No.27180648

It's BOTW, but with low effort anime waifus and chinese spyware.

>> No.27180653

>has ten onaholes
>reads shindol in public
>quick witted with smooth sexy voice
I'm sorry ame but you're outclassed

>> No.27180654

She'll go at it till her next stream and you guys can sense her tiredness from all the hot sweaty sex she had with her boyfriend

>> No.27180655

dead hours brings out the worst in these threads

>> No.27180656

That doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

>> No.27180658 [DELETED] 

I like to suck dicks and take BBC up my flipmonkey ass

>> No.27180661 [DELETED] 

She is a slut

>> No.27180662

>I want cunny.... a(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

>> No.27180666

were pro prc now if you didnt notice yet

>> No.27180668

Why do people care if a girl had a boyfriend before? If it was a boy who had a girlfriend it would not have been mentioned.

>> No.27180672

I expect most of them do other than kiara

>> No.27180673

Did you mean schizoposting hour maybe?

Very "Based." NTRbro.

>> No.27180674

Mori wants to be a raper, not an idol. She calls "idol rapper" an oxymoron and she's 100% right.

>> No.27180675

You are not her friend, stay out of her life.

>> No.27180676

What the fuck, /hlgg/?

>> No.27180678

How did you escape the purge, Chang?

>> No.27180682

What songs do you want Gura to sing in her next stream chumbuds?
I want this personally.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VILgSsesD0

>> No.27180687

>Mori wants to be a raper
uhhhh deadbraps? mind explaining this?

>> No.27180688

based chumchad meido

>> No.27180689

yeah holostars confirmed non-virgin and noone gives a fuck.

>> No.27180691

Comfy voice and good chat interaction

>> No.27180693

Who...? Oh you mean my boy NEET's ex? No one fucking cares

>> No.27180692

stop namefagging, people WILL make collages and narratives if you give them even an inch

>> No.27180697

For the obligatory city pop entry

>> No.27180700

Just relax and try to ride the wave, dude.

>> No.27180702


>> No.27180704


>> No.27180707


>> No.27180711

Looks like the schizo is seething that his narrative completely crumbled and the thread went chill again.

>> No.27180713

>Called Ina a shota in their last collab stream
>Likes cunny
yeah I'm thinking she's still /ourgirl/

>> No.27180715

Same. Super comfy stuff they were. Hope she gets her net up soon.

>> No.27180719

and why do you think people volunteer their time to translate one and the other? You're not refuting anything.

>> No.27180720

That is so sad.

>> No.27180722

Trinity Chads, status report.

>> No.27180723

If you say so. You can look up FIRE if you want, it's basically about acquiring fuck you money. I'm just pointing out that you're much more likely to kill yourself anyways.

Stop derailing the thread faggot.

>> No.27180725 [DELETED] 

You retards are still in denial.
Heres the deal: Amelia joined a VIRTUAL IDOL GROUP.
Yeah yeah haha they dont behave like idols, but guess what? Its still a "idol" group, which follows the same principles of the japanese idol groups.
Meaning that having a boyfriend is a big no no.
Did anyone even watch the Aloe apology video where she had to mention she didnt have a boyfriend? So yeah retards, its a big fucking deal, regardless if you are okay with being a huge c uck or not.

>> No.27180730

Whoever makes a collage out of this thread please name it "Tags: mindbreak"

>> No.27180731

>he doesn't turn turbo-shitpost mode on after image limit
You don't know how to have fun.

>> No.27180732 [DELETED] 

>conviniently enough, today NEET had a stream, and conveniently enough, he just happened to read a question about his marital status, and conveniently enough, he just answered "no I'm single" instead of brushing it off because it's none of your damn business

>> No.27180733

I swear EN was made just to subvert idolfaggotry.

>> No.27180736

I want a cowgirl. If there is a cowboy in holostars, and we knows he's from a state like Texas (i'll be pissed if he's californian) then that would be based.
Would also like a feral/off the grid mountain man.
>entire character is that he's only recently been in human civilization
>wears a coonskin cap, saying he made it out of his pet cat (it was a raccoon)
>his entire diet is squirrel milk, mountain crabs, and picnic baskets that he steals from hikers
>he kidnapped talent scouts from Cover thinking they were one of the alphabet boys and hold them captive for several months in his cave before he could understand their language
>talks about how he build his pc rom scratch and explains the parts are just random shit he found in the mountains (power source is a car battery he stole from the park rangers jeep)
>goes into detail on how many snakes he wrung out like a toothpaste tube to fill his liquid cooling system

>> No.27180737

Christmas songs

>> No.27180738


>> No.27180739

So Gura was the chosen one all along. I kneel sharkchads.

>> No.27180741

All clear, everything's normal

>> No.27180745


>> No.27180747

I'll stop derailing the thread when you stop replying out of a desperate need to prove yourself to me, an anonymous person on an image board, how great you are.

>> No.27180753

>Wake up
>Do my archive reps
>Everything is still on fire
I expected nothing and still got disappointed.

>> No.27180752 [DELETED] 

Every single one of them has a boyfriend

>> No.27180754

>honkai impact
uhhh the ccp....

>> No.27180758

Weight of the world chaos version

>> No.27180759 [DELETED] 

>which follows the same principles of the japanese idol groups
Hololive doesn't actually

>> No.27180761

I actually think a lot of the holostars are super talented and I wish got more exposure.

>> No.27180762 [DELETED] 

Doesn't matter, I'm gonna cuck her by strealing him either way

>> No.27180763 [DELETED] 

Can you please stop forcing this boring narrative Schizo, you're already bleeing (you)'s. Take a break or find some other narrative to push.

>> No.27180764

since she's so into Tatsuro Yamashita and Christmas is already coming

>> No.27180768

still faggots

>> No.27180769

Beyond the Sea

>> No.27180770

Don't lie

>> No.27180772 [DELETED] 

Didn't coco, choco and watame all have bfs in their past?

>> No.27180773

I hope she's not buried under the pile of her stuff.

>> No.27180776

>he doesn't know

>> No.27180777

I'm seething too much to think straight tbqh but maybe renai circulation since she mentioned it in the fall guys stream. There's a lot of covers on youtube, getting permission should be easy.

>> No.27180779

HER voice is notably higher pitched than Gura's, there's probably some level of adjustment going on but which way around is pretty unclear and speculation is probably pointless unless we've got any audio programming/DSP experts.
I could probably do it with a bit of time but I really don't want to, sorry.

>> No.27180783


>> No.27180790 [DELETED] 

He was reading every single question and comment in his slow stream.

>> No.27180791 [DELETED] 

schizo your narratives don't worry anymore. Neet ntr'd Amelia.

>> No.27180794 [DELETED] 

>proof that they've been broken up has multiple sources
>proof that they're still together is still zero
As expected of an Artia chinkposter

>> No.27180795

All of them had boyfriends in the past.

>> No.27180797

I think it may primarily actually be because chinks, kikes, and other assorted antis will furiously cuckpost until the end of time in every thread forever.

>> No.27180798

I know Niji gets some translations, they even have an official translations channel it's just hyperbole. But any individual Niji gets orders of magnitudes less translations any individual Holo (aside from Choco and Mel). 400 IPs in /hlg/ was because of translations, 400-500 IPS in both /hlg/ and /hlgg/ is because of HoloEN being a real branch. Sorry for not being more clear about that.

>> No.27180799

Just woke up, is the detective still a whore?

>> No.27180800


>> No.27180802

Buying all the watson coins from the shizos.

>> No.27180804


>> No.27180805 [DELETED] 

>proof that they've been broken up has multiple sources
Such as?

>> No.27180807

>i would rather support neet than amelia at this point
I just got completely mindfucked

>> No.27180811

Beyond the sea would be fantastic.

>> No.27180812 [DELETED] 

NEET is ours now. Deal with it.

>> No.27180813

  ▲
▲ ▲

Still winning

>> No.27180814

I still can't see any Holo branch other than JP actually doing idol stuff. ID and EN are just going to be their own thing. I guess in the next Holofest we will really see if they plan to do anything with any other branches.

>> No.27180815
File: 81 KB, 658x836, 1600916119613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI meidos only are janitors historically, with the nickname going back to the early days of /jp/ (about 09 if memory serves correct). Dai-meido works fine though.

>> No.27180816

Some of them are probably actively dating.

>> No.27180818

>all the most cancer people will be on redditshark

>> No.27180819

Here anon, a pity (You).

>> No.27180820


>> No.27180822

Yeah, her sex tape leaked

>> No.27180823

There's no Trinity anymore, too many casualties.

>> No.27180827


>> No.27180828

no, its your mom *gremlin noises*

>> No.27180829

Nah, turns out she's single and her ex is a super cool guy.

>> No.27180832

nice try

>> No.27180833 [DELETED] 

he's just coping as best as he can, don't take it away from him

>> No.27180835

Good, once they get a yabai they will learn to ignore schizos

>> No.27180836

Chicken and Reaper still in the shitbox

>> No.27180837


>> No.27180840 [DELETED] 


>> No.27180841

>on /jp/
>not supporting NEETs
Can you wyrmin go back already?

>> No.27180842

Deadbraps, cunnyposters, boyfriendposters, god why are Mori's, Gura's and Ame's fans so insufferable?

>> No.27180843

Yes and we're all getting cucked.

>> No.27180845

Can you fags stop trying to invent narratives? Can we go one(1) fucking day without this shit? Just one, please.

>> No.27180847 [DELETED] 

the stream is the clearest example but the text message from earlier has as much credibility as the claim that they are together currently (namely, zero)
So it wins out that they broke up almost a year ago.

>> No.27180849

Yes, you are coping schizo now that you're narrative blew up

>> No.27180851

>can't post doxxes

>> No.27180852

>Fav EN
>What theme would you like to see in EN Gen 2

>> No.27180855

gura > ina > kiara > amelia > mori

this is the new objective truth

>> No.27180856

>most likely had a loving relationship, maybe still in it, maybe not
Be honest anon, if a girl touches a mans hand by accident you instantly consider it whorish behavior, don't you?

>> No.27180858

ERP? Enterprise Resource Planning?

>> No.27180865

Chicken Bros are the best

>> No.27180867


>> No.27180868

How n**t?

>> No.27180870

They get less translations because people like them less man. We can keep going back and forth on this but the evidence shows people vastly prefer the idol approach to the 'streamer with an anime avatar' approach. Lulu is as popular as she is because she's one of the most idollike streamers of Niji as a whole. 現実を見ましょう

>> No.27180869
File: 178 KB, 1920x1080, 1600743024251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it be faggot, it's done. With the evidence we have all you can do is choose whether or not to believe the evidence. They can tell you a hundred different ways they've been over, but if you don't want to believe that, you still won't.

Not saying you need to be delusional and naively trust them, but it's behind plausible deniability now where it should have been this whole time. This shit has gone for fucking 12 hours. Give a rest.

>> No.27180872 [DELETED] 

>implying the tourists give a fuck about whether amelia is used goods or not
You're trying to reason with people who literally worship prostitutes. There is nothing that can be done, besides ironic shitposting.

>> No.27180873

No, Electronic Rail Prices, the thing they do with some stuff

>> No.27180875 [DELETED] 

We're looking at a Schrödinger's NEET situation here

>> No.27180876

>Implying I didn't know
I just want to play it on top of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy's final scene to satisfy my headcanon of HER being brought back from retirement just to be head of hololive.

>> No.27180878

Flip Amelia and Mori and it is correct

>> No.27180879

This reminds me of my aunt where she keeps getting drunk at thanksgiving and crying about how she fucked up with her doctor boyfriend in the past who threw her out into the street.

I feel like Amelia got cucked hard. Honestly just going by looks he's out of her class.

>> No.27180880

There's not enough going on for that, so people will narrativepost. Deadhours are always like this. With most of the schizos and chink shills gone it's mostly harmless at least, doxxposting is basically dead.

>> No.27180881

>Coco saying the forbidden word caused them to send auxiliary digging troops to help.
Nothing changed.

>> No.27180882

>implying cunnyposters aren't based

>> No.27180885

The only trinity that exists is Gura/Ina/Mori.
You know, the ones who are objectively talented and are clearly the best.

>> No.27180886

used goods, sure. Whore? Where do you think you are?

>> No.27180887

"Idol group like AKB48" is just a meme, schizo. Always has been.

>> No.27180889


>> No.27180894

Yeah, at this point if they leaked whole private conversations of breaking up people would still say it's all fabricated. The narrative is pretty much neutralized now.

>> No.27180897

I though meidos were mods and jannies were deputies. jp has 2 mods, but surely some plebs as assistance on top of that right?

>> No.27180900

Why can't you accept that there are women out there who have natural, above-average pitch, voices?

>> No.27180901

>cunnyposting bad
Go back.

>> No.27180902

More Tatsuro is always welcome and I'd kill for this song from Mariya



>> No.27180904

It's not a meme to yagoo.

>> No.27180907

Oh, I thought it meant Extra R*pe Please

>> No.27180908

We go full protoculture

>> No.27180909

I love you guys.

>> No.27180910

idiots o/

>> No.27180911

either way, seems we've got a new trinity of gura ina kiara forming

>> No.27180913

>blaming everything on chinks
This is nothing new for doxfags and even if a chinaman dug this up, it was going to come out sooner or later.

>> No.27180914

When is Ina's member only stream
I wanna watch some movies with her again

>> No.27180915

Always has been

>> No.27180916

Unbelievably and truthfully based

>> No.27180918

Are you guys unironically jealous of some streamer pretending to be anime girl having an active sex life? That's actually pathetic

>> No.27180922

Very nice samefagging Schizo chan, you changed narratives! You won't bleed as many (You)'s now.

>> No.27180923

Normal, still a bunch of tribalistic faggots riding on Gura's popularity because they're afraid of any criticism.

Now extra delusional as anyone could see your attitude during all this drama, and teven after the whole board was shitting on a vtuber you like, you're still promoting tribalism, so trinityfags will always be rotten to the core.

>> No.27180925

It's something Yagoo himself said. Hololive is an idol group no matter how you slice it, even if the idols are unconventional.

>> No.27180930

Because she somehow arguably sounds better and more natural with a simple voice change

>> No.27180934


>> No.27180936

It'd be pretty much the best thing ever.

>> No.27180941

Gura>Neet>Kiara>Ina>anyone else

Ina is more comfy so i see the appeal

>> No.27180942 [DELETED] 

These kind of posts always come off as hilarious considering you're degrading yourself enough to post here.

>> No.27180946

Meidos literally meant maids retard, maids=janitor

>> No.27180947

What movie should Ina watch next?

I vote for Event Horizon. A family friendly space movie.

>> No.27180951

I can definitely see why Amelia went out with this guy. He actually reminds me of Amelia... Wtf...

>> No.27180952


>> No.27180954

>explaining idol things to tourists
You might as well try to create a perpetual movement machine, the chances of success would be higher.

>> No.27180955

purityfag idol schizo has been here for at least several months.
I remember he was saying how Hololive EN would bomb horribly and how he'd save this board by goreposting.

>> No.27180957

>non-consensual handholding
You sick fuck. What's the matter with you?

>> No.27180960

He cleared out his twitch.

>> No.27180961

with ur waifu lole

>> No.27180962

I just hope we can put all this faggotry behind us and just enjoy the content these girls produce.
And something tells me that I'm too optimistic.

>> No.27180965

good joke

>> No.27180970

Yeah, he said that and immediately laughed. How new?

>> No.27180973

right back atcha

>> No.27180974

That question was already asked earlier in the thread, get a better survey

>> No.27180975

I accept the truth. There's no degradation here. It's you fags who deliberately construct fantasies that are cringe. Let people have sex lmao

>> No.27180978

Someone could make a cytube and we could just watch anime if everyone's that bored and doesn't feel like leaving

>> No.27180981

They both look kinda dirty and smelly too, perfect fit.

>> No.27180982

She mentioned she wanted to do a Matrix rewatch at some point and that sounds kino

>> No.27180984

Lmao faggot mods getting salty again

>> No.27180986

>for at least several months

>> No.27180990

Little pet shop of horrors

>> No.27180991

For us to have any chance we need the helps of meidos. If it doesn't stop then range banning will start I hope

>> No.27180992

shit was so cash

>> No.27180994

The Cabin in the Woods.

>> No.27180995

Watame is in relationship and it's ok.
Ayame is in relationship and it's ok.
Choco sensei had many ex and it's ok.
Corone married to someone before divorce later and it's ok.
Give up, narrativefags.

>> No.27180998

He didn't "laugh", you can watch the video yourself. He was serious about everything he said there. And again, it's a goddamn idol group, they have concerts, meetups, and merch just like any other idol group.

>> No.27180999

I know what it means dipshit, I wanted to know what they can do assface. Thank you and go eat anus.

>> No.27181000

>Best EN
>are you depressed

>> No.27181001


Fk everything I just wanna watch hentais god anime girls are so fkin hot man.

>> No.27181002

The Shining please

>> No.27181003

I think event horizon and in the mouth of madness are pretty much mandatory. She WILL watch them at some point.

>> No.27181004

Schizos won't let us until they get another narrative

>> No.27181006

Watson coin gonna incline on the karaoke stream tomorrow. Going all in boys

>> No.27181007


>> No.27181008

There can never be enough optimism in life NTRbro.

>> No.27181009

She actually mentioned Matrix? Damn it would be amazing to re-watch all of it for the 5th time with Ina and fellow tentacultists.

>> No.27181010

They broke up, she was super sad about it on stream
It's still ok though

>> No.27181012

The narratives here are the greatest content they produce indirectly

>> No.27181016

Aloe's graduation gave hope to anti narrativefags

>> No.27181018

So you're saying ame is a narcissist?

>> No.27181019

>All of them

>> No.27181021

>Get a fucking recommendation on youtube
>Fuck it, let me see what the hell she's up to, she hopped on the vtuber train so let's see what she has
>Literally, not fucking kidding, does the EXACT same fucking shit as a normal twitch cunt AKA she was just watching some videos about toilets because lol so randumb funneh I guess

You think some girl having a boyfriend is the worst shit ever, really? You don't understand the situation. HololiveEN could have been Nyanners. It could have actually been just normal twitch cunts watching youtube videos. Don't you fucking understand that no matter how bad you think Hololive is, there is truly bad fucking shit out there. You could be giving money to a girl that openly has mocked your kind, very publicly flaunted a relationship, disavowed 4chan, turned into a sjw and decided to get paid to watch videos while on a vtuber avatar and it worked out just great.

So yeah, a fucked up gremlin with a relatively depressing past having a boyfriend is really not that bad. When you think a holo girl is bad, just ask yourself: is she Nyanners bad?

>> No.27181024

Nah, that's great and I wish them happiness.

Being mad at this kind of stuff is weird, but giving a girl that already has a man taking care of her, fat cash for kisses and "I love yous" during her streams and pretending she's your waifu is also fucking weird too. But there's nothing wrong with her streams, they're still fun.

>> No.27181025

I have anxiety issues

>> No.27181026

b-but muh idols
idols aren't allowed to look at males until they go into JAV. Get off my board tourist.

>> No.27181027


>> No.27181028

Who says its okay? I stopped watching all of those :^)

>> No.27181029

Vtuber threads have never been good and they will never be good. The only way to achieve semblance of quality is to autistically gatekeep with the help of a dedicated meido like a certain other thread, but then you aren't really enjoying things.

>> No.27181032

Amelia blows old men for money.

>> No.27181033

>I'll be alright

>> No.27181035

>I though meidos were mods
No you don't
>I wanted to know what they can do
Go eat a dick newfag

>> No.27181037

anxiety issues

>> No.27181038

Pretty much.

Honestly I was not feeling Ame's Mario at all and Kiara's minecraft has been some of the absolute apex of EN, in ways completely different from the others. It's suffering, it's pity, it's mockery, it's unbelievable bad luck and yet also some salvation arcs etc. Easily feels like how a HoloJP would fare playing solo. She will serve well as Pekora's partner-in-crime on the JP server.

>> No.27181039

And The Thing, for more Carpenterkino

>> No.27181040

Why do you post about nyanners every thread. No one cares.

>> No.27181041

I have serious hypochondria, but that's about it.

>> No.27181042

Schizos went back to trinity posting. The narratives dead as it ever was. It took a genocide, but we made it.
Now we just have to wait for the next tiny irrelevant nothingburger to turn into a giant narrative shitting up the thread. Look forward too it!
Thankfully, most of the retards will filter out the longer EN goes on.

>> No.27181043


>> No.27181044

>They broke up, she was super sad about it on stream
What? Post Source?

>> No.27181047

I can't coom to used goods

>> No.27181049

Anyone else been blasting mori tracks during /fit/ reps? she unironically made me believe in 'we're all gonna make it brah' again

>> No.27181051

Not really

>> No.27181052

tough call, but probably gura

>> No.27181053

That wouldn't explain why she keeps trying to bang my mom.

>> No.27181054

No but I have anxiety

>> No.27181055

You forgot that Shion's in a relationship with us, the ojiisans and that birdkun manage to get Miko pregnant

>> No.27181057

No, but I'm pretty much an alcoholic, and the problem got exacerbated by homeoffice because I can drink during work hours now

>> No.27181059

Now I am

>> No.27181061

Sadly, likely not for much longer.

>> No.27181062

My life is pretty good by my friends have better shit than I do.

>> No.27181064

Not really depressed but I'm just slowly coming to the realization that I'm starting to get old.

>> No.27181066

I aint gonna pay for her condoms doe

>> No.27181069

Event horizon
Life (tentacles!)

>> No.27181070


>> No.27181071

How is it any different with holoen? They also just play dumb games and make cringe reactions.

>> No.27181072

Gura is the best, Mori is my fav though
I've never been happier

>> No.27181076

>get depressive bouts every couple of months

>> No.27181079

No, just tired.

>> No.27181080

>Sort of. I've felt directionless since I left the military. I don't really know what to do.

>> No.27181082

there's no reason to believe ame currently has a boyfriend anymore though so things are almost the same as they were
just have to genocide the chinese/jews that show up to cuckpost and we're all good

>> No.27181081

Might as well throw in they live while we're at it.

>> No.27181083

Uhhh teamates are we fucking okay??

>> No.27181084

Wait I thought Gura was Nyanners

>> No.27181086

I am completely mentally stable

>> No.27181089


>> No.27181088

Can't find it anymore
I think it might have gotten nuked by hololive moments when they went full retard

>> No.27181090

>Schizos went back to trinity posting
Is that supposed to be a victory? They're the biggest cancer here, I'd rather have them wiped out.

>> No.27181091

I'm hoping for Anri / Tatsuro Yamashita permissions, but unarchived wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.27181092

Hi. This is cuckolding princess Amelia, and <giggles> this is kind of an intro to my 8 steps of cuckolding. You all know that I'm a cuckolding princess and I do it for fun. I DON'T do it for your pleasure; I do it for mine. I have so many guys who call me who want to talk about, oh, what I can do for them. And they want to pick out the guys and everything, I'm like no no no, wait a minute, wait a minute. That's not me. You want to find some cuckolding SLUT out there, that's what you want. I don't do that. Okay?

I don't get naked for you on command, I don't do any that kind of that stuff. Cuckolding isn't always about you. So that's one of the reasons why I created the 8 steps of cuckolding.

>> No.27181093

so gura fans have depression and amelia fans have anxiety, got it

>> No.27181094

No, but life flashes by fast and its getting toi me

>> No.27181095

Then she's gonna get pregnant. Your choice

>> No.27181096

