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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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26917133 No.26917133 [Reply] [Original]



FAQ & Resources:
Rec chart:

Previous thread >>26589340

>> No.26917274
File: 689 KB, 3444x972, gretel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A brother is fine too

>> No.26917512
File: 229 KB, 1280x647, tumblr_88fb3b6faf20fd4e479331ce25e9816a_eabd14d6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot more shit on Rinko's tumblr than I realized.

>> No.26917709
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I like his design

>> No.26918866
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Where is it

At least say if it's a mobile game so I can kill myself

>> No.26919074

Looks like whatshisname, the teacher from Hibikek.

>> No.26919154

I just introduced a female friend of mine to anime a few months ago, and I’m thinking of introducing her to visual novels next. What would you anons recommend for someone new to otome, or anime in general? I don’t really know much about otome, and I’m not sure which title to pick for her from the rec chart.

>> No.26919247

I will post here all the jp bl that are to release and some details.

Set to release in 2020 (if not delay)

1. Dystopia no Ou (PILSLASH - same company as paradise, noli me tangere shingakko etc.)
2. Friendly Lab (Tennenouji - same as Luckydog series)
3. Beyond Eden fandisk (its a Korean game but quite popular so i will put it here - it will release on steam in both Korean and English at the same time.
* Slow Damage (Nitro+ (same as dramatical murder, togainu no chi, etc.) was to release this Christmas, but it will release on the 25th of February of 2021.

TBA - or Uknown status

1. Caricature Camera (same company as cage series) they will probably release the game on 2021 they update information on their twitter.
2. Psychedelic (again same company as cage series) has unknown status probably canceled.
3. Kanja S no Kyuusai (same as hadaka shitsuji) still in process of making togo sensei uploads information about it on twitter. Hopefully to release on 2021.
4. Ouka Otsu - Shinshuu Kikou Senki - been years hasn't updated anything, no information about it and no official cancelation and site is down.. probably canceled project.
5) New World Order (Lovedelivery same company as Taishou Mebiusline) has years to update but it still has its own site and has nothing about cancelling it has been announced. Rumours say they put it on hold to focus on recently releashed game Tokyo 24 ku because of the Olympics this year in Japan, and also they needed money to fund this project.

It's also been told that nie no machi will get a fandisk (but no official announcement yet).

And (my speculation), it's been a long time since Karin Chatnoir (omega vampire, omerta series) and Grisedge (kintouka, galtia) released a game so they might announce a game in 2021.

Hope this helped

>> No.26919367

Good job.
I look forward to the New World Order, Slow Damage and Friendly Lab.

>> No.26919516

Is that really a good idea? I sure hope she finds anime boys good looking.

Psychedelica is probably the best eng choice because it's the least blatantly otome while also being actually enjoyable.

>> No.26919521

Depends on what your friend likes.
If she likes historical hakuoki is classic, supernatural let's say amnesia, 7'sCarlet, and if she prefers console over pc collar x malice or code realize. All these games are available in English.

>> No.26919641

You want to recommend someone something that you don't know anything about yourself. Either a dumb white knight or a lying closeted homo wanting recs for himself

>> No.26919901

Diabolik lovers, Amnesia (Touma and the true route). All are healthy portrayal of modern relationship, the guys ask for your consent unlike the sick toxic guys in other fetishizing men games. There are also Ozmafia and Steam Prison that were written by a genius prodigy writer Yumas. All characters are as deep as the walls in one's house, the main characters are strong, smart women who know what they want from life, some of those things involve being a prostitute or having sex with married men.

>> No.26919946

Just give her a Zero Escape or Phoenix Wright game.

>> No.26920309

>Oz routes
>Dr. Robin Hood's route
>Hooker route

What was Yumas thinking?

>> No.26920579

There's nothing wrong with following your dreams and becoming a prostitute of the month

>> No.26921632

Based paranoid anon.

>> No.26921757

>been years hasn't updated anything, no information about it and no official cancelation and site is down.. probably canceled project
It's been like 5? years or so, even if no official cancelation it definitely screams ded game to me.

>> No.26921934

Is https://vndb.org/v8593 worth playing? Looks kind of fun, but how dumb is it?

>> No.26923111

You know, for something that pays tribute to 70s japanese pop culture, Uuultra C's character designs don't emulate the feel of that era. Feels like missed opportunity.

>> No.26924376 [SPOILER] 
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I find that's always the case in historical games, they always give them modern looking hairstyles and such. I think the only main character I'd look at and guess it was a 70s themed game is Shirou. On the other hand Isshiki looks like an instagram makeup influencer.

Talking of UruC someone asked Kurosawa that same question about when the characters first ejaculated again for whatever reason, spoilers for basically every route if you really want to know. Apparently Isshiki dressed as a girl until he was 15, got the impression in game he stopped when his mom (who wanted him to be an actress or something) died but apparently not.

>> No.26926005
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>> No.26926165

I was actually 3 routes deep into this kusoge until I booted it up again and all my saves had mysteriously disappeared, freeing me from full comp hell. I still don't understand the decision behind having 4 different variations on a route by throwing in the 3P and rival ends. There was also nothing like finishing a route, then skipping through to collect the CG variations and realizing Yumas decided to throw in constant new narration scenes and snippets of new dialogue for the route you had just finished. It was just so bloated and overkill, breaking the pace and making the game feel like a chore. It's not like the plot was particularly riveting; why not just unlock a bonus side story for each character and call it a day. It's too bad I never got to experience Brothel end though, but my patience evaporated from my save files nuking.

>> No.26931228

>it was all over for us
they couldn't find a native english speaker to proofread this shit?

>> No.26933259

Some native speakers know the language worse than my fellow ESLs. And considering the number of american pop culture references and slang words, you'd think it was translated by american.

>> No.26933473
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Any game with heroine that ended with multiple love interest?

>> No.26937433
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Soundtrack where?

>> No.26941491

Post bald trap

>> No.26941972
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She has a Sprite

>> No.26948076 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.26948237
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Sisters... I think I'm in love...

>> No.26948914

Somehow he looks even girlier.

>> No.26949382
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It's funny to think that his seiyuu it's that guy who masturbates to corpses from lucky dog. They even have the same hair color.

>> No.26949899 [DELETED] 

isn't it for the switch?

>> No.26951016

Nips are saying this game is shit and the heroine is a useless idiot

>> No.26952403

Most orfleurs otoge have threesomes. Persona Opera has too.

>> No.26952864

He looks cuter.

It’s such a shame that the game is shit because the art is nice.

>> No.26953015

Damn, if even they are upset, MC must be a literal retard then.

>> No.26953580

Can't say because nips have shit tastes too. They dislike Hibari but then like that retarded MC from CharadeManiacs.

>> No.26953752

>nips dislike Hibari
It's like they hate fun interactions. That explains why otomate games continue to have the same passive MCs

>> No.26954484

They don't like MCs with strong personalities. They want a girl who obediently stays at home and gets beaten up by her husbando

>> No.26954684 [DELETED] 
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One more

>> No.26954696

Damn it, I ragequit LD1 for a while cause VNR broke again and I got fed up trying to tech support this shit but this sounds hilarious. Maybe I'll just try again after finishing a non-/blog/ related game I'm hooked on now. The non blog related game being Virtue's last reward in case anyone's wondering.

>> No.26954821 [SPOILER] 
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Forgot to mark as a spoiler

>> No.26955082

You can just use the blog translation of LD1 no need for VNR makes your life difficult lol. Or you can wait for mangagamer to release it n English but... they might take ages too occupied translating kusoge pedo hentai.

>> No.26955647

Ruined. What's the point of making a trap character whose merch is 100% his trap design, just to pull this shit

>> No.26955776

Enjoy Dio, I love that scumbag. I want to grind his disgusting little face into the dirt.

>> No.26956510

Where does Rinko answer these things? I looked around her twitter and the Adelta homepage and didn't see anything.

>> No.26957768

The answers just get sent to the people who asked (I think) but some people have posted the answers they got to twitter. Search ウルC Q&A on twitter and you can see them.

>> No.26957993

Thank you for this, mildly hyped about a few of them.

>> No.26962397

The appeal of traps for straight girls is the gap between them cross-dressing and then not cross-dressng. I prefer it when they stay traps too but this is really no surprise.

>> No.26964252

Why do most traps have to act like shy, demure, stuttering pieces of wet bread while also having to change their appearance later?
I just want a trap that just acts like a smug, sneaky asshole who keeps his appearance.
The gap between looking like a cute girl but actually being a huge little shit is too good.

>> No.26964583

I'm glad I don't play Otomate trash and don't care if Memetranny's game gets spoiled without tags day 1. Sorry to those who are waiting for their orders though.

>> No.26964926

Brothers Conflict
That girly kid in TMGS2

>> No.26964976

The one from Tokyo Yamanote Boys is exactly like that. Actually I don't know what you're talking about, most traps in joseimuke aren't shy or demure. Even the ones who play up the cute act like Hikaru and Kokoro tend to be smug brats underneath it.

>> No.26966182

>Memetranny's game

>> No.26966405

Oh nevermind you mean the trap from haikara

>> No.26966625 [SPOILER] 
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Is it a thing now to draw loose assholes nowadays? Akihiro sure is damn sexy Quiz " whose asshole is looser?'' Towas or Akihitos? Both were ass virgins if i understood correctly so how can they have such loose assholes like a cave lol

>> No.26966657

No I mean uultra because it has women and I hate them

>> No.26968549

Ah, I was just talking traps in general but I guess that last part isn't true for most traps that aren't from joseimuke media.
I don't expect much from works targeted at males, but the traps in those sometimes act feminine in such an exaggerated manner that it's a huge turn-off.
I think a better way to put it is that I want traps who don't act girly at all while still dressing up.
I'll have to check out the games mentioned to get my fill.

>> No.26968688
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Has aksys released the patch for collar x malice unlimited yet?
If you want a chad trap, you'd like chinese homo novels

>> No.26968890

Ah I see. Can't argue with that when it comes to traps for guys. If you're already into traps outside of /blog/ stuff 13 Sentinels has a good one that sounds like your type. Smug teasing type that doesn't change how he acts when he crossdresses.

>> No.26969012
File: 104 KB, 754x1802, EcAEKd8UMAAW3Ji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mc looks ridiculously off model here.

>> No.26970502

They say he's supposed to look younger with his hair down but they draw him like a totally different character, he ends up looking like a shota.

>> No.26971001

Fuck, I didn't even recognize the game it was from despite looking forward to the game itself. They don't even look like the same characters

>> No.26971262

They should have used tome again, I think the artist they used this time is the one who did the mebius manga who people hated anyway for spelling Tatebayashi's name wrong or something.

>> No.26973360

Is there any denpa otome vns?

>> No.26973468


>> No.26974154

If only

>> No.26975223

>trap now looks more like a reverse trap

>> No.26975520

Closet lesbian dream

>> No.26977764

For a second I thought the girl on the left was saying that, disappointing

>> No.26978396

Currently playing Eden-ui Neomeo (Beyond Eden) korean game. I wanna ask those who have played the game. I finished some of the good endings but they are pretty vague? No after happy ending stories exist? is it the choice ??? in extras maybe?

>> No.26978676
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Anyone played 樟屋敷の物語 ~秘密のお帳面~? Has cuter boys and girl than the megane game from the same company, is it worth the 6600 Yans pricetag? How long is it? tags say protagonist is voiced but her va is not listed, so is she actually voiced?

>> No.26978868

I remember checking out the site one time after seeing a CG from the game where a dog is licking blonde guy's dick and the heroine is voiced.
Couldn't tell you if it's good or not though as I haven't actually played it.

>> No.26981158

I remember checking it out and kept meaning to play this but it's still on my backlog, it looked like a wild ride.
according to the tags MC pegs the blonde, her fiance?

and yes she's voiced, don't know why it's not on VNDB. Maybe because no one figured out who's alias it is (羽夕太ねるこ)

>> No.26985516

So, did anyone play 13 Sentinels in the end? How was the homo?

I read They turn it semi straight in the end of something?

>> No.26991623

Do you mean the non-binary shit? That's just a couple of trannylation lines added in the English. It's only a few lines, easy to ignore and not in other language translations in the game(or in the original Japanese of course).
Was a brilliant game and the homo was great. I went a day without sleep to finish it this weekend. They had great chemistry and their whole route was very funny and sweet. They don't get together like most of the straight couples do in the end, but it's left open that they could. Was annoying but I'd still recommend it.

>> No.26991749

I will now not buy your localization, thanks.

>> No.26992001

I read the boy gets a vagina in the end or some shit. Is it true?

>> No.26992090

I can't answer that without properly without spoilers, but short answer no.

>> No.26993507

The (good) endings are mostly bittersweet iirc. But there is a FD coming.

>> No.27008880

>was to release this Christmas, but it will release on the 25th of February of 2021.

>> No.27016275

Don't worry, it will get corona'd into 2025.

>> No.27018830

Are there any other games with broken boys that are about to lose it any moment? Something like kaguya from Katakana alice?

>> No.27019153

Julian from Black Wolves Saga

>> No.27021659

The company that will release suicide club made a question choice on twitter what works people would love to see from them in the future and it has 4 choices like 1. is otome all ages, 2. is otome 18+ 3. is girls game for men and 4. boys rabu. Guess what most japanese voted.. still has 11 hrs to vote i think if you want to vote here


i went for 2 as if we dont have enough otome where fuck is no no and drugging and then locking someone inside a cage is completely normal and romantic

>> No.27022610

Which option is winning?

>> No.27022695

The first option (all ages) is winning. I voted for all ages too since I'm not really hung up on sex scenes.

>> No.27022718

>galge option
Pretty funny.

>> No.27022901

I picked 1 because I don't really feel anything for sex scenes and we know that this circle isn't afraid to put fucked up stuff in even if the rating isn't 18+.

>> No.27023548

nobody votes for fagu rabu choice...
if suicide club was bl megane kun and freckles kun would fap to emo kid hanging from the bathroom stall

>> No.27023653

i voted for it...

>> No.27024051

But that's my kink

>> No.27024068


>> No.27024205

Well now that you put it like that

>> No.27024241

Are there any otomegamers here who have read a kinseek title? Was it any good?

>> No.27024453

Pretty sure there's a couple anons here who are really into them

>> No.27024520

The resident aficionado is lurking around here somewhere. I played Majo on their rec and liked it a lot.

>> No.27024791
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>it's a "your choices have led MC to a mindbreak bad end" episode
I-I'm sorry I'm bad at this

>> No.27024802

what the heck did you do

>> No.27024856

Sometimes it's enough to ask him to give MC the dick

>> No.27024955

what game?

>> No.27024985

I've been shilling them for a while now, and I personally really enjoy their games. Word of warning: most of their games have less focus on romance and have heavy utsu elements, but there are plenty of heartfelt and cute moments with characters between all the suffering.
My recommendation for a beginner are Kinanaki no Mori, which is free and not too heavy on the depressing elements. I posted a review with spoilers in the last thread, highly recommend it. If you finish Kinanaki and enjoy it, then you should definitely try out Majo no Shokeibi and Kokuzai wo Ukerubeki Mono as well. The latter isn't actually an otome game but I think it's a very overlooked game that will drain you and leave you feeling a certain way.

>> No.27027019

>the MC
at least it wasn't the love interest this time.

>> No.27027340

What is /blog/ doing tonight

>> No.27027497

Cursing myself for listening to and believing Dekinai-chan

>> No.27027576

Programming, masturbating

>> No.27027629

Playing a kinseek game (Hebi no Cinderella) actually.

>> No.27027783

Shitposting on other boards because I'm lonely and bored out of my mind

>> No.27028133

i just woke up and my jaw sorta hurts

>> No.27028354

Wishing I was finishing the UruC third route but not even opening the program

>> No.27029039

Playing Hades

>> No.27029077

Finding a kusoge to play.

>> No.27029423

Creating Siete tulpa. A game about mindbeaking cute insecure boys where

>> No.27029666

Very good question, honestly. Rarely there is some mindbreak from a bad end but there don't seem to be any good games dedicated to it.

I feel bad doing it to sweet cuties but I love breaking haughty and arrogant men. Wish there was more of that outside of nukige and the odd bad end. Whether it's turning them into cowed servants or slutty bottoms, it doesn't matter- seeing him humble and obedient is the best.

>> No.27030753

An anon after my own heart.

>> No.27037088

>tfw you can't romance Hypnos

>> No.27041375
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But you can fuck his twin Thanatos

>> No.27051604

Really wish I could even joke romance Master Chaos.

>> No.27053745

Yeah definitely. Boys like that should really just get dicked into submission but unfortunately it's not that type of game.

>> No.27053859

Reminder not to touch the next game. If you do it, I'm going to mindhack you

>> No.27057225

So you just want a trap who's a koakuma. Some manga feature boys like that.

>> No.27057517

>cute boy's plump and luscious lips turn flat when masculine

>> No.27057575

How did his parents manage to hide his penis from him for all those years?

>> No.27057580

Well they got what they wanted. The reveal trailer was filled with comments like that. But I guess it was a monkey's paw since the manner in how he stops crossdressing was stupid and the rest of the game was kuso?

>> No.27058757

Maybe he thought all girls have them too.

>> No.27058877

Well, he wasn't wrong. Yurika and Sayo have the biggest dicks

>> No.27058988

Yurika makes her capture targets cry on their first night, it's canon.

>> No.27059184

In the end, Takagi's only good game is still Hanayaka?

>> No.27062273
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>Isshiki likes being called oneechan

>> No.27062335

god I wish I were shirou

>> No.27062793

According to Kurosawa in a Q&A Isshiki has only ever bottomed except for for Shirou.

>> No.27066061

I feel like Zag did since they seem to be into you, or as close as you can get to romancing actual chaos, although if they made it official wouldn’t that have made your foster mother into your step-kid?

>> No.27068698

Why the fuck is Lamento the only game N+C completely ignores? Is it because it's the only one I care about? Is that why they ignore it? To spite me?

>> No.27068973


>> No.27069307

It's because Lamento is one of the few unlucky Chiral works that didn't get an anime adaptation - not even a shitty one. The invisible hand of the market has flung your beloved game away. Sorry, anon.

>> No.27069342

Blame Dramatical Murder.

>> No.27070870

holy shit ultrac ost is jamming as fuck

>> No.27071497
File: 552 KB, 1280x1811, tumblr_pgn4zpI7jG1tq5s5vo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want shirou to call me a disgusting faggot

>> No.27071631

man, that hand just looks wrong

>> No.27072786 [SPOILER] 
File: 130 KB, 1280x1120, 1601425003277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's UUUltraC done. I think I can say I liked it, even though some of the writing felt a little strange in more ways than one. I need to ruminate on it a bit. It's nowhere as good as Hashihime, but it also feels somewhat unfair to compare them to each other because they're setting out to do completely different things. My favorite couple was Shirou and Isshiki because they had a nice dynamic even though if you asked me to pinpoint where they really fell in love I couldn't possibly tell you, but I enjoyed reading the third route the most even though Juurou and Yomi's dynamic was weird as hell. After you read the first route you become able to read both of the other routes, but I recommend not straying from the logical order. Ending with route 3 left me with a very interesting feeling. The tone is way, way different than that of the others.

Almost all of the outrage from the last thread regarding Juurou was because of a complete lack of context. It's nowhere near as bad as you all think it is. Stop being autistic. This is something we should all know, but again, don't listen to EOPs who only look at CGs.

Overall, 7/10? The narration can be a bit sparse and the CGs do just as much talking, but you get used to it after a while. However, there's no CG gallery, nor is there scene replay. There is also no music playback, which is frustrating because the entire OST is gold and I want to listen to it even more.

>> No.27072877

Because it's a chair.

>> No.27073233

If you check the archive it gets brought up a decent amount here, personally it’s one of my favorite vns. And it did have english fan sites in the mid 2000s but those are all pretty much gone now.

>> No.27074019

>it did have english fan sites in the mid 2000s
The one I knew of died just last year, RIP in pieces. I wish I'd saved the uploads of the drama CDs that came with the figures that were on there.

>> No.27074996 [DELETED] 

To be honest I thought the bare minimum narration style was the main problem with it, the story is way too complicated to be told that way. Maybe I'm being overly harsh and I'm just a brainlet I dunno. I kind of got what Kurosawa was going for (I think?) but it's near incomprehensible at times.
There were also a lot of parts where I was like 'is this a metaphor for something?' and even having finished it almost a week ago I still have no idea.
3rd route was the most enjoyable for sure. I also liked that couple the most even though it was the one I thought I'd like the least since I thought that Yomi would probably be a yandere and Juurou a kuudere uninterested type (having actually played it now: lol). I remember ending the second route with a fairly positive opinion too but it was mostly because the ending song is so good.

>> No.27075135

To be honest I thought the bare minimum narration style was the main problem with it, the story is way too complicated to be told that way. Maybe I'm being overly harsh. I kind of got what Kurosawa was going for (I think?) but it's near incomprehensible at times.
There were also a lot of parts where I was like 'is this a metaphor for something?' and even having finished it almost a week ago I still have no idea.
I also thought third route was the best, they were my favourite couple as well even though I assumed I'd hate them since Yomi gave off yandere vibes in the promotional material and I thought Juurou would be some kind of uninterested kuudere (having actually finished the game now: lol). I remember coming out of the second route with a positive opinion as well but I think it was mostly becase the ending song is real good.

>> No.27075175

Did you check it with internet archive? If not that the Russians might have them saved somewhere

>> No.27075619

You might want to reread the post.

>> No.27076015

>Maybe I'm being overly harsh
I actually think I was the one being too nice in describing it. I feel like Rinko has a bunch of extra info stored away like she had for Hashihime, and only once we unearth all of it in the Q/A sessions will we really fill in all the gaps. I'm reading some right now and people are somehow managing to guess things correctly and I'm just here reading in astonishment.

I felt the same way about Yomi and about Juurou. At the beginning of the third route, I actually got the impression that underneath that cool exterior Juurou was actually some kind of airhead but of course that wasn't the case. It would've been pretty moe though

>> No.27076602

He's an airhead in that his apparent total lack of empathy makes him clueless about social interations. I did find something kind of moe in the way he attempts to emulate normal human behavior by regurgitating cringe lines from movies.

>> No.27076706

Yeah, you do have a point there.

>> No.27077500

>no CG gallery, nor is there scene replay >no music playback
Sad. Was there a reason given for that?

>> No.27078325

Not that I've seen.

>> No.27078592

Is it bad that I do this sometimes too?

>> No.27079221

Anon, I..

>> No.27079356

Oh, anon.

>> No.27079415

>he attempts to emulate normal human behavior by regurgitating cringe lines from movies
This is a legit autism move.
t. anon who has a brother and father with autism

>> No.27081249

fuck i do that too sometimes

>> No.27081542
File: 328 KB, 481x503, ikenai chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>estimated reading time
>roughly two hours on auto
>four hours later

>> No.27083271

anyone played https://vndb.org/v2330 and https://vndb.org/v5127? Are they any good?

>> No.27083301

>He stops contacting her and heart starts to waver. "Does he really love me?" "Keep this love or look for other love?"
Oh wow, all in less than a year.

>> No.27083514

Chou no Doku? That’s one of the most well regarded 18+ otome.

>> No.27084848

Anyone notice more utaite are singing the vocals for otome soundtracks as of lately?

>> No.27088480

Make it weirder by watching only foreign indie movies and japanese dramas. Just be yourself aniki

>> No.27091228

What matters is that you actually understand what you're reading.

Just write out the titles man, don't make it so hard on yourself

>> No.27092437

Does the heroine have a personality?
I may be interested but the synopsis is offputting.

>> No.27093981

Probably a good cost-saving option. A lot of the best utaite are just as good as a professional singer but they don't have the same price tag as an established band/singer. Win/win in that regard- the utaite gets some exposure and money, Otome game maker saves a little bit of money while getting comparable talent.

>> No.27095123

She's a tomboy who wants to fuck her brothers, one time unknowingly who also starts off as a bit judgmental young lady type? Something like
>oh no that woman doesn't fulfill her female responsibilities, she doesn't look after her child and she may not be obeying her husband
>how scandalous!
>women exist to become mothers and be good wives
>talking with a man alone?
>so scandalous i might as well off myself
>that dirty nouveau riche hobo must have cooties
But she gets character development
sleeping with my crush who has a fiancée before we get married in some dirty hotel is fine
becoming my butlerhusband's mommy and letting him drink my milk!
being the main heroine of a bdsm rape party in front of my brother (who probably fapped to that) to protect my other brother from the same fate!
She's also quite interesting in her bad revenge endings.
The plot is a bit melodramatic though.

>> No.27096548

Can't agree enough with you on the MC's character development. I like how well-written it was especially the side characters. Whatever route the MC chose, even if she fucked it up in the bad ending or acquired whatever she desired in the common or good ending, it was entertaining because of how far the characters have changed along the way.

>> No.27096688

Don't let dekinai-chan win.

>> No.27098043

Currently, playing old school bl. Is Koibito Yuugi worth playing? Plot?

>> No.27099916

>Miki (the default name of the protagonist) is a high school student who has a fiance who was predetermined by her parents. However, she only knows her fiance from a photograph from his childhood. He just so happens to be a senior at her school and she falls in love with him at first sight. He goes to England for one year to study abroad and promises to keep in touch with her often. He stops contacting her and heart starts to waver. "Does he really love me?" "Keep this love or look for other love?"
> "Keep this love or look for other love?"
Isn't this the plot of like a dozen ntr games and doujins, except from the girl's perspective?

>> No.27101526

In 2 days cool b magazine releases.
They will announce the date for Dystopia no Ou releases and some info about it CG etc, some info and cg from Friendly Lab and slow damage. Also a Nie no machi fandisk is on production and they announced the title. And hashihime has a manga adaptation and gets serialized at the magazine something like that.

>> No.27104580

>Rinko interview
Good, I want to see what she has to say for herself.

It seems like there's a good assortment of new info in this issue but there aren't any special goodies I want so I'll probably be getting the digital version. I'll share whatever interesting info I find.

>> No.27104640

Has aksys said anything about cxm patch yet?

>> No.27104850

Oh, that would be perfect thank you in advance. Unfortunately due to the virus they don't ship to some countries or allow any money transactions (including mine) so it will delay getting in my hands this time..

>> No.27105386

Has anyone uploaded lkyt. anywhere? The hype seems to be dead.

>> No.27106021

If you're not Chinese you're probably SOL. Or you could buy it via PayPal or some shit.

There will be more hype in the West if/when it gets localized.

>> No.27106592

if you are not vip at otomechinkdream you mean >>27106021

>> No.27112567
File: 1.47 MB, 1084x1288, otome vn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't this the plot of like a dozen ntr games and doujins, except from the girl's perspective?
Aren't most NTR VNs from the girl's perspective for 90% of the time or more, if not all of it?
There's plenty of vns where you play as the girl and get to choose which guy of several to cheat on your husband/boyfriend with, like pic related. If you squint, they probably technically qualify as otomege by the letter of the definition if not the spirit.

>> No.27113520

Netorare is the most disgusting fetish desu. Even scat is better

>> No.27113755

This but unironically, cucks are mentally ill.

>> No.27114056

>surprise scat artwork in an art collection
>don't like it, but I can move on with my life
>surprise cuck fetishism in porn of a pairing I love
>still disgusted and seething years later
You're right.

>> No.27114159

You're deranged

>> No.27114252

>Not wanting to see characters suffer
It's like you don't know how to have any fun.

>> No.27114270

Don't expect them to ever patch anything. They had a chance to fix it while porting it and they didn't bother.

>> No.27114336

Suffering is great as long as it's not NTR induced

>> No.27114337

t. cuck

>> No.27114351

Scat, guro, /d/shit, and rape are all fine by me, but NTR is where I draw the line.

>> No.27114384

Fantasising about actually being cucked is deranged, I'll give you that but watching a love interest despair over MC getting fucked by another guy is based and redpilled.

>> No.27114432

mentally ill

>> No.27114486

What's so bad about the NTR aspect of it? Genuinely curious.

>> No.27114595

Unironically this. The moment the characters tries to cheat on (You), the said character is better off dead

>> No.27114623


>> No.27114659

Yumas please fuck off

>> No.27115042

Are there even ntr otome/bl games? Its rare.

>> No.27115779

It depends on your definition of ntr.
The monk from brocon and Hinase keep fucking other women while pursuing (You). Tokimemo has a cuck option, in Ozmafia any guy could become a cuck. That smug fuck from Piofiore looks like he'd cheat on you.just like his VA

>> No.27116880

Liking GETTING cucked is stupid. Doing the cucking is the true way.

>> No.27118027

I love netori but only in male oriented media. The idea of a netori themed BL or otome doesn't do anything for me for some reason.

>> No.27118445

ahahah *laughs in choudoku bad endings*

1. That bitch Shiba was such a desperate simp that was fine marrying the protagonist even if she cheats him with her friend, butler and he was even fine with her fucking with her brother. Dude was so desperate he even drank poison she gave him slowly killing him wtf that dude

2. But it's not only that dude her bro forced her to rape her childhood friend taking his vcard and got honry while watching them and then he joins too lol

3. And last but not least her real brother making her a prostitute and fap and cry at the same time bc he wants her both to suffer but also only for himself and..it gets even worse on the fandisk haha
Actually deep down all the dudes are ntr in that game lol but the games a kamige

>> No.27124663

https://vndb.org/v11134 this one? Whats a fandisk? Like sequel/dlc?

>> No.27126350

Yes that one! Usually, a fandisk is a sequel to bad endings and good endings or sometimes a spinoff. It's called fandisk for the reason it's made for the fans ''fanservice'' like it focuses on the ''couples'' more have more romance it has extra sex scenes if its yaoi or otoge and sometimes might have side characters routes etc some omake episodes and most have mini games (choudoku has like mebiusline separate exe file for the mini games together with the omake https://vndb.org/v28995).). Most fandisks are small but some are literally sequel and normal size and full story plot like for example Omerta Code Tycoon but they still call it fandisk instead of sequel or number 2. Paradises fandisk some has alternative endings. Also in some fandisk the art is not made by the original artist but from the assistants who helped but it's still 95% close to the original (choudokus fandisks art was made by the original artist tho).

>> No.27128616
File: 126 KB, 415x627, best boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last spoiler
Majima actually had it better compared to the other when it comes to bad end cont desu. Not only it is only the bad end that had any emotional weight to it, there's also no ntr, cucking or Yuriko being a breeding material. It's probably only the bad end cont I liked in the FD too. How the writer explains that Majima saw paradise as he carries his sleeping sister in his arms when incest itself is a sin is a nice contrast

>> No.27131928
File: 23 KB, 534x299, fucking finally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally, someone at animate actually woke up. I'm guessing the other anon got this too so rejoice. Dunno if we're actually going to get our clearfiles though with all this delay but we'll see.

>> No.27133193

I got it too but I swear to god If I don't get that file I'm going to be fuming

>> No.27138408

Basically all of the R18 ones might have a rape/cumdump bad end, though that doesn't necessarily count as NTR I guess. Also if it feels like all BL media need at least one NTR attempt (successful of not) for free drama, so the love interest can barge in all angry and cool.

Hadaka Shitsuji had scenes where you let your butlers/slaves get fucked by the delivery guy or letting your girlfriend from college fuck them too, or of course having the butlers bang each other, but it doesn't feel like NTR really, after all he's just creating these situations for his amusement. It feels like he's taking revenge on his gf for lusting after his butlers really. The only one getting cucked in these is poor Komine. That said he lets Ichinose become a public toilet while he watches on camera, that's definitely cuck shit.

I could list several where MC (and very rarely the love interest) gets stolen in one route but I haven't played any NTR-centric ones I think. Pigeon Blood is one that toys with the concept the most: one of the dudes is a stereotypical NTR guy and ends up making MC into his lover even when they're both married with children, in another guy's route at that, and both Kaoru and Nii-san feel like they're getting cucked whenever MC sluts around.

>> No.27142496

Holy shit, you can get the super old issues of Cool-B on DLsite. As in the ones from like, 2005.

Today's isn't out yet, though.

>> No.27143819

Downloaded it. The image quality through the browser is horrendous but you can't take screenshots through the reader.

>> No.27143993


>> No.27144066

Kinda hot

>> No.27144720

ntr is always hot.

>> No.27144869

tfw you realize writers only use randumb yanderes as a clutch because they can't write interesting stories otherwise and their games are boring shit without them

>> No.27145055

any game in particular that brought you to this realisation?

>> No.27146184

They don't deserve this kind of treatment. That said, I wish there were more male yanderes that are written like girl yanderes (with non-existent self esteem, twisted sense of loyatly etc.) instead of hurr durr go back to the cage/imma eat your toenails.

>> No.27146401
File: 352 KB, 1920x1080, sweet otouto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yanderes are great when the game has been hinting that the guy is mentally ill and barely functional and his fake popular persona is only driving him to insanity faster. Or it's the main character's master plan but he's still mental

>> No.27146804

I think haraguro is better than yandere. Like they have a reason for being like that revenge
trauma blah blah Majima for example from hana no kusari .
Yanderes like Ukyos not that bad the dude from
luckydog that nutcase was pretty interesting.
But yeah totally agree yandere do the non-existant plot much better sometimes if they are yandere due to mental issues and not just because they are like bitch i kill you with jealousy.
The priest from shingakko was bestboi

>> No.27147085

MC being the yandere can be fun, shame it's pretty rare.

>> No.27147720

Is Powdergray really under 2 hours long? Is it worth my 15 burger coins?

>> No.27148470

Rinko regarding UruC
-Even taking all of UruC’s imperfections into account, it’s her favorite work
-She wanted route 1 to be like a tokusatsu anime, route 2 to have an adult feeling, and route 3 to be like an old kamishibai (I don’t know if I really got that impression from it but I’m not really that familiar with kamishibai in general)
-The sparse narration was indeed on purpose in order to let the CGs tell lots of story as well, there are over 300 CGs

The article only covers the first two routes. There’s not a whole lot of new insight in the interview, a lot of the questions are just clarification for things that wouldn’t make much sense unless you’ve played the game, like asking what Sally's gibberish means.

-Akira ignites Shou’s motherly instinct
-Shou is boring-seeming on purpose, apparently
-Isshiki’s gender is simply “Isshiki”
-Shirou is referred to as a 残念なイケメン(which is totally true)
-The eyecatch in route 2 is based off of Sailor Moon’s

>> No.27148827

I'll do Dystophia no Ou and the rest in a while

>> No.27149401

Thank you senpai.
>there are over 300 CGs
That's a scary amount.

>> No.27150099 [SPOILER] 
File: 257 KB, 1024x572, 1601577017411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watches a plain, kind of fat, aging cleaning lady cry
>thinks 'god damn that's hot'

I appreciate Sannomiya's genuine peversion.

>> No.27152000
File: 1.69 MB, 770x937, dno1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some shit quality screenshots of the Dystopia no Ou pages. Let me know if there's something in particular you want to know more about but can't really see, I'll try and figure something out.

>> No.27152092
File: 1.71 MB, 763x939, dno2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27152252
File: 1.70 MB, 763x941, dno3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27152403
File: 1.67 MB, 767x940, dno4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27152465
File: 1.66 MB, 765x939, dno5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27153120

How does he put on his jacket? How many parts does it consist of?

>> No.27153248

i hate this kid

>> No.27153495
File: 1.46 MB, 763x936, sd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow Damage

>> No.27153592
File: 1.42 MB, 767x940, sd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27153640
File: 1.37 MB, 765x936, sd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27153693
File: 1.55 MB, 767x941, sd4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27153717

I'm having serious deja vu. Haven't all of these been used before? Do they not have anything new to show less than 5 months before release?

>> No.27153777

Wow, thank you a lot. Dystopia looks pretty interesting! Btw does it say when the game comes out? Tateishi would have done better-looking characters if she was the original artist but art ain't that bad just looks a bit like nitro +. Damn slow damage will come out in February...

>> No.27154015

hot yakuza looking megane kun

101% reis yandere and madarame the POS of the game.

doctor kun looks normal daddy figure

>> No.27154181

ded inside
high kuso potential
why do I get a feeling he's going to get shot in other routes

>> No.27154434

UruC turned me around on the potential of onees but I'm still suspicious about this one

>> No.27154548

I was thinking the same thing. I remember someone sharing a screenshot of the last issue's coverage of Dystopia no Ou, and the same screenshot with MC getting pressed down by the guy in the silly white suit was there then too.

March 26th

He looks like a huge fag in an obnoxious way and I'm pissed

>> No.27154696

Are onees the new hotness

>> No.27154797
File: 1.19 MB, 767x938, fl1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly Lab

>> No.27154834
File: 955 KB, 767x936, fl2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27155029
File: 444 KB, 1279x720, ken ugajin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this guy.

>> No.27155205
File: 1.00 MB, 761x923, rankings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some rankings

>> No.27155639
File: 390 KB, 712x565, release.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally, some more release info. It's not any different from what that anon earlier mentioned except it lists some otome games and some prices.

>the Mebiusline port thing is 9680 yens
>Jack Jeanne is 8580y
>Dystopia no Ou is 8580y

I feel like there should've been more new info in this issue. I feel cheated

>> No.27155783

It's gay, it has a dark twisted plot, count me in.

>> No.27156225

At least new world order it's still on the list.... but damn most games come out in 2021... they should have more info and new CG about slow damage feel you bro thank you for the info.

>> No.27157001

hashihimechads can't stop winning

>> No.27157845

It's really short yeah, might want to wait for a sale or something. I liked it a lot though.

>> No.27160352

looking forward to his disheveled hair cg/sprite

>> No.27161037

Thanks, I'll wait for a sale or some coupons then.

>> No.27162813
File: 1.45 MB, 1200x599, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was super comfy and Hydra was extremely cute and fun. Played it on a whim because it was free, definitely going to play 3REX's other games now.

>> No.27162831

What kind of thoughts do you have about it? It looks interesting, but I feel like I would be unsatisfied with something 2 hours long.

>> No.27163355

I downloaded the space game they did a while back though I didn't play much of it. I think I posted about it before when people were talking about chubby protagonists.

>> No.27163420

It's really hard to say what I liked about it without spoiling anything, but if you like utsuge and slightly unhinged characters you'll most likely enjoy it. Though at 1650¥ it's kind of hard to recommend since it really is only a few hours long.

>> No.27163950

Only slightly? But yeah, that sounds pretty neat.

>> No.27164307

Quite a bit more than slightly, actually.

>> No.27165537

Oh, huh. Powdergray has Sano Yuuri (Shou in UruC) and Kanzaki Tomoya (Minakami in Hashihime, Juurou in UruC).

The other game by this circle, Kamisama no Hitsugi, has a character voiced by Bitou Hideyoshi (Kaoru in Hashihime). Seeing as this person and Rinko are Twitter mutuals, it seems like they know each other and play each others' games.

>> No.27166940

did anyone try this bl game? i kinda like the art but no info about this game anywhere. i think it's fully voiced.


>> No.27167309
File: 80 KB, 464x447, n54m75hkmzh01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27167408

According to DLsite it's some kind of meiji era prostitution themed wafuu omegaverse thing with just the one love interest (I think MC is the top but given the cover who knows). It says it's 2/3 hours long.

>> No.27167549
File: 224 KB, 500x567, c72ee567c1ba96152b42cdbb2a3a6107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27169036
File: 324 KB, 1884x1021, 1587453096748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with this microscopic text?

>> No.27169046

It's a thinking man's fetish. Soon it'll become mainstream and you'll be surrounded by mpreg games and movies everywhere

>> No.27170592

>[NSW] Cupid Parasite # <ADV> (Idea Factory) {2020.08.20} (¥6.500) - 3.538 / NEW <60-80%>
>[NSW] Bilshana Senki: Genpei Hika Musou (Idea Factory, 09/17/20) – 3,158 (New)
>[NSW] Meiji Katsugeki Haikara Ryuuseigumi: Seibai Shimaseu, Yonaoshi Kagyou (Idea Factory, 09/24/20) – 3,948 (New)

So Meiji initially did better than than Birushana and CP and ended up being the worst received Switch game so far.

>> No.27171147

Basically sounds like someone's fetish as a VN. Not going to say people can't do that but omegaverse is garbage.

>> No.27173575 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 986x269, 1601611305731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone asked Rinko a question about the UruC boys cosplaying and it turned into a thing about Halloween costumes. Now this is the kind of content I've been looking for.

>> No.27174037

I really hope someone does fan art of this.

>> No.27176410

>Meiji era, prostitution
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.27180160

Still better than the domverse.

>> No.27180361

what the fuck is that

>> No.27180374
File: 63 KB, 560x480, 1460483296853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27180708

Never heard of that but going by the name I can't even see how it would differ from omegaverse?

>> No.27182355

Thank you so much for the screenshots!

What's that top CG? "I got your nose"? lol

>> No.27182401

Look closer he's holding a nail right in front of the dudes eye.

>> No.27182450

Oh, I see

>> No.27182866

Not really /blog/related but I know that 13 sentinels localization changed the gender of the crossdressing boy into non binary. So I wanted to know if they at least kept him gay?

>> No.27183233

I think someone's drawn Yomi and Juurou but I can't remember where I saw it now.

>> No.27194635

The localization is super shitty in general but I heard something like how in the original Japanese they became lovers like everyone else but in the english release it was kept ambiguous, I haven't played through it all myself yet though.

>> No.27195001

Sasuga retarded localization companies. Kind of surprised considering that having a gay couple would be positive press in more than a few circles.

>> No.27195184

>add woke shit but remove the homo
I can't understand this logic. Whatever, fuck them.

>> No.27195194

>turn a gay male crossdresser into a nonexistent gender and don't allow him to fuck another guy in canon
What did they even mean by this

>> No.27195229

any screenshots yet?

>> No.27195288

>13 sentinels localization changed the gender of the crossdressing boy into non binary.
No it didn't.

>> No.27195411 [SPOILER] 
File: 500 KB, 2048x1536, 1601661943872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first link I found https://boundingintocomics.com/2020/09/25/13-sentinels-aegis-rim-localization-allegedly-changes-character-dialogue-to-make-character-non-binary/
But I also found this screenshot. So I guess they still kept their romance?

>> No.27195539

Hold you in Japanese (dakitai i guess it says?) means I wanna be the one to fuck you but dude tries to be a gentleman. >>27195411

>> No.27195635

That's not changing his gender, it's punching up the line to be smamry shit about a man in woman's clothing being some defiance of gender instead of just what he said. Still shit, but anyone who reads that as them having changed his gender identity is retarded.

>> No.27195762

Just remembered a scene at Bocchi Musume at the prologue where a granny says to a starving child why didnt you eat the dog smth like that and mangagamer translator chose to translate it as why not report child abuse to the police...

>> No.27195840

You underestimate identity politics.

>> No.27195866

More than that I overestimate basic reading comprehension.

>> No.27195967

Turns out that the majority of western players don't have it, because some people are already butthurt over the localizers and anyone else using the "wrong" pronouns for their "nonbinary" character.

>> No.27196280

Imagine being a journalist while being unable to read

>> No.27196377

All best boys are wearing labcoat.

>> No.27198608

I just find it funny that the one on the right still looks like a guy but if you crop the head of the bara tiddy guy it looks like torso of a woman wearing a military uniform

>> No.27198703

1. Looks like Minks civilized version but good looking at least and guess not that much of a rapist wifebeater.

2. >>27152252
Is unshaved pubes on the face a hot thing? both look so done with life best gals

3. >>27152403
sadistic cold bastard bc its pilslash

don't wanna see that thing top the mc or turn out to be into some weird-ass BDSM yandere cannibalism.

my kink is having these kinds of suit straight-up glasses dudes fucked hard and bukkake faced but he seme so no hope

cringe nitro characters emitting wifebeater vibes and is okamas a thing now

suicidal emo slut protagonist sounds hot

dystopias mc dnw squad getting beaten raped tortured bc ha pilslash

BTW fags have you read the free manga prequel chapter of slow damage? It's on the official site.

>> No.27198850

>don't wanna see that thing top
Uke protagonist again sorry to say. I think some of the staff comments say there won't be guro in this one though. a shame imo

>> No.27199024

>I think some of the staff comments say there won't be guro in this one though.
I don't believe them at all even if they say it, neither pil/slash nor l&d have ever made a game without gore.
If somehow it's true it only means they've ramped up the psychological horror otherwise.

>> No.27199497 [SPOILER] 
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, 1601670344632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otomate has several Cero D games but this is probably the only scene from them so far worth its rating (voice acting included)

>> No.27199612

How the fuck is this line not about changing his gender identity? Even if it is what you think it is, it's a completely wrong translation of the original text, and even becomes a non-sequitur that doesn't really answer the question being asked to boot.
Only good thing that comes from this is that it convinced me to study Japanese more seriously. Fuck trannies.

>> No.27199648
File: 101 KB, 914x693, 2020.09.25-05.09-boundingintocomics-5f6d7b9fa2442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woops, forgot pic

>> No.27200030
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Lemme do a summary of slow damage manga for the dekinaitachi.

Games theme typical nitro environment new kyoto blah blah criminality underworld and guess mafia and mc emo kun works with yandere okama kun for pube beard doctors clinic whos underground doctor. Emo kun is full of scars and probably had a heart transplant and is into self-harm and during lunch break, they discuss that there's a psycho who attacks prostitutes male and female and he pierces holes into their necks so it looks like vampire work and he doesn't rape or kill the victims just leave them a lot of money. so they wonder if he's truly a vampire or just a nutcase. Emo kun comes face to face with vampire kun and damn emo kun batista bomb vampire kun hes not just a dekinai fag and vampire kun is not a real vampire but he's like into drinking blood and stuff like he can't help craving for blood for some reason and emo kuns like ok drink my blood but in return, i will draw your uncontrollable impulse and emo kun shows him his self-harm scars like hes into pain and vampire kun is like thats hot and sucks emo kun and then runs away and emo kun is seen smiling on the floor holding his wound on the neck bleeding and goes back to his home and draws. Vampire kun looks like wifebeater kun but i don't believe its him.

So probably the new game is about a drug or smth that makes people craving for blood or another reason? The protagonist is a nutcase and thats pretty interesting and hot and ono yuki wouldn't voice kuso characters so i have high hopes. Megane kun didnt appear unfortunately...

>> No.27200271

That's a lot of shit to parse in a run-on sentence but it looks like:

- Typical Nitro+ urban setting with underground cabals and other undesireable types taking the stage
- Sounds like we are getting Rein v2 in Slow Damage as a central plot point, though it remains to be seen if they all have the same uncontrollable urge to drink blood or if it varies person to person
- MC is a nutjob who is so M he's into hardcore self-harm and offers his body up to strangers in order to capture "art" of them satisfying their deepest cravings

Not much we didn't know but it's nice to see something after so little.

>> No.27200295

What makes you think people can read this?

>> No.27200541

Again, but in english please

>> No.27200753

Has there been an influx of anons with horrible writing styles recently or is it just the one guy? Is this what reading MTL does to you?

>> No.27200769
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>> No.27200957

I think that's just one person

>> No.27200968

I don't think this is them trying to give this character a non-binary identity. I think it's just a needlessly complicated translation of a very simple line that injected some of the translator's or localization company's cultural bias into it without considering the consequences (>>27195967)
I agree with >>27195635

I was wondering if it was overflow from the Catherine damage control, but if people are yelling at them for a lack of pronoun consistency on their non-binary character then it can't have been on purpose.

It might as well say "I enjoy the freedom offered by wearing womens' clothing while remaining a man" with the implication of knowing the taboo.

>> No.27200979

I also noticed this, and I think there is one persistent one who posts that way to bait replies. But bitching about writing styles and such always derails threads into /v/-tier shitflinging over >plebbit and >faglr so it's probably better to just ignore them.

>> No.27201038

There's that loud one but there's at least one more. Maybe three of them total? They write like they came out of /djt/, which is a total hellhole right now and everyone there writes like they just waltzed out of Twitter. I'd rather sound autistic than like that

>> No.27201352

>full of scars
Literally made for me.

>> No.27201810

I already hate it.

>> No.27201924

As long as they play untranslated nip games I don't give a fuck. I'll take 20 of those over a gachafag EOP.

>> No.27202015

Otome/BL review blogs also read like they were written by 13 year old ESLs, so maybe it's just a natural part of being in a forum that talks about /blog/shit.

>> No.27202194

At least this mc likes dicks so he won't have the usual nitro retard mc syndrome
>b-but both of us are guys
>where would he even put the dick? i'm not a woman..
>it's okay only if it's your peepee..
>time skip after the ending
>he is still a tsundere homo in denial

>> No.27203014

That fits for Aoba and Akira up to a point, Youji is too depressed to think about dicks and I don't remember Konoe being like that but I've played Lamento a very long time ago.
Thirsty slut MC is kino though, I agree.

>> No.27203171

Konoe was in heat so he didn't really care that much from what I remember. He wasn't thrilled with being on the bottom but he was out of his mind with lust.

Looks like Slow Damage's MC will be a cumdumpster so I'm cautiously optimistic that he'll at least be into it from the start.

Question to /blog/ denizens interested in playing Slow Damage: how mad would you be if MC was actually a virgin after all and had previously only taken bodily harm and non-penetration requests?

>> No.27203459

I don't care if turbo sluts are actually virgins but I hate it when they spend all their time teasing and suddenly turn into a stuttering blushing mess when shit gets real. So long as he is still enthusiastic for dick it's fine.

>> No.27203642

Wouldn't be mad at all as long as we get even more bodily harm during penetration.

>> No.27203689

Konoe keeps mentioning how both of them are guys, he's also tsundere about having sex in every single route even in the epilogue

>> No.27203690

Disappointed but if he turns into a cock loving nympho after his first dicking then that's just as good.

>> No.27203708

I don't remember him being super tsundere with best boy Asato.

>> No.27203869

>best boy
>when he has a chupacabra form
>wants mc to follow him back into his racist shit village full of rapist cats
>makes mc lose his hand
He's cute but he's not the writer's favorite

>> No.27203997

Asato was, in fact, the second-best boy. Bardo was the man who made me believe in oyajis.

>> No.27204381

>uncontrollable urge
What's with n+c and uncontrollable urges?

>> No.27204421

Easily excusable porn

>> No.27204477

Easy excuse for sex scenes and degeneracy. Serves the same purpose as mana transfer and such that you often see in eroge for men.

>> No.27204632

Akira's shit worst homo MC

>> No.27204700

The smart MCs who accept the dick and enjoy the process are the best kind of MCs

>> No.27212245

>No gore at all
Please be false..

>> No.27217478

>no games with gloves on handjobs

>> No.27222994

mebiusline FD has a scene like that if I remember right

>> No.27225488

I would say Code Realize, it was the easiest one for me to get into when I first looked into the genre

>> No.27227254 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 808x247, 1601732827775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a pretty interesting Q&A answer about what UruC was based on (apart from the obvious shouwa era pop culture stuff).

>> No.27229142

>ywn breach the cultural rift enough to fully appreciate nipponese pretty boy flipbooks

>> No.27229675

Some of the stuff in UruC I was already familiar with (not that I picked it up when reading), but only because I've seen it referenced in other VNs.
