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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2712832 No.2712832 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck did Sakuya replaced? Fuck Sanae.

>> No.2712842

Sanae is a slut, thats why.

>> No.2712839

sakuya is a shitty maid character

>> No.2712844

Sakuya is a slut, too.

>> No.2712843

>Fuck Sanae

I'd like to.

>> No.2712845

Many Zun Blowjobs at once. ;_;

>> No.2712852

All Touhous are sluts.

>> No.2712861

Yep it seems so.
/me a slut

>> No.2712869 [DELETED] 

There will be an unlockable human character for the full version of UFO.

>> No.2712865
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All but one.

Someone has to remain pure in this perverted world, you know.

>> No.2712871
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>> No.2712875

There will be an unlockable human character for the full version of UFO.

>> No.2712893

Pure as the snow.
you troll

>> No.2712899

Why does everyone say Aya is a slut? She's not Sakuya.

>> No.2712902

She will always be in my heart.

>> No.2712906

Why does everyone say Sakuya is a slut? She's not Aya.

>> No.2712905

Its because she got her own personal game, StB, and she takes pictures of everyone!

I love Aya-chan!

>> No.2712911
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They're all jealous Sanae/Reisen/Sakuya fans.

I can't blame them. I would be too.

>> No.2712914

>and she takes pictures of everyone!
Sounds more like a perv than a slut.

>> No.2712922

lol Aya is such a slut!!!1

Cirno is such a baka XD

Jesus Christ please get a new hobby or something. You guys are an embarrassment to the western Touhou community. Even pooshlmers do a better job of flushing these non-canon memes down the toilet once they start becoming repetitive. Every day it's the same shit with you guys. This is like that episode of the twilight zone where a family kept doing the same thing every day.

I campaign with you guys when you chase away the shitty "I love Japan period" threads, but with the current direction of our community I fear we're no better than the losers that make said 3D threads.

tl;dr Get your shit together.

>> No.2712923

What do you think she does with those pics...
Aya 4 Life!!

>> No.2712933

Are you frustrated?

>> No.2712934
File: 123 KB, 960x725, sakuyacreepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't see Sakuya being grossly overpowered with every game she's featured in (more glitches than powers). You don't see Sakuya having her own game despite her other two human comrades having their own. You don't see Sakuya overly loved or overly hated, just equally acknowledged.

You know why? Cuz she's not going to suck ZUN's cock to get ahead in life, unlike that slut Aya! For that, you RESPECK the meido, boy! RESPECK HER!

>> No.2712938

Fuck off.

>> No.2712940

u mad

>> No.2712967

Don't pop a blood vessel, anon.

>> No.2712982

Wow look at all the blood.

>> No.2712986

No amount of whining or complaining will ever change the fact that you're a 20+ year old virgin writing fanfiction about a mediocre doujin game character that no one cares about. Sadly, if you were to count up how much things you've just wrote about Aya it would be several pages longer than ZUN's description of her. THAT'S how much he cares. Oooh, does it shock you that you're the only person that gives two shits about Aya?

Be honest, are you mad that I interrupted your 2D fanfiction (circlejerk) thread. Are you angry because your favorite 2D character doesn't exist? Or are you just frustrated because you're a faggot that fantasizes about non-canon doujin game characters?

Mental masturbation period is over. Get a life loser.

>> No.2712990

Ah go to hell

>> No.2712991
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>> No.2712995


>> No.2712997
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>> No.2712998
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>> No.2712999

I'm having fun reading your posts. Please do continue.

>> No.2713006

I agree with this anon. Fandom is getting ridiculous. Do you guys seriously want Touhou become the next Naruto or Bleach?

Polite sage.

>> No.2713007

I cant tonight. I have stuff to do tomorrow. I'm going to sleep.

>> No.2713009

That's alot of posts directed at one guy. You should of used a trip for maximum trolling.

>> No.2713018
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>>should of

Jesus Christ, what school did you go to? Remind me to keep my children away from it.

>> No.2713014
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>> No.2713023

You know, you might be an even bigger loser than the person you're mocking considering you come off as a butthurt internet tough guy raging about Touhou (of all things) on an anonymous message board.

>> No.2713027


>> No.2713028

I dropped out of high school because of bullying.

>> No.2713031

Touhou fandom is already full of massive AIDS and cancer. Stop kidding yourself and look at all these shitty Touhou threads.

>> No.2713036
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>> No.2713046

Touhou memes are retarded, but he sure is angry.

>>2712986 seems a bit uncalled for, in particular.

>> No.2713049


Too late for that.

>> No.2713051
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>Polite sage.

>> No.2713059
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>> No.2713062

/jp/ - status
Cons: Way too much spam, meme spouting idiots, actual Japan related threads, 3d(?), blog, blatant trolls, not enough moderation

You guys are killing /jp/, Pooshlmer is a better place.

>> No.2713068

OP here bumping

>> No.2713063

This isn't even a fanfiction thread. It's some people being morons and spouting worn memes.

Everyone in this topic is fucktarded. Even me. Why the fuck am I responding.

>> No.2713070

I'd like you to show me a fandom that's "good."

If you'd like an easier challenge, you can go get me a dragon's pearl or the Buddha's stone bowl.

>> No.2713071

I wish Touhou were just as popular as Naruto or Bleach, then you fags will all be sorry.

>> No.2713075


>> No.2713076

what happened to the "u mad" fags?

u mad?

>> No.2713079

The only positive aspect about Sakuya is her maid moe.

But other than that Sanae is superior in every possible way.

>> No.2713080

You know it's actually true if you fucking lurked here for a few months.

>> No.2713081

>Pooshlmer is a better place.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2713083

There's really only so much you can discuss about Touhou. Even topics where people freely give their own serious ideas about the characters typically end up being, "Oh, our ideas differ greatly." "Yeah, you're right." "Well then."

Then everyone just starts to spout memes.

Touhou games and doujin material are best enjoyed alone.

>> No.2713088


Touhou is far more popular than Naruto and Bleach. So is Type Moon stuff.

They are in Japan, anyways. But I don't see how this matters.

>> No.2713093

Is Touhou really more popular than Naruto and Bleach? What about Wan Piss?

>> No.2713095


>> No.2713096

My bad. I meant if it were popular in the west.

>> No.2713101

It doesn't help when there is an Alice roleplayer in /b/ and KoG egging on the LOL BAKA 9 GET Cirno shit in /a/.

>> No.2713107

>Alice roleplayer in /b/


>> No.2713113

Well, both I guess. Actually, I'm not sure. Why did you call my post a troll post?

>> No.2713123

That was my bad and Im sorry....

>> No.2713124

All of you pooshlmerfags can go back to your board and discuss things with your 13 year old secondary fan friends.

>> No.2713143

What the fuck is a secondary fan?

>> No.2713145


You, Anonymous. You're the secondary fans.

>> No.2713152


>> No.2713155
File: 202 KB, 339x870, 1242509312009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naruto has sold 90 million units in Japan alone making it the 5th best selling shonen of all time. If ZUN managed to sell half that amount he'd be bathing in an ocean of beer. And I guess since shonen dominates the manga industry it's safe to say Naruto is the 5th best selling manga of all time. Not to mention its international fame where the average rerun of Naruto receives more than a million ratings. It boosted cartoon network's team demographic by 30% making it the most popular show for its demographic. One time a rerun of Naruto received 3.5 million ratings.

Touhou is popular in comparison to other doujin games but it doesn't hold a candle to the non-doujin related things.

>> No.2713162

>It boosted cartoon network's *team demographic by 30% making


>> No.2713461


What the fuck was this thread even about to begin with?
Some statement about UFO that had been around MONTHS ago?

>> No.2715037

Why do people like Sakuya?

>> No.2715074

>Every day it's the same shit with you guys.

And this is why I love /jp/.

>> No.2715082

Because she's a maid and maids are cute.

>> No.2715086

Delicious maid.

>> No.2715090
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But shrine maidens are cuter!

>> No.2715095

Sanae and Reimu can eat a dick. Maids are best.

>> No.2715098
File: 104 KB, 724x1024, 1241924365429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love maids!
And Sakuya is the best maid ever!

>> No.2715102
File: 2.36 MB, 2152x2900, 2825141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs to get back to the important things.

Like pure and honest tengu.

>> No.2715104

'cause she's a Touhou.

>> No.2715116 [DELETED] 
File: 408 KB, 800x600, 1236851729608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck Sanae.
The only thing that mattered in this thread.

>> No.2715114
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Sanae as maid... do want!

>> No.2715117
File: 27 KB, 300x450, momiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, we need more of the pure and honest tengu.

Too bad the slut tengu steals all the spotlight and makes a bad name for her species.

>> No.2715132
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My waifu.

>> No.2715143
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>> No.2715162
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>> No.2715169

More liek "Everyone's waifu".

>> No.2715170

How are cowtits like that supposed to be attractive?

>> No.2715178
File: 1.78 MB, 2133x1500, 001-027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this!

>> No.2715179 [DELETED] 

do they also bring nigger ass to lunch?

>> No.2715181 [DELETED] 

Pinku bento box manufacturer reports record profits for Q2 2009.

>> No.2715182 [DELETED] 

At least they get to eat lunch. The only thing I bring to class is an empty stomach and my Nintendo DS.

>> No.2715188 [DELETED] 

I don't see many men buying pinku bento boxes.

>> No.2715194 [DELETED] 

Japanese men always brought bento to work. There are some places where you can buy a decent-sized bento for 250~280yen. pop it in a microwave (or not)= instant, balanced lunch. Best institution ever.

>> No.2715205

Soft and warm Sanae meat sacks.
Do want more.

>> No.2715211

I myself prefer a nice DFC.

>> No.2715409
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Hey, don't insult the cows!
