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File: 26 KB, 576x432, 1243892918043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2712440 No.2712440 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best caliber or gun to put down a Touhou?

>> No.2712454

When I fire my wave motion gun, it's super effective against touhous, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2712459

You could try a MIRV. Anything less would be doomed to fail.

>> No.2712461

A Marlin 336 chambered in 30-.06 should put the fear of God in to those Touhous. On the otherhand....what the fuck is in that pic?

>> No.2712460
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.45 ACP - been killin nazis before Reimu could even crawl.

>> No.2712466

To take down a touhou? Acknowledge that they don't exist. That ought to work just fine.

>> No.2712475
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boof-arms 7.5x55 swiss.

3000fps of skull fucking awesome

>> No.2712476


>> No.2712471

.600 Nitro Express

>> No.2712479

.50AE preferably fired from a gold plated Desert Eagle.

>> No.2712488


>> No.2712490
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With nothing less than the golden gun.

>> No.2712494
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>> No.2712496

you mean a deagle magnum research deagle brand desert deagle?

>> No.2712515

Power of an M16, accuracy of a sniper rifle.
One shot and it's all over.

>> No.2712524


Is that the ゲッダン game?

>> No.2712525
File: 31 KB, 726x488, 700 Nitro Express.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the best caliber or gun to put down a Touhou?

.700 Nitro Express

>> No.2712526

Quit posting real guns, you nitwits.
It's supposed to be about penis analogies.

>> No.2712533

This is my rifle this is my gun.

>> No.2712540


>> No.2712552
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>> No.2712557

Ask /k/.
>It's supposed to be about penis analogies.
Or you could just go by this.

>> No.2712577
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Touhous are immune to Bullet Hell

Until now

>> No.2712580

.308 is the best caliber. It can knock down anything.

>> No.2712584
File: 322 KB, 1197x1600, .950 JDJ 2500 grain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or a .995 caliber.

95,000lbs of force

>> No.2712593
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Magic must defeat magic...Didn't you pay attention when Jackie Chan Adventures was on?

>> No.2712601

I remember that line, but you don't necessarily need magic to defeat a magic-user. A bullet to the head will take care of any touhou.

>> No.2712604

bros I have been PUMPING IRON so I can handle a high caliber handgun. when I get Christian Bale ripped ( dude from that movie that Urobochi Gen wrote a kickass vn for ) I will acquire a THOMPSON CONTENDER. when I strap that beast on my two smokin waifus will know shit got real.

>> No.2712616
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>> No.2712618

Or Arrows...

>> No.2712623

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my palm smacking into my face again and again.

P.S: tell me my IP, you master hacker you.

>> No.2712624
File: 44 KB, 445x416, razgriz0du.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call in air support

>> No.2712625

Gravitational Beam Emitter
Kill any touhou one shot

>> No.2712626

There is something seriously wrong with you.

>> No.2712627


>> No.2712635

Not me... it's my "friend" doing that stuff... I just help him...

Arrows can kill touhous... some of them are slow enough to be hit...

>> No.2712638


Didn't we decide that arrows can't kill Touhous in that "What if Rome invades Gensokyo" thread?

>> No.2712640

Get your "friend" to tell me, then.

>> No.2712648

You and the bullet guy are forgetting a fundamental point: Magical Shields are likely as fundamental as the ability to fly.
Know your enemy, and never underestimate them.

>> No.2712657
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This just in, arrows hurt touhous
touhous USE arrows

>> No.2712663


Eirin would obviously use magical arrows, being a Touhou herself, thereby damaging any magical shield.

>> No.2712668

Right, but unless you had the means to enchant bullets, I doubt they would be useful against Touhous.

>> No.2712678


I dunno, Eirin mostly seems to just hold that shit for symbolism, mostly she just blasts other Touhous with massive amounts of magic like every other Touhou.

>> No.2712682
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A gravitational beam emitter

>> No.2712684

I'm trying to remember her using the bow, but I'm drawing a blank.
I think you have a point there.

>> No.2712686

Isn't Eirin the same touhou that can put a galaxy in a pot? I'm pretty sure that shit aint normal arrows.

>> No.2712685

Can you get a gun that shoots laxative suppositories?

>> No.2712690

>A gravitational beam emitter
Uhhh... tractor beam?

Anyway, considering Marisa fires lasers, perhaps a plasma gun might be more effective?

>> No.2712693

...what? That's impossible

>> No.2712691

"Youkai have more robust bodies than humans, so even if they're split into five, they heal right away. Youkai are more easily affected by faith than humans, and as a result spiritual damage are fatal wounds."

Barriers or not, Touhous would just regenerate from shit.

>> No.2712694 [DELETED] 
File: 2.61 MB, 2060x1914, Sanae hit with Arrow Shower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arrows can hurt and kill touhous... see...

>> No.2712699
File: 233 KB, 565x424, metal-gear-rex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2712703
File: 89 KB, 730x1100, Blame!_v07_c01_p040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure no touhou can take a hit from this. Pic related.

>> No.2712705
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>tractor beam


>> No.2712708
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>> No.2712715
File: 163 KB, 730x1100, Blame!_v07_c01_p042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2712720

Can destroy pretty much ANYTHING.

>> No.2712727

Even Yukari's gaps.

>> No.2712731

Aside from giving the obvious impression that it's the kind of deus ex machina weapon that a Mary Sue type would carry, what the fuck is it?
How is that a gravity gun?

>> No.2712737


What always amused me about the GBE is how it's just a small pistol. It's tiny compared to Sanakan's cannon and yet it could probably destroy an entire planet easily.

>> No.2712741
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>> No.2712751

Did you tailor this statement as a way to piss me off?

>> No.2712753
File: 25 KB, 299x599, 33c646dcf14a133e66c975da90c8d6ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs a gun? A knife and well placed grabs are more than enough to incapacitate a touhou.

>> No.2712762

Says the guy that used homing shots to take down the Metal Gear.

>> No.2712771
File: 166 KB, 554x600, gbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shi

>> No.2712773
File: 6 KB, 160x198, Big Boss_qjpreviewth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the shit are you talking about, I took out the Metal Gear with TNT.

Besides, the one piloting it was a woman, so it wasn't so hard to beat.

>> No.2712777
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>> No.2712779


Wrong Snake there, bub.

>> No.2712780
File: 29 KB, 329x429, 1169699464893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youkai are more easily affected by faith than humans
Sir, I have faith, I have belief

I BELIEVE my bullets will hit you, and I BELIEVE my bullets will kill you

>> No.2712784

>"Youkai have more robust bodies than humans, so even if they're split into five, they heal right away. Youkai are more easily affected by faith than humans, and as a result spiritual damage are fatal wounds."

Bring blessed bullets and explosives.

Kill youkai left and right.

The same way you would a demon from Hell.

>> No.2712787

Oh my bad, his feminine stature made him look like Raiden.

>> No.2712798

Lets say I have more faith in my rifle than I do anything else in the world. Will I be the baddest fucker in Gensokyo?

>> No.2712817


So you're saying you have more faith in your rifle than your own existence?

>> No.2712821

Is your rifle a youkai?

>> No.2712846
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>> No.2712878
File: 31 KB, 485x500, metal storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal Storm is IRL danmaku.


>> No.2712879

The strongest weapon is the human soul

on fire.

>> No.2712895


The most dangerous weapon this galaxy has ever produced is faith. All other force is merely a shadow of what that terrible power can achieve.

>> No.2712903


My rifle is a part of my existence, we would be nothing without each other.

>> No.2712910

Not entirely.
When you have something like Wolverine's unbreakable skeleton with claws, people tend to jump on it when making their Mary Sues, and this is the kind of instant ah-keel-you weapon they love so very much.
Just imagine: My character found this gun, and can kill Servants, Goku and Superman all at once with it!

Also, it's name is just random words strung together. What the hell does it have to do with gravity, anyway?

>> No.2712913


>> No.2712971
File: 343 KB, 1280x720, VOB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind that travels at twice the speed of sound, has a laser blade on one hand, a high calibre assault rifle in the other and many many missiles on its back. Also particle shield.

>> No.2712972

It's not just some random words strung together. The name reflects it function. I mean look at it: Gravitational Beam Emitter. It shoots gravity beams. It uses dark matter to produce a large amounts of gravitons which have large scale destructive powers. Killy isn't a mary sue by virtue of an all powerful weapon. Just throwing that out there.

>> No.2712979

Yeah but is it on fire?


Not so tough then.

>> No.2712994

Not powerful enough.

You need one of two things to kill a touhou:

1) A weapon powerful enough of getting over there durability (Be it magical or otherwise)

2) A potent magical attack.

Number one isn't helping you when you have ghosts that can't be killed physically. Number 2) is better but you need some serious magic to out hax some touhous. My solution? Use spiritual based gun attacks, the Gun god from the nasuverse and Akiba can help, even Dan from killer z with his demonshells.

>> No.2713003

...Killer z?

Did you mean Killer7?

>> No.2713013

>>2712910 What the hell does it have to do with gravity, anyway

Read the art book It actually has to do with gravity.

Also GBE is hax at a cost the recoil on the damn thing can rip your arm off and has done so to the protagonist.

>> No.2713024

>Killy isn't a mary sue by virtue of an all powerful weapon.
That's not what I was saying. I was saying that the people that make mary sues love things like insanely powerful weapons, and something as destructive as that is something they would jizz in their pants over.

>> No.2713026

Yeah 7. I'm sleepy.

>> No.2713030

There's an implication here.

>> No.2713041

Yeah okay I thought so.

I was about to freak out if there really was something named Killer Z.

>> No.2713056

whatever caliber my semen from my penis ends up being as i would rape them to death with my cock
