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269279 No.269279 [Reply] [Original]

Have you hugged your sister lately?

>> No.269285

No, I ate her instead, if you know what I mean.

>> No.269289

As soon i came home for the week-end, she ran in my arms saying "onii-chan, okaeri" to me.

>> No.269291

lol what sister?

>> No.269290

I hit her head with a mallet, does that count?

>> No.269300

If you raped her while she was unconscious, then yes.

>> No.269302

Yeah I think I know what you mean

>> No.269310

btw where is anonymous of eleven? havent seen him in weeks.

>> No.269316

I tease her all the time.

>> No.269321
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No, but I did grope her ass.

>> No.269326

No... She's dead ;_;

>> No.269330

i lol'd

>> No.269333

Nope. She's always hugging that emo-faggot boyfriend of hers.
We're twins, but we've not been 'close' since we were about ten or so.
And my other sister's intolerable.
Ah well.

>> No.269334


>> No.269339

No matter how annoying or stupid your sister is, be nice to her.

>> No.269355

My Brother hugs me everytime I see him. I also sleep in his bed whenever I spend the night which is normally once a week.

>> No.269361

Are you in love with him?

>> No.269366


>> No.269369


>> No.269379

How did she die?
Is he in love with you?

>> No.269386

post your pics

>> No.269388

My sister confessed her love for me when we were both teenagers. It was awkward and disturbing.

>> No.269389

lol, in before incest

>> No.269392


>> No.269395

my only question is:
Did you sensed it before or did it come as a big surprise?

>> No.269398


>> No.269434

My sister is a worthless fucking bitch who's 2 years older than me but has no college education or drivers' license and a shit job that I frequently have to drive her to/from because of that lack of license (though I'm planning on moving out of the parents' house soon, so that problem will be solved.) The only real advantage of having her around is that her complete and total failure at life makes me (job, college degree, but no social life outside of raiding WoW five nights a week) not look so bad in comparison, thus taking the parental heat off of me.

So no, I haven't hugged her lately.

>> No.269466

you should push her in front of a passing car, then you hug her while she is in the floor dying

>> No.269496

Not the hugged/slept with sister, but no I am not in love with him. He is my best friend though.

>> No.269497

Your sister would not be such a failure if you hugged her more. It's all your fault!

>> No.269493

>raiding WoW five nights a week
Yeah, even a homeless man wins at life more than you do.

>> No.269554

i dont have a sister. i dont even have any family anymore. so ronery ;_;

>> No.269641

No. But i fucked my cousin

>> No.269684

No, I'm not very fond of her.

>> No.269708

we used to touch each other on the showers about 10 years ago, when we were 9 & 12

>> No.269730

I haven't hugged my sister, nor anyone else, for at least 6 years now.

Hugs suck.

>> No.269743

Lol hi, been a long time without any incest threads.

>> No.269800

It's a combination incest/so ronery thread. Good times.

>> No.269805
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Please update us on the situation.

>> No.269860

You better be trolling nigger... you just.... better tell more!

>> No.269897
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>> No.269922

i have slept with her lately, also she has hold my arms recently too, but i havent hugged her in years.

and yeah we live together.

>> No.269937

Do you have sex with her?

>> No.269951

>Tell her to stop or you'll blow your story on Youtube with pictures and voice recording

Lolwut? I think this "Thelma" fellow might have a little anon in him/her. Seriously, who the fuck would suggest something as retarded as that?

>> No.269953

no, she is 4 years older than me, and i dont like girls older than me.

when we sleep together, i punch her right in the face.

>> No.269967

Damn, how i wish to be in your position, i love girls older than me. Older sisters are my fetish.

>> No.269974

You faggot, I would love her tenderly.

>> No.269995

well, younger sisters are my fetish

we love each other as brother and sister. we both hate our other brother, wich is an asshole.

>> No.270003

Havent been able to post for the past week or so thanks to:
1.) HDD failure

2.) Schoolwork needing to be rewritten thanks to said HDD failure.

Nothing much happened this week since I was very very busy. But we did talk about some groundrules about our "sibling courtship" as she terms it.
Main point of these groundrules was, no showing of affection in public, no showign of affection when mom and dad are near (not even a lil hug) and absolutely no sex whatsoever (oral or anything) that is until she is ready (which she hinted was far off).

She did tell me that she needs time to work on her feelings, so I still have a long road ahead of me. Guess ill stick to fappin to her panties for the time being.

>> No.270014

Sounds like you're doing things right.

Just keep working at it.

>> No.270023

that sounds great, keep it like that. i would fuck your sister, she is really cute.

>> No.270032

You know you have to stick it in the pooper. Why not do it right away? And please, by all means, KEEP US UPDATED YOU VORE!! ITS KILLING ME IF I DONT KNOW WHEN YOURE GOING TO MARRY HER

>> No.270134

Dunno about pooper, but at least am hoping for some hot kissing action from her. WHen the opportunity presents it though Ill pooper her for anons sake (with her permission). Rape is out of the question.

Does anon know of any libido enhancing drugs that WORK?

>> No.270147

Don't drug your sister.

>> No.270171

Natural libido enhancing drugs. I might need it in the future seeing as she is kinda frigid. Or maybe im taking it too fast and need to fap to cool off.

BRB fapping

>> No.270173

Older sisters are my fetish too, especially if they're taller too. Tall chicks = hot.

>> No.270387

Does it really produce a warm and fuzzy feeling? Having a sibling that is. I never really could understand the sister/brother fetishes since im the only bastard in my family, thus alienating me from the fellow channer. Ive dreamed of having a brother or a sister oh so long, but i really cant simulate the feeling when i dont even know how it feels.

so ronery ;__;

>> No.270912
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>> No.270925

Go down on her.

>> No.270965

>I might need it in the future seeing as she is kinda frigid.
Your sister is willing to toy with you instead of freaking out and exposing your desires to your parents.
You are already several steps ahead of where most any of us can ever be, so be grateful for that.
Also, if there were a libido-enhancing drug, it would be public by now.

>> No.271086


background info please

Also to share, my sis and I used to have somewhat of a "brother-sister complex" when we were younger, but that seems to have gone now.

Oh well, fuck her and her emo boyfriend.

>> No.271120


>Koi Kaze

Oh god, why you do this?

>> No.271152

You don't feel any better.

>> No.271332

What do i need to do in order to let my sister know i have the hots for her? I mean i dont want to blatantly spout "lets fuck, i love you" and im not so good with this surprise shit either. For the record, were very close, and i think she might like me too, in "that" way. Should i just openly confess to her or what?

>> No.271351

this WILL go wrong

women can have intimate relationships with men without being sexually attracted. she just thinks of you as her brother

don't ruin everything

>> No.271355

Ask Anonymous of Eleven. Whatever he did appears to be working for him.

>> No.271360
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His sister went away for like 6 months or something, when she came back she was hot, he fell for her. They were talking about what kind of girl he likes, he said someone like her, she told him to "work for it."

Pic of his sister.

>> No.271365

If all brothers thought that way, there wouldn't be any incestuous relationships.

>> No.271373

Take it slow. Watch an anime like Koi Kaze with her or something.

>> No.271376

for every good incestuous relationship that you hear about, there are 100 relationships that went wrong

>> No.271432

That sounds like a challenge to me, Anonymous.

>> No.271470

wait, so what's your situation?

>> No.271612
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i would take her from behind.

>> No.273054


Updates please

>> No.273173

I don't know why this made me lol so much, maybe it was the "I notice I'm touching her butt"

>> No.273207

Nothing worthy to talk about xcept from what i posted earlier about.That and aside from my hdd failure. Am slowly redownloading tons and tons animu/manga etc.

>> No.273230


How did she word it exactly when she told you she didn't want any kind of sex yet?

>> No.273270

We just got into a talk on one of those impromptu dates (gettin back my pc), basically her fiddling around with my phone and discovering some incest doujin there. Kinda pissed her off a bit which led her to lay down groundrules for our relationship.

>> No.273299

Her exact words were "no sex until I'm ready!" then she started a lil tease telling me that "you always seem ready for it" then she laughed.

>> No.273324

Haha, oh wow! What did she say about the incest doujin? Also, just get her to give you head at least. Remember to update your brethren in incest on /jp/ when you succeed.

>> No.273341

>Does anon know of any libido enhancing drugs that WORK?
hahaha yeeeees WORK

>> No.273419

What doujin? What did she say when she found it?

>> No.273748

strawberry covered in chocolate. bitches loves strawberry covered in chocolate.

>> No.273916


Could you give the story on how this all started out between you and her?

This is the most excited I've been all day.

>> No.274920

This one

>> No.274958
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Fuck forgot the image
Title is Scent of my sister
She didnt say anything at first. Though I noticed her eyes kinda got bigger. Then she suddenly blurted out something along the lines of (was too scared atm to remember) "We have to talk about our relationship"

>> No.274970

She already has a boyfriend.

>> No.274990


...why would you put that shit on your cellphone in the first place. Hidden on your HDD is much better/private.

>> No.276334
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Any more pictures?

Also, Anonymous of Seven - how old are the both of you?

>> No.276949

Better for fappage in the bathroom.
im 21, she turned 19 a few months ago

>> No.276958

>for every good relationship that you hear about, there are 100 relationships that went wrong
