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File: 3.54 MB, 1431x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27041476 No.27041476 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive Global

>> No.27041495
File: 200 KB, 1149x1200, 1601353105476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27041497

I'm not gay.

>> No.27041504


>> No.27041506

I hate women because they won't sleep with me

>> No.27041507
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x2000, 1601313371287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is just way too cute. I love this squid dork so much, it's unbelievable.

>> No.27041508
File: 1.34 MB, 956x1700, 20200924_170041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27041514

Prove it.

>> No.27041516

Imagine the smell.

>> No.27041517
File: 436 KB, 516x452, 1601343168581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does her voice just make my heart fucking melt? I lover her so much

>> No.27041521
File: 967 KB, 992x519, 1595741695743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear
Top-tier stream, the game played to Amelia's strengths. I would love for her switch to overheat more, but the die has been cast.

>> No.27041524

She said she'd do them aside from the schedule
Hope she actually does, but it was just an offhand comment

>> No.27041528
File: 240 KB, 986x565, ame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howd he know

>> No.27041531
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>> No.27041534
File: 506 KB, 849x1200, 1585903346990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this brat

>> No.27041535
File: 459 KB, 2800x2800, 1600760808632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my chink wife Artia and I'll stand by her in these trying times. I believe she'll be okay, and I believe you guys will get over your red fear, too, and come to love her little goblin antics as much as I do.

>> No.27041536
File: 51 KB, 680x521, inanis pancakes lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://streamable.com/cj3uzt Dude Pancakes LMAO
https://streamable.com/72kou1 Kani kani kani~
https://streamable.com/qlz2en No fighting, bad!
https://streamable.com/oe9vbh Never give up, Never surrender!
https://streamable.com/e2v7mm no sunshine...
https://streamable.com/xmsxh1 You can go to bed,take it easy
https://streamable.com/btp38i Drink of the intellectuals
https://streamable.com/vqaw4a Dango Dango Dango~
https://youtu.be/MoNRQCcdToI Ina - I'm Horny!
https://files.catbox.moe/kpur8h.mp4 This is bait
https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1309632969531953152 Woomy~!
Added titles for no embed anons

>> No.27041537 [DELETED] 

We should offer Kiara to the CCP to make peace.

>> No.27041540

Cappy straight eye-fucking Ame here.

>> No.27041541
File: 78 KB, 446x564, 1462674682798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teamates = goslings
>chumbuds = chads
>tentacultists = squids
>deadbeats = ?
>(I actually don't know what Kiara's fans are called) = ?

>> No.27041542
File: 32 KB, 376x369, 1601361132048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

som Ame highlights

>> No.27041545
File: 664 KB, 1985x1999, 1600178952346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being an EUfag LMAO

>> No.27041544

Anon that was obvious by that point

>> No.27041546


>> No.27041547


>> No.27041549

this was l*s*rb*it

>> No.27041556

>cut sleep to catch Ina zetsudan live
>restore some yesterday
>cut more sleep for overtime at work and Ame before leaving

Glad I'm having my days off tomorrow or else I won't make it.

>> No.27041557

Unironically being an anti. You fags sure are fucking mental.

>> No.27041558

>making peace with chinks instead of genocide them
What a retard

>> No.27041559

deadbeats = brrrrrrraps

>> No.27041560

Kiara I know you are reading this! Most of us love you. Please just ignore the few shizo antis!

>> No.27041562
File: 397 KB, 2048x2048, EiDPO3vXYAQQ1k_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Ina dad watch Ina stream every time Ina stream? or like watch her archive in living room with big volume like Suisei dad?

>> No.27041563
File: 1.56 MB, 1286x670, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows this make you feel anon?

>> No.27041564

>cant watch all the streams
>cant read all the threads
It’s so sad, bros...I need more time

>> No.27041567

deadbeats = brappers
>KFP = Nothing since nobody pays them any mind.

>> No.27041573

Why aren't you pissed at the people with cock and balls that make ten times what Mori does by sitting on their asses, having people do things for them, and fucking beautiful golddigger "instagram" women?

It's the same principle, isn't it? Because of their family wealth, they were able to strike it rich just by being born? Because of a single investment, they became rich overnight and play the system by paying people to avoid paying the taxes that you do?

You will never get anywhere in life that that type of resentment. You will be lonely and miserable and hateful the rest of your life if you don't apply yourself and find your own path to success in life. One that doesn't rely on the luck that others have and that you resent.

>> No.27041576
File: 28 KB, 554x309, ame_gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Watson is Gura's best friend confirmed?

>> No.27041577

Just browsed through some Chinese forums. Chinks are planning to spam messages about coco in other hololive streams so that the other fans would be baited and unite against coco. How does this even work?

>> No.27041578
File: 56 KB, 1040x320, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do deadbeats really?

>> No.27041581

Are you having a stroke, Anon?

>> No.27041583

How can I ever get a gf when no woman will compare to my oshi?

>> No.27041584
File: 495 KB, 581x857, 1600913854193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27041587

How do we (yes WE) feel about Ame and Gura collabing with Mori today?

>> No.27041588
File: 482 KB, 1040x1200, 5343534535135153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.
God, I wish had a friend like her.

>> No.27041591

KFC = featherheads

>> No.27041594
File: 258 KB, 398x379, 1600979972771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a faggot I don't care, this cute little loli brings tears to my eyes

>> No.27041595


>> No.27041600
File: 765 KB, 2195x2195, 1596051863845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chumbuds a little worried Gura's gonna pull a Mori with her membership? She mentioned she's tweaking her membership tiers during the stream

>> No.27041601

The one thing I'm disappointed with in Kiara, is that she accepted that fucking stupid kiarafanclub.
Bitch, I love you but why are you this stupid? Announce a change already.

>> No.27041604

It's pretty common knowledge, just be on the lookout for tribalists, antis and falseflaggers

Call out that bullshit, including the trinityfags

>> No.27041609

Collabs debuff Gura.

>> No.27041611
File: 11 KB, 384x222, 1600564185437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Gura piss herself? just seemed like she was genuinely spooked and wanted a break

>> No.27041616 [DELETED] 
File: 292 KB, 404x423, 1601186017636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen her roommate's body type... and the type of music she listens to? It's just something that naturally follows.

>> No.27041617
File: 347 KB, 1500x1800, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tori_00__1aa7ebc143ae842d32f34367b622dccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been doing your reps, /hlgg/?

>> No.27041618

Is that actually /pol/?

>> No.27041619
File: 25 KB, 1536x864, sharkpix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this year's christmas is gonna be great if she sings

>> No.27041620

Insects probably just assume the rest of the world thinks the way they do.

>> No.27041622

Are you trying to find a nickname or an insult for them? Some people here refer to Kiara fans as featherheads, KFP employees or chickenshits. Just call deadbeats brappers, we've already accepted it at this point.

>> No.27041623
File: 2.29 MB, 740x484, 1601185652422.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lewd asmr when?

>> No.27041624

Mori's tweaking her membership to be closer to Watson's starting next month anyways, so at worst Gura might've had something similar to what Mori currently has and is making the same tweaks.

>> No.27041625


>> No.27041626

Buying highest tier regardless of perks so I don't really care

>> No.27041628


>> No.27041631

Gura can do whatever the fuck she wants.

>> No.27041632

Cover hires Who's from twitter for management. It could be L*serb*it or anyone else.

>> No.27041634
File: 164 KB, 500x500, 1601045106916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks photoshopping Gura making anti-Coco tweets

>> No.27041637

What did Kiara do with her bronze Yagoo

>> No.27041638

Apart from the fact that Mori's roommate has self-professed yellow fever?

>> No.27041642

Same anonmate

>> No.27041643

it's probably /h/ or one of the other cuckold NSFW boards

>> No.27041645

Yeah it's kinda lame compared to others.
Like what do you call it? "I'm a Kiara Fan."? That's boring.

>> No.27041648
File: 27 KB, 1280x720, welcome, fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completed 8 hour of drawing reps yesterday
no mic for japanese reps. will continue doing drawing reps until i'm satisfied.

>> No.27041650
File: 29 KB, 454x415, 1597088602794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.27041653
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1600461989878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.27041655

Do any of you still support Artia?

>> No.27041658

No, it has no flags. Guessing by post count either /s4s/ or /r9k/.

>> No.27041662


>> No.27041664

>cant read all the threads
Don't do this. Especially not threads during dead hours

>> No.27041667

L*serbait isn't Ame's manager anyway, she called her manager a "she" and also I don't think he's a manager at all considering he's been complaining about having less responsibilities at work so I doubt they'd give him management over a gen if that were the case

>> No.27041668


>> No.27041671
File: 849 KB, 906x936, 1562342189590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame talking about making panties or pantyhose filtered tea

>> No.27041673

These cockroachinks are more autistic than us.

>> No.27041674

How long until we get some Holos from Europe? I want a Welsh weirdo for HoloEN.
>woman having yellow fever
Now I've seen everthing.

>> No.27041675
File: 285 KB, 795x318, watson-runner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Watson Detective Agency."

>"Yeah, I need some help. Where my hat be at?"

"Did you check in the fridge next to the Cold Ones?"


"Did you check on your head?"

>"oh, thewe it is!"

"That'll be $2,999.95, plus tip."

>> No.27041677

It's KFP employee

>> No.27041679


>> No.27041680

I'm bi

>> No.27041681

I’m more curious about what her perks are going to be

>> No.27041689
File: 2 KB, 125x122, AmeliaW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27041691
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>> No.27041692
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>> No.27041693 [DELETED] 

I only ever pretended to like her because it pissed off /hlg/
I hate the bitch.

>> No.27041696

Just woke up, who had the best stream?

>> No.27041699
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1601101082913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck bros... I think I'm gonna...

>> No.27041701

what is that, like a 5 year old behind that edit?
fuck I've never laughed so hard

>> No.27041702

gura got a super OP model
the way that they drew and modeled her eyes and mouth are way more expressive and cute than the other hololiveEN members

>> No.27041703 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 227x222, 1601334425418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm equally pissed at Fred Weinsteinburg. I think that that sort of shit is fucking wild and unbelievable, but I can ignore them.

Mori SPECIFICALLY comes into my fucking bastion, the place I go to not worry about anything, and literally just does whatever and makes money selling the shit version of something I deeply cherish. It's not the same.

I'll be lonely and miserable the rest of my life. I'm past the age where I can go down a new life path, and if I do, I'll be behind the tens of thousands of others who chose to do it when they were 14. You can talk a lot of good shit, but at the end of the day, your success, happiness, and future are all on a time limit. Once it's up, this bitch will bug you just as much.

>> No.27041704

It's pretty common among weeb girls, at least the ones I've met.

>> No.27041708

based homestar runner poster

>> No.27041715

That fucking account lol
Four tweets going back only two days, all of them just poorly-done anti-Coco shoops.

>> No.27041718

Her eye tracking is fucked up though

>> No.27041720

They could at least put in some more effort

>> No.27041722

holy shit. gawr gura christmas album when?

>> No.27041724
File: 262 KB, 541x536, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27041725

>The red boards are overrun with blacked cuckposters
This isn't news, go away with your faggot fetish.

>> No.27041728 [DELETED] 

>kiara was begging for art
should I do it

>> No.27041734

Thats why I couldn’t think of the name. Damn that is awful.

>> No.27041735 [DELETED] 

Everyone but chicken.

>> No.27041736

I'm gonna drink Gura's pee

>> No.27041737

The duality of man.

>> No.27041741
File: 37 KB, 635x465, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27041742

Only a handful of anons here actually like Artia, and if they're awake they usually spam her. I know because I've seen it occur multiple times now in the same times exactly.

>> No.27041746

Fuck you nigger, chicken minecraft is comfy

>> No.27041747

They're already trying it, but they keep failing because they're so blinkered by their cultural context that they don't realize how obvious they're being with weird insults like "green-eyed". That, and most of the normie fanbase would already blindly follow Coco into hell because her reddit reviews and Asacoco practically made her a cult leader - going against her would be goings against the 'memes'.

>> No.27041748
File: 73 KB, 853x552, 1596609476518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please gura... do more singing streams... onegai...

>> No.27041749

And I though we were autistic retards.

>> No.27041757
File: 29 KB, 593x303, firefox_o0cNG2Qa4C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of agree with this tweet

>> No.27041759
File: 290 KB, 386x391, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon!!! LOOK!!!

>> No.27041762

I like Artia and I have been up for hours without spamming her.

>> No.27041763

>selling the shit version of something I deeply cherish
Are you talking about music or are you an indie?
Jealousy isn't good anon, share your soundcloud if you feel your music is better.

>> No.27041766

Doesn’t seem like they’re doing a good job. I think everyone has forgotten about them already.

>> No.27041775

But why

>> No.27041776

Sounds like you have crab mentality honestly

>> No.27041777

Shouldn't you be on /pol/ or 8ch*n writing up a manifesto?

>> No.27041778
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>> No.27041779
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>> No.27041782

>One that doesn't rely on the luck
Are you teenshit?

>> No.27041786

Based, why wouldn't they just push for this

>> No.27041784
File: 56 KB, 365x365, 1600356045341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-sugoi... thanks anon
is it member's only or free? don't have the money for membashiipu yet

>> No.27041788


>> No.27041789

Not the music, man. The whole thing.

>> No.27041791

I kind of pity Mori antis now if this is the place they're coming from. Get some help, anon.

>> No.27041795

Monetization issues.

>> No.27041796
File: 89 KB, 329x272, Artia Tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still like despite all... just want her to streams so i can have hints of what is her situation with all this shit

>> No.27041801

Itty bitty peepee weepee loli cunny funny shark built for big black cockies

>> No.27041804

I knew it gura is a fucking backstabber, time to cancel gura!

>> No.27041807

Hololive just leaving china would be best in the long term.
fuck china.

>> No.27041808
File: 85 KB, 500x500, 1386845431134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread barely starts
>sharkfags and amefags already being the most vocal/obnoxious fags

why are you like this.

>> No.27041812
File: 4 KB, 243x55, 1601351512342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27041813


>> No.27041815
File: 128 KB, 360x317, 1600706351284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 17 hours until we hear her singing again...

>> No.27041816 [DELETED] 

all of them
fuck off nigger

>> No.27041817

Go watch indies. You're so allergic to success in your own life that it's poisoned your sense of taste.

>> No.27041818

>I'll be behind the tens of thousands of others who chose to do it when they were 14
Mori didn't even get into music until college retard
Stop making excuses for yourself

>> No.27041819

She's doing it for free. Everyone can watch it, but only live.

>> No.27041821

It's not just hlgg, it's everyone around the world. That's why she is the most subs

>> No.27041822

I'm an engineer

Applying yourself professionally can yield just as much success as the girls do, without the social pressure.

>> No.27041823

Maybe it’s the camera angle or lighting. Come to think of it, she has to play horror games with the lights on doesn’t she?

>> No.27041827

because copyright hates you.

>> No.27041828


>> No.27041829

>why do people like things that I don't?
Meds, schizo.

>> No.27041830

Is he an anti or not

>> No.27041832
File: 95 KB, 939x487, FreeCoupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard her bros, we're gonna get married soon!

>> No.27041834

Leaks are dubious and even if they were true, can't blame her since her family is on the verge of getting fucked over this

>> No.27041835

It's like a day and a half away anon

>> No.27041836
File: 493 KB, 1282x940, Chinese_cuisine-Shark_fin_soup-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27041837

Big yikes, anon. I hope you will sort out your problems, eventually.

>> No.27041838

>The sea and sky can never be friends
Now, that is some Chinese shit.

>> No.27041840
File: 346 KB, 1200x928, 84595328_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do I find more Gura lewds? 2/3rds of the art on pixiv is garbage. I NEED CUNNY

>> No.27041845

guess I gotta do my youtube-dl reps in the meantime

>> No.27041848 [DELETED] 

She's a white woman so let's be real, at the end of the day she isn't fucking humans back or yellow.

>> No.27041850

Does this count as an abayo?

>> No.27041856

Her music have soul, something you will never have.
Also fuck you janny for not allowing me to post the link.

>> No.27041859 [DELETED] 


I see chickenfags are as obsessed with black cocks as their oshi is.

>> No.27041869

Kiara's Minecraft streams are amazing, her comedic timing never fails, but it's great seeing her get better and better at the game.

>> No.27041870

I hope you don't own a gun.

>> No.27041873
File: 11 KB, 534x248, 1600490113330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually don't know what Kiara's fans are called

>> No.27041874
File: 356 KB, 1080x1072, 1600865119398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27041875
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1601281356094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not 29th

>> No.27041876

you mean the site currently run by the US DDoD and whose userbase of schizos is now split across dozens of shitty altchans?

>> No.27041877

Do your twitter reps

>> No.27041882

I don't see a nipple or any of the caudal orifices. I think we're clear.

>> No.27041883

how fragile can you be

>> No.27041884

Because Ye will knock your teeth in for a part of his cut.

>> No.27041886

We've seen the Discord handle of her manager, and in the chat log they both referred to each other as she. I'm halfway surprised no one has tried to stalk her through said handle That doesn't mean you should you schizo fucks

>> No.27041889

I'm plastered and can't remember what abayo means pls remind me

>> No.27041890 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 183x275, Honorable Japanese Soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niggers in Japan
Fuck off subhuman chink

>> No.27041891
File: 62 KB, 691x691, A51E0812-BB11-44E0-9CDE-81168856FFB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m on it, boss.

>> No.27041893

What's the timestamp? I missed that bit.

>> No.27041894


>> No.27041897

i had literally just begun following her the day before she showed her true colors. never again.

>> No.27041898 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 225x212, 1601364763533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is up deadbeats

>> No.27041899
File: 160 KB, 351x370, 1600905883973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara what the fuck have you done

>> No.27041902

You must be falseflagging because, man, do you make Mori antis look pathetic.

>> No.27041903

That poor bird is absolutely tragic

>> No.27041909 [DELETED] 

Typical white slut, gets a black bf and then gets beaten up by him.

>> No.27041910

Yeah I saw the manager handle, I agree with your spoilers but honestly I don't think anyone can do much with a discord handle

>> No.27041912

Did you not remember how much this place fucking loved Mori up until the membership reveal? Exact same thing will happen if Gura overprices. Not that I think she'll do it.

>> No.27041913
File: 395 KB, 644x492, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she obsessed with Minecraft now

>> No.27041914
File: 53 KB, 1089x272, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuine question; why is it that you can post autistic schizo ramblings about any of the HoloENs (such as >>27041703) and it goes untouched, but if you post anything about Shark it gets deleted (pic related)? Either clean it all up, or clean none of it up.

>> No.27041921

good lord what the fuck is that

>> No.27041923

She's learned from the best

>> No.27041925

I love you friend.

>> No.27041927

>now the /r9k/ incel schizos are attacking Mori

>> No.27041929

aren't those guys weak to snowballs?

>> No.27041930

41% when

>> No.27041931
File: 252 KB, 1365x2048, Ei6eFGlUcAA68ft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to put my dick between this tiny armpit

>> No.27041932

at least you guys will get EU time friendly Gura guerilla streams this week

>> No.27041933

niggers fear the samurai

>> No.27041934

There are US military bases in Japan.

>> No.27041935
File: 240 KB, 345x406, 1599972481501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to kick out your roommate
>get strangled instead


>> No.27041936


>> No.27041940

It's doubly retarded, because it's
>Haha KFC = kiarafanclub
but she specifically tells people not to use KFC because it's a conflict of twitter tags etc.

>> No.27041941

chicken can't stop being sufferingkino, even when she's not streaming anymore

>> No.27041942

Okay, this is a good edit.

>> No.27041944

Can you hear the narratives being spun as we speak?

>> No.27041947

no memberships announced yet so it's free. Mori and Ame (and maybe Kiara idr) are the only ones with member streams planned right now

>> No.27041948

Toll status: paid

>> No.27041952

>Playing Minecraft off stream.
I wonder what Yagoo would think.

>> No.27041956

Just kill him! /kill him or something. Or just run for your life and get some water for christ's sake

>> No.27041955

It's just literally 1 schizoid person. She's beloved by everyone else here.

>> No.27041957

Sweet. There's always the possibility of me being wrong since I've never really looked into it deeply. Those specific hours may be hours when Artia is actually streaming for example, I don't know since I don't follow Artia myself.

>> No.27041958

because they're both giant memelords and therefore have the shittiest fanbase.

>> No.27041964
File: 128 KB, 425x237, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27041969

Report it.

>> No.27041970


>> No.27041973

It's too early in the morning to make me laugh this hard guys

>> No.27041972
File: 2.99 MB, 1252x720, 1601347240404.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"yeah it's been a few hours, I need to go take a break and get something to eat, maybe work on a future schedule!"
>she's just playing Minecraft off-stream

>> No.27041978

>Mori SPECIFICALLY comes into my fucking bastion, the place I go to not worry about anything
What "bastion" is this and why do you think it was centered around you specifically?
>I'm past the age where I can go down a new life path
Harland Fucking Sanders wasn't even a real colonel and didn't start the restaurant that would become KFC until he was 65. I know telling you this won't magically get you to stop making excuses, but maybe if enough people disagree with you on the internet you'll put some more thought into what is possible with the lifespan you still have.

>> No.27041979

Shit, really? Well it was inevitable especially after Christchurch

>> No.27041983

not the brightest bird...

>> No.27041985
File: 1.66 MB, 1459x1273, kka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The saga concludes...

>> No.27041986


>> No.27041989

This is the most obvious wu-tang level shit I've ever seen. The only convincing they're doing is ti themselves.

>> No.27041992 [DELETED] 

>my head and stomach hurts
>goes back to playing minecraft

>> No.27041997
File: 588 KB, 1000x577, Orange thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The suffering never ends

>> No.27042000

I never did. Hoping for 1.4 billion -1 soon.

>> No.27042005

I guess she figured out niggers can't swim.

>> No.27042008

Wait, they privatred Ame's discord leak stream?

>> No.27042010

Meidos are unironic chumbuds

>> No.27042012

During the first switch cool down. She talks about curry and pantyhose and scolds chat for calling it lewd

>> No.27042013 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 615x343, 1601311700981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042020
File: 213 KB, 1705x778, 5AC4E148-50F3-4E46-BE90-D290AA7C7B7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who’s there? is that you gura?

>> No.27042023

>flooding her home to drive away the roommate

>> No.27042026 [DELETED] 

Meidos are shark fans.

>> No.27042027

So she's being canceled right?

>> No.27042029 [DELETED] 

I love when she looks down
her l2d is the best one in holoen

>> No.27042030

that was my takeaway as well but if she did pee that only makes it hotter

>> No.27042033 [DELETED] 


>> No.27042037
File: 235 KB, 827x1385, 1600477472699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. I'm going to stop cluttering the thread now. It's clear I've got some thinking to do, and while I hate Mori with every fiber of my being, I'm starting to see that maybe a little bit of that might be misdirected.

I'm gonna look into it. Thanks, retards. Maybe I'll open the next KFC or some shit.

>> No.27042040

>that fucking gremlin laugh
She's so incredible

>> No.27042044

Ok but does anyone have that Mori pic asking for a friend haha

>> No.27042045

Same reason why Ame dox posts will stay up for an entire thread. There’s some obvious bias here.

>> No.27042046

Holy fuck she destroyed you anon

>> No.27042047

wtf Amelia would never say this I'm literally about to break down

>> No.27042052

She's incredibly expressive, it's great. Her design has really grown on me and if she gets a new costume, it'll still be great purely because of how pretty she is.

>> No.27042054



God, I love her so much.

>> No.27042058

Snowflake meido

>> No.27042060

What on earth is cancel-worthy in that?
At worst, she's speaking like a middleschooler.

>> No.27042065

ok which one of you shitheads resurrected elliot rodger

>> No.27042066

Yes, but because of this

>> No.27042067
File: 242 KB, 303x389, 1577674061649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this real?

>> No.27042071
File: 267 KB, 1073x1428, 1402682750033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supposedly comfy hours
>le cunny, amenarratives, shitting on chicken

welp, see you later.

>> No.27042072

Minecraft can be stupid addictive when you first start playing it
I remember when I first played it right after it entered beta
played 19 hours before I realized it was already tomorrow and I had to sleep.

>> No.27042075


>> No.27042077

I hope Ina relocates to Japan; these timezones are killing me

>> No.27042081

That's because that anon himself deleted that message and you're playing into his hands so fucking hard.

>> No.27042082

Chinese are like virus
right now hololive is sick, very sick
the cure is condensed extracted chinaman scalp
many chinese actors live outside of china to enact the bug queens will globally
take your revenge out on them

>> No.27042087

See you in a few hours anon

>> No.27042088 [DELETED] 

So is Gura's appeal solely that her design and behavior are clearly intended to capitalize on much of the target audience's intrinsic weakness for moe? I know she's really good at rhythm games but I feel like every time I see clips of her she's just acting like a three year-old and playing up the whole 'I'm cute and smol and socially awkward teehee' thing. That's fine if it's the case, I just feel like I'm missing something with how crazy everyone is for her. I do think she's cute though, that just seems to be all there is.

>> No.27042090

Ame will be cancelled for mama jokes. Gura will be cancelled for fat shaming and making fun of bald people.

>> No.27042093
File: 31 KB, 128x128, 1600924457948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042095

Chicken still the biggest piece of shit

>> No.27042099
File: 107 KB, 827x1058, EiymUTUUMAAfSF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042102

What the fuck is with that shit poetry they always insert in

>> No.27042103 [DELETED] 

Im balding
im gonna shave for gura

>> No.27042107

It was a joke anon, I saw it live

>> No.27042109
File: 1.62 MB, 1005x1553, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A date with my wife...

>> No.27042110

We all have those low points and things that inexplicably make us feel worse while we're down there.
Good night and good luck, Anonymous.

>> No.27042111 [DELETED] 
File: 884 KB, 2133x4092, b54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And stops living with her mom? Yeah, fat chance buddy. Unless she gets her mom to move with her that is never happening.

>> No.27042112

What's not to joke about? If she really was fucking my mom, good on her.

>> No.27042113

Why did she tweet about bread?

>> No.27042114
File: 101 KB, 636x900, 1600887079198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was making all sorts of noises and breathing heavily after the squeak
her sound even gets far away for a bit as if she stands up a little to check on herself
then she goes "are you serious..." under her breath and laughs nervously as if she did a big oof and really had to end the stream there

So yes, I choose to believe she peed herself.

>> No.27042115

All those kpop fans dude

>> No.27042116



>> No.27042117
File: 88 KB, 676x1000, 1600975321319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042119

They try to look smart, but just look dumb because Mandarin is a horrible language

>> No.27042121

That's not how capitalism works, chump.

>> No.27042120

No anon, you are.

>> No.27042122

there's hardly a difference between s*ch* and amelia anymore

>> No.27042128

Kind of a shit example, the dude was old and white and reasonably successful at business for his whole life. His success funded development of what would be the franchise. At 65, he wasn't frying chicken anymore--he was working marks and counting checks.

>> No.27042130
File: 3.63 MB, 1936x1814, 84442741_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is such a good artist

>> No.27042132
File: 15 KB, 236x272, 1600694993520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042134

I’m the one who posted it, I didn’t delete it. It’s outdated now anyway since Gura’s last stream.

>> No.27042135
File: 55 KB, 875x161, she peepee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, and I have the pic to prove it!

>> No.27042136

Just narrativefagging as usual

>> No.27042139 [DELETED] 

I think you hit the nail on the head. She's also the least offensive or esoteric and has the broadest appeal across all demographics.

>> No.27042140

HololiveEN really has all of the bases covered when it comes to kinks.

>> No.27042144

She fuckin' roasted you, anon.

>> No.27042145

Guess I have to be an investimagator now.

>> No.27042146

Ina is Korean, which means she's not welcome in Japan.

>> No.27042149
File: 89 KB, 844x845, 1592294607845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God that's so fucking hot

>> No.27042150

I don't feel like I understand the kids these days, so forgive me for not knowing who is serious when they threaten a cancel, and who is not.

>> No.27042154

Oh Ame was shadowbanned.. That explains things. It doesn't even show up on the video page.

>> No.27042159

Mandarin is similar to English lol

>> No.27042161
File: 713 KB, 800x1227, EjDWV5IUcAAqOKx-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken's Minecraft streams have been my favorite streams out of HoloEn so far. I hope she drops FE and sticks with Minecraft for a bit. Or if she wants to mix the games up a bit drop FE for something that has more continuous action and not something that is just an hour of text followed by a battle.

>> No.27042162

press 1 if you'd kill all hololiveCN members to get coco and hachama unbanned instantly

>> No.27042163

Nice new skinsuit, Matsuri. Looks good.

>> No.27042169

Holy shit, I just realized that she actually has teeth. A shame that they're not properly rigged like Watson. Would help her look less like a retard if she smiled with them instead of the open mouth.

>> No.27042170

now if only gura would make the transition...

>> No.27042174

Baby Yoda. Baby things go viral

>> No.27042177

The same reason why Astel's not archiving his sing streams, his song choices can all be copyright strike

>> No.27042178

No, Civia is cute and makes the bugs crawl because she went to youtube.

>> No.27042180

holy based

>> No.27042181

She just hits the right balance and is easy to make meme material out of.

>> No.27042184

That's literally it. She's cute and funny and also knows how to go viral from her past life. It just exploded because whores can't stop complaining about her on Twitter which led to many more subscribing out of spite.

>> No.27042185

>mori braps on stream
>an entire week of falseflagging and shitposting ensues
>gura pisses herself on stream
>everybody jizzes their pants

>> No.27042186

Take your meds

>> No.27042189

it's a broken language that should have been modernized like Korean but Chinks are too stupid

>> No.27042191

>Ame doing an unarchived Osu! stream
I swear to god, if you guys don't get her (or Gura) to play an S3RL song (preferably MTC) i will minecraft each and every one of you.

>> No.27042195

Gura's stream was that good?

>> No.27042196

I'd kill the HoloCN branch, but I'd prefer if at least Civia and Rosalyn were retained for HoloEN gen 2. Artia can go fuck herself, though.

>> No.27042203

Even if they could just give up on the Chinese market, piss them off enough and there's no telling how far they will go to save face. It would be trivial for China as a routine matter to tell any game company who wants to publish in China simply that they're strongly encouraged not to work with Cover (among other companies). Imagine a decade of nothing but kusoge.

>> No.27042207 [DELETED] 

How can I stop associating the girls with their roommates?
I dislike Calli and Kiara because their roommates are ugly and I started watching Amelia more ever since I found out hers is cute.

I'm afraid that Ina is gonna get doxxed some day in these threads and her roommate is gonna be ugly and I'll stop liking her.

>> No.27042210 [DELETED] 

The church of cunny is devout.

>> No.27042211

my meds are dead Chinese
are you offering?

>> No.27042215
File: 1.26 MB, 1000x1168, 1578455453469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cute girl pissing herself out of fear is hot as fuck bro

>> No.27042214

Peeing yourself cause you got scared is cuter than farting because you gotta shit anon.

>> No.27042218

What if she doesn't want to go back to being HER?

>> No.27042219

Isn't it ironic? We were scared HoloEN would just be twitch gremlins, and now we want one?

>> No.27042221

Catching up on archives, watching the Limbo playthrough. What is the appeal of a precise puzzling platformer with incredibly sloppy controls? I'm experiencing severe second-hand frustration

>> No.27042237
File: 2.73 MB, 1524x720, 1601049262004.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balancing the cosmos with a chicken love post!
Don't let then antis get the best of you, chickenfriends.

>> No.27042239

>some day

>> No.27042242

the FE streams were pretty good too anon
I think most of it is that she's playing games in a genre she's more comfortable with now. playing a bunch of mario when she isn't comfortable with platformers and singing streams with her old shit mic was a bad idea. she's probably my third or even second favorite of the EN crew now.
I look forward to her becoming peko's minion of destruction when the collab gates open in a few more weeks

>> No.27042246

kill all han chinese
gurwa cloned and endless 24/7 streams

>> No.27042247

I'm not a pissfag but gura wetting herself being scared is hot as fuck

>> No.27042249

It's got a cool art style a few good ideas, but that's about it. Her manager fucking sucks for continuing to give her games like this.

>> No.27042251

>he doesn't know

>> No.27042255


>> No.27042256

Why do people hate Artia suddenly?
She is almost at gunpoint, you would say the same shit if you were in her boat

>> No.27042260

She has really beautiful eyes.

>> No.27042264

She doesn’t have to become a memer again just say fuck and bitch like you want to gura

>> No.27042267

anon... it's too late...

>> No.27042270 [SPOILER] 
File: 190 KB, 1000x750, 1601365777112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina is gonna get doxxed
Bad news, anon.
I was afraid they were going to be Twitch whores. A gremlin or two slipping through the cracks is fine by me if the other members of the gen are high quality.

>> No.27042271
File: 590 KB, 1075x1079, 1591649020691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia already got re-educated once, she won't take that risk again

>> No.27042272

brave of her to post her roomate publically.

>> No.27042275
File: 569 KB, 850x1200, 1580118410573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acts like a smug brat but pisses herself when she gets scared
she awakens my inner sadist

>> No.27042276

what is this retard attempt chang?

>> No.27042280


>> No.27042282
File: 449 KB, 1736x1862, 07955ff7a9b73df6044efdde97f2e75d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much bros...

>> No.27042285

get back in the boat and gtfo

>> No.27042288

I will off myself if Gura could stream 24/7. We're the blight of this world anyway

>> No.27042289

First one. There are too many bugmen and there can only be one SHAAAK

>> No.27042290

She just sucks. Limbo is a great game and it’s pretty short.

>> No.27042291
File: 792 KB, 689x906, 1600566725783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife. No amount of falseflagging or chink hating will stop that.

>> No.27042301 [DELETED] 


I spend here all day and all I've seen is drawings of her roommate that don't look promising as far as her real looks goes.
I'm 100% certain no actual pics of her have been posted, fags.

>> No.27042304

because they don't have relatives in danger living in that commie shithole... please understand

>> No.27042303

>stay with me
Girl has got good taste.

>> No.27042305

Artia is cute! Cute!

>> No.27042310

every time I see that image I just like her more.

>> No.27042312

the chinese will have to really do some cultural introspection or you're gonna be hated forever chang

>> No.27042314

Gruella stream + shadowbanned + bad timeslot
and still 13K, nicee

>> No.27042315

Is she going to keep streaming FE? I was hoping to decide whether to get it based on her playthrough; I need an JRPG to fill the hole Xenoblade has left in my heartand I have played XCOM.

>> No.27042319

Couple falseflaggers. Artia doesn't deserve it.

>> No.27042325

Reminder that Artia is for sure not a virgin and you can come in her as much as you please, because females in the reeducation camps are sterilized and raped unconscious.

>> No.27042327
File: 197 KB, 698x785, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even do the full pasta

>> No.27042328
File: 266 KB, 1446x1704, Eiia25EXYAAnXl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042330

Damn, I can't believe all the HoloCNs made statements like Artia did! Oh, wait.

>> No.27042332

Me too anon, being a chickenbro is suffering.

>> No.27042334


>> No.27042335 [DELETED] 

>Calli and Kiara have ugly roommates
Okay, I guess that is subjective. I can see it.

>Ame's roommate is cute
Yeah, don't understand how you can think she is cute while the other two are ugly. I think you have been more influenced by voice/personality than you think unless Amelia's roommate REALLY hits some specific niche for you.

>> No.27042337

Not the hobby for you

>> No.27042341

You want to play any of the other Xenos? X or 2? Or something from Xenosaga?

>> No.27042342

Don't hate her, but she's a dumbass.

>> No.27042344

I never started them

>> No.27042347

Fuck you

>> No.27042354

I'm reading "Favorite HoloEN and Videogame" surveyposts in the archives. I find it funny that Teamates generally don't have the same taste as their oshi. Teammates usually play RTS, Map Painters, or Strategy games in general.

>> No.27042355

>been in a re-education camp once
>live with a cunt that for some reason hates Artia when she interact with people

>> No.27042356

That nnnnnnnNNNNNNNAAAAAAAA sounds like Marge Simpson

>> No.27042357

Those are self-portraits. It's an artist thing.

>> No.27042359

Her capture card shit the bed yesterday on stream. She had to get Ame to help her try and fix it, she gave up and decided Minecraft would be better.

>> No.27042361

And people still doubt that it's HER

>> No.27042365

Remember, if you see a chink, report it to ICE and tell it to go back.

>> No.27042366

another anon here, they all look cute
Kiara is hot but puts on too much makeup.
Mori is cool but a little below average.
Ame has a cute face, don't know about bod tho.

>> No.27042367

>dualboxing arknights and granblue
based gacha gf

>> No.27042368

I fell asleep during Ames stream... Being EU is suffering

>> No.27042372

>been in a re-education camp once
Please stop taking /hlg/ jokes as truth, anon. She literally didn't even leave North America because she couldn't afford a ticket (even though she sold her PC like a dumbass).

>> No.27042376

Does she really have a cintiq that big? Do they even come that big?

>> No.27042379

So you just woke up?

>> No.27042381

I'm a citizen though

>> No.27042382

>Amelia will never ground pound you, only your mom

>> No.27042387

I'm my own mom

>> No.27042391
File: 379 KB, 1347x1757, 76469625_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, what were you doing in the blacked thread in the first place? huh?
How do we know that's not YOUR post?

>> No.27042392 [DELETED] 

Mori and Ame both look very average to me. It's hard for me to see how one could see a huge disparity between the two. Kiara obviously has a very different look.

>> No.27042394

I hope Ina moves in with me closer to central Canada.

>> No.27042400

all the chinks who fled back to China are gonna be surprised when their "brothers" and "countrymen" all suddenly hate them and never talk to them. Chinese outside of China are finally decoupling culturally from the bugmen.

>> No.27042403 [DELETED] 

She has a very cute face, good teeth and being a little bit chubby doesn't bother me.

Calli is really ugly and Kiara needs a closed mouth and tons of makeup/PS to look presentable.

>> No.27042405

I bought the Switch for 2. I bought a WiiU for X, 100% it more than twice and once within the year. DE was like my tenth playthrough, I played all the Operation Rainfall titles at the time.

>> No.27042406

Reminder that it's impossible for any woman under 300lbs to be lonely unless they deliberately sabotage themselves. Any woman can have Chads lining up to give them the dick on command. Only men can be lonely through no fault of their own. Don't fall for the sob stories about Shark, if she wanted to go out and get dicked she could do it at any time.

>> No.27042413

I hope Ina moves to the UK so she can stream for my time-zone instead of 12 or 2 or 3 in the morning

>> No.27042416

For me Ame has a defined jawline while Kiara has that round look. Appeals to different people. It's just what I think. She just gives me this Boxxy vibe

>> No.27042419 [SPOILER] 
File: 99 KB, 1080x384, 1601366203564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk more

>> No.27042422

what the fuck sort of /v/ language are you retards speaking in my hololive global thread

>> No.27042424

80% of girls go for 10% of men. Those 10% do not fuck all 80% but only the hottest.

>> No.27042429

ogey incel

>> No.27042430

Where did you get this? I need more? Full song please?

>> No.27042432

>Only men can be lonely through no fault of their own.
but most men could also get dicked at any time

>> No.27042434

As much as if stings me as a selfing hating chink to see her support the ccp I know that it was a shitty situation all around and we will never know her real intentions

>> No.27042435

Most of your post is bullshit but

>if she wanted to go out and get dicked she could do it at any time.
This part is true because I absolutely would take care of that for her.

>> No.27042436

My condolences anon.

>> No.27042437

You're retarded if you can't dissociate them.
Like, for real. Or maybe you're lonely and secretly want 3dpd.

>> No.27042438 [DELETED] 

Ok retard, now go find pics of Ina.

>> No.27042440

Unrealistic. Ina will be mine, anon.

>> No.27042452

Basically. Was late to my daily call at work as well

>> No.27042453

that's not true and you know it

>> No.27042455 [DELETED] 

Ame and Mori are both like 6.5/10 white girls. You are deluding yourself. They practically look identical. If you had a "basic mid/late twenties white bitch" machine it would make girls that look exactly like them.

I feel like I'm going insane.

>> No.27042459

Ame looks like a brit, and you know what they say about brit women

>> No.27042465
File: 140 KB, 1065x880, EjEPq1AUcAEeMMn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27042466

Seriously mixed messages. Probably just a shitposter with no actual agenda.

>> No.27042467

>replying to the same bait that caused the thread to become shit a couple hours ago.
What's wrong with you, Anon?
There are no photos only self portraits.

>> No.27042468 [DELETED] 

if you dont support communism theres no reason to hate yourself, fag

>> No.27042474

6.5/10 is still hot enough to bang any man they want if they just ask, bro

>> No.27042476

okayu is releasing a fuwa fuwa time cover for korone's birthday

>> No.27042478

She objectively received the best design. It's simple, adorable and thematic, in contrast with Kiara's absolute fucking disaster of outfit design. KFC? Chicken wings stuck in her hand? The fuck is this dumb shit.

>> No.27042481 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 316x183, 1601366403513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you insist

>> No.27042487

How can Amelia do more voice acting on stream?

>> No.27042490

Is she a schizo perchance?

>> No.27042491


>> No.27042494

Who fucking cares, we're fapping to porn of their avatars, not their roommates.

>> No.27042501

>He hasn't seen the tinder stats
Do you want to be blackpilled anon?

>> No.27042502

Did Kiara and Mori know each other before?

>> No.27042504

Gura can, and will continue to get away with it.

>> No.27042508 [DELETED] 

I'm perfectly fine with mi idealized mental image until you fags doxx them and post their pics here.

Are you Asian or black?
They look very different, Calli looks British/Germanic and Ame Mediterranean or even Latina.
And that's just their race.

>> No.27042510

They don't look like twins, so I don't know why you think they look identical. They certainly might look equally attractive to you, but unless they literally look like twins, other people who find features attractive in different ways could find them not equally attractive

>> No.27042511
File: 236 KB, 991x1080, ki ka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anotha pieca ki ka

>> No.27042519

are the mio headphones good

>> No.27042522
File: 16 KB, 621x328, nuthapeesa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042527

Her face is very... droopy. Other than that she looks fine.

>> No.27042528 [DELETED] 


>> No.27042529

Who here wants to fuck the clown?

>> No.27042530

Just knowing theyre not fat hambeasts is good enough for me.

>> No.27042531

Jesus fucking christ I can smell her stinky ass from this image alone. Also is she some kind of bulldyke with that haircut?

>> No.27042534

I want to see porn of their avatars fucking their roommates though.

Why should I care about an app that the majority of the world doesn't use?

>> No.27042542

stereotypically maybe but you know they're both american mutts

>> No.27042546
File: 132 KB, 1000x1000, 71D5x67RoyL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042548


>> No.27042549

Unlikely. They don't have any common interests and they're from different parts of the world.

>> No.27042553

Personally, they're all at least 6/10, which is good since they aren't 60% plastic or makeup like the "9/10" ewhores. Kiara's nose gets to me though
>inb4 burgers use their education system to argue that 6/10 is bad

>> No.27042552

Damn, she looks like me.

>> No.27042556

/hlg/ might, this is /hlgg/, sorry

>> No.27042564


>> No.27042568


>> No.27042571 [DELETED] 

Okay, I think this makes sense. You are right they aren't identical. I just think they are similar in attractiveness so I don't get how you could rate one higher than the other.

For me they are both in the "A little cute but nothing special, certainly not hideous" category. I guess it's silly to think everyone would agree.

>> No.27042572

Post a picture of an 8/10.

>> No.27042579

Not only are you wrong, but this may surprise you that just getting dicked doesn't solve loneliness. You also assume they don't have their own issues and tastes.

Mori even fucking complains about how the only guys she wants to bang are into 2D in one of her songs.

>> No.27042581 [DELETED] 

I want her to ring the bell while I fuck her

>> No.27042583

How much does that bad boy cost? I want one

>> No.27042587

She needs to go to gangnam for that famous Korean plastic surgery

>> No.27042593

She and the rest of HoloCN are in a fucking precarious situation and Artia has already been in trouble once before.
If people can't understand her circumstances then they can fuck right off.

>> No.27042594

Fair enough. I remember seeing someone post about how bad they wanted to fuck the clown

>> No.27042598

abayo nigga

>> No.27042600 [DELETED] 

I guess I only like Ame and Gura now.
You fags better not post pics of the shark.

>> No.27042601

I agree with you anon. I don't understand how people get so wildly warped perceptions of attractions to think one is hideous and the other is gorgeous. They are both pretty average desu

>> No.27042604

They don't.

Any issues they have can be solved by dicking a guy that suits their tastes.

Anything higher than a 7/10 is entirely personal preference-influenced

>> No.27042608

no. people here are just retarded faggots

>> No.27042609

Thank your for your continued service, Homestarmy.

>> No.27042611
File: 116 KB, 1200x675, Artia MHLMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042612

Yeah, I have one

>> No.27042617

So is Gura the only one that's an EOP?
Kiara and Ina are trilingual, Mori is really good at Japanese, and Ame is meh but at least she knows some.
I haven't heard Gura say more than a few words at a time.

>> No.27042618

>just getting dicked doesn't solve loneliness
It helps though. Women have no right to complain, they got life on easy mode.

>> No.27042619

about as much as a car

>> No.27042621

Jesus how much did it cost?

>> No.27042622

Like two grand in USD.

>> No.27042623

I want to rape ame
Just imagine all the screams

>> No.27042625

I wouldn't say she's a bulldyke, but she probably smells since she's a hermit.
I don't think even the most autistic doxfag on here has photos of the shark's roommate. She's an enigma.

>> No.27042629

I'd fuck it

>> No.27042631

>not post pics of the shark.
Someone should tell this newfag

>> No.27042634

>Calli is really ugly
lol, no she isn't you fucking retard

>> No.27042636
File: 391 KB, 776x834, 123223S.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not her. Its some random twitch streamer webtoon artist you fucking mongs.

>> No.27042644

shiiiiiitttttt her roommate is starting to take over.

>> No.27042645

famous last words lmao

>> No.27042647

>2 weeks wage
Not too bad. I'll save up.

>> No.27042649 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 317x350, 1601366866281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You fags better not post pics of the shark.

>> No.27042650

plus a couple hundred for an arm or whatever to rig it.

>> No.27042652

What's the timestamp for this moment?

>> No.27042655
File: 144 KB, 365x365, 1601339278558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad shark was never dumb enough to post her face online, so i don't have to imagine her as the alcoholic swede she is.

>> No.27042656

Each agency has its own image-board.

>> No.27042657

Top fucking kek, reminds me of that one white guy who married an ape ass looking asian with a side profile of a flat plane lol

>> No.27042658

If those leaks were her words I disagree, but I still support her regardless. I don't watch her for her politics.

>> No.27042660

Well there is a reason why meidos let Ame dox sit whole thread

>> No.27042662

if getting dicked is so good then why don't you try it

>> No.27042661

Ame is an EOP, she hasn't even learned kana.

>> No.27042663


>> No.27042667 [DELETED] 

Based FBKposter you saved me from unsubbing from Ina.

>> No.27042674

Sorry, Anon. I've sealed my memory of whatever that information activates behind a Ten-Thousand Elements Heavenly Jade Array. Nice try trying to defeat me.

>> No.27042676

I just lost it.

>> No.27042679

Oh thank god. I was just about to unsubscribe

>> No.27042682 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1359x896, 1601366971852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27042684

You should unsub from life

>> No.27042689

Look at >>27042636

>> No.27042691
File: 180 KB, 384x209, 1601182744318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she a lesbo?
What are the odds that she's dating HER?

>> No.27042692

Ame-chaama this is 2020, not 2010

>> No.27042693

Oh, maybe I got them mixed up. Has Gura spoken any Japanese at all for more than a few seconds?

>> No.27042695

Because I don't have a vagina you fucking retard. And now we're back to "women have it easy".

>> No.27042698

Shilin makes some comfy yuri

>> No.27042701

> setup is different

y'all are fucking stupid

>> No.27042703

Two grand or so at the time. Not sure what they go for these days. Just make sure you never go near the "touch" version it's a huge, glitchy gimmick

>> No.27042706

you don't need a vagina to get dicked

>> No.27042711
File: 148 KB, 1000x700, 964059786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042712

I'm not a woman and faggotry is a sin against God

>> No.27042713

I can't see shit

>> No.27042717 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 1817x2232, EiruyzDWsAEJuvG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your fucking job meidos

>> No.27042718

I don't think she has a choice. She's already been in trouble once before. If she doesn't play by their bug games, who knows what'll happen to her. I've heard people who say that she doesn't live in China anymore, but that doesn't mean that they can't fuck with her in other ways (demand her deportation back or block her from re-entering the country and never letting her see or contact family ever again).

>> No.27042719

What are we supposed to poison minds with now, roko's basilisk or some new meme?

>> No.27042720

If they do some kind of shark + amelia "ship" like they did with Korone and Okayu then I'd die happy

>> No.27042723 [DELETED] 

Try opening your eyes you stupid chink.

>> No.27042725

No, Gura and Ame don't seem to speak Jap, which is fine, they don't really have a Nip audience.

>> No.27042726 [DELETED] 

That's just how the economics of biology work in today's society, Anon. Women can have a limited number of children in their lifetime whereas men can knock up as many women as they are physically able to. Thus, women have the privilege of choice since they have far more at stake when it comes to choosing a partner, and since men are the ones who need to be selected, they must compete with one another to make her want to choose them.

>> No.27042727

The roommate that was posted isnt real anon. It was a troll post. Nice Cute and funny image tho.

>> No.27042731

I don't disagree about easy mode, but just getting dicked isn't any different from you paying a prostitute, except they get to save a couple hundred bucks. Might even be worse for our fellow autists, since you understand what you're getting out of hiring a whore, whereas just a dicking isn't as clearly defined.

>> No.27042732

Since there's no HoloEN streams on for ages, thought you guys might be interested in Polka doing a simulwatch of Commando (yes, the Schwarzenegger one).


>> No.27042734

Who is the third wheel of the Trinity then?

>> No.27042737
File: 13 KB, 300x300, SWEAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042740

I'm pretty sure the handle is a made-up name from Discord's streaming mode.

>> No.27042741

Just woke up, what's my narrative on Kiaras stream?

>> No.27042742

Oh shit, I just did for the first time and wow... Taiwan really isn't a part of China, huh.

Abayo! I chummed the last time you posted this.

>> No.27042746

But you do need to be a woman to achieve a female orgasm

>> No.27042747 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 1010x1520, 1600958246684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27042749

Why is Nobuhime watching Commando?

>> No.27042752

Put on a wig and programming socks and I will show you just how much you do not need a pussy to get fucked anon.

>> No.27042753

Dangerously based

>> No.27042755

>don't really have a Nip audience
you sure about that?

>> No.27042759

pretty cool
shark was cool as well
ame as well
ina was cool as well
mori was cool too

>> No.27042760

>they don't really have a Nip audience.
Then what are those japanese translated clips of Gura with a lot of views I keep seeing?

>> No.27042762

s3nzawa was the previous figure of Gura... here is her singing irl

>> No.27042764

>retards itt reli belibed it
do you really think that she would post any pictures of herself online and not have doxxfags find out as quick as the other three?

>> No.27042766

But the photo posted isn't even that bad.

>> No.27042767


>> No.27042769

Some men have vaginas.

>> No.27042770

T-thanks for the promotion

>> No.27042772

I'll give you a tip: prostate orgasm, look into it

>> No.27042774

This is just disgusting

>> No.27042776

>Sikh Roberu
Seems legit.

>> No.27042778

I'll take you up on that offer, baby, post your snap

>> No.27042781

basado y rojopastillado

>> No.27042782
File: 19 KB, 249x190, 1601101266136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're living in a golden age, brother

>> No.27042786

Sorry, I'm retarded. Gura has a massive Nip audience, Ame does not.

>> No.27042789

impossibly based

>> No.27042793

Get AIDS faggot

>> No.27042796 [DELETED] 

She got a black boyfriend that beat her up, then she learned nigs can't swim and drowned him.

Now she's back to being a dyke.

>> No.27042798

What's the chance that this is Ina's alt account?

>> No.27042804

graduate from life pls

>> No.27042811
File: 141 KB, 1748x1240, 1601093010106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina slicking to the whole event

>> No.27042812 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 233x317, 1597630191132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042813

Its not, the art is completely different. They are in the same streaming group though.

>> No.27042816 [DELETED] 
File: 464 KB, 1518x2150, 1600958080300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27042815

Also wrong.

>> No.27042817

>wake up
>check schedule
>there were 5 (FIVE) streams already while I was sleeping
fuck euros in particular right

>> No.27042820

>make retarded post on 4chinkz, twitter or reddit
>get zero likes and replies
>screencap anyway and post it on 4chungus to feed your website/fanbase bad narrative

>> No.27042821

>there will be people who think it's real

>> No.27042829

Shouldn't have said it, Shilin's art sometimes gets posted on /u/.

>> No.27042833
File: 487 KB, 880x658, SadLaars.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042838


>> No.27042841 [DELETED] 
File: 414 KB, 1518x2150, 1600958177635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27042843

Time to move to North America. Just avoid the cities

>> No.27042844
File: 97 KB, 294x256, 1547741640168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck why?????

>> No.27042845

I didn't ask about your thots, only chicken.

>> No.27042862
File: 30 KB, 553x597, 1601047082769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042863

the first image i ever saw of gura, days before her debut

>> No.27042867

She's cute tho

>> No.27042869

It retrospect, Artia's "gremlin" laugh isn't really much like a gremlin, it's just goofy.
That right there is a motherfucking gremlin laugh, she sounds like one right out of the movies.

>> No.27042876
File: 12 KB, 92x56, zawarudo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best I can do, Anon.

>> No.27042877

What triggered the chumps to spam porn?

>> No.27042878

Be honest, would you have thought of this song for a stream? I didn't even know that japanese really knew about this song. Roberu is on another fucking level of based

>> No.27042880
File: 10 KB, 170x99, 1589198033504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27042885

>anti-rightist struggle
based and redpilled

>> No.27042886

>delete off topic korone post but leave the porn

>> No.27042898


>> No.27042901

At least post the stacked version

>> No.27042903
File: 229 KB, 427x422, my love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated Kiara. I hated Kiara. I hated Kiara. I hated Kiara.

When she was posting on twitter before the debut, I thought she was going to be the best HoloEN. And then she talked about Pekora for 30 minutes of her debut. It was cute for the first five minutes. Then when she spoke Japanese for 20 minutes after that, I was fucking upset. And then, when she ruined her second stream by talking about Pekora for 30 minutes in Japanese a second time, I was aghast. And then when she ruined the first collab with her shitty attitude, I was devastated. And then, when she ruined the second collab by adamantly refusing to be put in the dumb slut corner where she belonged, I was SEETHING.

And I've done some thinking. I really have. I subjected myself to Kiara Sissy Hypnosis. I watched Kiara's content. Everything, back to back to back. And I'm here to tell you that I love Kiara again. If you just open your heart to her, you'll love her. Look at these beautiful eyes. Listen to that beautiful voice. Isn't she actually really good...?

>> No.27042904
File: 1.06 MB, 4096x3242, EjCR_i0XsAAqTWg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27042905

licky lick

>> No.27042910

Can someone link me the last thread ? It doesnt show in archives for me

>> No.27042914

Probably the faggot who posted and not a meido.

>> No.27042918

90% sure it's an anon who deleted it because it was posted in the wrong thread

>> No.27042925 [DELETED] 
File: 2.03 MB, 2195x1752, 1600957988869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27042928

meidos do your fucking job onegai

>> No.27042931 [DELETED] 

That eye looks hot.
Shark keeps my sub.

>> No.27042954 [DELETED] 

im gonna spam porn whenever people start doxxposting

>> No.27042958
File: 803 KB, 2151x4096, EjAqKQhUwAALrFi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious Calli art is so cool.

>> No.27042970

Mori needs such a hard dicking here.

>> No.27042969

Post more of her please. There are some really good ones.

>> No.27042975

Plastic scythe lol

>> No.27042981

To the /d/rawfag lurking in these threads, Amelia's Superliminal stream had lots of content, I'm surprised you haven't done any art for that stream yet

You know who you are.

>> No.27042983

>I'm past the age where I can go down a new life path
>I'll be behind the tens of thousands of others
Comparing yourself with others will always bring misery. There's always someone better than you at your chosen thing, and if you indeed are the best, then you likely suck at everything else because of how much time you spent honing your craft.

>> No.27042992

This makes literally zero sense. Use the reportfunction, newfagkun.

>> No.27042998
File: 688 KB, 910x744, luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame and Mori are both like 6.5/10 white girls. You are deluding yourself. They practically look identical.
Confirmed faceblind incel.
Ame is an adorable 7.5 and Mori would be an 8 in a dress, and they look nothing like each other.

>> No.27042999
File: 126 KB, 333x500, 1354416323236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birb is my fav too but jfc your post is beyond retarded.

>> No.27043001

I don't get it. Amelia is struggling now to keep her inner roommate in but Gura seems to be the total opposite of her roommate. What the fuck happened?

>> No.27043005

Why does she sound like that here?

>> No.27043016

>Exact same thing will happen if Gura overprices.
Hahaha, no. Gura will get away with it, and I will drink barracuda tears.

>> No.27043018

watson with exposed shoulders is super hot

>> No.27043020

It's not HER.

>> No.27043022

Wait. Did the artist redo that once we found out she had tits?

>> No.27043024


>> No.27043025
File: 217 KB, 372x422, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koronebros... /hlg/ is two threads down...

>> No.27043027

Is there one free just woke up coupon?

>> No.27043030

You guys need Jesus

>> No.27043031

Don't worry anon. I'm already on her ;^)

Edit: i mean on it ;^)

>> No.27043034 [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 2807x3051, 1600957219230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only saved the ones people posted here so I ran out

>> No.27043044

*zawa is HER facade, not HERself

>> No.27043050

Sleepy/drunk. It's Miyasuke returning to form, not Korone.

>> No.27043053


>> No.27043057


>> No.27043058

he did a quick fix, yeah

>> No.27043059

I watch every Sister Claire stream though

>> No.27043061

Yeah, I don't want to talk with them

>> No.27043065

Unless you are planning on doing some based futa/female or futa/futa stuff, you may as well just break your fingers.

>> No.27043066

nice JP reps

>> No.27043067

thank you for your service

>> No.27043069

Ame looks like my ex-gf, and she's a solid 7/10

>> No.27043073

Oh okay, thats acceptable. Enjoy your stay here then.

>> No.27043075

Live Again is 42k views from 1m

>> No.27043077 [DELETED] 

Why'd someone leave a 1m sub account and start over?
The shark is the real her, z*w* was just a facade to cash in on meme fads.

>> No.27043080

>streams stop
>thread automatically goes to shit

>> No.27043081

>switch broke
>co-worker calls you a whore
>hate chicken and brap but forced to collab
>too much technical difficulty
>too many mongoloids in chat
>forced to act as tech support because no one else can do it
>her foot hurt
she needs to sperg or she'll go insane

>> No.27043083 [DELETED] 

im gonna draw chicken raping mori
but im not very good at drawing

>> No.27043084


>> No.27043092

I love this narrative, it's so very Batman.

>> No.27043093
File: 388 KB, 5000x5000, 1387083820414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to comfy hours
What is this shit

>> No.27043094
File: 690 KB, 2200x2200, Chu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27043112 [DELETED] 
File: 2.67 MB, 2807x3051, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was that image photoshopped?

>> No.27043122

Wtf I like Gura now?!! she's better as a trap imo

>> No.27043123
File: 649 KB, 636x720, 1368338932048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27043125

The people who actually care about and watch the streams left to do other things, leaving only the people who care about shitposting
Now I'm gonna go back to watching Pikamee archives

>> No.27043127 [DELETED] 

cant believe shark was a boy all along

>> No.27043128

forgot to add
>ran out of kitkat

>> No.27043129

i do not like detailed noses and facial structures on anime girls

that's a variant image from the artist himself, reverse image search it

>> No.27043130
File: 54 KB, 112x112, 1600827388720.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because "OwO"s and "Ok Boomer" gets old eventually. She graduated from cringe meme shit and clearly wants to be part of something bigger and more serious. I'm happy that she's having success with it and you should be too

>> No.27043138

>bruteforces puzzles
>always has something to blame when losing
>stream snipers
>desk slam
>your mom jokes

Yep, Ame's hololive forsen alright

>> No.27043146


>> No.27043149

What are the odds the artist has pronouns in bio?

>> No.27043150

You cant spell atlantis without antis

>> No.27043154

fucking kek. amazing

>> No.27043155

Looking for a change in format. The videos on that channel are all too short to hit the new sweet spot for ad revenue in the algorithm. She probably hasn't made much money off the channel.

>> No.27043158 [DELETED] 

Dick's too big, he needs a cute and small one.

>> No.27043162

Gentlemen, how do we save this thread?

>> No.27043164

seethe harder amerilard prudes

>> No.27043168

Yesterday the thread was comfy at this hour. Now it's just... this. I think I'm going to play more Underrail.

>> No.27043170
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>> No.27043172

>There's no more kit kats in the entire world

This woman is a goner. Just let her die...

>> No.27043174

Pricing member-streams too high just leads to entitlement and breeding of new potential stalkers.

>> No.27043181

Can some explain to me how to use Twitch sub if you have a amazon prime account? I want to sub to Artia but I have nfi how twitch works.

>> No.27043183
File: 425 KB, 2645x3357, 1601039705822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't hololive have dedicated support staff for their talents?

>> No.27043184

Post Gura's lewds

>> No.27043185

It's being saved right now, though

>> No.27043186


>> No.27043187
File: 7 KB, 305x107, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27043193 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 727x1000, 1601341385902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit about the lewds
It's the roommateposting and narrativeposting and falseflagging that has to stop

>> No.27043194 [DELETED] 

I'm so sorry, it was all me.

>> No.27043196

I think this needs to be said seeing as we have a lot newfags here, if there's a girl in EN you're not particularly fond of that's fine but at the very least give them a chance and come back in a month or two to see how you feel about them once they've started to get the hang of things.

Most of the JP girls were in the exact same situation and it took awhile for them to really start getting used to it so please try to be patient with the girls.

Just compare these old videos to how they are now.

>> No.27043197

People want Mori to keep membership the way it is now they realized the members only stream was super fucking comfy due to filtering all the retarded poorfags

>> No.27043200

That was a good game and I'm glad HE got me to try it out when I otherwise wouldn't have.

>> No.27043204 [DELETED] 

post porn to drive the crossboarders out

>> No.27043206

got em

>> No.27043210
File: 293 KB, 3318x1820, 1601311883810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell asleep during Ame's Limbo SC readings. Any yabs since then?

>> No.27043212

There is no reason to do something if you aren't the best.

-Not that guy

>> No.27043213

I don't see why anyone thinks the leaks of Artia are real in any form when there is no proof. I mean, look, there is that chink on twitter trying to make those fake tweets of Gura. Normal bugman tactics

>> No.27043214

She responds nearly every time to "Are you Winning Gura" so staying away from cringe meme shit is probably the wrong way to put it.

Wanting to do something more serious definitely because as funny as it is, getting blasted constantly to produce content is not a healthy lifestyle.

>> No.27043217

How is it possible to tell a persons political views just from their artstyle?

>> No.27043218

You know the answer to that question.

>> No.27043222

Cover is a cheapskate company. They don't want to spend a dime. They basically rely on their talents to do everything, including tech support.

>> No.27043224
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>> No.27043231

Because they're cold-hearted nips. I bet gura was crying in her bed after the stream because she got so scared. She's just lying there all alone, barely under the covers, in a dark room lit only by her monitor

>> No.27043234

I didn't think I was replying to you, based shunny poster. I thought they were complaining about you.
Keep up the good work.

>> No.27043236 [DELETED] 

W*stern (((Art)))

>> No.27043237 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 571x529, 1601284222269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will Pikamee collab with first when HoloMyth are allowed to collab outside their gen?

>> No.27043238

I hope she realizes that this might just breed new potential entitled stalkers.

>> No.27043239

wtf mods allow porn in blue board now?

>> No.27043242

why was amelia nerfed

>> No.27043252

>he missed Amelia's most kino stream.

>> No.27043254 [DELETED] 

beauty reflects the mind

>> No.27043257

Sharksawa is undoxxable and therefore unstalkable though. Unless a serious bsnss hacker gets into her shit somehow, and I doubt that will happen.

>> No.27043261


>> No.27043263
File: 334 KB, 715x366, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind degredation.

>> No.27043264

expectation: her
reality: birb

I'm fine with both personally

>> No.27043265
File: 76 KB, 1187x780, 1589128105583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me see your armpits!

>> No.27043266

Challenge accepted

screencap this post

>> No.27043272

Full image please

>> No.27043271

I'm sure people will hate me for saying it, but it'll probably be Mori or Kiara since timezones.

>> No.27043273
File: 11 KB, 654x260, 1600416489705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haato debut
how tf did she turn into haachama

>> No.27043274 [DELETED] 

post full please

>> No.27043279

you can't make this shit up kek

>> No.27043282


>> No.27043285 [DELETED] 

Imagine if Cover was competent.
The girls would have sponsorship's from real companies instead of having to suck off China's cock and beg for collabs with chink gachas FOR FREE.

>> No.27043286

Correct Answers: Sharkawa
Realistic: Ina or Chicken
She will eventually collab with the 5 of them

>> No.27043290

Nah, you won't succeed.

>> No.27043297

Australia got to her.

>> No.27043300

pikamee will take every crumb she can get. Her market is gone

>> No.27043301
File: 89 KB, 1080x1527, 1597069309329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27043303 [DELETED] 

haato is just bored
watch the gibara debut

>> No.27043308

Her and Ina seem to want to collab the most

>> No.27043309

Commies can be Batman too I guess but we're talking about Hololive.

>> No.27043310

If she gets enough fans some might be able to find her regardless.

>> No.27043312
File: 11 KB, 230x230, 1600739484030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27043318

Join Astel's singing stream if you want to stay comfy

>> No.27043321


>> No.27043323

nice try wamechama

>> No.27043324

i wanna fuck it

>> No.27043327
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x1085, JoJo Nigger Edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27043331

Rangeban all shark posters. That's where all the newfags, redditors and schlacktivism fags are.

>> No.27043332

Thank you Ame for promoting the holostars!

>> No.27043333

There a timestamps for this three stooges shit?

>> No.27043336

See >>27042027

>> No.27043337

Don't talk bad about Pika
I still love her...

>> No.27043341

>are you winning son
>Cringe meme
wew lad. also, its a weird narrative that being a hololive streamer is somehow soul crushing. There are people who stream all day long every single day on twitch and they still manage. If anything, getting on hololive would give regular streamers a nice change of pace

>> No.27043342

How nice of you to support the homos, Amelia

>> No.27043344

I loke all the Holos but Kiara is my favorite.

>> No.27043345

Chumchads saving the day once again, godspeed to you, anon.

>> No.27043349 [DELETED] 

did anyone clip him singing bohemian rhapsody

>> No.27043352

What does this have to do with Shien?

>> No.27043356

Is she singing in falsetto?

>> No.27043357

I kneefaced myself once, it wasn't pleasant.

>> No.27043361
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>> No.27043365
File: 58 KB, 800x691, 1600888475849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one seething shark anti is STILL posting
Nigger go to bed

>> No.27043373

how was bird and shark stream?

>> No.27043387

If it comes, it'll be from inside Cover.

>> No.27043393

Rightwingers have no creativity. They can only tear down and hold back.

>> No.27043395

>He doesn't think "are you winning son" is a cringe meme
r/hololive might be more your style anon

>> No.27043399
File: 9 KB, 480x360, KEKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigga Nigga NI

>> No.27043403

shark was fat-shaming, clinked her liquor bottle down a lot, and screamed and pissed herself at the end.

>> No.27043409
File: 150 KB, 497x475, 1601059705606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was doing my sleeping reps and missed Amelia's Limbo stream, Gura's DbD stream, and Chicken's Minecraft stream. Anything notable happen?

>> No.27043411


>> No.27043412

Unbelievably based

>> No.27043416

Both fantastic. I only caught some of Chicken but her Minecraft streams are her best yet. She's comfortable during them, enjoying discovering the game, and making lots of enjoyable birdbrain fuckups. Gura as well streamed for over 3 hours and seemed way more comfortable with streaming, and was clearly having a lot of fun.

>> No.27043417
File: 91 KB, 340x406, 1601050796684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello? Is this based department?
Calling for all chumchads, report in.
We have a thread to save.

>> No.27043418
File: 115 KB, 674x940, 1600870379287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't VOMS get tonnes more sponserships despite being far smaller?

>> No.27043421

Dilate tranny

>> No.27043422

Both great. Every stream today was great, actually, I think the first day that's happened. Watch everything you missed unless there's a girl you particularly don't like, and even still give it a try.

>> No.27043425

She did say she was gonna


>> No.27043428

You're actually insane.

>> No.27043432

You can forget about it if you're not a richfag. That Cintiq costs as much as a top tier gaymen PC.

>> No.27043435

>Nigga nigga nii
Holy fuck

>> No.27043440

these posts are always made by actual pasty white weebs who have deluded themselves into thinking they're actually japanese.

>> No.27043441

Holos do get gacha sponsorships, though? If I remember correctly there's been paid PriConne, Azur Lane and Granblue streams. Just give it some time.

>> No.27043444


>> No.27043448

You shouldn't start off with something like that anyways.

>> No.27043451

Who are you quoting, schizokun?

>> No.27043457

Japanese don't like niggers though. Asians hate niggers way more than white people

>> No.27043459


>> No.27043465
File: 136 KB, 281x377, 1601345996176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura was really in her element today and had a proper, long stream filled with fun and freakouts, plus some funny stories. Kiara continued the same quality in her last Minecraft stream by getting lost, crushed by sand, and then getting lost in her own cave system she created, while also learning the game. They both had the longest individual streams today, which is nice.

>> No.27043468

Very smooth, and also healthy! The smell kinda reminds me of burgers somehow. It doesn't mean it's bad, it's delicious actually!

>> No.27043472

link that cintiq

>> No.27043481

The point being that the presented public persona that is adored for various aspects does not really exist and the actual person merely affects the illusion. That is what HER and Gura are to the inner roommate.

>> No.27043482
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>> No.27043485

>censoring the time
We know you are from SEA

>> No.27043487
File: 1004 KB, 1080x1527, ENHANCED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.27043492

That's good to hear. I was thinking of doing that but both bird and shark are three hours each. Gonna watch squid for now, forgot to ask about her, but I did see that she painted some of her senpais which is cute.

>> No.27043494

Didn't even private it, if that was the case.

>> No.27043495 [DELETED] 

They have to beg China for those and I wouldn't be surprised if they only got paid in exposure.
Meanwhile twitch streamers sign deals of millions of dollars being individuals.

Cover is just incompetent.

>> No.27043496

Name one sponsored VOMS stream.

>> No.27043497

>wake up
>Catch Ina's vod
>Boring art stream
>Next one is gonna be another boring art stream except 3 hours long instead

Even mori's garbage japanese learning streams are better than this, does she even want people to watch her

>> No.27043502

why lewd her...

>> No.27043504

>400k views in 4 hours
You, she struck gold today, amd the stream was really good. I'm proud of my Shark Daughter.

>> No.27043513

>The point being that the presented public persona that is adored for various aspects does not really exist and the actual person merely affects the illusion. That is what HER and Gura are to the inner roommate.

It's almost as if they're performers putting on an act

>> No.27043515
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>> No.27043517
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>> No.27043518

>I don't like it, therefore it's boring

And yet her art stream pulled 20k during a Gura stream.

>> No.27043520

How come this "Ame and Mori hate each other" narrative keeps getting tossed around but nobody ever actually elaborates on it or tries to post evidence of it? I feel like if there was substance behind it then the schizos and antis would be spamming that shit here nonstop.

>> No.27043522
File: 314 KB, 387x398, 1600894076738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Sora stream makes me feel so sad and happy at the same time, this whole thing was built on her shoulders

>> No.27043525

Sleepy Polka.

>> No.27043528

This is about character development and story arcs, it's not a political movement.

>> No.27043529
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>> No.27043532 [DELETED] 


>> No.27043535

That is a defensive mechanism like what sea cucumbers have anon. Not everything is lewd sea creatures are strange.

>> No.27043540

The narrative will probably get btfo in the collab later anyway.

>> No.27043551

As someone who is a tier3, I honestly wouldn't mind if she kept it. Her t2 chat was so relaxing. It was also nice that you could actually talk with her because chat wasn't moving at the speed of sound.

>> No.27043554

Indeed. Having a huge screen tablet is very nice, but as a newbie, you wouldn't get much mileage out of it anyway, you can get a decent Wacom tablet for like a hundred bucks (two hundred if you want that screen), and it'll last you a decade.

>> No.27043566


>> No.27043568
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>> No.27043575
File: 260 KB, 1920x1152, 1600102463719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN & their weapons:
>Kiara: Sword and Shield /m/ style
>Mori: Death Scythe
>Ina: Kraken Tentacles
>Gura: Shark Teeths
>Ame: Syringe

>> No.27043594

That's actually funny.

>> No.27043597

oh no...

>> No.27043598
File: 118 KB, 404x404, 1587006952437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Ina and her roommate always so pessimistic/self-deprecating when talking about themselves? She doesn't strike me as having actual autism like Mori

>> No.27043600

All she did was draw with 0 chat interaction. It's boring.

>> No.27043605

I think Ame is like Batman. She's a normal human, but her intellect lets her be on par with mythical creatures in strength.

>> No.27043606

Yes, which is why assuming someone is undergoing some kind of social change or becoming their true self is pointless. You can't possibly know.

Social phenomenon, not a political movement. There's no evidence that Gura is more true to HER actual self or vice versa since both are and were carefully crafted to entertain. It's speculation.

>> No.27043608

Cause there are actual autists here who think if they're not constantly interacting on stream that must mean they hate each other, we've seen it all the time in /hlg/ this is nothing new.

>> No.27043610

Assuming we ever get a 3D for HoloEN, how the fuck would they even go about doing it? Mori and Kiara are the only ENs that live in Japan.

>> No.27043611

Couldn't watch it live, what did you think about Ina's stream

>> No.27043613

She needs a bf like me

>> No.27043623
File: 7 KB, 580x83, thisisyouhlgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27043625

you need a bf?

>> No.27043628

>Kiara humming her theme song in intro

>> No.27043630

What? Even Kiara self deprecates harder. Or are you talking about that one braincell thing?

She admitted she was in a bad state of mind some years back and is trying to make it so she doesn't go back to that state.

>> No.27043641

I would assume they'd have to fly to Japan for 3Ds once the wuflu is over.

>> No.27043643
File: 24 KB, 592x165, Screenshot 2020-09-23 210618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this

>> No.27043647

yes best friendo

>> No.27043652
File: 466 KB, 914x982, 1601251094207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously wish I had 10% of Kiara's endless fountain of energy, even if it makes me cringe.

>> No.27043653

Seeing all those reviews, makes me think the $2000 is too much for poor QA

>> No.27043661

you're insane, but I can respect your devotion, chickenbro

>> No.27043662

Turns out Amelia is still the best girl.

>> No.27043663
File: 52 KB, 250x182, 250px-RED_Syringe_Gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame has one of these

>> No.27043668

Who was this to? Ina?

>> No.27043670
File: 11 KB, 400x314, Dunning-Kruger-effect-graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 3/4 of the way here

>> No.27043673

Pikamee is doing some AMD thing as far as I know.
I was asking a genuine question. My understanding was they did get sponsorships but I was not sure.

>> No.27043675


>> No.27043680

It's from a Mori stream, forgot which one
>the JOPs don't know

>> No.27043690

I respect that chickenbro. Have a nice day.

>> No.27043697

ame>ina>don't care

>> No.27043704

Mori likes the worst tumblr-tier fanart on Twitter I swear

>> No.27043706

Rather, it's fiction. The analysis of which is not illuminated by your sociological framing. Relax and enjoy the entertainment. Truth about the players is not relevant.

>> No.27043711

That would be cool. I bet whoever had to fly over to Japan could also do a offline-collab with Calli and Kiara.

>> No.27043718


>> No.27043719


>> No.27043720


>> No.27043726

Don't they like all fanart that gets posted on the tags?

>> No.27043744 [DELETED] 

Her own art is pretty tumblr tier, what did you expect?

>> No.27043747

A swedish penis pump?

>> No.27043749

no twitch is even worse ew

>> No.27043752 [SPOILER] 
File: 253 KB, 2048x1112, 1601369861837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going back to our roots.

>> No.27043758

The fuck? Mori is already in Japan.

>> No.27043764

>youtube vods don't play the chat
Anon... your F5 reps...

Sometimes they just don't load. Refresh the page

>> No.27043766

It does? Whose VOD are you watching?

>> No.27043767

Yes, but JOPs didn't know that

>> No.27043772

The JOPs don't know that though

>> No.27043784

Ina's roommate has already dabbled in 3D, when it happens it'll be organic and tacitly accepted as the new status quo by Cover. They aren't anywhere near the cutting edge anymore and the money will be too good to pass up.

>> No.27043791

Sorry sweety ya boy will put a trigger warning you can filter next time.

>> No.27043793


>> No.27043792

Hololive EN 3D streams since Mori in japan?

>> No.27043800
File: 922 KB, 800x1131, ENHANCED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice armpit, but somehow it smells like a corpse mixed with expensive fragrant perfumes.

>> No.27043803

>JOPs lack the knowledge
How the tables turn

>> No.27043811

They never questioned the time zone or the fact she always lists alcohol prices in yen?

>> No.27043827

Cry harder

>> No.27043833

All artists are like that

>> No.27043842

No it isn't. Twitch is better at streaming in every single aspect. Only fucking retards and video content creators who also stream use youtube. Using youtube for streaming is so typical of japanese who are stuck 20 years in the past with their web design.

>> No.27043848

nice I'll be your best friendo

>> No.27043851
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>> No.27043852

Some of her art sort of reminds me of panty and stockings art, well her demon drawings anyways.

>> No.27043853

Does Gura get off to the thrill of being spooked? It seems like each time she genuinely got scared she had to take a minute to compose herself, but this Outlast stream was understandable being towards the end of a 3 hour stream.

>> No.27043855

You weren't here when the twitch community invaded the haato EN stream once weren't you

>> No.27043857

amelia fucked your mum

>> No.27043866
File: 845 KB, 498x429, 1600733064629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I think is the best Mori song?

>> No.27043873

They could have gotten a Microsoft sponsorship if they were smart for fuck's sake. And now they probably blew their chance

>> No.27043876

I wasn't saying my point proves it one way or the other, just that this kind of phenomenon has been observed in human behavior for decades, arguably centuries to millennia and that figuring out the "real" person isn't viable. It's possible that Gura doesn't even know which part she's faking and which part is genuine herself.

>> No.27043877

Under the Sea

>> No.27043883

The only thing I'll give youtube is the chat is typically less cancerous than twitch chat. Functionally as a streaming service though I'll agree twitch is better.

>> No.27043885

Go compare all of their twitter likes. Mori and Kiara are the only ones giving likes to straight up garbage. Look at this shit

>> No.27043887

Live Again.
Seriously Live Again is so fucking well written.

>> No.27043889

>Twitch is better at streaming in every single aspect
Twitch hasn't improved since the days it was just a Justin.tv spinoff.

>> No.27043890

shes defective

>> No.27043891

I dunno but her squeaks are hot af
asmr when asmr when asmr when

>> No.27043896 [DELETED] 


Banned word in chat..

>> No.27043908

I'm sure all the vtuber companies will go ahead and trash their millions of subs to appease your dumb EOP non-donating ass.

>> No.27043910

Ame's trademark weapon is her watch or time travel clock. My headcanon is that she's one of those characters who only fights when necessary given her job as a "detective".
She's a time traveler.

>> No.27043911

Why do people have to be some professional artist to get recognized. It's fucking fan art lol

>> No.27043912

>she didn't pee herself at the end of the stream, she came
now this is a good narrative

>> No.27043915

Ina will take emote suggestions
we need black cat

>> No.27043921

yeah coz its annoying like no one legit gives a flying fuck about this unknown country

>> No.27043926

They banned China too

>> No.27043930

I'll never forgive the West Taiwanese!

>> No.27043932

I think Mori is just nice and wants to encourage artists, a like shouldn't be taken as a sign she actually likes the art

>> No.27043938

just woke up what did i miss

>> No.27043940

The vods usually take time to add the chat after the stream ends. Same with getting anything past the 2 hour mark if it runs that long.

>> No.27043941

Well Australia is only an hour ahead of their time zone, besides they can barely understand her normally

>> No.27043947

Good riddance.

>> No.27043946
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>> No.27043950

Watson probably has a revolver under her desk.

>> No.27043957
File: 923 KB, 2828x3052, 1600383760839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My retarded ass got the holo scheduler thing to work, I will be able to watch the Gura karaoke stream as a EUfag

>> No.27043960

Sure, but again we're not talking about real people. We're talking about characters in a metatextual narrative.

>> No.27043963
File: 2.21 MB, 200x174, 1295740030214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the spooky music

>> No.27043968

amelia ground pounded your mom last night

>> No.27043969 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

buh bye chink

>> No.27043970

the problem with a country run by STEM nerds is they are too autistic to make good propaganda

>> No.27043971


>> No.27043976

Amelia pounded your mom and Kiara's big black roommate physically assaulted her.

>> No.27043977

Some fun streams and schizos arguing amongst themselves
Just another day on /hlgg/

>> No.27043980

People still don't like looking at shit, anon

>> No.27043981

Mori is an amateur artist and animator, go figure she has sympathy for the guys who are still developing their skill and struggling.

>> No.27043984

god you are so hilarious man are you from reddit or something?

>> No.27043986

which one

>> No.27043988
File: 100 KB, 900x561, Eh7KYq5X0AA-dE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I follow a lot of artists on Twitter and the general impression I get from most of them is "all artists hate themselves and their art more than anyone else"

>> No.27043989

ame's half asleep mario stream was kino

>> No.27043993

Happy birthday from the tranny?

>> No.27043995

the permissions....onegai

>> No.27043999

>tfw Gura is into fear play

>> No.27044002

Ame streamed Mario for an hour or so

>> No.27044011

It's not that bad.

>> No.27044021

I would put it on my fridge

>> No.27044023

Is this actually gura? Which stream is this from?

>> No.27044026

Dammit anon, I don't need a boner at work thinking about Gura laughing awkwardly after you frig her senseless and she squirts all over the floor.

>> No.27044028

Ye olde stream anon.

>> No.27044046

I like it, it's relatable.

>> No.27044050

Yet your still mother looks at you every morning, go figure I guess

>> No.27044059

Supporting amateur artists is a bad thing now?

>> No.27044060

Still looks better than that artist's twitter avatar.

>> No.27044070


>> No.27044071

We're talking about the actor in respect to their characters. People have compared it to WWE and kayfabe in the past among other things, but the point is that where one begins and the other ends isn't something that can realistically be deduced.

>> No.27044072

Jokes on you, nobody looks at me in the morning

>> No.27044074
File: 27 KB, 620x465, allt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came a dozen times in the past few hours to depressed kiara
someone needs to make a kiara suffering compilation

>> No.27044075

Ame's failed limbo stream still isn't back up
I hope she puts it back edited because I didn't get a chance to watch the zatsudan

>> No.27044086

Bros what if I'm schizophrenic?

>> No.27044097

You'll be in good company here

>> No.27044102

For events, probably fly them in. For now at least, maybe in a year if they have another gen, they might actually get a local studio going in the place they have the most close together.
In general? They've already been recently experimenting with 3D equipment at home the past week, likely in preparation for the eventual lockdown this winter (even in Japan).
Rushia has a 3D stream in about an hour, for example. (oh god)

>> No.27044103

See a doctor?

>> No.27044104

Go see a doctor. He will help you

>> No.27044106

You know what you're right, I'm just being a crab. I pavlov'd myself and bad tumblr art just makes me seethe irrationally.

>> No.27044108

Well, Mori is an animator and knows what it is like making amatuer art and not being that good art drawing yet, and Kiara is the type of person who suffered bullying for being a weeb, so of course they'd be nice and like amatuer art. Plus, no matter how shitty the fanart is, if it has good intent, it will give you an ego boost.

>> No.27044109

welcome to the club brother

>> No.27044111

welcome my brother

>> No.27044112

Or right click, copy url at current time, paste on address bar and enter, it solves it for me because chat stops loading if you skip the video in any way and reloading sometimes puts you at the beginning of the video and if you skip to where you left off the chat will stop working

>> No.27044116

Imagine not being such a pro actor that the character is the real you and the real you is just a mask

>> No.27044117
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 7ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watson's design would be 10x better if she had exposed armpits
prove me wrong

>> No.27044118
File: 2.85 MB, 1429x2000, 1596209477276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here your meds anon

>> No.27044127
File: 404 KB, 2000x2000, Eh3zg-lUcAA-dP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Treats viewers like toddlers.

>Treats viewers like close friends.

>Treats viewers like annoying siblings.

>Is overtly professional and is very wary about upsetting viewers


>> No.27044128


>> No.27044129

If you close the chat and open it again it starts working again.

>> No.27044131

I... I can't...

>> No.27044134

Hope for new outfit to do this.

>> No.27044143

Ye, it's weird that they took so long to do anything about it in the first place.
I really hope it comes back.

>> No.27044146

She can claim asylum. Well, she could if immigration wasn't completely fucked these days.

>> No.27044148
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>Amelia making tea with pantyhose

>> No.27044150

>They haven't pissed so hard they came
Its euphoric had to piss for 6 hours when it happened

>> No.27044151

Ina treats her viewers like students/apprentices.

>> No.27044154

>Is very comfy

>> No.27044156
File: 186 KB, 388x558, 1601347191114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina treats us like MARRIAGE APPLICANTS

>> No.27044159

God I wish they'd to treat me like I'm their annoying toddler sibling

>> No.27044161

so basically watame/subaru's fancy outfit?

>> No.27044163

Students, in art streams.
Fellow weebs, in zatsudans

>> No.27044165
File: 2.96 MB, 1743x1615, 84472459_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed most of her stream yesterday cuz I fucking fainted. How it was?

>> No.27044166

The whole "amelia raid" thing probably set the tone.

>> No.27044167
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>> No.27044168

What would the costume be then?

>> No.27044171
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>> No.27044176
File: 104 KB, 506x595, obama son of ogre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anonchama....don't look up Botan....

>> No.27044179 [DELETED] 

>Treats viewers like boyfriends and girlfriends

>> No.27044180

Are you a girl or is there something I'm not understanding at play here

>> No.27044181

Her best stream yet.

>> No.27044184

Applying for asylum does a fuck lot of good if you can't get out of the country. It doesn't make it so you can go back to the country and see your family again.

>> No.27044186

It was okay

>> No.27044192

What country are you from, friend?

>> No.27044194

she pissed herself

>> No.27044198

10/10, best (and longest) stream yet
Future is bright for my daughterwife

>> No.27044209

Good stream and also she literally pissed herself (part of the reason it was good)

>> No.27044211


>> No.27044214

Just woke up. Amelia did a secret guerilla mario stream? Did she buy a new Switch or what?

>> No.27044217

Genuinely one of her best streams yet.
Many good Gura noises, and finally felt like she was interacting with the chat.
Not as good as HoloJP but she's getting there.

>> No.27044229
File: 78 KB, 640x720, 1601180862986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was Outlast?

>> No.27044232
File: 146 KB, 375x550, 1542680130663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you're not necrotic I've picked the same wound for about a decade now I just can't stop its a nervous response I get bored and gouge at my flesh

>> No.27044234

Botan doesn't look that bad she's kinda old

>> No.27044235

It overheated like 3 times and she did mini-zatsudans about making tea with her used socks

>> No.27044243
File: 50 KB, 400x400, Kiara derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara gets so scared at monster noises that she turns downt heir volume
Cute chicken!

>> No.27044244
File: 5 KB, 241x75, go2bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame is sleeping right now

Turns out the bad framerate was a capture card connection issue. Switch still overheats though, new one on the way.

>> No.27044245

She did but not arrived yet.

>> No.27044246

It exploded a few times but she managed to keep the ball rolling.

>> No.27044247
File: 208 KB, 868x1307, 1594211891610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very hot

>> No.27044249

When is Mori's T3 member stream?

>> No.27044250


>> No.27044262

what are system requirements and equipment required for being a vtuber?

>> No.27044263

My own blood tastes so delicious though.

>> No.27044264

Ina's not a kraken, she's the priestess of an old God. Also technically Reaper's a predator of sorts.

>> No.27044270

Shark and Ame will stream using their old 3d avatars.

>> No.27044272

Her favorite streamer used that joke a lot too.

>> No.27044274

She said she wasn't goin to sleep until after the collab and neither am I!

>Me and my wife are gonna be on the same sleep schedule.
Basically living together.

>> No.27044278

CCP decided to lynch Civia and Artia, and you can save one of them.
Who would you save?

>> No.27044279
File: 223 KB, 475x473, 1600911674104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably one of her best streams she went strong then entire time then tactically pissed herself at the end

>> No.27044282

>is overly professional
Not really, but you're right it looks like she's trying really hard not to attract any creeps

>> No.27044288

yoooooooo when is sharkweek?

>> No.27044295

That's not my reading of the thread at all.
>Gura seems to be the total opposite of her roommate
>*zawa is HER facade, not HERself
The OP and initial reply contextualize Gura's roommate as a fictional character; first, the OP wrestles with the incongruity of assuming the roommate is nonfictional and then the reply locates the flaw.
What we have are two characters with some shared continuity. Assuming the link between them to be a real person misses the point. Our analyses of Batman and Bruce Wayne aren't improved by including Christian Bale or Adam West.

>> No.27044301
File: 191 KB, 1572x1891, noctua_nf_a12x25_pwm_4_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy stuff for Amelia.

>> No.27044302

>and entire week of gura streaming

>> No.27044304

an iphone

>> No.27044308

Civia. Not a big fan of the twitch goblin.

>> No.27044309

gremlin gets the rope

>> No.27044312

what kind of guys do you think amelia goes for in otome games?

>> No.27044313

Imagine slapping their ass after getting your order taken

>> No.27044315

Once a month

>> No.27044322

Which HoloEN most likely to play LoL?
Artia LoL streams are really fun

>> No.27044323 [DELETED] 

I know she's an ugly 40yo obasan. I never liked her to begin with though.

>> No.27044324


>> No.27044325

Eh, they're decent. I would say the K712s or K7XX if you can get them are better and cheaper I think

>> No.27044329

Who is the best general gamer in hololive?

>> No.27044330

based and watch clips from sharkweek on youtube with shark

>> No.27044333

Based Linux chad

>> No.27044335


>> No.27044336

the one who looks like he would have the biggest dick.

>> No.27044338

Clearly not the type that spends most of their days on an mongolian throat-singing enthusiasts website

>> No.27044339

Apparently there is no floor from what we've seen but actually the only thing Cover does do is give their streamers an iPhone dedicated to being a camera processing the live2d. Unless they don't even do that anymore. A good connection for streaming is preferable, but once again there's a very low floor

>> No.27044344

Fubuki or Aqua

>> No.27044351

I'd abstain from using my pardon.

>> No.27044352

That image will be my greatest contribution to human culture. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

>> No.27044354
File: 497 KB, 800x1069, 84629011_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She pissed herself
I guess archives it is then. Thanks.

>> No.27044355

Fubuki sama

>> No.27044356

buy stuff for yourself instead, nigga

>> No.27044360

Unironically Aqua

>> No.27044361

Who masturbates the most amongst the HoloEN?

>> No.27044367

they give 3,000 worth of equipment to their streamers, iphome, pc n etc some already had prebuilt good pc so they didnt have to

>> No.27044370

Did you knee yourself in the head?

>> No.27044371


>> No.27044373

Quarantine kept her from finding the abbo boyfriend of her dreams

>> No.27044374

My guess is Ina

>> No.27044375


>> No.27044378

Amelia, no doubt

>> No.27044382

The otome game who she mentioned really liking one of the boys from was https://english-otome-games.fandom.com/wiki/Nightshade
Too lazy to look through the characters but it might be fun to speculate.

>> No.27044385

watson's the dirtiest, brought up masturbsting before bed as a sleep tip

>> No.27044389


>> No.27044392

Is this like garlic for communist vampires? You understand they're on VPNs, right?

>> No.27044397

I'd like to think Mori, something about her gives me "sexual frustration" vibes

>> No.27044402

when was this?

>> No.27044403

Man does guys are handsome as fuck

>> No.27044405


>> No.27044408


>> No.27044412

Subaru could win a fight against half the girls

>> No.27044413

Her best stream yet. She finally started to seem to open even just a tiny bit, even told a story in a sentence or two but it was an Amelia-tier "wat" of that she's (somehow) managed to knock herself out with her own knee before.

Also didn't overplay the Cheez-Whiz fake "omg guys I'm so scared" type stuff other holos kind of yuk-yuk along all stream, for example like half of Korone's recent game was fast panting noises and freaking out at every single little thing. Nah, Gura just made fun of most of what she saw along the way besides a couple jumpscares/badly-timed sentences. The one time a jumpscare actually got her, she let out a chipmunk-like little squeak which was the most adorable thing possibly any Holo has ever done.

>> No.27044415

You mean her roommate? I don't believe you. Or did I miss some kind of extreme innuendo?

>> No.27044418

it really works, though.
good tip.

>> No.27044423 [DELETED] 

Amelia go sleep already, you'll miss the delivery of your new switch.

>> No.27044425

She's the most depressed so she has the most amount of time where she has nothing better to do but shlick

>> No.27044426

I think a Q&A stream, she was talking about getting to sleep and she brought up something that she "didn't think she could say" but it was pretty obvious what she meant

>> No.27044431

Seconding this >>27044402

>> No.27044432

if we take what she said at face value she's too obsessed with working to get dick from K's.

>> No.27044433

Both Civia and Artia are not in mainland China. Exchange the gremlin for Yogiri.

>> No.27044436

not even a chink man

>> No.27044437

>You understand they're on VPNs, right?
Don't matter. CCP has tracking software on every single PC in China that reads the text their browser loads.

>> No.27044438

one of the marshmallow streams i'm pretty sure, someone asked for sleep advice and her go-to response "she probably shouldn't say", pretty obvious if you watch the clip

>> No.27044439


In the end no one likes Artia..

>> No.27044443

Amelia, for sure

>> No.27044450

Meant for >>27044402

>> No.27044455

link clip if you can anon-kun

>> No.27044458

Lots of people like Arita. They just aren't in this thread.

>> No.27044463 [DELETED] 

I'm Ina's fiance.
She doesn't like me, but I'm a doctor and her Korean parents arranged the marriage.
Ask me anything.

>> No.27044464

also me

>> No.27044466

It's a stupid meme, I'm pretty sure there's no proof that it's ever cause anyone to get punished or disconnected ever. It's basically internet voodoo

>> No.27044467

Professionals encourage all their fans

>> No.27044468
File: 888 KB, 2000x2000, 1600598543929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically an autism tick for me but don't drink you own refuse its poison

>> No.27044472

She was talking about sleeping pills. I'm going off my memory here, because I'm not going to go through the archive, but I'm pretty sure she said the thing she couldn't mentioned rhymed (chill pill).

>> No.27044475

How is she in bed?

>> No.27044476

That's not the way I interpreted it at all, which I guess is why we're not seeing eye-to-eye. The "roommate" to me always meant the real person rather than their previous persona which could easily be just as fake as the current one and this is the reason why I brought up the CoP issue, since figuring out the nature of the real person is a fruitless endeavor.
If we're working from the premise of the roommate being fictional then that's a level of abstraction that honestly doesn't seem to mean anything, it's entirely localized fiction, as you pointed out earlier. So the use of entirely fictional characters like Batman and Bruce Wayne strikes me as redundant, though I'll admit it that it works if you're running with the premise of a fictionalized roommate. I don't think Adam West or Christian Bale come into it as they are actors with established known identities entirely independent from their character roles, whereas the CoP is where a real life person has a fictional identity, or rather in this case the only thing known about the real person is the fictional identity they present to the world. I'm not really sure if we even disagree on anything, but I hope I've made my case more coherent anyway.

>> No.27044477

>when anons randomly mention your city

>> No.27044479

I'd like to meet Ina's roommate, for once I feel like one of the Holo girls has good taste at picking roomies

>> No.27044481 [DELETED] 


>> No.27044483


Here's your HoloEN stream.

>> No.27044485

It's not that I hate Artia, it's just Civia is cuter

>> No.27044486

I noticed that not having chat on the screen is better for quality. It doesn't screw with YouTube's shitty bitrate and the image becomes much clearer. They should stick with that in the future.

>> No.27044489


>> No.27044494

Dope, does she cry when you touch her?

>> No.27044495

Anta baka?

>> No.27044497

Civia is cuter than Artia
But I also like Artia.

>> No.27044502


>> No.27044505

think she was going to say "fap and nap" or something, dunno exactly but it's obvious she means masturbating

>> No.27044507 [DELETED] 

She's using the excuse that we aren't married yet to refuse my advances.


>> No.27044509

post gordias logs

>> No.27044510

Did gura pee herself or not

>> No.27044514

Well that definitely means she's sexually frustrated if she has nothing to do but work and drink

>> No.27044520

The timing on Gura trying to set aside a quiet moment to tell a story and then opening the door right into an wandering inmate was the best

>> No.27044525

More like different masks bring out different aspects of the personality underneath.

>> No.27044529


>> No.27044530

It'd seem either Amelia or Ina. Ame would be obvious since she seems to kind of enjoy being a bit of a tease sometimes and from her various anecdotes.

Ina could well be as lewd as Marine if not lewder but we just don't know because she's so modest. If you're a good artist, it's not hard at all to draw hentai of your choosing as "practice," practically every good 2d drawer has a personal stash etc - and Ina is a fucking fantastic artist.

>> No.27044537


>> No.27044539


>> No.27044540


>> No.27044543

tyty, but it really sounds like she wanted to say sleep pill

>> No.27044546

My wife is so cute

>> No.27044549

Having the scrolling chat on screen fucks with the video codecs ability to compress stuff.

>> No.27044551

>Don't bully my PC
But for real. Why the fuck is Hololive so fucking shit at this? Can't they get like a sponsorship with a PC computer to sponsor all their Holos and in return they put their ads during intro and outro.

>> No.27044552

I saw the devil once too

>> No.27044556


>> No.27044560

Right. I've noticed a trend over the past few years of idiots saying stock phrases to end the conversation, like some sort of prayer to ward off evil spirits.

>> No.27044570

when its because they're aroused its called squirting

>> No.27044585
File: 204 KB, 484x422, 1opld5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27044588

Tfw everyone just posts that img and not that one actual photo of her that exists.

>> No.27044589

Nah she just kicked her chihuahua

>> No.27044590

Perhaps, but which aspects are actually part of the genuine personality is anyone's guess.

>> No.27044591

If memory serves, I think were some PC building business that were in contact with Coco a couple months ago

>> No.27044592

I don't think its real at all

>> No.27044595

Dude the nips are fucking retards at this shit. They have to reinvent the wheel with everything.

>> No.27044598
File: 619 KB, 1000x1167, 84678744_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making tea with our wife's pee soaked stockings!

>> No.27044600

Most of the horos aren't THAT big yet

>> No.27044601

I'm pretty sure Gura didn't pee herself, but I will think of this as the truth. Now waiting for the fan arts.

>> No.27044606
File: 2.20 MB, 1470x2100, 20200929_053722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love girls with mullets

>> No.27044611

Does your FRIEND know you call her your wife?

>> No.27044612

I want to believe.

>> No.27044614

After a certain point you realize Cover is only good for providing girls with characters and brand recognition
They're shit at literally everything

>> No.27044616
File: 1.83 MB, 1421x834, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27044623

Deadbeatbros, has anyone checked out K's's (there has to be a better way of writing this) band? Any songs to recommend?

>> No.27044628

She's talking about sleeping pills. You have to have autism to think that "fap and nap" is some kind of normie phrase that someone could allude to.

>> No.27044630

I would rather inafags go and say they just want to fuck her rather than pushing this "comfy" shit when what they really mean is "boring."

>> No.27044637

only when she's not looking

>> No.27044651
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, 1587697478417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27044653

Gigabyte JP was dropping SCs in Coco's streams earlier this year

>> No.27044658

What's with Americans and sleeping pills?

>> No.27044659


Yeah sure schizo

>> No.27044660
File: 291 KB, 351x1227, disdain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ame ground pounded my mom

>> No.27044662
File: 501 KB, 633x634, wnulwh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27044665
File: 3.76 MB, 2812x3955, 1572649799413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slept through chickens and Watsons streams earlier, anything intersting come out of those streams?
Also whats this about Gura pissing herself? I was barely awake during her stream

>> No.27044667

sleeping pills rhymes?

>> No.27044669

But I wanna fuck her sideways then listen to her stream.

>> No.27044670

I get it now. Chumchads keep repeating these memes like "it's HER" to boost her popularity.
Not complaining, especially since this is fresh.

>> No.27044686


>> No.27044689
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>no flags
>requires editing the source

>> No.27044690

She actually peed herself

>> No.27044691
File: 105 KB, 445x458, 1576850069254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because Watson reccomended him and its downtime, I reccomend you listen here
This is the best fucking singing I have ever heard from any vtuber so far

>> No.27044692

you need a good cpu to stream and to run the games at the same time
depends on the game of course
the l2d avatar eats A LOT of memory too

>> No.27044694


>> No.27044697

Believe what you want. She is pretty cute with longer hair.

>> No.27044699


>> No.27044701

Botan is sponsored by ActiBlizz no? Maybe she can leverage that towards PC parts suppliers

>> No.27044705

Kiara is so happy about the big mushroom lol.

>> No.27044706

>I missed Never Had a Friend Like Me


>> No.27044710

>There's one that rhymes
Fap and nap indeed

>> No.27044716

From what I've heard, you can just buy them at walmart for cheap with no issues. To compare that to bongland, you need to go to a doctor and get it prescribed and then visit a pharmacy for it.

>> No.27044717

Chill pill. A phrase that every native English speaker from America has heard at least once in their life. "Fap and nap." I swear you guys have forgotten what reality is like.

>> No.27044719

>All their sponsors are PRC based which got them nothing but trouble
They could've gone literally anywhere else, including just domestic. Idiots.

>> No.27044720

No, but I hope they're not actually fucking

>> No.27044727

But Ina already has a financé?


>> No.27044731

So which streams are worth watching the archive of for eurofags?

>> No.27044734

But continuously asking the question almost rhetorically, which has happened multiple times ITT is the meme.

>> No.27044735

Kiara please, your sense of direction reps...

>> No.27044737


She is comfy and I want to fuck her while she fucks me with her tentacles. It really isn't that hard to understand, Anon.

>> No.27044741

Kiara would fit right in a 80s anime show

>> No.27044742

>Amelia will never drug you, rape you and then force you to cum inside her

>> No.27044750
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>> No.27044752
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Ine has bad sleeping problems

>> No.27044754

why would taking something you can buy from walgreen's OTC like melatonin or benadryl be too controversial to recommend on stream? come on, dude

>> No.27044763

Would you be willing to quietly sit under Gura's desk while she plays horror games with your mouth right on her chunny so you can drink her pee when she gets spooked to help her not worry about soiling the floor?

>> No.27044766

That's the highest viewership Fubuki has had for a while. The power of EN chads

>> No.27044767

I wonder if he could pull of Ghost Love Score a la Yiannis

>> No.27044768

Make it a company wide sponsorship. Hololive has what 51 talents? 51 * 1500k PC is 75k USD to constantly have your logo shown on streams with 40k ~ 5k viewers. How is that not a literal baragin?

>> No.27044770

all of them

>> No.27044771

People keep bringing up that Artia already fucked up once in the past, what the hell did she do?

>> No.27044778

she is so cute and always trying her best

>> No.27044779

Ina just is super overworked and takes on too much at once. She said she was flooded with work, its really fucking lame that she can't draw her roommates stuff on stream.

>> No.27044783

No but I would spook her to watch her pee herself out of fear

>> No.27044784

meant for >>27044606

>> No.27044786

Is this even a question?

>> No.27044789

cuck barracuda onions

>> No.27044791

She was not a good comrade

>> No.27044796

I like the metatextual fiction, which is why I brought up Batman. I agree that the nature of the real person is immaterial, but the roommate as a device for tracking character development is still useful.
Most of my support for the roommate as fiction is bound up in the illusion that the content which brought them to Hololive e.g. streaming is unscripted or the product of a single individual. But yeah, that's more serious than kayfabe, and not really something worth continuing to discuss. Cheers all the same.

>> No.27044799


>> No.27044802

She said my mom was gay.
Not COOL, ice gremlin.
Not cool.

>> No.27044805

It almost pains me how much Kiara would look in a different outfit
What the fuck was huke thinking?

>> No.27044807

My tongue would be like a catheter stuck up her little cuncun instead

>> No.27044821

Cover told Huke to design a phoenix as a part time fast food employee cause that's the chicken's gimmick.

>> No.27044823

What's wrong with that? What's wrong with sucking dick?

>> No.27044826
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>> No.27044842

Fubuki just died when getting her diamond

>> No.27044854


>> No.27044856

And? It will probably be chink only VTubers.

>> No.27044859

[sad fox noises]

>> No.27044865

you sure it's not this gree?

>> No.27044867

Because you don't tell someone to go buy drugs as an insomnia solution on a youtube stream where a decent chunk of the audience is probably underage.

>> No.27044868

>digging straight down
she was asking for it desu

>> No.27044871

She really brought it upon herself

>> No.27044874

I drink liquids like a bird so maybe depending if she drinks water If its HER though 1000% yes

>> No.27044875

Why is it that phoenix can go through the most terrible hardships in Minecraft and I don't bat an eyelid, but when memefox cries a part of me cries with her?

>> No.27044880

It's not that bad of a thing, Kiara herself is super pretty, and Huke likes his daughteru a lot, so it's a bad start but she'll probably get a lot of outfits in the future to compensate for it.

>> No.27044882

You sure that ain't yen?
This seems a bit more accurate in tracking their investments

>> No.27044903

Exposing specifics about her mental health treatment is yabai because it's an invasion of her privacy, not because of a uniquely American view of drug use.

>> No.27044911

they're called foxholes for a reason anon

>> No.27044912

i just watched chickens 2nd minecraft stream, was she talking about this place in her superchat readings being mean to her?

>> No.27044914

i'm not sure, prob miss translation since its some documentary when hololive started

>> No.27044915

if there's one thing holos should learn from homostars it's play Terraria

>> No.27044924

Because she is your friend.

>> No.27044928

Kiara's design isn't bad, I just think the whole fast food shtick is kinda dumb

>> No.27044933
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>> No.27044935
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Thats a lot of views.

>> No.27044940 [DELETED] 

I don't watch the chicken.

>> No.27044944

Who knows.

>> No.27044953

These sort of roleplay themes always just die after a while with vtubers, but makes me want her to do burger cooking streams

>> No.27044954

fubuki is minecraft pro but still digs down lmao

>> No.27044957

And burger > chicken

>> No.27044962


>> No.27044968

well, that is the point/rule of the stream

>> No.27044972

One, Two, Three, Foxu

>> No.27044975

Remember when she just dug a massive pit for 2 hours because the chat asked her to?

Good times.

>> No.27044978

I'd love to see it, but Terraria pre-HM is such a fucking slog
Also I actually fear the game may be too hard for them

>> No.27044986

benadryl is common allergy medicine given throughout childhood and melatonin is a natural hormone your body produces to make you tired, next you're going to tell me that recommending someone take ibuprofen for a headache is too risque to say on stream lol

occam's razor says it's rubbing one out before bed, not "ohhh no you can't recommend zzzquiil on a 'child friendly' stream"

>> No.27044989

oh, ohhhhhhhhhhhh i is this a speedrun stream thing again?

>> No.27044991

its at like 3 hours 1 minute

>> No.27044996

because she's doing a dig straight down challenge? She literally said so herself just now, are you even listening

>> No.27045005

Nijisanji has way more investors than hololive which is intresting

>> No.27045018

Fair enough. It is interesting aspect to look at, for sure.

>> No.27045022

After watching this baka clown play Muse Dash, I have newfound respect for the shark.

>> No.27045024
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I wonder if Mori even realized that she was infringing on FBKing's territory with her Burger Boss character.

>> No.27045025
File: 133 KB, 1174x843, IMG_20200929_065515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like she got spooped. Dunno, gonna find out myself later too.

>> No.27045026

Im zoned out threading and shredding

>> No.27045028

all that for some kana

>> No.27045035


>> No.27045038

Coco, Haachama, Korone Pikamee, will anyone else from jp be able to do collabs in English?

>> No.27045043

Well they are the more popular company in Japan

>> No.27045046

They need to get western sponsorship first. HoloJPs get free stuff from Japan branches

>> No.27045047

It's okay.

>> No.27045051


>> No.27045056

>Void BGM
Oh no.

>> No.27045058

yes, she brings it up again a few minutes later

>> No.27045063

pekora, towa

>> No.27045064

>please please diamond, please please thailand

>> No.27045066

I do recall she literally fucking squeaked the highest pitch scream I've ever heard for a second when a dude jumped out, but nothing beyond that

>> No.27045069
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>> No.27045070

no diamondddddddd please diamond

>> No.27045072

You guys who still hate on the chicken are crazy. She's redeemed herself in the last streams, she's actually really nice and just wanted to entertain people.

>> No.27045073

Can I get a timestamp of when Gura supposedly pissed herself?

>> No.27045078

While I like the game, it's not a good stream content for vtubers.

>> No.27045080

Can someone archive please... I can't make it chumbuds...

>> No.27045081

Mori has no idea about Hololive. The most she saw before joining were a few Korone clips

>> No.27045082

Fubuki/Kiara Minecraft stream.

>> No.27045089

7am for the collab stream. Ngmi its just gonna be mori not wanting to be there while she gets third wheeled by two groggy girls

>> No.27045090

>Haachama, Korone
>in English

>> No.27045093

Ame's first mario stream died because a cable was messed up. She streamed limbo instead and had some funny S*ch* moments. She streamed Mario again a few hours later.
Chicken minecraft was comfy.

>> No.27045095

>Tune in to fox
Its like I'm watching dsp.

>> No.27045096

It's the last jumpscare at the end of the stream. Minutes before the end. You cannot miss it.

>> No.27045104


>> No.27045120
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>> No.27045121


>> No.27045124

FBK is basically DSP but with a better handle on her gacha-spending.

Slightly better.

>> No.27045125 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it sounds like it.
This is probably the most mainstream place with blatant hate for the holos.
We know at the very least Calli and Ina know of 4chan, so I wouldn't doubt they could be lurking these threads.

>> No.27045127


Uh oh.

>> No.27045133

Fubuki is adorable. If only I could understand Japanese, then I might watch her more

>> No.27045132

All tech companies in the East they can get sponsorship from

>> No.27045139

Is Towa good at english?

>> No.27045150

no...Iofy please dont go...........please

>> No.27045160

Oh no.

>> No.27045170

Between her zatsudan streams, the second collab and her tiering goof, it's abundantly obvious that Mori knows very little about Hololive and probably vtubers in general.
You'd think they'd brief her on it better.

>> No.27045171

I don't understand SEA

>> No.27045174

Whomst'd've do you mean, the only dsp I know is deep sea prisoner

>> No.27045175

sucks only thing Iofy got recently was an outfit update and nothing else

>> No.27045181

Isn't this just announcing a talk stream?

>> No.27045182


>> No.27045189

She has good comprehension

>> No.27045196

As cute as they are I can barely stand watching the IDs like the tree rat. That shit where they combine their Indonesian with English and it gets all fucked up is just horrendous

>> No.27045200
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>depending on Google Translate

>> No.27045199

I've never seen Fubuki whine and blame the game for shit going wrong, though.

>> No.27045203

Auditions started half a year ago. Even if she just started watching back she still would be more of an oldfag than 80% of this thread. Probably even more than that considering that she understands spoken Japanese. I think the issue is not the period she was exposed to Hololive for, but the fact that she works two jobs and doesn't have a lot of time to catch up on archived content.

>> No.27045205

Haha fuck no

>> No.27045208

I can't believe she's pregnant.

>> No.27045211

Sounds like she adjusted how she was sitting because her heart was pounding.

>> No.27045212

I don't want to understand Indonesian anon Google can do the hard work for me

>> No.27045213

>speaking seanig

>> No.27045217
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>> No.27045219


>> No.27045220

>All from the Forbidden Zone

>> No.27045221

>You'd think they'd brief her on it better.
You'd think the managers would do a lot of things they're apparently not doing. They seem like they're a complete waste of money.

>> No.27045225

It'll be fine.....we'll just be talking about serial killers again....right?

>> No.27045226

And because her seat was sopping wet.

>> No.27045229

How does anyone come to the conclusion that she peed herself from that?

>> No.27045230

Guessing Iphone is required no matter what, at least I'll have a reason to buy a phone now.

>> No.27045233


>> No.27045234

HoloEN is western so they have get sponsorship from NA side.

>> No.27045235

Am i supposed to believe that everyone responding to that post is fluent in weird island language?

>> No.27045243

you can hear tissues

>> No.27045244

>nooo only one tuber is allowed to burger

>> No.27045251

not saying she did but are you joking?

>> No.27045252

I don't think Mori would want to spend her spare time watching Hololive anyway. She doesn't strike me as someone who would normally be a fan of vtubers like Ina and Amelia. She said she only got into it because some of her rap friends did

>> No.27045254
File: 100 KB, 1400x890, 1587407865590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked up do you think she's going to go tonight?
Brief overviews? In detail description of what happened after/before the murders? Detail of the actual murders? Detailed talk about rape?

>> No.27045256

You guys tried to convince me Ame is actually good at games.
She can't even aim her hat throws in Mario. She tries like 10 times to finally throw it in the right direction.

>> No.27045257

Anyone got the clip of Marine talking to the EN mananger?

>> No.27045262

I like how deep her voice can get, I kinda wish super high pitched wasn't the industry standard

>> No.27045264


>> No.27045269

Clear embarrassment, shifting away from the camera, "Gura needs to take a break", and ending the stream immediately

>> No.27045272

>Calli and Kiara because their roommates are ugly
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.27045276

Pretty much. Everything seems really amateur, from shortsighted deals in China, handling Mel's stalker, the whole Aloe affair, etc.
Dunno how much longer the brand value is going to hold.

>> No.27045277

Why not just private the stream if she did pee herself

>> No.27045278

She is never coming back, get over her already...its been 61 days...shes dead....It's just a ghost tweeting for her

>> No.27045280

you can hear the sound of her using tissues to wipe her little cunny

>> No.27045289

Because she's into humiliation and thinks it's hot as fuck

>> No.27045292


>> No.27045298

Didn't she meet up with Pekora in minecraft a week back or something?

>> No.27045306


>> No.27045309

Because she didn't admit to it and most people wouldn't come to that conclusion without the help of this threads massive hornyness and autism

>> No.27045310

Why do that when the girls can just buy their own PCs? You're not thinking like a cheap businessman anon.

>> No.27045315

That's just a ghost logging in on minecraft for her

>> No.27045314

Because HoloEN is full of masochist that get off on public humiliation

>> No.27045324

Kiaras stomach hurt :(

>> No.27045326

You wouldn't hear that because it would be far from the mic. If she's wiping something close enough to the mic to hear, it's probably that she was wiping tears from her face.

>> No.27045333

found the cliphttps://twitter.com/AnimegirlENG/status/1309961300915695619

>> No.27045334

From all the womb pats I gave her

>> No.27045346

People have been doomposting for months, but when it comes down to it, people still watch the streams. There are ten thousand people watching Fubuki spout nonsense English while digging straight down.

>> No.27045348

pregnancy arc begins

>> No.27045354

Feels bad man, being an oldfag here feels like I'm the last of a dying breed

>> No.27045355

neither is pekora but it'd be funny, and if they're collabing with kiara, mori or ina then it the EN can teach them how to say what they want
besides, matsuri and fubuki do english only streams despite having vocabularies of toddlers
that was 5 months ago, she's learned to read english quite well

>> No.27045356

>You wouldn't hear that because it would be far from the mic
She's very small so it would still be close enough to hear

>> No.27045368

Amelia is their manager all along

>> No.27045372

>getting sponsorship from T-word after what happened
yeah right

>> No.27045380

no dumbass that's the sound of her grabbing the tissues which are probably close to the mic

>> No.27045383

We just had a talk stream though.
Admittedly, it was one that turned from comfy bubblewrap squeezing to discussing gruesome murders, but it was still a talk stream.

>> No.27045384

Imagine denying yourself monetization on a 3h video

>> No.27045388

I've never talked to a girl around my age for even a minute and now I fell into the hololive rabbithole :^)

>> No.27045391

>chinks harras them constantly
>taiwanbros give them the hardware
gee what a hard choice

>> No.27045393

Doomposting wouldn't be an issue if this wasn't an ongoing issue, considering that Cover has thus far given way to angry faggots from 5chan and China.
I don't think Cover is going to go under but I do think they are overwhelmingly incompetent and that has probably cost them their most successful and lucrative asset to date.

>> No.27045395

Those company all recognise the One China policy so they are fine. Seriously, you think those companies aren't doing business in China?

>> No.27045396

our love and support will heal it

>> No.27045398

FBK transcends language barriers.

>> No.27045399

woah me too

>> No.27045400

You hear it twice. She grabs tissues, then she wipes something with them.

>> No.27045406

That is a long fucking flight for a stupid 1hr collab bro

>> No.27045414

>>taiwanbros give them the hardware
Again, why would give shit to XiLive after what happened? This was on the news in Taiwan already.

>> No.27045416

first day on this thread, It's comfy here, coomer posting, meme posting, coomer posting, clip posting

>> No.27045417


>> No.27045436

but that was in English. This is indo.

>> No.27045440

Why did Kiara blank out the chat on the last stream?

>> No.27045444

I never talked to a female in general

>> No.27045447

Fubuki is BAD cause she rejects any love and marriage proposals instantly
At least Ina is reviewing my application

>> No.27045460 [DELETED] 

timestamp on the pee?

>> No.27045465

3D debuts rake in tens of thousands of dollars, it'd be worth it

>> No.27045467
File: 113 KB, 400x400, 1595604409152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stress is making egg laying a bit difficult, she needs to relax

>> No.27045470

Anon, is just a word. You're safe to say it, look. TAIW

>> No.27045471

Management made them blank out the chat incase someone says the t-word

>> No.27045472



>> No.27045476

fuck off back to r*ddit

>> No.27045484

>reviewing my application.
Anon... don't be so naive.

>> No.27045485

That jump scare gave her a panic attack and she needed some tissues to cry or hyperventilate. No pee involved. We all know she drinks to self medicate the stress was too much.

>> No.27045488

Make sure you lurk, and do your reps. This place is still a mass of shitposting, newfags flowing in don't make it better. It is all the things you say too tho

>> No.27045490

How much of that do you think you can attribute to the managers actually helping the talent?

>> No.27045491


>> No.27045494

woah me too

>> No.27045497

If your mom isn't gay then why did she let Watson ground pound her?

>> No.27045498


>> No.27045499

>jadi gini...
Wtf this could be HUGE

>> No.27045500

Kiara if you're reading this you're doing great sweetie :)

>> No.27045504

the cutest and funniest shark

>> No.27045519

Who are you quoting?
I didn't say it's a bad thing.

>> No.27045523
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>> No.27045527

>Kiara feels bad saying hoe
Too cute.

>> No.27045533
File: 152 KB, 640x639, Based Monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never spoken to a woman in my life

>> No.27045537

Pekotushy on the front page.

>> No.27045545

>What is a stocking?
Is Amelia dumb? How do you know what that is? As a woman especially so?

>> No.27045546

im monk

>> No.27045557

I believe it.

>> No.27045568

theres different names for stocking tho

>> No.27045579

Anyone else watching Rushia being a whore for the 10,000th time but in 3D?

>> No.27045583

None, Ame have two hands

>> No.27045582

What is Fubuki's goal in this stream?

>> No.27045585

she's not retarded, she's being coy, like when someone brought up armpits in the Q&A

>> No.27045587

Artia is good because shes an actual gremlin. Other than her I only like Hana Macchia

>> No.27045591

Just woke up. Why is there no archive for Ame's stream this time?

>> No.27045593

dig straight down and get diamond

>> No.27045594

Excuse me, did you just call my girlfriend a whore?

>> No.27045597

Regain her 57% income loss.

>> No.27045603

I don't hear it
need brap analyst anon

>> No.27045608

I'm a monk.

>> No.27045610

She's everyone's girlfriend

>> No.27045611

>tfw fell asleep at 5 and missed every stream today
Guess I’ll watch the archives later..

>> No.27045612

50 cents have been deposited into your account from the National Endowment for Democracy.

>> No.27045613

Catching up with streams. Sharky taking the piss out of that game is really refreshing.

>> No.27045615

>stream for 3 hours
>have to constantly drink water because you're talking a lot
>have to pee so hard already but keep going anyway
yeah everything lines up perfecty

>> No.27045620

Sharks eyes going crazy like she has Tourette's is kinda cute

>> No.27045623 [DELETED] 

I think I got a new fetish, thanks.

>> No.27045625

900k friends

>> No.27045627

>No shark, fox for fox sake
I can see the grass growing again.

>> No.27045630

Get a piece of that sweet sweet gaijin superchat pie

>> No.27045629

Only mine. She said if I ever leave she will dig a grave for the both of us. Rushia will never let me look at any other girl..

>> No.27045634

No I think he called her a cow.

>> No.27045637


>> No.27045639

I'm Tony Shalhoub

>> No.27045648

Your girlfriend just kissed 15,000 men

>> No.27045649
File: 19 KB, 244x192, 1539332930801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so retarded controversy is how the triple pie grew to where he is right now, kiddo grew into an adult now realizes she's there good luck stopping that

>> No.27045655

all me

>> No.27045664
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>> No.27045673

Thanks. Youtube wasn't showing it for me.

>> No.27045677

is there any way to see what member only videos (just titles) someone has before joining membership?

>> No.27045682

Imagine fresh gura pee right from the source..

>> No.27045684

I wonder what goes through his mind whenever he gets morning wood

>> No.27045687


>> No.27045691

Amelia has a strange sounding mic desu

>> No.27045700

I really want an Ame and Gura collab.

>> No.27045702

He's been dead for 70 years anon

>> No.27045703

Kiara saying stick in german is so cute.

>> No.27045704

>turn on Fubuki’s stream
>she’s just moaning and making weird noises

>> No.27045717

FBK's BGM is pure SOUL.

>> No.27045721

Isn't that literally every alien cat burgershark stream though?

>> No.27045727

Probably another monk's ass.

>> No.27045728

Imagine splitting your conscience over 15000 times and Rushia kissing each and every one of them

>> No.27045729

Lost It

>> No.27045735

I'm watching the Fox going crazy from the millionth Catwife comment

>> No.27045737 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.99 MB, 640x360, 1601375526388.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if clone hero anon is here, i've been doing muh rhythm gaem reps

>> No.27045742

Chink genocide can't come soon enough.

>> No.27045749

I really want an Ame and Gura asmr
a lewd one

>> No.27045760

That is the opposite world for me I killed my mother upon birth and we both still lived vindicate bitch

>> No.27045776


>> No.27045777

They must have had pictures

>> No.27045778
File: 425 KB, 637x730, 1592553169126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27045784

>100% speed

>> No.27045793

hair condoms

>> No.27045795

What is she so smug about?

>> No.27045798


>> No.27045799

link to Chicken saying "she's seen that one place on the net where everyone is really mean to her"?

>> No.27045803


>> No.27045806

>that resolution

>> No.27045809

I once had sex with a Korean girl that sounded like her a bit and now I wish I could fuck her again

>> No.27045817

The concept for FBK’s stream is pretty retarded. The probability of her actually finding diamonds like this is pretty low.

>> No.27045823

Being the best HoloEN

>> No.27045825
File: 558 KB, 500x375, 1538590716382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's still not deleted
Came back (literally) good shit

>> No.27045830

fuck you

>> No.27045834

She found them on her very first dig though. Then she hit lava

>> No.27045836

I hope she didn't actually say that cause now I feel bad.

>> No.27045837

I haven't slept and you put that imagine in my head now i can't unsee it

>> No.27045840 [DELETED] 


>> No.27045847

It's not about probability and winning the challenge, anon. It's about having fun :)

>> No.27045851
File: 742 KB, 2512x1440, watson doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I once had sex

>> No.27045853

its deleted now what was it

>> No.27045857

I wish Rushia would stab me while kissing me

>> No.27045863

nice fanfic anon

>> No.27045864 [DELETED] 

filled with MY semen!

>> No.27045872

shark cunny

>> No.27045887

her paintings selling prob

>> No.27045892

Don't forget to save it >>/jp/thread/26941922#p26944317

>> No.27045893

Pheonixes make sex by rubbing their bodies so hard againste ach other that they burn up in flames.

>> No.27045894
File: 34 KB, 599x396, 1579227244071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Constant cumming hair penises

>> No.27045895

Why does everytime Gura says "What are you gonna do about it?" she gets instantly BTFO?

>> No.27045901

did fubuki nearly say "mother fucker"?

>> No.27045903

I just have this feeling. This feeling that the thread is going to fucking explode during this stream.
Thank God it's on my day off.

>> No.27045907

Is FBK /global/?

>> No.27045908

How were Kiara's Minecraft streams? I hope she gets into it.

>> No.27045911

mori brapped
gura peed
chicken will puke
watson will squirt
ina will ????

>> No.27045914

Channeling her inner Peko.

>> No.27045918

I seriously hope you guys have actually had sex, not because I think it's all that important but you guys are really starting to worry me with the no social life stuff

>> No.27045930

Private Gura discord where she sings in voice chat.

>> No.27045933
File: 169 KB, 1200x630, turbotax-logo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to catch up on my sleep reps. How was Amelia's guerilla stream & the minecraft one?

>> No.27045937

>he says while posting in a hololive thread on /jp/ on the website known as 4chan formerly owned by moot

>> No.27045938

Now FC Soulless 4

>> No.27045939

pass out on stream

>> No.27045940

>lives on Earth

>> No.27045943
File: 487 KB, 891x579, 1572443106695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's moot?

>> No.27045949

She only knows maybe 30 words so no

>> No.27045950

I love these holo girls but I think tonight I'll have to watch the first debate

>> No.27045951
File: 67 KB, 644x644, where do you think you are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are?

>> No.27045953 [DELETED] 

Uncontrollable bloody nose.

>> No.27045956

Fubuki transcends any physical prison. She is the void.

>> No.27045959

>that mic setup
So she did streaming before Hololive?

>> No.27045965

anon I haven't left my apartment in like a month

>> No.27045966

We're on 4chan, and /jp/ at that. Does this surprise you?

>> No.27045981

grant us eyes...

>> No.27045986

Some of her best streams yet imo, she's getting more comfortable and she's really addicted to playing

>> No.27045989

She was doing an English only stream.

>> No.27045991 [DELETED] 

Yes, her twitch is easy enough to find if you know her roommates artist handle, but everything is wiped.

>> No.27045992

It's probably /trash/.

>> No.27045993
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>> No.27045994

i feel like if i have sex, the dream will be more exciting rather than it happening, and i will just be sad that the dream of having sex felt better than actually having it

>> No.27045996

I want to see Grandpa Biden say the gamer word

>> No.27045998

>mori brapped
>gura peed
>chicken will puke
>watson will squirt
It rhymes LMAO

>> No.27046001

She streamed drawing on twitch

>> No.27046008

I love chicken

>> No.27046012

see the unseeable

>> No.27046013

Ink herself

>> No.27046016

>those plushies
is there one of the ones she was talking about on one of the recent streams?

>> No.27046018 [DELETED] 

There's no way that's not a man with that chest.
Is Ina secretly a boy?
Because that'd be very hot.

>> No.27046025
File: 24 KB, 603x286, 1601210131759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry chinks, Gura already made her stance on the whole thing.

>> No.27046026 [DELETED] 

This is beyond ESL... I'm not sure what is wrong with you.

>> No.27046027

I did but it's been so long I'm an honorary wizard again

>> No.27046042

That sounds fun. I should watch later. So far her M64 were my favorite. I was so used to watching pro-speedrunners play that I forgot that this game can be a bit of a pain the first time around. It made every jump suspensful.

>> No.27046050

Who's it by?

>> No.27046053

update i just had sex

>> No.27046058

I will become a wizard

>> No.27046060
File: 28 KB, 193x191, 1601327388021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-anons I....
I n-need.....
gura asmr

>> No.27046064

wtf, is this real?

>> No.27046074
File: 248 KB, 398x379, 1594597796245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27046075


>> No.27046081

your right hand doesn't count

>> No.27046087

Holy based.

>> No.27046091


>> No.27046094

Sharks have a bad relationship with the Chinese.

>> No.27046095

That's the sensawa we all know B)

>> No.27046096

gura imouto "help me brother I peed myself... can you clean me?" asmr

>> No.27046099

Nice. I only use my left.

>> No.27046101

Did Ina scream in the CoC game?
That game is boring so I didn't bother

>> No.27046102
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>> No.27046105

Yeah, earlier she stopped playing the game for a minute just to execute a chinaman live on stream, it was super weird.

>> No.27046117

>tfw my only experience with 64 is watching that one guy clear levels without doing a full press-depress of the jump button
Pikamee and Kiaras runs were comfy

>> No.27046123

Nanking can't be a joke cause it isn't real.

>> No.27046124

Ina is POC, she is allowed.

>> No.27046130

i use my left one too

>> No.27046132

>Gura wet herself live on stream
It's a good day to be a lolicon.

>> No.27046142

all these english on challenges are so fucking boring. They moan and do random noises for 3/4 of the stream. The only english they speak is OK YEAH WOAH. They always make "mistake" around 1 hour into the stream + they have low viewership so why even bother.

>> No.27046150
File: 597 KB, 3013x2168, 1601278252668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day is

>> No.27046153

welcome to any vtuber stream, it's just noises

>> No.27046156

Sorry bud, POC status only applies to asians when it matters.

>> No.27046158

It would be better if they knew more than five words yeah

>> No.27046159

For some reason I am convinced that Super Mario 64 is one of those games that you just have to be good at and knowledgable about. I have a super hard time watching people being bad at it

>> No.27046160

It's what Chang gets for the decades to centuries of finning.

>> No.27046169

Any predictions for the collab later?

>> No.27046174

IDK Man I am only A SINGLE deadbeat, and I'm not even very actively watching streams I've been busy the past couple days and probably going to be busy for the rest of the week.
I don't speak for any other deadbeats and their kinks but MAN I'm not one of those NTRfags, NTR is a shit fetish. If you unironically enjoy NTR or you ship Hololives for the sake of your NTR fantasies then I am severely disappointed in you.

>> No.27046178

>they have low viewership

>> No.27046179

Korone's English Only are good because she knows more than 10 words

>> No.27046180

Not everyone can be as dedicated as Sora and buy a japanese-to-english dictionary

>> No.27046182

I don't think I've left more than 10 times in a year

>> No.27046186

Tea I'd drink with absolute gusto.

>> No.27046187

two really sleepy girls and one awkward third wheel girl
gonna be odd desu

>> No.27046188

The video is private

>> No.27046199 [DELETED] 

Kiara's gonna ruin it.

>> No.27046202

Post it then. I hope she’s as cute as she draws herself.

>> No.27046203

Where's the evidence that she peed herself?

>> No.27046207

Korone at least was learning enough to be somewhat coherent.

>> No.27046208


>> No.27046213

Isn't Overcooked best with an equal amount of players or does it not matter?
3 is usually a weird number for such party games

>> No.27046214

read chainsaw man

>> No.27046217

Because these threads are full or schizo retards who always hear what they want to hear.

>> No.27046218

It's very disappointing to say the least
I'm sorry, I was a bit of a normalfag in high school I probably should have taken into account where we are

>> No.27046226

That's horribly biased.

>> No.27046227

Latest narrative on the relationships between the holoEN girls?

>> No.27046235

Ame and Gura are gonna sleepy as fuck and barely coherent. Mori is going to be her usually awkward self. /hlgg/ with seethe about something very minor

>> No.27046236

Kiara isn't even in it

>> No.27046238

It was some guy donating "good morning from taiwon" and it was banned word and china too and then donated saying T-word. really cringe

>> No.27046240

No one cares if you ahd sex or not. Just sop being a fucking /r9k/ incel about it.

>> No.27046243

Here's the one true narrative.

Ina is cute._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

>> No.27046244

Ame is putting together a harem. Shes already had masturbation sessions with Gura and Inu over discord.

>> No.27046248

Everyone hates Kiara because she tries to start shit all the time.

>> No.27046250

I want you to take a moment to think and understand why what you said was retarded.

>> No.27046252

There is none, it's just retards forcing their degenerate fetishes in here yet again.

>> No.27046259

>/hlgg/ with seethe about something very minor
That's less of a prediction and more like just the permanent status quo.

>> No.27046260

How can anyone be bad at Super Mario 64? It's one of the simplest games ever made. It was designed to be really simple because it was one of the first fully 3D platformers

>> No.27046261

What was the video?

>> No.27046264
File: 401 KB, 1001x1055, 1601343666540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon teabros...

>> No.27046265


>> No.27046266

They all hate each other, they all beat the shit out of each other in front of me

>> No.27046269

>Gura and Inu

>> No.27046270

Welcome to the JP holos, anon, they do the exact same thing but in Japanese

>> No.27046272


>> No.27046276

I hear the rustling clothes as she checks herself. It happened.

>> No.27046278

even with their combined schizo powers, the fanny-flustered finn and discord tranny are still just two people.

>> No.27046282

If you didn’t play it when it first came out and are used to modern games the clunky controls can fuck with you pretty hard.

>> No.27046288

The "proof" is you can hear something beside her voice near the end of the video

>> No.27046289

i just explained it

>> No.27046291

>I've subjected myself to Kiara sissy hypnosis

>> No.27046292

Ame and Gura are very close
They both like Ina too but she's not quite on the same vibe
Chicken and Mori tried to do that whole "I love you / but she's tsun for me and rejects me" yuri act but it feels too forced and fake, both kinda focus on their own thing and appealing to Japanese

>> No.27046295

Considering how antsy people are towards refugees Artia's heading back to china, Even ignoring COVID-19

>> No.27046297

People will blame Kiara just for not being there.
>God this is terrible, where the fuck is chicken so she can make the others look better in comparison

>> No.27046299

>someone in chat calls Kiara bridbrain
>she says "excuse meeee.I take it as a comlimet hmp!"

>> No.27046302

Put her superchat reading really low and put binaural beats in the background.

>> No.27046306

Rent fucking free.

>> No.27046307 [DELETED] 

Kiara's gonna ruin it.

>> No.27046309

Ame and Gura are fuckbuds

>> No.27046315

I was 26 when it came out so I guess I just don't understand how young people can be bad at it

>> No.27046318
File: 366 KB, 426x498, 1578275089481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy someone got my reference

>> No.27046326

It's still a strong possibility though.

>> No.27046336

>Chicken and Mori tried to do that whole "I love you / but she's tsun for me and rejects me" yuri act but it feels too forced and fake

It feels forced and fake because

1. Kiara keeps pushing it at every fucking turn.
2. Mori isn't nearly as into it as she should be if they actually pre-planned this properly.

During the collab her saying
>I heard you, I just didn't want to respond to you.
Sounded a lot more malicious than it's supposed to be if they're both into the idea.

>> No.27046337

young people are spoiled by games with controls and cameras that arent dogshit.

>> No.27046340

>【Indonesia Free Talk】Jadi Gini... Dengerin Ya【hololiveID】
Shes doing an indonesian stream so probably not that fucked up.

>happened after/before the murders? Detail of the actual murders? Detailed talk about rape?
Basically she was talking about books because she says she bought a lot for her university study or something, then talked about thrillers that she likes, then examples of murders irl, then basically did a gruesome murder details asmr.

Didnt talk about child rape but plenty of child killings.

>> No.27046344
File: 21 KB, 349x360, 349px-Watson_Amelia_-_Portrait_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"alright guys one second" said amelia before muting herself
>a whimper as a small body smacked against the wall "SHUT THE FUCK UP BUBBA"
>"if you don't stop crying you aren't getting food next week either"
>"alright back. so sorry guys! was getting bubba a bone. what? no i didn't give them a treat!" she glares at the still spasming dog "it was a scolding"

>> No.27046349

Sharkpedos are always like that, thinking they own the moral ground. Amefags are just funny assholes, harmless, plus Amelia herself is CHAD.

>> No.27046351

Any collab without chicken is an automatic epic win

>> No.27046353
File: 228 KB, 396x414, kiara cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara shows up in chat and rages at Amelia for flirting with Mori

>> No.27046365

Kiara falling into the minecraft hole.

>> No.27046371

Since we're apparently on the topic of sex
you think a hooker would be okay with dressing up like Amelia?

>> No.27046373

What is wrong with you

>> No.27046383
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>> No.27046384
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I want Ame asmr of her filling her gamer bottles.

>> No.27046388
File: 3 KB, 116x65, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can only find thumbnails

>> No.27046391

Only an expensive one.

>> No.27046396

you're the kind of person who took the chart seriously, huh.

>> No.27046400


>> No.27046404

Big tits Tomboy /MILF[/spoiler ]for HoloEN Gen2

>> No.27046406
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>> No.27046412

Yeah if you provide the clothes.

>> No.27046413

>falls into lava
>just minutes of loud moaning
Now this is a fapy chicken.

>> No.27046420
File: 190 KB, 900x665, 1573681649629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one in bladerunner seemed fine with in.

>> No.27046422

1. They genuinely hate each other
2. They see their genmates as rival not friends
3. They always argue off screen, which game belong to who, which song belong to who
4. They want to sabotage each other, this is the reason why their stream schedules were overlapping
5. Cover encourage the competition between HoloEN, it even promises better contract terms and benefits for the winner

>> No.27046423

Why wouldn't Amelia want to dress up as herself?

>> No.27046424

>collab is at midnight
bros I dont know if I can do this...

>> No.27046429

Pressing every fire extinguisher and fire alarm in Superliminal was cute. Then I saw the beginning of Odyssey and realized it's an actual thing for her.

>> No.27046433

Imagine busting in Watson's back doors and Bubba walks in

>> No.27046442

Oh god I want a tomboy in EN gen2, Subaru is the closest in the whole of Hololive but I cant understand nip

>> No.27046444

Yeah but they aren't going to have a detective outfit on standby.

>> No.27046445

Y'all should've learned to identify "why-are-xfags-like-this" posts by now, just saying.

>> No.27046447

Mori has no idea how to play tsundere properly and comes off harsher than she means to. Kiara has very little social awareness so she keeps trying to brute force the meme over and over. That's all there is to it.

>> No.27046454

Chicken suspects the other whores want to seduce her papa from her

>> No.27046455

It all makes sense now

>> No.27046458

Pure autism tick.

>> No.27046461

someone should make a hololive cosplay brothel

>> No.27046462

it’s at a reasonable hour where I am. Have you tried moving?

>> No.27046470

Man...virtual waifu from bladerunner..........

>> No.27046473

Unless she's howling like she's dying or hurt it should be fine.

>> No.27046477 [DELETED] 

I can't believe Ina is actually a boy.
No wonder he has no chest despite being so tall.

>> No.27046478
File: 15 KB, 240x383, 1600137229244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been thinking about what kind of things i'd like to see down the line and I really want Amelia to do a movie watchalong around christmas time of Love Actually

>> No.27046480


>> No.27046483

getting a flight right now is a lot of paperwork

>> No.27046485

Oh no you don't know.

>> No.27046494

I hope she has a deep voice.

>> No.27046500


>> No.27046501

lawsuit incoming unless you change the names and slightly alter the outfits

>> No.27046511

Doesn't feel like that at all for me, it felt sudden, but not forced, I found their recent banter funny:

The actual issue is simply chicken not being able to express herself in English, and Mori being all-around kinda awkward about well, everything, it's part of her charm.

>> No.27046515

Big tits tomboy with as tan

>> No.27046516

>mfw that chart
I'll stick with gilbert govan mab etc for now because WEW

>> No.27046518
File: 4 KB, 131x59, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch mel onegai...

>> No.27046521



>> No.27046525

>Gura has a waiting list of multiple months from second 1

>> No.27046529 [DELETED] 

Brothels are illegal to begin with in most of the world, that's the least of your concerns.

>> No.27046532

My schizo narrative that all the girls generally like each other but have only been in contact with each for other about month and don't make enough of an effort to bond off stream which is why seem so awkward during collabs

>> No.27046535

Deep as Mori?

>> No.27046539
File: 4 KB, 359x49, NTR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27046541

Which HoloEN could do the best "is that your real voice?" I want to hear them do that.

>> No.27046548
File: 87 KB, 680x383, 1583920007070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night bros

>> No.27046550

I'm sure she's down with a threesome.

>> No.27046551

>implying this isn't the best thing

>> No.27046555

Kind of like how Gura spent most of Among the Sleep playing with blocks

>> No.27046556

all me

>> No.27046558

This but the entirety of Toradora over multiple streams

>> No.27046561

I wish I could forget everything abut minecraft and experience it again for the first time.

>> No.27046564

>that ojou laugh
I'm not into Ame, BUT

>> No.27046565

Damn... is Mel one of the least successful holos out there?

>> No.27046566

Mori. She already puts on a voice

>> No.27046568

Ive had sex and several girlfriends in my life but they always break up with me after about 6 months - 1 year.

The internet has made me really self-conscious about being "beta" with women so I try to act "alpha" but I obviously dont do it very well and I guess makes me come across as just an asshole who really disrespects women (I dont respect women at all its true) and ive been told I belittle and insult my partners too much but I dont even realize it when I do it.

Im actually quite handsome and in relatively good shape physically. Girls just hate me once they get to know me. And im 30 now so ive really missed the boat on settling down and only have single moms and sluts left so ill just stick to anime girls from now on.

>> No.27046570

What the fuck am I even looking at

>> No.27046572

I just found HoloEU theme: Legends

>> No.27046574

My narrative is that Kiara only enjoys Minecraft because Pekora does.

>> No.27046578

Why not stream that if she got time yeah. This would be ideal timespot to fill dead space. Good tos ee her autism kicking in on the game.

>> No.27046580

Pretty much.

>> No.27046588

Abby from F/GO

>> No.27046593

She almost said cucked in Limbo stream but changed it to NTR.

>> No.27046598


>> No.27046607

Both Civia and Ame gets the unstoppable urge to ara ara during the Mama rabbit fight.

>> No.27046608

While it may be true for some real life Idol group, I don't think that applies to HoloEN, most of them just don't give a shit and have a real job beside being a VTuber.

>> No.27046609

>haven't so much as held hands with a girl
It's over for me...

>> No.27046611

Like Subaru's ikemen voice.

>> No.27046617
File: 213 KB, 406x430, 1583711304666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27046619

Really? I thought it was just the us and islamic countries.

>> No.27046629

No one fucking asked. Fuck off to >>>/soc/ with this offtopic blog garbage.

>> No.27046631

nice blogpost faggot

>> No.27046637

Chicken is super natural in Japanese, German speakers in chat said she also felt really natural speaking German, but her English feels much more limited, but as she interacts and speaks more, she'll able to express herself better. They are both new to vtubing and streaming in general, so I would even say that it's not a bad start at all. They will only feel more and more natural as they get used to it.

That was a good stream to show that they are both having fun with that dynamic.

>> No.27046640

>Same boat but 26
We're ___ gonna make it ;_;

>> No.27046651

No way that's too far fetched to be true, I'm sure my narrative over some joke one of the girls made that I spent the past week obsessing over is far more likely to be true

>> No.27046653

I just want to listen to Ina's rommate's lovely voice more, why did she delet all the twitch vods

>> No.27046654
File: 166 KB, 480x448, 1568874754197.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6. The ones familiar with 4chan are encouraging schizo posting about the others.

>> No.27046655

If I donate to Ina, she will be my friend, right?

>> No.27046659

I read it all in her raspy voice
it was hot

>> No.27046661

You have to go back

>> No.27046669

I meant the rest of it

>> No.27046672

>Mikki (just debut)
How many pets does she have?

>> No.27046675

She won't even read it.

>> No.27046676

Does a bunch of virgins congregating at a site on the internet really surprise normalfags that much?

>> No.27046677

She didn't stream for months due to her "incident" and that really killed her channel, she basically missed the entire hololive boom

>> No.27046696


>> No.27046705

26 here too, had sex a handful of times in the past but the last time I held a conversation with a girl was 5 years ago now and i've pretty much given up on finding someone although sometimes I do get depressed thinking about how I have no one

>> No.27046706
File: 306 KB, 1465x1410, 34564543652345342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking Ame's "tea" out of her thigh-highs.

>> No.27046707

No one who followed her before was degenerate enough to save those, huh?

>> No.27046714

stream of Ina's roommate drawing it, full illustration is on her twitter and danbooru

>> No.27046716

and all the mice infesting her house

>> No.27046719
File: 311 KB, 416x591, 1600256530574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blogging hours

>> No.27046721

They have them, but they're all japanese.

>> No.27046724

Kiara talking about her minecraft virginity tweet reactions.

>> No.27046730

Newfag here. All I wanna say is that I love how the chicken has Fighting as her hobbies yet the few streams I've seen she's cowering hiding or running. Intentional or not this is pure kino.

>> No.27046731
File: 2.44 MB, 1450x2048, 1600902538777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia's voice is so attractive... even when she just talks normally it just awakens something in me. I want her.

>> No.27046737

You don't need to specify its a vtuber

>> No.27046742

Just got caught up to Gura's stream last night. That squeak at the end was so adorable my heart exploded.

>> No.27046745
File: 80 KB, 300x300, artia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy her RTX-3090 she will date you

>> No.27046746

She already read my messages even though they weren't donations.

>> No.27046748

Oh she did some vtuber stream shit before too?

>> No.27046749

I count three.
Who's mikki? When was she revealed?

>> No.27046750

It add flavor to the threads

>> No.27046760

>the virgin chad
>the chad virgin

>> No.27046766

You know how it was tax evasion that got Capone?

>> No.27046773

I’m sad I apparently missed her real voice in Kiara’s stream.

>> No.27046775
File: 45 KB, 585x543, shaaaaaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins

>> No.27046780

I'll add the flavour of my cum to your boy cunny.

>> No.27046785

Second dog, revealed in the Odyssey stream

>> No.27046787

During her mario playthrough, Kiara would stop and read every japanese sign...in japanese. She wouldn't actually translate the signs into english.

>> No.27046790

>4 Hours thread

/hlgg/ not gona make it...

>> No.27046794

I love the chicken

>> No.27046795

>on the website formerly known as 4chan formerly owned by moot*

>> No.27046797

The only example of someone like this is Steven Universe so OK there buddy

>> No.27046799

sounds like a normal girl for her age, slightly high pitched mori

>> No.27046805

Considering the amount of cosplay JAV out there, i'm kinda surprised there hasn't been a Hololive one yet.

>> No.27046808

It was 99.99% the same as her Amelia voice. It IS her voice.

>> No.27046810

What if pledge loyalty to the territorial integrity of the chinksmell empire?

>> No.27046815
File: 32 KB, 576x576, jkjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please die

>> No.27046821

probably because of >>27046501

>> No.27046827

>artist cg
Call me when it has a doujinshi label

>> No.27046828

A picture of panda?

>> No.27046836
File: 9 KB, 637x90, 1600647239795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Mori even want to collab with the ame and gura...?

>> No.27046840

It's pretty much identical. Not quite as bouncy since she was just addressing Kiara and not the chat but you'd be struggling to notice any major differences.

>> No.27046844

What does this even say?

>> No.27046850

ok seeing as we're all virgins we should just have sex with each other instead

>> No.27046852

I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.27046855


>> No.27046859

I'm not a faggot

>> No.27046869


>> No.27046870

Can't wait for those glorious alzheimer neet years where I can experience all the best games over and over again every day.

>> No.27046871

How can you not be used to Mori's character by now

>> No.27046873

No, YAGOO is actually holding her family hostage in exchange for her streaming.

Is this what you narrativefags want?

>> No.27046875

Alright, dress up as Gura and bend over.

>> No.27046876

Shut up, Mori.

>> No.27046879

Do you have a pussy?

>> No.27046882

I think it’s funny

>> No.27046884

traps are gay

>> No.27046885

Amelia got teeth tracking and Mori got several different expressions of concern though.

>> No.27046887

Ina actually like me

>> No.27046895
File: 166 KB, 1007x975, 68767868468468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27046894

who is less gay?
someone who has never sucked a dick
someone who has sucked a dick and knows for sure he doesn't like it

>> No.27046899

>gura liked this
wtf, I think that's going too far

>> No.27046900

has watame/marine seen Ina's art from last night?

>> No.27046903
File: 88 KB, 443x604, 1598898392784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are flat chested?

>> No.27046904

Implying 70% of this thread isn't too fucking new to get this

>> No.27046905

No she likes me

>> No.27046907

This, but antis have to fuck the fans of the girl they hate. Chickenlovers have to fuck chickenantis and so on and so forth.

>> No.27046909

>ina is the only holoen with visible barefoot
>gura gets the most barefeets artwork
should i take the pedopill

>> No.27046916
File: 145 KB, 1091x645, 5435354354135354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27046920

See >>27046422
FACTS #1. They genuinely hate each other

>> No.27046923
File: 158 KB, 960x1440, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you think if Gura actually picked this as her first watch-along.

>> No.27046924

None of the NA girls want to collab with the JP duo

>> No.27046925

If I could draw, I'd be drawing edgy serious Mori all the time because I just know that's the kind of shit she'd prefer.

>> No.27046930

>running boiling hot tea down your leg

>> No.27046931

That's pretty close to saying it's not gay to suck a dick, because you didn't like it. It's still gay to do it, it's just that you didn't like the act of doing it.

>> No.27046936
File: 3.00 MB, 540x240, 1601186701662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need gura...
gura asmr.....
gura and ame asmr.........
lewd gura and ame asmr where ame whispers perverted things to gura's ear as she gets flustered and moans and squeaks...........

>> No.27046944

got a source for these?

>> No.27046945

I would think about HER

>> No.27046947

You should take the shoepill and stop liking feet.

>> No.27046948

Okay but what if you do it and you like it?

>> No.27046951

That's more of an Amecore movie.

>> No.27046957

Am I supposed to be aroused that she's pouring boiling hot water on herself?

Because that would be weird if I was, right?

>> No.27046959

once you suck a dick, you're gay forever

>> No.27046961

Because all Holos are just voice actors.

>> No.27046967

Most games with Chinese influence are kusoge though.

>> No.27046968


>> No.27046970


>> No.27046973

Did more of them do this shit? I was watching Ina and god that was cringe and boring.

>> No.27046974
File: 218 KB, 1132x636, 1459805820701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori or Amelia. RIP intro is basically that.

>> No.27046985

There was the one girl who posted her tits in /hlg/.
I'd stick to keeping my wizard powers over her.

>> No.27046993

get /r9k/ infection out of these threads

>> No.27046999

They should do watch alongs for anime of the season episodes once a week so I can get the true weeb girlfriend experience.

>> No.27047002

implying she has enough brain left to feel it

>> No.27047003

Bird's Minecraft suffering is the best shit ever

>> No.27047007


>> No.27047009

But how do you know you're not gay if you've never sucked a dick?

>> No.27047012

I remember that girl, wasn't she a fat SEA?

>> No.27047034

It just feels like the water is coming out of her blow hole instead

>> No.27047035

I have a pretty good butt

>> No.27047037

To get rid of /r9k/ from here you have to get rid of Amelia

>> No.27047040

It's not the early 2010s anymore anon, our distaff counterparts hate us.

>> No.27047043

How was the ame odyssey stream bros?

>> No.27047042

Hollow Life

>> No.27047056 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.74 MB, 1000x740, 1601379149826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27047058


>> No.27047061
File: 2.94 MB, 1010x1080, 1597022363008.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, some good fucking fetishes.

>> No.27047068


>> No.27047069

>"Do you guys really think I'm dumb enough to fall into lava?"
>Falls into lava and dies less than a minute later

>> No.27047070

Hollow World

>> No.27047081

Hollow this dick bitccchhhh

>> No.27047082

It turned into another Waachama cooking episode

>> No.27047085

Amelia and Cali literally browse /jp/
Gura has been on 4chan a few times
Ina and Kiara have never been here.

>> No.27047096

Damn, Sora is almost unrecognizable.

>> No.27047098


>> No.27047101


>> No.27047102

are you sure?


>> No.27047108

God I'm so glad Miko evolved into the gremlin she is today.

>> No.27047110

I want Ame to call my pp "pretty epic".

>> No.27047113

Amelia are Cali literally my girlfriends
Gura has had sex with me a few times
Ina and Kiara will eventually sleep with me.

>> No.27047119

Kiara comes here regularly.

>> No.27047122

Guys... Gura might not actually be a pure untouched virgin..

>> No.27047124


Amelia is the first hololive with her own subreddit. Sasuame

>> No.27047125

Reading a superchat too

>> No.27047130

Wake up and see i missed an unscheduled Watson stream

What the fuck bros anything memorable happen

>> No.27047131
File: 501 KB, 2480x3508, 1593205619165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Moririn!

>> No.27047138

wtf i hate her now

>> No.27047139
File: 648 KB, 1920x1080, Ei0O_GHVoAEPjLg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for Ina membership!

>> No.27047141

go back

>> No.27047150

She had fucking autojump still on. She finally disabled it on her way back to the pit.

>> No.27047152

I took her virginity last week bro

>> No.27047153

Not like she deserves it

>> No.27047155

The great philosopher, Korone.

>> No.27047158

Revealed her house is infested with mice

>> No.27047162

That is an extremely common saying

>> No.27047163

Bubba has a sister

>> No.27047166

I fucking hate this bitch!

>> No.27047171

Amelia and Cali are terrorist sympathizers
Gura has been on Epstein's Island a few times
Ina and Kiara did 9/11

>> No.27047178

Currently member of Amelia.
Will also become a member for Gura and probably Ina.

>> No.27047179

>Collab at 15:00
>Lecture at 14:00 to 16:00

I appear to be a very unlucky man

>> No.27047180

second dog reveal

>> No.27047190


>> No.27047193

Someone get the FBI

>> No.27047194


>> No.27047207


Shark keep pulling more videos and views.

>> No.27047209

just skip the lectures, nerd

>> No.27047210

Amelia and Cali are ogey
Gura is rrat
Ina and Kiara

>> No.27047211

sasuga ame

>> No.27047212

Did Marine or Watame react to Ina drawing them yet?

>> No.27047216

Civia is cuter

>> No.27047220
File: 804 KB, 1001x1055, 1600964711335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need.....

>> No.27047222

Yeah we know she has bots.

>> No.27047224

>going to lecture

>> No.27047225

I seriously hope you aren't planning to skip the second greatest EN collab this week just to go to some stupid lecture, anon.

>> No.27047234

God I want to roughly fuck and choke her while one of her tentacles pegs me and her other tentacles strangle the life out of me.

>> No.27047238
File: 178 KB, 1920x1080, 1583670292900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides it practically being a confirmation she's checked these threads, it would be great
It's an actually pretty good movie, and it's very well suited to the vtuber theme
People may say it's more suited for Ame due to the goslings, but people can gosling for any girl. Ame just took the largest swathe of them.

>> No.27047245

Going to watch Pochi stream while we wait for the collab.

>> No.27047254

>Amelia and Cali are ogey
Rainforest fag here, can confirm.

>> No.27047259

Who gives a shit if they are?

>> No.27047271

>the only guys she wants to bang are into 2D in one of her songs.
absolutely based

>> No.27047275

Anyone else spend way more time on holos and the threads than is healthy?

>> No.27047277
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, 1600690374778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27047278


>> No.27047284

me :(

>> No.27047288
File: 232 KB, 824x1593, tiredmori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw meetings
Go on without me, deadbeats

>> No.27047297

You can always watch the lecture VOD later, anon.

>> No.27047303

Yes, it's completely ruined my sleeping schedule and I barely eat anymore

>> No.27047305

Nikki I believe, same breed

>> No.27047314

Until she smiles

>> No.27047319

Any amount of time spent here is unhealthy.
But also yes.

>> No.27047320

Sounds good to me

>> No.27047329

Please watch mel she only has 500 viewers

>> No.27047335

Yeah it's super unhealthy, both mentally and physically

>> No.27047336

Yeah it's like I schedule my life around the streams I want to see now.
But I can't stop.

>> No.27047340
File: 31 KB, 564x558, 1519161425913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you appear before gura
>you get to tell her one thing only
What do you say?

>> No.27047347
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 1572213475725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her smile is great though

>> No.27047352
File: 132 KB, 1079x1368, EjBslKsXcAMvmsH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off youtube

>> No.27047355

nanchara kanchara

>> No.27047357

For the mid tier you get one tentacle up your butt every week.

>> No.27047359

>whoa surely [sreamer] visits this threads!
Will this retarded delusion ever stop? I see this in so many game generals as well.

>> No.27047366

Wanna grab an impossible burger with me?

>> No.27047367


>> No.27047372


>> No.27047373

Yeah, it's really not good for me. It's kinda self destructive even.

>> No.27047374

then I laugh at her when she pees herself

>> No.27047379

>being a no adblock cuck

>> No.27047380

I like how whenever she does something dumb, the chat just spams bottom left.

>> No.27047381

Why are you watching clips when you can just watch the VOD?

>> No.27047383

"i brought booze"

>> No.27047384


>> No.27047385

I would've found another way to waste time anyways

>> No.27047386

W-what about high tier

>> No.27047388

>not adblocking youtube

>> No.27047394

>started 5 minutes ago
I was gonna give her a pity view but I feel deceived

>> No.27047400

D/A, but I also do it, to show extra support for the vtubers, the clips bring them attention too

>> No.27047401

what makes you think a person browsing 4chan is some special thing? especial after all the mainstream coverage it got

>> No.27047405

always been too lazy to do it on my phone but now im going to do it.

Im just sick of black gay shit being shoved down my throat. I watch hololive to get away from that stuff.

>> No.27047406

Is it a mandatory lecture?
If not skip that shit.

>> No.27047410


>> No.27047412

pp hard

>> No.27047422

I kissed my homies

>> No.27047426

"I will give you 10k cash on hand right now if you let me fuck you"

>> No.27047430

Does it change anything if my other fantasy is to play Destiny 2 with her and spend queue/load times talking about lore?

>> No.27047431

Mind break

>> No.27047436

Also relatable

>> No.27047441

please pee in front of me

>> No.27047446

She just switched from Fall guys before but switched to Apex, her and Roboco only just hit 1k these days

>> No.27047447

I tried watching gura and she was fun but her chat jesus christ. I thought amelias would be the worst but i guess being the normie magnet really is the worst recipe for the worst chat in guras.

>> No.27047451


>> No.27047454

Surely your uni has lectures recorded, just flunk and watch the collab and catch up later

>> No.27047453


>> No.27047456

Don't skip lectures unless you plan to flunk anyway, it's a bad habit to fall into. Just watch on your phone from the back row or listen with it in your pocket or something.

>> No.27047457
File: 708 KB, 1038x921, watsonmoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of design do you think watson has on her teacup?

>> No.27047459

Half the ENs were shut-in autists who watched anime and vtubers, it's not that far out of the realm of possibility.

>> No.27047461


Did Marine see her Passpartout image?

>> No.27047477
File: 149 KB, 320x240, 1593453763065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely, it's ruining me a bit
However, I've also got much more motivation and have begun optimising my life more cause of Mori. Just wrote up an intense daily schedule that is semi fluid taking into account up to ~5 hours of streams, which is all my free time.
Eventually I will come out of this better than I came into it.

>> No.27047478

Here you go anon

>> No.27047485

Prediction: gura Karaoke will purposely avoid everything that SHE covered in the past

>> No.27047487
File: 321 KB, 161x169, Yupiel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura has been on Epstein's Island a few times
Those rich pedos didn't stand a chance.

>> No.27047492

Get ready for the emote spam when she gets her membership

>> No.27047500

Got jump scared. Screamed. Ended the stream then. Obvious narrative is that she pissed herself and decided against sitting in it until the stream would normally be over.

>> No.27047505

Send akasupa and request for Country Road

>> No.27047513


>> No.27047516

I understand that. I also decided to make myself a better man so that if I ever get to meet Amelia at some point in the future she will actually accept my advances and become my gf.

For that I must work hard and do all my reps.

>> No.27047521

we should collab

>> No.27047522

You are more obnoxious and belong here less than he does.

>> No.27047525


>> No.27047528

Yeah and I also support shark

>> No.27047530

Are we one of those bad sites that Chick mentioned? Now I feel bad....

>> No.27047538
File: 49 KB, 750x350, Coupon Artia Free GF Advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls only want one thing and it's disgusting

>> No.27047539

>this thread lasted for more than 6 hours
It's over bros.. the reclining is real.

>> No.27047543

If you sat in a puddle of your own piss long enough, would your leg disintegrate

>> No.27047545

Pedos hold the narrative, the bugmind is difficult to defeat (collective thoughts that decide the human meta of what's "hip" every lapse of time and whatsuch) so yeah. Gotta keep the fight.

>> No.27047546

holy shit you are a flip

>> No.27047550
File: 3.64 MB, 2894x4700, 84680326_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia is a DORK, change my mind.

>> No.27047556

Everyone who has been around for more than two weeks wishes it was true.

>> No.27047559

Her not having that "peppy" inflection is nice.

>> No.27047565

some dumb fps meme skin

>> No.27047567

Honeymoon phase is almost over, tick tock ENfags

>> No.27047572


>> No.27047576

its already been 2 weeks? shit...

>> No.27047580

nah someone will think they're clever and akasupa the okay boomer song or that song she did for that onlyfans girl

>> No.27047583

she said it was a cat themed cup a stream or two ago

>> No.27047591

I didnt even think of that. If its anything like amelias first day but with 3x the viewers its fucking over

>> No.27047600

If its just a puddle it would evaporate before anything happens. If you keep it wet though youd get infections out of the ass

>> No.27047622

I'm gonna be honest, people here need to come up with some better come backs other than the generic "dilate, cope, seethe, have sex" and posting wojaks, none of that shit is a sick burn and isn't gonna make any /pol/ack or tranny fuck off

>> No.27047640


>> No.27047641

No need to samefag. Stay in your containment subreddit with your offtopic blog triggery.

>> No.27047642

People probably realized this thread is a mental health hazard. I can feel myself slowly losing my sanity the longer I'm here.

>> No.27047643


>> No.27047645

>wake up
>time to catch up with the streams I missed!
>collab in three hours time

I'm in too deep guys. It's not long before I start skipping sleep entirely.

>> No.27047656

we don't need better comebacks because the correct response is to just not respond to bait

>> No.27047658

>collab in three hours time
No, tell me it's not true. I need to sleep

>> No.27047659


>> No.27047660
File: 224 KB, 1575x731, amelia watson pantyhose tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this been done yet? Because its a required rare coupon.

>> No.27047665

It's not true, it's actually in 2 hours

>> No.27047669


>> No.27047675
File: 224 KB, 1575x731, amelia watson pantyhose moomin tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had already drew this by time anon said cat so here you go anon

>> No.27047676

It's not true, it's 2 hours.

>> No.27047677

It’s not it’s in 2 hours

>> No.27047678

You stay in yours

>> No.27047680

Time to upgrade to 1.5x speed. Live in the fast lane.

>> No.27047682
File: 65 KB, 1000x728, ogey pixels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27047684

Meh not like watching youtube for 15 hours a day was healthy anyways

>> No.27047686

Why are you allowing ads?

>> No.27047690

Unironically my fetish. Its way too rare

>> No.27047693

Just came back from work, bros! How are we doin-

>gura's stream had no chat going on in the video
>ina's stream was the same

It's because of the fucking chinks, huh

>> No.27047695
File: 171 KB, 1005x1553, 1578470400617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't eaten dairy in like 20 years but I just ate a kit kat to feel closer to Ame. It made me vomit but i got it down. I feel like shit but i might start eating them when she streams and just keep a vomit bucket beside my desk.

>> No.27047699

Ina's roommate still streamed in August and I missed it...
I've only been saving her pics

>> No.27047700
File: 79 KB, 893x893, 486645645654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27047701


>> No.27047702

Gura's identity is none other than jontron using a voice changer. Oh geez oh geez

>> No.27047707
File: 16 KB, 484x195, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27047708

Works for me? If I go watch the outlast gura video right now I see a chat replay too

>> No.27047711

werks on my machine

>> No.27047713

>Ame's Mario stream didn't archive

>> No.27047716

Tea filtered through panties is your fetish? I would say it's closer to non-existent than rare.

>> No.27047718

Yes there were. Chats just take longer to archive. Try refreshing.

>> No.27047719

karaoke stream soon...

>> No.27047721 [DELETED] 

a few chink shills were spamming taiwan and shit in chat and holo overreacted as usual.

>> No.27047723

this entire site is causing people brain damage. This thread is one of the better ones.

>> No.27047724

I think he means in the video itself, like the on-screen chat.

>> No.27047722

I don't spend all my time watching hololive all the time so I'm fine. I fill in the gaps by listening to sad music and imagining depressing goodbyes between long time friends.

>> No.27047726
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>> No.27047729
File: 212 KB, 919x927, 1601190344668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're saying on screen. Honestly prefer it that way.

>> No.27047730

Teamates, everyone

>> No.27047732

Time to become an investigamatagatanagatagaratafagatagator it seems.

>> No.27047733

What does it mean?

>> No.27047736

Are you dumb? Jontron cannot play anything longer than 2 minutes without going ECH

>> No.27047738


>> No.27047742

What content did she stream?

>> No.27047743

When she spoke German in her debut, apparently you could tell she was trying hard to speak standard German, since she's Austrian

>> No.27047745


>> No.27047748

Gochiusa spawned a couple of pictures. But I have yet to see it as the focus of a doujin or anything more than a single pic

>> No.27047749


>> No.27047751

They're playing a cooking game,
Chicken and taco are foods.
Work it out.

>> No.27047755

Ameliachads asserting dominance it seems.

Sharkfags are shaking right now...

>> No.27047756

do you rike it

>> No.27047759

Sounds like a Nisioisin work

>> No.27047760

why are teamates like this

>> No.27047765

Don't start

>> No.27047764

skip it anon, use your sick card

>> No.27047771
File: 87 KB, 2545x191, moripasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-threadly reminder that Mori-sama is the light of my life! A collab between Ame, Gura, and Mori-sama? Oh man, I'm so excited.

>> No.27047772

Her German is a bit off actually. I say this as a German who speaks High German (no dialect).
She's Austrian though, so that's normal.

>> No.27047783

here's thumbnail of stream where she drew the last pic posted on her twitter >>27046388

>> No.27047787

that isnt how discord works

>> No.27047790

> Gura fat shaming and mocking balds

I'm gonna need some salsas on that, also, thanks for the ammo, anonchamachamachamachama.

>> No.27047797

This is how I feel when I realize Mori will never be my gf

>> No.27047799

God I've listened to too much of this song

>> No.27047801

>this thread

>> No.27047803

What's our narrative for the Gura Mori Ame collab?

>> No.27047808
File: 338 KB, 1920x1080, FnJgpDb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27047810

Watch her Outlast stream

>> No.27047817

they happened to have time free at the same time

>> No.27047819

It seems like the stream Ame did yesterday, the coke one, was deleted from her channel?

>> No.27047826

Huh interesting. The way she mentioned how little she talked prior to hololive made me assume she didn’t stream before.

>> No.27047828

where the outlast clips

>> No.27047836

right here
*unzips cunny*

>> No.27047838

Gura and Ame are going to do everything in their power to make Mori snap

>> No.27047840

Same. I may be spending too much time on this thread but I've slowly started improving my life since I started.

>> No.27047843

crazy how sharks work

>> No.27047846


>> No.27047851

Mori will be annoying as fuck and spoil the family bonding time between my wife and daughterwife. I might even edit her out of it for my own records.

>> No.27047854

Mori begged Gura and Ame to wake up crazy early and their gonna be super pissed with her and low energy.

>> No.27047860


>> No.27047862

*unzips dicks*

>> No.27047867

It seems like Mori and Kiara have made a hashtag together https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1310915825637838848?s=20

>> No.27047875

I want to release all of my seed inside Gura

>> No.27047884

Mori wants to have gay sex with Gura and Ame

>> No.27047883

what the fuck

>> No.27047888

the first gura and mori collab was so awkward that amelia now has to mediate while being sleep deprived

>> No.27047889

Guri will mumble and do nothing but this thread will overpraise her anyway for being so brave.
Mori will cringe herself to death.
Ame will probably shove up a dildo up her ass that girl is gone.

>> No.27047891

No questions asked, yes

>> No.27047892

Someone actually posted a mega link with bits and pieces of her videos. Like 30 second clips, some of fucking nothing.

The 3d model she used was pretty fucking bad and offputting. Glad she got something cute to match her personality in holo.

>> No.27047896
File: 251 KB, 1355x2048, 20200923_014512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all great friends and are really excited to play together.

>> No.27047905

Wew thanks anon

>> No.27047907
File: 154 KB, 498x482, 1585199494785.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, naisu.

>> No.27047912

>please stop ignoring us please believe this is a thing haha hello.. anyone? don't forget about us just because of the trinity... please...

>> No.27047925

Anyone notice that every fan of Callis music is like "I don't normally listen to this kind of thing, but...". Does her music only appeal to people who've never listened to hip hop before?

>> No.27047926

can I lick and kiss her cunny in the meantime?

>> No.27047928

But narrativebros told me Mori hates Kiara and their pairing

>> No.27047930

Are you lactose intolerant? Unironically don't do it.

>> No.27047934

Were most of them silent art streams? Guess it’s time to dive through the archives.

>> No.27047935
File: 813 KB, 255x175, 1601085864956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do this to Gura

>> No.27047936
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, Kiara minecraft fanart by @Vgamer3111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the first official holo pairign hashtag?

>> No.27047938

There are a few stream clips floating around and she really didn't talk much, it's honestly amazing how much she's opened up.

>> No.27047940

Chicken is really thirsty for Mori-sama, can't blame her, Mori-sama is just too perfect

>> No.27047943

Bets on Kiara using this hashtag without checking it OR asking Mori beforehand?

>> No.27047946
File: 290 KB, 1038x1666, 74567465454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27047950

That's impossible, someone said they hate each other so it must be true

>> No.27047952

honestly will any of the EN girls do real ASMR? their fanbases are filled with memefaggots that would just 'ironically' spam "CRINGE" at any serious attempt

>> No.27047957
File: 302 KB, 1600x1192, 1583139765434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're totally fucking.

>> No.27047958

>not MorixTori
Absolutely awful.

>> No.27047968

Why are normies so into this? It's so obviously forced. I don't mind yuribait but Chicken and Mori have zero chemistry.

>> No.27047973

More like cringenity

>> No.27047974


>> No.27047975
File: 2.24 MB, 1396x939, 1575835749304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me think of this

>> No.27047977

It's probably because hip hop and rap are garbage genres

>> No.27047985

stupid bird
should've went for moriXtori

>> No.27047988

Yeah, i'm lactose intolerant and maybe a little allergic or something too because the reaction is instant and kinda violent but with friends i've had that are lactose intolerant they can eat dairy but just regret it later. I want to make her tea as well but i'm worried that's gunna actually kill me with all the milk and everything.

>> No.27047990

They can't do that without approval and consent from both the vtuber and management, same with official lewd tags.

>> No.27047999

Amelia will do occasional ASMR for her members. We don't know what exactly it will be.

Hopefully it will just be her talking to us (me) and telling us stories or something... maybe a bit of loveydovey pretend.
But I don't want that stupid whisper asmr with the double ear mic that so many thots do, it's annoying and I hate when they blow in my ear.

>> No.27048001

I hope that the day her hololive stuff ends (not that I want it to, but it’s inevitable) she returns to her own streams and brings over the openness.

>> No.27048002

Most people only know gangster rap because that is what the big studios pushed for decades.

>> No.27048005

This is actually the most pathetic thing Kiara has done

>> No.27048008


>> No.27048014

>bottom left
i want her to use it as a thumbnail for the next MC stream

>> No.27048020
File: 146 KB, 827x1281, EiRihEdVoAAkM9S (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also said that schizo is wrong.

>> No.27048021

Did the odyssey stream end up being good?

>> No.27048026

just streaming is ASMR for her viewers

>> No.27048030

Yes. More life stories.

>> No.27048031

I'm assuming they both talked it over

>> No.27048034

Nah, she's just the epitome of bad hip hop. Go listen to Lil Ugly Mane or something.

>> No.27048035

The problem with rap is the themes. It can be a good style when cute girls are using it but hearing black guys rapping about looting and fucking is a big turn off for a lot of people.

>> No.27048036

Everything Watson does is good

>> No.27048044

What would Amelia think if she knew that her fans were puking and shitting themselves during her streams?

>> No.27048050

This made me laugh despite sides taken, holy shit.

>> No.27048053

I'm lactose intolerant but usually the only symptoms I have are diarrhea and a feeling of being bloated.
It's worth the occasional dairy product. There are lactase pills I have you are meant to take together with lactose-containing food but desu it's a 50/50 whether they work or not for me.

>> No.27048057


>> No.27048059

I swear to god cover is actually paying people to force this shit

>> No.27048061

narrativefags and schizos are going to have a field day once they find out about this

>> No.27048063
File: 67 KB, 522x664, 1597389715527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool, they're going Crossick.

She can't do that without authorization so yeah, like >>27047990 said.

>> No.27048067

Is Kiara a fucking M? Why the fuck would she read the shit we post here?

>> No.27048068

Just my headcanon narrative bro.

>> No.27048083
File: 96 KB, 614x475, 1601185633966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Mori forcing this yuri ship shit. Am I right, guys?

>> No.27048088

I mean, I wasn't planning on telling her... I just want to feel closer to her. I haven't eaten meat either for like 15 years but if she mentions a recipe with meat i'll drop it and go carnist again.

>> No.27048090

Oh no Mori caught the big gay

>> No.27048091

That's true. Her normal voice is already fucking attractive and sexy to me, I don't need more.

>> No.27048098

Good to know I’m not the only one whose had less than great results with those pills.

>> No.27048103


>> No.27048107

Yeah, I don't really get it either, that's why I'm glad this collab is happening so we can see Mori in a group without dealing with chicken for a bit.

>> No.27048108

Cover just set the bait it's the tumblrites that ate it up. I wouldn't be surprised if a big portion of them just want a canonically homosexual hololive couple for SJW points

>> No.27048110

How many weebs listen to rap? I think it has more to do with the audience not being familiar with anything beyond the tip of the iceberg mainstream stuff than Mori's stuff being some weird aberration.

>> No.27048114

Because people keep tweeting it at her

>> No.27048116


>> No.27048122

Because it got screenshot and sent to her on Twitter at least twice

>> No.27048123

Get genuine medical help

>> No.27048128

oh boy here we go

>> No.27048133


>> No.27048138

Because we are not a hugbox-echochamber who can actually give criticism about the stream

>> No.27048141

Go back and stay back, normalfag.

>> No.27048144

You should probably talk to a doctor

>> No.27048153

Schizos break containment and send it to her. It wouldn't be a problem if the shit was kept here but we have a lot of genuinely mentally ill people. One of them is a literal tranny.

>> No.27048154

Jesus christ this is seriously embarrassing they have 0 fucking chemistry already

>> No.27048164

You are not a true Hololiver if you skip it

>> No.27048167


>> No.27048177

A lot of people just watch clips. Matsuri x Fubuki wasn't any better when it was a thing, but if you only wacthed clips you would have no idea.

>> No.27048188

Look at the art style of people pushing for it, it's obvious that most of them are retard leftoids >>27043094

>> No.27048197

That's some sad shit.

>> No.27048201

>westernoids normalfags that never saw business yuri before
I can only hope this get you fags filtered, tired of people bringing politics here

>> No.27048213
File: 9 KB, 299x168, jiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being apart of HoloStars and some faggot started his gay ship with you?

>> No.27048214

I certainly like the style of music she does such as the way she sings, melodies and genre types like Electro-swing with her most recent album, but rap wasn't too interesting to me before
She changed that, because literally 100% of all rap I've seen besides like that video game rap channel and that history rap channel were black american gangster shit, or foreigners imitating them
Mori showed me there are other kinds of Rap

>> No.27048219

isn't ASMR just a meaningless buzzword at this point?

>> No.27048227

Neither of them are cute moe characters. It's cringe

>> No.27048230

If its the green haired twink or roberu I wouldnt mind

>> No.27048235

They might. Nobody watches them so nobody knows if they do or not. They probably have their share of fujos

>> No.27048243

>he doesn't get the tingles
Sucks to be you, fagget.

>> No.27048258
File: 250 KB, 640x640, 1587876720144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but shit art
Everyone is getting a few of these, if they were common people would be posting them all the time, like in a previous thread

>> No.27048262

is it the same mega as the one with amelia or another one?

>> No.27048268

>n-no chemistry
So this is the new narrative now that schizos with negative social IQ abandoned "t-they hate each other"? Their collab together had by far the most banter and best chemistry so far. Why not just fuck off if you don't watch streams and hate what hololive is built on?

>> No.27048269

Pretty much since every e-thot out there has bought that mic and just done random sounds near it calling it ASMR.
Proper ASMR isn't just some random cunt tapping her nails on a box near the mic, there's more to it.

>> No.27048271

I get tingles in my penis. good enough?

>> No.27048281

They did this cause it's flooding their personal art hashtag callilust and artofash with couple artwork.
>someone had enough of it.
>judging by their indifference both of them had enough.
>kiara playing along as a scape goat considering calli has more popularity than her.
>management request

Good for them. But I hate it.

>> No.27048284

Holostar fujobaited several times, though.

It just that never worked well

>> No.27048286

A magnifying glass with a moustache and a tiny dot in the center representative of your penis because the machine is incapable of etching something that small.

>> No.27048288

i've been listening to rap and hiphop since i was a child and i like mori's music. im much more into Live Again than the less musically coherent tracks though, the ironic weebs are eating those up but i appreciate her introducing people to less known styles of hiphop and rap and i know she can make great tracks

>> No.27048292

Nope, it's different. Just look up Mega + her old name in the archives.

>> No.27048300

Why is Bubba so bad at catching mice?

>> No.27048305

Gura... what have they done to you?

>> No.27048306

No, it's different. You can have ASMR and a boner at the same time but it's not necessary.

>> No.27048310

i fucking hate kiara

>> No.27048315
File: 46 KB, 658x370, abc_gma_canning_110228_wg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not gay if it's Roberu, it's bi-WINNING

>> No.27048316

I can't imagine being forced to go through yuribait shit for your job with someone you're friends with irl, assuming they even are irl friends, because the company you work for wanted to push you as a duo because you and her are separated from the rest of your other colleagues.

>> No.27048318
File: 1002 KB, 500x281, 9ca.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the "tingles" on my neck whenever a barber shaves my hair. It pisses me off cause it's involuntary and feels like hundreds of insects crawling under my skin/neck.

>> No.27048321


>> No.27048326

This and all the girls with lewd tags did it so they cant look at their porn, since it disgusts them

they would never be so impure NEVER

>> No.27048327

Same but I don't watch her anymore outside of collabs so it's fine.

>> No.27048335

This is a terrible post but I still laughed.

>> No.27048337

These people really lived for their headcanon narratives when all they had was badly translated meme clips and japanese only streams.
They can't handle being ale to see and hear the actual conversations in front of them.

>> No.27048340
File: 114 KB, 932x1108, high-lactose-foods-printable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my man, I have no idea how accurate this table here is, probably not that much, but it says a lot that kit kat is in it at all

>> No.27048343

The key point here is that they're marketed towards the west. Instead of moe enthusiasts you're just going to attract tumblr retards with that.
Hopefully I am wrong.

>> No.27048344

she had to abandon a room to the mice colony

>> No.27048350

hey if it means I get fujo donations I'm cool with it

>> No.27048352

What other artists do you like? I've only ever heard shit as bland, generic and uninspired as hers from local shows by tumblr tier college kids and it's honestly jarring that people would actively listen to it.

>> No.27048355

>noooo my waifu is being gay instead of taking some chad's cock that's not meee aaaaaaa
it begins

>> No.27048358

Why did Mori Summer pick Dark Souls, a game known among roman politicians as an extremely hard game, and also a game she will never get permission to stream, as her favorite game?

>> No.27048366

All hip hop is bad bro

>> No.27048369


>> No.27048375

I hate the sound of her voice

>> No.27048377

That is the same thing that people are watching ASMR for.

>> No.27048383


>> No.27048391

Don't sleep on the artist CG tag (well you can sleep this time) because sometimes it has plot heavy stuff in it.

>> No.27048403

the ideal waifu is hetero, but hasn't had any man yet
which means YOU might have a chance

>> No.27048425
File: 8 KB, 370x117, close.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brapbros, your live again reps.

>> No.27048428

Isnt Hot Cocoa just milk + cocoa powder? How is there so much less lactose in it...

>> No.27048429

i like music too much to answer such an awful post seriously
keep it in your containment board

>> No.27048434

>But narrativebros told me Mori hates Kiara and their pairing
They are friends
Probably irl friends at this point given they are two white girls in japan.
Kiara is very feminine and likely bisexual
Mori is a tomboy but straight
Kiara plays up her love and Mori just rebuffs her
There is probably some truth to it a bit but im sure they know where they both stand and just go with it for streaming and comedic purposes.

>> No.27048438

who are you quoting?

>> No.27048441

Fits her character, and no permissions means she never has to actually show how bad she is at it.

>> No.27048442

I don't care either way, these girl are all fucking some dudes, they are all good looking and awesome girls, no matter how much you want to believe they're super lonely hikkis. The seething will be hilarious no matter what.

>> No.27048453

>I can't imagine working
We know.

>> No.27048459

Fuck off

>> No.27048458

That's what i thought, not willing to list a single artist.

>> No.27048462

She has gotten a new mic in the last few days and it has massively improved her voice. At the very least you'll hear it at the next collab.

>> No.27048464


>> No.27048471

mori has expressed on more than one occasion that she's too focused on her career to get a man but i imagine she's had hookups before

>> No.27048472

Wait, isn't aufrufe the world for phonecall or something? Sorry I haven't done my German reps in ages...

>> No.27048483

Why is the tea coffee though?

>> No.27048485

No you are thinking of milk with chocolatesugar powder.
Hot choco is specifically just choco powder brewed in water similar to coffee.

>> No.27048487

Implying I can't just burn your tiles with sheer force. Get your Akagi reps, f/a/gnon. You lost, it's ok. We all do!

>> No.27048489

this is probably going to sound really disgusting, but some people make hot chocolate with water and not milk.

>> No.27048491

I know but there something i hate about her voice

>> No.27048496

hundreds of thousands of threads filled with hilariously insecure faggots and "moralfags" that were on a high moral ground until gay stuff happened and they turned out just to be cuckold fetishists

>> No.27048499

i fucking hate western culture

>> No.27048502

wtf are you talking about

>> No.27048507

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
