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2699974 No.2699974 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ I wanted to ask you something.
I really enjoy VNs, often I can go on reading them for hours, I've even missed more than one WoW raid because I was too obsessed about one.
But sometimes, I just can't go on, when one VN, one route, really involve me emotionally, I find myself scared to continue, because then it'll be over, and I'll feel empty inside.
Do you ever get this feeling ?

>> No.2699981

Yes, especially when I know it's going to be a sad end.

>> No.2699983
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Every time. Even with the shitty ones honestly.

>> No.2699989

That's why I don't play VNs in general--too emotionally involving.

>> No.2700016

Try killing yourself OP

>> No.2700064
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I've actually missed quite a few raids myself.

I didn't elaborate on a reason so my guildes thought i had some dramatic RL relationship issues and gave me the greenlight to ditch.

I don't have the balls to tell them it was for a 2d girl, especially since I'm main heals.

>> No.2700073


>> No.2700075 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2700082

I have a very short attention span so I usually go from game to game without completely finishing them. Then one day, I gorge on text and finish as many of them as possible.

>> No.2700085

Same thing happens to me. I've only finished the Aeka route in YMK because I was too emotionally drained to do any of the others.

>> No.2700087

>because then it'll be over, and I'll feel empty inside.
I've only felt that way with Clannad, because it took up over a month of my life. Lately though I've found myself scared to keep reading when I'm worried there might be a sad end.

>> No.2700091

Over a month? Really? I've been reading a route a day for the last week. Read faster.

>> No.2700092

>I've only felt that way with Clannad, because it took up over a month of my life.


It may take, at most, a week of reading passively. Who reads slow enough for it to take a month of active reading to finish?

>> No.2700100

>It may take, at most, a week of reading passively.
wat? I've been reading ~seven hours every night for the past five days and I'm about halfway through the school life section. What do you consider 'reading passively'?

>> No.2700103


Maybe he didn't played it continously. Maybe just weekends or something like that.

Or maybe he is slow as fuck.

>> No.2700115

I do read slow, and also I could only read for a few hours a day tops because I was busy with school.

I can't even imagine fast readers being able to finish it in a week though. Even vndb has it in the >50 hours category.

>> No.2700133

168 hours in a week. It's not 50 hours for me, and it shouldn't be once you cut out recurring scenes with the skip function. If you're not using a guide, then sure. But if you're just reading through, it shouldn't take long.

Then again, I have text on instant load and often click to the next before the voices even finish, as I've read it before they do. I just read really fast, often caring only about getting the intent of the sentence and the gist of it before moving on.

I can tell you what happens, but probably can't recite any sentences word for word, and usually forget the names of unimportant characters. That's just how I roll.

>> No.2700154

Yes sir especially with Tsukihime

>> No.2700196


I thought this was normal. Who the fuck waits for the voices to finish? Especially if you can't understand what they're saying anyway. Granted, though, I don't know much Japanese.

>> No.2700197


>> No.2700200

When it's a VN like Clannad that has such good voice acting, I pretty much always listen to the end.

>> No.2700209

Yea, I feel the same way with KS.

>> No.2700218

Yep, I'm hoping to be able to play Snow Sakura again within a week or so. I tried to start up another route last night, Saki appeared, and I recalled the chocolate scene. Oh god, how do you expect me to pick anyone else?

>> No.2700222

So basically you skim it. I can't do that when I'm reading for my own enjoyment. I do it with porn games but in that case the reading isn't the part I'm enjoying.

>> No.2700251

Op, please source on this pic

>> No.2700270

How old are you OP? Just curious. As you get older you learn to just say "it's just a game" and be over it in a day or two. Unless you walk around sleep-deprived. Fuck, YMK made me rage due to the lack of sleep. I otherwise would have taken it easy.

>> No.2700293
File: 130 KB, 800x1000, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this from the same game as the OP?

>> No.2700303

Not the OP but yes, this is from Dear My Friend from Light.

>> No.2700315

I always have that, one of the reasons I read the endings of books/spoiler myself first before reading anything. The only thing I didn't know in F/SN beforehand was that Kaede collected windchimes.

VNs don't usually do that though, but damn books always get me.

>> No.2700347

Moonrunes, I take it?

>> No.2702489

Clannad ;_;

>> No.2702500

>WoW raid

I remember you.


>> No.2702508

I-It's almost like a real relationship w-with real people...

>> No.2702517

I don't know, but Clannad and F/SN really hit me. I didn't stop thinking about Clannad in particular for like a month.

>> No.2702564

KusuKusu = god-tier eroge artist

>> No.2702573

alice 2 eternal

>> No.2702660

Woah, OP here.
The image was something I had picked up randomly and I had no idea about the source until now, thanks a lot.

>> No.2702696

I feel the opposite OP, I get a strange sense of fulfillment when I finished playing VNs. Seeing their stories come to an end makes me kinda sad but more so happy now that their problems and trials are over and they're living the rest of their lives in happiness.

Especially for games which have long epilogues like sara sara sasara.

>> No.2703429

Happened to me with animu back when I started walking down this path. If I watched the last episode everything would finish and I didn't want that.
Nowadays I try to finish everything.

>> No.2703473

I just finished the Aeka route minutes ago. Its hard to go back because it feels the other routes will feel trivial.
you saved her;_;[/spoilers]
