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2697826 No.2697826 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome home


>> No.2697829

Creepy smile is creepy

>> No.2697835
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>> No.2697852

Nigga you gay

>> No.2697960

pedosmile alert

>> No.2697986

prepare for buttsex

>> No.2698917

Funny how his smile reminded me of Arturia's in last episode.

>> No.2698971
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>> No.2698973
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Fate/gay night therad?

you know my fujoshi friend said it has an awesome slash potential

>> No.2698995
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>> No.2699006

It has better slasher potential. Dark Sakura going crazy and cutting everyone up.

>> No.2699021
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This one as well.

Also ArcherxShirou is as good if not better as KusuriurixKusuriuri.

>> No.2699041

/jp/ - gaymen/general

>> No.2699103
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>> No.2699112
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the pinkness is killing me

>> No.2699119

Archer/Shirou is the best selfcest but not selfcest ever.

>> No.2699128
File: 196 KB, 850x1192, 1243137641275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gil IS canon bisexual, since he want to get into the pants of the other Kings.

Also Enkidu and whatnot.

>> No.2699153
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I'd say Gil is a bondage lover.
Caster is bi as well. and Rin, well, is a lesbian who was forced to have sex with a man.

>> No.2699155

Sure man.

>> No.2699178
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By complimenting me you won't stop me. Have some fabulousness.

>> No.2699182

I truly and honestly hope he wasn't a gay in Nasuverse

>> No.2699191
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Where is our archer doujin

>> No.2699192


Iskander, king of sexy beasts.


Waver was gay for him, if anything.

>> No.2699193



>> No.2699196 [DELETED] 

OP here. Start hanging on the best board, far superior to Fucktardchan in every way:

www. ANON TALK .com
Direct link: http://tinyurl.com/6nktly


>> No.2699197



The Odyssey > The Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.2699198

In the days when true warriors walked the earth, love between men was considered more noble than the base and primal act of sex between men and women.
Gil is a true warrior.

>> No.2699202
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Enkidu is a girl in Nasuverse.

>> No.2699204
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Fuck this thread.
You've just made me realize Tsukihime&KnK side of Nasuverse has about seven males and over twenty females while Fate side has massively higher amount of men, some of which being gay and bi

>> No.2699208

They actually fucked whatever they pleased.
Considering no sexual orientation is shown for most, and most subtexts lead to them liking women, your fears are too GOGGLES based.

>> No.2699217


>> No.2699218
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>> No.2699220

I know.

>> No.2699221


Fate/strange fake isn't canon.

>> No.2699222

He's a trap.

>> No.2699226


Nothing more than big-name fanfiction, really.

>> No.2699229
File: 167 KB, 1062x1518, ShikiTohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takeuchi actually drew this you know.
There just have to be some undertones.
It's a conspiracy by evil fujoshi to destroy /jp/ for /y/ to take over. They shown Takeuchi dem boobs or something

>> No.2699239

where the fuck is that Zouken+TAsassin+Shinji naked pic when you need it

>> No.2699240

Dude thats just like your opinion man.

also I rate a few celtic ones before the odyssy myself.

>> No.2699244

Shiki was dead sexy in the VN as well, didn't you play it?

>> No.2699253

He was a weak, bitch made punk. But then again, you consoder what you see in the mirror sexy so nothing new there

>> No.2699256

Strictly speaking, by being the world's first epic, it's also very limited and actually boring for many parts.
The few amazing feats here and ther and a few interesting messages exist, but that's only a small part.

The amazing part is that someone actually wrote something big and coherent as this at that time, but as a progenitor, it lacks many things to make it an interesting read, while the Odyssey is chock full of events, betetr pacing and more human and easy to understand characters, along with the unique storytelling that made it one of the best epic poems.

Few other tellings of legends come close to the literary value.

>> No.2699266

I rember him having a blue shirt with an orange stripe, not clothing himself like a metrosexual like I do. If I remember correctly, the only part when you could've thought he was sexy was a shota in the prologue... oh, damn. He's even got a kimono shota skin, is that what you mean?

>> No.2699269
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Strictly speaking, Shiki walks around like this.

>> No.2699274

And there you go with thirty verses about Rho Aius which is apparently never used if I remember correctly.

>> No.2699282

The thing is Nanaya looks like a thug, but can get things done, while Tohno is not only shorter than Nanaya(really) but even has circle glasses, who would like those on a guy.

>> No.2699283


>> No.2699290
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...Due, are you delirious?

>> No.2699292

That was about Odyssey being an action filled... oh damn, I quite propably mistook it with Illias since Rho Aius was there. But Nasu based his NP description on this WALL OF TEXT in the epic, in a similliar way Epic of Gilgamesh had like twenty verses about Gil's toes.

>> No.2699301

Yeah, that makes a bit more sense.
Still, I think you get my point.
While you may like the content of some better, the ones that are actually better written stories are a bit obvious.

>> No.2699302

I hate to say it like that but what I am trying to point out is basically Nanaya being any kind of seme, while Tohno is at best a chibi seme, then a large variety of ukes.

>> No.2699309

They look exactly the same, bar glasses.
Personality wise, it's one person who could be both(bad ends are good for such jobs).

>> No.2699320

They're the same height, weight, build, etc. They have the exact same body. The Nanaya Nightmare just knows how to use it better willingly, and it also has the advantage of being a nightmare, so Shiki imagines he'll be so very animalistic and deadly.

>> No.2699332

Okay, I imagined that WLen Nanaya, being eyeless, had not only a different personality but an entirely different pseudo-lifestory. That if Tohno went crazy he wouldn't turn into this bloody night poet but rather something much more batshit insane due to his eyes. So I thought he was "What would shiki become if he wasn't killed/didn't lost Nanaya clan". Not his self but his past he knew nothing about and that could internaly infulence him.

Or something. No point in arguing, though.

>> No.2699339


Nanaya of Kagetsu Tohya IS what Shiki would be like if he was raised by the Nanaya clan and not the Tohnos/Arimiyas.

Melty Blood Nanaya is just a rumor of a certain killer stalking the streets. Just an insane Shiki, really.
That is, if he had a distinct personality and wasn't just a costume for Wallachia's play.

>> No.2699347
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Why is this thread about Shiki all of a sudden? Shiki is not hard gay at all.

I propose Lancer's tights.

>> No.2699352

He's based on Nanaya Shiki if he had never gained Eyes of Death and still held onto his name, and if that person had come to enjoy killing and was capable of doing it with extreme excellence. But in the end, that's just a lie, because the real Nanaya Shiki was never an inhuman monster like the one Shiki dreamed up, since that nightmare enjoys killing everything it can find, whereas the real Nanaya clan just killed half-breed humans.

The Nanaya Nightmare is a lie based on truth, and the one brought out by White Ren is internal truth framed with an old lie. The nightmare is like Shiki, but it's just a really bad fake, in a lot of ways, built upon real truths about his past.

Just a what-if of Shiki if he really became a crazed murderer, backed up by his heritage and training.

>> No.2699353

Arihiko is a bit of bro and at a few points seems to be a bit gay for Shiki.
Arihiko wore the shitake mushroom costume.
Arihiko is Nasu's personification.
I'll stop my thoughts, I don't like where this is going.

>> No.2699364
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I am surprised nobody posted this yet

>> No.2699367


Why have I not seen any RiderxWaver doujins, japan?

>> No.2699369
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Oh my fucking god, for a while, somebody just overpimped Akio in my mind.

Also, I propose Roa's fabulous front.

>> No.2699375
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I think I've seen NeroxShiki where Nero was a bottom somewhere. I think. I made mysekf forget

>> No.2699377
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You're not looking hard enough.

>> No.2699393


Wait, when did Waver wear glasses?

>> No.2699398
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pretty sure there was a weeaboo yaoi fangirl on Deviantart whose favourite pairng was ArcherxLancer

Too bad the way she made it like "THEY PRETEND TO HATE EACH OTHER BUT THE LOVE EACH OTHER". Pretty fucked up logic, I'd say.

>> No.2699400

I can only wonder...

Does Iskander cum with a great cry of "Aaalalalalalalaie!" ?

>> No.2699403

You made me lol a bit.
Does Lancer scream FAITH AN BEGGORAH?

>> No.2699406

Fangirl logic. "Opposites attract! Love and hate are two sides of the same coin ^o^ bishie bishie waiiii"

>> No.2699410
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Think that one is Issei. He also fucks eight year old Rin.

>> No.2699418


5th Lancer? Hell no.

Cu Chulainn is FAR too manly to be gay.
He fucked every woman in Ireland, after all.

>> No.2699424
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>> No.2699437

damn I meant to reply to this one but it's not like it doesn't fit:

>> No.2699436
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>> No.2699445

And here I thought I was a weeaboo

>> No.2699453

You mean tsundere? How is that not common as hell?

>> No.2699456
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Kotomine is the sexiest.

>> No.2699457

That's not exactly Tsundere, just a small part of it.
And it's freaky if you make up the 'love' part with absolutely no basis.

>> No.2699459


Technically that'd be double-tsundere.

I don't think that's as common.

Unless you think Kaguya and Mokou are like that, which about 50% of doujinshi do.

>> No.2699460

Oh I am afraid Issei is a canon gay. Too bad I don't remember where it was hinted, F/HA maybe? Someone referenced on it on Beast's Lair if I am not mistaken.

>> No.2699470

The only subtext sexual orientation goggle moment in F/HA concerning Issei is him and Ayako.

>> No.2699476

The shirt scene. That was a fanservice for femaele readers. Otherwise I don't know why would Nasu put it there.

>> No.2699477
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>> No.2699493

No, seriously, I am out of pictrues so I make shit up like this, your turn, Anon.

>> No.2699494

Issei has an obvious tsundere crush on Rin, baka.

Fucking Beast's Lair's been overrun with yaoi fangirls. I liked it better when it was just gaiafriends.

>> No.2699501
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fabulous enough?

>> No.2699510

That's a pretty weird idea for a couple. A fag and a lesbian.

>> No.2699511

And here I thought I was an only fujoshi in for this fandom.

>> No.2699512
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I find Nrvnqsr to be a beastly older man.

>> No.2699517


>> No.2699528

Caster x Issei

>> No.2699535

Older woman teasing a tsundere virgin= EPIC WIN

Seriously we need some doujins like that.

And also IsseixKuzuki. I don't care how, make it happen.

>> No.2699563

Needs better shading on the beard/stache.

But looking sexy, otherwise.

>> No.2699698

>Caster x Issei
>Older woman teasing a tsundere virgin

Not so much
