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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2696239 No.2696239 [Reply] [Original]

So according to ZUN's drunken ramblings from Touhou Wiki, humans whom originally reside in Gensokyo have fun duels with youkai with danmaku and live mostly peaceful lives along side each other.

But outsiders are quickly eaten by youkai. Why is this? I thought ZUN stated that youkai rarely attack humans and eat them and that they live mostly in harmony at present?

Or is this all because ZUN is nothing more than a drunken bastard who rambles and comes up with shit off the top of his head?

>> No.2696248

Because he hates this life.

>> No.2696247

Humans from Gensokyo pack spiritual strength.
Humans outside of Gensokyo don't pack enough bullets.

>> No.2696273

ZUN's drunken ramblings. The man cannot make up his mind and is insane.

>> No.2696284

>But outsiders are quickly eaten by youkai. Why is this?
Because they're outsiders who don't know any better. Akyuu even points this out when she says that humans from the outside world don't even run from youkai. But they will run from ghosts.

Gensokyo humans are smart enough to run from both.

>> No.2696291

Outsiders whom stumble into Gensokyo are quickly eaten. It's kinda like keeping the pop. in check.

>> No.2696298

dirty gaijin, stay out of gensokyo

>> No.2696309

But there should not be any reason TO run if we go by what ZUN says. Human and youkai live in peace and kidnappings are for show, youkai rarely attack humans etc.

Drunk old fuck.

>> No.2696315

People that know how Gensokyo works never get into Gensokyo.

>> No.2696375

Why the hell would I want to go to Gensokyo?

>> No.2696403


To have sex with all the pretty ladies...

>> No.2696444


As if anyone from /jp/ would have the ability to convince a Touhou to have sex with him. If you can't do it here, you would never do it on Gensokyo.

>> No.2696453


Good thing you don't need to convince Aya, then.

>> No.2696456

To lead a somewhat difficult life, living off the land, but still having festivals here and there?

>> No.2696465
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Outsiders are considered fair game by most youkai, no one notices if some outsider ends up in there and dies in the first few minutes of his arrival but if humans from the village start disappearing a fit might start up.

>> No.2696484

Because a balance has already been reached between the youkai and humans of Gensokyo (for the most part).

Too many newcoming humans could be a problem, as people - I think ZUN makes it a bit of a point that's pretty much directed at humans - don't like what they don't understand.

Also, isn't more stuff starting to fall through the border? More humans can be a problem, especially if they don't understand how Gensokyo works.

>> No.2696486

I imagine there are several kinds of youkai.

Our touhou youkais, which range from friendly to downright dangerous to humans like Rumia and Yuka. And then we have other sorts of youkai, which are pretty much animals with super powers (Such as Ran and Chen, who are/were known to attack humans).

>> No.2696500

Are the moon girls part of Gensokyo or what?

>> No.2696503

Outsiders forget to put on their wizard robe and hat.

>> No.2696513

Moon girls had weapons, magic, and a mean attitude.

>> No.2696523
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>downright dangerous to humans like Rumia and Yuka
Isn't Yuka only dangerous if you're a bitch to flowers, or if you decide to attack first? Even then, doesn't she heavily follow danmaku rules?

And Rumia sees attacking humans as a chore or bother.

>> No.2696539

Yuka is fanonically insane.

As for Rumia, she expressly states that a youkai's job is to hunt humans. I have no idea where you got that.

>> No.2696548


Yuka is different. Differently from Rumia, she doesn't actually hunts humans, she only attacks those that cross her flower field.

>> No.2696552



You might as well have said some hobo on the street said it.

>> No.2696561
File: 145 KB, 600x799, 1243093418742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumia *eats* humans. Read her description.

As for Yuka, picture this: You arrive to gensoukyo thanks to some freak chance of fate that made that manhole become a nexus to it. You land on top of Yuka's Sunflowers, ruining them. Yuka arrives.

What would you do or say to excuse yourself? Remember, this Youkai is not friendly, and you have no idea that this lady can rip you apart.

>> No.2696557


If you log in again I swear I'll report you fucking asshole.

>> No.2696581

They both just need some tender lovin'

>> No.2696583

>Yuka is fanonically insane.
And canonically, but to a lesser extent. In canon, she'll only go medieval on your ass IF you mess with her flower field.

>As for Rumia, she expressly states that a youkai's job is to hunt humans.
Yokai seemed more predatory in EoSD, PCB and IN.

>> No.2696584

>Aya: But are you exerting any effort in attacking humans?

>Rumia: Lately, humans won't let me attack them. This other time I was beaten up instead.

>Aya: It's because of that that you can't uphold your dignity as a youkai. At the very least, you should meld into the darkness at night and position yourself at a road.

>Rumia: Eeeh, what a pain.

I don't know, I personally see it in a way where Rumia knows what a youkai is supposed to do, so she just does it because she's supposed to rather than because she wants to actively hunt down humans or anything.

>> No.2696595
File: 114 KB, 948x891, Yuka eatin a guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu isn't obligated to protect Outsiders. Her job is to maintain the balance between the youkai and human residents of Gensokyo.
So in a scenario like this >>2696561
Yuka is pretty much free to rip the guy apart as soon as she realizes he's an outsider.

>> No.2696603


Her text on EoSD gives me the impression that she actually hunted before and ate humans, though.

>> No.2696606

>What would you do or say to excuse yourself? Remember, this Youkai is not friendly, and you have no idea that this lady can rip you apart.

I announce that I am Jesus

>> No.2696620

Outsiders can't danmaku?
Gensokyou is Xenophobic?
Outsiders are invaders?
Attacking people you know and strangers coming into your house are two different things.

Nobody is allowed into Gensokyo. There is no "hurr Saber in Gensokyo guys! LOLOOL" Since she is eaten for her mana.

>> No.2696618
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Yuka wouldn't care about you if she saw you. She is only interested in stronger beings.

>> No.2696622
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>You land on top of Yuka's Sunflowers, ruining them. Yuka arrives.
Not too different with any other human stranger either. If you're caught in the wrong place and anyone misunderstands what's actually occurring, anyone could be considered "dangerous".

>Rumia *eats* humans. Read her description.
Yeah. But it also heavily depends on what timeframe you see each description in PMiSS in, and how much emphasis you put the personalities in it over the other "canon" personalities.

>Her text on EoSD gives me the impression that she actually hunted before and ate humans, though.
I'm a bit wary about in-game dialogue, just because a lot of it comes down to:

"Reimu/Marisa, I'm going to eat you!"
"Punny retort!"
"Psh! Stupid shrine maiden/witch!"

But yeah, It just all depends on how you read the text and how you imagine it. We can all get along, right?

>> No.2696624
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"Jesus? Never heard of it." *ZAPPO*

"Yuyuko-sama! We have another one!"

>> No.2696625

Looking kinda Kogasa there, Yuka.

>> No.2696627

>It just all depends on how you read the text and how you imagine it
gtfo this isn't the bible.

>> No.2696640

You guys actually pay attention to the story? That's sad.

>> No.2696643
File: 796 KB, 1000x1337, yukamarry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you do or say to excuse yourself? Remember, this Youkai is not friendly, and you have no idea that this lady can rip you apart.

Ask her to marry me.

>> No.2696644

>Not too different with any other human stranger either. If you're caught in the wrong place and anyone misunderstands what's actually occurring, anyone could be considered "dangerous".
Yes, but Outsiders are more likely to get into such situations. Humans from the human village will be more wary of wandering so far afield, and Outsiders can't exactly control at what point of Gensokyo they fall into.

>> No.2696654

But "I'm going to eat you" can be interpreted in more than one way, if you get my drift.

>> No.2696653

She might accidentaly squish you all the same.

>> No.2696648


Honestly, it's a damn doujin game. Most of the facts are up in the air, which is why the fandom is so fucking huge. Imagination is key for Touhou.

>> No.2696656

>Yes, but Outsiders are more likely to get into such situations. Humans from the human village will be more wary of wandering so far afield, and Outsiders can't exactly control at what point of Gensokyo they fall into.
Well, yeah, I agree.

>> No.2696657


>and Outsiders can't exactly control at what point of Gensokyo they fall into.

Hopefully inside Yukari's ass.

>> No.2696660

>>2696239 outsiders are quickly eaten by youkai
That's just a myth ZUN encourages because he doesn't want us to come to Gensokyo.

ZUN lives in Gensokyo!

>> No.2696665

>>2696622 "Reimu/Marisa, I'm going to eat you!"
It's like how when you're mad at someone, you might say "I'll kill you" or "I'm gonna kill you," but that doesn't mean you actually intend to kill that person.

"I'm going to eat you" is a figure of speech.

>> No.2696679


I rather believe that Yukari or someone else keeps informing him of the shit that goes down there, he translates it in form of the games. Or maybe he is the Youkai of alcohol.

>> No.2696680
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...I've heard that shrine maidens
make for good eating...



Don't spread rumors like that!


>> No.2696685

>"I'm going to eat you" is a figure of speech.
For cunnilingus.

Seriously though, most of them don't seem at all angry when you fight them.
Someone almost casually saying "I'm going to eat you." means "I am going to consume your flesh for nourishment."

>> No.2696687
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Lunatic Mode: ZUN is Yukari/Suika.

>> No.2696692

Yuka looks like a muppet here.
Is this Gensokyo or Fraggle Rock?

>> No.2696700
File: 180 KB, 500x700, 1243435017169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Oh? But I've seen people who
come out only at night.



Then you can have them for dinner, if you like.



Oh, is that so...



You know, you're in my way.

BGM: 妖魔夜行

BGM: Apparitions stalk the Night



Are you the kind of person I can eat?



Ever heard the phrase... "Good medicine tastes bad"?

>> No.2696698
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Would play it.

>> No.2696702 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 536x342, FIST.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like it's instinct for most men to use their knuckles as the striking surface when they throw a punch. But isn't the edge of the fist a lot more effective?

-The edge of the fist is more fleshy, and therefore can make harder hits without risking damage to the hand.
-An outward swinging motion like a hammer gives greater angular range, and lends leverage to the swing.
-It uses a backward motion of the upper arm, which I think is typically stronger than a forward motion.

Can someone name a few ways in which the knuckles are better?

>> No.2696713

I hope ZUN doesn't die too soon.

>> No.2696720

Looks more like Reimu is talking about eating people and Rumia is playing along.

>> No.2696721

Impacts to the knuckles hurt far less, but this is off topic.
He is a yokai. If he "dies" in this world, it just means he has had his fun and moved back to Gensokyo.

>> No.2696728




>> No.2696732

it's just a game


>> No.2696764

Striking with the edge of the fist can easily hurt your wrist.

>> No.2696777
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Where is the fun in that? I prefer to go to sleep and dream that there is a realm where magic, the impossible, and pretty girls in frilly dresses are as common as smog is in our reality.

Now, if you will excuse me, I'll go lucid dream that I meet Yuka.

>> No.2696798


>just a game

People die over this.

>> No.2696824

oh u

>> No.2696829

and kill over it.
watch your back,

>> No.2696830
File: 48 KB, 900x300, Skub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like every other fanbase

>> No.2696845


What is Skub?

>> No.2696861

put away the internet tough guy act, or take it easy

I don't get the fanbase of most popular franchise, it's a game or it's a show, no need to get so uppity about it, sad that most still have a good dose of growing up to do

>> No.2696866

That's the joke.

>> No.2696880


Is the joke that Skub is better than Touhou?

>> No.2696908
File: 127 KB, 600x584, HaruhiDrunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2696926

No the comic is just an example of fandom gone extreme.

Same with the Twitards and Narutards.

>> No.2696928


Skub is better than Touhou and you know it.

>> No.2696970

Fuck your mama. Anti-Skub is superior.

>> No.2696981

Skub is too good for you mongrels.

>> No.2696990

Outside now, bitch. I'm about to bash your face in.

Maybe if you beg real nice, I'll replace it with something Anti-Skub-related.

>> No.2697011

You think you can win!?

I got fuckin' Skub.

Your out of your league.

>> No.2697036

I'm ready to go and heading out to wait for your punk ass.
Check your bullshit at the door, Skubfag.

>> No.2697050
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>> No.2697066
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This thread

>> No.2697490

Youkai? Ehhh I can take em.

I'll just duck under there plain of fire and crawl up under em. Then punch em in the cunt.

>> No.2697502
File: 100 KB, 755x796, moka-san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youkai aren't so bad.
