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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 107 KB, 636x900, fuckanime3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2692270 No.2692270 [Reply] [Original]


Why do you like anime? Do you like it because the guys in it have a thin little woman body, big baby eyes, and a girl’s voice?
Or is it the shitty animation, ridiculous stories, and horrible voice acting?
What is there to like about anime?
Also, why are you so obsessed with Japan? You realize the girls there want to look like Western girls, don’t you? But you’re too nerdy and ugly to get a decent girl.
I take it that you’re a bunch of feminine pussies that need a medium where the males are always borderline faggots. You poor little confused white kids wish you were Japs.

>> No.2690742 [DELETED] 

I vaguely heard Kaguya's theme.

>> No.2692283

/a/ is over that way

>> No.2692285

anime should be banned, I agree

we should sell japan back to china, let them sort it out

>> No.2692292
File: 45 KB, 408x393, crazy_japanese_guy_wearing_silly_hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is a country founded on insecurity and fail

>> No.2692302


>> No.2692306


Get a new hobby, you suck at this one.

>> No.2692307

ITT butthurt weeaboos and Japs (Saps)

>> No.2692313

I am a manga person.

>> No.2692314

It's actually just the OP posting over and over again.

>> No.2692321
File: 498 KB, 471x355, d320c0c6f2aa4627d48a83c0b02a0692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man, I think anime is pretty cool! Here's a cool picture to get you started on anime!

>> No.2692331
File: 71 KB, 411x565, 787347.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2692332

Cake based danmaku?

>> No.2692344

wrong board faggot. Reported and hidden

>> No.2692351


reported for what? it's a cultural criticism.

>> No.2692353
File: 1.00 MB, 320x240, 1240375648687.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing more moe K-ON gifs.

>> No.2692357

get out

>> No.2692358

Amazing what passes off as criticism these days.

>> No.2692360

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

>> No.2692366

But you’re too nerdy and ugly to get a decent girl.
You poor little confused white kids wish you were Japs.

All i see here is a racist rant.

>> No.2692367
File: 482 KB, 350x260, 1243070458862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one I have.

>> No.2692369

This wasn't posted to troll. I want to know why people like Anime. My opinions may be put harshly but it's what I've seen and believe.

>> No.2692372

try harder next time, kid

>> No.2692376

so now you're giving yourself a name so you can credit yourself with this "EPIC TROLLING"

you're bad at this

>> No.2692379

It's copypasta and a troll.

>> No.2692380


lol fail

>> No.2692383
File: 159 KB, 1066x783, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to fuck an anime now go away

>> No.2692384

because 3d pig disgusting, and american cartoons are trying too hard to emulate 3d.

>> No.2692386
File: 71 KB, 395x593, fuckanime2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm the one who originally wrote it. I see nothing wrong with copypasting myself. And I can't help it if other people go around copypasting it on /a/ and /b/ all the time.

>> No.2692387
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>> No.2692405

sounds like the USA to me

Anyways, anime was inspired by Disney and old American cartoons in general. Before you talk about "wide eye, little body and girly voice or big breasts"

I present to you Mickey/Minnie Mouse, Olive Oil, Betty Boop and Jessica Rabbit.

So if you're going to blame anime, better blame Walt Disney, Warner Bros. etc etc etc.

>> No.2692410

Congratulations, you're fucking stupid.

>> No.2692411
File: 94 KB, 407x405, disney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2692417


Um, Anime originates back to the 1910's or so. That Disney shit was created the 20's/30''s. You're wrong

>> No.2692418

I stopped watching anime just recently.

I enjoyed the old series like Patlabor, GITS, NGE, etc., but these days it's all the same shit with a new name and I can't stand wasting my time on it anymore. There aren't any "epic" series anymore, just above average crap.

>> No.2692435

You're wrong.

>> No.2692437


Prove it

>> No.2692445

I stopped watching anime just recently.
I enjoyed the old series like Code Geass, Gurren Lagann, Macross Frontier, etc., but these days it's all the same shit with a new name and I can't stand wasting my time on it anymore. There aren't any "epic" series anymore, just above average crap.

>> No.2692451

While anime does pre-date it mostly it wasn't what you see today. It was influenced by Disney later on.

"The success of Disney's 1937 feature film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs influenced Japanese animators.[8] In the 1960s, Osamu Tezuka adapted and simplified many Disney animation techniques to reduce costs and number of frames in the production. He intended this as a temporary measure to allow him to produce material on a tight schedule with inexperienced animation staff."

>> No.2692457
File: 42 KB, 1000x1000, 1239990608219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2692465

partially maybe, but it doesn't change the fact it was influenced later on, much like how a lot of American animators today try to adapt "anime" into their art style, yet fail horribly imo.

>> No.2692471
File: 917 KB, 800x608, Anime13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here with new questions:

Why do the characters in Anime generally appear to be caucasian? I've heard a lot of different answers and don't know what to think.
Also, seriously, why is Anime always so effeminate and cutesy? I think it has something to do with Asian culture.

>> No.2692476

>Why do the characters in Anime generally appear to be caucasian? I've heard a lot of different answers and don't know what to think.

They don't.

>> No.2692487


Wow, that picture is faggotry incarnate. This is surely a good way to kick of a meaningful conversation.

Watch Ghost in the Shell, Fist of the North Star, or most seinen shows. You seem to be one of those idiots who believe that all Japanese cartoons are like Dragonball Z.

>> No.2692488


Yes they do

>> No.2692491

>Fist of the North Star

Very funny. Even DBZ is better than that shit, take off the nostalgia goggles.

>> No.2692497

>Why do the characters in Anime generally appear to be caucasian?
I've never thought that they do. They usually don't look Japanese either though. Anime artstyle is generally too unrealistic to look like any particular ethnicity.

>> No.2692498


>> No.2692501

Actually, I have a question for the OP, and people like him.

Why the hell do you keep coming to /jp/ with "Why does Japane *Insert uninformed stereotype that's based on what the user has seen in their cartoons*" questions? Can't you educate yourselves? Is the very thought that Japanese cartoon are purely fantasy elude you? seriously, we get this shit so often, it's not even worth answering anymore.

Also, where the hell did "LOL! /jp/ LURVS NIPPON " come from?

>> No.2692509

"Are anime characters caucasian or japanese"

Makes some good points

>> No.2692510
File: 51 KB, 576x416, 1241560483182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look more Caucasian than Americans in American cartoons do.

>> No.2692518
File: 52 KB, 470x600, back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2692524

Because I find them interesting. Not all of them, of course.
I don't care if it's way too effeminate or if the story is silly, as long as it entertains me, I'm fine.
By the way, I wonder why is it so cool to hate anime?

>> No.2692540


I think Asians are generally effeminate. I also think Asians have some insecurity about their appearance/body. These are trends I have noticed. For instance, I saw a documentary on how Asians get plastic surgery to look like Western girls. I'm not saying the goal of the having surgery is too look Western, but the look they get happens to be the way Western girls look.
I don't like it when white Western kids dig Japan's cultural exports. It's a bad influence.

>> No.2692553

>Some people consider it a serious enough issue that they write formal academic papers on it
Fucking christ.

>I don't like it when white Western kids dig Japan's cultural exports.
So you're just angry because people are doing something you don't like, even though it has no effect on you. Do you realize how childish you sound?

>> No.2692562

>I don't like it when white Western kids dig Japan's cultural exports. It's a bad influence.

I'd think we'd be more of a bad influence to Japan, than they would be to us.

>> No.2692569
File: 406 KB, 1024x768, SpaceGhost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course it affects me. I'm watching Adult Swim, a good show ends, and some crap Anime show comes on. Instead of quality shows they often run crap Anime during the time slots.
It also affects me if friends of mine get into Anime and start being affected by it. This happened with my roommate a year ago.

>> No.2692580

Blame Adult Swim for buying shitty anime. Also I fail to see how most of the stuff airing right now on that shit hole is any good aside from Venture Brothers and Metalocalypse.

>> No.2692583


>good show
>Adult Swim

You got an oxymoron there bub.

>> No.2692590

I like Superjail.

>> No.2692592


You mean blame you kiddos for wanting Anime

>> No.2692601

Then your roommate had mental issues then if watching a series effected him in a negative manner.

Sorry, Adult Swim lost quality shows a while ago and get filled with bullshit like Tim & Eric and Squidbillies

>> No.2692602

Blame the internet for making foreign countries media readily accessible merely clicks away. Blame the way free market works, blame every consumer and every provider but don't blame the stagnant old media.

>> No.2692651
File: 148 KB, 800x533, 2697585179_51a3623168_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horrible voice acting

I luled. Obviously he hasn't watch proper anime in Japanese and not some english dubbed Pokemon.

>> No.2692655

I'm relatively wealthy, brown, and like anime.

Am I not welcome here?

>> No.2692657
File: 588 KB, 824x1181, 266fn7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get out please

>> No.2692661

when i read this thread i realized that in my previous life i was murdered by being thrown into a large vat of some extremely corrosive battery acid because reading this thread felt a whole lot like that.

>> No.2692665

Get back to /b/.

>> No.2692688

>Why do you like movies? Do you like it because the guys in it have a thin little woman body, big baby eyes, and a girl’s voice?
Or is it the shitty direction, ridiculous stories, and horrible acting? What is there to like about movies? Also, why are you so obsessed with Hollywood? You realize the girls there want to look like whores, don’t you? But you’re too nerdy and ugly to get a decent whore.
I take it that you’re a bunch of feminine pussies that need a medium where the males are always borderline faggots. You poor little confused white kids wish you were actors.

See what I did? When you learn to produce an actual argument, OP, you can try again.

>> No.2692692
File: 21 KB, 500x333, 1235711857197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2692709


So you agree that Anime is as shitty as mainstream movies? Ok

>> No.2692713

Well, yeah. This isn't opera we are talking about. It's pop culture.

>> No.2692720

I'm still wondering why this is here considering /jp/ is generally VNs, eroge,3D girl fags, and Touhou. This isn't an anime board.

>> No.2692723


I thought 4chan are for weeaboos and basement dwellers.

>> No.2692727

Hey, mods, can we have a permaban for everyone who bumped this thread? Please?

>> No.2692732


>> No.2692773

> troll thread
> 69 posts and 17 image replies omitted.

Goddamn, /jp/. You are better than this.

>> No.2692777

no one has answered OP's questions

>> No.2692792

Yes they were. Read the thread.

>> No.2692793

Several people have answered OP's questions. Now stop bumping

>> No.2692803


Read the whole thread guys. No one has really addressed these.

>> No.2692810

75% of the posts are the OP.

>> No.2692825


are not

>> No.2692836

Fine I'll fucking spoon feed it to the dumbass.
>Why do you like anime? Do you like it because the guys in it have a thin little woman body, big baby eyes, and a girl’s voice?
Considering you watch that shit for programming on Adult Swim I'll assume you're talking about the shit they show on there. They have another show they frequently repeat on there Cowboy Bebop, and Spike is none of those things. Stop assuming all anime is the same because it ranges in quality and style like most media. (Movies, TV, Games, etc...)
>Or is it the shitty animation, ridiculous stories, and horrible voice acting?
I wouldn't be talking about animation quality, and stories when you claim to enjoy Adult Swim programming. But American voice acting for anime has been terrible with few exceptions, which isn't anything new or changing anytime soon.
>What is there to like about anime?
Immersive material from a different country, most animation now adays has been dumbed down to be fed to retard children who can't pay attention long enough if there isn't a fucking explosion or farting animal on the damn show.
>Also, why are you so obsessed with Japan? You realize the girls there want to look like Western girls, don’t you? But you’re too nerdy and ugly to get a decent girl.
I'm not I just enjoy some of their programming. I don't give a fuck, and I'm full well capable of getting a girl if I wasn't a lazy fuck.
>I take it that you’re a bunch of feminine pussies that need a medium where the males are always borderline faggots. You poor little confused white kids wish you were Japs.
Wrong. wrong. wrong. Fucking stereotyping faggot grow a brain. The only fucking people who wish they where Japs are the fucking shithole fucks with you in the Adult Swim fandom.

>> No.2692840

Why are you taking this guy seriously? Stop it.

>> No.2692843


Thanks for the quality lengthy response but I was more answered in these being addressed.

>> No.2692844



>> No.2692877
File: 72 KB, 750x600, 1178849003377aa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contributing relevant picture

>> No.2692880

meet >>2692509

excerpt: "Why do you think they look Caucasian?” “Because of the round eyes,” or the “blonde hair,” is the common response. When I ask then if the questioner actually knows anyone, “Caucasian” or otherwise, who really looks anything like these highly stylized cartoons, the response may be, “Well, they look more Caucasian than Asian.” Considering the wide range of variation in the features of persons of both European and East Asian descent, and the fact that these line drawings fall nowhere remotely within that range, it seems odd to claim that such cartoons look “more like” one people than another, but I hope you will see by now that what is being discussed has nothing to do with objective anatomical reality, but is rather about signification."

>> No.2692884

"Interestingly, in a manga in which Chinese or European characters are the majority, such as a story set in China or Europe, majority characters are generally drawn exactly as Japanese characters would be drawn in a manga set in Japan, without any racial stereotyping at all. In the context of such a story, the Chinese or European characters are not Other, and markings of Otherness would be superfluous. The artist would make the foreign setting obvious through names, clothing, customs, architecture, and “props,” rather than burdening every character with stereotyped racial features, which would limit her ability to distinguish characters from each other, and would also make it difficult for readers to identify with protagonists. Furthermore, if a Japanese character appears in such a story, she will usually be marked visually as Japanese, although usually only by black hair and eyes. (Readers are often expected to identify with such characters, and more exaggerated markings would interfere with that identification.)

Racial markings in manga, therefore, are generally relative. By contrast, an American comic book set in Japan or China would most likely portray every character with stereotyped racial signifiers (and probably with contrived accents, as well). It may be that Westerners, accustomed to non-relative, standardized racial markers, are baffled by the Japanese system of relative signification, in which a single artist may portray a Chinese character one way in one story (set in Japan), and very differently in another (set in China)."

>> No.2692890


so they do look more Caucasian than Asian. Why is the style like that?

>> No.2692898


Why the hell do you bother?

>> No.2692900

It has nothing to do with racial marking. The blue eyes, purple hair and dark skin are all style, it isn't always related to the identity of the characters in the way you'd normally expect it to be.

>> No.2692905

I like the fact that noone in this thread has the reading comprehension skills to notice that the people they're responding to don't have reading comprehension skills.

>> No.2692912

Just stop responding. We gave him his answers if he was every serious. He can pull his head out of his ass and ponder on what he has been told or ignore it an accept his opinion as fact.

>> No.2692913


So if white people didn't exist the style wouldn't be like that? Early it was noted that Western animation has heavily influenced Anime, so obviously you're wrong.

>> No.2692915

So every american character was blonde then, or requred to be blonde in order to be considered an american character, is that what you're saying?

>> No.2692919


Um no. Part of the reason this is going nowhere is because you guys keep misconstruing what I'm saying.
I'm saying they make the Japanese characters look Western.

>> No.2692924

So you're saying it's completely intentional and not just the basics of which most of the target influence stemmed from?

>> No.2692930


Yes, they intentionally make the Japanese characters look white. They don't want them to look Asian.

>> No.2692934

I lol'd so hard. Surely you jest... right?

>> No.2692936

Japs wish they were white

>> No.2692939

As far as I know, neither japanese nor whites have huge eyes and crazy hair/eye colors. Anime characters look like neither.

>> No.2692940

Did this just to get this out of him so you can stop replying. This asshole won't listen to shit and just believes everyone wants to be like his race. THREAD OVAR

>> No.2692943

Why is this thread still here? Wake up mods!

>> No.2692945
File: 40 KB, 383x541, Nazi_Poster 0039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I learned from this thread:

Japs wish they were white and it's reflected in their cartoons.

>> No.2692950

Meh I don't wish I were Japanese.

I wish I were Han Solo

>> No.2692951

So you learned nothing and continue to assert your opinion when valid answers are provided. Go back to your clan meeting Billy Bob.

>> No.2692959

Ahaha, oh god this thread was a hoot.

One thing though, why is it that TV channels only show really crap animu? I mean, Cowboy Bebop is good, but it's kinda stale after the 5th time. Not to mention, if it's the ONLY good thing on, something's wrong.

>> No.2692963
File: 4 KB, 157x200, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.2692966

Buying new series costs money.

>> No.2692973
File: 7 KB, 200x150, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, the answer is that you kids like shit Anime

>> No.2692975

But I like masturbating to cartoons.

>> No.2692979
File: 205 KB, 1024x721, 1237558590553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go my good sir.

>> No.2692985


nothing wrong with that

>> No.2693008

Another question, is there a Japanese equivalent of the comedy shows on Adult Swim, Fox, etc.. Or is it all the overly dramatic silly-ass Anime stuff I've seen.

>> No.2693009
File: 12 KB, 160x166, 1230540184580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2693017

There a problem, skank?
