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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 13 KB, 200x337, boss_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2690793 No.2690793 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /jp/. I'm trying to find a place to buy some Boss Black over the internet. Any ideas?

Pic related.

>> No.2690804
File: 56 KB, 295x433, 167590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find it yourself.

>> No.2690809

J-List sells a lot of that kind of stuff. Maybe check there.

>> No.2690817

What about that Bossu Pinku? I hear its all about that shit in Japan man. You know its whats realy hood my nigga!

>> No.2690829
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Boss isn't black, Jun is.

>> No.2690873

Thanks, weeaboos. You're even more worthless than I imagined.

I checked J-List, and it's just a bunch of Japanese porn shit. I'd imagine at least one of you on this board has actually been to Japan and knows what I'm talking about, so I'll just keep up hope.

>> No.2690882


I also checked J-Box, and they didn't have any Suntory products there. Mostly food/snacks.

>> No.2690889


What made you think this board was about Japan? Man, you're stupid.

>> No.2690919


> facepalm.jpg

/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.2690926

Some one here is new I see.

>> No.2690930

haha oh wow

>> No.2690937

>>Thinking /jp/ is for actually talking about Japan.

>> No.2690938

/jp/ was created as a board to get rid of Touhou and visual novels from /a/, it was never intended to be a board about Japanese culture. Most of the users here don't care about Japan, we only care about lolis and doujin games.

>> No.2690943

If you live anywhere near a metropolitan area, there's bound to be some kind of 'Japanese cultural centre' where you can ask.
Also, remember next time that /jp/ is full of basement-dwelling social failures that can't even leave their own houses let alone travel abroad.

>> No.2690951

...and the rest that can aren't even here to discuss "Japanese culture". They're here for VN's, Touhou and figs mah boy.

>> No.2690975


Well, fuck. 4chan is just one big bucket of fail.

Now I know.

>> No.2690978


>4chan is just one big bucket of fail.

You're just finding this out now? You really ARE stupid.

>> No.2690985


I don't sit at home and browse the web all day. This is my first venture into /jp/.

Go back to your anime porn and leave us normal people alone.

>> No.2690993

You're the one who came here you fucking retard.

>> No.2690995


Yeah, I struck out there and also with the Asian markets in the area. Suntory products are pretty popular in Tokyo, so I figured they'd be popular exports. But, alas...

Anyway, thanks for the sound advice, Anon!

>> No.2690997

get out normalfag

>> No.2691000
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>us normal people

>> No.2691005

Hey, you're the one who came to our anime porn-fapping corner of the internet. You leave us alone and we'll leave you alone. Deal?

>> No.2691008

OP, where do you live?

>> No.2691009


gb2animeporn, etc.

I'll probably leave this thread up a couple minutes more, in case someone who's ever left their home country sees it. If not, I'll just kill it and leave you to whatever it is you people specialize in.

>> No.2691017


Shitty ol' midwest U.S. I know there are some badass Japanese specialty shops in southern/mid-California. None of them deliver.

>> No.2691030
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You say this as if it were a bad thing.

>> No.2691024

This is why we must keep out normalfags.

>> No.2691027

This ones a cold hearted killer. Nobody can hang with him, he rolls deep.

>> No.2691035

i live in metro detroit and there's this fuckawesome shop real close that sells everything ive ever looked for

>> No.2691041

Isn't it sad? There's nothing out here. Except for some lakes. And Detroit.

>> No.2691046

Speaking of anime porn, anyone remember what that Saki mahjong game was called? Someone posted it a couple of days ago.

>> No.2691047

Oh. Nevermind me;
Where's this shop at? I'm interested.

>> No.2691049


Will probably be heading to Michigan with friends sometime this summer. Name of shop, Helpful Anon.

>> No.2691053

Is Detroit supposed to be a good thing?

>> No.2691058


Pretty much. Detroit does have a pretty awesome auto show, though.

Wonder if it will still be awesome after the American auto industry's newest shitstorm. But I digress...

>> No.2691066
File: 678 KB, 1000x1353, 4191138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stupid Dolor. Sakijan.

>> No.2691073


Since you guys are trying to help me, fuck it, I'll try to help you.

Here's all I could find about this, Anon: http://en.gigazine.net/index.php?/news/comments/20090318_saki/

>> No.2691085

If you live in my area, the shop's called Noble Fish and it's in Royal Oak or Clawson (right on the boarder) at 14 mile and main street.

>> No.2691086


>> No.2691104

Drink Gasoline. It's cheaper, and better for you. Seriously.

>> No.2691100

Those are good enough directions for me, thank you. I live in Macomb County myself.

>> No.2691122

Awesome. Well be sure to check it out, anon. It's an amazing shop and I spend about half my paycheck there.

>> No.2691124

But does it have caffeine in it?

>> No.2691135


You rock, Anon. Thanks, man.


It's not for me, it's for a friend. I drank a Boss once, and it was the closest I ever came to a heart attack. Seriously.

>> No.2691144

I actually found that first on /rs/, but didn't download it because I found it too easily. I'm such an idiot.

Looking at the screencaps, this looks like a pure porn game which isn't very interesting (just like Saki).

>> No.2691159

Those screencaps are probably from when you win, wouldn't call it a pure porn game what with all the mahjong involved.

>> No.2691175

Add a coffee bean to the gasoline.


I had a heart attack, and you are incorrect. A heart-attack feels like nothing started happening in your chest. The pain is the -lack- of a heart-beat. Believe me, you are more alive than you know.

>> No.2691177

Hmm. You're right. Maybe I should go beyond the first Google link next time: http://blog.livedoor.jp/inoken_the_world/archives/51597072.html

>> No.2691183
File: 8 KB, 181x161, 1229339604542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not for me, it's for a friend.

>> No.2691188

All the canned coffees here have milk in them which sucks.

>> No.2691210


Alright, well the aftereffects of drinking this beverage were very disconcerting. I'm not a regular coffee drinker, so maybe that had something to do with it. This is pretty strong shit. My heartbeat skyrocketed, I was hungry again a couple hours after lunch, I had trouble concentrating, and I generally felt like I was on crack (anyone who has been on crack before can correct me if I'm wrong here). Not to mention the speed at which this stuff exits your colon...

tl;dr If you ever go to Japan, do not drink the coffee in the cute little heated cans. Pepsi White is pretty awesome, though.

>> No.2691229

/o/ here. If I ever go to Japan, I'll live on sushi and tea. And whatever kinds of soups they have.

The rest will be an adrenaline-gasoline mix.

>> No.2691235


I've always wanted to try that cucumber-flavored Pepsi they've got there. That and the mega mac, and that horrible looking pizza with the mini-sausages as the crust.
What the fuck, Japan.

>> No.2691259


I actually looked around for the Ice Cucumber Pepsi. Couldn't find it anywhere. Would've been interesting, though.
