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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 293 KB, 1320x1482, 1601061667706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26911080 No.26911080 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26911084
File: 51 KB, 680x521, inanis pancakes lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://streamable.com/cj3uzt Dude Pancakes LMAO
https://streamable.com/72kou1 Kani kani kani~
https://streamable.com/9salgb Headpat check
https://streamable.com/qlz2en No fighting, bad!
https://streamable.com/tex891 Thanks Doc
https://streamable.com/ev2tug Cracking a cold one with the tentacult
https://streamable.com/zdbq2b Form a contract with Ina
https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1309632969531953152 Woomy~!

>> No.26911086


>> No.26911088

anything important on in the next 6 hours that i'll miss?

>> No.26911094
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, 1599335334358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

￰ ￰ ￰▲
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>> No.26911096
File: 241 KB, 495x495, 1600890441008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to Ride on Time cover for the 43523th time

>> No.26911098
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>> No.26911101
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1574648989416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give up.

>> No.26911102


I suck at this

>> No.26911105

Previous: >>26903284

>> No.26911107

Daily reminder that morifags are the ones shitting up these threads because they are passive aggressive schizos that can't handle the fact their oshi is a greedy jew.

>> No.26911109
File: 380 KB, 494x600, 1600830615836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually made a pastebin

>> No.26911110
File: 602 KB, 2604x3646, 1594745250183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears my superiority has lead to some controversy.

>> No.26911119


>> No.26911125

Don't worry about the size of the post friend, fill it as much as you want.

>> No.26911127

▲ ▲

>> No.26911129

I hat it on loop for 2 days i'm not sure how much is that

>> No.26911130

Cunnychads... i kneel

>> No.26911132


>> No.26911134
File: 6 KB, 225x225, i beleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this gremlin holy shit.

>> No.26911141

Is the collab all we're getting today?

>> No.26911142
File: 650 KB, 800x588, 1600887789384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26911150

Contrarian opinion time.

I like all of HoloEN except for _Ame_

>> No.26911151

Could you all keep your schizoposting to a minimum please? I just woke up.

>> No.26911154

>Gura doesn't wanna say Arnold Schwarzenegger
fucking internet

>> No.26911155

Is she streaming again?

>> No.26911157

>I want to learn English, I'm going to study hard!
a chicken colonized Japan.

>> No.26911158

They’re not doing anything though? It’s just you

>> No.26911159

Doesn't look like it

>> No.26911161
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>> No.26911167
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, gurawink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*wink* *wink*

>> No.26911168
File: 113 KB, 872x1242, 1601104172198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he added the missing treasure clip
I luv u anon.

>> No.26911173

▲ ▲

>> No.26911174

Thanks, Glad I scheduled meetings for today then.

>> No.26911180

How did nips react to Chickens livestream on 5ch?

>> No.26911182
File: 654 KB, 1000x720, 1579204245454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoom Zoom Zoom

>> No.26911184

can i get a stream timestamp for the cunny cunny cunny vid ? wanna see how chat reacted

>> No.26911185
File: 614 KB, 648x678, 1591880689224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Aloe comes back but Mori graduates;
2. Leave things as they are.

If you choose 2, leave 4chan, no, the Internet forever. Take your shitty bitch with you.
Also choosing 2 basically implies that you're the doxxfaggot shitting the threads.

>> No.26911187


>> No.26911194
File: 507 KB, 2480x3508, Ei2MGCzVgAUMKvr-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26911205
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>> No.26911206

Aloe a shit though

>> No.26911209

>Playing multiple streams on Holotools
>Holo schedules
>Playboard Superchat Tracker




>> No.26911212

honestly Mori doesn't appeal to me and never has, but I wish her well. She's had some of the shakiest starts of all the HoloENs but she's trying her best all the same.

I also kind of like the angle of her going for HoloEN for another try at reviving her dying music genre. Seems fitting.

>> No.26911215

Aloe was a garbage bin of a human being and hololive gen 5 is better off without her

>> No.26911218


>> No.26911220

3. I hope all holos will be having fun forever

>> No.26911225

>worst holoEN leaves
How is that even a question?

>> No.26911226
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1593847981494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, you're an Aloefag? So you ARE that fucking Discord schizo, fucking hell.

>> No.26911228

cursed teeth

>> No.26911230

1 but only if kiara graduates too

>> No.26911233

take your meds, shizonigger

>> No.26911240

You can like or dislike whomever you please, just make sure not to devolve into a tribalist Schizo about it.

>> No.26911245

Did you sniff your daily quota of farts today, deadbrappers?

>> No.26911246
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being hugged by ina and all her tentacles

>> No.26911248
File: 160 KB, 1080x1235, 1600092085602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normally pulls ~14k a stream
>JOP stream is about to dip below 5k
umm... chickenkeks?

>> No.26911260

nah she streamed yesterday, I'm just expressing myself. She played League with chat yesterday and it was pretty rough because she hasn't played in years and League is shit.

>> No.26911261
File: 442 KB, 638x776, 1539915141931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are approaching aifag levels of autism in here.

>> No.26911264
File: 107 KB, 728x546, nm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26911267

She's doing SC, the stream's over.

>> No.26911272

Gura and Amelia never actually do a schedule, so they might do something.

Ina said she's spending the day finishing roommate art and drawing thumbnails for next weeks' streams.

Mori is probably passed out drunk until the appointed time.

>> No.26911273

kiara should just stick to JAV

>> No.26911279

It's the super chat portion of the stream

>> No.26911278

She did stream in the jp hours + she is reading supachats now

>> No.26911282


>> No.26911283

She's becoming too powerful, just imagine the lives lost is she combined that wink with her "Nyaar!"

>> No.26911290

Yeah i farted in you whore mother's face and then shat in her mouth, you dumb fucking tranny.

>> No.26911292


>> No.26911294
File: 189 KB, 1652x1080, 1600357145955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26911296

>I also kind of like the angle of her going for HoloEN for another try at reviving her dying music genre. Seems fitting.
I've found a few hidden gems thanks to her contest so far. Boogie Voxx had less than 10k subs last week and they've got some great songs/covers. It's pretty cool that one of the first things she did was to help get others in the scene some exposure.

>> No.26911297

she's perfect bros. Why is my gremlin this cute

>> No.26911298

She's competing against Lamy/Botan collab.
Not even thirsty bird can repell yuri of that magnitude.

>> No.26911304
File: 547 KB, 1000x577, qorv5qkk1fp51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When K's puts it in the wrong hole

>> No.26911306
File: 63 KB, 241x230, MruSwmn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder

>> No.26911309
File: 1.80 MB, 600x556, 1587916083608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind Japan having some streams once a while, I want more cute fanart and it's nice that Kiara is the bridge connecting HoloJP and HoloEN.

>> No.26911313

>the cheek blushes and mouth
my heart

>> No.26911314

>want an actual, real idol to come back in place of a niggerbait shitty rapper
Spotted the tranny who's angry at actual, successful and attractive women.

>> No.26911319

3. Aloe comes back AND gen 5 has a big successful collab with HoloMyth.

>> No.26911320

>havnet played in years
>still embarrasses nijiniggers
based goblin

>> No.26911325

Thanks anon. Guess I'll hope for some guerilla streams.

You'd think they'd take advantage of the weekend more...

>> No.26911331

keep coping, son of a blacked whore

>> No.26911335

how can anyone even like mori or the chicken?

>> No.26911337
File: 1.34 MB, 2508x3541, 1601062723329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Investigator brothers report in
ARS scum need not reply

>> No.26911338

Was there any doubt? He literally spends all day falseflagging the thread. I'm surprised he moved on to Mori though, I suppose his incredibly retarded decision to harass Kiara burned enough bridges that he realized there wasn't really any way to recover from it

>> No.26911344

Have you been in a bubble? they have been outed as the biggest doxfaggots, numberfaggots and just general shitposting among everyone else. Not to mention all the pathetic damage control over the membership.

>> No.26911345

I choose 1 because Aloe is going to graduate a 2nd time anyway.

>> No.26911346


>> No.26911349

Well they just continually move through the girls one at a time? Is that why they have expended so much effort trying to put Amelia and Mori fans against each other, to prepare the next Schizoposting target?

>> No.26911351


>> No.26911353


>> No.26911366

>he's actually black
It's ok to love Mori anon, she's made to appeal to people like you.

>> No.26911370

You're a disgrace to Ina and we hate you

>> No.26911371


>> No.26911385

She got 8k when Pekora is doing a 3D stream and there's a god tier Botan/Lamy collab. That's not that bad all things considering, espically since she's EN doing a stream that ENiggers can't understand.

>> No.26911386

Anyone got a collection of Amelewds yet? I'm ready to release after a week of holding back.

>> No.26911392

41% yourself

>> No.26911400
File: 169 KB, 850x1208, 1600461535479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder for everyone:

>> No.26911408

I have yet to have found an artia clip that did not make me smile

>> No.26911409
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1600771641057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating ame in /ame/

>> No.26911412

Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
Or more like schizos replying to schizos replying to schizos replying to schizos

>> No.26911418
File: 372 KB, 483x602, 1600473950175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26911420
File: 101 KB, 1003x1148, 1600245849779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top triangle is a bit far to the left, but butter than anything I've seen the latest 5 years

>> No.26911421

Amelia + Ina + Gura holy trinity bros, where you at?

  ▲
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>> No.26911425

>being that shizo
you sure need to take those meds, troon

>> No.26911430


>> No.26911431

I would like to know her membership numbers. Really interested in the twitch theory.

>> No.26911432

Give it up dude. The game is up, you're just shitting the thread up for no reason now.

>> No.26911434

All peko posters are schizos

>> No.26911441

The former, I refuse to accept this many schizo's have an internet connection.

>> No.26911449

We don't call her Calliojew Moribraps for nothing.
But no need to bring her up if she isn't streaming. Give her the chicken treatment, completely ignore her.

>> No.26911452

>Having played in years
>Playing with 150 ping to CN servers
>Got toasted every single practice scrim
>Wins the tournament and embarrasses Nijisan
>Makes them pay for their new outfits

Based Petia

>> No.26911454
File: 1022 KB, 1024x769, for_amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to love someone so much that you weirdly have no erotic thoughts of them? Asking for a friend.

>> No.26911456
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1599086522780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching Lamy and Botan
Does Lamy make an act or is she really that scared rabbit? I met a few women in life who are actually that fucking pussy.
When I was little I put a fake snake in my aunt's bag and when she opened it she started screaming for half an hour.

>> No.26911463
File: 221 KB, 1654x1654, Eiwo_MmU0AAriyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here, teammate.

>> No.26911464

>makes music
>main appeal is making music
Atis: How dare she want to make music, ths is unacceptable!

>> No.26911465

You're the one who actually attacked holos on Twitter, fucking tranny.

>> No.26911476

That Kyubey quote surprised me, she sounds like a good voice actor, I wonder if she voiced anime characters before.

>> No.26911482
File: 273 KB, 508x601, 1600852077845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks you for the list, for the pastebin and for making the post shorter with the recent highlights and stuff. This is a treasure. I hope many headpats befall your head.

>> No.26911484
File: 506 KB, 528x606, 1601050650993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking forward to new mic chicken karaoke

>> No.26911490
File: 37 KB, 219x171, dt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two more hours!

>> No.26911492

So many conflicting emotions....

>> No.26911494

This is literally /vg/-tier shitposting and falseflagging.

>> No.26911499

How is this even a question? We don't lose anything by picking 1 and we gain one of the most talented musicians of our times.

>> No.26911503
File: 684 KB, 2700x3400, Ei2VtVuUcAIG-Rs-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26911504
File: 390 KB, 446x550, 1590422382135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's incredible how a peko falseflagger can drop all pretense and still get 10+ (You)'s. How do they keep doing it?

>> No.26911510


>> No.26911511


>> No.26911512

>Not to mention all the pathetic damage control over the membership.
>all that other bullshit

>> No.26911513

The slightly goofy, meandering BGM really enhances the experience

>> No.26911514

Twitch theory?

>> No.26911524

I don't like how this doesn't include the part where she kills Zed.

>> No.26911528

Go back to brrrrap posting.

>> No.26911530
File: 1013 KB, 1435x1078, 1601047068973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26911534

I'd imagine she's atleast a complete pussy to a certain level. Botan is even making fun of the game, so the kayfabe would break if she wasn't really scared at all.

>> No.26911536

I love Gura's ten minute long streams

>> No.26911542
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, Ei1kWf6UcAE6REU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is too good for this gen.

>> No.26911543

get help tranny
and don't use my wife for your shizoposting

>> No.26911544
File: 661 KB, 1062x562, 1601122131951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia and Calli, if you read this, don't you dare to ever say forbidden words such as "Taiwan" or "HongKong". Or you will get this shitshow in your chat.

>> No.26911549
File: 630 KB, 3697x3007, 84478651_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smurfing shark pretending to be retarded during her Dead by Daylight stream

>> No.26911547

I think that's just a nousagi, they be like that sometimes.

>> No.26911550

How can you say you love her if you can't even watch her lewds?

>> No.26911553

Thanks man but it's Freud so I'm taking it with a grain of salt.

>> No.26911554

nigga you gay

>> No.26911556

This faggot has been around for a while. He attacked Kiara on Twitter, got completely shat on, mass-reported and banned, and now he moved on to Mori. He's an actual unironic Discord tranny, he even tried to 48% himself before.

>> No.26911560
File: 1.46 MB, 3000x1500, Ei2V7_8VgAIM8n9-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26911564
File: 687 KB, 1098x1400, Eivy5ZvUYAA5WF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing reps

>> No.26911565
File: 11 KB, 728x162, chrome_jZJNChRrcE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting in

>> No.26911573
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>> No.26911581
File: 16 KB, 427x381, 1589508833850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all skill, peko

>> No.26911583

As you should. I don't find truth in it either.

>> No.26911585

I don't have a twitter i just dislike morifags

>> No.26911588

Her viewers are more twitch focused and more ready to membership than supa.

>> No.26911589

reminder that taiwan is JAPANESE SOIL

>> No.26911599

Are featherheads the only good HoloEN fanbase?

>> No.26911600

from 1 to 10 what are the chances she finishes FE? I've never played any of the games but watching her birdbrain wins and attempts at harem building have me invested

>> No.26911601
File: 541 KB, 965x2262, 1578622844358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fugg. HoloCN...

>> No.26911604

This seems like a good filter. Not like there is a lot of chinese akasupas rolling in

>> No.26911613

>you, horse, die, understand?

What the fuck

>> No.26911616
File: 89 KB, 262x262, 1598474270692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you don't have it anymore, that's true.

>> No.26911619

Someone sent in Lao Gui to take care of Kaichou, I see..

>> No.26911618
File: 1.32 MB, 498x434, 1600468641910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you, horse, die, understand?

>> No.26911630

I know mori fans are actual scatfags, so no, i won't do that.

>> No.26911632

I know not hololive but Pikamee is doing a Q & A on twitch /kurotsukiconvention

>> No.26911633

Mori a shit, Aloe did nothing wrong

>> No.26911636

what did she do?

>> No.26911640

why does Artia stream on twitch and no one else?

>> No.26911643

break out the bugspray

>> No.26911644

Yeah. It was half-pretend, half never playing killer. All good time.

>> No.26911646
File: 227 KB, 1051x1287, 1600886670489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All while trying not to say nigger
Uh yea I'm gonna say that's pretty based

>> No.26911649

yeah you don't because you got banned you dumb serbian fuck

>> No.26911659

Ok, let's rework this anon falseflagging post:
1. Aloe comes back but Mori graduates
2. Leave things as they are
3. Kill all chinks
WOW I wonder what's the correct choice.

>> No.26911660
File: 440 KB, 1613x2048, Eip8ThsWAAA-O4H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how she gradually went from pretending to be a total retard to just toying with everyone she played against

>> No.26911661

did cover headhunt a famous artist because they knew she'd provide free thumbnail art

>> No.26911664

Poals prove nothing, you have nothing.

>> No.26911670

it's a mixed blessing, they are too busy whiteknighting their chicken to schizopost and she's not popular so no numberfags like her

>> No.26911672

>Ina drew this and placed herself between Ame and Gura

>> No.26911673

Chinese are insects, this is why

>> No.26911674

Whether it's discussing youtube streamers and their animated puppet avatars or real world geopolitics it's all just seething, all the way down. Really makes you think, doesn't it.

>> No.26911677

The irony: >>26608829

>> No.26911690

I hope we get that official lewd tag soon.
She seems to have taken to #tentai, but #cthulewds isn't without its charm.

>> No.26911693

Number still rules. Mori should have more member than her.

>> No.26911697

I'd miss being able to watch CCTV footage of bugs getting squashed by rogue truck wheels tbqhwy.

>> No.26911702
File: 430 KB, 1600x1200, 20200925_023736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No real streams today besides the collab way later tonight, night?

>> No.26911701

Show her country statistics where Taiwan was second after Japan and said "Taiwan". That's all.
Changs already banned her bilibili and send her a fuckton of death threats.

>> No.26911708

你妈死 your mom die

google translate show as your horse die

>> No.26911705

Holy fuck this delusion
Should you not be doxposting by now? That's what morifags do when people start shitting on them

>> No.26911707


Mention Taiwan while talking about where her viewers come from, apparently.

>> No.26911709
File: 307 KB, 1920x1080, 1601132368270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you brother

>> No.26911711

She's so cute and she should be poached and given a proper model by Hololive. Also it's cute that she's nervous despite being on a stream with 1/4th her average low end numbers.

>> No.26911712

Still 1.

Who cares about chinks? Cocofags that's who.

>> No.26911715

she streams on a chinese site called bilibili.

>> No.26911720

Showed analytics with Taiwan as a separate category on stream.

>> No.26911722

Realistically, how long until those bugs get bored and leave Coco alone?

>> No.26911723

Yeah, dead hours.

>> No.26911725

Horse and Mom have the same pronounication (Ma) just in different tonals. So that retard probably fucked up hard.

>> No.26911726

Loved how tentai made her giggle

>> No.26911728

She is a god at some games and terrible at others

>> No.26911730

Will this be where you start doxposting yourself to prove yourself right

>> No.26911731

>pic is same order as the pv
>realize Ina also drew that picture too
I'll accept this is the real order

>> No.26911734

>I'd miss being able to watch CCTV footage of bugs getting squashed by rogue truck wheels tbqhwy.
Damn, reddit memes are really getting messed up if that's what Coco's covering now.

>> No.26911736

Until they have 1400 social points

>> No.26911738

>dead hours
Time to finally preserve my sanity
Later Tentacultists, Employees, Deadbeats, Teammates and Chumbuds

>> No.26911739
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1593061246918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who cares about chinks?
I don't know anon, it's not like they released stealth cancer to the entire world and made it poorer.

>> No.26911741

Call me when she uses a platform that isn't garbage.

>> No.26911743
File: 92 KB, 1080x1065, Screenshot_20200926_120454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck poorfags
Fuck VPNfags
And fuck schizos

>> No.26911745

Nope. I can finally play some fucking videogames myself.

>> No.26911746

I'm pretty sure they'd need a vpn to even access youtube anyway, so any money wouldn't be in CNY

>> No.26911750

So no streams today? I'm out, have fun wasting your weekends arguing with schizos anons

>> No.26911751

>Kill all chinks
I will spare Taiwan. Those people have souls, unlike mainlanders.

>> No.26911753

Nice, now fill that void with Haachama

>> No.26911757

But Artia is a chink too...

>> No.26911760

Thanks to you and everyone else for buying me and my GF condoms.

>> No.26911764

That empty white space is distracting.

Needs more magenta.

>> No.26911766

They're not chinks because they have a heart.

>> No.26911773

Gura said she might stream after the collab

>> No.26911774

Is this stream members only?

>> No.26911775
File: 117 KB, 299x321, 1595796090272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia's a gremlin.

>> No.26911778
File: 3.86 MB, 320x339, 1596743358306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's nothing to discuss anymore since chicken went offline
>went to check /hlg/ because there are holoJP active

>> No.26911785

Wait, Coco mentioned the ROC on stream? Fucking kek.

>> No.26911787
File: 122 KB, 377x323, 1600979751507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26911789

True, I'm more interested in the ratio of members to subscribers.

>> No.26911790


>> No.26911793

yeah what a fucking mess lol

>> No.26911794

I won't do that because i'm not a deadbrapper.

>> No.26911799

The rest of the world should just seal China off and let nature take its course. Lets just take the hit and have our garbage consumer shit made in India instead. Cheap low quality rip off doodads aren't worth this.

>> No.26911802

got banned from chinkbili as well. haachama too

>> No.26911810

>it's not like they released stealth cancer to the entire world
And made:
1. Normalfags kill themselves
2. Normalfags fall into depression
3. No more annoying loud ass music every saturday
4. Home-office, which is the comfiest type of work I have done all my life
5. No more wasting hours commuting
6. Cancelled all social events all year, making more normalfags seethe
7. Made me discover Hololive
8. It's killing boomers
>and made it poorer.
I'm not any poorer, maybe the 1% richfags are poorer now that their hotels, airports, and movies are all cancelled.

Fuck off retard. I hope a new pandemic arrives before the vaccune for this one is discovered.

>> No.26911815

I'd say it's a solid 7. Too early to really judge what her streaming habits will be, but she's only voiced concern about what she had heard about the difficulty and if it's something her viewers would actually want from her, but it does seem to be the type of game that she'd want to finish.

>> No.26911828

>Guy who always draws giant tits now is kneeling so hard for the shark

>> No.26911830

Oh god it's spreading like chink virus

>> No.26911831

My life has only improved since the pandemic.

>> No.26911836

India is just as retarded as China.
They just don't have the strength to flex it.

>> No.26911839

Holos playing EYE when?

>> No.26911842

How long do you think it'll be till a sheboon is in holoEN?

>> No.26911850

I'm not surprised we have genuine chinese shills in this thread, honestly.

>> No.26911851

Jesus Christ this is just sad.

>> No.26911852

minato aqua is monkey

>> No.26911857

This but unironically.

>> No.26911858

Fuck yourself Winnie the Pooh, China and their bugs will die

>> No.26911861

Never. Japan isn't full retard yet.

>> No.26911862

Same here. I'm happier than ever this year.

>> No.26911865

I don't know but I hope her live2d has abs

>> No.26911867

if she gets picked up by hololive I'd want her new model to use a similar simplistic artstyle, just with higher quality rendering and tracking. I think her current model fits her well

>> No.26911873


>> No.26911881

>anglomerized attention whore
>still works as holo after getting a bf
>brags about it
I couldn't care less. She got the attention she wanted and she should be happy about it. If any of the HoloENs are retarded enough to bring politics in their streams, they deserve it. I expect Mori do follow suit because she's the one more likely to start shit about politics, especially now that the shitstorm of the US elections is approaching.

>> No.26911883


I am. Of all the places to try and fight the Taiwan front, they come to a basket weaving forum about cartoon girls.

>> No.26911889

Everyday I have less and less sympathy for people when I wake up and I see a bunch of retards not wearing mask. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with people.

>> No.26911891

take your meds

>> No.26911896

come watch our dad Aruran play galaxy, it is comfy and no drama

>> No.26911897
File: 3.79 MB, 540x304, 1601077535603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwan numba one

>> No.26911899
File: 414 KB, 1200x1281, 1600607482959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shit you not, I was speaking with someone over the phone and without thinking I responded to something they said with "Ogeeey~". This place has poisoned my mind

>> No.26911900

Yes, nevermind them.
Do you cry yourself to sleep every night for starving africans?

>> No.26911911

>starving Africans
>not deserving it
Sorry, use a better example China shill!

>> No.26911913


>> No.26911918


>> No.26911921

>people I hate die
>people I don't know, haven't met, will never met, also die
>made my life better
>all in one package
Is this suppose to sound bad?

>> No.26911922
File: 139 KB, 720x1020, 78676867846868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26911927

Can we go back to talking how much mori sucks
I don't like /pol/ discussion

>> No.26911929

>I'm not any poorer, maybe the 1% richfags are poorer now that their hotels, airports, and movies are all cancelled.
And some human trash also got poorer. Who can unironically rob you.
Remember anon, if the country falling into the pit, everyone who live there falling too. Read the "First they came ...".

>> No.26911933

Imagine unironically giving a shit about a few people dying a couple of years early and a bunch of normie faggots going LITERALLY INSAAAAAAAANE from not being allowed to go outside for a bit.

>> No.26911937

I mentioned it before, I said big kusa in real life. And today I muttered haachama haachama when something shit happened at work.

>> No.26911943

Its kind of an experiment and she grew up on twitch and 4chan culture. She's trying to get Civia to do it too with very strong hints that Watson is desperate for it.

>> No.26911941

Mori is literally /pol/

>> No.26911945

she didn't like billibilli so she sent a request to stream on twitch and it was approved

>> No.26911946
File: 2.38 MB, 2031x2952, 1601016282127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the holo that sucked you in
>favorite holo JP

>> No.26911954
File: 49 KB, 545x526, 1600818106688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon...
Worst part is, even my friends started saying "ogey" / "rrat" because of me.
What have I done?

>> No.26911955

What did the african child do to deserve it?

>> No.26911958

She's finally taking the rest she needs after all those red bulls

>> No.26911961
File: 54 KB, 700x600, 1600952822981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China numba four

>> No.26911962

I love the way she winks.

>> No.26911964
File: 554 KB, 722x720, 1484685565311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pink nails
Isn't she supposed to have blue nails?

>> No.26911965

Same. WFH has been a godsend.

>> No.26911967

why are you survey posting 200 posts in? are you just trying to fit in not understanding how these threads work?

>> No.26911970

Chinese Taipei

>> No.26911971

Chicken and her stream was boring we also devolved into china posting like the other thread

>> No.26911974

Doesn't she stream on Billi like everyday and only does Twitch once a week?

>> No.26911976

I don't watch JP anymore. I want the busted old whores to graduate so they can focus everything on EN. Okayu and Peko, depending on who is playing the game worth watching.

>> No.26911982

would be cool

>> No.26911985

I'm watching ina right now and had a free hand

>> No.26911987
File: 675 KB, 753x1062, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does gura wear any sort of pants

>> No.26911988

We're not your friends, pal.

>> No.26911991

uhhhhh, Teamates???

>> No.26911996

no way watson wants to go to twitch with how successful her channel is on youtube already

>> No.26911995

Who wants that? maybe an Amazon-like or Egyptian-like character. I think a nigga would work better in HolostarsEN instead.

>> No.26912000

>that boob size
Literal perfection

>> No.26912009

Does it taste like sea water?

>> No.26912008


>> No.26912012
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>> No.26912018

Didn't think twitch allowed streaming on there and yt.

>> No.26912026

You need something no lesser than second class of protection with pre-filters, or third. Standard masks will protect you just as bad as gas mask without the filter.

>> No.26912027

>pikamee a giant shut-in

>> No.26912031

bold diplomatic strategy from the orange man

>> No.26912034

also that 你妈死 (mother) probably is word filter, so he typed 你马死 (horse) in translate

>> No.26912037

With that tail... how does she even put them on? double zip in the back?

>> No.26912040

Tell that to this Morifag trying to deflect yet another discussion into something else:
Nothing would have happened if he didn't try to deflect the insults away.

>> No.26912043
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>> No.26912044

This isn't parasocial since we are all aware of eachother.

>> No.26912047

shit she mentioned new jersey we're gonna drown

>> No.26912053
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>> No.26912056
File: 465 KB, 566x548, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwan exists you fucking retards, it was referring to it as a separate country from mainland China that got Chinese people mad. All she says there is "From Places"

>> No.26912057

It's a funny thing to say but good thing westerns don't get so triggered over shit like this.

>> No.26912060

No pants, no panties. Fresh, free cunny for over 9000 years

>> No.26912061

Hopefully she “plays” off stream so she can go full power

>> No.26912064

They do not. And will terminate your account if you do.

>> No.26912065


>> No.26912067

I imagine that this was the exact reaction of the Chinamen during asacoco.


>> No.26912068

They'll go a shade deeper than Flare, at most.

>> No.26912069


>> No.26912073

It's not necessarily a country in this context, so it gets a pass. Else watame would get a bugman shitstorm months ago

>> No.26912076

But Taiwan is China.

>> No.26912079


>> No.26912085

This. Shit would've already gone down.

>> No.26912089


>> No.26912092

Imagine the sea salt.

>> No.26912097
File: 896 KB, 836x798, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And New Jersey is the United States. Are you really this retarded?

>> No.26912099

Not sure if you have this one or one similar :

>> No.26912100

Now redraw Haachama in ina’s style

>> No.26912101

how the fk shark gain subs this fast? shes not even good

>> No.26912108
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>> No.26912109
File: 81 KB, 518x658, 1592876140873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is that video

>> No.26912111

Someone please help me with calling the meidos to this thread, too much /pol/ derailment.

>> No.26912115

And? She said New Jersey, does that mean New Jersey is separate from US?

>> No.26912117

Based, Squidbro

>> No.26912119

Almost a millenia going no pan

>> No.26912120

you're right, she's not good
she's great

>> No.26912124

They don't wear mask not because they don't believe the mask doesn't protect them. They don't wear the mask cause they legit think the virus don't exist. What the fuck is wrong with them. A mask is not 100% protection but it is not useless either. Notice how every country in the world has the situation under control except the one country where people don't as a statement.

>> No.26912127

because it's HER, the algorithm knows

>> No.26912128

I'm unsubbing from dis maddar fukar

>> No.26912134


>> No.26912138
File: 35 KB, 546x417, 1600923712812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912137

Imagine the barnacles.

>> No.26912139

yeah she's still active on billi. twitch really appeals to her because she basically spent all of her time watching the esports players on there.

>> No.26912149

What's their problem?

>> No.26912154

Amelia has the protection of the 7th fleet.
Or, she's just not streaming in a shithole like Chink NND (bilibili).

>> No.26912168
File: 157 KB, 565x541, 1534601529919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite what people tell you the internet is not a meritocracy

>> No.26912176

bootlicking, brainwashed citizens that are "patriots" so their score doesn't drop

>> No.26912177

What are the chances it will be edited after anon posting it here. yab

>> No.26912183

Twitter scandal.
The twitter mob is harassing her fanbase calling them pedos.
People that don't even watch hololive are subbing to her to own the SJW mob.

It's an endless cycle, they complain more, more people sub, etc.

>> No.26912185


>> No.26912187
File: 11 KB, 317x132, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Mori's income be able to match Coco's?

>> No.26912189

New Jersey is a state of the United States. Taiwan is the historic nation of China. Why would the Chinese people be mad about someone acknowledging their existence? PRC drones are not Chinese.

>> No.26912190
File: 749 KB, 728x726, 1583228628985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horny shark

>> No.26912195

holy shit stop leaking /pol/ garbage over here you fucking retards

>> No.26912209
File: 273 KB, 776x648, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care about numbers but it's a bit of a shame that Shark ruined her chances to keep breaking records.

She's not gonna get 50k anymore maybe until 3d reveal.

>> No.26912211

What the fuck problem do you guys have against New Jersey?

>> No.26912212

Because your opinion is a drop in a bucket versus the ocean of fans and supporters she has. You are quite literally irrelevant when it comes to her popularity.

>> No.26912213
File: 54 KB, 448x499, 1585292616866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912221

Hahaha the fuck

>> No.26912226

Dial 8, tranny.

>> No.26912233

If there's /pol/ derailment in the other thread with meidos doing nothing, what makes you think they'll do anything about this thread?

>> No.26912236


>> No.26912241

she cute why would anyone get horny at that?

>> No.26912243

Our governor is an incompetent slimy slug man and we're literally NYC's garbage dump?

>> No.26912250


>> No.26912251
File: 43 KB, 325x242, I_Wanna_Be_the_Guy_title_screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to watch Kiara play I Wanna Be the Guy

>> No.26912255
File: 1.70 MB, 384x288, 1585070327400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912264


>> No.26912266
File: 356 KB, 843x2418, 1599621908704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Canada get too much credit?

>> No.26912274


>> No.26912281


>> No.26912288

I'm glad japan likes Gura. They make much cuter art.

>> No.26912289

Amelia implies new jersey should be expelled from the united states, and be a separate country. Might not be a bad idea.

>> No.26912291

how many people do you think are in Canada

>> No.26912297

That literally had nothing to do with anything. Don't believe anything you hear from whatever subhuman drama grifter you're watching

>> No.26912301

>i dont care about numbers
>but lets complain about numbers

>> No.26912303
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>> No.26912309
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>> No.26912310

Because retards reply instead of report!
If we spam them with (appropriate) reports at the very least it will inconvenience them the more they ignore us.

>> No.26912312

It makes sense. Kiara and Mori refer to death in different ways, while Ina and Gura refer to the sea and what lurks beyond. Amelia is the human element that ties it all together.

>> No.26912314

Jordan bros...

Holy shit, that would be a trainwreck and now I wanna see it, too.

>> No.26912321

>Don't have one maybe Nekomata

>> No.26912325


>> No.26912326

What country is BOB?
shows up at the bottom btw

>> No.26912329


>> No.26912330

This sounds like a trap...

>> No.26912332

t. amelia

>> No.26912336

gura is a known fan of legs and thighs

>> No.26912338

Is this guy serious?

>> No.26912343


>> No.26912346


>> No.26912354

ruh roh

>> No.26912360

And it home of stuff that will kill you and turn you into it puppet or just take over your body and can trap you in your own house without anyway or getting out

>> No.26912361

Why do I feel like this was planned by Amelia and Ina/Mori?

>> No.26912363
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>> No.26912368

If your cock didn't react to that picture then you might be gay son

>> No.26912375

Sounds like bait to get to contact her.
Guy is a schizo, I hope she ignores him.

>> No.26912377

No we're not. Everyone else is one amorphous blog.

>> No.26912381
File: 18 KB, 285x337, 1433182069943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what can they play with 5 people and like 500 ping?

>> No.26912382

Staten Island is NYC's garbage dump
You fucked up your shitty state on your own faggot

>> No.26912391


>> No.26912393
File: 246 KB, 2000x864, current-bolivian-boliviano-banknotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912400


>> No.26912402


>> No.26912405

It clearly was, probably on discord too. Just ignore them hopefully they will go away.

notice how there are more people complaining about reports, pol, and other garbage than actually people talking about that.

>> No.26912407

Someone's parent is about to get really mad when they look at the CC bill.

>> No.26912412
File: 2.24 MB, 1748x2600, 1579862515442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlg/ here, I'm taking refuge. Who's the best EN girl?

>> No.26912414


>> No.26912416


>> No.26912418


>> No.26912419


>> No.26912420

My dick.

>> No.26912422

Ame said it's a co-op game, not a competitive type of game.

>> No.26912425

I was skeptical about hololive because I thought it was a soulless business and I used to follow independent vtubers only like Hinata and many smaller ones but someone I know in a game loves hololive so much he couldn't stop talking about it so I decided to check it out, at first I found only some Nijisanji vtubers because YouTube's search results were a mess but after some digging I found the holos. I forgot who was the first I found because I started with collab videos and remix videos first so the memory is all mixed up, some holos are blatantly forcing themselves with bad acting but there're are also some very precious ones like Pekora that albeit the (sometimes) bad acting, is still very sweet and funny, my second favorite would be Korone, I love when she loses it and gets mad.

>> No.26912426


>> No.26912430


>> No.26912431

Why is David Bowie on money

>> No.26912437
File: 36 KB, 750x350, freeDiscordNotification.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912440

I can't think of a single 5 person co-op game honestly

It's a co-op game.

>> No.26912441

Bolivians look like Vega from Street Fighter?

>> No.26912444

New Jersey is a shithole and should be removed from the planet along with Florida and Ohio
t. Born and lived in NJ.

>> No.26912452
File: 312 KB, 422x506, ___78978970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912454


>> No.26912459

Watson said some kind of co-op game

>> No.26912463


>> No.26912464

they already said it's gonna be human fall flat

>> No.26912468

>different avatar

>> No.26912469

Human fall flat is what they're gonna try, I don't have high expectations for it though.

>> No.26912471

I think you guys should stop to think and step away from this whole weird virtual girlfriend, goslingpost thing over Amelia. Don't wait for Yagoo to outright hire a bodyguard or hitperson that's vaguely doubling as a vtuber.

>> No.26912472

Why should I ignore them if they're actually them?

>> No.26912475
File: 212 KB, 300x248, pIU7JcnVhOjGxWf7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912481
File: 39 KB, 720x540, 1496578154374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would be getting way more EU SC if they were not streaming at 5am.

>> No.26912488

He maxed out his superchat with that donation limit anon.

>> No.26912492

start from Ame, it will decide your taste if you don't like her, Mori's for you, if you like her Ame Ina and Gura are for you. Kiara is generally much closer to the other holoJP

>> No.26912493

Go back to your containment thread.
This is /ame/ thread.

>> No.26912494

He had to make a new account, they don't let you superchat more than $500 a day.

>> No.26912496
File: 251 KB, 236x272, 1600218232729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912498
File: 17 KB, 100x100, ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912499

Ame love love daisuki! Waaaaatooooooooo!

>> No.26912500

Gura, Ame and Ina are top tier.

>> No.26912505

How good or bad is Miami? Various human trash from my shithole literally creams their pants when they hear "Miami".

>> No.26912510
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>> No.26912512

That would be kino

>> No.26912513
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, 1601132661905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed the HoloEN 3rd collab according to /hlgg/

>> No.26912515
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>> No.26912518
File: 56 KB, 401x671, 1599949006937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new sennheiser headphones arrived in the mail!!

>> No.26912523

People who don't understand it because they either didn't live there or they only lived in North/East Jersey and think they're an expert.

>> No.26912526
File: 412 KB, 1686x1896, 1600865313720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame forgets to mute the mic and you can hear her pooping live on stream

How would she react?

>> No.26912529

  ▲
▲ ▲

>> No.26912538

Watch their debuts and decide for yourself.

>> No.26912545

cope you dumb nigger

>> No.26912548

Miami should be nuked from orbit.

>> No.26912550

That could be a good game.

>> No.26912554


>> No.26912555

How the fuck are the pounds and euros that close together?

>> No.26912561
File: 5 KB, 428x110, 1580497645756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912566

Mock the viewers.

>> No.26912570

Maybe Gura will pull some shit again, only hope for entertainment outta that trash game.

>> No.26912572

If you have timestamps for all of these instant payback moments, please post them so I can gather them and jp sub. Just thought it would be good entry level Ame content.

>> No.26912574

I would fap to that.

>> No.26912579

Don't forget.


>> No.26912581

"That was Bubba."

>> No.26912583
File: 87 KB, 2545x191, moripasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-threadly reminder that Mori-sama is the light of my life! Looking forward to the collab tonight- I'm thinking that with the increased chemistry the three NA girls showed during their Surgeon Simulator stream, things should be less awkward. Hoping my oshi and the chicken do well, too!

>> No.26912586

Fix your computer anon.

>> No.26912590
File: 864 KB, 1200x1200, 1601076971831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912593

Looks fine on my end. Fix your font and take your meds schizo.

>> No.26912596

Say what you want about Haachama, but lay off the soup.

>> No.26912603

Wish they went with Gang Beasts. When people die it becomes less chaotic and everyone always gets invested in the 1v1

>> No.26912606
File: 416 KB, 445x544, 1600648397610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them

>> No.26912613

Good taste anon.

>> No.26912616

But these look fine...

>> No.26912617

She would laugh it off and we would forgive her.
She would call us sickos and we would forgive her.
She would claim it was the dog and we would forgive her.

The reality is, I love Amelia.

>> No.26912621

You need a font to get those chars decoded properly, I forgot which one.

>> No.26912628

Ame and Gura's debuts really undercut them. Although Gura's singing kind of made up for it in the end

>> No.26912630

I want to marry Haato and die of food poisoning after eating her cooking.

>> No.26912631

All of them. HoloEN is literally perfect.

>> No.26912633

Playing an actual video game should help keep things focused as well, I hope that it goes well.

>> No.26912634


>> No.26912635


>> No.26912636
File: 571 KB, 522x664, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think havng a game will allow everyone to bounce off eachother much better than just talking, espically with the fun meme game they're playing.

>> No.26912644

your computer is fucked up

>> No.26912648

"You liked that, you fucking sick fucks?"

>> No.26912661
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x876, 1600548883162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the word association game I think was a bad idea. It was a little unfocused. This'll really let the girls shine.


>> No.26912662

Anyone but mori and chicken really

>> No.26912667

S tier: ame and gura
A tier: ina
trash tier: mori and chicken

>> No.26912676
File: 1.27 MB, 4096x2855, 20200926_093916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26912674

She lives in the west so that's literally impossible.

It only happened to Mori because she lives in a 5 square meter japanese apartment. Her toilet is literally 2 steps away from her bed.

>> No.26912677

Deadbraps please...

>> No.26912678
File: 104 KB, 250x255, 1600627410653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So since Mori antis have taken over this general, where can we fellow deadbeats post in safety?

>> No.26912681

you're a faggot and not because of your bottom two

>> No.26912684
File: 76 KB, 998x413, 1600863592740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your threadly reminder tonight.

>> No.26912687

Since you're from /hlg/, might like Kiara the most. She's very much like a typical JP holo.

>> No.26912696

Imagine laying in bed next to Calliope, running your finger up the back of her thigh and lightly probing her butthole. You push a suppository up into her sphincter and, each time you lightly start to pull your finger away, she pushes it out involuntarily. Finally, after holding your finger there for a bit longer, you move it away and the laxative doesn't come out, having been swallowed into her intestine.

There she lie on top of the covers, sweating lightly in anticipation, slightly grimacing for moments at a time as waves of stomach cramps wash over her and gradually increase in intensity. The pressure of the sweet pain in her abdomen finally gets the better of her and she starts shitting. At first, she conservatively tries to pace herself and aim onto a singular spot on the sheets, but as the momentum of her bowels snowballs out of control, she accidentally soils her stockings and the rear flap of her dress that she tried to hold out of the way.

As the minutes pass, the torrent of waste coming out of her ass gradually becomes more liquid than solid, until the final chorus of her bowels erupts out as a viscous tidal wave of wet, brown slime.

She slowly and reservedly sits up on the side of the bed and propels herself up on her feet, shamefully making sure to keep her back to the mess as she walks to pour herself a glass of wine. Using her shivering hand to pull the glass to her lips, a single tear falls down her cheek as she looks at you and sobs "Th-thank you for 'peeping' my performance" before taking a long sip of drink to help her forget.

>> No.26912697
File: 253 KB, 1092x1125, Watson Hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Teamates, I made an exploitable similar to the Gura hood one for you guys. I would have included her coat but there doesn't seem to be one without her magnifying glass in the way.

>> No.26912698

Can somebody explain the mori and chicken hate? I really don't get it.

>> No.26912700

Man I kind of get Morifriends, she's getting less and less popular every thread, they feel really bad and end up becoming schizos.. Just like white young males becoming nazis..

>> No.26912702

They still talk about HoloEn, hell, they talk more about Gura than us.

>> No.26912706
File: 67 KB, 522x664, 1578984050834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch them and decide for yourself.

>> No.26912707

has bad kerning.

>> No.26912714

why do you care, just form your own opinion

>> No.26912717
File: 548 KB, 640x740, watson2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here? Just ignore them. Mori would be disappointed at how thin skinned you are.

>> No.26912722

It's less about hate and more about them being less popular here.

>> No.26912726

I skipped through this post up to the third paragraph and I busted out laughing.

Good shit anon.

>> No.26912728

Once Mori gets more comfortable with streaming she'll be really great. Chicken just needs new mic

>> No.26912730

Which game are they gonna play?

>> No.26912739

Like with all other anti shit aimed at other girls, it's fabricated tribalism, usually by nitpicking and twisting everything she does or says. She's an easy target since she's the underdog and with less fans on these threads,

>> No.26912740
File: 525 KB, 622x641, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912741

/hlg/ is fine enough to talk in when she's actually streaming. Don't go during dead hours, though.

>> No.26912742

It do be like that sometimes.

>> No.26912745

I like Gura, Ina and Chicken
So pick one of those

>> No.26912744

hey man dont be a bigot

>> No.26912747

Yeah but I meant the blank spaces look fine

>> No.26912748


>> No.26912749

West vs East

>> No.26912753

Why do you care? Fuck off out of here.

>> No.26912755

They were the two most popular here for a while, then Mori screwed up her Membership tiers, bringing a lot of Anti's. Amelia then had normal membership tiers, and it's been this shit ever since.

>> No.26912761
File: 29 KB, 236x200, 1600928098729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or was Gura much cheekier during last night's stream?

>> No.26912764

The "read the fucking thread" game.

>> No.26912767

honeymoon is over and people are starting to choose one over the other

>> No.26912769

Will mori continue doom?

>> No.26912771

She was going almost full HER. It was glorious.

>> No.26912776

Shitposters have formed a cult around "trio" or "trinity" of Ame, Ina and Gura.
Almost seems like some concerted effort to create tribalism. Makes you think.

>> No.26912778


>> No.26912779

Gura is unironically great when she's in her comfort zone.

>> No.26912782
File: 638 KB, 3200x3200, 1534471642167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be new if you think that this is bad. Just don't reply to obvious falseflaggers.

>> No.26912784

She was high or drunk. She needs to stop playing while this drunk.

>> No.26912785

she played her favorite game

>> No.26912787

I hope so, the stream was great.

>> No.26912788

They're the whites and thus the target of racism.

>> No.26912793
File: 3.27 MB, 2612x3445, 1600026648646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just filter them and move on

>> No.26912791


>> No.26912798

early on we collectively decided that we hate kiara

>> No.26912800

takomommy's squishy tentacles...

>> No.26912801

I like how /hlg/ was created because of tribalism, followed by another /hlgg/ created by another round of tribalism, and even after you all get moved out of 2 bigger groups, you all still manage to get into a tribalism war between friends you guys barely have an idea of.

>> No.26912811

Quality, thank you.

>> No.26912813


>> No.26912828

I CANT WAIT FOR /hlggw/ /hlgge/

>> No.26912832

>there can't be people that enjoy the 3 man collab more than anything else so far
>it has to be shitposters

>> No.26912834

>ye basterd
Is Gura Scottish?

>> No.26912836

ame roommate looks huwhite to me

>> No.26912839

It's not bait, it's pretty obvious some people are trying to consolidate that those three are better than the others.

>> No.26912845

Is Mori an east coast nigga or a westside nigga?

>> No.26912847

we need another split

one for Mori and friends
another for Amelia and friends. Then we can have peace.

>> No.26912854

She likes west coast rappers

>> No.26912857

Sorry, but I'm not a redditor.

>> No.26912859

See you 'round

>> No.26912862

The trio works due to timezone and chemistry

>> No.26912863

Who are you quoting?

>> No.26912867

She's def 3rd gen hispanic american

>> No.26912868
File: 3.69 MB, 1500x1800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calli is cute, an insanely hardworker and a good streamer. Her DOOM stream was so fun last night.

>> No.26912871

human fall flat co-op

>> No.26912874

It's already been confirmed that Amelia and Mori hate each other IRL, and just looking at who they all choose to interact with and how, that the Mori and chicken are being ostracized by the rest of the group by association. It's natural for /hlgg/ to pick sides when they are created the divide themselves.

>> No.26912877

looks huwhite to me

>> No.26912879


>> No.26912883

I think Mori and friends should unironically stay on /hlg/
They are japanese holos after all and clash hard with the other western girls.
There is no need for them to be here.

>> No.26912897

Yes, it was great. Reminded me of the time my sister played doom 2016.

>> No.26912899

I mostly meant that bare minimum 2 of them are going to be lagging to hell, the game itself is enjoyable enough to sustain a stream for a couple hours.

>> No.26912902

She's such a dork. It's pretty cute.

>> No.26912904 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.23 MB, 3508x1756, 1601135439698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell anyone I gave you this... It's a black market item

>> No.26912905

then why are you here

>> No.26912906


>> No.26912912


>> No.26912917

poggers my dude very pogchamp Kappa

>> No.26912919

Mori is just the flavor of the week shitposting for the thread. Chicken got shit because she dedicated too much time to Peko fangirling and too much time spent translating what she just said in her debut, which led to a bad first impression. Doing a 100k celebration stream also left a bad taste in people's mouths, considering she was still riding the initial wave and hadn't achieved anything to deserve doing one (but honestly, it was just a shit title and she was likely gonna do the stream either way). Her recent streams have been a lot better.

>> No.26912921

People shitposting out of boredom on the easier targets, Kiara in particular since she's the least western of the girls, with fewer fans on the HoloEN thread. Basically, fabricated tribalism under fanfics-I mean, narratives.

>> No.26912923

Let's see if you can ignore bait /hlgg/.
It's so easy. All you have to do is NOT reply.

>> No.26912925
File: 66 KB, 326x282, 1582092386271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26912926

Amelia didn't even acknowledge Kiara in the last stream, even tho Kiara was posting in the chat.

Amelia ignored Kiara ever since the purity collab.

>> No.26912931
File: 6 KB, 327x31, 65375456356456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ame the bottom in InAme?

>> No.26912932

When did the Mori hate start? After the brapping or after the membership?

>> No.26912936
File: 161 KB, 1080x582, Screenshot_20200924_115934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 times more CLP than ARS
The strongest spic currency

>> No.26912939

I thought the mask is protecting everyone else from YOU?
Thereby everyone who doesn't want to wear a mask could infect everyone around him more easily.

>> No.26912948
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, 1600565129371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That stream was unironically 10/10. Mori-sama being bad, but learning, made it entertaining but not frustrating. She had a moment of getting tilted, which added to the entertainment. And not a single supacha read during the gameplay. Fucking incredible; I think she's really getting the hang of the streaming thing!

>> No.26912952
File: 3.37 MB, 600x525, Boss fight!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26912957


>> No.26912963
File: 588 KB, 1000x577, 1600966412743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicken is being ostrich-sized
She's a big girl.

>> No.26912964

kiara is pretty based for bring her down a peg. watson clearly thinks she's better than everyone else

>> No.26912968

they switch

>> No.26912976

Slowly building up, but I think most don't hate her, they just don't like her. Too non-hololive-like

>> No.26912977
File: 53 KB, 914x514, ゴズリング16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they hate each other..why can't they get along ...

>> No.26912979

Stay here.

>> No.26912981
File: 2.55 MB, 1156x818, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that she is able to do more full-real game streams soon. I feel as she gets more freetime and isn't working TWO fucking jobs ontop of doing Hololive that stream length will steadily increase. I have no idea how she is able to do anything when she works herself so hard every day.

>> No.26912982

Membership. The brap brought in shitfans.

>> No.26912985

Membership is when it got bad, brapposting was mostly just for fun

>> No.26912992

BRO! No pirating, or we don't get headpats!!!!

>> No.26912998

Are you going to be watching the first member stream tonight? I may have to nap before it

>> No.26913006

>non-stop misandry
>fake laughing
>getting angry at Ina's opinions in a collab she hosted to the point she HAD to make her own tier list
>non-stop jap-only streams
Yeah, she is really better.

The only thing better is that people like me don't reply to people like you anymore. Because ignoring her existence is better than arguing with you.

>> No.26913007

God, I remember how long the "they hate each other" narratives lasted in the other threads for HoloJP for months and months.

>> No.26913011

That's just what women are like bro

>> No.26913013

She outed herself to be your regular streamer bitch who used Hololive as a platform to get herself big.

>> No.26913015

Any hopes on today's collab? I wish it only involved the three NA girls.

>> No.26913018

we're all mentally ill here

>> No.26913023

Those numbers don't look right. I spent way more than 528 yen.

>> No.26913027
File: 56 KB, 585x543, 1600637806426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with "they hate each other narrative" are you people really this desperate for drama?

>> No.26913032

Yeah, I think it started off a bit rough, but mostly just because it is not a style of game she appeared to be used to and she didn't know how to make it entertaining at first. I look forward to her playing more games in the future.

>> No.26913041
File: 61 KB, 594x719, 1572929406864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori farted while streaming and the audio of the fart was captured by her microphone and heard by all attendees of her stream.

>> No.26913042

There's like thousands of other girls on twitch like her, shes a singer not an entertainer.

>> No.26913048
File: 83 KB, 333x319, 1600564195634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'll be watching it. But don't sweat too much, they'll all be up on archive!

>> No.26913059
File: 153 KB, 1080x840, EiuEuxcU8AANiyl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting angry at Ina's opinions in a collab she hosted to the point she HAD to make her own tier list

I wouldn't say get angry, but constantly questioning her to the point where Ina felt obligated to slightly adjust, just to get Chicken off her back, and then getting upset when she got questioned on her taste was not really a good look.

>> No.26913066

/hlg/ schizos were mindbroken by EN's initial success and haven't recovered yet. Now they just sit here and shitpost all day

>> No.26913068

You're back!

>> No.26913069

>people like me don't reply to people like you
Anonchama... your self-awareness reps...

>> No.26913070
File: 530 KB, 1200x1003, 1577612215113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has been blessed by Ninomae Ina'nis, the priestess of the Comfy Ones! From this point on, you will only find comfy posts.

>> No.26913079

>We are getting not enough revenue in Europe from streaming at 3 in the morning! Let's focus even less on Europe!

>> No.26913080
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1578766016335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you retards get along?

>> No.26913083

>dated narratives

>> No.26913085

It's a gaming one between the 5 so the game will do most of the heavy lifting. Then again, considering Ina's issues with pc-kun during the last stream and likely latency issues between the girls in NA and those in JP they'll probably be a few techincal dififculties.

>> No.26913088

The streamer get their money in a couples of months, right? Hopefully by then.

>> No.26913089

It has been a slow build up after her endless shit streams and JP pandering. The culmination was the most jewish membership system in the industry. Saying she has never cared about Hololive didn't help either.

>> No.26913090

They're all good. I like Mori though.

>> No.26913092
File: 95 KB, 379x450, kickyricky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is a whore

>> No.26913095

Pls no bonk

>> No.26913100

>chats are usually going really fast so it's easy to miss messages sometimes

>> No.26913107

it's to be shitshow kino

>> No.26913111

There's something really wrong with your head if that's how you saw things go.

>> No.26913113
File: 845 KB, 498x429, 1600552234565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, comfy squid.

>> No.26913116
File: 45 KB, 585x543, 1588856183754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me.

>> No.26913120

??? What sort of mental illness is this?

Kiara is the one that thinks she is better than everyone else.

>> No.26913122

Surely now there's nothing to complain about

>> No.26913129 [DELETED] 

Which indie do you think is going to get into Hololive next? For me, it's, cause she's cute and she's duo lingo which is gonna be a big draw now that they see how much e-bucks that brings in:

>> No.26913130
File: 618 KB, 832x1000, 1600193648906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get along with all of my chumbuds perfectly

>> No.26913134

Gonna pirate every watch-along movie and still pet Ina's tentacles!

>> No.26913135

>Saying she has never cared about Hololive didn't help either.
>was 2nd place in the "Hololive knowledge questionnaire"
this is the worst narrative that some non schizos idiots actually seems to perpetuate

>> No.26913138

It's mostly a few shizos that moved on from hating Chicken to hating Reaper. Just ignore those literal trannies.

>> No.26913145

>The collab is at 6 AM
Fuck me in the ass-peko

>> No.26913146

EN newfags keep falling for months old narratives with changed names. Shitty nousagi go for easy (you)s. Can't even blame the latter, they are like a force of nature without a mind of its own.

>> No.26913147

20k people were there
she has never reached those numbers since then

>> No.26913152

Because we enable schizo shitposting when it's about someone that's not our oshi

>> No.26913155

>, considering Ina's issues with pc-kun

She hasn't had issues with PC-kun since then though, so she either fixed the issue or it decided to be nice these past few streams despite fucking dying that one time when she was only singing.

>> No.26913156

Are there any holos that actually don't like one another, narrative faggotry aside?

>> No.26913158

Kek. Funniest part is the narrative is that they actually read the threads, wouldn't be surprised if they can use the archive as well unlike 80% of the anons here.

>> No.26913162

chicken was never popular, she always been last in the viewership or subscriptions

>> No.26913163


>> No.26913161


>> No.26913168

>getting angry at Ina's opinions in a collab she hosted to the point she HAD to make her own tier list
Narrative-kun, they both had their seperate tier lists set-up from the beginning. What they seemed to disagree on was whether it was strictly based on appearances and/or gameplay.

>> No.26913169

What do you mean by dated narratives? All of that happened this week.

>> No.26913171

we hate/dislike both actually

>> No.26913180

Chicken was never popular and people trying to whiteknight her because she "cried" doesn't mean she was.

>> No.26913183

Friendly reminder that Mori is most likely to be a bitch irl.

>> No.26913185


>> No.26913187

any drawfags here? whats the best way to get nice and sharp end points for lines? all of my lines end in a very rounded way, corners too. is it a pen pressure or a brush thing?

>> No.26913189

Anybody have a clip of Ina saying "I'm seiso if you say so"?

>> No.26913190

aqua and pekora

>> No.26913193

Because it's HER

>> No.26913203
File: 91 KB, 425x425, 1600429856463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really glad I stayed up for it despite almost fainting (EU). Was a bit worried how it would turn out since we haven't really seen her play any games (except for the mad father streams but they mostly turned into glorified supacha readings) but she did great.

>> No.26913208
File: 34 KB, 500x500, artworks-lbEUeZGlHxX5wXIQ-b6q4Yw-t500x500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona is reading this thread right now. Say something nice about Moona.

>> No.26913209
File: 923 KB, 2828x3052, 1600212866899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Check that pastebin next time.

>> No.26913211
File: 122 KB, 1239x878, Eg_MLUiU8Ag7Qid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23 hours until Haachama English ASMR
Are you ready?

>> No.26913214

I dislike both for different reasons. There is a reason the Trio group mentality has been name dropped more and more often these past few days.

People got tired of Mori's shit and just moved on.

>> No.26913215

Ame replied to Kiara's tweet last night.

>> No.26913216

Is this your OC? Cuz I can't find it on your twitter and I wanted to RT it.

>> No.26913220
File: 114 KB, 210x233, o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26913221


>> No.26913234

take your meds

>> No.26913236

based but also cringe

>> No.26913237
File: 21 KB, 534x248, 1589386924529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people that don't like the brapper are trannies
>the brapper sings about being a tranny and similar gay, faggot, homosexual, lgbt, tranny bs

>> No.26913239

Wait until the collab ban ends and they start collabing with the Jp girls.

>> No.26913241


>> No.26913243

The issue this time is that Ina and PC-kun will be hosting the collab, whereas the past few streams weren't particularly demanding of him.

>> No.26913244

>It's already been confirmed that Amelia and Mori hate each other IRL
Did I miss something during dead hours?

>> No.26913247

Sure, inside your head.

>> No.26913249
File: 279 KB, 460x356, 1601066589205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait!!

>> No.26913252


>> No.26913253


>> No.26913256

Won't she get in trouble for that thumbnail?

>> No.26913257

Noo, what about my narratives now?
I will invent something else tomorrow, don't worry anon. There is always material out there to invent stuff.

>> No.26913263

>send her a fuckton of death threats.
This is not okay

>> No.26913266

>Also choosing 2 basically implies that you're the doxxfaggot shitting the threads.
Was he posting dox or asking for dox?

>> No.26913268

Florida as a whole is shit. Our shitty govenor had just entered phase 3 of reopening everything when we currently have the highest amount of deaths right now. The people here could care less about wearing masks which means the cases will just keep getting higher. Florida is an embarrassment of a state

>> No.26913270

just don't give them (You)s, they'll get bored eventually

>> No.26913271

>Fucks Watson
>Now making the moves on Senchou


>> No.26913273


>> No.26913275

Yes. Do your archive reps.

>> No.26913279

I can't wait to see how she sucks all the life out of this collab the way she does every other one.

>> No.26913280

based EN manager

>> No.26913289

Is this a schizo? Fascinating.

>> No.26913295


My bad. Thanks for giving it as well.

>> No.26913298


>> No.26913300

>supacha at the end tells her she could've just connected KB+M to the console
Is that true?

>> No.26913311

>EN MAnager speaking mostly english
Its not HIM

>> No.26913312
File: 48 KB, 640x360, med_1585995876_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Callis lore implies that she has been a reaper of souls since the dawn of time
>Her lore implies that she had a different form up until 2 weeks ago when she started streaming
Is DD Canon in Callis lore?

>> No.26913314

Please no. I have high hopes this collab will work out since the girls have been working hard.

Do you think it's gonna be a shitshow again?

>> No.26913316

Yeah, moved on by shitposting day and night about her.
You can bet your ass one of the holy trinity will slip up and the tranny niggers will hate on her instead of mori. This is just how this general is going to be from now on.

>> No.26913319
File: 187 KB, 586x1932, 1574521103381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me.

>> No.26913323


>> No.26913326


>> No.26913329


>> No.26913330

The issue i have with mori and kiara is that they seem detached from the other three. I know it's probably because of the timezone but i can't help but think there are actually two internal groups in gen1

>> No.26913332

Well on paper she has the best pc, so it would make sense, no clue what caused the issues the other day unless it's a component failure or something or she had some stuff going on in the background

>> No.26913338

rapisurazuri give me!!!!!

>> No.26913345
File: 85 KB, 198x198, 1600053825256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this time peroid always the worst time peroid for these threads?
For the last week it's been the same retardation from 4AM-12PM PS.
Or is it just because there are no EN streams so the autists are bored?

>> No.26913346

Can the PS4 even recognize them?

>> No.26913356

Nah, D666 is a demon, not a shinigami.

>> No.26913362

One free schizophrenia

>> No.26913369

How the fuck do you prepare for this?!?!?

>> No.26913373

>that BGM
Groovy as f-word, reminds me of Star Light Zone desu

>> No.26913376
File: 317 KB, 375x426, 1592494834167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally can't stop jerking off to Gura

>> No.26913377

She's a huge introvert, but when she's actually in her element she really shines.

>> No.26913378

Peak EU hours + no streams. You do the math.

>> No.26913380

How do you think people play FFXIV and type at the same time?

>> No.26913381

fear not, once the collab ban is lifted Mori and Kiara can spread their wings

>> No.26913384

I'm gonna fucking pop a vein.

>> No.26913387

The ASMR is just gonna be her solving english quizzes very close to the mic

>> No.26913388

>trannies bite the hand that feeds them
yeah, that's usually how it is - she'll know better than to pander to you subhumans again. Now 41% yourself.

>> No.26913390

Dead hours + Euro prime time (+weekend American kids, in this particular case)

>> No.26913400

Yeah, there's a few games where you can use KB+M like FFXIV and CoD:MW.

>> No.26913408

How can you "try many times to off yourself"?

>> No.26913410
File: 1.11 MB, 866x1063, Chadlivian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I barely donate. How could you tell?

>> No.26913412

Notice how with both Mori and Kiara gone, Gura was able to open up talking to Amelia?

>> No.26913413

>White guy
well we know it's not HIM

>> No.26913421

They really should play DbD together with Gura being the killer.

>> No.26913426

It was really nice to see her get angry, I don't think we saw that before. And for someone playing Doom for the first time, she did really fucking well, it wasn't nearly as painful as watching Kiara struggle with the most basic jumps in SM64. Next session should be even better, when she googles some tips and tricks.

>> No.26913430

The /hlg/ schizo is truly a fascinating creature. Despite speaking only broken Japanese at best, he has a terminal case of yellow fever and worships them like higher beings. He hates himself and the fact that he was cursed to be born speaking English instead of Japanese. Knowing he will never be accepted into the culture as anything but disgusting gaijin filth, he will do everything in his power to convince those online that western women can never be as cute or interesting as his precious little Jap dolls.

>> No.26913432

But it supports any mouse and keyboard or a special Sony Approved mouse?

>> No.26913437

ngl that's pretty cringe
if you're just meeting somebody treat'em like a real person you autist

>> No.26913438

Would be neat if she was somehow associated with her, spin off character.

>> No.26913444


>> No.26913445

Probably by being such a failure at life that you can't even manage to kill yourself properly.

>> No.26913465

Any regular mouse or keyboard should work.

>> No.26913466

I genuinely think ame-gura-ina get super well but for some reasons the conversations they have with mori and kiara seem super stiff and forced.

>> No.26913469



>> No.26913468

Europeans. They complain everyday about everything because they never watch any streams.

>> No.26913470

>Amelia offering ASMR for members
>doesn't even have the correct equipment for ASMR/binaural audio

>> No.26913476

The chumbuds, tentacultists, and teamates are fine. For some reason the chickens and deadbeats are always starting shit.

>> No.26913482
File: 979 KB, 700x987, 1600548613197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For someone playing Doom for the first time WITH A GAMEPAD, no less. That stream was WAY less of a shitshow than I was expecting.

>> No.26913483

any. most, probably.

>> No.26913485

>EN Manager is in Japan

I mean it's expected but...

>> No.26913488
File: 816 KB, 1214x933, 1600914771135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't overdo it, chumbud. You might wear yourself out before you get to see Gura.

>> No.26913490

I think a collab stream of them playing Secret Neighbour would be fun for a few streams too. At least long enough for Gura to play neighbour enough times and scare the everloving shit out of the other girls.

>> No.26913494

She's obviously hyperbolic of what happened anon.

>> No.26913500

>69 viewers
I wonder how much these small indies make per month

>> No.26913504

Hurts me that he uses a Ina avatar, fucking retard.

I wish he would off himself already instead of spending his worthless time here whining about the chicken.

>> No.26913524

They seem detached because they are actually detached. Kiara doesn't care about anyone she wants that JP cum. Mori being an extrovert can't handle the other girls besides Amelia, but Amelia doesn't give a fuck about music she is a gamer, and Mori doesn't give a fuck about games, she is a musician. So they have nothing in common.

If you watched the best girls collab you would have also notice how night and day different Gura was. She was completely comfortable around Ina and Amelia, showing how the problem is not her autism, it's Mori.

>> No.26913529

Not schizoposting, but it IS very possible that there's an internal divide between them for a simple reason.

FUCKING TIME ZONES. How the hell are the two groups supposed to get better acquainted when they're 15 hours apart? It's not a matter of anyone hating anyone. I sincerely doubt that's true. Simply that you can't really become quick friends with someone when the only times you're awake, the other is asleep.

>> No.26913536
File: 107 KB, 611x716, 1595433744839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or is it just because there are no EN streams so the autists are bored?
That's me. I'm so fucking bored, and you guys don't make it easy but taking baits so hard.

>> No.26913540

Why do all these bilingual bitches say SOU SOU SOU so often

>> No.26913543

Are we back to pretending Ina wasn't a third wheel in that collab

>> No.26913547

Ever heard of time zones, anon?

>> No.26913551

Do the people that like Callis music just have shit taste, or do they relate to being kinda shit at their chosen path and find it endearing? It's painfully bad, especially the writing.

>> No.26913552 [DELETED] 


It's got to 1m

>> No.26913558

Here's a guide to identifying a falseflag:
>doesn't care about anyone
>best girls

>> No.26913562

Why would they pick jp based girls for holoen anyway
Imagine a group with 5 NA based girls instead of only 3. All the collab potential....

>> No.26913566

Try making some edits my friend, it helps me ignore obvious bait.

>> No.26913570

If it proves popular, I could see her doing upgrades to the audio setup in the near future
Or at least something to help remove that slight background noise that picks up whenever she speaks normally

>> No.26913573

I like how this guy's a fucking retarded degenerate autist and people are praising him in the comments section. "HE'S CULTURED!!" Like are you fucking for real?

>> No.26913576

Only 1m? If you ask me there must be some sort of mistake.

>> No.26913580

wtf did she mean by that?

>> No.26913587

Yes, i even mentioned it in my own post

>> No.26913590
File: 119 KB, 225x474, 1600929784760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no HER limiters are coming off.

>> No.26913593

he's banned

>> No.26913594

Because FBK also does it, I guess

>> No.26913599

Hey buddy the Toiwan... thread is two blocks down

>> No.26913602

who hurt you?

>> No.26913606

It's cute faggot

>> No.26913609

This. Amazing how many butthurt normies there are in here. Keep seething about yet another day passing without being able to go clubbing or whatever the fuck while I stay comfy indoors, faggots.

>> No.26913615
File: 74 KB, 453x604, 1599540939581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does ASMR
>"pushipushipu" very quietly for 30 minutes

>> No.26913618

Even getting two EU-based girls would have been better for group cohesion. 7 hours isn't nearly as difficult to deal with as 15. But I'm not gonna complain; the JP-based girls are wonderful.

>> No.26913619

You realize NA is a bigass place and even if they're technically on the same side of the world Ina can't just take the train and visit Gura or Amelia either, right?

>> No.26913621

>tfw gura is scottish

>> No.26913623

Picking 5 NA girls would mean the majority of them would be based in the US. And I can't trust any American to be decent and stay on top of things as compared to anyone else. We got lucky that only 2 of HoloEN are actually in the US.

>> No.26913631

Stop thinking like a sane person, we don't do this on /hlgg/

But to add on that, even with other gens on HoloJP things always took some time to start, for some members it took weeks for they to get fully confortable with each other. Fags in this thread never had relationships with anyone in their lives so they don't understand how friendships take time to form, this applies to the western girls too.

>> No.26913634
File: 565 KB, 591x1032, 1588264728464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm starting to think it's her...

>> No.26913635

>anyone who has any problems with any holo is falsefagging
Jesus christ fuck off already.

>> No.26913637

Not anymore, he got unbanned.

>> No.26913638

i want some real english girls though
with some cute accent

>> No.26913647

You talk like that only because your parents didn't die from Corona. Remember than the reason why is still spreading it's because of retarded normalfags

>> No.26913648

That post seem honestly fine to me and i've been hunting schizos for a while

>> No.26913653

When she calls someone a wee cunt then I'll buy into that

>> No.26913656
File: 444 KB, 961x786, file_f0fv19v0ov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, that would be hilarious and worth my money

>> No.26913660

It's weird because Amelia herself is openly lewd and horny. She's a sexy, erotic girl who has no problem with sex.

She looks at lewds of herself and masturbates to them, so why can't you?

>> No.26913661

If you're going to be wato's boyfriend you need to accept that Bubba is part of the family. Good and the bad parts of him.

>> No.26913662

Anon, unfortunately ban evading in this website is the easiest thing in the word.

>> No.26913664

Can't wait for Gura to barely do anything in the collab again besides staring at tiddies

>> No.26913665

The fuck is this narrative? Gura's first fucking collab was with Calli shooting the shit, drawing, and it was fine.

>> No.26913670
File: 252 KB, 1092x841, 270TOWIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Huke papa!"
Friendly reminder to all that the official Hololive EN Power Rankings are as follows:

Mori = Kiara = Ina = Gura = Amelia

These power rankings are final, and may not be disputed or superseded.

>> No.26913671

It's not HER

>> No.26913676

Neither can Yagoo, which is why he picked canadians.

>> No.26913680

Why does this thread have so many people who just want to stir up shit

>> No.26913686

HoloEN is in good hands.

>> No.26913690

There's tons of girls like Mori (although not saying they have the talents) in big west coast cities and absolutely abhor them. Usually just sit there with weed all day and have a tendency to cause scenes in public. Now that wouldn't fly in Japan as far as I know, and once again Mori has various talents and decent amount of Japanese to get by, but I don't want to deal with Meth head, wigger drama IRL, not to mention in my hobbies.

Hope she steers herself good as she seems to have a good amount of self-awareness.

>> No.26913692

>Even getting two EU-based girls would have been better for group cohesion.
Though the question is how hard would it be to actually scout Europe for female talent that actually would be willing to become vtubers?

>> No.26913693

braphuffer detected

>> No.26913694

I really love Wame but I would have loved her more if she had Welsh/Scottish accent.

>> No.26913697

Basted and mythpilled.

>> No.26913702

It's an anonymous website, we have all sorts of mentally ill rejects here.

>> No.26913703

Go back to your /hlg/ hugbox deadbrap. Mori and Kiara aren't welcome here.

>> No.26913704
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>> No.26913705


Because it has so many more who just want to reply to people who just want to stir up shit.

>> No.26913708

what the fuck is this "trio hating mori and kiara" narrative? are you faggots that bored?

>> No.26913711

Yeah sorry about that, but tribalism has already taken over most people here. Most posts about how the trinity is totally better than the other two are mostly from random posters.

>> No.26913718


>> No.26913721

I know nothing about NJ except that ATHF is set there.

>> No.26913723

I enjoy it unironically, but I like some of her old stuff better and am slightly worried staying in character might be a problem for her, writing-wise.

>> No.26913729

Hardware failure might fit. (PSU? Electronic component on the Motherboard?)

>> No.26913731
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, 1598968587424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's HER?

>> No.26913735

Ame = Ina = Gura > Kiara > Mori
You'll find no fish here faggot, go away doxxposter

>> No.26913739

>DOOM Eternal does not have keyboard and mouse support for console.
I guess it doesn't really matter in this case.

>> No.26913742

Even better, the ASMR is rea With the dog.

>> No.26913743
File: 65 KB, 1440x1080, 1600902970672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They complain everyday about everything because they never watch any streams.
No shit, stream hours are clearly aimed at the US. It's either watching past broadcasts or staying up until 4 AM for us.

>> No.26913745
File: 205 KB, 900x720, 1596940879844.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty chicken

>> No.26913751

Amelia deeply scarred tongue....

>> No.26913755

It's not mine. I found it in a thread a few days ago but I haven't been able to find the artist myself. Maybe it's from some anonymous drawanon or something.

>> No.26913754


>> No.26913756

Yeah i also would not mind bongs, i think they would make things interesting

>> No.26913759

>cute accent
Pick one

>> No.26913768

Narratives like that are what /hlg/ has been made of for months, and /hlgg/ has also degenerated into this. There is no turning back.

>> No.26913773


>> No.26913777

There're literal trannies amongst us - what did you expect?

>> No.26913780

>she couldn't even taste your cum if it was on her tongue...

>> No.26913783

Look at the amount of unique posters, it's really just a few schizo's but everyone keeps falling for the bait and giving them (you)'s.

>> No.26913786

watch the vods you nigger
being an east coast shitter I can barely catch mori or kiara's

>> No.26913788


>> No.26913789

i pick cute accent!

>> No.26913791

Picture this: Mori's tiny, hot room, 10 AM by the end of summer. Imagine all the sweat under her boobs after the Doom stream. Now imagine putting your dick in there, who would even do that haha

>> No.26913796

Nice history revisionism.

Remember how it was suppose to be a song review? Remember how instead we got endless ackward silence while Mori spoke about her life for 60 minutes and Gura replied with yes or no? Remember that, you history revisionist tard?

Mori actually believed Gura was a passionated musician like her that's probably why she inveted her to discuss her song. Her plan failed hard.

>> No.26913795

I know sex is fun. I'd want to do it with Ame. But every thought I have of her is pure.
I used to think it was strange but I guess now it's kind of refreshing. I stopped being a degenerate coomer right around this month and she might have been the reason. God I love you so much Wato you're turning me around

>> No.26913802

same that would make her perfect but we can still hope for more accents in gen 2

>> No.26913810

What other kinds of music have you been listening to recently, artists wise, and how much music do you listen to on an average day?

>> No.26913812
File: 860 KB, 822x781, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trinityfags are now encouraging antis

>> No.26913816

>get to watch the best trio live
Sounds optimal to me

>> No.26913821

You must suck at reading people, anon in which I understand cause autism. But Gura was notably quiet. Even at some point Amelia put her on the spot for a fact about floaties or something in a collab I could easily tell that she was nervous.

>> No.26913823

>antis are now pretending to be trinityfags
Fixed that for you, ogey?

>> No.26913824

Actually I'm a fucking idiot there's a signature by her leg. I can can only find the image here but the artist has a Twitter too. https://twoucan.com/profile/rentikoy

>> No.26913825

>t. anti

>> No.26913826
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>> No.26913827

Because they are antis.

>> No.26913829

This is Kiara and Mori's relationship behind the scenes


>> No.26913833

Her weed references honestly scared me.

>> No.26913839

Picture this: You are under Amelia's desk. She told you to shut up and be quiet down there. A few minutes later however she puts her feet on your face but doesn't say anything. You start licking her toes and she doesn't react to it.

>> No.26913841

>Coco keeping her Member's Only on

>> No.26913843

>When Mori playing Doom eternal's just made me want to watch a speed run of the game instead.
I already got my streamwatching fix of the game off SingSing months ago, who has a good speedrun of the game, though?

>> No.26913844
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>> No.26913846
File: 269 KB, 696x379, 1599949538598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calli is a strange case because I think she is talented, but gets her inspiration from the most embarrassing place imaginable. The type of Japanese hiphop she emulates is basically like our own soundcloud rap except it's made by sheltered nerds instead of druggies. Just take a look at some of her pre-hololive associates to get an idea of how bad it gets...

>> No.26913849
File: 138 KB, 384x318, hayai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26913850
File: 526 KB, 1414x1000, 1600576302994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it seems all antis do have tiny dicks after all. What a discovery!

>> No.26913860
File: 79 KB, 1056x816, 1578007749900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Norwegians/Finnish/Swedish people know English pretty well, I think there are a lot of talents there who maybe will be inspired after seeing HoloEN Gen1, or maybe they got shadowed by Gen1 girls to begin with.
I remember my GW2 guildmaster was a Norwegian and she had the kind of voice that would make you cum just by listening her, and most people from those places have that kind of voice.

>> No.26913870

>just has the dog lick the microphone

>> No.26913875

My parents aren't obese 80 year olds.

>> No.26913877
File: 899 KB, 3000x3000, 1589368527053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trinity chads accept the harsh truth. Fuck off back to r*ddit if you can't handle it.

>> No.26913878

this but remove mori and kiara from holoen and send them to holojp

>> No.26913882


>> No.26913884

I feel this way about Gura. I love Amelia and definitely want to fuck her and I love seeing her hornypost.

But with Gura, despite being the kind of loli I'd normally be into, I just want to protect her. I don't even know if I want to be pervy with her anymore, I just want to play Mario Kart with her and keep her safe, giving lots of headpats.

>> No.26913886

That's what peak /hlg/ looks like, embrace it.

Remember tonight we will be observing:
>who clogs the attention
>who speaks the least
>who seems like she doesn't want to be there
And other details, and we will observe this solely for the purpose of creating narratives. Remember this anon, while you watch tonight's collab.

>> No.26913887

Keyboard- and Mouse-players would have destroyed their controller-brethren.

>> No.26913893

Nerds are preferable to druggies though.

>> No.26913894
File: 2.36 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Mori sucks

>> No.26913897

>Ina wants to play CoC, octodad, pokémon, FF XIV, MO Astray, etc etc
>has a grand total of 2 solo gameplay episodes 3 weeks into her debut

>> No.26913898
File: 124 KB, 1211x656, my colonel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love chicken so much guys

>> No.26913899

I mean, yes.
I've dropped Kiara because I don't like her voice(mic isn't gonna fix that) , hate how her character model moves, and her personality is offputting. And I'm just not interested in the content that Mori's put out since her collab with Ina. But I still had to watch those after the fact. I'm also close to dropping Watson if she doesn't find games to play that she's comfortable with.

>> No.26913902

Layers of samefagging, man. Been saying this for a while but we do need poster IDs.

>> No.26913907


>> No.26913915

Kokorobeats would.

>> No.26913920

It's just pathetic and sad to see, really.

>> No.26913923

She's fucking busy and I can 100% bet you she was playing her mobile phone games during her zatsudan last night.

>> No.26913927

￰ ￰ ￰▲
￰▲￰ ▲

>> No.26913928

I gotta admit it's cute. What would a Scandinavian/Finn girl's design be? Shark would be perfect but Gura already got it.

>> No.26913935

>But with Gura, despite being the kind of loli I'd normally be into, I just want to protect her. I
You cannot protect her from lolicon idol once the collab ban ends.

>> No.26913937

How do we convince Deadbraps and chickenfags that they aren't welcome here so they can finally fuck off forever and we can have decent threads again?

>> No.26913939

>reading the thread during a stream you're trying to enjoy
Not gonna make it.

>> No.26913940

I think they have saviour complex. They see a girl sing her heart out and get ignored and feel the need to give her support and appreciate her.
I don't care about her music either, I honestly think it's really bad, but I don't attack anyone for liking it.
There are people in this thread that unironically enjoy Metal and are over the age of 18, so people liking her music is the least of the problems here

>> No.26913942

Trinityfags are a priori antis. Dividing girls by some imaginary lines is actual tribalism.

>> No.26913944
File: 486 KB, 790x654, 1600893921971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all the EN holos have moderators or stream support right? I'm guessing that's what Loserbait and AO-san are supposed to be.

>> No.26913945

Nice. Thanks anon! I found the tweet from here.

>> No.26913947
File: 1.11 MB, 3264x2448, 1600672336029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you change your oshi over time? Why?
I like Ame but what if someone in HoloEN gen2 steals my heart?

>> No.26913950

i like mori but i share your concerns too
i don't remember how it came up, but she said she never did weed or something along the lines
also japan is pretty anti-drugs i think

>> No.26913954

Ask a stranger to say she's horny? Literally no tact

>> No.26913959

I've dropped everyone except for Mori and Ina already

>> No.26913962

yes, you can even see it happening visually when mori keeps taking more of the drawing space and squeezing gura's sketch out and and she just quietly goes along with it

>> No.26913967

Gura kind of just sat there. The most lively Gura was during any collab so far was during the Surgeon dealio and she was completely in her element. Even Ina was relatively lively during that, she's just so lo-fi that its hard for her to insert herself into situation if there's enough loud voices.

I think we need to see more about how things turn out but the biggest issue really is dealing with extreme time differences. I've naturally grown distant form Mori and Chicken because I'm not gonna give up sleep for my wage slave job for them.

>> No.26913977


>> No.26913982
File: 653 KB, 876x1211, 1600877960849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura will be protected.

>> No.26913983

Seriously, just remove Mori and Kiara.

>> No.26913984

>You start licking her toes
Immersion broken

>> No.26913986
File: 68 KB, 187x232, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26913987

I want to feel that tongue with mine. Amelia's roomate is so cute.

>> No.26913988

A valkyrie

>> No.26913995

I rarely watch game streams anymore anyway, suits me.

>> No.26914002 [DELETED] 
File: 1.55 MB, 2000x965, v8lyei9v6hp51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you kneel to her?

>> No.26914003

insane its 2020 and you newfags still cant triforce
￰ ￰ ￰▲
￰▲ ▲

>> No.26914004
File: 3.96 MB, 266x400, 1600478038894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the girls are all really good friends and would be disgusted by you and your posts if you were attempting to segregate them by groups. Stop being so pathetic.

>> No.26914012


>> No.26914019

You're the ones orchestrating this shit.

>> No.26914020

Did you all forget Mori's sell reference? She clearly comes to these threads. Your anti posts are making her feel bad.

>> No.26914021

Amelia needs the most protection.
>scarred tongue
>hole in the head
>was left in a car hot enough to melt crayon
>has some kind of hiccup issue
What did I forget?

>> No.26914022

Deep down they already know that, but they are trying their hardest to fit in. Quite sad really.

>> No.26914023


>> No.26914035

They really really really aren't. Say what you want about their lifestyle, at least they have interesting life experience or a different perspective to share.

When I hear a nasally Japanese guy whinge about how they're misunderstood by normies I want to blow my fucking brains out

>> No.26914037

What about the Finnish holoen?

>> No.26914043

>She clearly comes to these threads.
You're forcing me to insult her all day long then.

>> No.26914044

The fact that Anons fell for such a basic shitposting tactic
>hey this thing you like is on top 3, why should you care about the other 2, let me keep baiting and shitposting your threads to no end!
Creating a imaginary divisory line based on dumb narratives from this thread is the lamest kind of tribalism you could find.

>> No.26914052

Who wants to bet Amelia keeps doing guerrilla streams to juke her stream support creeps like the loser

>> No.26914055

Watson always challenges herself into uncomfortable situations, I think you're just not into her

>> No.26914058

Talking about the song was a bad idea. There's no way that conversation could have sustained an hour stream. There's no room for Gura to shitpost, which leaves Calli to either brag or self-criticize to fill time. This was a failure of management.

>> No.26914060

she's a little autistic in a good way
we must protect our retarded detectbve

>> No.26914061

can't wait for head hole's whistle ASMR

>> No.26914062

>hole in the head
How is she still alive?

>> No.26914063
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As far as EN goes I've loved Ina and no one's really reached her level for me, but everyone's gotten close. Close second is Chicken
Also even if your feelings do change overtime then she was never really your oshi in the first place. That or you really have to re-evaluate your feelings

>> No.26914066

>whatever the side effects of huffing gasoline and sharpies are

>> No.26914069
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>> No.26914070

Only if she has a penis

>> No.26914072

fucks dogs and greasy ricenigger ojisans

>> No.26914084

>the girls are all really good friends
There's no way to know if this is actually true. Just as there's no way to know if they hate each other.

>> No.26914087
File: 1.55 MB, 2000x965, v8lyei9v6hp51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>composite of all Hololive girls' faces
Will you kneel to Hololive-chan?

>> No.26914090

Even if that somehow happened and nobody (not even falseflaggers) mentioned Kiara or Calli again you guys would still find something to fight about. it has nothing to do with the girls and everything to do with the people here.

>> No.26914091


Not him but watching it for the first time
holy shit

>> No.26914092

Cut her thumb tip off.

>> No.26914093

Dunno but she said on stream she has some kind of hole in her head from when she was younger and she can feel air coming in through it or something

>> No.26914095

I don't understand why some people from /hlg/ are against the shark. If she become even more popular that means more permissions to hololive

>> No.26914098

>hole in the head
Holes bring liberation.

>> No.26914100

Wato is just a klutz, I think she's mentally strong though. Just need to make sure you can afford the hospital funds when she gets into an accident.

>> No.26914101

It was an experimentation situation she brought up during a "Have you ever been wasted/drunk." question during her QnA. Something to do with college. She just brought it up cause she said the alcohol thing was more recent rather then something she has since her younger years. I.e. she said she was relatively clean growing up.

>> No.26914104

Not even my granpa is afraid of the corona shit and he is 80 years old.

>> No.26914106

Ina always had one. Mori got one after a few knee grows slipped by. We don't really know about others, even Loserbait might not be a mod.

>> No.26914110

>There's no way to know if this is actually true.

>> No.26914112

>scarred tongue


>> No.26914114
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What the fuck?

>> No.26914116

It's so stiff and painfully out of touch. Are japs just behind the curve? I know they had a decent stint of jazz hip but Moris shit reminds me of the worst stuff i heard in music production classes in college from kids that literally had never touched the genre before.

>> No.26914122

>Did you all forget Mori's sell reference? clearly comes to these threads.
Though it is possible she only sticks to places like /a/ or /v/.

>> No.26914124
File: 55 KB, 400x400, gay baby retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Gura actually worth watching or is she just popular for her design? I've only been watching Ina and Amelia

>> No.26914126
File: 181 KB, 900x1229, rina-saethra-dancing-hulder2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cow-girl modeled off the Huldra/Skogsra

>> No.26914130

Gura yes, but not everyone else
I can see kiara being a massive bitch behind the scenes and mori as well to some degree

>> No.26914131

I'm a deadbeat but Ame offers a really good deal so I may member both

>> No.26914141
File: 144 KB, 850x1105, 27EDBF08-9D0C-4728-85CD-D7FE6AD081CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, so Gura and Shion are becoming friends..
This is my first time I appreciate google translation from the bottom of my heart.
As you may have already known, toddlers instinctively tell apart ones who are superficially nice and who are genuinely kind hearted, even though she seems just a lazy ass.
I wanna see Gura snuggling down in the bosom of Shion.. Don’t you?

>> No.26914140

She is literally a meitantei. I guess that explains why she noted ID: Invaded during her intro.

>> No.26914153

Yes, she's great and deserves her subs

>> No.26914154

They have all talked about being good friends anon. Maybe if you watched the streams you would know.

>> No.26914157

HOLO hears when I call to Her.

>> No.26914159

Ever seen a group of five friends where all of them were 100% equally friends with each other?

Exactly. It doesn't really exist. Sooner or later some of them bond slightly more and you know one of them would start to be the fifth wheel.

>> No.26914160

Listen it again. It's not a literal hole, it's just the damaged nerves that give her weird feelings.

>> No.26914163

She's fine, I guess. She's a natural comedian, but it's nothing mindblowing, just good content.

>> No.26914169

What's up with that name?

>> No.26914170

I'm sold on holoFN.

>> No.26914172

Good thing Gura herself don't agree with you.

>> No.26914173

She's a straightlace according to her Q&A. Never smoked pot, and never wants to. She had an anecdote about college friends trying to pressure her into it but she ended up setting her hair on fire instead.

Ironic weed culture is just a west coast white girl meme.

>> No.26914176

You should care about Watson, not what she plays. You're suppose to enjoy struggling with her, because she likes playing these shitty games that arent her style.

>> No.26914180
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>> No.26914183

Miko has short tongue, probably from her downs syndrome or some other birth defect.

>> No.26914186

is she a katawa shoujo heroine? that sounds intense

>> No.26914189


>> No.26914194

I want to mating press Gura while Shion holds her hand and whispers dirty things into her ear.

>> No.26914196

Good taste anon. Gura has lots of clipworthy content, I guess.

>> No.26914199

Gura is actually incredibly boring, no idea how she got so popular

>> No.26914202

Oh no no no trinitybros? They can't do that, they can't be good friends like that NOOOOO

>> No.26914212

>HoloEN Gen 2
>A space captain, a robot, and a harem of three various different kinds of alien girls.

>> No.26914219

You misunderstood me, which is why I told you to "remember this while you watch it"
I'm also gonna skip the thread, but I will pay attention to what I said, and I WILL come here to talk about it as soon as it's over. Whatever nitpick any of us can find will be discussing and used as material for the next few days. You cannot avoid it unless you stop browsing here.

>> No.26914222

She's just okay. I'm probably in the minority, but she just hasn't done anything interesting for me during her gameplay streams like Ame, Mori, and Kiara have.

>> No.26914225

Gura really needs to play more DbD.

>> No.26914241

Her head was stapled shut, so no hole. Though I want her to get a membership angry emoji where steam comes out of the top of her head.

>> No.26914244

From her tastes, /v/ seems most likely.

>> No.26914245
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FUCK that shit is so hot

>> No.26914247


It's like the cries of my soul finally reached her

>> No.26914249
File: 291 KB, 1095x778, 1600599706063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scarred tongue
Wait, what the fuck? I thought this was some Teamate-anti nonsense, you're telling me it's real? I need to do my VOD reps...

>> No.26914258

Her Dead by Daylight stream took a while to warm upto but once she got outside she really seemed to be enjoying herself flexing her APEX PREDATOR muscles.

>> No.26914268

dont argue with schizos. They literally hate on Mori because she got the most $$$. They need to cope somehow

>> No.26914274
File: 134 KB, 318x366, 546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shark will stream something other than the collab today right? She already had a day off then just one hour stream. Even Ina is streaming more now.

>> No.26914281

mori has done interesting gameplay streams?? when?????

>> No.26914283

It's all on the Mosaic stream, just skip the game parts and watch the mini zatsudans when her Switch is overheating

>> No.26914284
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An anon yesterday said it best.

HoloEn is a trio with 2 guests.

>> No.26914285

She really came out strong in yesterday's stream. Apex predator playing with her food is A+ content.

>> No.26914286

Friday the 13th would've been fun but I have no idea what the hell the licensing situation even is for that anymore.

>> No.26914287

If I were to put it in /a/ terms, she's not the kind of girl that always watches Naruto. She's the autist with a MAL tracking how much anime she has seen.

>> No.26914290

Man, that voice is soothing on par with the best of JPs, this is great.

>> No.26914297
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Pay for Jordon

>> No.26914298

Apparently she's really conscious of it, I thought that I couldn't understand her because my Japanese was bad, but even nips can't comprehend half of the shit she says.

>> No.26914301

We hate Mori because of her unsufferable retarded fanbase that defend her even when she goes full jew mode, don't try to be smart faggot

>> No.26914303
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Very important poll

>> No.26914305

>They literally hate on Mori because she got the most $$$.
Mostly because of Simp war.

>> No.26914312

They're only required to stream 3 times a week and you're being a gigantic fucking child over this. She already said she'd stream more next week.

>> No.26914315
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yeah retard just look at it
its true tho

>> No.26914319
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Fuck I hate how relatable she is. When I notice that someone else is doing something wrong to me especially when it's something so minor I just accept it cause I don't think it's a big deal to mention or I'm just afraid that they'd react badly if I said something

>> No.26914320


>> No.26914321

Apparently she tripped while eating ice cream and faceplanted, almost tore her tongue off.

>> No.26914328

It's just my own personal feeling. I wouldn't have included her there if not for her DOOM stream last night, where she improved decently for someone who had never really played FPS games before.

>> No.26914329


>> No.26914331

Yes just ignore the fact that Ina was literally 3wheel during that collab.

>> No.26914336

Jap nerds make really fucking good noise and breakcore (groups like CDR), but i totally agree that if Mori is an exemplar of their brand of hiphop they need to just pack it up.

>> No.26914337
File: 50 KB, 970x545, 1536277275679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain goslingposting to retard, I feel like I actually understand it less after watching the movie
In the movie K goslinged when he learned that a memory he thought was fake was actually real, he thought it was his and that he was born (?) but it was the memorysmith woman's memory copied to him
But anons gosling when chuuba does something that triggers strong emotional response that makes them want to be with the girl, that seems kind of backwards.

>> No.26914338

I've had so many daydreams of taking care of a helpless Ame. These lore drops are helping.

>> No.26914341

Nothing against Mori or Kiara, but they really should separate them more for the sake of collabs. The physical distance makes things difficult because of both latency and timezones.

>> No.26914344

Yes. Deadbraps aren't welcome here.

>> No.26914348

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

>> No.26914349

Ok deadbraps, you subbed. Post the early schedule.

>> No.26914352

She's growing into her situation and liked her more recent streams. I do believe she was and still is carried hard-core by her character design and she's suffering heavily from more "fish-out-of-water" situations then others. She's also holding way back on singing but only partial blame for that, tons of legal issues she has to deal with.

I wonder who her manager is because she's holding back on memberships at the moment and really doesn't seem like the type to come up with it herself.

>> No.26914359

>500$ USD
that's like a week in cali

>> No.26914364

>I wouldn't have included her there if not for her DOOM stream last night, where she improved decently for someone who had never really played FPS games before.
just admit you like watching her and thats it
Mori's gameplay streams are pretty awful and i'd never ever reccomend her to anyone that wants to see videogames considering how terrible she is

>> No.26914365

Guys, I think Ame just likes everything under her art tag on twitter. She's liked both my coupons

>> No.26914369

I’m serious. Why did Gura tried to contact with Shion even though she’s almost illiterate at English? There should be some chemistry inconceivable for us filthy adults..
You should be castrated.

>> No.26914376

Ina was fine. Even while tilted beyond belief (she admitted this) she did well to interact. You could hear her talking with them if you watched Amelia's side, not so much Gura's.

>> No.26914387

Why wouldn't you?
If I were an Hololiver I'd appreciate even ironic MS Paint art. People still dedicated time to them, even if it's just an entire minute.

>> No.26914395


>> No.26914396

Gura is fun and cute, it's just that every time I watch her streams, I feel like she's holding something back.

>> No.26914397

I can't believe I'm saying this but EA might actually be based when it comes to streamers. They're basically okay with you streaming anything. As opposed to Capcom where you basically have to jump through hoops and strike some kind of deal to stream their games.

>> No.26914402

The 3/2 split just makes sense fir the sake of latency. The 5 girl collabs all have them struggling to avoid talking over one another because of the time delay and it clearly impacts their chemistry.

>> No.26914403
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1200, genholoen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the most important poll:

>> No.26914404

It's just >tfw no gf posting but slightly more aesthetically pleasing since it uses goslings instead of wojaks. Don't overthink it, Anon.

>> No.26914405

You need a retweet and comment for a real like

>> No.26914410

>I’m serious. Why did Gura tried to contact with Shion even though she’s almost illiterate at English?
Because she likes Shion? I'd try to connect with my favorite streamers if I was in the same place as them even if I didn't speak their language.

>> No.26914414
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>> No.26914418
File: 400 KB, 590x591, 160040697795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the info anons. I feel like I need to appreciate her even more now, after all the shit she's been through.

>> No.26914420

If HoloEN only launched with "the trinity" you would still find one member to shit on

>> No.26914426

she could've been dead by now

>> No.26914427

Literally /vg/ thread enemy behavior.

>> No.26914433

Well no shit people here still shit on ame

>> No.26914434

Same. I'd be tapping hearts on every single post on my art tag (except low effort "memes" fuck that shit)

>> No.26914436

I have the perfect idea for an amelia semi lewd art commission.

Shame I dont have the hundreds of bucks it would cost to have someone good draw it.

>> No.26914438

Its HER.

And she is holding back, her desk slams and cursing is hilarious.

>> No.26914440

fuck: ina
marry: amelia
kill: kiara

>> No.26914453
File: 249 KB, 803x1080, 1577637798312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something someting roommates, vtuber dislikes the other vtuber, random made up drama
give me (you)s please

>> No.26914457

>If HoloEN only launched with "the trinity" you would still find one member to shit on

>> No.26914459

The fact that Watson's games are so unpredictable in quality are part of the appeal. It's watching her struggle through them that's the draw. Sometimes the struggle will be the gameplay and puzzles, sometimes it'll just be the motivation to stick with something long after her switch has given up.

She's not Korone-tier in that she'll make a kusoge worth watching just through her sheer determination, but I'd watch her playthrough a game I've seen other people stream previously just for her take on it.

>> No.26914460

Enough that a 5 dollar donation is enough to make your day. Trust me even a dollar is enough Because it’s not like we expect to actually make money streaming
T. Dude who used to stream to a peak audience of 60 on a really good day. Stopped but I still talk to the people who supported me

>> No.26914461

You posted the same thing four times.

>> No.26914473

She doesn't have a literal hole in her head you morons.

Ever heard the term "psychosomatic"?

>> No.26914475

Then maybe she should address the shitting situation instead of pussyfooting around with her fake tinkle narrative, and start repairing some of the damage she has caused.

>> No.26914479

calling it now numberbros
she'll be the first of this bunch to reach 600K

>> No.26914477

I only ever feel like shitting on the cringe reaper and wish she'd drop the cringy japanglish and overrall cringy as fuck act forever
Might actually be my most disliked hololive from all the 50 talents

>> No.26914482

She is destroying her own momentum.

>> No.26914484

Honestly your girls being hated here is not necessarily a bad thing for them outside of here. I've never watched Mori or Kiara, but if this cesspool of autism and mental illness hates them, it means they are probably doing something right.

>> No.26914485

she doesnt need your protection you fucking retard. She is disgusted by autistic stalkers like you. Holy fuck why Ame must suffer there retarded fans

>> No.26914488

EA is not a japanese company

>> No.26914492

What do you even mean? Both Shion and Gura are 20+ year old women meant to be bred.

>> No.26914494

She's played like 2 games, and both mad dad streams were completely dominated by the fucking north american proxy war in the superchats, which shouldn't ever happen again. Doom was fun and she improved at a pretty good pace despite some teething issues and there's some good moments in mad dad when she actually got to play

>> No.26914495

>She is destroying her own momentum

>still gets 18k+ subscribers on days she doesn't stream


>> No.26914497

Goslingposting is just an overused reaction face, no connection to the movie.
I'm glad it makes you retards go see it though. It's a fantastic film.

>> No.26914496

Nope. She has not liked some of the hardcore lewd art. But she's liked and commented on some of the feet ones which I fucking love cause I'm a footfag and dream of her stepping on my crotch.

>> No.26914499

>We shouldn't be called out, we didn't do nothing. By the way here's Amelia's roommate!

>> No.26914505

Didn't Gura say she was going to do longer streams this week last week but now she said next week yesterday?

>> No.26914507

Gura had a really weak start, we would be probably shitting on her

>> No.26914506
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>> No.26914509

>loserbait really is their manager
oh no no no no

>> No.26914516

Her stream numbers dropped by half already.

>> No.26914517

I bore with her all five hours in the Mosaic stream. Quite the wild ride

>> No.26914521

Too bad they have nothing worth streaming

>> No.26914522

Not five but 4 yes, it's called your school friends.

>> No.26914528

Getting prank calls all day


>> No.26914533

How was Chickens japanese only stream?

>> No.26914534
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>> No.26914537

yes. her voice is really nice to listen to and she does a great job of making a fun and relaxing stream either out of games she likes or out of kusoge. she's funny but in more of a quiet way, not in a loud, hilarious way, so whether you like that will depend on your sense of humor.

>> No.26914541

Well she is. SHE used to be much more crass in her way of speaking. She used to curse and even use adult lingo.

Clearly on holo she's family friendly

>> No.26914543

Ina's voice was probably easier to make out on everyone elses streams other than her own.

>> No.26914546

Numberfags should be executed

>> No.26914548

Wait, I know why this thread is so horrible. No Mikoboat yet.

>> No.26914549


>> No.26914551

or maybe I'm shitposting retard, why are you so dumb? Taking things seriously here seriously messes with your head stop it

>> No.26914553

I remember when Mori first debuted and everyone thought she was the strongest HoloEN....

>> No.26914554
File: 62 KB, 370x329, 1572246694057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would've been Ame, no doubt. Or maybe Gura, solely because of HER, with that fake doxx blown out of proportion. Ina is the only member of the EN crew who doesn't offend anybody. At least for now.

>> No.26914556

Pretty chicken, is she really what the /pol/nigs make her out to be.

>> No.26914559

She already said she might stream after

>> No.26914560

The week after next week’s next week

>> No.26914565

i always thought DbD was that game, just renamed. dont know why i thought that

>> No.26914567

>mori and kiara
What the fuck?

Gura unlike those two, have actually played games and doesn't spent her time reading garbage SC. Gura actually streams.

>> No.26914580

It's not HER.

>> No.26914588

Not really. Ina is awesome, Gura is awesome, Amelia is awesome.

>> No.26914590

She's worse...

>> No.26914594

I would've done if it wasn't for the CageKino luring me away. Even then, judging from the reactions in /hlgg/ Amelia's stream may have been the most scary.

>> No.26914596

You know damn well you'd love to see any of the girls playing Dead Space.

>> No.26914602

I dropped it after the first match was over. The game was really boring.

What's the appeal? Was the second match better or something? I like gura but the game was really really bad.

>> No.26914603

She needs to remove her limiter

>> No.26914604

Her self deprecation gets annoying honestly, I was expecting her to more like EN Coco

>> No.26914607

some people just hate koreans

>> No.26914609

You realize Kiara was the first one to play real games, right?

>> No.26914610

Have you considered she wants a clean break from all of that?

>> No.26914611

That girl needs therapy.

>> No.26914614


>> No.26914618

>those two
Maybe Mori hasn't bothered to play much, but Kiara has had the best vidya streams besides Watson. Fire Emblem and Bing Bing Wahoo were peak comfy.

>> No.26914620

>Because she likes Shion
And why?
Tbh, Shion doesn’t seem that competitive with other top holos. But somehow Gura sniffed out her eminent motherly instinct and snuggled up to her.
What a wholesome story..

>> No.26914623

Pretty fun, she talked a lot about HoloEN for the JP audience and about HoloJP too, really felt that the stream was a bridge to connect both audiences.

>> No.26914631
File: 11 KB, 146x147, 1600844413567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right you PUSSY.

>> No.26914634


>> No.26914637

Classic moripost
>but look at my money!
Fuck off.

>> No.26914640

Only schedule up is for the members streams.

>> No.26914641

>what is honeymoon period

>> No.26914644

>just saw a clip of Rushia being yandere with her chat
unf... my weakness
Imagine if one of the EN girls started showing slight yandere traits. Maybe Ina?

>> No.26914645

cunny power

>> No.26914646

Ina's got some attention from people knowing about her FFXIV stuff. anti shitposters would have latched on that harder and made the threads insufferable if Mori and Kiara didn't exist.

>> No.26914651

Think I am gonna sub and support her dream

>> No.26914657
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>> No.26914672


>> No.26914674

Problem with Gura is that she streams kusoges and she streams at times where other girls stream right after her and she doesn't like to overlap others hence the one hour streams.

>> No.26914675

Kiara has almost eight hours of Mario and three hours of Fire Emblem.
Mori hasn't streamed much in the way of games but last night was good and she seemed very interested in continuing.

>> No.26914678

It's just weird nerve issues, it doesn't seem to bother her.

>> No.26914679

barely playing fall guys and spending 40 minutes talking about peko hardly counts

>> No.26914682

Whoa, is that real? How do I train my cat to do that?

>> No.26914687

Honestly can't wait for them to collab, it'll be cute.

>> No.26914697

>>What's the appeal? Was the second match better or something?
In the first match she wasn't kiling anyone and even let everyone escape. In the 2nd one she killed everyone without letting one escape and in the 3rd one she only had one survivor escaoe then she ended because Mori was being bad at doom and she wanted to watch.

>> No.26914698

Post it

>> No.26914703

Reminder that matsuri shall add the shark to her collection of victims that she keeps in her basement.

>> No.26914704


>> No.26914706

I'm a deadbeat but this is actually a fact. She confirmed in her Q&A she knew very little about hololive before she auditioned, i'm sure she did her research somewhat once she was accepted though, considering her personality.

>> No.26914709
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Anal sex with (You)!

>> No.26914718
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>> No.26914721

is artia a 2hu?

>> No.26914722


>> No.26914723

Don't worry anon, I got that joke.

>> No.26914724

Gura is the only one of the group that still reads superchats live as she plays and stops gameplay to acknowledge them.

>> No.26914726

>what is super mario 64

>> No.26914727

She is a bit of a nut, yes.

>> No.26914728

Imagine this, just instead of a railroad spike it's a REALLY BIG peesa kitkat.

>> No.26914729

Gura has been really into her character so that her personality was safely rebooted.

>> No.26914730

You know your oshi is based when she not only likes lewd art of her targeting foot fetishists but even comments on it positively

>> No.26914732

Yes, we.

>> No.26914734
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>not Amelia

>> No.26914741

She likes Touhou yes

>> No.26914743

Nice to see that the schizo antis don't even actually watch streams.

>> No.26914748

If /pol/ hates her, you know she's good

>> No.26914750

>her desk slams

>> No.26914755

Oh yes her politics are mindnumbingly stupid. You should see her arguing western liberal talking points with nips on twitter who really don't give a shit. It's actually funny.

>> No.26914757


>> No.26914758


>> No.26914765
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>> No.26914766

>begs for money on stream
>farts live on stream then flushes it down

This cringy cunt is mea tier and people still give her money

>> No.26914767

Are we gonna ignore the fact Ina was super stressed out that day due to commissions? Just hours before that collab she had posted on her roommie account how she had more commissions than days left of September.

>> No.26914769
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If I had to find issue with Ina, it's that she really doesn't seem to care about her character at all. She drops a few tentacle jokes here and there, but 90% of the time she's just being herself.
But I won't push shit like that because it's retarded and all anits are retards.

>> No.26914768


>> No.26914771

Wait, but then where's... anuthapeesakikka?

>> No.26914775

>rightwing board bad

>> No.26914779

Show me.

>> No.26914787

How do we already know the game will be human fall flat?

>> No.26914790

And how exactly this means she doesn't care about hololive? Everyone has a starting point.

>> No.26914792


>> No.26914793
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>> No.26914795

Clips = increased views

you want your favorite to be popular start making clips, oc and fanart

>> No.26914797


>> No.26914798

there's a holostar that's black

>> No.26914802

Nah, she's just gay and replied to a BLM post once or something.

>> No.26914803

What are you even saying?

K had a virtual girlfriend that wasn't real.
K wanted her to be real but knew she wasn't real.
When virtual girl was gone, K felt like she lost someone important, even tho him and the viewer knows she was just a program.
That's all.

>> No.26914806

>Clearly on holo she's family friendly
Watch yesterday's stream, she's starting to revert to HER old self.

>> No.26914807


>> No.26914810


>> No.26914812

Did you memory hole that collab or something? It was not fine at all.

Mori + Gura rap collab would be fire, easy top hit of Hololive if they do decide to sit down and crank one out

>> No.26914814

It's the source of like half the schizos on 4chan.
The other half is /x/ but they mostly just keep their schizoposting to /x/.

>> No.26914815

hopefully they will get to know each other and handle those kinds of interactions better in future collabs. i guess we will see how it goes tonight.

>> No.26914818

The trio is a real thing, but it's not out of hate, it's just the timeszones they live in.

>> No.26914821

A black holostar would be fun.
Audition kokujin-anons

>> No.26914825

>rightwing bad
>rightiwing board bad
Yes, yes it is. You faggots ruined this website, and are ruining these threads too.

>> No.26914827

Low IQ invaders with retarded culture are bad, yes

>> No.26914829


>> No.26914833

>Will Mori's income be able to match Coco's?
Your sleeping on Lamy.

>> No.26914834

The only people who think /pol/ in unironically good are /pol/tards themselves

>> No.26914838

it's not about them being right wingers, it's about the unbelievable number of schizos and falseflaggers

>> No.26914839
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calling it now numberbros
she'll be the first of this bunch to reach 600K

>> No.26914841

She'll be the first diabetic member of Hololive.

>> No.26914855


>> No.26914856

I'm only replying to you to support your post. I have nothing against Mori and Kiara, I just don't enjoy them.
They should just embrace it and do western collabs and JP collabs more often. They shouldn't bother trying to keep this facade that there is no division. There will always be a division due to latency in games.

Hell Ina and Kiara had like a 10 second delay and they were just discord chatting.

>> No.26914866
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You want the acutal truth? It's shark cunny mind control

>> No.26914869

you know this place. Ame would be twitch whore, Gura would be to the most boring Holo ever and people would literally forget Ina after one week. People need to hate on something here probably compensating that they are hated irl

>> No.26914875

Ina said so on her stream and she'll be hosting the collab.

>> No.26914876

Don't underestimate Haachama, she might pull through.

>> No.26914881

mori please
at least mute the stream if you have to crank another one out when streaming........
nobody wants to hear that

>> No.26914883

If my detective told me she was horny I'd be like "Me too but that isn't gonna solve my case bro"

>> No.26914887

What's a good place to obtain a dataset of subscribers? want to try my hand at interpolation

>> No.26914885

Not at this rate. Haachama will hit 600K in three days at that pace, while Gura would need about five.

>> No.26914889

>Trinityfags are antis
Wow! Whoa saw that coming.

>> No.26914890

Haachama just needs 3 days to achieve that, I don't think so
Gura would have to gain 50k subs each day to beat her

>> No.26914891

ikr??!!! imagine being sub 200k subscribers after 5 months looooooooooool XD. EN rules yo!!!

>> No.26914895
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No she's a boat

>> No.26914900

>nobody wants to hear that
Speak for yourself.

>> No.26914899
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>> No.26914902

Oh no, bipolar knight look out!

>> No.26914904

Yes, I really wanna see Shion changing Gura’s diaper. Her nipples are meant for breastfeeding innocent and pure Gura. Not that perverted middle aged eye patch.

>> No.26914905

>ZUNpets kick in

>> No.26914906

People can only contain their true selves for so long.
You're seeing it already. Kiara is starting to unleash her inner Japan obsessed weeb. Amelia is becoming more crass, uncouth and horny. Gura is starting to swear a bit more. Mori is getting more comfortable brapping while on voice.

>> No.26914912

She got something around 10k in the past 9 hours so yea it wouldn't surprise me

>> No.26914914

That's Mori

>> No.26914916

>Has all the cumulative menhera of the members
>All the singing/dancing/drawing/gaming skill/lack thereof
>All of their health problems
Most dangerous time bomb of them all.

>> No.26914917

Just pick a better oshi. Mori and kiara are pure garbage.

>> No.26914921

Haachama gained a lot of momentum lately.

>> No.26914923

>Your sleeping on Lamy.
That Lamy/Botan stream was amazing.....I may have to reinvest some coin into 5thgen again.

>> No.26914924

>tfw Kiara plays games I enjoy
>can't stand Kiara herself

>> No.26914925

scat fetishists are gross

>> No.26914926

>Mori + Gura rap collab would be fire, easy top hit of Hololive if they do decide to sit down and crank one out
It would literally kill Mori, are you retarded?

>> No.26914934

Ina had issues on the simulator collab too. Making a mountain out of molehill here.

>> No.26914936


>> No.26914937
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>she's not even good
You know that's not true, plus she's still holding back.

>> No.26914938

Gura and Mori doing a cover of Seven Rings ty

>> No.26914941
File: 570 KB, 476x510, shake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.26914942

Don't bother reasoning with antis, they never intended on changing their minds anyways

>> No.26914943
File: 721 KB, 1710x1603, Eig9a7RUMAAimRU-orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are, in fact, correct.

>> No.26914954
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>replies to bait
>suprised when more bait gets posted

>> No.26914956

Hachaama will hit it first.
Mad lass is actually doing an english ASMR stream.

>> No.26914959

Whats wrong with that? I want it even more now

>> No.26914962

i honestly believe she did it intentionally as a powerplay to gain subs through controversy

>> No.26914964

It would be focused on
>ame stop playing FPS
>ina stop being boring
>gura stop playing kusoge
Luckily we can redirect all these "arguments" using Mori and Kiara as escapegoats.

>> No.26914971

Chill out.

>> No.26914973
File: 142 KB, 1138x1024, 1585617206644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, trinitychads genuinely aren't like that. You should read the bible schizoid.

>> No.26914976

gonna fucking chum

>> No.26914982

The idea of the "trinity" is just an anti narrative. The autists that obsessed over Kiara week 1 just branched to Mori, too. They don't actually watch any streams.

>> No.26914983

Why does that rabbit have smallpox?

>> No.26914985

This, Kiara and Mori exist to redirect our hate towards them, god bless them.

>> No.26914988

Why are people not okay with some others not liking x as much as y?
I'm not gonna keep anyone from enjoying Mori or Kiara, by all means you do you and we all have our own tastes.
But the moment I mention I prefer the other three I get bombarded with anti accusations?

>> No.26914989


>> No.26914990


>> No.26914992

If you want le funny random e-girl go watch Nyanners. This is Hololive, we have some standards.

>> No.26914993

>Amelia has a scheduled stream
>She is late, very late
>She never shows
>Next day comes
>She announces she is taking some time off
>Everyone is worried
>Two weeks pass
>The day of her return comes
>Everyone in chat anxiously awaiting for her to arrive
>She arrives
>Red superchats are being spammed
>Everyone happily welcoming her
>"Welcome back!"
>"We missed you!"
>She attempts to speak but something sounds wrong
>With a voice holding back immense sadness, she says
>"Bubba has passed away"
I'm not looking forward to that stream.

>> No.26914997

Stopped reading the link there and went for the click

>> No.26915005

588+12 in 3 days
511+54 in 3 days

hmmmm math i love it

>> No.26915008

I think haato will Reach it first but the rest(not counting gura) have already reached their sub ceilings and are just gaining the average sub increase for a content creator of their size. Matsuri will reach and maybe rushia can reach 600k by the end of the year but the rest will need to wait till 2021 to reach it

>> No.26915014
File: 61 KB, 510x680, 1600703212539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread sucks because you absolutely cannot help but give trolls attention.
>but I'm not replying to the post directly! They don't get the (You)
It's the same fucking dopamine hit to these retards. Report then ignore. Then talk about something relevant. In fact, this very post is part of the problem but I really had to write it because you retards don't seem to get it.

Let's stay on topic now.

>> No.26915016

Stop using images of an actual good Holo Deadbrap. Your kind isn't welcome here.

>> No.26915017
File: 414 KB, 704x617, 1573679034578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy another dog lmao

>> No.26915018


>> No.26915020

Nah, they gotta start out with some cute seiso-ish verses (Mori with her fake anime voice and Gura doing her thing as always), before going into full on meme verses (channel the S*n*a*a vibes)

>> No.26915024

Kiara fixed every problem she had in the first few days and antis still hate her, but don't even bother to articulate why anymore

>> No.26915026

People who actually just like Ame, Ina and Gura aren't, but most people here who post about the "trinity" just to shit on the other two are. They probably don't even watch any streams either way.

>> No.26915025

i want shark to make a new animal crossing town and watch comfy animal crossing streams

>> No.26915032

I do watch streams, mori just has no content. She's an artist first and everything else second considering she literally didn't know about Hololive, barely plays games and most of her streams are just talking or reading superchats. If you're not interested in her music or the cringy forced Japanglish then there's nothing for you to watch.

>> No.26915035

>I'm not looking forward to that stream.
Then why bring it up at all? Are you a psycho?

>> No.26915042

Explain this holoEN trio meme, must have missed 30k posts when I blinked

>> No.26915043


>> No.26915047

It was an incredible stream, and watching her wanting to end her life while playing that monotonous 2deep4u We Live in A Society game was fucking hilarious.

I love Amelia.

>> No.26915051

I don't want to admit this because I'm gonna get hate but
I've been trying to investigate this shit and can't seem to find any of the shit being said, I hate what I've become I feel like a lunatic trying to dig up evidence on outer Gods. I made a grave mistake but I keep digging myself deeper for the sake of feeding a morbid curiosity. I am so sorry but I can't help but feed this hunger for info, this thirst for Knowledge, this itch for the forbidden. I am so sorry /hlgg/ please forgive me but I can't

>> No.26915053

You really can't stop this type of shitposting during dead hours there's nothing to talk about

>> No.26915057

Is this how heaven sounds like?

>> No.26915059


>> No.26915061


She's such a cutie

>> No.26915065

>extremely successful mainstream gaming stream
>officially endorsed by Microsoft
>sub rate still declined
Is this it? Has gura growth officially peaked?

>> No.26915066

Antis are using the 3 for tribalism and people are buying into it.

>> No.26915067

Orange bird bad, that's all.

>> No.26915072

>it's just crying, getting distracted or reading superchats
At least Kiara plays the fucking games, but Mori is irredeemable.

>> No.26915074

>implying HoloEN will outlast Bubba

>> No.26915076

The entire point of her character was that she was a regular girl until she got corrupted by a book that wants to take over the world. But she's too much of a dumbass for that to succeed. Except she will if she continues to be this fucking cute.

>> No.26915081

/pol/faggots sure seem to be proving it. That and cripplechan.

>> No.26915082

Ina, Gura, and Ame are based, Mori and Kiara are not. That's it.

>> No.26915085

If that happens I'll legit supacha a fat 500 and type 'lol'

>> No.26915086

Worse, her shit leaks out during the fire emblem streams.

>> No.26915088

The only reason it fits as the trinity now is because of how info and things played out with all 5 of them. There was a chance it might not have even happened because a lot of people went all in only on shark. But after Watson redeemed herself and had the gosling arc, she's solidified herself as the jesus of the trinity. The chicken and rapper don't fit in for obvious reasons.

>> No.26915093

It's pretty simple. There's HoloEn, and the HoloEN Annex.

>> No.26915095

>le funny random e-girl
>This is Hololive, we have some standards.

>> No.26915097

Here's your (you), now leave.

>> No.26915102

Investing in pets is investing in feelings, tho my personal guess is that she wouldn't be such a faggot and 2-3 days would be enough to cope with the dog death, resume streaming and lift her mood through her own success.

>> No.26915104

Bob is just one person

>> No.26915106
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>> No.26915109
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>this thread right now

>> No.26915113

  ▲
▲ ▲

>> No.26915114

hang yourself

>> No.26915116


>> No.26915119

I've watched every stream from every Holo EN member. Doing so leads you to being a trinitychad. It's a fact of nature.

>> No.26915120

Out of the 5 holoens, two are based in Japan and speak very good Japanese, even making Japanese only streams. Mori and Kiara.

The other three are in America and have limited JP knowledge. They've also already had a collab together just the three of them, probably due to timezones. Amelia, Gura and Ina.

By coincidence, people seem to enjoy the latter 3 a lot more because they make much more fun content and streams. The first 2 have their own appeal for some, but generally speaking it seems like they are less well received.

>> No.26915122

Cute chicken.

>> No.26915126
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>> No.26915125

>cringy forced Japanglish
once again, you literally don't watch the streams.

>> No.26915127

You can't stop shitposting any time, but what you can stop is people giving it attention in good faith.

>> No.26915129

I haven't been in the other thread for a while, what happened now?

>> No.26915130
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Kiara is a good girl.

>> No.26915135
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>> No.26915139

What's the appeal of ASMR? I've tried listening to that shit and it does nothing for me. Is it erotica for autists or something?

>> No.26915140

Narrative that states that Ina, Amelia and Gura are the true HoloEN and that Mori and Kiara should be kicked out. Pretty much started due to the tier sub fiasco with Mori and well people just not caring for Kiara

>> No.26915145

Amelia, Gura and Ina stream in roughly the same timezone and had a good collab stream one time. Narratives are formed on this, ignore the anti stuff and you'll be a lot happier.

>> No.26915148

Don't feel to bad about it anon, I'm sure a lot of us get the urge to do some digging occasionally

>> No.26915149
File: 848 KB, 1021x1019, EiRNDSkUwAIuZAQ-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll admit i don't watch ame, don't see the appel but i've never talked shit about her

>> No.26915155

Do you really think they care? They won't stop until you stop giving them attention.

>> No.26915159

>but Kiara has had the best vidya streams
lol no

Videogames ( fuck your "vidya" /v/ermin lingo) stream ranks go as follow:
Gura > Watson > Ina > Kiara > Mori (does mori even do anything besides reading SC?)

>> No.26915160
File: 797 KB, 1000x1413, 66A74EEE-D5F8-40CA-98A3-F76FF2E65276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which JP do you think Amelia would take yo with? IMO it’s Marine, because she’s
>respectable sempai in the business
>slovenly ass who stimulates Amelia’s maternal instinct
at the same time.

>> No.26915161

>actually falling for narratives
>actually wasting time like this
you fucking donkey

>> No.26915164

Congratulations anon! You're a normal, functioning human being!

>> No.26915169

Teamates probably already collectively have a million scenarios with Ame imagined.

>> No.26915171

they don't whore SCs and are actually good at games

>> No.26915172

How do you rank the character designs?

>> No.26915175
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>> No.26915176

Doesn't matter if she does it inside the actual streams or not, her entire character right now is the Japanglish reaper with the cringy "Japanglish" and generally just horribly cringe with every tweet, thumbnail and everything she makes.

>> No.26915178

Why shouldn't we? It's still a Holo family, only schizo's and shitposters are salty about it. Just like local splitfags and tourists.

>> No.26915181
File: 3.83 MB, 720x404, 1577657897664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post in the entire thread

>> No.26915185

Good. I don't want that stupid binaural whispering ASMR. I just want girlfriend experience kissu sounds and telling me about her day etc. talking basically.

>> No.26915186

No. While it may work that way for some the main reason most people listen to it is to relax.

>> No.26915187

Cause you're not like the others. There's a difference between people who have their favorites and those who scream anyone who isn't their favorite is garbage

>> No.26915192

Ame > Ina > Gura > Mori >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chicken

>> No.26915195

Amelia > Ina > Gura = Mori > Kiara

>> No.26915200

1. Ina
2. Gura
3. Mori
4. Amelia
5. Kiara

>> No.26915199

You either get that tingle or you dont

>> No.26915201

That's all positives, how are they problems?
>short streams making you wish she continued
>makes you want her to stream

>plays only kusoges so your entertainment has to come from her, not the game
>her absolutely enjoying the game makes the whole stream wholesome

It's like you don't understand how to have fun.

>> No.26915204

>Mori (does mori even do anything besides reading SC?)
b-b-but she played doom!!! she was horrible at it but she played it and got a bit better!!!

>> No.26915205

It’s not even right wing anymore, it is nothing more then a butch of accelerationists that loves China for some reason.

>> No.26915206

Gura > Ina > Amelia > Mori > Kiara

>> No.26915207

Imagine thinking the turds gura plays are better than the best jrpg of 2019 and a timeless platformer

>> No.26915213

And I don't really watch Gura, but I think it's great people are watching and enjoying her. In fact, there are dozens of holos that aren't my cup of tea, and I don't feel the need to go on schizo rants on how terrible them or their fans are.
Feels good to fulfill an extremely low standard of human decency.

>> No.26915214

ASMR itself is a well documented physiological response triggered by specific sound stimuli. Not everyone experiences it, but those that do describe it as a pleasant tingling in their head. It's not sexual at all, but ethots denigrated the term into a genre of low effort sound porn in a desperate attempt to sell sex on a trend.

>> No.26915216
File: 2.45 MB, 720x300, AHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOO NIGGERMAN SAVE ME.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26915215


>> No.26915218

Read the thread.

>> No.26915217

I'm pretty certain there is not one person outside of here who cares even a little about the toilet thing.

>> No.26915221

Ina > Gura > Amelia > Kiara > Mori

>> No.26915226
File: 359 KB, 680x507, 1571442417857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5# Mori
4# Kiara
3# Gura
2# Amelia
1# Ina
Probably. Mori is just "big titted goth GF reaper", Kiara design would be cute but it's a clusterfuck, Gura is very simple.
About Amelia and Ina I'm not sure, I'm giving Ina the first place because of pic related, not even sure if it's intentional.

>> No.26915228

My problem with chicken is that her whole shtick with Mori seems so forced and it's a bit painful to listen to. It just makes her seem like a leech.

>> No.26915230

A corperate twitter account posting they look forward to your content is just another "How are we doing fellow kids?"

It just means someone in Microsoft's marketing noticed the trend and decided to try and look hip. At best it's just a sign corporates think they can market on the trend.

>> No.26915232

gonna finish it then, I like gura.

>> No.26915237

my enjoyment of hololive decreased significantly since i started reading those threads
for this reason i will now politely excuse myself

>> No.26915239

I kind of like Ame despite only seeing one of her streams, but her fans seem really pathetic and it's really putting me off. Not even just here, everyone seems to be using her as a proxy girlfriend and it's pretty weird.

>> No.26915240

That was pretty much just part of the 2 mad father streams, after the second mad father stream superchat reading got moved to the end of each stream, and things have been pretty smooth ever sense then.

>> No.26915238

But didn't Kiara have some legendary character designer? It's strange everyone puts her at the bottom

>> No.26915241

I love all the girls
Not equally but I still love them

>> No.26915242

watching the squid and chicken have a 3 second delay on their collab made me realize why they sound so awkward when all 5 are together

>> No.26915243

Mori > Ina > Kiara > Ame > Gura
But they're all pretty good.

>> No.26915247
File: 10 KB, 222x267, firefox_2020-09-26_12-04-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a poorfag

>> No.26915251

because they already flushed mori down and forgot about her like the turd she is

>> No.26915253

N-No anon they aren't egirls if they're Japanese!
The word egirl only applies if they validate whatever autistic social hangups I have.

>> No.26915259
File: 81 KB, 1071x799, 1600790382039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina just blows them all out of the water honestly

>> No.26915263

in terms of how much they got carried
Gura > Ina = Mori > Ame > Kiara

>> No.26915265

These threads have made HoloEN 100x more enjoyable. Try not to take it too seriously schizo

>> No.26915268

Kek, so true.

>> No.26915272

My only issue with her is you know when the collab ban is lifted she is going to be more holoJP than holoEN. This is what really worries me because it's almost inevitably going to happen.

>> No.26915273

Flats > Hidden Oppai > Boobies

>> No.26915276

Why are people hating on Kiara for a 2nd time?

>> No.26915278

I know sharkzawa used to play DbD on twitch, but did she really never play killer? She seems pretty good but I can't tell if that's just general game knowledge from playing survivor.
Great stream either way, but I love watching DbD so I'm a bit biased. Really hope the NA trio can play it together for October.

>> No.26915279

Not sure what take yo means, but if you're talking about collabs - it doesn't really matter because she doesn't know Japanese. She would be able to interact only with Coco and maybe Haachama if the latter drops her retard act.

>> No.26915282

>Not even sure if it's intentional

Retard. Kuroboshi himself uploaded that image to explain the design

>> No.26915292

her colors are just bad

>> No.26915295

I HATE this shit WHY in the earth this shit has 5 times larger followers than average Holos?

>> No.26915297

she has 1000 hours in the game. allegedly

>> No.26915306

t. egirl

>> No.26915312

why the fuck are there so many people falling for trinityfags stirring shit up?
what happened to the comfiness a few threads ago?

>> No.26915314

You're not thinking about masturbating while licking nintendo switch carts, are you?

>> No.26915325

Amelia (holy fuck she is so pretty, that smug smile and the eyes... I'm in love) > Ina > Gura > Kiara > Mori

>> No.26915326

What happened to actually watching the streams though? You just said that you do watch the streams.

>> No.26915332

That't why so many people especially on sites like twitter love them. Those two cater to them

>> No.26915333

>falling for falseflags
Never Gonna Make It

>> No.26915338

>2nd time
They haven't even finished the 1st time yet.

>> No.26915337

Ina stopped streaming.

>> No.26915340

Whats entertaining about someone playing music game?
Aren't the streamer too focused on the game to do anything? So you get some kind of response only every ~3 minutes or so?

>> No.26915341

Thanks anon.

>> No.26915342

I just want them to play minecraft. Do you think they'll gain access to the hololive minecraft server?

>> No.26915344
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she is playing FEshit garbage.
simple as

>> No.26915346
File: 294 KB, 415x335, BToOEWo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it is Dead Hours. Time to go twitch vtuber dumpster diving.

>> No.26915349
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>> No.26915348

Wasn't the first map she played one of the later added silent hill ones? It'd make sense that she'd be unfamiliar with it if she hasn't streamed it for a while.

>> No.26915350

>She seems pretty good but I can't tell if that's just general game knowledge from playing survivor.
When you play a game for a long time, even if using playing one role, you can learn or have a general sense of what other roles are supposed to do or are supposed to play, it's pretty normal.

>> No.26915351

That music really does seem to fit the part.
Also Touhous are generally assholes so that would stand to reason.

>> No.26915352

Threadly reminder to take your meds.

>> No.26915355

They didn't do their reps.

>> No.26915356

Neither did you, so who's the real fanatic here?

>> No.26915357

This has much potential

>> No.26915367
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>> No.26915368

>shplop plopp
what's her endgame?

>> No.26915371

because there's a lot of genuine trinity tribalists and some falseflaggers helping them up is all you need for the thread to go to shit again.
The 5 man collab will be an absolute shitfest where anything going wrong will be blamed on Mori and Kiara once again using the surgeon simulator collab as evidence.

>> No.26915372
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I managed to never play or watch minecraft a single time in my entire life.
What's the appeal of it and why do JP holos play it so much?

>> No.26915377

What's offered in each one again? Took a glance yesterday when I was thinking of going higher but just saw the thank you stuff for perks.

>> No.26915378

You can just move to /hlg/. All the schizos migrated from there, so that thread is mostly comfy.

>> No.26915379

This but unironically. We need Mori to exist so we can appreciate the trio in comparison.

>> No.26915381

when they crusade against 2d anime girls on /jp/ for not being warriors for the whites in the race war, yes, please fuck off

>> No.26915383

>she is going to be more holoJP
holoJP is much better than EN, especially for collabs

>> No.26915386
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>FBK watching Sharknado
Truly the apex predator

>> No.26915390

Gura is very strong in her comfort zone and very weak outside it

>> No.26915391

I can't. I turned 26 and no longer have access to health insurance.

>> No.26915392

I wouldn't get a response either way. Too many people in the chat for all 5 right now, the messages fly by so fast they can't even respond.

It's fun to watch Gura being so good at rhythm games. That shark cunny got some vidya skills.

>> No.26915396

Great use of asymmetry, nice hair, THE VEIL
Just awesome designs. Also, dem teeth
Solid overall but a bit too simple for my taste. Also her mouth sticks out forward a bit too much when her avatar looks sideways imo
Just not my cup of tea, maybe because of the color scheme. Also her model is a bit too bouncy, though I guess that matches her persona.

>> No.26915398

You now remember Festival x FBK. It's good enough to bait clip watchers to check out the channel.

>> No.26915401

Ina follows asanagi on her roomate's twitter...

>> No.26915402

The discord tranny is an Inafag.
Ina streams, shitflinging stops.
Ina stops streaming, shitflinging starts.
Not that hard to make the connection. Also, retards biting the bait too hard.

>> No.26915403

We'll just have to see if the day ever comes if they do an offline collab. It would be really amazing but I have no idea if they even live close to each other. I assume Mori maybe lives somewhere in Tokyo considering she her roommates other job.

>> No.26915404

It is intentional. The fringe/face tentacles are easier to see on the actual model. at which point you can no longer unsee them

>> No.26915405

diarrhea asmr for $25/month members

>> No.26915406

It’s easy content and even a baby can play it

>> No.26915409

>weird outfit and colors
>awful props (the drum sticks only made me kek for like a day or 2, now its just obnoxious)
>no signature huke ring pupils

face and hair are fine tho

>> No.26915412

Lego as a computer game. Appeals to autistic adults, just like the real thing.

>> No.26915413

and people are going to love it, HoloJP has a lot of English fans that will look foward to being able to communicate properly with them

>> No.26915416

It's just morifags desperately trying to salvage their oshi because they don't like being constantly shit on.
I agree with that other anon tho, maybe they should pick a better oshi.

>> No.26915421

Watomelia reminds me so much of my first love. She returned me to a childlike innocence. I don't want anything more. Just Amelove.

>> No.26915425

>loves China
u wot

>> No.26915426

Just watch it and form your own opinion.
I'll give you a hint: the enjoyment doesn't necessarily comes from the game.

>> No.26915428

permissions, spontaneous collabs, emergent content and most importantly it's popular

>> No.26915430

Use Hololive to attract new fans and milk them for money, then before majority of them realize she's terrible, make up some drama, retire, and take the new followers back with her to her old persona.

>> No.26915431
File: 72 KB, 371x388, 1600312454334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't argue with me
num_of_days_to_hit_600K = (600K-num_of_subs)/(subs_past_week/7)
for haachama it's 4.4
for gura is 4.2
git rekt

>> No.26915432

I actually think the veil is awful. I get what it is meant to look like, but in reality it just looks like a graphical error or something not being shown properly.

>> No.26915437

is Amelia autistic

>> No.26915439

even if the 5 man collab goes well, all these schizo narrative posters will STILL find something to stir shit up with

>> No.26915443

If its bait you can't report it because it's on topic.

You can only report numberfags hiding under an avatar.

>> No.26915444

Based. Good luck out there.

>> No.26915445

Nagu is ina

>> No.26915448

Her last stream made me so mad I hope she doesn't bring out the halo/tentacles for a while because that's all I could fucking see

>> No.26915449
File: 78 KB, 590x579, Cuckadoodle doo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken can't get a break

>> No.26915454

Spicy narrative. Honestly seems dead on.

>> No.26915455
File: 477 KB, 937x900, 1580115996457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the girls are friends
All the girls are nice
Almost all the anti-posts are actually fans who are doing shitposts because they find it funny
All the genuine anti posts are by genuine schizos, evident based on the fact they spend their entire day making up and talking shit about a woman who plays video games online, as an anonymous poster on a Slovakian crochet forum with absolutely nothing to gain from devoting their time to these baseless efforts.
Much of the tribal posting is Autistic anons taking the above seriously and believing that things are worse then they are.

Before responding to anti or tribal posts, ask yourself this Question: Am I autistic?
If the answer is yes, don't post.

>> No.26915456

No, but she has brain damage.

>> No.26915457

Top to bottom
Great design and my favorite of the group. Can’t wait to see her new models when they happen
I just like the outfit really cute and the live2d model is pretty expressive
It’s kinda plain looking but It fits the voice at least
Not great. Should have gotten another color besides very orange and the drumstick just kinda force her into leaning on the kfp gimmick (which has its moments I guess)
Boring design and a boring streamer. Genuinely don’t understand what people see in it

>> No.26915459
File: 1.40 MB, 1546x739, Korone - the life you take for granted will one day crumble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koro-chan is a doomer

>> No.26915460

>Complain about Calli doing this forced cringy character with japanglish and other cringe shit

deadbraps are the worst fanbase

>> No.26915461

A little bit, she had to end her stream exactly on a prime number of time running.

>> No.26915464

Just come on up to Canada, bro. It's free health insurance.

>> No.26915467

It's a virtual lego set with some basic survival and rpg elements if you want them.

>> No.26915468


>> No.26915471

>That artist
Alright is she fucking a horse or has a horse cock?

>> No.26915472
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Be honest, do you anti post? Why do you do it?
I'm just curious why people itt would spend all their time shitposting.

Boredom? Is it fun for you? The rush of getting free (You)s? Or do you genuinely hate the girl you're shitposting against for some reason?

>> No.26915473

yeah but the downtime is jamming out to hype music with chat so

>> No.26915477

DAMN she must be tasty indeed

>> No.26915478

You can effectively do a pseudo offline collab. Just add a bunch of shit to the world, other holos react to it in their own time and then you react to stuff they did.


>> No.26915479

It's hard deciding between Gura and Ina

>> No.26915480

Don't kid yourself, local schizos are versatile enough to post in both hololive threads and on /vyt/ too.

>> No.26915484

Yes, and I gave her another chance with the Fire Emblem streams
>misandry everywhere
>tee hee did you guys notice I'm not talking to the girls?
>Hey dimitri why do you cut her out? LET THE WOMAN TALK
Sorry Kiara, I don't need this.

>> No.26915486

Honestly if your perspective of these thread is anything other than harmless shitposting then you should leave. It's important to remember that /hlgg/ is a fart in a hurricane compared to the normalfag hololive fans

>> No.26915489

Why does Moona have access to hellfire?

>> No.26915491

I think HoloLive kind of scouts varying degrees of autistic girls so yeah. She's pretty good at socializing with chat and other Holos at least but gets oddly caught on some things.

>> No.26915492

The character itself is really pretty, the acessories on ears and neck too, but her clothes not so much.

>> No.26915495

All designs are great except for chickens.
Two hats and a fast food theme? Wtf Huke?

>> No.26915496

I badly want one of the other holos to simp as hard for chicken as she does for mori so she can get a taste of her own medicine.

>> No.26915499

/pol/ is a trump loving chink loving shithole filled with faggots with inferior complexes working at gas stations blaming anime girls for their shit choices in life. Fuck /pol/niggers they deserve to be hanged and kicked off the site

>> No.26915502

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.26915504

The thrill of my enemies begging me to stop

>> No.26915503

why is the thread so bad right now?

>> No.26915505

Have you ever dreamed of your holoen? What was it like? Hoping I dream about Amelia today.

>> No.26915507


>> No.26915512

Yes she would be much better off doing EN collabs with cringelord mori, weirdo amelia and mute introvert gura so that the squid can keep winning the golden yagoo every single time.

>> No.26915515
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>> No.26915520

>deadbraps are the worst fanbase
You just found out? It's been common knowledge for the past several days.

>> No.26915524

Virtual lego. It's a great game per se, but doubly so with friends.

>> No.26915526

No, sir. I do not anti post.

>> No.26915527

Dead hours so schizo's and antis have time to shitpost

>> No.26915528

There is nothign wrong with being a trinitychad.
You're just trying to attack us now for no reason. We have been posting about the trinity for weeks but only now that Mori has ben expelled you find it a problem.

Just because Mori fucked up doesn't mean you have to blame us for it. Fuck off.

>> No.26915530

shes muslim and is going to send all infidels to allahs side

>> No.26915531
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>shitposting and tribalism

>> No.26915532
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Is there really not a single EN stream planned besides the collab?

>> No.26915534

her eyes save it

>> No.26915536

I know that.
Is Ina secretly a lewd girl if she follows artists like asanagi?

>> No.26915546

>Is it fun for you?
>The rush of getting free (You)s?
Of course
>do you genuinely hate the girl you're shitposting against for some reason?
No, I don't mind any of them

>> No.26915547

>he kept sending her small amount chats until Coco finally saw them
>she just made fun of him and told him he has to live in a car
>akasupas start flooding in to make fun of him even more
The Jordan Green Saga has been a pretty good arc.

>black Holostar
Should be Mike Ross. He'd probably kill it.

>> No.26915549
File: 153 KB, 382x352, 1586127027674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep repeating "why is the thread so bad now?"
It's bad all day 24/24. Even Ina's stream had some shitposting yesterday.

>> No.26915550

No, you're not going to be friendly with me. You must be a right-wing, hipster conservative that's into some sort of weird cross-dressing thing.

>> No.26915552

That's actually a great interaction. Kiara's character is really coming together

>> No.26915553

look again

>> No.26915554

I'm indifferent towards Mori but that was pretty based.

>> No.26915557
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>> No.26915559

fuck off reddit.

>> No.26915561

Chicken is still shit

>> No.26915564

The best part about Ina is her chest and her feet (one bare one covered)
I wish she would draw footjob art of herself

>> No.26915565

lol they fall in hole and scream, epic

>> No.26915568

>We have been posting about the trinity for weeks
We're literally on the first day of the third week.

>> No.26915569

Chicken's the best if you ignore her outfit entirely.

>> No.26915573

She plays coomer gachashit so what do you think

>> No.26915576


>> No.26915580


>> No.26915582
File: 685 KB, 753x579, 1572013174777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't have any real targets in /hlg/. They're EOPs, so they're scared of being BTFO if they tried shitting on someone there because they know fuck all about JP holos. For example, imagine someone trying to unironically hate on Coco, that would look fucking laughable.
So they all ended up here, the only place they can survive in.

>> No.26915584

Hey I recognize that art style

>> No.26915585

>that webm
THanks for making a clip of that

>> No.26915586

>easy to get into
>has a lot of organic gameplay potential which is great for content
>let’s the creative juices flow
>very easy to drop in for a collab
>even if they are alone by sharing servers they can see what others are doing and mess with each other
For a group as big as Hololive Minecraft might as well be the only way some of them interact

>> No.26915588

>tee hee did you guys notice I'm not talking to the girls?

This shit put me way the fuck off because it was the equivalent of explaining a joke. We get it, you're a dyke, no need to force it like this. It's like she went "no one is impressed with me being trilingual I'm gonna push the lesbo angle even harder" and it's just garbage

>> No.26915590

>There is nothign wrong with being a trinitychad.
That's literally my point you retarded cunt, nothing wrong with liking Ame Ina and Gura, but shitposters like you use the term to falseflag while you bitch and whine about Mori.

>> No.26915591

Yeah it's feeling a little forced to me too, I know it being kinda one sided is the point,but it really does feel like Kiara's just pushing it on Calli a lot of the time. Were other couples pushed this hard in the early days?

>> No.26915594

How long till another tranny starts screencapping these threads and tweeting them at Mori? Do you guys want that shit again? Cut it out.

>> No.26915598

How about banishing Kiara from hlgg, wouldn't that solve all our problems?

>> No.26915599

I fucking hate this shit where they don't even put their scheduled streams on hololive's official website so we have to go through their twitter schedules but of course every shark stream is like a guerilla stream PLEASE I JUST WANT TO WATCH YOU GUYS

>> No.26915602

I get a bit of schadenfreude from putting down the chicken

>> No.26915604

>The Chicken

>> No.26915605

>he likes the reddit dragon

>> No.26915606

Simple as

>> No.26915607

Her art is wholesome.
If she draws lewd art under another name I NEED to know what she draws under.

>> No.26915608

2am to 10am EST is comfy, the thread is shit for the rest of the day

>> No.26915609

I used to anti-post Kiara until that Ina twittertranny happened.
>Boredom? Is it fun for you? The rush of getting free (You)s?
Yes to all.
>do you genuinely hate the girl you're shitposting
Don't hate but don't care much about her either.

>> No.26915610

please don't tell me it's human falls flat...

>> No.26915617

She removed her hat once during the SM64 stream because the bird in the desert level stole Mario's hat and she suddenly became 10 times better.

>> No.26915621

I have the same hiccup issue

>> No.26915622

Imagine responding to yourself because nobody agrees with your shitposting.

>> No.26915624

Taiwan #1.

>> No.26915628

>For example, imagine someone trying to unironically hate on Coco, that would look fucking laughable.
you mean the dragon that kneels to the CCP, removes her stream and apologizes for saying "Taiwan"?
Not even a bad word, just the name of a country.

>> No.26915629

shark hums along with the songs and it is so adorable that you might have a heart attack

>> No.26915631
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 9CA38C06-638E-4EC7-A3A9-8D47CEF5F8EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m following a bunch of EN v-tubers on twitch. I wonder which one will be in gen 2. I’m wayy ahead of the curve cya

>> No.26915635
File: 385 KB, 2048x1302, 1600090309446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get an Ame GF?

>> No.26915634

Don't you mean doog-er?

>> No.26915639

All artists are lewd. They have to be

>> No.26915642

Pekora on her fansubbed video of her Halloween traphouse.

>> No.26915644
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>> No.26915646

1. Ina's perfect flat body
2. Mori's big titty goth gf aesthetic
3. Gura's cute daughter-y vibe
4. Ame's hidden boobs/figure
5. Chicken's kinda hot I guess

>> No.26915649

There's a SEAmonkey that has unironically hated on Coco for 9 months.

>> No.26915651

>do you anti post
No. Don't see the fun of it.
At worst I've posted that I don't like certain stuff about them, mainly about chicken, but I'm slowly warming up to her.

>> No.26915655

It's the same one, slowpoke

>> No.26915656
File: 45 KB, 750x350, 1570943794926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are sanctimonious brapbeats unable to speak without shoehorning in some reference to their scat fetish? It really puts me off.

>> No.26915657

Hopefully none. Especially not that fucking whore Nyanners

>> No.26915659
File: 18 KB, 607x125, LKy3p9M3xH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Kiara you make that painfully obvious constantly.

>> No.26915660


>> No.26915661

I think that's more of a Cover issue than anything.

>> No.26915662

Guess where he is now.

>> No.26915665

Maybe you'll find one if you neck yourself

>> No.26915666

yeah, there were some basic control things she fucked up, but I can see how she'd be good at things like chasing and using traps mostly off the back of playing survivor

>> No.26915668

dumpster diving in twitch

>> No.26915669

Insane with lust?

>> No.26915671

>All the girls are friends
This is kind of unbelievable, they treat eachother like co-workers more than actual friends

>> No.26915682

the thought of ina drawing tentai of herself

>> No.26915685

i don't get minecraft either, but watch the clip series about shion and aqua's minecraft shenanigans and you might change your mind

>> No.26915687

That's your /v/ermin mentality speaking.
People outside your shithole of a board only have moderate interest in videogames.

I don't give a single fuck what games the girls play, I watch for the girls, not the videogame. Gura playing a game, any game, is more fun than Kiara playing a game, any game. Because Gura is a better entertainer, which is what I'm here for.

>> No.26915688

community college anime club

>> No.26915689

Mori has nothing if you take away her braps and cringy music, please understand.

>> No.26915690

Why not? Ame’s from there originally

>> No.26915691

Well, everyone does, every pro artist follows every popular artist.

It's like to businessmen trying to trade business cards.

>> No.26915692
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Based and trinitypilled

>> No.26915694
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Are you happy for her?

>> No.26915695

Gura,ina,and ame

>> No.26915696

>what's the appeal of a massively popular virtual sandbox where you can do anything you want

>> No.26915698


>> No.26915701
File: 155 KB, 1615x786, Eitku0kXYAMgAuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew man.
I feel like she's so approachable, if you had known her before this holo thing happened in her life she would've been very easy to talk to or get to know.

Now it's impossible for us...
It hurts man. Everything about her personality is what I want in a girl.

>> No.26915703
File: 32 KB, 576x576, jkjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I'm going to quit using these threads unless a stream is on. Nothing but miserable losers samefagging. Good luck to anyone actually trying to have fun and enjoy discussing the EN girls.

>> No.26915702

Suisei singing stream

>> No.26915706

Cute chicken just wants everyone to know how happy they make her.

>> No.26915708

Yes, anyone who says otherwise is a tranny.

>> No.26915713

Hope you keep your promise and fuck off.

>> No.26915714

the trio and duo definitely are friends

>> No.26915723
File: 240 KB, 1280x720, inaslap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26915725
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Don't need to know nip to know she speaks like a retard. And why would anyone be scared of being "wrong" on this website? You can say something with literally no evidence or good arguments whatsoever, and when people correct you and call you out on your shit, you can just pretend to be someone else.

>> No.26915729

Birb is living the dream, good for her!

>> No.26915732

Mori and Chicken? Whats that?

>> No.26915733
File: 177 KB, 600x338, 1577562832953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm very happy.

>> No.26915735

The problem is Chicken sucks at she doesn't know how to setup things for teetee and Mori only knows how to do the tsun part and has no clue how to do the dere aspect. I would say fuck it and just go full cringe mode on that too, but I have no idea.

They should have just tried to naturally have chemistry first before trying an act. Amelia and Ina ship actually thematically makes sense (Detective and Cthulhu? That's on the nose if I say so myself) but they're playing it way more cool

>> No.26915736

Trinitychads complain about Mori because she showed such strong potential in her debut and has had a lot of disappointing streams since

>> No.26915737

Objective EN ranking from best to worst:


>> No.26915738

Do you think EN is more likely to graduate? For all the other chuubas this is their primary gig except for maybe Noel.
I could see all of them going back to being themselves if the hype dies down.

>> No.26915739
File: 306 KB, 494x646, 1590707612893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. I hope she has a successful carrier.

>> No.26915740



What is 草 ?

>> No.26915741

yeah, you tell 'im

>> No.26915742

>better entertainer
>saying shaaaaaark like a retard and giggling after every sentence is entertainment

>> No.26915744

I want to see her draw Ina tentacle raping Ina's roommate.

>> No.26915746

This is going to happen even if Bubba doesn't die

>> No.26915748

>Whats entertaining about someone playing music game?
Her skills and her enjoyment. I want to watch people happy.

>> No.26915750
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>> No.26915759

Because I fucking despise Nyanners. She betrayed us back then, she turned against the loli.

>> No.26915763
File: 686 KB, 849x1200, 1601115845334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a chumchad and I honestly wasn't even thinking about it I've barely payed any attention to Mori

>> No.26915764

Does it make your nipple erect?

>> No.26915766

is the guy that made the official power ranking here? i wanna suggest some other characters

>> No.26915768

Become a content creator and impress her
Art, music, animation, programs, games, whatever

>> No.26915771

Honestly It's not my favorite, but you could write a book about all of the lore on that server with how many hours have been put into it.

>> No.26915774

Obama is a weeb? If Trump turns himself into a vtuber I'm jumping off a building immediately.

>> No.26915776

I'm more worried that Kiara is actually bi and seriously trying to go after Mori.

>> No.26915777

true because that literally is all she says amirite

>> No.26915778


>> No.26915782

>doesn't even say HololiveEN

>> No.26915784

>800k sub celebration
>"I have no friends, none of you will be at my deathbed"
Does Korone have depression

>> No.26915790
File: 494 KB, 3815x2280, 20200926_202254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26915789

>$5 all content
>$15 you're feeling generous, thank you!
>$25 wow, sounds like a steal
t. Ame

>> No.26915792

Mori's deredere is reserved for kokorobeats

>> No.26915793


>> No.26915794


>> No.26915796

I can only imagine how good it feels to make it like that. I'm happy for the chicken.

>> No.26915797

>they're playing it way more cool
Wasn't Ina's first tweet to Amelia 'please step on me'?

>> No.26915798

Look at the numbers CN and ID pulls. EN could lose 90% of it's public and still be profitable.
Meanwhile in reality they are all still inclining, specially Gura.

>> No.26915799


>> No.26915801

You post like a retard but I still find it entertaining.

>> No.26915800

That was just mean. It made me like Kiara more.

>> No.26915803 [DELETED] 

Do you think Yagoo has ever tried to fuck any room mate? His personal favorite maybe.

>> No.26915807

Even if so, they certainly aren't enemies, they don't hate each other. All the anons that say otherwise are baseless narrative posters creating stuff from nothing.
Now they may mostly be co-workers, but over time they will become more friendly as they get to know each other and interact.
As >>26915714 says, those two groups already seem friendly. Makes sense too if you consider timezone and how much they would interact, just gotta give em time.

>> No.26915815

It's slow paced so they can interact with chat a lot. But it's also a very comfy game and you can make cool stuff

>> No.26915816

it's a feature

Gura should eventually get used to it, maybe she'll always be like that and people will see it as one of her quirks. I imagine it's pretty annoying to some to only hear about streams a few hours ahead of time but I'm sort of used to the period she's active in. She really could do with telling her fans if she's not gonna stream for a day again in advance so they don't all have heart attacks from her not arriving.

>> No.26915818
File: 70 KB, 1200x675, 1587861753468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got put in the then-afterthought EN group after getting rejected for JP
>even though fucking COCO made it in
>literally less idol-like than a buttplug-obsessed China-hating Reddit dragon
Le. Fucking. Mayo.

>> No.26915820

There’s more v-tubers there than nyanners anon. I watched a few ironmouse stream. Pretty good me thinks

>> No.26915822

Somewhat updated MD5s

>> No.26915824

Oh jesus I wasnt paying enough attention and had no clue the slime chunk hole is right next to shuba's house lmao

>> No.26915828

He's married

>> No.26915829

It has been proving time and time again how they lie all the time to saveface.

>> No.26915833

Are we just going to forget about Watame falseflaggers? Rampant shitposting during every single Suisei utawaku? Homo- and antihomo autism? Pekofags in general? This thread has more crossboarder newfags who reply to any low quality bait but /hlg/ was never known for its quality.

>> No.26915842

When you're best girl you don't settle for second-best girls.

>> No.26915845

Just grow a thicker skin honestly this is nothing compared to some of the salt some fandoms have

>> No.26915846
File: 477 KB, 1494x1494, 1600567874459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26915851

She's just a normie girl with a bleeding heart.

Just makes her cuter, honestly, only in burgerland is it considered bad.

>> No.26915853

Is that handle supposed to look like her mouth?

>> No.26915857

But Coco was scouted.

>> No.26915858

the audacity of this whore

>> No.26915859

Damn Reines poster, you're still here? That's some dedication

>> No.26915863

I'll stick the $5 then and see how things play out by renewal. Thanks for the reminder, anon.

>> No.26915864

Well Kiara and Mori have met irl (and probably the only ones capable of doing so) and they seem to get along pretty well from the collab and twitter/stream interactions.
The NA trio get along pretty well for people who have probably never seen each other Irl and have already played offline together . Sure it’s awkward at times but they have likely only known each other for months at most.
It’s completely normal for them to like some more than others but to pretend like they only talk with each other out of profesional courtesy is a weird narrative

>> No.26915874

He's a married man with children, I don't think he's kind of guy that would cheat and jeopardize his happy family life.

>> No.26915879

Doesn't she have Okayu?

>> No.26915883


>> No.26915884

More like Gehenna

>> No.26915886
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x2400, Ei1i_F5VkAApITa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAHHHH YAGOO MAKE IT COME TRUE https://twitter.com/miku1596/status/1309814901423009792

>> No.26915887

I'm glad the chumbud made this clip

>> No.26915889

Hololive has a chinese branch that streams on Chinese YouTube (forgot what it was called), so don’t be surprised if Yagoo ends up firing coco for that taiwan thing.

>> No.26915894
File: 413 KB, 295x1512, 1601122894613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to fans, Gura > Mori > Ina = Amelia > Kiara

>> No.26915896

A miserable little pile of fiber. But enough shitposting... Have at you!

>> No.26915897

TIL YAGOO follows Tim Sweeney, Hazbin Hotel Roblox, and John Carmack

>> No.26915899

As a person who helped out a little at Malibu yard sales, there's tons of "lonely" celebs and richfags.

>> No.26915905

It’s a kendama with the ball cut off.

>> No.26915906

I laughed but ethnically she's 100% Austrian and you know how japs are.

>> No.26915908

Some of them just met for the first time.

They don't hate each other, but even the previous gens with HoloJP took some time to get fully confortable with each other, they eventually became great friends, but friendships don't instantly happen, it needs some time.

>> No.26915915

I think I don't like Watson because she was designed to be the main character of the gen. I almost never like the main character. She lives up to MC status very well though, seems like everyone else looks up to her.

>> No.26915918
File: 96 KB, 818x663, 1600709628643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora's gonna steal your girl....

>> No.26915922

mori is actually greedy and super fake too

I can't get over how she actually cried about people giving her too much money then proceeds to make tons of SC streams and sets her membership at $35 for early access to her songs or $25 for member streams while literally every other vtuber has their stuff at the lowest tier and the other tiers are just for show

>> No.26915925

He doesn't get any (You)s on /alter/, so he came back here.

>> No.26915927

He could nail actual idols if he wanted to

>> No.26915929

>chinese youtube
that's bilibili

>> No.26915931

I'd imagine chinkbili is absolutely insignificant for Cover revenue wise.

>> No.26915933


Better for someone who doesn't already have succces to get the conversion opportunity. I'm looking at people like snuffyOwO, ayumirisa, yuikaichan among the millions that are trying. There's even a little known complete gem of vtuber there called Artia. You guys wouldn't know about her though.

>> No.26915938

Feet are too small, he fucked up.

>> No.26915941

You've clearly never worked in a corporate position before. Pretty much every exec uses their position to get sexual favors.

>> No.26915952

That shit would cost you an arm and a leg. I'd rather not.

>> No.26915961

If it was, then Haato would be back in Japan instead of being in Aus doing her studies.

>> No.26915967

Sweeney and Carmack are solid Twitter accounts, you even get to keep up with the latest Epic drama if you like that.

>> No.26915968

amelia stop playing apex holy shit

>> No.26915980

They make their own story lines in it. The neighbor wars of Shion and Aqua. Pekora building a Trap house for halloween to trick the other members. Pekora building various TnT contraptions and numerous antics of mischief. Minecraft is anything you want it to be but the easiest form of entertainment I've found is simply watching Pekora since she is quite entertaining to watch and makes watching minecraft streams in general bearable.

>> No.26915982

Watch less porn

>> No.26915984

Not true, our CEO just hires hookers.

>> No.26915988

It's a shame we won't get official merch for a while. Ina talked about being reluctant to put out psds of her work out of worry they'd be turned into bootleg merch other people would profit from, which is understandable.

That said I'm not sure how you'd set up some kinda of global distribution for goods for what is supposed to be a global group. That's another issue in itself.

>> No.26915989

We could've gotten someone a thousand times worse, so yes I am.
Also, is nice to see someone that can establish a clear link between JP and EN.

>> No.26915990

>He's still going

>> No.26916005

I'm not that fond of Mori the actual normal opinion to have is that she's kind of an idiot and doesn't really know much about Hololive.

She didn't think she was gonna blow up like this, I'm sure she's actually super emotional about finally "making it" after working constantly. She's a ditz, she didn't understand why there would be higher membership tiers if it weren't for a reward or something like Patreon which I think she understands more.

>> No.26916009

Depends a lot on the specific type of asmr and yes nowadays it does include what's basically audio erotica.

>> No.26916011

Amelia needs to play better games that are more fun.
I think she should start with Getting Over It. It's been done a lot, but it's ALWAYS fun to watch cause you get so many reactions.

>> No.26916014

>rams ear up to fully cranked speakers trying to decipher every last detail of the brap, playing it over and over
>bro gura doesn't even fart she just says shaaark and giggles

>> No.26916027

>just stop playing one of your favorite games because /v/ told me it's bad

>> No.26916033

What does that has anything to do with that post?

But yeah, I wouldn't doubt that Kiara joined Hololive to fuck cute girls

>> No.26916036

Fuck you and fuck your shitty fotm games

>> No.26916038

This is bait.

>> No.26916039


>> No.26916041

This is the 2nd time you have mentioned this. Why don't you just DM L*serb*it instead?

>> No.26916042

This is the nature of the trinity

>> No.26916045

Yes, but confidence in her has decreased.

>> No.26916047

Fuck off do you want more indie trash with 3deep5u pixel shit?

>> No.26916048

Fuck no. You have to be exceptionally powerful or exceptionally retarded to do that, it's easier to just hire a prostitute and then you might not even be sued into oblivion.

>> No.26916052

Just needs to play more roguelites or straight to the point type games.

I keep suggesting Ultrakill, I'm sure she's bound to see the suggestion at some point. She said something about putting somewhere people can recommend games to her, but she's gonna get so many stupid normie suggestions that are also gonna be horrible to stream.

>> No.26916056


>> No.26916058

Ame will make /jp/ kneel to APEX

>> No.26916059

No. She has her own happiness and doesn't need mine.

>> No.26916061
File: 63 KB, 274x264, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faggots still seething over mori

Meanwhile, FBK is kneeling so hard the curvature if the earth just changed a few degrees

>> No.26916063

You were entertaining enough for this (You), yes, comedy is at its best when it's simple.

Just look at Pekora or Luna.

>> No.26916064

I feel like this is a jab at Gura

>> No.26916069

Gura acknowledged someone asking her about shark hoodies and she said she hopes it can happen soon. They're probably trying to figure that shit out right now so they can strike while the iron is still hot.

>> No.26916072

deadbraps have listened to that clip enough times to even know what it smelled like

>> No.26916075

I probably get more hate than her on the regular and have achieved less with my life. you go chicken

>> No.26916080

She knows what's coming

>> No.26916082

Getting over it IS indie trash

>> No.26916083

only if they use the rape mod and name colonists after holos

>> No.26916084
File: 88 KB, 499x364, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder whos behind this post

>> No.26916085

She basically wants to live her neet lifestyle while getting paid and not putting much work in.

>> No.26916095

Her interests are pretty transparent. She wants a japanese audience and fits to a japanese hololive idol stereotype in comparison to her En counterparts. Ironically though her chances to be released as Hololive JP is slim and honestly speaking En was her shot at it.

>> No.26916097

Nah, but chicken's mic quality is shit. SHIIIIIT!

>> No.26916098

If chicken collabs with Pekora, I can see chicken getting nervous to the point of embarrassing herself badly result in in pakora laughing at her.

>> No.26916101

Wait is she shitting on Gura right now?

>> No.26916102


No, festival and luna did a watch along together before EN was a thing. It's a meme movie for JP right now.

>> No.26916104

>3k viewers

>> No.26916106

Everyone kneels to the shark

>> No.26916108

the jab of her knees shooting to the ground

>> No.26916112

Even after the jew moment and jp pandering they're still all EN

>> No.26916113

>go see what's going on

>> No.26916117

She is really fake, but not faker than Kiara so I wo't ever dish out at Mori for being fake.

>> No.26916118

Maybe Okayu was eating some Onigiri and forgot to change her status?
This makes me sad.

>> No.26916121
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1080, Lewd Shork.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26916122

Hey bug your antennae is showing

>> No.26916125

At this rate she's just sabotaging herself.

>> No.26916126

but she puts in a lot of work

>> No.26916127

No, you are confusing her with Mori

>> No.26916128

narrative fags please...

>> No.26916129

That's fine, but you know she doesn't actually like these story based indie games that much. It's just she lacks the permissions for much else right now.

>> No.26916135
File: 22 KB, 615x343, 1600573936389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this the place where I sign up for EN Gen 2?

>> No.26916136

i need her to play the talos principle

>> No.26916142

No, my retarded friend. She's just very good at subtle meta commentary

>> No.26916146

Her Apex streams are great, fuck off.

>> No.26916148

It's a watchalong, they are watching Sharknado 2.

>> No.26916151

>gonna miss it because of planned power outage
I fucking hate living in California so much.

>> No.26916152

That's actually painful.

>> No.26916154

Yes anon YAGOO is going to sack the biggest moneymaker in his company to avoid making chinks butthurt

>> No.26916157


>> No.26916158

Not shitposting but Amelia should actually play the Blade Runner adventure game
The ending is random so she doesn't even have to worry about spoilers

>> No.26916160


>> No.26916163

Is there any point to channel membership if I won't be able to watch exclusive streams live?

>> No.26916171
File: 24 KB, 128x128, 1601093034836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a Sharknado movie night
Wow, she's stealing from Ina, too? How desperate.

>> No.26916176

Show your support

>> No.26916178
File: 166 KB, 1017x481, EiurJggXsAE36Tw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26916179

Can't her parents just hire an Aussie guy to fuck her?

>> No.26916180

I would only accept Pikamee in gen 2 if they somehow just bought VOMS and didn't change their designs/art. I don't wanna see Pikamee with a new avatar her current is too cute

>> No.26916183

Yes you get channel emotes and support your oshi.

>> No.26916185

Depends if it gets archived or not.

>> No.26916191

>Mori and Watson joined hololive because of coco
no.... I DON't like coco

>> No.26916195

I'm sad you stopped posting the Kiara pasta.

A lot of newfags actually believe we stopped hating her.

>> No.26916197

No slowmode for chat

>> No.26916204

are you retarded?

>> No.26916206

/v/ niggers wanting ame to play the "good" game of the week that in 2 weeks will be calling shit and terrible

>> No.26916208

Getting mixed messages here

>> No.26916210


Support beyond superchat and emojis. Outside of that I think all of them have said "watch out for number 1 first, yourself" regarding financials at some point or another.

>> No.26916213

she gets 10-24k every stream

>> No.26916215

>not even the same filename
Yeah, it's not like you can save other people's images and repost them, right?

>> No.26916220

>i need her to play the talos principle
Difficulty level too high, chat would have to help all the time and they would just fail at it.

>> No.26916226


>> No.26916235

Wait why does Coco hate China?

>> No.26916237
File: 280 KB, 555x555, 1599960001772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay class today we're going to learn spelling

>> No.26916238

And 1k$ every stream

>> No.26916239

EN kneels to orange woman.

>> No.26916242

ask /hlg/

>> No.26916247
File: 110 KB, 939x487, 1600058449231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I redeem this?

>> No.26916250

oh ho ho, no, I don't watch chicken but leave me out of this, you can keep sucking tranny dick by yourself, faggot

>> No.26916254

So who the fuck is streaming today

>> No.26916256

I'm okay with Kiara. Wouldn't watch her because I want to watch hololive EN instead of JP though.
I never liked Mori because she's a cringy shit, fake and the greediest holo.

>> No.26916258
File: 34 KB, 654x358, Ef_vxMNWsAA6yLZ.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26916259

Not objectively or in a materialistic way. You won't get anything out of it.

But if you like a girl for who she is, then it's always a nice way to show support for the entertainment she provides. You're literally funding her as without you she would graduate or make a lot of depressed streams like how Aki was.

>> No.26916265

absolutely based lewd girl

>> No.26916274

>nah nah nah nah SHARKNADO
meme cat is adorable.

>> No.26916282

Have a (you) in these Trying times

>> No.26916284

successful indies have no reason to go corporates

>> No.26916285

She only hates Fake China.

>> No.26916287

Same reason everyone else does

>> No.26916292

When has a girl ever graduated just because she didn't bring in enough money?

>> No.26916295

tweet that question at her

>> No.26916296

Have you ever wrote something long and then decided not to post it?

>> No.26916301

>Puts in maybe the second most amount of work, only beat by Mori making a bunch of original songs
>She's a lazy NEET
Yeah okay

>> No.26916306

Amelia should reduce the size of the letters. They're fun, but because they're so fucking huge they take a lot of visual space.

>> No.26916308

Amelia here. Do you goslings really think I would let you redeem any of those?
I might let you kiss my feet but nothing else, loser.

>> No.26916310


>> No.26916312

The chinese tried to bully some of the girls

>> No.26916316

>sucking a tranny schizo's dick for the sake of shitposting
god, at least have some respect for yourself

>> No.26916321

All the time.

>> No.26916322


>> No.26916323
File: 132 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo - Rail Zeppelin Grace Note - 03 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_01.26_[2020.05.29_22.23.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chickenmods gave me a 3-day vacation last time I posted it. I'll try to wait I can add something new to the list before posting it again. Too bad I don't watch her streams because they're too boring, so I'll probably miss any new fuckups she makes.

>> No.26916324

Explain the shark.
She could have easily gone indie successfully.

>> No.26916326

what does she like?

>> No.26916327
File: 3 KB, 238x45, 1592220368680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even huke is a Kiara anti...

>> No.26916328


>> No.26916335

so many times before...

>> No.26916337


Gura at some point she wrote "see you tomorrow" on twitter.

>> No.26916338

this. gura's kusoge games are unironically more bearable to watch than her playing this shit over and over

>> No.26916339

I agree on all your accounts. Actually.
I also wouldn't attack someone that enjoys them without being obnoxious about it.

>> No.26916340
File: 57 KB, 534x248, 1599855196336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a twitter. Can I fax it to her?

>> No.26916344

songs is the only thing mori has and they're not even good
Its no surprise shes putting effort on those because thats all she has

>> No.26916346

Her grandpa slaughtered 200 million chinese back in Nanjing.

>> No.26916349

Anon, thats called a joke.

>> No.26916353

For non-brapbeats, how would you feel if your oshi had explicitly stated that she was only into riceniggers? How do they cope? It legit must be rough.

>> No.26916355
File: 342 KB, 850x1006, 1600220919790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working with Kiara
>Reprimanding her for all the mistakes shes made
>Ordering her to take off her underwear as punishment
>Making her deliver customers' orders to them
>Watching her squirm in embarrassment when she has to slightly bend over to place the food trays on tables
>Enjoying the sight of her trying to hide her privates when her skirt rides a little too high
>Laughing when she quickly shuffles to safety behind the counter

>> No.26916361

Is VOMS indie?

>> No.26916365

Choco is about to graduate.
This is a job you loser, if you can't earn enough to buy bread then you're better of not streaming and working a regular job.

>> No.26916371

as if you'd ever be kiara's boss, faggot

>> No.26916372

SHE begs to differ

>> No.26916374

No its garbage
Different things

>> No.26916376
File: 79 KB, 400x410, 1600436592337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working with kiara
>call her in to fire her

>> No.26916378

roommate is a separate being

>> No.26916379

jokes on you, I am one

>> No.26916380

Its actually impressive how mad you guys have been at some drunk autistic rapper for two whole threads.

>> No.26916389

Can't wait until Mori finally gets her Fromsoft and Konami permissions

>> No.26916390

Yes and no.
What happens more often is that the captcha is such a fucking faggot sometimes that I just give up on posting because fuck you, google.

>> No.26916393

She is an unironic alcoholic who hated her ironic weeb fanbase.

>> No.26916394
File: 191 KB, 360x325, 1589761319268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like clockwork

>> No.26916398
File: 28 KB, 1114x514, 1600480357362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seeing a little patch of wetness running down her thighs

>> No.26916400

>Its actually impressive how mad you guys have been
you missed the nuclear meltdown some literal schizo had yesterday over shark reaching 500k

>> No.26916402

Anyway, how's your sex life?

>> No.26916403

Because it's righteous

>> No.26916406

I don't understand why people are trying to draw a line between "The trinity" and the other two, it's only going to make collabs feel even more awkward to watch here.

>> No.26916407

I think people underestimate how valuable connections are. Raw sub count isn't everything

>> No.26916410

Someone out there will eventually be the first guy to rip the bandaid of Gura's chunny and penetrate it

>> No.26916411

Yep, mostly replies, but then I think that I rather not deal with other people's stupidity and go have fun doing something else.

>> No.26916412

No one listened in the /hlg/ so you had to come here and try convince new people, eh?

>> No.26916413

Shark just wants to have friends. Pikamee doesn't need to do that, her VOMS mates are the best you could ask for.

>> No.26916415

It'll be easy to buy out her restaurant business when it crashes and burns

>> No.26916417

It wouldn't surprise me from Ina at all.

>> No.26916418

Don't let the fanatics read that spoiler.
But I want to let you know you're not alone, anon.

>> No.26916422

yes. 10k when playing apex, 24k when actually trying out new games

>> No.26916421

riddle me this: how can ina win her 3rd golden yagoo when she's the host?

>> No.26916424
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>> No.26916425

Chicken is DUMB and IMPURE and I LOVE IT.

>> No.26916428
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>> No.26916430

It’s okay chum bud just remember to hydrate

>> No.26916437

Which EN is a gacha brain?

>> No.26916445

I can’t enjoy gura’s stream desu. She stops halfway and read supachats. Like do it at the end. Be like ame and read random shit in the middle

>> No.26916446
File: 33 KB, 238x266, 0A78CF6D-AD43-471B-AC44-E165C00E48A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish Kiara lived in my head rent free... but it seems like she prefers schizos...

>> No.26916447

>any criticism to Kiara
Holy keks you Kiarafags haven't changed at all.

>> No.26916448

by carrying her teammates in humans fall flat

>> No.26916462


Shitposting, antis and then there's the ones who genuinely don't want the awkwardness from collabs that is elicited through the timezone delay (something like 10 seconds for a message to be said then heard based on the ina/kiara collab)

>> No.26916463


>> No.26916465

Bruh korone please

>> No.26916466

Would let chicken fuck my mom.

>> No.26916467

Ina has a gambling addiction

>> No.26916468

Cause they're antis who deliberately want to watch people fail

>> No.26916470

Ina plays too many of them as well as having made official art for 3 different ones.
Kiara plays arknights but comes off as an ironic gachabrain to me.

>> No.26916475

At least theres longer streams coming apparently, I legit felt a bit bad for the chumbuds last night.

>> No.26916477
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>> No.26916478
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>> No.26916480

Ina and Kiara did a collab stream about their gacha addiction

>> No.26916481


>> No.26916482

not a narrative fag but i could kind of see why i guess. ""the trio"" does feel like they're comfortable with each other and have done their own collab once. kiara and mori have played off of each other since the beginning so they feel like a duo. in any case, it doesn't really matter because they'll still all collab between each other. there's nothing wrong with them grouping up though, it can create more focused content. other holos do it too.

>> No.26916490

>The musician of the group only makes music
No shit, what else were you expecting?

>> No.26916491
File: 116 KB, 850x612, __gawr_gura_and_aquaman_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_hinghoi__sample-3e867a813b5f00acd18057dcdd067f95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you say something?

>> No.26916492


>> No.26916493

>It's not sexual at all, but ethots denigrated the term into a genre of low effort sound porn in a desperate attempt to sell sex on a trend.

>> No.26916506

Kiara is a gacha brain(let) considering that she relies on guides for AK.

>> No.26916505

What do you have against Choco? What did she do to you that you hate her? She just wants to stream.

>> No.26916513

can a programmer write a script that mutes the stream whenever chicken talks?

>> No.26916514
File: 539 KB, 500x282, 1589510518558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bait? Huke and Kiara go along super well, he's always on chat.

>> No.26916517

Jesus christ coco chat is a fucking disaster
For fuck sakes she better not cause any trouble to hololive en

>> No.26916519

if you're talking about the dead by daylight stream she was reading them during the queue which is a good time to do it

>> No.26916521
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Post 3 indications the she is about to graduate you fucking chink.
Graduate yourself my chuuba.

>> No.26916530

to be fair, her apex streams are usually late, so there's no euros and less americans

>> No.26916533

>No shit, what else were you expecting?
do you need a list of how many vtubers are great entertainers, singers with original songs and really good at drawing?

>> No.26916534
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Haachama... not like this...

>> No.26916535

She’s prolly not used to streaming these long before

>> No.26916544

>without you she would graduate
Is this what paypigs seriously believe? If you had enough braincells to just look up their earnings you'd realize that going purely by superchats only Mel and Choco are earning below the average salary in Japan, but I imagine memberships would prop them up and they don't put in many hours so it's most likely just a side job for them anyway. In fact half of the holos are making 6 figures USD per annum after the youtube/cover cut, hell even Towa is probably going to have made 6 figures by her 1st anniversary.

>> No.26916550

Nobody cares about the kokorobeats relationship.

>> No.26916552

anonchama...can it not be anymore obvious

>> No.26916553

Vocal recognition at that level is basically machine learning shit

>> No.26916555

Ina has a serious gambling problem with how many she plays, but she's definitely serious about it

Kiara plays some, but just to collect and look at cute girls.

>> No.26916571

Stop being such a fucking schizo anti.
Everyone wins with the separation.
The girls themselves are more comfortable this way.
They can play a wider variety of games this way (trio plays 4-player games, duo plays Coop games)
They can both satisfy their respective audience (trio the eng fanbase, duo the japanglish fanbase)
They can both organize collabs more often (trio being on the west, duo being on the east)

It's only "anti" posting because you're making it seem that way.

>> No.26916572

I watched streams where she played her music back and cringed at it. I think she did a good job working that angle, and she's a talented singer, but she had more to offer. Her roommate shit was probably a bigger limiter than being shark.

>> No.26916575

Kiara is the Kanata of HoloEN without gorilla strength?

>> No.26916577

>planned power outage
Is this an offshoot of that "dick flattening" meme or something?

>> No.26916581
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Because that's typically how large groups work; some pairs get along better than others, but it can be assumed they at least don't hate each other. Just look at Achievement Hunter with the Lads and the Gents. At least, that was old AH. Stopped watching after Ray left.

>> No.26916579

Yea dead by daylight was alright but the tabs 2 one are kinda unwatchable. She need to learn a bit more from twitch Ame

>> No.26916585
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I find this a bit too relatable.

>> No.26916587
File: 190 KB, 1000x750, 1571512410503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina admitted to be playing arknights DURING her collab with Kiara
I bet the reason her computer kept lagging during surgeon sim despite having a 2080 is because she had multiple emulator windows open on the side.

As someone who plays a lot of gacha too there's just no way she wasn't grinding through the entirety of the movie watchalong.

>> No.26916592

Don't be so hard on him, it's his job.

>> No.26916593
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>> No.26916597

Ame should collab with Kanae hahaha

>> No.26916602

Imagine watching your own content and not understanding the appeal at all YET you see all the comments gushing over how cute and funny you are.

But you don't understand exactly where you're going right or wrong. I bet some Holos feel this to some extent, but I imagine Gura is feeling this the most.

>> No.26916604

are you ogey retard?

>> No.26916607

the numbers are consistent with her vod viewcount anon. i love amelia but please stop defending this

>> No.26916606

Don't forget she plays FGO and FGO has their lotto event atm.

>> No.26916612

I can't hate the Apex streams, they aren't going to stand out as content goes but people seem to enjoy them as they regularly get 12k viewers each time without issue.

If the Apex streams help Amelia chill out with chat and she keeps up her good interaction with them then I'm all for it. I usually just follow something else with the audio in the back when she starts a round and check in when she's doing well or talking shit with chat. I appreciate her explaining what she's doing to chat too so even if they aren't that interested they can follow along with her logic.

>> No.26916618

What are some good spooky games that the girls can play for October that the JPs have already gotten permissions for?

>> No.26916619

yes I'm having a lot of fun


>> No.26916621
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1599960767282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are still seething about my aunt?

>> No.26916622

Literally just/v/-tier consolewar shitposting.
Give it a week and they'll shift to shitting on those 3 while claiming to be Mori and Kiara fans. It's always so predictable.

>> No.26916623

Nah Gura knows exactly why she is so cute. You don't get a million subs by accident.

>> No.26916627
File: 762 KB, 1125x1125, Ina_Kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina read Fire Punch and Chainsaw Man

>> No.26916628

She's not even the best musician in the gen anon.

>> No.26916630

Don't watch TABS stream.

>> No.26916638

The more art reps I do the more I see that my drawings are crooked and filled with mistakes. When does it stop. When do I become happy with my art? Ina...Onegai...

>> No.26916639

Hell, I feel that too when I watch Gura, and I'm not even her HER.

>> No.26916641

shes shit so whats wrong with calling her shit?

>> No.26916645

it grew on me after a bit even though I know it must have pissed off some

>> No.26916648

2nd PC-kun for grinding!

>> No.26916652

Nah man, if there's anybody who knows what they are doing, it's Gura and Ame.

>> No.26916656

i knew this would happen as soon as she said it
shitty forced meme

>> No.26916657

People are still seething about Kiara

>> No.26916664

I'm not really sure how you could get that read. Feels more like a cute nod.

>> No.26916668

 ▲
▲ ▲
There is a natural affinity betwixt Chumchads, Teamates, and Tentacultists. This led the enlightened to realize the unity of the Trinity. Antis impersonate Trinityfags in an attempt to sow discord

>> No.26916670

>the guy not wanting an arbitrary separation is the schizo
Projecting hard?

>> No.26916677

Who has worse gacha addiction Ina or FBK?

>> No.26916678

>puts in a ton of work
>releases music for free because she just wants people to enjoy her music
>supports everyone, no matter how small
>actively discourages numberfagging
>creates events designed for community interaction and for elevating other creators in the community
>listens to feedback actively fixes things people complain about
>streams games she isn't comfortable with because she thinks people will enjoy it and tries to improve despite not being great at it.
>is okay will people liking different things than her, and isn't offended when people don't like her music
>awkward as hell but tries her best
She's precious and great. Get fucked antis.

>> No.26916683

>can't even help out the JP Holos with collabs because she can't speak Japanese
It really is lonely at the top, huh?

>> No.26916686

It's all anti posting because all the retards here just shit on Mori/Kiara and praise the trinity without any valid reasoning.
So far, you're one of the few people here that gave good valid points about the separation and not just "mori jew chicken sux"

>> No.26916692


which is the better group if you had to choose?

>> No.26916696

Love or hate the reddit dragon, she's more or less the reason HoloEN was pushed so much.

>> No.26916699

>Is this what paypigs seriously believe?
You are replying to someone that doesn't even own a credit card.
Do you think I should read the rest of your post? It seems you wrote a huge ass post based on a stupid projection that I pay for my entertainment.

Just because I want you to pay, doesn't mean I pay. Someone has to fund my entertainment, and it ain't gonna be me.

>> No.26916700

I'm not even that big an Amelia fan, I just know a lot of people here seem to forget timezones exist constantly.

>> No.26916707

Imagine a tongue-heavy blowjob from Ame.

>> No.26916713


>> No.26916714

Nah that's more like Calli. She by her own admittance doesn't think her rapping ability is great nor is she a great streamer.

>> No.26916718

Does Ame know what she is doing?
She's liking erotic art of herself... won't that make her followers think lewdly of her?

>> No.26916721

No, our infrastructure in rural California is so bad and decayed that a slightly higher than normal wind event can down the power lines and start a devastating wild fire like the one that burned down a nearby small town and killed 80s people two years ago. Instead of fixing the lines and managing the forest better, we just turn the power off to tens of thousands of people for a couple days at a time.

>> No.26916723

newfags can't triforce


>> No.26916728

>Be honest, do you anti post?
Yes, sometimes.
>Why do you do it?
I'm the virus for the /hlg/ and /hlgg/ imune system. When they really start to ignore my doomposting, then my work here is complete.
And by ignoring I mean completely ignoring. Not pity (you), not counter-baiting but a thick and full ignoring.

>> No.26916730

Nothing besides a description of my night with your mother

>> No.26916732

>The top triangle is a bit far to the right, but butter than anything I've seen the latest 5 years

>> No.26916733

Based and deadpilled

>> No.26916734

Sometimes I've almost replied to bait but realized how stupid that was and stopped.

>> No.26916740

>chicken likes lolis
Gura watch out!

>> No.26916742

Does KJ ever post the aggie canvas here, or is he /hlg/ only?

>> No.26916744

I wonder if Ina spent her time in /fgog/ before because she's a huge Fatefag. I wonder if I shitposted with her without knowing.

>> No.26916745

>actively discourages numberfagging
Also mori:
>What's a superchat?
>Superchats. ALL OF THEM
>Superchat and chill
>Hey guys pay $35 for my membership and you can get my songs early!!!. $5? You only get my tweets one day early.

>> No.26916746

but I only like Kiara and Ina

>> No.26916747


>> No.26916755

>5 word greentext and 2 lines normal text
>huge ass post
No, don't respond to me, I don't want to argue with an underage faggot.

>> No.26916758


That character you keep avatarfagging looks like fucking shit.

>> No.26916760

I wonder if she reviews her own streams?

>> No.26916761

>Haachama english only asmr

Sounds fucking horrifying.

>> No.26916765

>actively discourages numberfagging
>Canada, please... *fake cries* you don't need to donate that much... *keeps SC on* it's not necessary...
Literally the fakest bitch of the group. Even Ame's more honest with her jewery.

>> No.26916770


>> No.26916773


>> No.26916774

Yeah but how many of those chuubas recorded, mixed, and produced 4 songs by themselves in 2 weeks? Cause there's no way Cover paid for it and she's way too broke to afford anyone else to make them

I never said that, don't go putting words in my post
I'm not a fan of her music either but at least I can recognize her efforts

>> No.26916782

>Go to sleep with Gura at 500k
>Wake up to her at 513k

>> No.26916785

Not mad, she just sucks and should be excluded from the thread.

>> No.26916787

Imagine the trio.
Imagine them pulling down your pants and Amelia and Ina giggle while Gura is shocked.
Ina starts you off with a footjob before Amelia gives you a great bj.
Then both hold down Gura who is blushing red as a tomato, saying "it'll be fine Gura, you will love it" as they tell you to do it and enter her

>> No.26916788

too late chumbuds, you've all been CLUCKOLDED by the big gay bird

>> No.26916789

For me it's Mori and Ina.

>> No.26916791


>> No.26916792

Not removing loose accumulated fuel in form of dead wood and other plants really pays.

>> No.26916794

Only if you are gay

>> No.26916796

apex strength

>> No.26916800



>> No.26916809

Trio, not even a contest. The other two can't even talk without being cringe, plus they have shit voices.

>> No.26916810

That depends, are we talking about playtime or $?
Playtime, I'd believe Ina, because of the emulators. Money, FBK for the sole reason we don't know how much Ina has spent.

>> No.26916816

it makes sense why she's like this if you do your roommate reps. I wish I hadn't because it makes me sad.

>> No.26916828

You know this is not going to happen. Even /2434/ goes apeshit when someone starts baiting with Lulu until meido comes around to clean it up. It's all about how meidos enforce quality and they clearly gave up on this shithole.

>> No.26916829

She's a competent technician but a shit artist and entertainer. She should be behind the scenes if anything.

>> No.26916830

My favorites are Ina and Mori, get bent.

>> No.26916835

>>actively discourages numberfagging
That's because her numbers are bad.

>> No.26916838

maybe the xbox tweet

>> No.26916842

>>Pekora plays Minecraft and has a steady 30k viewers.
>>Gura plays DBD and has a steady 33k viewers

Is Gura the Pekora of HoloEN?

>> No.26916844

>A dad joke is only a dad joke when it becomes apparent
Damn it, octopus.

>> No.26916846


>> No.26916850

But she was grinding to a halt just before 500k, what kind of botting does it take to get a 14k boost out of nowhere

>> No.26916852

>Becoming a world-class artist to fund your gacha-hobby.

>> No.26916854

Ina, Gura, Mori
fuck off with the tribalism

>> No.26916855

I don't care about her roommate, but at least tell me she's getting better? Or at least will she get better?

>> No.26916857

she sounds like nanahira when shes speaking engrish

>> No.26916861

>favorite Holo to watch
>Holo you've jerked it the most to

>the clown bitch from Gen 5

>> No.26916862

dont twitch streamers usually just thank as they show up?

>> No.26916863

she streamed for an hour yesterday

>> No.26916864

I would never look behind the curtain because I don't to know

>> No.26916865

people seeth about every HoloEN. If the post isn't interesting or funny it's not worth bothering with. Just scroll on my friend.

>> No.26916866

It's been two weeks and Kiara hasn't caught a break yet, don't expect special treatment for your preferred sharter.

>> No.26916870

How bad can it be

>> No.26916869

Mori and Gura

>> No.26916878

>puts in a ton of work
Doesn't mean it's good, but ok I recognize the effort
>releases music for free because she just wants people to enjoy her music.
Just like every content creator in Hololive.
>supports everyone, no matter how small
Just like everyone else in Hololive.
>actively discourages numberfagging
By reading and baiting SCs?
>creates events designed for community interaction and for elevating other creators in the community
Wow Hololivers interacting with their community? Never saw that.
>listens to feedback actively fixes things people complain about
Just like everyone else in Hololive.
>streams games she isn't comfortable with because she thinks people will enjoy it and tries to improve despite not being great at it
Just like everyone else in Hololive.
>is okay will people liking different things than her, and isn't offended when people don't like her music
Just like everyone else in Hololive.
>awkward as hell but tries her best
Just like most of Hololive.

She's literally like everyone else but worse because she's a SCs baiter, reader, and terrible streamer. Shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.26916882

>fbk doing sharknado 2 watchalong without gura
backstabbing bitch

>> No.26916883

You missed
>listens to feedback actively fixes things people complain about
She moved spacha reading to end of stream fixed her tiers, and announced they would be reworked once the initial promises were delivered.
>hurr dur she's faking it
just because you keep saying doesn't make it true.

>> No.26916885

perhaps Subaru

>> No.26916890

>But she was grinding to a halt just before 500k
She didn't stream for a day then she streamed something people loved for one hour and got a big boost. Imagine if she had kept on going instead of stopping for the brapper.

>> No.26916891

Lmao what a loser. Almost no different than paying for a whore for sex

>> No.26916892

Are you people even real /jp/ers?

>> No.26916896

she is a leech

>> No.26916900

Imagine laying in bed next to Calliope, running your finger up the back of her thigh and lightly probing her butthole. You push a suppository up into her sphincter and, each time you lightly start to pull your finger away, she pushes it out involuntarily. Finally, after holding your finger there for a bit longer, you move it away and the laxative doesn't come out, having been swallowed into her intestine.

There she lie on top of the covers, sweating lightly in anticipation, slightly grimacing for moments at a time as waves of stomach cramps wash over her and gradually increase in intensity. The pressure of the sweet pain in her abdomen finally gets the better of her and she starts shitting. At first, she conservatively tries to pace herself and aim onto a singular spot on the sheets, but as the momentum of her bowels snowballs out of control, she accidentally soils her stockings and the rear flap of her dress that she tried to hold out of the way.

As the minutes pass, the torrent of waste coming out of her ass gradually becomes more liquid than solid, until the final chorus of her bowels erupts out as a viscous tidal wave of wet, brown slime.

She slowly and reservedly sits up on the side of the bed and propels herself up on her feet, shamefully making sure to keep her back to the mess as she walks to pour herself a glass of wine. Using her shivering hand to pull the glass to her lips, a single tear falls down her cheek as she looks at you and sobs "Th-thank you for 'peeping' my performance" before taking a long sip of drink to help her forget.

>> No.26916905

That's just objectively wrong.

>> No.26916918

What happens next anon?

>> No.26916920

She's literally a faker with all the crying GUYS YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THAT then reveals herself as the greediest out of hololive trying to milk her fanbase before they realize she has no content outside her songs and sc baiting free chats

>> No.26916921

gonna try TABS since gura played it

>> No.26916922

can you ever get better if you can't see your kids again?

>> No.26916924

Which holoen would you want to be?
For me, I wish I was Ina.
>comfy living on some canadian island with parents in nice house
>just chill there all day using my awesome skills to draw great stuff
>occasionally stream and just continue being me don't even have to pretend or act can just relax
>snack on stuff and watch a movie

>> No.26916926

>>puts in a ton of work
Stopped reading there. SC reading is not work.
>b-but muh songs!
She finished them before debuting you retard. Just because her first day at work was amazing doesn't excuse her for literally not working for 2 whole weeks.

>> No.26916929

>Imagine laying in bed next to Calliope
I wouldn't sleep from the stench of shit

>> No.26916930

How did you jerk the most to fucking Polka? Where did you even find enough lewds.


>> No.26916932

>Hold on everyone, I have to be right back... I will be back in just a moment...
>Plop plop
I'll pass, not a scatfaggot.

>> No.26916933

All superchats are left until the end now for every stream, at least keep your bitching up to date.

>> No.26916936

>replying to loser bait

>> No.26916941

alt255 doesn't work for some reason
let's see of alt129 does
ü ü ▲
▲ ▲

>> No.26916943

This is the dream of every deadbrap right here

>> No.26916947

They generally just say thanks for the amount and read the name. If it's super impressive and they're small it might pull their attention away. But normally twitch streamers don't read messages out during gameplay, TTS will read the message out loud so they don't have to stop and read before responding.

>> No.26916949

Trio, but I would watch the Duo if they had them, see:

I think there is lots of good games that only work with co-op

>> No.26916959


>> No.26916960

You wake up 1 second before your head touches the softest, most plump mons you've ever seen

>> No.26916962

But Hololive already has Konami permissions. Pekora's "ogey rrat" was from MGS2 stream.

>> No.26916963

>for every stream
She did a DOOM stream without doing that and nothing else, and that because it required her to pay attention to the game, the moment she plays something slightly less attention heavy she'll return to her habits.

>> No.26916967

Damn, poor girl. If that's true that's pretty sad. She is one of my few favorites.

>> No.26916972

Have you actually fucking watched any of her streams in the past week? Imagine being actually bamboozled by shitposters, holy shit.

>> No.26916973


>> No.26916977

Yes, but since these threads have turned into a crossboard Ame fanclub, no one will acknowledge her fans are creepy and mostly underage.

>> No.26916981

Because it’s based

>> No.26916987


>*clap clap*

>> No.26916990

But it's not because the two groups live on different continents?

>> No.26916992

Good, you saved us both the trouble of wasting our time.
I'm 29 btw.
Creditcards are a scam. I only use debit.

>> No.26916995

I watch every single HoloEN stream, but keep coping.

>> No.26917005

Why did FBK choose Sharknado of all movies?

>> No.26917006

She literally fucking announced that the superchats would be moved to the end of the stream from here on out.

>> No.26917010

This is it, this is the defense of every deadbrap out there. To every single complaint, the only defense they ever have is YOU DONT EVEN WATCH HER STREAMS GO WATCH ALL HER SC READING STREAMS

>> No.26917017

And the Q&A stream, the Japanese stream, the membership stream, pretty much every stream she's done after the initial SC bullshit streams.
But ok, anon.

>> No.26917022

It's in her new description now. Her past few streams have also been like this.

>> No.26917020


>> No.26917024

>roommate reps
Now that I know that she has a finger obsession before Korone.

>> No.26917026

I would really like a casual Gura zatsudan, but it feels like she doesn't want to reveal too much about herself because she wants to stay anonymous.

>> No.26917027

God you sound like a faggot straight from reddit

>> No.26917030

shark isn't gonna peak any time soon with all the attention she's grabbing from word of mouth. Her design is a perfect storm and the numbers she pulls have left some streamers seething which in turn drew attention from more weebs being made aware of her.

I don't think shark will plateau for a while unless she makes a big mistake or takes a break. Feeding the crowd some content over time, even if it's not a lot will keep the frenzy going.

>> No.26917034


>> No.26917041

I just jerk it to her voice + her design. Clown girls are hot stuff

>> No.26917042

No you don't. Mori stopped reading supacha fucking ages ago, just like literally every other EN. They all do it at the end of the stream. Why are you lying?

>> No.26917043

Ouch. Keep on trucking, Anon.

>> No.26917050

The third paragraph still makes me laugh.

>> No.26917057

>unironically wants to be a fucking Gook

>> No.26917059

Do you really believe that?

>> No.26917061

The person you are replying to does not watch hololive. Antis constantly expose themselves as to not knowing anything about who they're shitposting, just stop replying to it

>> No.26917065

everyone who puts in 1 min of effort knows who she is

>> No.26917066

Mori Kiara and Ina.

>> No.26917070

so far only Amelia wont have some of the streams archived. But she will be doing a lot of them so its maybe worth it. But i would wait for what other girls will show

>> No.26917077

Ina's a easy pick. This whole thing is like a side gig to her and she just streams what she wants on the side.

>> No.26917083

>Why did meme fox pick a meme movie right when a shark vtuber became very popular?
Total Mystery.

>> No.26917084


>> No.26917086

>Q&A stream
>Japanese only stream when you're EN
>Membership stream
wow look at that CONTENT
subscribing and buying a mori membership right now for that members only brap asmr

>> No.26917087

Literally brusted out laughed.

>> No.26917090

She's already moved reading superchats to the end of her streams, and it's been like that ever since the 2nd mad father stream.

But of course, seething tranny schizo don't actually watch the streams, instead of just festering in these threads all day, every day.

>> No.26917096

>/ame/ general
>can't post ame

>> No.26917102

Ninomae Ina'nis.....

>> No.26917107

Trio, but swap Amelia for Mori.

>> No.26917113

>Do you really believe what actually happened, and not my shitty narrative?
Jeez, I don't know. Maybe you should take your meds and join us in reality.

>> No.26917115

>She's already moved reading superchats to the end of her streams, and it's been like that ever since the 2nd mad father stream.
False, retard

>> No.26917117

Never said you were wrong about content, only the spacha shit. I could give a fuck less who you subscribe to.

>> No.26917119

Amelia, I could kill someone on stream and my audience would be like THICC pog

>> No.26917121

I only agree with the time zone, but that's because it can't be helped, there's nothing stopping them from playing multiplayer games together, and they definitely will.

Thank fucking god /hlgg/ has no decision on this, the girls don't want to be separated, the opposite, they want to support each other.

People wanting them to be "separated" in two different groups are honestly insane.

>> No.26917126

MS3 and your permissions timeline is completely fucked.

>> No.26917127

The more I think about it, the more I'm forced to come to terms with the fact that the fart was deliberate pandering to repressed scatoids. She's a music producer that doesn't know how to mute her mic before she drops a massive greasy gassy shit 2 feet away? ogey

>> No.26917128

We're approaching ame hours bro. Try to hold in your goslings.

>> No.26917131


>> No.26917143

Nice projection, again.

>> No.26917144

Please dont tell me she has a terminal illness or something

>> No.26917146

/v/ is two boards down.

>> No.26917153

what fart?

>> No.26917158


>> No.26917160

>mori and Amelia, the two people we suspect of being nothin very site, likes coco
Very telling.

>> No.26917168

They're already separated though
Mori and Kiara play off each other which is great because they're the worst of the gen while the other 3 live close and are on the same timezone/continent so they could even do offcollabs if they want to

>> No.26917174

Did people really get filtered by a Japanese only challenge stream? On /jp/?

>> No.26917175

She's already getting a toilet emoji as well

>> No.26917183


▲ ▲

>> No.26917189


Confirmed for not actually watching the streams.

Kill yourself, tranny.

>> No.26917192

I mean her real self, she was obviously very careful about privacy as her roommate and I can see that extending to now.

>> No.26917198

Mori took a fat shit on stream and didnt mute, thats the only reason her fanbase is called deadbraps. You can even hear the fart and the toilet flushing on the clip.

>> No.26917199

Ina, but solely because of her ability to draw. I've always wanted to be able to draw whatever the fuck I want, everyday. Maybe I'll finally be able to if/when I do my reps.

>> No.26917201

schizo bros our next target is ina
she will fuck up bad during the collab

>> No.26917202

Too many /v/ tourists

>> No.26917203


>> No.26917208

This thread has been a /vpol/ colony ever since retarded meidos forced back to back debut stickies.

>> No.26917211

Why are there no streams for 10 more hours? Where is everyone?

>> No.26917213

>Confirmed for not actually watching the streams.
Keep coping, you know I'm right and I'll forever be.
Keep smelling farts, cuck.

>> No.26917216


>> No.26917225

we both know the answer to that

>> No.26917232


>> No.26917233


>> No.26917234

>On /jp/?

>> No.26917235

That's not true, she was working on Dead Beats and Live again after debut, and she's releasing a new song soon. She also is releasing a new free song each month.

>> No.26917236

They don't need to hate each other just because they are separated.
Latency is stopping them from playing Halo together.
Go tweet xbox about it. They want the Gura audience.

>> No.26917242

Nick Gurr saved Mori. Imagine fucking Canadian oil princes flooding her streams with reds and forcing her to cry for the first 15 minutes every single time.

>> No.26917243

Ina's got a private island?

>> No.26917245


>> No.26917246

Don't reply to bait anon. It just encourages them more.

>> No.26917248

Not him but I got filtered because it was super boring and nothing else, but I got filtered by Ame's one too.

>> No.26917256

>Keep coping, you know I'm right and I'll forever be.
Keep wallowing in your delusions, faggot - you've never been right, and you never will.

Cope harder.

>> No.26917262

If I wanted japanese vtubers then I'd go watch all the japanese vtubers that are actually entertaining, actually good at singing and know how to put out real content without gating it behind a membership like Mori

>> No.26917267

wasnt that just narrative ?

>> No.26917271

None, because there hasn't been any good doujins released yet.

>> No.26917280

we still got that karaoke stream coming that will make her subs skyrocket again

>> No.26917281

Let's hope deadbrappers, antiflaggers, trannies and other mentally ill individuals do not come to the new thread holy fuck.

>> No.26917282

This was disproved like 20 threads ago, but you know that.

>> No.26917283

If she fucks up then whoever was speaking the loudest is at fault. So Mori or Kiara.

>> No.26917288

>imagine this being so out of touch
if youre schizoposting this hard at least do some actual research anon

>> No.26917291

>he needs dojins to fap

>> No.26917299

He doesn't. He just grabbed two retarded narratives, and now he's running with them to the point of denying reality. He doesn't give a single fuck about Hololive.

>> No.26917301

>Disproved like 20 threads ago
Bro there's even a fucking clip where the toilet flush is super loud and clear then she's super awkward and silent for 5 straight minutes because she doesnt know what to say

>> No.26917304

Where else am I gonna fucking go on this site to discuss my favorite form of entertainment
>video games
>anime girls
>wholesome moments
>mostly free from political cancer

>> No.26917305


>> No.26917306

I don't think you understand what the point of a Japanese only "challenge" is.

>> No.26917307

>you've never been right, and you never will.
False. Cope.

>> No.26917308

I will see her promises as real once she completes them.

>> No.26917313

OK, bros. I just found a new numberfagging toy. I adapted the script to scrape youtube chatlog from here: https://github.com/taizan-hokuto/pytchat
cons: have to let it run as long as the video playtime.
From this stream:
In the first 1 hour:
1166 membership
990 Investigator (tier1)
129 Investamigator (tier2)
47 Investamigatorator (tier3)

>> No.26917318

noel... dont look

>> No.26917325

Just take a shit, close your eyes, and fap to the smell.

>> No.26917330

Are you one of those people who only flush after taking a shit? Because we already had those.

>> No.26917332

She cried because people were giving her too much money for doing nothing. She's not the best looking nor is she the best artist or musician, and it wouldn't surprise me if she was proud of being a starving (albeit principled) artist. Her entire mindset is literally "Self-made", "One of the guys", "Not like the other girls". She based her membership tiers off of Twitch just like Amelia did but probably felt bad about not giving anything in return so she came up with those rewards which didn't mesh well with the existing culture of $5 memberships in return for everything.
She said herself that she only auditioned because her friends did, and didn't think she would actually win. She probably figured Hololive was looking for a pure, cutesy, seiso moeblob that could sing J-pop for them instead of a borderline-self-abusive rapper specializing in a dead music genre. Her discomfort and cringe is 100% real and Mori herself probably recognized it was going to happen and tried to work it into her character. The existence of Calliope Mori was a gamble at best and a mistake at worst and any Deadbeat worth his salt recognizes this.
I think she has the potential to blossom into something beautiful but she needs our love and support for this to happen.
Cheer her on when she does something right.
Lightly chastise her when she does something wrong, because she's likely already giving herself hell.
Don't otherwise coddle her, because she'll easily pick up on it and feel even worse.
She's low self esteem and high maintenance as a result, which is why I doubt she's ever been able to date.
I'd like to think I'm familiar with the sort of person she is, because she's basically me if I hadn't already beaten myself into submission with my inability to pursue anything of value.
I sit at home doing nothing out of fear of becoming the anxiety-wracked train wreck she appears to be.
I understand if this is offputting to fans of the other girls or even other Deadbeats, but I really want to see her succeed.
Because I feel like if she can make it, I can make it.

>> No.26917333

That's a lot of money

>> No.26917334


When is next stream?

>> No.26917335

I wonder if her farts at least cute like Roboco's?

>> No.26917338

>he still hasn't realised the "schizos" is the tentacult doing what they do best by destroying this threads sanity
Never wondered why Ina is the only one with literally no haters? All according to keikaku.

>> No.26917341

I want to fuck Gura's roommate.
