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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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26882393 No.26882393 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>26429970

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)

DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)



>> No.26882410
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>> No.26882745
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Ethnea makes me really hard

>> No.26894425

So now that it's been out for some time, what's your opinion on Mist Train girls?

>> No.26896886

Grindy and convoluted. There's so many weird-ass rules about stat growth.

>> No.26899908

The character growth system quickly became a
pain in the ass and extremely annoying when you need to grow a new character to catch up with the difficulty spikes they throw at you.

>> No.26912951

You forgot your " ToT"

>> No.26912973

your what

>> No.26913710 [DELETED] 

Go back to your containment board Mammoth

>> No.26915190
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Finally getting a good selection of UR dresses in マジカミ but I still haven't gotten any past lvl 65 and I still haven't found a team that I feel is really strong at anything. Guess this is where the real grind starts.

>> No.26916279

i will try asking agains since i got ignored.
is there a rule for getting orbs on the sub dress or they should just match the main girl orb ? since we can farm not rng orbs right now i want to make them count. Magicami

>> No.26916336

Any other suggestions to use the 500 campaign points on? Other than magikami and a game's monthly shekel package.

>> No.26916541

>is there a rule for getting orbs on the sub dress or they should just match the main girl orb ?
They should match the main dress orb? What for?
AFAIK all sub-dresses are stat sticks so the only benefit they get from orbs is more stats

>> No.26916945

There aren't really any special rules for sub dress orbs, unless you're using off-element dresses and you want to match it up by using an orb with extra sub elements.

If you're using any orbs that give a percentage bonus, obviously you'd want to put it on a sub dress that has high amounts of the respective stat (atk%+ on attack type dresses, etc). Flat bonuses can just be put anywhere, assuming you're using all dresses of matching character/element.

If you want to try and maximize speed, keep in mind that you don't have to fill in the 2 sub materials when making an orb, for extra chances at the "all stats up" stat.

>> No.26919317

why is this queen going off over an aigis picture?

>> No.26922953
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What the fuck is this? Why can it do AoE 5k damage nukes REGARDLESS of its move gauge? Why is it immune to stun???

>> No.26923370

Well I killed it after reading what its skills do.
That seems to be helpful in this game in general. Who'da thought I need strategy instead of apeshit skill spam.

I assume the """""young man""""" in Aka's tower scene isn't actually a """"young man""""" in the original JP version?

>> No.26923594

No, it's 少年 which should young boy.
And they completely gutted his dialog too.

>> No.26923643

Figures. The audacity of these rotten cunts when they claim they're not censoring things and instead "localizing" them.

>> No.26926002

I assume Army Aka came and went for EN. How did they deal with the whole choking demon rape thing?

>> No.26926220

Could you share what team you used and what levels/orbs they had?

>> No.26926352 [SPOILER] 
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That and motekawa Iroha still seem rapey, the guess is they might go more censor happy on the free/"easy to get" stuff while gacha could remain more unaffected.
The Halloween event with that Akisa scene might the real proof of how much they'll censor.

>> No.26941249
File: 900 KB, 1138x640, 9_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halloween event details for Magicami went up.
>UR event Iko
>UR gacha Marianne
>SR gacha Ao
I've never rolled an UR Mario dress aside from the collab "dress", so not sure if I should bother, even if I want coins for Iko.

>> No.26942622

It looks like Mario's best looking dress to date though.
When devs implement new weapons for the girls, I hope they give her a black parasol or broom to match.

>> No.26942793

Is that a thing they're doing?

>> No.26943455
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search 法器

Got 5 3-star girls (4 of them new) with 49 free pulls in Djibril. Again, I wish I was this lucky in mgcm instead because I'm suffering there.

>> No.26945623

>When devs implement new weapons for the girls, I hope they give her a black parasol or broom to match.

>> No.26949712

Evo 2019 Cocoa (60), Eliza (65), Hanabi (60), Akisa (60)
Their sub-dresses are SR/R, none of them really maxed yet.
I think it's mostly a matter of luck - the Griffon gets a free move that deals 15% max HP damage whenever you crit it. So in my case not using Eliza's stun (with bonus crit chance) was the key to whittling it down with slow DPS, since you can debuff its AGI for slower move gauge.

>> No.26949818

>When devs implement new weapons for the girls
Oh thank fuck, their current "weapons" are an absolutely retarded design choice.
Is this going to be a new gameplay mechanic though or just aesthetic?

>> No.26951776

>current "weapons" retarded design choice
While I welcome more weapons, I think the quirky default ones they use now are great and add a fitting visual flavor to the game.
There are already a million other forgettable fantasy/sci-fi games with swords, staves, and laser guns.

>> No.26956506

It's kinda funny how Kaorin's sword is the one that looks the most like a normal weapon now that I think about it.

>> No.26957488

Ao sword almost looks like a sword

>> No.26960311

Yeah, I rather like traffic signs, missiles, vacuums, and cellos(?) as weapons. It's probably going to be a terrible decision to start replacing them with other things unless those things are all equally as weird and interesting.

>> No.26961459

hopefully they'll give us a chance to mix and match like we have now with the dresses

>> No.26961720

I doubt it. Certain dresses with special animations are designed around the weapons, the most recent example being 2020 Hanabi. It'll probably be set by dress as an unchangeable default, or at least on certain dresses it will be.

>> No.26968382

So which girl would deserve a giant dildo as a weapon as the biggest slut?

>> No.26968786
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Am I a whale now? The only thing I bought since like 6 months was the black ticket anniversary pack for fiddy bucks and I somehow ended up having enough SC saved up to fill up my stamp cards.

>> No.26970634
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>SS from daily free single roll
I'm going to get killed by a satellite falling out of the sky the instant I step outside my house, aren't I.

>> No.26970873

RIP, anon.

>> No.26972001

Luck is relative

>> No.26972217
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Luck is big dick energy.

>> No.26973927

Grindy as shit, carried over the thing every Granblue player hated, quality on ero scenes range from great to terrible
I kinda like it though

>> No.26979920

Congrats Anon. Did you get what you rolled for though?

>> No.26991965
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Imouto Contest, get hyped. Rainbow this time is Pickerel Weed's often mentioned, hyper-competent little sister.

Looks like Halloween will start on the 12th and the Pop poll is on the 26th.

>> No.26992434


>> No.26996856
File: 469 KB, 800x3000, 1601284399588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the 2 gacha girls per update a regular thing now?

>> No.26998198

Took me 66 rolls, but I did get Konagi. Pop poll's Nemunoki's fund is 3/5 drained though. Wanted to stop multiple times but the desire to reunite the siblings (and her banner on Fanza) won out.

Yeah, looks like it's a thing they did to make the step-up Gacha work. Since there's intervals for the guranteed rate-up gold. I guess they could have given a ticket to choose between the two of them if they still did 2 golds per Gacha but they didn't want to, I guess.

Wonder if that means the 3rd place popularity winner will be the Event character or if they will return to 2 gold for that.

>> No.27008968
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Any event that remembers that Purple Pansy and Purple Tulip exists has my seal of approval.

>> No.27011023

I wanted one of the Belko units currently in the spotlight and freshly with AW2 available - Risley or Umbre.
Instead I got the black Youri. I guess she's useful for subjugations, but I don't see a situation where she's essential instead of the event platinum one.

My other guranteed blacks were Sue and Fiore, neither dupes. So I guess I'm somewhat lucky, no non-pity blacks notwithstanding. Still not what I really need, that is Duo, Augusta or Risley.

>> No.27023561

Isn't this the artist that did Melona, Menace, and co. from Queen's Blade?

>> No.27033449

Yashima is super cute so you lucked out in my books. I don't know how much better the real Augusta is compared to the mini we already got. The mini actually comes with a lower cost too.

>> No.27033692

taimanin has free 10 rolls
any other games currently having any freebie events?

>> No.27033830

Gemini Seed has a free 10 roll thing that ends tomorrow. Was going on for a week.

>> No.27037798

>h scenes keep piling but you just don't feel like fapping
ever happened to you?

>> No.27038170

I have over 100oo+ Gems worth of H-scenes in FKG because I kept procrastinating and raising them to right before the 100% (or Bloom 100%) because of that.

>> No.27038186

More likely I don't feel like playing the game anymore.

>> No.27038255

In literally every one of these games. I hate to waste the fap material just for the gems/crystals/whatever, but I also rarely have to dip down into the bottom of my funds for them, so they basically just sit there unwatched.

>> No.27038331

As much as I play these porn gacha games, I pretty much never open up or watch any of the scenes in game. The scenes often feel way inferior to packaged eroge but I like having the option to fap to official art that you don't get with other games.
In a way, you could say that the mere existence of official lewds is more appealing than the actual lewds themselves in practice.

>> No.27038411

>When the intro scene is longer than the h-scene
It happens.
But most of the time, the previews aren't interesting or I don't care for the character. Especially spread out across multiple games.

>> No.27038585

I like games like Magicami or Deep One that have a limited cast so I always know what to expect, I fap to the girls I like and know will enjoy and skip through the rest for the free gems, I also like that that they credit the seiyuu since I use that to choose a lot of the time.
I don't bother with games that have like 40+ girls and add new ones every event while hiding the seiyuu, one of the reasons I dropped Mist Train Girls.

>> No.27038736

Isn't it boring to always have the same girls? And aren't most of the girls in Magicami really annoying if I remember properly?

>> No.27039117

>And aren't most of the girls in Magicami really annoying if I remember properly?
I can't think of why that would be the case and it's certainly not an opinion I remember hearing before. Marianne is pretty widely considered to be obnoxious because of her overbearing otaku gimmick but not the rest of them. I mean I guess it depends on what you mean when you say "annoying."

>> No.27039315

Agree with you here, most of the lewds are same old stuff that you see a million times over.
Doesn't help with instances of them scrubbing out the spicy stuff.

If I feel like fapping, I'd rather go to DLsite and pick a game with themes that appeal to me.

>> No.27039406

Not really, for Magicami it's always nice to see the different scenes they come up with thanks to the whole multiverse shit, for Deep One each girl gets so many scenes it feels like a proper eroge route, you see a bit of relationship development with the MC and some progression from their start as virgins, like getting to the scene where they first do anal or some type of foreplay is better that just getting that kind of scene with some random new character.
And yeah I don't think they're annoying either.

>> No.27039906

> but I like having the option to fap to official art that you don't get with other games.
>In a way, you could say that the mere existence of official lewds is more appealing than the actual lewds themselves in practice.
That's exactly my thought to playing DMM games and not any of the gachage out there like GFL, Genshin Impact or Arknights.

Although it does help if someone in these DMM games comes along and strikes my fancy, I can just watch their lewds.

>> No.27040130
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>> No.27040243

I would be excited for this, but I think I've rolled like two new 4*s all year.

>> No.27040303

Do the discount roll and buy whoever you really want.

>> No.27040487

That's all I ever do. They don't give you enough free gems for anything else.

>> No.27040542

That's bullshit, I have 45K gems from doing nothing.

>> No.27041328

I check all the new scenes I get, but won't bother fapping unless it's actually good. When I actually feel like fapping I just cycle through the good ones later.
I hardly read through the text though, since 99% of the time it's just shit and a waste of time.

>> No.27042800

Game gives enough free gem for me to do 50 rolls spark once every 2 months or so, it's certainly better than a lot other DMM game I had played.

>> No.27043424

Magicami needs more bestiality

>> No.27043788

I had like ~10 scenes watched when Goddess Kiss announced they were dead. I had to watch like 10 hscenes a day to finish up on time and that took like 1.5-2 hours. Had to skip the 2 pre hscene stories too or that probably would have been 6 hours a day.

>> No.27044019

>Goddess Kiss
Is that the one that got transferred to a Korean company and is now on google?

>> No.27044121

It was a Korean game that got a DMM version with R-18 content additions.

>> No.27044290
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>> No.27044873

A tecnical question regarding Magikami. Anyone knows if Magica Evo Ao third skill " attack 1 enemy + freeze , then attack all other enemies at half damage"
calculates the damage of the follow up individually , or if i target an enemy with some def debuff the follow up gets increased damage aswell ?

>> No.27044909

Speaking of Deep One
>Added a stepup gacha for a "special" room furniture piece
>"Why would they do that?"
>It has a 3p scene attached to it
>Needs five 11-rolls.
Not as bad as the bunny outfits but I don't have enough and I'm trying to save...
>Twitter campaign rewards put it in reach for me.
Oh no.

No? Only if the situation or activity is always the same. For example, Tokyo Necro has a huge cast and is rather well animated, but I never want to bother with most scenes because it's 95% the same thing. The only thing I'm looking forward to in that is the slim chance of one of the girls I like getting another release and scene.

When I like a design or character, I'd rather try to get more for them, so I've been gravitating toward stuff with a fixed cast like Magicami and now Deep One. Even ones with a large number of girls like Idol Wars, I can still focus on a few I like and they'll still get releases or I'll keep finding cards I haven't rolled yet.

>> No.27045129

I do like how ero-focused Deep One is. I guess that's from being developed by an eroge company? Even their official Twitter doesn't shy away from it and does commentary previews on the scenes each girls get when they get added, even for skins like the Bunny or pajamas.

Twitter campaign also put me in reach of it and it's really tempting for the 3P scene.

>> No.27052032

Is everyone logging into Eiyuu Senki at once? I keep on getting a server error.

>> No.27054208
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Looks like I used up my luck for the year, it was nice knowing you anons. Out of curiosity, is it wise to spend jewels on increasing slots or is it fine to leave it at 100?

>> No.27054742

Calculated per enemy.
You'll have to eventually simply because there are more than 100 heroes. Unless you're willing to sacrifice people for no real reason just to stay under 100 even though basically everyone is viable in this game.

>> No.27055900

Yashima is a fantastic unit solely because of her initial skill activation time being 5 seconds instead of 36 for Suzune.
Combining that with extra stats on Yashima since she's a black unit (and has 5% more bonus on her skill AW) makes the double Solais strait all the better. Hell, there's probably a way to cheese tower floors like this instead of relying on Reflet.

>> No.27059822

Did 3 multis on harcule one and shit try this one rainbow but dupe

>> No.27062590

Do we have any Hero * Senki WWX tierlist after the power update?

>> No.27062628

Checked out ShiroPro after years for the extra 20 SC in Aigis, but holy fuck am I confused by everything in it. Where do I upgrade unit capacity? The wiki isn't very helpful in that aspect, it has outdated UI references.

>> No.27062985

As always, just wait for the Arena session to end and check Twitter for the top units.

>> No.27063562

There is any possibility that Achilles won't be top again?

>> No.27064017

It's always possible, it's just never likely.

>> No.27065802
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Still bugged?

>> No.27068228

Won't be fixed till next maint.

>> No.27072449
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Close enough. I guess I got what I wanted out of this game.

>> No.27078658

Are the 500 points from the campaign going to disappear if I don't use them? That happened to my last campaign points.

>> No.27078848

Yes, they expire in a month. You can check somewhere in your account info.

>> No.27081554
File: 153 KB, 394x488, a778d302e06ac2db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Solais the new face of Aigis?

>> No.27082446

Is it just me or is there no BGM during the Conversation Parts (and H-scenes) for Mist Train on browser? Anyone else encountered and/or solved it?

>> No.27086367

>I guess that's from being developed by an eroge company?
A lot of other games are coming from VNs too, but I'm not sure if the one scene limitation most follow is what's limiting what they can do. Even Deep One seems to follow this for Rs.

Maybe they're the only ones that realize scenes don't have to come with a stat stick? But the cost for those bunny outfits was really steep, especially if you managed to get the SSRs before having enough. I'd prefer if they were separate from pity coins and you could trade those for outfit coins that don't expire. But that removes impetuous to whale so...

Left column shows when points expire.

>> No.27092012

So, where does slime penetration fall under that?

>> No.27099203


>> No.27104925

>draw 3 blacks in a row from the monthly plat+ tickets
>they're all dupes
Please sell us a choice ticket again DevTea
It's been 3 years

>> No.27105963
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>> No.27106046

Rerun. Boring
Dina is face of aigis in my heart

>> No.27106087

Also a trap I'd say

>> No.27106255

Its weird they rerun Valentines in October.

>> No.27110210
File: 387 KB, 1222x923, yookeekzay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the best team for this but it feels nice to have an excuse to go full Yukikaze

>> No.27110727

<< you have control, lt. fukai >>

>> No.27120267

Anyone bothering going for the new girl in Mist Train? How is she?

>> No.27121052
File: 1.06 MB, 2220x1080, normal breast envy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Kaorin you're so adorable.

>> No.27121449

Event Iko's story had portraits for Kokoa's brothers, is that new?
I wonder if they're getting ready to give them a scene with Kokoa, maybe in a future tower.

>> No.27121726
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Pretty sure they have had them, I forget where I first saw them however. But the portrait for Iko's kohai was new to me.

>> No.27122508

They've been around, but I forget where. Probably in some dress scene or another. They could possibly be in the kizuna scenes, but I don't think they had art back then.

>> No.27122727
File: 379 KB, 1077x458, underground labor camp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally poker'd my way out of debt in MTG. That casino needs better games and more interesting junk to buy. I bought those SS gears for the limited layers, but I didn't even roll them and you need 250 for a summon, so they're worthless if the stock never refreshes.

I was lucky enough to get SS Futamata within 30. She has a suplex and that's all I really care about. S Volklingen from the first event is already way ahead of her, filling the fistfighter role, so I'm trying to catch up while waiting for the next event. Didn't get SS Tayshet, but she sounds tanky and has an SSS damage skill. It looks like you can get her S version from the next event, so I'm not too concerned.

>> No.27125629

Finally got Heracles - is it even worth trying to go for more copies or is there a way I can grind her pieces?

>> No.27125713

Anyone's pieces can be bought from the shop with either gold orbs for 4* or silver for anything lower. Don't bother rolling copies just for orbs.

>> No.27125974

Thank you anon, you just saved me from wasting resources. Now I just need to grind level books and stuff to level her up; that's going to take a while

>> No.27131129


>> No.27131163
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>> No.27131201
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>> No.27131952

What is it? Don't leave us in suspense.

>> No.27132345

Full analysis on Hercules

Hercules is the opposite of Achilles which means hit hard but very slow because those delay times are huge.

Apart from having high attack and slow speed, Hercules has high HP, average physical defense and very low magic defense and most importantly, low critical rate which is a very important factor with a character that has high damage.

For taking the maximum profit of Hercules skills, she should be put in the first row and in the middle. Her skills are really good, first skill if I am not wrong is the strongest basic attack plus it has an entire row AoE effect, second skill is a burst damage skill on a single enemy which costs 3 BP and has 300 power and lastly, the ultimate skill which costs 8 BP but it is worth the cost since it will probably kill all 6 enemies or leave them with really low HP. Only downside of her skills are the delays which are abysmal.

I think the first passive is kinda bad since you are a really slow character but you can cure any abnormal status after you attack meaning you will still be affected by said effect in your turn and will only be cured after you attack if you can attack (Oblivion/Forgot status effect).

Second passive seems kinda good if you place Hercules in front of a character because which deals physical damage because it will reduce its damage a 20% otherwise it's useless.

* Weapon: I believe the third one is the most useful even if you have a low crit rate because for the first item you get magic attack and you need to be above 80% HP which for a character with low speed will be almost impossible and you will need a healer to be able to use the item. If you want to go full damage, you could go second item but I think it's a bad idea because you have slow speed and you will only gain +12 physical damage comparing it to the first item which gives you also +10 critical rate.
* Shield: There are no options.
* Armor: There is only one option but it is useful for her since it reduces damages by 18% of 3 out of 4 type weakness. The only type weakness which you will take full damage will be fight type (fist icon).
* Jewelery 1: Obviously first item. I cannot see any profit in building any of the other two items.
* Jewelery 2: This is a choice between first and second item. Third item is useless because you are a slow character. Overall, I would go for second item for almost any situation and team combination because healing 20% of your HP if you are under 50% is amazing even if you are a slow character. First item is kinda tricky and risky to use and it will highly depend on your team combination. I think a good team combination that can make use of this third item would be a 3 front row including Hercules and Sanada Yukimura with 3 mages (or characters that apply) on the back row which can heal or buff allies, or debuffs enemies. I believe characters like Arthur (Holy Night) and Galileo would be amazing with Hercules.

>> No.27134956
File: 88 KB, 455x544, 534532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why this map allowed to exist?

>> No.27135632

Makes you happy you leveled your bowrider

>> No.27141097

Fuck it and get back to us.

>> No.27143840
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>Get absolutely, completely and totally destroyed by the gacha in another game
>Log in to aigis and roll the one unit I wanted the most from free rolls

I really love this wonderful and merciful goddess that managed to really improve my mood after a horrible gacha session

>> No.27144248
File: 231 KB, 786x490, mist train musume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we're getting horse races.

>> No.27151489

You don't fuck her, she turns one of her hands into a dildo and fucks a gigantic alien girl monster while you pilot her naked
Also she shouts her own moves as she "climaxes"

>> No.27151548


>> No.27154408

Anyone playing Nutaku Magicami can give me a protip for a party to reliably autobattle this event's last mission? Even my full healer squad gets fucking wiped.

Very weird difficulty spike considering I had the previous events stomped.

>> No.27157330

your element probably got countered
full healer squad is either water or light , if you're water you're fucked.
since against bad element you get miss chance and less criticals , while they get all their normal shanenigans + increased crits and bad hits ( another 30 % bonus )

>> No.27160917

meant for >>27154408

>> No.27162387

That I can agree, anon

>> No.27164844
File: 129 KB, 462x652, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of having designs like this in ShiroPro if there's not any actual H-scenes

>> No.27165298

I want to sniff that V-line.
Seriously though it's a crime to tease people like that.

>> No.27168707

Meanwhile I get nothing but a few plat dupes from the handouts, tower roll, and RC roll combined. Fuck this goddess.

>> No.27169115

I got nothing the previous years from the free 10-rolls so it's okay.

>> No.27169147

Never heard of Azur Lane?

>> No.27169624

How can I get Yamato Takeru (goddess) to not kill herself with that fire skill?

>> No.27169999

Kinda doubt there's an answer for this, but if I'm at the SC cap in Aigis and buy the pack from the shop that gives you 70 SC, will I need to first use 70 SC to get the crystals out from the present box, and then another 70 to avoid the crystals from expiring after 6 months? Or does the game just track how many SCs you've used after buying more?

>> No.27170756

Seems like it won't even let you buy anything if you're capped, so that kinda solves it.

>> No.27171301
File: 562 KB, 1522x1962, 10012020hentai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its better being able to skip through dialogue (and going backwards incase I misread something)

>> No.27185619
File: 223 KB, 1080x608, EjT-PjYUwAE794I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27187312
File: 575 KB, 706x397, easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you have or borrow a lvl 105 Siegfried this boss is super faceroll.

>> No.27188148

Pretty obvious choice if you ask me. It even got featured in that Nitroplus anniversary video.

>> No.27192694

Haven't played the game but does the new Sun Tzu have any H-scene?

>> No.27200517

But you still need a damage dealer.

>> No.27201729

I find this boss still quite hard even with Siegfried. I believe the key is Arthur (Holy Night) which unluckily I do not have.

Also, boss random attacks do not help.

>> No.27213683

Mihirakula cast oblivion.
Hit to 50% HP
Faust cast poison.

>> No.27214106

The Bunny one? Not sure why she wouldn't.

>> No.27214528

I desperately need more friends in Eiyuu Senki to help me clear this event.

>> No.27217699

I'm not sure if other people adding you would make them appear on your list.
Why not add randoms?

>> No.27223732

Anyone know any site where they upload vids the newer Eiyuu Senki H-scenes at?

>> No.27228159

Because the randoms I'm seeing are completely underleveled. And yes, I would be able to see people that followed me on my friends list as followers
