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2687678 No.2687678 [Reply] [Original]

Just got the UBW TrueEnd...man, it was pretty touching and emotional. I don't know if I can even make it through the rest of the game when I know it's just gonna get worse.

>> No.2687685

Enjoy watching Shirou throw away everything he did right in UBW in HF.

>> No.2687688

UBW should have been the last route to play.

>> No.2687693
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This thread is now about Rin.

>> No.2687694

You get mad pussy though. I think its a good trade

>> No.2687698

You know I used to think that too, but Heavens Feel, if you can get through it, has some pretty great moments. You just need to get through some bleh moments first, but you had to in UBW anyway so you'll be fine.

>> No.2687713 [DELETED] 

OP here. Check out this board, far superior to Retardchan:



>> No.2687719

I have to agree with this anon.
Actually, overall I think I prefered HF over UBW.

>> No.2687720

I'd say that HF is better.

>> No.2687723

HF is shit, it doesn't have the EPIC GAR that UBW has.

>> No.2687731

Did you forget the scenes where Shirou single-handedly defeats Berserker and Saber?

>> No.2687733


>> No.2687735

HF is mostly mediocre with a few good moments.
And the true ending is pure unadulterated shit.

>> No.2687752

>doesn't have the EPIC GAR that UBW has.
Nine bullet revolver?
Kotomine fighting a fucking servant?

>> No.2687754

Sup /a/

>> No.2687756

HF is 11 days of pure shit followed by 2 unbelievably awesome ones.

>> No.2687765

UBW was exactly the same shit.

>> No.2687784

But UBW was averagely awesome throughout.

>> No.2687785

Whats the matter? Not enough HAPPY FOREVER for you?

>> No.2687791

No. It was a complete bore till the last few days.

That's how "F/sn is shit" came to be, bro.

>> No.2687799

In HF all of the servants get immediately swallowed up to hype the shadow (Gil being the worst of it). You're left with 40 cooking scenes to fill time and Shirou doing absolutely nothing until the final 2 days.

>> No.2687800


No, ever route in FSN is horribly paced by putting the vast majority of action in the last 2-3 days while forcing you to put up with WALL OF TEXT until then.

>> No.2687832

Fate actually had some pretty good pacing with its fights. Rider/Shinji > Assassin > Berserker/Ilya > Caster for a fucking day > Multiple Gil encounters before Gilgamesh/Kirie finale.

>> No.2687834

Not really, no. UBW has more events spread and the Big Action starts from the moment you go to the Chruch on your own.
That's 4 days full of content.

>> No.2687835

Didn't help that the content was shit though.

>> No.2687852

every visual novel ever is like this. I don't think this is a suitable hobby for you.

>> No.2687868

While you're right that most visual novels are fucklong, F/SN is even worse. It's one of the few translated VNs that is 50 hours+ and there are a lot of boring parts.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone say Clannad had bad pacing either, even though it's longer.

>> No.2687903

While not exactky bad pacing, it has a LOt of repeated or very similar scenes and some of the routes are just slow all around.
But it has much more routes with a few being small or fast paced, so it's not as noticeable.

Opinions, really.Some regard these scenes(aka, Archer) as of the better ones.

>> No.2687911

No, too much.
Shitty deus ex machina shit.

>> No.2687918

since /jp/ seems to never have less than 3 FS/N related threads on the front page at any given time, I'm finally going to cave and play it after I finish Kagetsu Tohya.
I've been putting it off because I heard it sooo
But it's only three routes? I'm really curious as to how in the hell the game can manage to put out ~20 hours of content in a single route. It must be kind of boring, how else could it be so long?

>> No.2687951

You have no idea man. It supposedly has more text than all of the LOTR books + The Hobbit combined.

>> No.2687959

Cooking, basically. By the time youve finished all 5 routes you should be cooking Japanese cuisine like a born nip.

>> No.2687986

what, that sounds like a load of shit.

>> No.2687991


And to those who say F/SN is shit, give us your "better" VN so I might know how horrible your taste is.

>> No.2687993

That's total combined text, including all routes, choices, bad ends, tiger dojos, etc.

It really shouldn't be surprising. It's not like LOTR is really THAT long, anyway.

>> No.2688001
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UBW > all other routes.

>> No.2688004

Here what to think:
Each route is essentially a big fantasy book.
And while the storylines are different, it uses the same characters and established universe.

Can you imagine if the 3 LotR books, using the same characters and universe had 3 FUCKING diverse stories and events starting from the first one?

>> No.2688007

Just about anything? Hell, FSN is definitely TMs worse, so far. Anyone who says FSN isn't shit is being modest or hasn't played any other VNs. Or they're just /a/ tier.

>> No.2688009

>>2687991 And to those who say F/SN is shit, give us your "better" VN so I might know how horrible your taste is.
This one made me laugh hard.
Good show, anonymous.

>> No.2688011
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>5 routes

Really? They gave me a route!?

>> No.2688020

F/SN isn't bad. It's not great, sure, but it isn't terrible.

>> No.2688021

I've read FSN.

>> No.2688041

...So, it's basically the worse out of the TWO propers VNs they have done.
Yeah, that does not indicate much.And regardless of what you have read, it's of the better ones.
The best...Nah, has a fault too many.

>> No.2688057

The worst out of anything Type-Moon has done. And, it's shit tier amongst most other VNs, so yeah.

>> No.2688061

My bad. Was supposed to say endings, but the more the merrier. Wheres imouto route? Bitches better make a fan cd with Ilya route on it

>> No.2688071

>Bitches better make a fan cd with Ilya route on it
hahahahahaha, ho boy.

>> No.2688072

FSN isn't shit.
It would be in my top 20, maybe, among those I played.
It definitely had some great moments and some of the themes treated (especially everything surrounding Shirou) was pretty well done.
But it did had several weak points.
I wouldn't call it a favorite but I don't regret playing it at all.

>> No.2688076
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You mean I... don't...

>> No.2688135

If there were 2 other routes made they'd be for Rider and Taiga. Unless they pull an aging trick out their ass and grow Ilya up a few years.

>> No.2688163

But Ilya is 18. She's old enough.

>> No.2688164

Nah son, just nah.

>> No.2688169

Shirou is a shit character, he makes Shiki seem like Malcom X

>> No.2688181

You really try too hard.

>> No.2688187

Shirou's actual growth and change and diversity make him quite interesting.Mindfucked character always are to some degree.
While Shiki is badass and a dick, he always remains that way, and what changes is the girl most important to him.

>> No.2688190

>The worst out of anything Type-Moon has done

Ok, enlighten me how Tsukihime is any better than F/SN.

And in any case, most people outside Japan knows TM because of F/SN, while meh on Tsukihime (LOL another vampire hunt)

>> No.2688207
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Rider route, you say?

>> No.2688216

Because it had better characters and plots? I mean, it's not great, but it's a deal better than what FSN offers. Doesn't sound like you've actually read it.

>> No.2688218

Tsukihime made Type-Moon famous even though it was just a low-budget, shitty doujin game. It's fame is part of the reason F/SN became the best-selling eroge.

>> No.2688226


>> No.2688235

>low-budget, shitty doujin game.

I don't think you're talking about Tsukihime.

>> No.2688245


While I agree that HF has give us a great deal of view into some interesting character, the ending in the way "kill the bad guys, save the world, get the girl, no death" is ...well, too cliche. But then the only thing he lost in Normal ending is his own life, which is still not very justified considering that's not different from Archer or Saber sacrificing themselves.

>> No.2688252

You know, just after I finished Tsukihime I still thought that F/SN was better, but after a while I came to realise that Tsukihime really was better in all story aspects.
yes, it took me a while to understand that

>> No.2688269

Tsukihime had an awesomely involved, complex story (in my opinion at least) without being bogged down by too many ridiculously long terminology explanations. It kept things fresh by having 9 endings and over 9000 shorter "dead endings". The routes were all variations of the same story, but all incredibly involving, with interesting twists. You can complete the game without feeling like you are dragging on forever. Tsukihime was the perfect length for a VN. It also had arguably more likeable characters.
FS/N was sort of LOL POWERLEVELS at some points. I also liked Tsukihime's atmosphere better (it was sort of a dark, ambient murder mystery whereas FS/N was...I dunno, sort of DBZ-ish).

>> No.2688277

DBZ? For me it seemed more like pokemon. Without the "gotta catch them all" part, that is

>> No.2688279

>better characters and plots

That's why I'm telling you to point out exactly how they're better, AFAIK in Tsukihime you get to see deus ex powered-protagonist , another buffy vampire slayer, lame character development , all the while F/SN represent the challenge to moral values , different view on ideals and great character development plus epic ending.

Not too hard for me to choose which VN I deem better.

>> No.2688280

To expand on that, one thing I liked about Tsukihime is how the different routes tied things together. FSN did this to an extent, but not to the level Tsukihime did. There was some real 'oh shit' moments in tsukihime that just weren't present in FSN. I felt a real motivation to continue reading and find out more, whereas FSN just felt like a chore.

>> No.2688286

Shirou was a better protagonist than Shiki. Shiki was pretty much an average "nice guy" eroge protagonist (when he wasn't inverting). Shirou was different than the stereotype and even had one of the three routes be about him.

>> No.2688289


>> No.2688291


How do you fags take yourselves seriously? Porn with a plot.

>> No.2688297
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yea, okay.

>> No.2688299

In this case it's more like plot with porn. Anyone reading this for porn is a fucking retard.

>> No.2688301

You know yourself, that sex scenes are worst thing in this game.
It would be a lot better if they were replaced with other scene, where Shiro kicks asses

>> No.2688304

Everyone should just die. This is beyond retarded, now.

>> No.2688307

>Tsukihime was the perfect length for a VN.

Can't say too much on this because I havent played it, but I played FSN and I don't feel like being dragged. Not everyone has your short spanned attention, I guess.

>FS/N was sort of LOL POWERLEVELS at some points

you speak like Tsukihime doesn't have POWERLEVELS /smirk

>it was sort of a dark, ambient murder mystery

Well, there's your problem. If you really go play F/SN with expectation for murder mystery, I'd say you're retarded for not reading what kind of VN it is.

>> No.2688315

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.2688322


What's the matter ? Can't handle the truth ?


>> No.2688323

Fuck no. Popping Sabers cherry in Fate was off the chain. You just cant replace some things.

>> No.2688336

>Can't say too much on this because I havent played it, but I played FSN

Tsukihime wasn't short at all. FSN is just long. But it had lots of filler you can just speed over like all the cooking scenes.

>> No.2688344
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Or something perfectly logical.

>> No.2688369
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>talking about logical things in fiction novel

>> No.2688370

No, you just sealed your own fate, broski.

>> No.2688372

Many magical backgrounds involve sex for rituals etc and is part of this world setting, but I guess that doesn't matter to most people.
...Neither really have POWERLEVELS.
Many variables and circumstances, and the fights themselves are never the real focus.

>> No.2688373

It didn't take me much longer to finish F/SN than Tsukihime, and I was brave enough to read through all the cooking scenes.

>> No.2688378

A logical replacement for LOL LET'S HAVE SEX, yeah.

>> No.2688390

Tsukihime does not have powerlevels syndrome as bad as FSN.
Nobody expected FSN to be a dark murder mystery, I'm just saying I think the atmosphere of Tsukihime was crafted better and was more alluring than FSN. But thats just in my own opinion.
I have played many VN and hardly have a short attention span. No matter how you slice it, FSN is just a little on the long side. It could've been condensed a little and still have been just as epic. Longer does not necessarily equal better or more involved, thats a common misunderstanding for writers and it seemed Nasu forgot it with FSN.
Have you ever heard the axiom that the crappiness of a fiction is directly proportional to the amount of made-up terms it must explain to the reader? I'm not saying FSN was bad, it's one of the better VN ever made, and it deserves it's popularity. But it just felt a little too much like Nasu's imagination wankery at many points, that's all. I like Tsukihime better.

>> No.2688395


Don't think so since you can not back up your own argument , it has become clear you're the one who's retarded.

>> No.2688404

...A whole lot of F/Sn 'terms' is not even really made up.The 'made up' parts are the elements that tie the many different gods, heroes, legends and terms together in one universe. Much of the stuff it explains are general occult terms and ideas, who most people won't know.

And while overexposition is a problem in EVERY TM work, the universe structure and terms are considered of the huge appeals.

>> No.2688408

Can't you kids go out and play or something?

>> No.2688413

But thats not logical at all. If mana is the lifeforce of magi, then its only natural that semen acts as a backup of sorts, no?

>> No.2688439

Shirou and Rin didn't mana transfer, though. They just needed to establish a connection, and Rin even said there were multiple ways to do it.

Basically, she just wanted his cock.

>> No.2688442

I remember a time when sex happened because the protagonist was a rapist and didn't need no fancy mana-rachargin'

Good times.

>> No.2688457
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It's more of the fact that Shirou doesn't know, sso they can't do a Co-Op and others take too much time.
But she wanted it nonetheless.

>> No.2688465

The scene where you strangle Kohaku and then rape her while frothing like a madman was the best sex scene ever.

>> No.2688469

And yet they manage to do it just fine in Realta Nua.

Face it, they didn't need to have sex.

>> No.2688478

In both cases, it's a fast, forceful way.
In RN it's that way due to the age rating.
Each way does not 'exist' in the other version, in a sense.

>> No.2688493

It's not that I play VNs for the sex. I know that's doing it wrong.
But still...a VN without any ero content just feels wrong.

>> No.2688500


>> No.2688511

What about novels with no sex scenes?

>> No.2688530

ever17 was epic.
but it would've been even better with sex.

>> No.2688573

Not so sure about that. It could have made it better if handled right, but we're talking about the japanese here...

>> No.2688585
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yo know you wanted to see it

>> No.2688591

I thought Tsugumi was the worst character in Ever17, so I certainly didn't.

>> No.2688604
File: 68 KB, 444x332, osaka_surp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst character

>> No.2688615

Well 3 of the best 5 ranked VNs in Erogamescape are all ages.

>> No.2688621

If magical energy is also life energy, why the fuck is it contained is semen and not something like blood?

>> No.2688652

It is in blood. Did you not notice Rin using blood to transfer it to her gems, or Rider drinking people's blood to steal energy?
