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File: 36 KB, 640x480, nanaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2682079 No.2682079 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, anyone else wish we had this badass instead of that moralfag ?

>> No.2682091
File: 198 KB, 1280x960, 1212448318493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go replay Kohaku Route.

>> No.2682098

Nanaya is Nanaya because there's Shiki.

>> No.2682115

A couple of screens leading up to a bad end does not a satisfying Nanaya make.

>> No.2682114
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I don't play text garbages. I play games.

>> No.2682124

You so edgy man.
You su fucking edgy.

>> No.2682132

You'll get your route where Shiki goes Nanaya all the time when I get my Mind of Steel route.

>> No.2682151
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>calling Shiki a moralfag

>> No.2682156


Just like how there would be no Nanaya without Shiki, there would be no MELTAN without the original text garbage.

>> No.2682180

To be fair, he's a moralfag when it comes to murder, which why the Nanaya personality exists. Rape on the other hand...

>> No.2682184
File: 21 KB, 375x333, BURRRRRRNNNNNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one!

>> No.2682187


So cutting a woman up into slices of meat before cumming on her corpse from the sheer violence of the act before pissing on her makes you a moralfag these days? Wow, /b/ really has taken control of the world.

>> No.2682193
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>original text garbage

>> No.2682197
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And while that may be true, playing MELTAN does not require you to read text garbage.

>> No.2682206

Also, Shiki just prefers not to get his hands dirty. When the chips were down, fucker didn't hesitate, even when killing that one girl who loved him who's name I can't remember.

>> No.2682208

So why do you want Nanaya as the main protagonist? Unless you've been reading his text between battles, otherwise you've become enamored with his victory pose and that makes you 4 kinds of gay.

>> No.2682211


Yeah, he forgot to include the gameplay under "garbage".

>> No.2682212

Meltan is an incredibly average game that holds appeal mostly to those who appreciate the novelty of it.

Those who never bothered to play Tsukihime should just play a better game like Darkstalkers.

>> No.2682213
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Not so much the victory pose.

The rape face.

>> No.2682218
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>Those who never bothered to play Tsukihime should just play a better game like Darkstalkers.

>> No.2682221
File: 2.42 MB, 4000x3000, 1242442043354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about Tsukihime rape faces.


>> No.2682240

'Better' does not imply awesome or even good.

>> No.2682241

Average /v/ poster.

>> No.2682245

No, cause it's the contrast that makes it awesome.
He is just a part of him after all.

>> No.2682252


Especially when it comes to Melty Blood.

>> No.2682258


I played it because I'm tired of Hadouken , so I looked for something that does not involve Capcom.

>> No.2682280

I'm not even saying that it is a 'horrible' game. Just that there really aren't that many reasons to play it unless you're already a fan of the source.

It's like playing SWR when you're not a Touhou fan.

>> No.2682283

> Hadouken

>> No.2682287

Then just play some SNK stuff. Real Bout 2 is one of the best fighting game ever made.

Also, fuck you guys. Vampire IS awesome.

>> No.2682297

Last Blade 2 is better.

>> No.2682308

Valid point. Still, if you wish to truly understand the badass that is Shiki, you may want to play the VN, or at least watch the anime.

Not that you'll understand even then, Shiki is a man, woman, psycho killer all wrapped into one... sort of.

>> No.2682336

Hmm... have been wanting to play this for a while, but I've a 64 bit operating system that makes it tough.

>> No.2682344


I watched the anime, the first episode I ever watch is the one he slept with that vampire chick. After that scene I just lost my interest immediately.

>> No.2682355

Yeah, it's a good game.
It doesn't share as much of the SNK soul though (like the Fatal Fury crazy plane system).

>> No.2682360
File: 81 KB, 640x480, shirovsgil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


F/SN appealed to me much better. pic related.

>> No.2682371

It's 32-bit backwards compatible. If you're seriously having problems with compatibility, just get a virtual machine emulator, for fuck's sake.

>> No.2682369

Meltyblood Shiki is the most badass.
and i mean Meltyblood not AC or AA or even React

>> No.2682377 [DELETED] 

Best forum: http://tinyurl.com/m9m95h or visit directly: http://www.Anon[REMOVETHIS]Talk.com/

Join the resistance against stupidity and chan "culture" today! Abandon this worthless dump ASAP and instead bookmark the aforementioned site: YOU can make a difference and help save the Internet!


>> No.2682376

True colors spotted.

>> No.2682380

Well, for SNK soul, Garou is better.

Though for some weird reason (maybe due to limited art), I have this unholy obsession with a certain Last Blade female.

>> No.2682409
File: 29 KB, 156x194, Yuyu-What.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YOU can make a difference and help save the Internet!

You can't save that which was shit to begin with.

>> No.2682413

I already use vmware, and it hasn't worked.

>> No.2682424
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 1241072887308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shiki is a man, woman, psycho killer all wrapped into one...
He's the goddamn batman

>> No.2682435

I wish I could play Nanaya instead of Shiki.

>> No.2682449
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Your point being ?

>> No.2682454

That BMW is shit.

>> No.2682455

You have shit taste and should feel bad?

>> No.2682458

But Nanaya is better than Shiki in MBAC.

>> No.2682462
File: 73 KB, 357x357, baww8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attack of the butthurt fags.

>> No.2682468

>Nanaya instead of Shiki
>instead of


>> No.2682472
File: 24 KB, 640x358, 1239506610310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't think so brah. BMW is awesome , you're just too dumb.

>> No.2682476

I don't think you know what butthurt means.

>> No.2682477

What's butthurt on not liking a doujin game with many faults?

>> No.2682482

The only Shiki that isn't at least technically Shiki is SHIKI.

>> No.2682485
File: 119 KB, 640x480, dunnolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


butthurt from being too stupid to play it right.

>> No.2682493

see, shit like that keeps me from reading the novels.

>> No.2682496

It was far too easy, actually.
And while gameplay or design wise it was not bad, the flow, original content and overall writing was boring.
With that much text, it makes for a big flaw.

>> No.2682497

you're really missing out, friend.
or maybe shit is too DEEP for you.

>> No.2682500

But you're okay with FSN POWERLEVLS?

Different strokes I guess

>> No.2682515

But the novels are self-contained .
You have Ryougi and the rest of the cast that appears in no other works.
Overall confusion comes due to 'alternate versions' that pop up in dreams, Wallachia in Melty blood etc that ad up.
But that DOES NOT matter for reading the novels.

>> No.2682522


And that's why I said you're too stupid to play it right.

Ever heard of Newgame+ ?

>> No.2682529

...That has nothing to do with what bothers me with the game, MORON.

>> No.2682530


Every Nasu work has powerlevel so what's your point ?

>> No.2682538


so what is, smartass ?

>> No.2682539

I like BMW. It was fun because I actually knew the characters and such.

With most SRTs I have like, 5 favorite series and then a bunch of supers from old series I've never even heard of before and then Amuro and friends.

>> No.2682545

Someone break out the juice and animal crackers because I do believe there are children here.

>> No.2682548

You wish I was gone?
Thats hard, man.

>> No.2682554

They are not even really POWERLVELS (with the negative way you use it), but yes, even while F/SN has more battles, they are never the real focus.
...As I sad in my post, the actual content, writing, dialogue, insertion of original content and pace of levels.

Gameplay is average and easily exploited, and the good part of this game are the designs/animations, being above average with a few odd ones.

>> No.2682564
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>animal crackers

Can I have some too, anonymous?

>> No.2682585

>the good part of this game are the designs/animations


Way to play the whole game wrong dude.

>> No.2682611 [DELETED] 

So, appreciating the fact that they did well on the technical aspects is the wrong way to play the game?

It doesn't change the fact that I found the gameplay mediocre and not that cha;llenging and the writing tiring.
Especially since some of my favorite games are SRPGs, I have more expectations out of these games.
