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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2679010 No.2679010[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Looks like /jp/ and /a/ will be my exclusive boards for the next month.

>> No.2679017

Please stick to /a/. reported for blog

>> No.2679025

/v/'s userbase is overwhelmingly thirteen, so why would you go there in the first place?

>> No.2679031

What's the point in threads like this.

>> No.2679033

/v/ still has a little bit of it's old charm.

>> No.2679040

I'd appreciate it if most of the time was spent on /a/.

>> No.2679041

if you were posting as anon, couldn't you just reset your ip?

>> No.2679042

I fucked you're mom.

Please, mods. Ban athens from here as well.

>> No.2679054

Why do you think anyone gives a shit? Go post it on the ghost board with the tripfag circlejerk.

>> No.2679058

>fanboy bullshit
What the hell? Do they ban for trolling there now too?

>> No.2679061

We want him out of there too.

>> No.2679067

No-one cares, you greasy byzantine faggot.

>> No.2679068

Yeah, because any typo is worth a ban, right? Don't be stupid.

>> No.2679079

best thread on the front page

>> No.2679081

Are you some kind of idiot?

Everything athens posts in here is basically bannable content. Bad trolls, offtopic shit, /n/ crap, shit flamebait. And oh, wait. A thread bitching about being banned, that's against the rules too.


>> No.2679086

Bored, I ventured into /r9k/ and /v/.
Boy, I wasn't surprised to see that each board has their own version of "Shut the fuck up athens!"

If only he could stop being such an opinionated curmudgeon.

>> No.2679088

Athens-kun is from London though, dear Anonymous.

>> No.2679097

Hopefully you get banned from here too.

>> No.2679112

/jp/ has been a shithole ever since athens was allowed to post here.

>> No.2679115

First post date with athens tripcode is February 20th though. In other words the day of the board's inception.

>> No.2679120

I don't understand why he isn't permabanned from all of 4chan already.

He has admitted he makes bad posts on purpose to stir shit up. Ironically, that is happening right now.

I still say he's no longer the same after he couldn't keep up with the great "women can't be ronery" troll. Everything else is just subpar.

>> No.2679128

I just wanna be a normal poster.

>> No.2679137


>> No.2679140

You don't like ANYTHING that is /jp/ related. You only post in really bad politics threads.

God, getting rid of /n/ was the worst move ever. gg moot.

>> No.2679154

Go e-stalk Meru or something and stop posting shit on /jp/.

>> No.2679157


Indeed, stormfro/n/t was a nice quarantine.

>> No.2679158

>e-stalk Meru

You've got that the wrong way around chum.

>> No.2679166


>> No.2679180

Yeah, go e-stalk Meru, athens. That is what you do best, ain't it?

>> No.2679190

Reported and enjoy your ban. Look like you will be in /a/ and hope you stay there.

>> No.2679192

But /jp/ is a board about video games too, so yeah.

>> No.2679193

Didn't you to 3-date for a while?

>> No.2679249

Well my only contact with Meru beyond 4chan was being sent emails by her which I promptly ignored.


>> No.2679258

You mean RPGs? Once in a blue moon.
