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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2675764 No.2675764 [Reply] [Original]

Is there some reason IRC ops get ragingly banhappy over the smallest things, even in completely quiet/inactive rooms?

I was asking a fansub channel if there was a video editor that could handle MKVs. Got all of five sentences out before I was suddenly banned for, I guess, talking. Fansub groups are well known for their raging faggotry sometimes but I didn't really think it was that bad.

>> No.2675767
File: 241 KB, 717x1000, 2ac63594c90710d852bed549c4799710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, does anyone wanna play MHFU on Xlink Kai when it comes out?

>> No.2675766


There's your problem.

>> No.2675775

I know, right?

>> No.2675778


>> No.2675781

That's a problem, but it's not as big as:
>fansub channel

>> No.2675784

I don't know of a video editor that can handle MKVs, but split your MKV out into elementary streams first, use your video editor, then recombine them into an MKV.

>> No.2675786

Because IRC ops are people that have no power at all in real life, like most of us, so they become dictators when they can.
Some kind of psychological revenge on society.

>> No.2675789

Just like team4chan.

>> No.2675801

Yeah, it doesn't seem like there is one...I'm managing to do what I need by using avidemux and then editing and retiming the subtitle file separately, since avidemux for some reason can't read the .ass files, but obviously that's kind of a pain in the ass. I'm surprised there isn't a video editor that just does this shit automatically yet.

>> No.2675804

Yeah that is probably the biggest problem here. I knew I was pretty much playing asshole roulette there but I guess I'm still naively surprised by the high percentage of asshole in the fansub world. You'd think people who translate animu for fun would've learned to take it easy.

>> No.2675811

I've noticed this. It's a little depressing. I don't know, I don't see any real pleasure in scraping together enough power just to be unnecessarily rude to as many people as you can.

>> No.2675815

get your own chan simple

>> No.2675838

Good thing the OPs at #katawa-shoujo are awesome.

>> No.2675855

h264/x264 codec

http://www.aegisub.net/ for general subbing

>> No.2675867

> Is there some reason IRC ops get ragingly banhappy over the smallest things, even in completely quiet/inactive rooms?
It's because they are all kids who are not very important in real life so they need you to feel not very important on their channel.

>> No.2675891

You probably did one of the following:
- Walked into a really bad channel of a whiny fansub group
- Completely failed to read the topic
- Stated your question in a retarded way
- Had bad luck and some OP was PMSing

>> No.2675901

>h264/x264 codec
ffdshow, right?
For some reason VDubMod still doesn't even open mkvs.

>> No.2675926

I make sure to read the topic or rules. I know some channels ban you on the first offense for asking simple things like "how do I download" etc so I do my best. There weren't any sort of rules and everyone seemed to be taking it easy, so I thought a polite question wouldn't hurt. I got a few serious answers at first before the op suddenly came frothing in.

I can understand how my question could be annoying to someone with more experience with codecs and whatnot, but I mean, "is there a video editor that can edit MKVs" seems like a rather straight forward question. If yes, name the program; if no, say no. No need to rageban without explanation. The op randomly started bitching about how much he hates x264 for a while before banning me.

My best guess is it was a combination of a bitchy op, a shitty channel, and perhaps merely mentioning video editing anything is a fansubber troll. It's not as if I spend all my time lurking fansub channels (or even use IRC all that much unless I specifically need something) to really know, so.

>> No.2675938

>>2675926 The op randomly started bitching about how much he hates x264 for a while before banning me.
Now you need to namedrop the channel name.

>> No.2675952

>The op randomly started bitching about how much he hates x264
Hahaha, what. What other encoder does he prefer? In before he's a moron and he's just using a x264 frontend without knowing it.

Name of the channel, please.

>> No.2675969

CoalGuys. I'm not sure if he was joking (someone else in the channel was like "u trollin' son?") but he even had comparison screenshots to show how "low quality" x264 was. I don't really have a nerd hardon for video codecs so I didn't really care or know what he was talking about, so maybe he had a valid argument. But man, that guy was full on raging. It was mildly amusing actually. The banning me part was rather unnecessary and childish, though.

>> No.2675988

There's your problem.

>> No.2676015

Haha, thought so. I don't particularly pay attention to fansub drama to really know, so I just kind of picked a channel at random.
Do you know a fansub channel that might be a little less prone to kneejerk raging?

>> No.2676035

Why? The answer to your question is "no".

>> No.2676049

Still looking for a way to edit mkvs without having to split shit apart and retime subs etcetc. You'd think cutting a 5 minute clip out of an episode wouldn't be hard, but nooo...

>> No.2676046

Ask /a/ some fansubbers usually hang there.

>> No.2676060

Not sure how this is /jp/ related.

>> No.2676145

>comparison screenshots to show how "low quality" x264 was
I wish I was on the CoalGuys staff so I could fucking fire him, no use for an encoder who can't figure out how to set x264 flags right.

>> No.2676632
File: 47 KB, 600x680, mkvmerge_split_example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol @ this thread. OP, you were unlucky enough to get targeted by thewebcat, who's a troll of a humongous scale. It's better not to even try to argue with him and never to trust anything he says. He unbanned you three minutes later, by the way.

In any case, if all you want to do is cut some MKVs, you can use mkvmerge GUI to do that, picture related. You can then use the append function to merge files together.

>> No.2676640
File: 33 KB, 526x351, curryrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol @

Go back to IRC and animesuki. That goes for most of you in this thread, actually.

>> No.2676642

Oh nevermind, he just temporarily banned you then. He unbanned you about 40 minutes ago.

>> No.2676665

>Daiz !H.264BdrFs
I didn't know you also posted in /jp/

>> No.2676667
File: 125 KB, 890x497, tsukihime_it's_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so angry, bro?

>> No.2676670

What kind of a faggot names himself "Daiz"

>> No.2676678

Most of the time I don't, but I do occasionally lurk /jp/ as well. This is probably the first time I use my trip here though.

>> No.2676681
File: 47 KB, 169x145, 1242934041545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y so shitfag frum /a/ u kno y dnt u just go bak there befor i talk bad @ u man ima kill u dawg dat shit aint 2 kewl wit me man.

I don't care about some huge fag like you posting on /jp/, but I do care when you make posts even shittier than mine and think they aren't shit, and typing like you're 12 doesn't help either.

>> No.2676697

aww currybutt is angry

>> No.2676716

That explains it.
Are you still trolling funimation?

>> No.2676720

So I made a post that both answered the OPs question and told about what exactly got him banned in this situation and it's somehow worse than... a post you made after mine raging at like 4% of my post that was a neutral comment?

Cool logic bro.

Also lol u tk him 2da bar|?

>> No.2676729

I'm still subbing Phantom, so I'd say yes. I'll resurrect funnymation.biz at some point too.

>> No.2676730
File: 607 KB, 618x592, wot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>currybutt raging
>I lurk /jp/ sometimes

Only one of those can be true.

>> No.2676741
File: 607 KB, 618x592, wot3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fansubbing isn't a form of trolling.

>> No.2676741,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why is CurryButt bitching at Daiz? Everyone who posted on /a/ before the split is cool in my book.

>> No.2676741,2 [INTERNAL] 

Because CurryButt is a bad poster.

>> No.2676741,3 [INTERNAL] 

You mean, because Daiz is a bad poster.

>> No.2676741,4 [INTERNAL] 

I like Daiz because he hates VLC.

>> No.2676741,5 [INTERNAL] 

Why was this thread even ghostbumped?

>> No.2676741,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why was this thread even made?

>> No.2676741,7 [INTERNAL] 

why why why why why

>> No.2676741,8 [INTERNAL] 

won't you love me, forever?
