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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 268 KB, 1024x768, Meltan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2659891 No.2659891 [Reply] [Original] midwest 4 or less delay

>> No.2660033
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>> No.2660039


>> No.2660059
never played online

>> No.2660082


Turn off your downloads bro.

>> No.2660085 east

>> No.2660089
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>> No.2660108

fuck, that's my brother who is downloading again, sorry
I think I won't be able to play today.

>> No.2660125
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>> No.2660272
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east coast canada
lower than 5 delay
yuma low tier

>> No.2660290

7 delay is too high, still hosting.

>> No.2660303

That's weird. I've played with you before without getting shitty delay like that.

>> No.2660308

It must be on your side cause I'm not downloading anything at the moment.

>> No.2660316
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>> No.2660390


>> No.2660395

GGs 9Breaker. By the way, you can jump out of Kouma's 214c.

>> No.2660399
File: 68 KB, 472x429, yumafall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg I was slaughtered. rehosting.

>> No.2660412

still hostan

>> No.2660469

You should check out SF4. I think you'd be really good if you pick Akuma and spam fullscreen fireballs all day.

>> No.2660491

Well, with SF4's impending PC release... Now if only it was a /jp/-related game.

>> No.2660493
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People like that can be found in any fighting game.

>> No.2660536

GGs. Well, at least when you stopped playing Nero and Nanaya.

>> No.2660540
WC scrub

>> No.2660547

people who complain about certain characters in a game are worse than the people who play them.

>> No.2660555

I'm curious, which ver of Melty blood you all play?

>> No.2660556


Time out

>> No.2660558


The latest one, of course.

>> No.2660569

actress again?

>> No.2660570

No, silly, the latest PC version.

>> No.2660574

gg rehosting.

>> No.2660576

so this one from /rs/?

[MBACverB.rar (Melty Blood Act Cadenza + Patch v1.03a + Netplay)]

>> No.2660579


Yes that's it.

>> No.2660583

thank you, anonymous

>> No.2660602


GGs, Breaker. I don't really have any advice for you except to work on your spacing i guess.

>> No.2660631
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2660631 EU
Casual tier

>> No.2660667
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GGs Wallachia

>> No.2660673


My Nanaya is better than my Wara, but it didn't win any games ;_;

>> No.2660680

That's because I still haven't gotten the hang of dealing with Nero/Wallachia users, and I probably never will.

>> No.2660706


>> No.2660743
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Well, that was incredibly odd. Fixed now.


>> No.2660763
WC. Not sure how long I can play.

>> No.2660842


Double ko on 3rd round... Hahah, GGs.

>> No.2660857
File: 49 KB, 500x280, yumakickjc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I noticed how bad I suck at spacing. :(
GGs CPU Level 3 and lulz at that double KO with my Sacchin vs your Kouma.

>> No.2660953

West Coast

bubz tier

>> No.2661057

GGs. GTG. You really should try to be less mashy, especially on wakeups. And don't tech right into meaties.

>> No.2661075


hosting ec

>> No.2661265
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Good games. It seems playing on the couch is something I should avoid in the future. I'm not sure what happened at the end though. Controls weren't responding, and it rarely recovers after that.

>> No.2661272

Yeah, that happens to me a lot as well. ggs, and sorry for the huge delay, as usual.

>> No.2661288


>> No.2661364
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>> No.2661368 [SPOILER] 
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Truth be told, I didn't realise MBCaster was still connected till the Melty Blood window opened...
anyway, good games to whoever that was. You're a bit too much for me right now.

Huge delay? I relish in it. Didn't affect our game anyway.

This image is for you.

>> No.2661383


>> No.2661394
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>> No.2661534 WC

>> No.2661553 EC

>> No.2661591

Sorry, my connection was acting up.

>> No.2661639



>> No.2661644

GGs. No idea what my problem was against Shiki. Just couldn't get the backstep timing right to punish that loop.

Also, respect the meaties. 623 loses to them no matter what.

>> No.2661653


>> No.2661676


Yea, I basically spent a couple of matches attempting 623 on wakeup just to make sure it is not poor execution that is preventing me from finishing the reversal. Thx for the advice.

>> No.2661744

There's one frame of quasi-vulnerability on wake-up before you can do anything except block and ex. Your ex could work, you just need to be frame perfect.

Just be careful because it is an okizemi situation and characters like Hisui can fake the meaty with a 2A instead of a 2B to throw and put you in the bento loop. That's the time to quickly 623 or poke out.

>> No.2661758

Excuse me, 2 frames.

>> No.2661828


>> No.2661835

GGs. Nice Akiha. Wish mine were half as good. Missed pot-books and wake-up dragon punches/command throws had me crying the whole damn time, not that they would have made too much of a difference in the win/loss ratio.

>> No.2661872


ggs bro

>> No.2661880

Ausfag looking for a host

>> No.2661883

ggs, way out of my league.

>> No.2661910

Internet keeps DCing, don't know why. Sorry.

>> No.2661916
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It's alright, maybe we can play some other time. GGs.

>> No.2662804
Insomnia tier. Switched to wireless, so may be a little spikey.

>> No.2662821

West Coast

bubz tier

>> No.2662913 ec
can I get a game this late I wonder

>> No.2662929

Rehosting, internet should be fixed.

>> No.2663020 [DELETED], EC
shitty tier that can't sleep

>> No.2663105

GGs. Don't try to mash out of everything and use your uppercut to punish jumps more. Also, don't use blockstrings with giant gaps. Use overheads as the ender to her ABC as often as the slide, it's hit confirmable into a real combo, avoids low pokeouts, and even on block, still better frame advantage.

>> No.2663143


Thanks for the tips. Though there isn't anything new here. Just so you know I didn't mash a single time. It's not something I can do even if I wanted to. It's probably the number one reason I don't usually win air throws/trades on netplay. The frametraps weren't level 0. They aren't giant gaps, but they lose to level 0, so they were failing. I just don't take MBAC seriously. I've had a taste of AA so I just sandbag when I play MBAC. I'd have to worry about losing muscle memory for F-Aoko.

>> No.2663180

GGs, Rune.

That Nanaya mirror blew up my mind. I'll play you again anytime.

>> No.2663194

GG's man very fun who is your main mine would be nero

>> No.2663205

Used to be Warc but I started picking up vSion. Your Nero really did lock me down, I was in awe when you arc drived me while ex crows and a deer was out, haha.

>> No.2663210

Wow, you suck.

>> No.2663248

hosting if any one else wants to play this late

>> No.2663473

ggs, but I'm off to get my 30 minutes of sleep.

>> No.2664993
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WC scrub - open for criticism

>> No.2665079
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>> No.2665324
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>> No.2665399 EU.

>> No.2665471


>> No.2665517


>> No.2665542
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GGs bro

>> No.2665544

its cute how you think you can counterpick me when you are fucking awful

>> No.2665555
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but those are the only characters I remotely know how to play.

>> No.2665557

still rehostan

>> No.2665561
File: 45 KB, 790x690, 0639c26989997ba6cd395b5db4ee4d68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Akiha player, you got me running sweat.

>> No.2665569
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>know how to play

>> No.2665592
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>> No.2665608

GG's. sorry if i couldn't be much entertainment.
well....at least i was having fun.

>> No.2665630

I thought I was a masher, but this was just horrible. You zone decently, and you seem to know her regrab combo at least. But start blocking, or at least learn her 4-way if you want to mash your way to victory.

>> No.2665682

so is anyone else hosting

>> No.2665730


>> No.2665739


>> No.2665756

rehostan again

>> No.2665767 WC

>> No.2665803
File: 72 KB, 265x485, cielposingwithknives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me an hour to take a shower. I'll kick your asses after that.

>> No.2665973
File: 356 KB, 440x451, 3951917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Prince. I was getting a bit tired and too predictable with Sacchin in the end. Your Shiki pretty much destroyed me though. Let's fight again sometimes.

>> No.2665979


GGs, thx for the games

>> No.2666001


Yea, I need a lot of work on my alt >< Was fun playing against you tho

>> No.2666361
File: 47 KB, 200x200, 4444764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
I'm quite good with Akiha.

>> No.2666383


>> No.2666467
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german cieldude being shit


>> No.2666485
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>> No.2666505

it sure isnt a matchup entirely in ciels favor or anything. except of course when the ciel is a fucking retard like you

>> No.2666528


>> No.2666533


>> No.2666540
File: 15 KB, 247x400, ciel_xd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a matchup entirely in ciels favor
cuz pickin da ciel is insta-win rite? XDDD

>> No.2666564

it probably should be its like an 9-1 or 8-2 match for ciel. except of course when the ciel is retarded

>> No.2666568

You won't fight against Ciels, so you also believe that.

>> No.2666574
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>> No.2666579


>> No.2666600
File: 54 KB, 412x371, 1234886368564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably the reason why tourneyfag Ciels lose to tourneyfag Neros at tourneys. I think you are stupid. And jealous. Now go away.

>> No.2666605

that was some bad fps shit but ggs

>> No.2666694

Shitty tier is shitty

>> No.2666713

ERROR : TIMEOUT ( Access )

>> No.2666747

I really wish my router would stop reassigning my IP, fixed.

>> No.2666884


>> No.2666886



>> No.2666969

rehostan midwest mid-tier

>> No.2667051

GGs, I give up trying to play against the lag. I'm terrible enough without it, with it I missed like 80% of my attempts to BnB even with my best characters, not to mention like 20 easy arc drives.

>> No.2667068

ggs I guess. The delay never stopped you from beating me before, although I may have gotten a bit better. Also, you should know that Nanaya's AAD is dodgeable.

>> No.2667116


>> No.2667128

GGs Akiha/Arc. The best way out of Len's 5C is to just bunker it. Aside from the 236s, you can poke out of just about every other one of her decent blockstrings.

>> No.2667130

Oh you're definitely getting better, but for some reason today like half the things I was inputting were going off like 0.25 seconds slow or not at all which lead to me getting punished terribly. I think my roommate has something being torrented at the moment.

I thought Nanaya's AAD was unblockable but in recent matches I've seen people dodging it, I don't even know what the command is to dodge like that yet. But even so it was annoying as hell to attempt to get it off 5 times in a row and having nothing happen, when normally I have no problems with it.

>> No.2667132

>arc drive


>> No.2667182

If you want to dodge, press down and quick (the throw button). To time it correctly, you have to do this after Nanaya comes in contact with your sprite and disappears. Another way to avoid his AAD is to activate heat either after he disappears, or when he is about to pass you (the former being more reliable). Also, you may want to consider mixing up your attacks a bit. I got off a few last arcs with W.Len since your attack style was quite obvious.

>> No.2667205
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rehostan for a little while

>> No.2667214 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2667235

GGs. Big fan of Blood Heat, aren't'cha? Always scares the piss out of me, because I knot my approaches can be predictable as fuck... Thankfully I only ate one Last Arc. Was quite annoying how often I failed to land my EX command throw on landing... I even wound up j.214Cing once which is quite strange... T'was fun.

>> No.2667246

I don't even really have an attack style, I just know like 1-2 combos per character (that I can't even perform 100%) and that's about it. I don't even know what a "blockstring" is or a lot of other techniques like that instant diagonal air dash-jump you kept doing. Still a big noob.

>> No.2667268

Well, I don't know what a blockstring is either =3=
You definitely have to break some of those habits though. You kept rushing up to me to do 2A. Needless to say, that is obviously easy bait for a last arc.

>> No.2667272

Not who you're replying to, but a blockstring is simply a sequence of attacks that you use against a blocking opponent to either try and get him to jump/poke out when he can't or to get him to block incorrectly. Thus, blockstrings are composed of either high/low mix-ups or staggered attacks that create small, seemingly escapeable holes or both. As for that diagonal instant air dash, it's called IAD (instant air dash). The input is 96 (upforward then forward) or 74 (upback then back. As a keyboard user, I find the easiest way to input it is 6986 and 4784, kind of a dragon punch motion where you use up instead of down.

>> No.2667289

someone host

>> No.2667398

GGs. It was getting a bit laggy on my side in that last round.

>> No.2667431


Damn near fainted out of my chair on that last one! FUCK, dropped the soap more times than I can count on both hands that match, and won by a extremely lucky 2A.

Had fun, but good God Almighty, where the Hell does your Kouma punish combos magically appear from!? Everything I whiffed on lead to a mid-air EX-Kick. Incredible plays throughout those matches!

>> No.2667447 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2667496
File: 30 KB, 263x213, 1235860545164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if there's a some advice I could give you about your Nanaya is that you shouldn't finish your blockstrings with 236B too many times. You were using it excessively and it didn't really look that effective. Instead go for the 22A/B/C or mixup with some jB (+dash jB on block for crossup) or jC. Add some grabs in there too!

>> No.2667584

Best I can say is I'll TRY. It has been an extremely hard habit to ween myself off of.

Regardless, my Nanaya was off kilter today. I couldn't dash/retreat like I wanted to, kept 236B when I wanted to 263B, and couldn't really find the opportunities to 22A/B except the one time I did and only scored a 2A and whiffed 5a... (Sacchin's jC would've destroyed me all the same anyway)

>> No.2667622 - EC

Low tier. Shit~low tiers only.

>> No.2667645 EC shit tier
Won't be playing for much, probably. 10 games?

>> No.2667717

GGs, can't play anymore. You broke my down arrow key. No wonder my specials didn't go off 80% of the time.

>> No.2667720


GGs. Man, I'll never get used to fighting Ciels.

You should use throw in more keys at the end of your blockstrings, and learn your BnBs.

>> No.2667733

Yeah, normally I use much more keys than that, but a metric fuckton weren't even going off. Stupid $5 keyboard. As for her BnBs, I know them but despite 4 hours in practice I landed her main BnB exactly 0 times. I can't move my fingers on a keyboard like that.

>> No.2667738

The lag was fucking pissing me.

>> No.2667742


Yeah, I think somebody is being a huge bastard near me with their connection. Rehosting, right after I beat up said person.

>> No.2667761
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>> No.2667773

Fuck you and fuck Edger and everything you stand for go away

>> No.2667822
File: 78 KB, 641x868, ken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't get angry at me! just hit up practice mode and beat Edger next time he shows up.

>> No.2667828
WC. May be a little spikey.

>> No.2667840

playing MB with a keyboard
are you crazy?

>> No.2667841


Well, I was just getting some water, but I guess it was a good place to end anyway.

>> No.2667843


>shit tier

Fuck you. I hate faggots like you. I hope you enjoyed beating up shit-tier.

>> No.2667852

Meh, don't care enough to buy a controller. I just play meltan off and on for fun.

>> No.2667856


I don't see how I'm not shit tier. I play on keyboard, I main Nanaya, I can't do bnbs 100% of the time, I keep on doing the wrong things. If that's not shit tier, I don't know what is.

>> No.2667869
File: 86 KB, 800x600, agetec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a keyboard and I find it a lot easier to input moves.. I have an arcade stick too but god damn I don't understand how people can play so well with them. It's so freaking hard to get used to so if anyone has any tips, please do share.

>> No.2667875

stop sucking

>> No.2667885
File: 84 KB, 368x245, 1243357513105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2667916

someone host

>> No.2667928


>> No.2667933

Dont know the buttons tier :

>> No.2667945 [DELETED] 

can't access

>> No.2667943

Hey guys, im usin a ps3 controller, and MB doesnt support controller buttons pass 10, im trying to use xpadder, but MB insists i use a controller if i have one plugged in, How do i get it to ignore the controller?

>> No.2667944

Why the hell do we always lag? We're both EC, 2 fucking delay.

>> No.2667953

I dunno, could be my wireless.

>> No.2667954

Unplug it

>> No.2667959 here

sorry everyone, im actually having issues with my controller =|

>> No.2667964

still hosting

>> No.2667968

GGs Wara

>> No.2667972


wtf are you talking about? You were doing BnBs that was more COMPLEX than the standard Nanaya one. Fuck you.

>> No.2667981

GAHH, oh well, "error initializing pad" when its not plugged in

>> No.2667984


GGs. You're too good.

>> No.2668001

Anyone still hosting?

>> No.2668075


>> No.2668098

Shit of shit tier, seriously, im very bad

>> No.2668239


>> No.2668278


>> No.2668280


>> No.2668332

Good games, im still far in the shit tier though =p

>> No.2668345

Yeah, I suck with Len and V.Sion though. You should really rely less on specials; I may not have found a way around your spam of them for those fights, but the many better than me will easily punish that. Also, block more. GGs

>> No.2668347

ggs, try to stick one character or learn a bnb

>> No.2668365

I figured as much, half the time i wasnt aware on how to actually do the specialfs, 80% of the time im just button mashing / blocking

>> No.2668366

ggs. Rehosting.

>> No.2668397

GGs Fun matches.

I'm surprised I actually predicted Sion's 6Bs pretty well, but facing Arc was a trainwreck. Got burnt on every wakeup 2A I saw, and what's worse, I KNEW they were coming. Gotta learn parrying doesn't work against Sion/Arc on wakeups.

Your VAkiha makes me cry. That's all I have to say about that. LOL I'm probably going to give up Aoko, she's progressively getting worse while my other characters are getting better and better (IMO, anyway). I couldn't even do my standard 623>combo tonight, kept screwing it up with 3C. Not a good night for my baby, it seems...

>> No.2668420 [DELETED]
Feel like learning a new character for a while tier

>> No.2668699

Red Arc BnB is 2A 2B 2C 5C 9 jB jB jC 9 jB jB jC and either j2C or airthrow right?

I can't seem to do the double jBs, the best I can land is 2A 2B 2C 5C 9 jB jC 9 jB jC and ending...

>> No.2668713

You can't cancel a j.B into another j.B. So yes. End j.BC j.BC throw/214C. You can try using an airdash somewhere in the middle to add in another attack, but that might put the opponent too high for you to end the air combo.

>> No.2668778 ec hosting terribad

>> No.2668863


Sorry couldn't play much. GGs

>> No.2668867

any one else wanna play so late rehosting

>> No.2668931


>> No.2668935

gg can't think anymore.

>> No.2669028

GGs. Mash less. A lot less. Nobody should ever be seeing Shiki's 2B as a poke, let alone as at attempt at a poke out. Also don't try so hard for the arc drives or blood heat. You used them a few times for pretty much no reason whatsoever and the only one that connected was the one I deliberately walked into.

>> No.2669043

gg's thx for advice

>> No.2669807

can not sleep looking for more games

>> No.2669863


>> No.2670985 eu

>> No.2671045

Yeah, that was pointless.

>> No.2671583


>> No.2671764

someone host

>> No.2671867

Autosaged, time for a new thread
