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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2660332 No.2660332 [Reply] [Original]

O key guys here is the story me and my best friend are some big weeboos and hentai fans.

We are not really into 3D girls,a few days ago our friendship was really nice each 1 of us had hes own 2D girlfriend i will not name there names its not important now.Till today this morning i found he had my favorite character in hes secrete fap folder.I got this morning really angry on him, because we made promise not to think anything sexual about our girlfriends, but now i found this dirty images about my gf and i am sure the bastard faped on her, should i confront him and speak about it with him or just stop our friendship.

BTW he is my best friend and i would feel really sad if we are not anymore friends i am sure he would feel the same.

>> No.2660343

If you put your hentais away for a second and red a fucking book then maybe you're lives would of not been so pityful to complane on an kakkoi board like this.

>> No.2660342

Who is your 2D waifu?

>> No.2660344

This is the sort of shit I expect a lot of /jp/ would actually do if they had friends

>> No.2660347

Beat that faggot's ass and teach him not to ever think about touching your waifu again.

>> No.2660358

You deserve better friends than that.

>> No.2660352

Best thread on /jp/

>> No.2660361

If your 2D waifu isn't drawn by KusuKusu like your pic is, you can get the fuck out now for having no taste.

>> No.2660363

I hope this is just trollan.

>> No.2660367


Whats the meaning of your sentence "red a fucking book"
What should i do with red books?

I dont want to tell the name of my girlfriend but she has beautiful long blue hair and big shiny eyes who are deep like the ocean,a smile that melts your heart and a body you want never let go.

BTW atm i am really thinking to forgive him, we are so long friends and i love my girlfriend much, i cant live without this 2 things in my life :)

>> No.2660376
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>> No.2660379

You're so ashamed that you won't even tell us her name? And you're going to choose your friend over her? You disgust me, sir.

>> No.2660385

Best thread on /jp/ in the last few days.

>> No.2660388

I bet someone on /jp/ has also masturbated to your waifu, without you knowing about it. She's such a whore.

>> No.2660392

I don't understand why you want to know her name, it has no meaning for you, she is just my girlfriend and i don't want that some stupid guys take her name into shit.

I just asked for help how i should talk with my friend about this nothing more, if you think i am stupid or you want to know the name of my girlfriend , please stop posting

>> No.2660397

Oh come on. It's not like I'm going to print out a picture of her, fap on it and then post the results, jesus christ.

>> No.2660403

the proper method of approach really depends on who she is, her personality is important to determine how you'll talk to your friend about it

>> No.2660405

Listen to me young man.
The first step is the hardest. Find guro images of your friend's wiafu. Yes, guro. The more disgusting, the better.
Now, take them and merge them into his fap directory. That will teach him a good lesson.

>> No.2660410

Sorry no chance my friend but i am sure there are enough /b/ tards who are lurking that i tell her name and do some bad things with her photos.

Maybe I can make it little easier for you readers, how would you act if some 1 faps on the photos of your girlfriend it doesn't matter if she is 3D or 2D but i would prefer answers from people who are more in 2D girls

>> No.2660417

I would

>> No.2660418

OP doesn't want to lose his friend, though.

Revenge is sweet, but that will only make things escalate and become worse. I don't think OP could stand turning on his PC and see a picture of his girlfriend being raped set as his wallpaper.

>> No.2660420

I thank you for the answer but i think this would make him cry if he would see hes girlfriend cut or dead.

I cant imagine how i would feel if i would see such photos of my girlfriend, i am sure i would cry much i don't to hurt him so deep

>> No.2660427

Game of pretend is your only option.

>> No.2660436

Why don't you just share waifus?

>> No.2660441

>i found he had my favorite character in hes secrete fap folder
Why were you in his secret fap folder? Were you looking at HIS girlfriend?

You fucking bastard.

>> No.2660460


No i wast looking at hes girlfriend and he never puts hes girlfriend photos in hes fap folder, and i never looked at hes girlfriend photos in hes special folder, i was just searching some photos and i found that he has my girlfriend

Sorry to say this , but are you crazy?
I love my girlfriend more then my life, she gave some meaning to my life i cant share her with some 1 , i love her too much.

>> No.2660462

This thread is an eyesore.

>> No.2660465

is this thread for real

>> No.2660467

It just means your waifu is superior.

>> No.2660474

Please if you want to do jokes or insult me , go troll some other board you have enough funny posts there

>> No.2660479

Knowing who your waifu is is necessary to judge the severness of the situation. If it really is konata then that's incredibly unoriginal, a choice lacking any real love. A MAINSTREAM WAIFU. Especially with reasoning based entirely on appearance,

>> No.2660486

Who are you to tell me , that my love for my girlfriend isn't real.
What do you know about love?
I tell you nothing.
I love my girlfriend i like every body part of her and every inch of her soul.There is not a second where i dont think about her, she is always in my heart.

>> No.2660490

I feel you bro. See, my girlfriend is Tsugumi from Ever17, and I would be very sad if someone started to dump his Tsugumi folder right now.

>> No.2660500

Face it; your waifu is a slut.

>> No.2660505



>> No.2660507

Actually, it doesn't quite work that way. Let's say the waifu in question is Izen and there are twelve people who 'claim' her. Does that mean that one Izen is shared between twelve people? Of course not! There are now twelve different Izens each with their own personality! They might not be immediately apparent to the eye, but they're there. Izen #1 likes mung bean ice cream, Izen #2 likes green tea ice cream, Izen #3 likes moose tracks ice cream, etc...

The point of the story is that even if your waifu share the same name and looks, they are still different entities! Your friend is not doing anything with your waifu. He's just doing something with someone that looks like her and happens to share the same name. This would be a lot more simpler if I had that Rika Valentine's comic.

>> No.2660508

try to say this right in front of me i would fucking stab you with a knife you fag

>> No.2660509
File: 37 KB, 500x333, DuelingPistols02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has debased your consort and sullied her virtue. This is inexcusable.

Pistols. Ten paces, turn, and fire.
Both love and honor demand it.

>> No.2660515
File: 177 KB, 400x400, what kind of japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dangerous to go alone.
Take this.

>> No.2660517

Ah, how kind of you, Jones.

>> No.2660529

You'd never get the chance because I would shoot you before you would even get close enough to stab him.

>> No.2660533

Your girlfriend doesn't exist, she will never love you

>> No.2660541

This isn't love, it's obsession. If you were to be hit by memory loss you'll be able to chose another one and have the exact same thoughts. If you can't explain why beyond appearance then it's fake.

Obsession != Love.

Alternatively he just doesn't take this waifu business as seriously.

>> No.2660549

She exists in my heart and 1 day we will be together and i will wake up next to her in our bed.
And if you have not something constructive to say then go troll somewhere else

>> No.2660551

Hes right though. Every picture you have of her was drawn by someone else, including the naughty ones. They've been seen and fapped to by hundreds if not more people. Your girl is easy.

>> No.2660559

>If you were to be hit by memory loss you'll be able to chose another one and have the exact same thoughts.
This has been used so many times in Chinese period dramas. City guy is married into a wealthy family, but somehow gets knocked out and lost in the river. Eventually, he is found by some country girl who nurses him back to health. However, he has amnesia and no longer remembers his past city life so he marries this country girl. One day, by good or bad fortune, he is found by his previous servant and old memories rush back. Two families start crashing together creating a new jealousy-fueled arc usually ending with a death of some kind.

>> No.2660564

That is constructive. If your waifu was real. She wouldn't love you. Would she? You'll probably creep her out before you even get to show off your violent manners.

You should reform before you even think about claiming a waifu with any level of seriousness.

Your waifu hates your personality. etc,etc.

>> No.2660587
File: 11 KB, 640x450, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O key guys it looks like i have to show my girlfriend first , so you can understand me better why she is the meaning of my life and i wish we marry 1 day and get old together.

>> No.2660591

My, sorry, mai waifu is rich and in high school. I'd be loving her from afar even if she were real, so there's not much difference.

>> No.2660599

People watch Chinese period dramas?

>> No.2660612

So, it's Konata after all. That's kind of lame.

>> No.2660630

I'm not the OP.

Also, I didn't know Konata was rich. I didn't watch much Lucky Star.

>> No.2660628

Its not i posted her photo my friend
I did draw my girlfriend by myself, and i love her how she is, this other guy try's to pretend that he is me , but if you watch out you can see i never said wife i always called her my girlfriend

>> No.2660626

Now that's a pretty far out assumption. You are claiming that you know his delusions better than him.

>> No.2660635

Triads/gambling, martial arts/flying, ogres/magic, etc... They cater to every audience!

>> No.2660641

OP here: it looks like /b/ tards are all ready posting under my name.
I will talk tomorrow with my friend about this, i hope this /b/ tards away from tomorrow

>> No.2660642

Oh, she's not rich. 'scuse my drunkposting.

>> No.2660643

Addendum: I thought my use of proper punctuation and the space bar would be enough to make it obvious that I'm not the OP. Hell, I'll even say that my waifu is Tsuruya-san.

I used the wrong "my" again and I'm not changing it.

>> No.2660654

I prefer melodrama and terminally ill schoolgirls in my asian drama, thank you.

>> No.2660655

This situation tells us one thing. OP's friend thinks OP's gf is a slut willing to pose for him and perform other acts. So OP's friend has called OP's gf a slut. How does OP act to his gf being called a slut?

>> No.2660658

One of the first things I'm buying if ever I get rich.

>> No.2660678
File: 14 KB, 423x297, 1239283430361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2660681

Tie your friend to a chair, print out his waifu, then fap to it in front of him. And shoot out the jizz on the printout. Or your friend's eyes.

>> No.2660691

Tsuruya-fag here. Go with this fag's >>2660507
advice. Also, stop worrying about it so much. This is a breach of trust, sure, but nothing bad should come of it unless you make a big deal out of it. Relax and enjoy your waifu.

>> No.2660705
File: 171 KB, 720x1000, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's make this a speculation thread on OP's waifu.

My guess is Chihaya.

>> No.2660709

Not mainstream enough. OP doesn't seem the type.

>> No.2660727

Is your character a singer?

Yes, Probably/partially, You don't know, Probably not/not really, No.

>> No.2660738
File: 13 KB, 276x297, akinator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you called?

>> No.2660739

How can someone be partially a singer? They either sing or they don't

>> No.2660744

Yeah, but I think OP is gone.

>> No.2660759

Maybe they think they can sing, but they suck.

>> No.2660793

It's hard to get good results out of Akinator when all I know is "blue hair, not real, probably from anime, girl."

I haven't even gotten a blue-haired girl yet. I did get Yotsuba (4chan).

>> No.2661554

OP, just fap to his waifu and get back at that no good son of a bitch.

>> No.2662226

I wish I could find one 2D girl that I could love forever.

My waifus always change.

>> No.2662818

Is OP comming back?

>> No.2662862
File: 41 KB, 615x541, ahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's waifu according to akinator

>> No.2662902 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 542x790, 1077c3f12b2102f91c95d812f81a02a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu > yours.

>> No.2662905
File: 178 KB, 983x1400, 1194212216472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2663780

OP is a /jp/ fag?

>> No.2663921

http://www.AnonT4lk.com/ (4 = a)

Bookmark today and visit at least every hour for the rest of your life.


>> No.2663921,1 [INTERNAL] 

