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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2645090 No.2645090 [Reply] [Original]

When I found out everything awesome from my childhood was Japanese. Even the matrix was anime inspired.

>> No.2645104


>> No.2645106

Probably around the time /a/ became my primary 4chan board. I couldn't really deny it any more at that point.

>> No.2645108

When my dad beat the shit out of me for having a picture of Trunks holding a sword after telling me "That's the shit serial killers look at."

That was the last time anyone found out about my hobbies.

>> No.2645165

I can't think of a single defining moment of clarity, but my earliest memory of being a weeaboo was using a bookstore giftcard to buy a Japanese-English dictionary. I think I was 8 at the time. I still have it and use it regularly.

>> No.2645187

I remember you. I saved your post.

>My father left my family when I was 14 and I can't say I've ever missed him.

>However, I think I can thank him for teaching me to suppress my power level. I remember I was about 11 at the time. One fine day he was going through my backpack without my permission and found a picture of Trunks from DBZ holding a sword, in my binder. He told me that's the shit serial killers have pictures of, asked me where I got it and I told him a kid at school gave it to me (That was a lie though, I had printed it myself. All the cool kids were trading DBZ pictures in 5th grade). It was then he took off his belt and told me to lean over on my bed. I screamed, "NO!", but that didn't stop him. He called my mother over and had her hold me down while he took off my pants and underwear and beat the shit out of my with that belt of his.

>The two of them eventually got up and left me crying on the floor of my room, naked from the waist down. It wouldn't be the first or last time this would happen to me. To this day I can't rationalize his thinking. This is the first time I've ever told anybody this and it really doesn't feel any better now that I've done it.

>> No.2645194

Thanks for the nostalgia, the memories are all flowing back now!

>> No.2645205

Did you eventually become a serial killer?

>> No.2645209

When my brother told me I was a fucking faggot for only listening to Japanese music.

>> No.2645216

And follow up question: Would you like us to help you become a serial killer?

>> No.2645219

I'd say shortly after discovering anonymous image boards in 2005. First one was iichan and I really liked the place. Trouble is that it's damn slow, so I naively thought I could liven up the place by posting pictures. That's when I began visiting Japanese artist sites, which were easy to navigate despite the moonrunes. Nevertheless, to speed up surfing I began learning Japanese and that's pretty much the definition of weabooness.

>> No.2645231

The matrix was inspired by ghost in the shell that was inspired by neuromancer that is american

anime was copied from american animation (betty boop, etc)
modern tokyo was heavily inspired by new york design.
video games were invented in america
computers and most of the peripherals were american inventions. etc.

japan isn't as SUGOI as most here think. most people won't be able to name one japanese product (besides ramen) that wasn't based on an American or European technology.

>> No.2645239

when I started spending my all my time locked in my room watching anime and not talking to anyone

>> No.2645251

We all know all that. Go back to whatever board you came from.

>> No.2645263

It wasn't a gradual process, more like a concious decision on my part; I became a weeaboo because I needed a hobby that had some kind of community attached to it and my computer was/is too shit for games. Which was what, 4 years ago?

>> No.2645293

So what you're saying is "Japan is the America that America should have become".

>> No.2645311

When I realized that Japan drew pictures of little girls with their shirts off.

>> No.2645316

No, I'm saying they would still be in the stone age if it wasn't for us. Like much of the rest of the world.

>> No.2645323

I don't call myself a weeaboo. Might as well have a Mexican call himself a spic.

>> No.2645330

So you are saying the US should colonize Japan.

>> No.2645341

No, I'm saying you're a mongo and every weeaboo is delusional loser.

>> No.2645347

So you're telling us you love cocks in your mouth?

>> No.2645352
File: 199 KB, 646x850, Remi_0156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know you all actually called yourself that, seems like a negative term. At least, I have never myself seen it referred to in a completely positive light. I would never call myself a weeaboo, doesn't even sound right.

>> No.2645355

Pretty sure they didn't learn how to make steel from the Europeans, bro.

>> No.2645364

We're mostly aware that it's nothing to be proud of. It's supposed to be self-degrading.

>> No.2645369

Japan couldn't really invent anything because after WW2 it was left completely devastated with a very big lack of food and shelter.

They did pretty good at getting back in the race y'know. Sure, they mooched off American/European inventions, but now they're doing good work at improving the fuck out of them.

>> No.2645377


Its not positive, its a sad realization.

>> No.2645379
File: 68 KB, 420x420, Remi_0055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought, like most things on /jp/, that the whole general lack of self-worth thing, was just a bad recurring joke. I wouldn't expect it to be so serious.

>> No.2645386

You didn't do shit faggot. Stop claiming the accomplishments of your country as your own.

>> No.2645394


It didn't invent much before either.

Seriously when developing heavy industry they used to go to places like the US, buy and pull apart whole factories and ship them back home.

>> No.2645399

It's not really. It's like saying "I'm a /b/tard" or "I'm Eurofag".

>> No.2645400

It used to be the apathetic truth, and admitting it was just par for the course. Then we went on to more interesting topics.

Now, it's an emofest in every thread, as if everyone on /jp/ can't wait to prove that they're the most pathetic.

>> No.2645404

>a Eurofag
I really need to check my writing before posting.

>> No.2645412

I would rather people try to prove that they are pathetic than people try to prove how awesome they are.

>> No.2645421

I always find that kind of depressing. Have to stop feeling sympathy for strangers, bad habit. Hopefully not everyone here is that way.

>> No.2645425

But we used to not care about pathetic or awesome. We were all just crazy kids on /jp/, posting the true heroes of /jp/ and debating useless shit that was nonetheless interesting.

>> No.2645430

(I guess) they invented lots of stuff before, but it just wasn't really part of the same era as America's industrial revolution and all that.

Think about the difference. When Captain Perry came to Japan to reopen it, his boat was pictured by painters as a dragon belching out smoke, since it was a steamboat.

Note however that I think I read somewhere that Japan was a very clean and, as you can imagine, beautiful and culturally rich place as compared to the shit and piss filled streets of London. It's really a different world.

>> No.2645438

Really, any place was better to live in than London.

>> No.2645481

People would shit on the street. The only difference was that it was collected by people who wanted it in Japan.

>> No.2645494


Artists didn't have access to information like the shogunate did. The higher levels of the bureaucracy kept good tabs on what westerners were doing outside Japan; when the unequal treaties were presented they knew what it meant.

Guess this is what also gave the Genro the motivation to start the restoration though I am just deducting that don't know enough about it.

Also most of East Asia was cleaner then europe for most of the past 2000 years.

>> No.2645507

When I discovered Samurai Pizza Cats was originally a Japanese program.

>> No.2645565

I'm not a weeaboo. I like what I like, that's all.

>> No.2645601

Not even sure on the modern definition of weeaboo anymore. Is it just a catch-all-derisive phrase for everybody who likes anything vaguely Japanese? I dunno. I guess when I started actively browsing 4chan for images of DONATE TO 4chan, I mean Rei.

I always thought it was a synonym for WAPANESE which would be the people who want to move to Tokyo to make their own sugoi manga and get a kawaii nipponjin onna as their koibito desu.

>> No.2645606


It was once a word filter for wapanese on /b/ and it picked up from there

>> No.2645621

>Is it just a catch-all-derisive phrase for everybody who likes anything vaguely Japanese


>> No.2645676
File: 15 KB, 320x430, jun-natsukawa-00243574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hard on for Jun Natsukawa and she is Japanese. Does that make me a weeaboo?

>> No.2645688

When I was about 12, I hated animu because it was foreign. Inferiority complex I guess, didn't want to enjoy something made by those damn nips.

But as they started showing it on TV more and more it wore me down and I became a fan. This was around 15-16. Tenchi Muyo, Big O, etc... were the ones that did it.

>> No.2645723

First time I heard the word. I checked and I was a weaboo.

>> No.2645745

>my childhood
>Even the matrix

Underage b&

>> No.2645749


Also, I have been interested in Japanese things as long as I can remember. I literally cannot think of a time when I was not a weeaboo.

>> No.2645754

Matrix was 10 years ago.

>> No.2645757

12 years actually. Most of us here were probably just entering our teens when it came out.

>> No.2645777

What are you, 35?

>> No.2645812

well I guess it started from Pokemon
>buy a Japanese-English dictionary. I think I was 8 at the time.
>8 at the time
u are super weeaboo or you are just trolling cos could u read when u was 8?

>> No.2645814

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2645824

idk, my mom is a politician with lots of dealing with Japan and Korea so I was around asian culture my whole life. After I moved out I was living in Vancouver where I made friends with a bunch of people from Japan.

>> No.2645835

Us oldfags were here in 2003 back when this was a somethingawful fansite and 4chan kept "dying" every few months. I was 18 at the time, but was underage b&n 13 going to the cgshrines to try and scour up Tifa porn in 1997. And was watching subbed Dragon Ball and Crayon Shinchan here in Hawaii since I was 9.

After helping start up iichan and funding a major server for 2 years, I came back to 4chan because I'd rather rape 4chan's bandwidth and troll here and visit iichan when I want to find something specific like the mugen board.

Nowadays, it's work, sleep, drink and troll. Hookers once in awhile, but I'm not too concerned with dating since I am the sextoy co. employee you guys love to hate so much.

>> No.2645842
File: 77 KB, 381x1196, 4df9f94a3dd5d31d48b2049e46644b9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question: What do you mean by that OP?

When I realized I liked stuff from Japan or when did I realize the stuff I liked was from Japan?

If it's the former, maybe around when I was 13-14 years old but the latter I probably knew since I was 7 (though in some cases I only realized it later because the style looked european/western to me) because a lot of the stuff I watched included that the show was made by "Tokyo Animation", allowed you to switch to the original language (hint: Japanese) and in some cases they had left the japanese names (I don't know any western country which uses names like Akane, Nobita or surnames like Mouri, Toriyama or Edogawa).

So was I a weeaboo at the age of 7 or one at the age of 13?

>> No.2645846

No idea, I guess I was born to be a weeaboo.

>> No.2645889

God I don't even remember how old I was. Probably around 12 or 13 when I started to get more into anime and manga. When I was a kid I used to watch Sailor Moon and shit but didn't think of them being any different from regular cartoons.

>> No.2645893

Pretty much the same OP. Most of the shit I watched on TV was anime (ofc calling them cartoons at the time) My mother then bourght me a charmander toy which pretty much kicked off my figure collecting.

>> No.2645995

The seeds were planted at age 6, with Starzinger (also known as Spaceketeers). I didn't know it was Japanese until age 11-12, but with that knowledge I kept going for Japanese media.

>> No.2646043

I'm not a weeaboo since I'm not a giant faggot about my hobbies.

>> No.2646047

I realized I was a weeaboo when I first learned what it meant. I didn't really care about it then, and I still don't now.

>> No.2646842

>No, I'm saying they would still be in the stone age if it wasn't for us. Like much of the rest of the world.
Hahahaa, you do realize America was literally in the stone age before Europeans colonized it? Japan was already making steel when Columbus made landfall.

>> No.2646857


>> No.2646862

If you think anyone on /jp/ is a weeaboo, then you don't know it's meaning.

>> No.2646863

I think we need a clear definition for what a weeaboo is.

>> No.2646872

People who wear Naruto headbands.

>> No.2646882


Weeaboo is any person who likes any aspect of japan culture, even if not in exagerated infatuation. It was used to describe the 'I wish I was japanese' crowd, but not anymore.

>> No.2646884

wapanese. Someone that actively wishes they were japanese by imitating and idolizing the image of their culture that they get through media.
Since the wordfilter, it has degraded to represent anyone that enjoys japan in one or another.
So in a strict sense, /jp/ isn't weeaboo as we're realistic and don't imitate. But we will get called weeaboo by those that don't even remember the original meaning.

>> No.2646886

>It was used to describe the 'I wish I was japanese' crowd
I still use this definition.

>> No.2646891
File: 36 KB, 670x300, gaialol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2646893

This thread sucks

>> No.2646897

A weeaboo is in its truest sense a delusional white person who thinks he can become Japanese - he will typically have one of the following traits:

dons handbands, eats pocky and sushi, is a Japanese language major (if college-aged), or thinks that Anime is an accurate representation of actual Japan.

The difference between a Weeaboo and the average /jp/ poster is that though the two might have some superficially similar hobbies, the Weeaboo's motivation is to try and be Japanese, while the /jp/er is interested in the actual content - the fact that it's from Japan is inconsequential.

>> No.2646899

This thread sucked way before your proclamation, Captain.

>> No.2646902

"I am weeaboo. You are weeaboo. We're all weeaboo here."

"I'm not weeaboo!"

"You must be, else you wouldn't be here."

Well, it was true at some point, before 4chan became the trendy playground of the internet.

>> No.2646903

>'I wish I was japanese'

This. Also since I am asian, it is pretty normal to read mango and watch animu. Playing eroge however is still look down on.

>> No.2646916

>Well, it was true at some point, before 4chan became the trendy playground of the internet.

You can thank the faggots at /b/ for that and moot for not erasing that embarassment of a board in hopes of making even more money.

>Also since I am asian, it is pretty normal to read mango and watch animu.

Now this is a dilemma. If weeaboo means wapanese, which is a portmaneau of "white japanese," then can non-whites be weeaboo?

>> No.2646920

It's a portmanteau of "wannabe Japanese"

>> No.2646934


I'm pretty sure it's white japanese, since it was coined similarly to 'wigger'. Which brings me to the question, would a black weeaboo be a napanese? Bapanese?

Are there any actual nigras that browse our board, by the way?

>> No.2646937

In the first place, why do you wanna use the word weeaboo when a japan otaku roughly mean the same thing.
I still stand by the definition that weeaboo = "I want to be japanese"

>> No.2646942


>> No.2646945

Well, usually you could use ''otaku'' just like ''weeaboo''..''weeaboo'' is a little more offensive though

>> No.2646951

But Japan does everything better. ''THEY COPIED OUR CARTOONS'' by making better ones?

>> No.2646955

I still dont understand how the word weeaboo got misused to refer to anyone that has a bit of interest into japanese culture/hobbies.

>> No.2646960

at least /v/ likes to call everyone who likes JRPG:s ''weeaboo''.
So basically 13-year-olds started offending each other with it.

>> No.2646961

Same way meme parrots ruin everything. They just emulate what they see without seeing the actual meaning or original significance.
A cargo cult that eventually replaces the original idea.

>> No.2646962

>japan otaku roughly mean the same thing
lol no

>> No.2646964

Weaboo in denial.

>> No.2646967

And then you realized you are 1/32th Kazakstani, which makes you Asian right?! Gotta go back to your roots!

>> No.2646982

It's not just memes. Newfags on /b/ who didn't know much about anime noticed all the drawn pornography and since they were hazy on the proper terms they began referring to any drawn Japanese porn as doujins. Which is why you could come across something as bizarre as a torrent collection of all of Key's visual novels described as doujins in the file names.

>> No.2647047
File: 86 KB, 908x601, 1193930088716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a real weeaboo looks like.

>> No.2647076

Around the age of 12, when my friends chastised me for watching something "shitty" like Tenchi Muyo and not DBZ.

Or perhaps when my grandmother disowned me for enjoying such things from Japan. Not that I blame her or anything. They did torch her home and most of her family in Manila back in WW2, after all.

>> No.2647080

Me at young age:
"Wow! You mean Pokemon and Digimon and even DBZ are Japanese? Where do I find more of this "an-eye'm"?

>> No.2647093

My 9-year-old cousin youtubes japanese Bakugan episodes so he can know what happens before his friends do. I'm so proud.

>> No.2647104


>> No.2647111

When I become proficient in the Japanese language and owned several figurines.

>> No.2647134

Yesterday at 6:14 AM

>> No.2647160

Guess I'll be the weeaboo to quote a series.

"You don't become one. You just suddenly wake up one day and realize you ARE one"

So yeah, it wasn't until I watched Genshiken that I fully accepted my weeabooness, but then again I hide my powerlevel.
Plus, my room is full of different types of toys so it resembles more of a typical college student than it does a weeaboo room.

>> No.2647190

I cant remember. Probably the first time i actually bought some (ero)manga..I couldnt even thank the cashier because i was so embarrassed.

>> No.2647404


>> No.2647437
File: 60 KB, 600x457, 704240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I looked at her [:3] and then saw how awesome the king of england was *___*

>> No.2647512

>my room is full toys
>typical college student
lol what

>> No.2647598

When I was a kid I watched anime, it started with stuff like Thundercats (if you consider than an anime, Japanese-American animation), Robotech, Voltron, etc. Stuff that appeared on TV at the time.

Then in the early 90's I decided to start making weekly visits to the anime store near my house. The place was awesome. It sold figures, Japanese manga, VHS tapes, and I had nothing else to do with my allowance so I got anime VHS's all the time.

By this time I'm still a kid, still pretty young. I never paid mind to social grouping of people, it was something I liked to do and my family never found anything wrong with it. It wasn't until such words were widely used, though at first it was pretty much just "nerdom".

So I don't know exactly when I figured out. Maybe in jr.high when people who wern't watching the mainstream stuff on TV were pretty much called "nerds" and it was implying something negative. I stopped socializing with people around 5th grade, before anyone I knew even made a big deal about that stuff. (Everyone watched Dragonball Z at that point).

>> No.2647605

This has got to be underageb&.

>> No.2647613


You realize the Matrix was released nearly 10 years ago, right?

>> No.2647619
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>> No.2647651

I don't blame him, I didn't notice how long ago Matrix was made until I read the earlier post in this thread. I looked it up online and was like "Holy crap, seriously?"

It only feels like 5 years at most passed since the Matrix was released. It's like that thread on /a/ that reminded me how old Eva was and how FLCL is almost 10 years old now.

>> No.2647828


Typical nerdy college student has toys. Along with books.
If fact, some of those toys are used as paperweights.

>> No.2647944

"The Matrix was first released in the USA on March 31, 1999."

>> No.2649427

Weeabo = What the word Otaku was 10 years ago.

>> No.2649447

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>> No.2649465


>> No.2649534


>> No.2649572

First I started watching shows like Digimon and Techi Muyo. Shit was great.

The I started reading Ranma 1/2 and Dragonball (Original). Shit was even better.

Then I got into games like Gunstar Heroes, Kirby Superstar, and Metroid (through emulation, of course). Bliss.

The I found the porn. Best. Mistake. Ever.

At this point, almost everything media-based I like was from Japan (With exception of TV shows, where I admit to liking sit-coms like Just Shoot Me). Most of the Western games I ran into were either Sports games, or nigh-colorless REALISTIC romps that didn't really appeal to me at all. The one's I did like had clear Japanese influence (Shantae, Magi-Nation). I had no plans on going to Japan, nor did I have any delusions about magically becoming Asian, as I was as black as chocolate. I just happened to like games and cartoons Japan made.

Soon, I started getting into SHMUPs, and Touhou by extension. It was then where I first started hearing weeaboo thrown around, and the gigantic blanket meaning (Liking anything Japanese). And thus, here I am, Mr. Weeaboo.

>> No.2649578

ITT: I don't know what weeaboo is.

>> No.2649582

im not.

>> No.2649587


>> No.2649600

I'm an otaku, can't be weaboo since I'm a Japanese citizen.

inb4 no japs on /jp/.

>> No.2649632


Nice try Korean scum!

>> No.2651479

It used to mean ''I wanna be japanese''-fag, now it means western anime/etc ''otaku''.

>> No.2651486

I ate with chopsticks and wore kimonos when i was 10ish? D:?

>> No.2651493

>I ate with chopsticks
You aren't a weeaboo, you are Japanese.

>> No.2651500


>> No.2651528


I said before how it got mixed up. People were throwing around the word wapanese on /b/ like it was digital shit so it got word filtered to weeaboo, which made the situation worse in that it created a new meme.

I have no idea what inspired the word weeaboo

>> No.2651530

No, I ment while my family was eating with forks and knives

>> No.2651535

Wow, i did the same too. I just thought that the chopsticks were cooler..

>> No.2651537
File: 76 KB, 900x300, PBF071-Weeaboo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no idea what inspired the word weeaboo
This comic

I've never understood the joke though.

>> No.2651539


Neither could I, I saw it floating around while the filter was in effect and couldn't figure out which came first.

>> No.2651547

Wapanese wordfiltered to weeaboo long ago.

>> No.2651582

<catatonic rocking>
I'm not a weeaboo.
I'm not a weeaboo.
I'm not a weeaboo.
I'm not a weeaboo.
I'm not a weeaboo.
I'm not a weeaboo.
I'm not a weeaboo.

>> No.2651599

When we were told to draw a face in arts and I automatically drew an anime face and then wondered what was wrong.

It honestly wasn't until I looked one of my classmates in the face that I realized what I had just done and I crumbled up my work in shame and proceeded to draw a more normal looking face. Fuck.

>> No.2651609

when i realized that all i was masturbating to anymore was anime pictures (and had been doing so for years and years)

this realization took way too long

>> No.2651612

could be worse, I'm well known in my school for being good at drawing all kinds of shit. When told to draw the person in front of us I just did a stick figure and walked out not wanting to accidently draw an anime style person.

>> No.2651624

I used to draw in ''anime style'' too. Mainly because its the only way I can produce anything that isnt really fucking ugly..

>> No.2651673


This guy in my japanese class last year used to draw anime when were were supposed to be doing writing tasks, he was pretty good too from what I saw when shoulder surfing him.

The teacher saw him doing it once and laughed, poor guy I think he failed.

Anyway that's my cool story.

>> No.2651728

You don't get it.
