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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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25913646 No.25913646 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:


>> No.25913874

Pretty scummy of them to even let you buy refreshes when they're gonna block off attacking until reset. They should have closed off the entire arena.

>> No.25913981
File: 557 KB, 900x900, 900px-Pilot_000810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a faster way to level up in Final Gear?

>> No.25914497

Is now a good time to start PoE? I tried it out when it first released but couldn't take how long it was to reroll. My second question would be how long does clearing dailies and other routine work take? Approximately 1 hour?

>> No.25915037

Rerolling is still a pain in the ass but at least there is a banner featuring the NEET loli who is the strongest character in the game at the moment. Many anons perished during opening month trying to roll her in a no rate-ups general banner to no avail.

>> No.25915272

>Doing Chain Chronicle 3rd arc last chapter
>Need at least 2-4 revives for each bosses with my maxed team
This shit is ridiculous.

f4samurai is theoretically still partly owned by Sega which I wonder what they are doing.

>> No.25917395
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I did lose them, rip my 300 gems

>> No.25917410

15-20 minutes a day. Longer if you take tower seriously.

>> No.25917641

You can do dailies in 5-10 minutes but actually clearing all the tower attempts and finishing volcano stage will make you play for like up to an hour

>> No.25918360

I lied. Her banner just ended it seems. Well at least there's still the summer limited.

>> No.25919560

Where do I get those bonus gems? It wasn't in the mail or anywhere else and it didn't get added to my gems.

>> No.25920591

That's a summary report of your earnings from last season.
First row are the rewards you get from using entries per day.
Second row are the one-time milestone ranking rewards.
Third row is your daily income from rank.

>> No.25921558

I thought I had more free gems. Thanks anon.

>> No.25922248

>Could barely 20% win rate 9-3
>Put Lisa behind Gloria and it's 100% now
Feels so nice having such a cheap fix.

>> No.25922502
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Hurts a lot honestly.

>> No.25922515

I know that feel, golds aren't dropping for me.

>> No.25931848


>> No.25937847

Anyone going to try to rush Arena? Putting up the no attack period yesterday kind of screw my chances of free gems imo.

>> No.25938035
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Will you try the higurashi gacha that comes out tomorrow?

>> No.25938095

Looks almost like a carbon copy of priconne's victory screen lmao

>> No.25938829

It didn't look great from what I saw but I'll try it out.

The battle system is a carbon copy too so yeah pretty much looking to be another shameless Priconne clone.

>> No.25939640

>PoE arena rankings reset again
>but the milestone rewards didn't reset
>some people also dodged the reset and kept their rank so now they are a full day ahead
Jesus christ they better fix this shit before daily reset or at least reset every single person.

>> No.25939695

Game just went back into maintenance. Additional compensation hopefully.

>> No.25940007


>> No.25941065

I forgot PoE had maintenance today and didn't do my arena runs. RIP me

>> No.25941304
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Man I hope so, I need more rolls to get swimsuit Isabella. Think I'm down 40 or 50 on her without an ssr.

>> No.25943358
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rip couldn't push r1 again

>> No.25944727

Why the fuck is arena still down? I want to climb and get my freebies you chinks.

>> No.25950279

You're in luck they just gave them all to everyone for fucking up.

>> No.25950379

Fucking log into PoE and claim your arena rewards - they go up to Rank 1.
This might be a bug. Who knows. Just fucking do it before they go back into maintenance if it is because they also reset all ranks.

>> No.25950471

Nah, most likely intentional
They just gave up on fixing it, reset it and gave everyone rank 1 rewards because people already spent their attempts

>> No.25950766

Did they give gems back to people who spent them on more entries? I think I got two mails after this latest maintenance and got 450 gems from it total. Not sure if a refund was included in there or if everyone got it as maintenance compensation.

>> No.25950807
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Yes but no idea if everyone got it or only those who refilled

>> No.25950961

Talked to some guys who didn't refill at all and they got it as well.
Fuck this slow2win game.

>> No.25951360
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Lazychads win again
Also, did anyone beat bridget stage7? Shit feels impossible

>> No.25954795
File: 247 KB, 499x488, 1579277973648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've fucking looked here before I was racing to do arena. Just bought 10 refreshes, guess it's only 300 gems but still.

>> No.25955239

You will get some of it back from daily income because you ranked higher so it's not too bad

>> No.25957375

What's the minimum power score should I have before attempting tower 11? 11-1 being 1.2M makes me feel like the mobs can oneshot me.

>> No.25962413

~900k at the bare minimum but you'll have a more comfortable time with 1m. Second wave top front and top bottom panel allies will get stunned by the enemy so make sure you don't put any important characters there.

>> No.25963442

>top bottom
which one is that

>> No.25963733 [DELETED] 

spawv going to fucking kill those island monkeys

>> No.25964929

Shit I meant to say front-top and front-bottom

>> No.25965507

I was easily clearing 11-1 at 880k but that was with a meta team.

>> No.25966233
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I guess you're right, I just finished 11-2 with this team.

>> No.25966259

>having sherry and gloria

>> No.25966508

How are you missing anyone with the amount of currency they're showering us with?

>> No.25967438
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It's really just that easy anon. One without summer isabella is at 200 gems from losing coinflip 3 times out of 80 rolls.

>> No.25967778

Why are mobages so stale these days? Nobody's trying to innovate or be original.

>> No.25968433
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Why the fuck would anything nice happen.

>> No.25968532

Mobage being full of nothing new is nothing new.
Copying someone else's successful product is cheaper and easier than coming up with your own cool new idea, and hoping your players think it's as cool as you do.

>> No.25968992

>how are you not getting lucky
Even if the game gave us 5x more rolls I could still be missing these characters. No pity or spark system sucks.

>> No.25969068

Why take a risk when you can take a little bit of something from the popular ones and make decent bank

>> No.25969086

>No pity or spark system sucks.
This. I spent more than 150 rolls at the limited summer banner and didn't get a single SSR. The 3% rate is still a lie and having no pity system makes it far worse.

>> No.25969094

It's only a risk if you don't know how to make good games.

>> No.25969153

Wish the game followed what Arknights does where if you don't roll the highest rarity after 50 rolls the rate increases additively with every single roll after that. In Arknights it's 50 rolls because 2% rates, so something like an additive pity rate after 30 rolls in this game would be really nice, especially considering how important dupes are too.
Either that or they can do something similar to Flower Knight Girl or Date a Live where you can spark a character for 100 rolls. 300 is way too much considering importance of dupes.

>> No.25970324

You still get absolutely spooked in arknights.

>> No.25970852
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I hope my luck is finally turning around.

>> No.25971055
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Project Sekai's demo version is available for download from the usual places. The full game is set to launch later this month

>> No.25971323
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This is basically an announcement of an announcement, but based on names involved what do you expect gameplay-wise?

>> No.25974644

Waiting for Sorobo, part 2

>> No.25974896

Mahou Otome with SW cast, I don't want to have high expectations but I'm quite hyped.

>> No.25974906

>Wasted 2k gems in kusoneko but didn't get either Noah or Nemo
>Chaguma leak is real
I hate myself.

>> No.25975149

I wonder which one is worse between wasted lots of gems but failed to get any new stuff or saved lots of gems then they announced service closure although I guess kusoneko is still not going to be ded anytime soon.

>> No.25975276
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Had to be soon, leak or no.
But I spent too much again on swimsuit gacha, so I'm just gonna skip both to stock back up.

Definitely the service close, easily.
If you dump your gems and don't get who you want, you can still save up more gems and try again later. Or save up and try again for someone else you want.
If the game closes down, you don't get any more chances to roll for them. Or anyone else in the game that you liked. It's all just done.
Unless you're one of those people that ditch a game the first time you fail to get someone you want, then I guess it comes out the same either way.

>> No.25979737

From what I've played it seems like nothing special and pretty much just relying on the IP which isn't surprising.
Takes like 5 mins to reroll though and they're having lots of server issues so they gave out an extra 10 roll to reroll with. Gacha rates are good with 5% SSR rate but I'm not sure how easy it is to get rolls because the games down all the time.

>> No.25979842

Did they change time for daily arena rewards in PoE? I didn't get mine today

>> No.25980308

Game is dog shit for gems gain. Reading story chapters get you like 20 each and you probably have 4-5 of these per Chapter. Clearing a stage with 3* doesn't seem to give you much, I think it was 50 each.

Only stick to it if you like the IP alot.

>> No.25984045

I think they blocked IPs outside of Japan now anyway so into the trash it goes.

>> No.25987729

Can confirm, VPN needed now

>> No.25988763

I wonder what will be the theme of this Chaguma. I was expecting it on October with Halloween themed.

>> No.25990010

Why do these publishers require a VPN for their kusoge? It's like they don't want more money. Even GCG realized that removing the VPN requirement is needed if they want to succeed.

>> No.25990506

I think in GCG, it's more a matter of the publisher being a piece of shit than realizing anything.

>> No.25993427

the higurashi game got ddos from foreigners based on the title screen message they were giving earlier

>> No.25998034

So blaming foreigners for their shitty server is the new trend for nip publishers?

>> No.25998365

Chinks, yeah.

>> No.25999680

The Konosuba one also requires VPN.
I think Kancolle went from requiring no VPN to requiring VPN because they got DDOSd as well. not sure if they changed back or not because that game is trash anyway

>> No.25999695

"""""DDoS"""""" when they just have shit poor servers from all the Japanese trying to risemara their loli wives.

>> No.26005562

Why aren't you guys moving to /vmg/? Is it because it's not for "general" thread?

Kinda funny though. We go from one of the more active general in /vg/ to the point of creating a branch thread for specific mobage, to the more deader one to the point of migrating to /jp/, and now we have a whole boards for ourselves.

>> No.26006109

Not even worth giving any (you)s anymore we've been through this a dozen times already

>> No.26007703

yeah. no management wants to come off as incompetent when they really mess up. they just need a good scapegoat that has no legitimate reason to retaliate.

>> No.26008200
File: 180 KB, 1558x1053, 81836312_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here play or watch Twisted Wonderland? On a random whim, I picked it up the other day, and surprisingly I'm not hating it. Never tried something that was for the otome/BL crowd before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It's still pretty gay, but I like the interactions and development between the characters.

>> No.26011100

It's got a general in /vg/

>> No.26011657

>go for pity black in Aigis in hopes of getting either of the two rate-up girls
>off-banner dupe Sarah
I fucking hate Aigis's gacha so much.

>> No.26011668

>seethe so hard I mixed up which general I was posting in
Maybe I shouldn't have both /jp/ thread tabs right next to each other

>> No.26011671


Tfw Disgaea kusoge still needs VPN.

>> No.26011982

why not just delete the post?

>> No.26012089

I remember when I did the Lapis/Pu/Rinne pop gacha. I already had Lapis and I proceeded to dupe her on pity 3 times in a row

>> No.26012186

I don't know if I want to go to /vg/.

>> No.26012742

I can't say I was expecting this but I also can't say I won't be trying it out.
Hope it's a WW release at least so it doesn't shut down in one month.

>> No.26013190

Jesus fuck I would have just quit right there.

>> No.26019572

Make a /vmg/ thread and find out

>> No.26023842

>You can't upgrade the shop motif weapons for the BGHS in AGA

>> No.26024059

it worked

>> No.26024394

The are generic gears that everyone can equip, of course you can't upgrade them.

>> No.26024516
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Is 70 the highest lvl?
Got some omega whales in my group this time

>> No.26024547

It's the cap yes

>> No.26024978

>Sherry is core
I got scammed, and now I'm double mad I didn't get her. Also nice swimsuit Isabella's there.

>> No.26025102

>SP battery on ult and ults frequently
>always ults after one attack on the first turn in arena
>gives herself autoguard
Why would you think she wouldn't be core - especially in this game that's lacking good frontliners?

>> No.26025209

I don't actually know. Frontline always for me is Gloria + Evante + whatever the fuck I have on the account which is usually Ursula. Just haven't been sure who to really juice with Sherry though so I just don't think to use her. Guess I'll try Quinn and does Sherry really like guard more / does her shield scale with attack like Gloria's does?

>> No.26025327

Her autoguard is the same as Gloria's autoguard after ult where all damage outside of crit damage is cut by guard. I don't think Sherry puts up a barrier like Gloria.

>> No.26025349
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Nice I got lucky.

That explains it.

>> No.26026786

Just realized that new rezero mobage is coming out in 3 days. Anyone here going to try it? Gameplay looks generic as shit so I figure only fans of the series would play this. I'll probably reroll for fun if it isn't a cancerous process.

>> No.26027594

>in this game that's lacking good frontliners
Sherry Gloria Evante is god tier but there are plenty of others to choose from like Ursula, Bridget or Iris
1/3 of SSRs are strong frontliners. What we need are better healers, only フラワー is viable and even then you might be better off running singe target damage dealer

>> No.26027843

Why do I expect half the characters to be Ren/Ran recolors.

>> No.26039385
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Comfy stage 1 no ougi, stage 2 full auto 11-4 team.

>> No.26039516

>esports cancer general meta team
I thought I was going to see something different.

>> No.26039763

If you want a full lucklet team I'd suggest Noel, Quinn, Monica, Kanon, Parones and Neneru because you need her for guild war anyway.

>> No.26039995

>implying lucklets would be playing the game long enough to get to 11-4
If you did not start with Gloria, Evante, Lisa, and Sherry you simply do not the play game.

>> No.26040055

I managed to survive without Evante until her rate up...

>> No.26042583

how should i fill the emptiness in my life with magia record ending

>> No.26042901

pick up arknights or fgo like all the tourists suggested that one night pmmg was burning down

>> No.26043037

Play the jp version.

>> No.26043496

Really hate being a sherry-let, especially now.

>> No.26044432

unless jp is shutting down, your life is not over yet

>> No.26045119

oo thanks im retarded and aasumed all of it was shutting down

>> No.26049047

just play magicami bro
magical girls and the iroha is way cuter

>> No.26050616

>NTR, gang rape, bestiality, and all that shit.
Anon pls. I admit fapping to this kusoge but I wouldn't use it to fill the emptiness.

>> No.26050822

there is official underage version

>> No.26051326

>Playing a neutered version of a kusoge.
What's the point anon. It's like eating a burger without the meat.

>> No.26057986

Magicami doesn't have a self insert, retard.

>> No.26057993

Yes it does you dumbfuck

>> No.26061404

>he hasn't eaten veggie burgers
McDonald's here had them at one point, and they were great.

>> No.26061682

Who? The MC that has a name? You self inserting as that faggot? Kill yourself, you fucking pathetic beta self inserter.

>> No.26063651

I used to do that when I was younger.

>> No.26063756
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Ravi... What did they do to your face...
inhouse artist I guess

>> No.26066052
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WTF I love /vmg/ now!

>> No.26066374

What the fuck.

>> No.26066439

>crunchyroll games
Isn't this the game where they were paying literal pennies for voice lines? I'm guessing there's no JP dub either.

>> No.26069503

so what should I be hyped for?

>> No.26069814

It's nice that the motif gear for the BGHS girls are in the shop.

>> No.26076722


>> No.26086300

the game is a joke anyway
its best to just ignore crunchyroll games

any of you keep up with CN mobages or only JP ones?

>> No.26087693

Only JP for me nothing from china has really grabbed my attention at all

>> No.26089021

Because that's what's going to happen.

Dude, Ann's VA is a qt.

>> No.26089594

A few more hours.

>> No.26091006
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Im playing Final Gear right now
and Artery Gear has my interest

>> No.26091041
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>> No.26091054

goddess of paizuri

>> No.26091113
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>> No.26091815

Mei and Bridget pick-up.

>> No.26092081

Go from Gloria / Evante rateup to this. At least I know I've got more time to stock up.

>> No.26096627


It's up

>> No.26099461

and it's down

>> No.26099628

They forgot to put the gaijin block.

>> No.26102703
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>> No.26103394

Rejoice, there isn’t one... yet

>> No.26104495

I tried singles earlier after my first 10 roll but it didn't work out.

>> No.26106199

re zero has shit like craft essences AND the shard system
holy shit

>> No.26107025

I would play it if I knew nip since I actually enjoy the re:zero story

>> No.26107226
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I've played compass for like 2 years and this is the first time i dont feel like playing sometimes, the new hero is way too strong and i havent had a single match without her since release, i feel they shouldnt have made the counter make you invincible, that was the only thing that kept the kabuki balanced

>> No.26107305

Looks like they are adding 2 new sets of equipment and a ticket to skip the tower.

>> No.26108877

Pass because no attachment to the IP.

>> No.26109101
File: 3.17 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving it a try right now, don't think i'll play it too much since my nip is still too ass
>3 petra
>1 felt

>> No.26109125

Shop changes too, finally something to use volcano medals on
Bags are useless

>> No.26109837
File: 98 KB, 1024x716, EhbawMVUcAEMXqR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully they'll nerf her tomorrow after maintenance. Stats-wise she's fine but the counter is just too spammable and there's no downside to using it at the wrong time - I've had cases where I've been able to counter someone in front of me, immediately turn around and then fuck over the guy behind also.
There needs to be a longer delay between successive counters, and I feel like the damage block effect should only apply to whoever hit first, that way she's not immune to the other two enemies for a few seconds.

Until then, long live max range gunners

>> No.26110821

Holy shit i got 3* emilia and 3* felt on the same reroll definitely keeping this

>> No.26115048
File: 2.56 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2020-09-09-12-44-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me like 50 rolls but I got my Sadone.

Very nice.

>> No.26119946

BGHS made the full jump to that game? I don't wanna play it but I miss my girls

>> No.26120147

For now there are only 6 girls in: Miki, Sadone, Kurumi, Mumi, Kanon and Shiho.

>> No.26120169
File: 686 KB, 1241x1754, EfQQsuSUcAIMIBX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Full jump
Nah, just 4 of the girls, 6 now that the rerun added f*f.
But it's something, at least.

Swimsuits are in now too, but you have to roll them with costume bags you save up from other events.
So my Sadone is gonna have to keep her clothes on until we hopefully get another rerun of the collab.

>> No.26120173

Only 6 of the girls; Miki, Sadone, Mimi, Kurumi and with the most recent collab Kanon and Shiho.
They're still collab characters though so they won't really get any content outside of the collabs and the accessories & outfits you can get for them will be very limited compared to the main AGA cast.
If you are interested in rerolling for one for if you ever felt like playing around with them for nostalgia the banners only last like 4 more days.

>> No.26120275

>So my Sadone is gonna have to keep her clothes on until we hopefully get another rerun of the collab.
Same here, I rolled the swimsuit gacha twice and I got Kanon's swimsuit twice, I hope next year they add Kaede.

>> No.26120406

I manged to luckshit and got Sadone's first try. Not sure if I should try for Shiho's too since I can't see myself winning again.
Also hoping next time brings any of Anko, Sakura or Urara personally.

>> No.26120461
File: 525 KB, 1748x2480, 82741358_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 2 left over from rolling for Baselard's swimsuit, so I dumped all 4 on part 1.
Ended up with 2 Mikis and 2 Kanons instead.

>I hope next year they add Kaede.
Anko's still my hope.
But if she gets in, she takes top priority for bags I get between now and then.

>> No.26120591

Now that you mention it, I'm surprised that Anko isn't in AGA yet, you might think that someone like her might have a field day here, specially since her category on this game is a no brainer, a sniper I mean.

>> No.26120692

Anyone like the new changes in PoE?

>> No.26120808
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>old banners
>volcano shop doesn't work
Apologems soon

>> No.26120889
File: 360 KB, 1920x1080, www.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New affection scenes don't work either, what the fuck works even

>> No.26120910
File: 494 KB, 1143x586, 65167300_p26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she always struck me as someone that'd be a perfect fit for it, aside from just wanting her because she was always my favorite.
Whereas Kurumi makes perfect sense to include as far as her popularity, but she always struck me as kind of an odd choice for the scenario.

>> No.26121063

I think it's like the arena bug cause I haven't encounter any problems.

>> No.26121116

Don't think I had to download any updates, might be because of that

>> No.26121286

>but she always struck me as kind of an odd choice for the scenario.
Yeah, it's weird how they picked the girl that has problems with electronics for this kind of game.

>> No.26121646
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>rolled Mei on Evante's banner
Wonder if only picture is bugged, is first banner Mei?

>> No.26121870

I only see 5 tower skip tickets on your dailies and nowhere else. Guess you can't skip everything.

>> No.26123724

Anon... Evante banner is gone. The regular no rate up gacha just has her picture on it.

>> No.26123789

Then what's this? >>26123724

>> No.26124666

It was probably patched by the time I logged on so I never saw it.

>> No.26125269
File: 22 KB, 282x540, 1580089042605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have stats of the old 4* equipment for comparison?

>> No.26125433
File: 94 KB, 434x734, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like they have better stats.

>> No.26125487

>Lose connection on my way to scout, despite my other junk not having issues.
>AGA reloads and I go again
>10+1 of nothing
Ruined my ritual, should've done it some other time. No idea if I have enough content to run for another 10+1 or if I should entrust my faith in singles.

Once I find these two fucking bosses and finish bingo, I was wondering if I should try for Shiho or Sadone with the outfit bag. I already got Kurumi's so that's a risk there, but I don't really care for the swimsuits for Kanon and Miki. But if I can't get Shiho's Flora, I may as well try to get her swimsuit at least.

All three banners of paired girls is available right now. Otherwise, you can give headpats if you have that itch, even though it's event-locked.

And they didn't even bother trying to reflect that quirk at all.

>> No.26125505

>takes 3 hours for the stamina to fully recharge
why do developers do this? it will be literally full while you sleep for hours

>> No.26125646

okay, I'm sold

>> No.26126311
File: 320 KB, 1754x1240, EgnM3kRU4AE8diw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was all-in on trying for Sadone's since I like her most, both for character and for gameplay.
So if anyone is like that for you, I'd go for it despite any dupe chances.

>But if I can't get Shiho's Flora, I may as well try to get her swimsuit at least.
I kinda go the other way on this. If I fail to get someone's 4*, I'm probably not gonna use their 3* that much.
So I tend to care less about getting costumes for them.

>> No.26126312

Yeah, that was the worst part, Why include the machine destroyer and not let her destroy a mob or two by touching them?

Enjoy her cute panties.

>> No.26126768
File: 414 KB, 563x316, 1586065337280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything I can fix with my placement? Getting deleted on 11-2 and not sure what to move or really why.

>> No.26126777

Fuck that's 10-2. Also other tips would be appreciated for shit. I feel like I should be able to farm 5* gear but I might not be able too.

>> No.26127132

Maybe try putting Lisa behind someone useful like Gloria or Evante.

>> No.26127343

Yeah that was bad shot of me fucking around with lines, I beat it once so now on 10-3 and same shit. I can't tell if it's an rng fiesta or stat check at this point.

>> No.26127935

Change your placement, each area uses a different placement.

>> No.26128455

That's why there's the waffling between attempting for Sadone or risking a dupe for Shiho. Of those available, Shiho is easily my top-most, with Sadone and Michelle following, but Michelle's swimsuit is particularly boring.
Really wish I was more prepared like I was when the collab first came out. But I can only blame myself for missing stuff when it runs so well on my PC.

No idea if they are going to do another addition or rerun this ever. Nobody else is as popular as Kanon and Shiho, so no idea who they would pick. At least, the lead artist gave ugly portraits to most of my favorites so there's no hope for any of them anyway.

They could've done something in the office at least, when switching to her for example since they have so many screen effects.

>> No.26129304

>No idea if they are going to do another addition or rerun this ever.
It's already more than I was expecting, I thought that first one was it.
Now that it's happened once, I'm going to choose to believe it'll continue with at least another rerun, if not another addition.
Mostly just so I can keep thinking I'll eventually have another shot at Sadone's swimsuit.

>They could've done something in the office at least,
Just have the computer she's stationed at bluescreened and smoking a bit, maybe.

>> No.26129541

First time around there was the blatant f*f teasing and they had 3D models. But this time? Nozomi and Anko kinda said something specific but everyone said their own thing about "next time" and nobody else had a model.

There might be some expectation that there's going to be another encore story sort of thing once they add the 6 headpat scenarios. I forget how late that was added last time.

>> No.26129581

>when switching to her for example since they have so many screen effects.
Yeah, that's a good idea, specially in the dressing room.

>> No.26130765
File: 369 KB, 2560x1440, Ikaduchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Investigation evade hell
>Complete another map
>Get this next, all danger boss fights
Fuck the music is nice on this investigation select screen. Music in battle and results are different too. Shame I definitely won't be getting evades done in this, even the enemy spawn patterns have changed.

Was there anything similar before the weird alt upgrade system was added? I admit I haven't done investigations in a long time.

>> No.26130779

What is even going on in whatever game you're referring to that not playing for however long you sleep makes you feel like you're going to get behind? For that matter, if you have full AP after 3 hours you either don't have that much AP or the refill speed is really fucking fast, and I've never seen anything faster than 20/hour.

>> No.26130936

These rare investigation maps have been in game for almost a year, anon.

>> No.26131041

That's probably about how long I've been avoiding them. They must've revamped the normal missions too, they go by a lot faster than I remember.

>> No.26132187

>I've never seen anything above 20/hour
Eiyuu Senki is 60AP/per hour but the AP cap in that game is pretty high.

>> No.26133357

Newly released Rezeros.
Your cap is at 100 and so far at level 7 it only went up by 1 for a total of 101 max stamina.
But I believe 40 stamina took slightly longer than an hour to recover. You also get a lot of stamina for logging in daily throughout the day, its just that having your stamina be capped for that long feels weird

>> No.26136032
File: 348 KB, 960x1399, ragme4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has updated and Luciano's season has started. Usual applies, will end on the 20th.
Very slight nerf to Kitsunegaskai with a 2% movement speed reduction, sadly nothing relating to her counter.

>> No.26136063
File: 197 KB, 1624x750, EhjTdmoWsAAsLTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26136820
File: 251 KB, 1797x942, EhjYnT5U4AEipbK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those gems most likely will just turn into dupes.

>> No.26137340

You're expecting too much, they're all turning into SRs

>> No.26138394

Tfw I keep getting old SR dupes.

>> No.26138603

Indeed, at this point I only roll if I have like 10 rolls saved up.

>> No.26138884
File: 328 KB, 2560x1440, Ikaduchi_finish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get back around to finishing this
>1 motif shell from the last stage
Highlighted some holes in my lineup, especially when you only get 35seconds to clear a segment.
I wonder if this song is part of any of the soundtracks, usually only mission music will show a name.

>> No.26143458

Rabu rabu Rin.

>> No.26146803

Is this game as grindy as it was on release, i got super burnt out on it

>> No.26151542

So does using the skip tickets for gear tower invalidate random proc fights? I used 10 tickets and didn't get one pop up fight.

>> No.26151796

They don't invalidate them. Check to see if theres a sword icon on the lower left part of the screen.

>> No.26151867

I realized too late, and they don't stack either so I only got one proc today.

>> No.26157686
File: 1.47 MB, 1500x1000, 69db5cdf76188c2206bf6dfa9a90cd76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Project Nikke pre-reg started

>> No.26157777

Been keeping an eye out for that after the teaser last year but I really struggle to be optimistic about anything from Korea.
>The game will release in 2020.
Not gonna hold my breath

>> No.26158193

Does it still have the butt jiggle?

>> No.26158235

Only if you care about getting all event point rewards or high event ranking although I wish I can use more stamina at once instead of only 20.

>> No.26160484

damn what a butt
too bad its from korea

>> No.26163784
File: 213 KB, 750x1334, IMG_20200911_074349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compass character counter got nerfed finally
>It was unintended
they should just leave it like that

>> No.26165302

Wonder how powerful this new banner character is going to be.

>> No.26165416
File: 43 KB, 224x205, 1573405102613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy looks like we're not completely dead I hope the 1 other anon that's playing is ready for the comeback!

>> No.26168185

was expecting a service closure tweet

>> No.26170050

I'm surprised it survived this long

>> No.26173455

Based on being some sea creature alone she's gonna be busted. Other two sea creatures off the top of my head are Quinn and Lisa as comparison. I just hope she's a frontliner.

>> No.26173522

I hope she isn't busted. This game is releasing new characters too often too quickly and won't let me save. Even now I'm still trying to roll for a single copy of S.Isabelle. 100 rolls while rolling off-banners twice.

>> No.26174356

I downloaded a bunch of pc games but I cant play them because my kusoge dailies take too much time

>> No.26174472

Literally from the moment I get back home from work I spend my next 3 hours on different mobile games.

>> No.26177751
File: 162 KB, 1600x1200, EGlfQTeUUAAMLZe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I update my DMM PC client? I've already got it installed and played games on it before, but now it won't finish the newest update.

>> No.26178264

What do you do with dupe frags of units you've maxed. Just maxed Quinn to 7* and rolled 2 copies of her in my last 10nner.

>> No.26178350

mobile games are supposed to be side gigs that takes you 5 mins a day at most and move on to other stuff, why would you spend hours on them

>> No.26178401

There's no game on earth that takes just 5 minutes. Doing dailies on the average game takes 30~ minutes or 1 to 2 hours on longer games like Honkai. And if there's an event going on then you can easily raise that to several hours reading the story or doing the event.
Arknights for example should take you like 10 mins to dump ap and check base but with CC going on that amount of time can go into the hours depending if you want to be a lazy shit or if you want to risk 8 every day.
Priconne for example should take you like 10 mins to dump AP and do daiilies but with something like clan battle going on then it wouldn't be weird to spend hours practicing comps or waiting for your time to hit if you're on a non-shit clan.

>> No.26180068

DMM client itself? Just keep restarting it and letting it do the update, it'll eventually figure it out and finish. Otherwise just uninstall it and reinstall the client to the same folder. I haven't had to redownload any games when doing this.
For AGA? I had it hang up on me once, I think I had to restart DMM to get it to update properly.

>> No.26180499

Wow, yeah, I just had to try the DMM update like 5 more times and it just decided to work. Thanks, anon!

>> No.26180541

Just play 4X games or strategy Civ games.
They end up meshing well with Kusoge dailies.

>> No.26180864

>Wanted Oboro or Arashi
>Ended up with 2 Rin and 3 Kamui
I guess still better than only old dupes.

>> No.26181327


>> No.26181440


>> No.26182201
File: 68 KB, 412x146, mumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't get a dupe but didn't get who I wanted
>Another 10+1 roll of nothing
Looks like a good time to work my way through the main story, provided I can keep up my motivation.

>> No.26182475

>He has never heard of the Strike Witches franchise.

>> No.26184912

Are you mad they use the daily american combo?

>> No.26194424


>> No.26197123

Heck yeah. Still waiting for the affection system and my room.

>> No.26208695

>barely get any item upgrades, started struggling with volcano level, 3rd stage is 4 levels away
>got placed into a harder arena group and dropped out of top200
>all tower missions completed
>will be done with the rest of content in two weeks
Is it time to drop PoE? I can only see it reclining from this point, doubt they prepared enough to introduce something that would entertain whales and just increasing level cap/adding more story missions won't fix lack of things to do

>> No.26222658
File: 389 KB, 960x540, IMG_20200912_154037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they're starting off on the right foot

>> No.26227529
File: 209 KB, 1078x802, Screenshot_20200913-072808__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're playing the wrong game if you're looking for hours of busy work every day.

>> No.26235320

>Game dailies don't take that long
>They keep adding QoL
>Rolls are consistent and there's a good chunk
>Girls are super cute
I mean it hits all my buttons for a decent side game. The new 4* gear being like 4.5 or close to 5* is nice cause it helps accelerate people into 5* stuff too. As long as devs keep up the consistency I think it's gonna be alright but nothing god like.

>> No.26236768
File: 57 KB, 519x483, IMG_20200912_165801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im buying this and you cant stop me

>> No.26237231
File: 196 KB, 340x460, Jeanne7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait sorry anons, i clicked the wrong tab that was for /alg/, here's a compass picture for here instead

>> No.26238015

How long is the main story anyway? I'm on act 4.

>> No.26257657

>craft essence
Ya mean like Wyrmprints from Dragalia?
>shard system
I do not follow

>> No.26259773

Don't worry dude, great taste in ships, she looks delicious

>> No.26270456

I'm not looking for hours of busy work, it's just failing to roll proper gear hundreds of times isn't exactly entertaining and the game doesn't have anything else to offer and probably won't anytime soon

>> No.26270529

dont know what wyrmprints are but something similar
its basically
>not only need to roll for character but only need to roll for 1 piece of gear
>need to roll it 4 more times to get it limit broken
>roll for character
>need to roll for additional 4 copies because its PVP at its core
fun if you are casual and like the IP, otherwise not worth to play

>> No.26278327

>Another 10+1 in AGA
>More nothing
Not looking good. Story is quite the slog since I'm not hitting skip every time. Doesn't help that on PC it doesn't remember my filter settings and the required weapon changes every map too.
Haven't even done enough grinding in the event itself to exchange for everything.

Considering how big the cast has become and most of these seem to introduce someone, there should be more.
Wiki says six.

>> No.26278387

Reminds me of other games I've played so not too bad.
Since I do enjoy the IP I think I will try it out.
Thanks for the information.

>> No.26280539
File: 204 KB, 337x419, 1575471351753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance of /mbgg/ having some Monster Strike bros to play with?

>> No.26282696

Invent a way to multithread my time and I'd happily join you.

>> No.26287576
File: 204 KB, 806x524, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw full auto 11-4

>> No.26287786


>> No.26289510

Not sure if welcomed here but has anyone played those real life crane game mobile apps? They sound like scams and I want to hear what others have experienced

>> No.26292174

Gib team. I gotta be close. to getting out of world 10.

>> No.26308599

I'm not sure you'll find many people with experience with them here, but I imagine they're no more a scam than physical crane games. I'm sure there are some that are complete scams, but it always seemed to me like taking your regular, super low win rate crane game and letting a ton of people play it over the internet is easy money even if you have to actually fulfill winnings.

>> No.26310692
File: 543 KB, 1078x1440, AGA_20200914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter campaign scout points delivered, but desire sensor always knows.

>> No.26315669
File: 1.21 MB, 2960x1440, 1600075373668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not auto battler rpg
holy shit now I'm excited

>> No.26316563
File: 5 KB, 428x141, 1600075373668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26322707

Guild war is back and my guild kinda died.

>> No.26323082

It's been only like 3 weeks since the last one what the fuck?

>> No.26324887

Last one wasn't for real, it was only a test

>> No.26325381
File: 970 KB, 1366x768, not_autobattler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not auto battler rpg

>> No.26328808

Just join the MS discord, the handful of regulars that post shitpost just like mbgg to the point where you can’t tell them apart

>> No.26330587

>Cannonball announced their closure while Ash arms just announced their revival
Weird I thought AA was gonna die soon yet a game with FGO money backing it died first

>> No.26331307

>FGO money backing
I bet those aniplex jews just spent some chump change to develop the game and hoped the 2hu fanbase would be as retarded as FGO one.

>> No.26331845
File: 471 KB, 1071x650, 1576132680809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those discordkeks don't even wanna play anymore it's just gay clique shit. The Italian line group was better because people actually play the game but that got hijacked.

>> No.26332365

>Canonball dying
Aw man.

>> No.26340263
File: 1.43 MB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20200914-160234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the new girl. Best of luck to you guys as well.

>> No.26344504
File: 1.60 MB, 1258x709, 1600043283996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>approaching 200 rolls straight with no new SSR in PoE

>> No.26344599

wat dis?

>> No.26344721

holy shit what is there like no pity?

>> No.26344814

There is no pity so I feel like I have no reason to save up and just keep throwing spare gems at the gacha in hopes of getting a new girl because every new girl released has been pretty strong and my team is missing two more really strong girls before it becomes complete.
The saving grace of this game is that it gives out gems like crazy. If there was a pity system similar to Priconne's you could probably save for a full spark in 2-3 months.

>> No.26345078
File: 2.02 MB, 2270x1080, Screenshot_20200914-154134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when I was complaining, thank you based game. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I'M SO HAPPY

>> No.26345460

>game has $ for packs
Is this some kinda mistake or are they intentionally letting non japs buy stuff easily?

>> No.26345564

Some games let Google autoconvert prices to local currency.

>> No.26346207
File: 235 KB, 1024x768, 79513838_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no pity so I feel like I have no reason to save up
I don't POE, but no pity usually tends to make me feel even more reason to save up, personally.
If I know I can spark who I want, or at least get a guarantee at x rolls, it lets me plan around increments of x.
But if my next target could potentially cost every last gem I have, that makes me want to keep the reserves as deep as I can just in case.

>> No.26346413

So is she good / what's she do. Please say frontliner.

>> No.26346516
File: 92 KB, 155x306, 1597067987756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whichever accounts don't roll her I drop, I need to cut down on this game some.

>> No.26346592

I just fought against her in a tower encounter. Absolute cancer frontliner that gives life link to the team.

>> No.26346865

So it would be the latter then.

>> No.26346963

Sounds like the best thing ever. Google TL tells me something about captivating an audience and being confident.

>> No.26347076
File: 1005 KB, 1261x658, 1549641371678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her skill gives lifelink to all allies in the same row AND column as her. The damage split is 70/10/10/10 for main target and subs, and even additional damage received like from Quinn's RNG or Ursula's 1st skill is split too via 40/20/20/20. This also changes with each awakening level she gets: at 7* the lifelink becomes 50/16.67/16.67/16.67, and additional damage lifelink is 0/33.3/33.3/33.3. The lifelink also lasts for two turns.

Her ougi heals all allies affected by life link by a pretty significant amount. Pic-related is not mine.

>> No.26347185

Pretty disgusting, I assume it scales with her attack like other heals.

>> No.26347496
File: 261 KB, 474x332, 1599977911292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26347545


>> No.26347567

So thinking about that with the life link, is it a buff that the summer loli can remove so it breaks the entire chain or just the chain on the specific unit?

>> No.26347685

I haven't actually tried her out in battle yet but if it's a buff then it should be dispellable. No idea if the entire chain breaks if you remove it on one girl.

>> No.26348052

Each link gives her a separate buff so you would probably only lose one.

>> No.26348492

Also forgot to mention that each time a member with lifelink is hit, she gains a buff similar to Isabelle's skill. When she does her ougi, she will heal for 20% of her attack times the number of this special buff she has. This is probably how >>26347076 heals for such a high amount.

So yes, if you always have her moving first and manage to stack her attack pretty high, then she will heal for disgusting amounts. I'm unsure if AoE attacks on lifelinked allies will grant her multiple stacks of the buff or if it's limited to one at a time.

>> No.26349279

Evante doesn't lose her barrier from taking lifelink side damage.

>> No.26350948
File: 392 KB, 1394x834, 1592899680043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genshin reached 3M pre-registers for global version.

>> No.26352435

Why should I care about this game?

>> No.26352818

i dont think you should
its made by mihoyo so battle system is good but your dailies will take like 2 hours, gacha rates are low but you seem to get a decent number of rolls per month at least
just a big time sink with okayish combat that gets boring pretty fast, but trying it out wont hurt

>> No.26352886

I'm already managing four mobages so I will pass.
No time for another one.

>> No.26362779

If anything, I wish you the best because the more people pre-register, the more shitters you will have invading your community.

>> No.26368042

Should I be wary of Genshin Impact if my more normie friends are suddenly asking me to play? They say it's a free zelda botw...

>> No.26368072

>Not giving out a 10 roll for prereg
Already starting out stingy
>but your dailies will take like 2 hours
No they don't

>> No.26368179

Is this a trend for the company?

>> No.26368235

Play it if you want to, then pretend you don't if you don't feel like talking to them about it.

>> No.26368717

I'll give it a try. Having it come up was pretty spooky though.

>> No.26368776

Houkai was incredibly jewish at the start.

>> No.26368782

>jewish at the start
odd strategy

>> No.26369212
File: 830 KB, 770x650, 1579158966928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this, because the game wasn't even half bad. The entire system is just downright fucked up. I don't mind having to farm a bajillion frags or some shit but locking that behind dupes and the occasional appearance on the shop is just retarded considering you need to do it for both characters and weapons.

>> No.26369876

Not really, it's actually the norm for games to do that outside of a couple of prereg freebies to draw people in but in the case of GI, there's so much hype around the game that they don't need the initial prereg freebies to get people to try it.

>> No.26369905

It's really that big a deal?
Must have been hiding under a rock.

>> No.26370304

It's BotW ripoff, it's got flaks from nintendies.

>> No.26370354

Oh is that all? haven't play BotW either.
I guess I'll just pass as I don't have time for another game and don't feel like dropping any of my current mobages for it.

>> No.26372475

>>Not giving out a 10 roll for prereg
They are, I think. 6 from prereg and 4 from facebook/youtube goals.

>> No.26373924

Do you guys only play english mobage here? There are couples of japanese mobage released for the last two weeks but I don't see any discussion about it.

>> No.26373969

most consistent one that gets discussion for the past two months has been PoE

>> No.26374210

You only have to look at the thread to see almost no english game presence
The main inhibitor is that new releases are SHIT

>> No.26375498

i try them out but my nip isnt good enough yet to so i have to look up huge amount of words so i end up dropping them sooner or later because their gachas are extremely jewish
got spoiled from arknights too hard and now every gacha release is just reroll simulator into drop 1 day later

>> No.26375545

to add to that also doesnt help that arknights CC released when rezeros released so i was busy playing CC instead and couldnt really do much in rezeros

>> No.26376773
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x5040, 2020Bunkasai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basketball Club
>Boxing Club
>Store Club
>Sewing Club
>Cheer Club
>Guitar Lead
>Broadcasting Club

>> No.26386496

I've been digging through the Re: Zero one since release.
Gameplay is pretty standard turn based fare though there's some neat gimmicky ideas that I hope they expand on.
Once I get some characters skills upgraded there's some odd team ideas I want to try out.
Story side is more elaborate than expected since they have challenges for you to accomplish which reward your with stuff like gacha currency, power up shards, or story keys which let you veer of what would be considered the canon storyline.
Easy example, you meeting a certain person early would unlock the possibility of recruiting them for aid later.

>> No.26386830

>when you fight manually and click on enemies you can take items from your inbox in rezeros
what the fuck is this spaghetti code
just claimed 800 stamina because i wanted to do arena manually

>> No.26387333

Wait really? Haven't had anything like that happen to me.

>> No.26390316

Will the new producer ruin kusoneko?

>> No.26393650
File: 251 KB, 1080x1920, Eh76JryU8AEGIEk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to take a bath using mayonnaise.

>> No.26400442

I really wish they played the anime scenes in rezero in widescreen or maybe I will just rewatch the anime later

>> No.26403628

Otto, take that stupid hat off.

>> No.26415486
File: 1.19 MB, 709x1121, 1598271948282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems the dev team is aware of this issue.
Hope it gets fixed in a timely manner.

>> No.26417250

I hope you're not misinterpreting "global" with "EN."
Here's a secret. There's two version to the game. Mainland China version, and the version for everywhere else in the world.

>> No.26417290

Which one is better?

>> No.26418537

They both suck.

>> No.26418769


>> No.26420152

Is there a guild in Pride of Eden?
I accidentally made one but idk how to leave.

>> No.26420195

Yeah there are guilds, but no /jp/ established one. Don't think there are enough of us to even fill one in the first place.

>> No.26426834

Why can't I enter Tower 10-1 in PoE even after clearing 9-4? I never got a single 4* equip in 9-3 and 9-4 even though I've been farming them for a week.

>> No.26426961

I think there's a bug at the moment where you have to clear X-4 twice before you can proceed to the next world.

>> No.26427064

Damn I barely won 9-4. I guess I'll try tomorrow.

>> No.26427524

