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2640883 No.2640883 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/, ronery /v/irginfag here who posted something related to hentai games 2 days ago or something.

As suggested by you guys, I played Yume Miru Kusuri. I was thoroughly enjoying it (Aeka route) and thought to myself: "Ahh, a game where I won't rage. Ahh, love. Ahh, fap. Relaxing".

Then this bitch appeared. Picture related.

Then my vidya rage appeared.

I also played True Resemblance (just a normal "VN" as you call it) which I enjoyed, and didn't rage over.

Yume Miru Kusuri general thread I guess.

>> No.2640892
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>> No.2640899

So... did you finish the route?

>> No.2640903

Obviously not, or this would be a CHOKE A BITCH thread

>> No.2640902


I found Mizuki's route extremely tiring and just wanted to finish it up as quickly as possible. It's a pity that I read so slowly.

>> No.2640900

Keep playing. You won't regret it.

>> No.2640906


I'm not finished just yet. I got mai waifu a new cellphone, which she seems to thoroughly appreciate. We're in her secret spot right now, exploring this new technology.

>> No.2640911

Mizuki's route was porn without plot, unlike the other two.
I guess it depends on what you were looking for, a fap or a read.

>> No.2640913

God Tier / Baww Tier : Aeka
Awesome Catjob Tier : Nekoko
Big boobs and lots of sex Tier : Mizuki
I fucking wish tier : Aya/Mom

>> No.2640922

> God Tier / Baww Tier : Aeka
Hell yes. So far atleast.
> I fucking wish tier : Aya/Mom
This would be rather interesting. I concur.

>> No.2640928

>I fucking wish tier: Puff

>> No.2640931

Oh right how could I forget Tsubaki, he's more of just a bro though.

>> No.2640937
File: 126 KB, 800x600, bitch chokan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2640994

I really REALLY wanted an Antoinette route. Sure, she is a big fucking brutal bitch, a horrible person that goes way too far in her little nonsensical near-yandere grudge. But goddamnit, she was perfect for this game. All the routes were "crazy broken girl" why didn't Antoinette get a route then? She was quite clearly broken even if she tried to mask it with popularity and social ability. I mean, she had the biggest asshole for a boyfriend who she hated, but she's far too insecure to leave him because she'd be completely alone and freaks out when she realizes her boyfriend is showing interest in someone other than her because she thinks he might abandon her. She was just lonely and desperate, that's why she saw something in Kouhei, she saw a possibility out of her shitty relationship and was desperately hoping. Underneath her vicious lashing out was a frightened insecure girl who just wanted to be loved. Kouhei wasn't popular or highly attractive, she was chasing after him because he was a good kind person. A complete fucking bitch? Yeah, but I want to show her love and fix her broken soul so she'll start loving the world back and stop being a complete fucking bitch.

>> No.2641008

I thought she was after Kouhei to make sure he didn't befriend Aeka. That's why she stopped being friendly towards him once they were together, right?

>> No.2641030

Is that "True Resemblance" actually "True Remembrance"? Then why waste time with Yume Miru Kusuri?

>> No.2641044

Because True Remembrance is fairly short?

>> No.2641056

1) Itakano > YMK
2) Kouhei is a jerk
3) Shiki can kill servants. Discuss.

>> No.2641082

No, she was after him since the beginning of the game, before any such nonsense with Aeka, she only starts to hate Kouhei after he hangs out with her, and she REALLY starts hating Aeka after that. He was the second man she 'stole' from her.

>> No.2641083

Thus easily replayable and of greater quality.

>> No.2641112

>1) Itakano > YMK
>2) Kouhei is a jerk.
Are you trying to imply that Itakano's MC isn't?

>> No.2641128

>All the routes were "crazy broken girl" why didn't Antoinette get a route then?
Because she was nothing more than a plot device. Giving the bitch a route would extinguish any sympathy for Aeka by giving us reason.

>> No.2641307
File: 57 KB, 810x632, brinkofdeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

This ending... was fabulous. I've never had my rage quenched quite this way. Picture related.

>> No.2641317
File: 439 KB, 640x480, kouheiisajerk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>2) Kouhei is a jerk

Kouhei is a jerk.

>> No.2641319

anybody got the picture of the guy strangling his mouse with grin?

>> No.2641324
File: 41 KB, 128x152, girlwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2641361

Did anyone else raged that the bitch ripped up Aeka's money?

Not the fact that she was just being a slut ripping money that Aeka's mom worked her ass of to get, but the fact she just didn't take the money...

I mean come on, it's fucking money.

>> No.2641371


Yes. I don't have numpad keys on my keyboard anymore.

>> No.2641374

Yeah, this game had too many kicking the dog moments.

>> No.2641377

OP here: Crescendo next I guess. Any recommendations for routes and so on? I like "tsundere" and shy girls, however, I prefer shy ones.

>> No.2641378

Kouhei is a loving saint compared to the guy in Itakano.

>> No.2641410

>Kouhei is a jerk.
Kouhei is a jerk.

>> No.2641416

Trust me, you will find your target in the first 10 minutes, and you will love her.

>> No.2641446


Let me guess, you love the sister, right?

>> No.2641459

Nah, the nurse.
Also, considering his tastes, I was referring to Kyoko.

>> No.2641488
File: 62 KB, 640x480, snapshot20090518023708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Kouhei is a jerk.

Kouhei is a jerk.
