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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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26308097 No.26308097 [Reply] [Original]

What do you feel are the most fundamental values and tenets of otaku culture?

For a long while, I've thought what was important was the pursuit of cuteness, however I've become disillusioned as of late.

>> No.26309806
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>> No.26310492

What about the conversion of 3D to 2D, purifying and enriching it in the process?

>> No.26310553

naizuri and paizuri ability of individual girls

>> No.26310693

indeed, a form of art that few understand

>> No.26324619

Love for lolis.

>> No.26335732

Shit in a pretty envelope.

>> No.26336483

Actually caring about the hobby

>> No.26337375

otaku culture doesnt mean anything anymore. otaku culture is just normal fags with a crunchyroll account or white women with vtuber avatars nowadays

>> No.26345319

Living in the database

>> No.26345432

Everyone loves lolis tho.

>> No.26361831

Wow wow?

>> No.26366060

disgusting facade

>> No.26373304

this. the inherent nature of otaku is to be a human database

>> No.26375077

Does this mean that computers made otaku obsolete and we're just hanging around because there's nothing useful for us to do anymore?
Or does it mean that otaku are becoming more computer-like because of our use of them, gradually bringing us closer to some kind of man-machine union?

>> No.26375178
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The fundamental aspect of otaku culture is creating an unreal world that somehow feels more real than the real world due to everyone in the community agreeing that it's superior to reality. Otaku culture is like a self-delusion cult. That doesn't mean it's inauthentic, it's like the most authentic expression of the deepest nerd feelings trying to overlay over real life. Giant robots, JRPG adventures, idols, cuteness, loli - all of these are strongly idealized reality

>> No.26375262

Finding peace through the appreciation, preservation, and cultivation of niche aspects of modern life.

>> No.26378195

Consider cybernetic enhancements in the near future. Be enlightened by the machine.

>> No.26378575

also through dick unity is strong

>> No.26378585
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irl sux and should be replaced with something better

>> No.26395711

is shit still shit if you smear it on a surface, block everyone's noses and make it look like chocolate cake in the process?

>> No.26429840
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I think you guys missed the point. I meant adaptations of 3D things into 2D characters, not just 3D presenting themselves as 2D. Like how idol style actions and clothing became a big part of 2D design.

>> No.26472480

liking what's popular doesn't make you superior.
most fads die out before they leave a mark.
if everyone does it, it isn't "otaku"
if everyone does it, it is a "trend"

>> No.26473384

Everyone takes pictures so there are no photography otaku?

>> No.26520867

You got otaku confused with hipster

>> No.26526546
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I don't know but I miss tsugu

>> No.26526992
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Tsugu's desolate nature truly embodies the otaku lifestyle.

>> No.26561704

Make your own pretend loli and take her to strange places

>> No.26561956

>What do you feel are the most fundamental values and tenets of otaku culture?
>I've become disillusioned as of late.
I wish she'd make more.

>> No.26562717

I want to make doujins but I always get worried about redditors and other normalfaggots finding them and making them popular, or posting AIDS-inducing comments on panda.

>> No.26563294

Just draw her in a micro bikini and normalfags will stay away.

>> No.26565179

Dunno. I think it stems from thinking too much about kemonomimi and coming to the realization that it's just a racial fetish moreso than the ears being cute. An expectation than an animal girl will act like an animal and a girl. That combined with musing over whether it's possible to keep an intelligent humanoid as a pet or whether they'd default to roommate or freeloader. I also wondered what the point of cuteness is. I've also hit the point where I don't care about distinctions in "age" of characters, and so I judge them the same, which amounts to me hating adults, teens, and kids all the same. Making cute girls, making objects cute, I don't see the point of it anymore, but it seems to be the connecting thing that can appeal to any type of otaku. Girls that are trains, girls that are planes, girls that are toys, girls that are boys. I agree with >>26375178 >>26309806 in that it's about making an imaginary 2D world that's better than the 3D world, and I believe that making things cuter is a part of that, but I don't even know what kind of world I want to be in anymore. Just it being cute isn't enough.

>> No.26565837

But the problem is there are plenty of lolicon normalfags. While that may deter many, there are many more that would enjoy it.

>> No.26566821

Take a break from otaku culture and experience other aspects this life has to offer. While things may seem bleak from your point of reference, looking past the firmament will reveal a whole other world of wonder. Read up on history, culture and philosophy. History and culture are much more important to learn than the observations of thinkers who often think more than they observe, so to speak, which is why /lit/ was never a good board. Remember to consider the contexts of a situation. I've seen way too many retards misunderstand a historical situation because they were too stuck in their narrow "modern" views. Read Spengler.

>> No.26575142

No, real otaku culture is defined by passion, creativity and pursuit of knowledge. Complete antithesis to nihilism and apathy that doomer shitters have appropriately instilled.

>> No.26575357

While they may enjoy it, they at least won't be posting it on their social media account, reducing the chance of it becoming famous among other normalfags.

>> No.26578757 [DELETED] 

These threads are better when it's just sharing JAV vids, not posting your 15 year old coomer fantasy plots.

>> No.26579169

I made a doujin before, though I didn't have the balls to sell it in person. It barely got any attention and no one really remembers it or ever brings it up after finish reading it, and no one really talked about it. In other words, unless your famous, no one cares.

>> No.26579181

Live-and-let-live mentality. Any topic is accepted as long as you're passionate about it and/or there are cute girls involved. Want to talk about trains? Dolls? Photography? Gardening? WWII trivia? Idols? Urban legends? It's all fine.

No one will call you a creep or ostracize you because of your hobbies. There's no crab bucket, you don't need to one-up your neighbors, you don't need to climb to the top of the social ladder. I think the obsession with cuteness is because when freed from social expectations, everyone will gravitate towards things that are cute and comfy.

>> No.26589352

What doujin is it?

>> No.26630365

What even defines a photography otaku?

>> No.26630922

Go ask the photos of japan thread

>> No.26633412

Can one be an expert without being an otaku? Or to put it another way, is there something more to otaku than dedication and knowledge?
Typical examples, train otaku vs rail planners/engineers, military otaku vs career soldiers (especially officers), history otaku vs historians. Let's assume the professionals aren't doing it only for the money, but at least find the topic interesting.
I am aware one can do a job with only "necessary" knowledge, which is why I specify "expert". Working as an animator doesn't make you an expert of animation without further study.

>> No.26635885

No one who would claim to be an expert of anything is not a nerd, so I would say any enthusiast of something has otaku qualities. However, consider otaku used to be called "maniacs" until the otaku term caught on due to them using that formal word all the time. It's kind of like calling atheists "m'lady"s. That is, not every atheist is a fedora tipping one, so I think there's an element of social sperg-iness you need to have to be a true otaku.(e.g. actually using the word 'otaku' in your everyday Japanese speech)

>> No.26635953

Don't care what others say. Just enjoy what you like and take it easy. Trying to fit-in by following a code of conduct would only make you a faggot who tries to hard

>> No.26635965 [DELETED] 

Dude shut the fuck up why are you even here

>> No.26636041

Being genuine

>> No.26636149

Kuso thread.
Thanks for actually understanding what an otaku is.

>> No.26636376

As one of the two anons you quoted, as well as the OP of this thread, you are welcome.

>> No.26639697

>No one who would claim to be an expert of anything is not a nerd
I'm am leaning towards this as well.
But then I think about some fields which require great study, yet have people doing it "for the money". Lawyers, doctors, and engineers are probably the most well known. All of these professions require so much knowledge that they are specialized, take upwards of a decade (or more) to become independent in, and practically no one has a good grasp on more than their narrow field. Yet they are full of people who do all this "just for a job" and only rarely spend their leisure time dealing with the topic for fun.
Simultaneously, a lot (most? (all?)) of these "disinterested professionals" beat the "loudly passionate otaku" in terms of knowledge on the topic. Though this is a perspective mostly towards the engineering related sphere. Perhaps I am misinterpretating due to the casual nature of the fora in which I interact with otaku?

>> No.26640208

The professional author of a manga beats the doujin work making otaku in knowledge about his manga. I don't think more knowledge = more otaku, which seems to be what you're implying.

>> No.26640976

On a technical level maybe, but the otaku most likely has a more optimistic view of his craft whereas the pro has seen the ugliness and has experienced bouts of burn out and thoughts of quitting.

>> No.26641421

>I don't think more knowledge = more otaku
Yes, I agree. Which is why I am wondering what "more" is within the word.
>Or to put it another way, is there something more to otaku than dedication and knowledge?
Passion without knowledge is vapid consumerism at worst, or blind adulation at best. I cannot imagine a definition of otaku without genuine knowledge of the chosen topic. At the same time, not everyone who chooses to learn and develop themselves within a field are otaku.
So the internal drive, passion, alone is not enough. The external results, knowledge and creation, are also not enough. The ideal otaku would have both. But can't one say that it's impossible to achieve the second without some form of the first? If they read the same books and create the same content, is there a difference between the otaku doing it for fun and the person doing it for money?

This reminds me of the age old discussion regarding the man who does good deeds for his own gain, and whether that makes him good or not. The utilitarians would say it did, others would say it didn't. Unfortunately, I studied engineering, not philosophy, and this is getting embarrasingly amateurish, so I'll leave the scene for our resident /jp/ cultural anthropologists.

>> No.26641829
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I mean I would say otaku are vapid consumers. It's not like they don't have pointless collections of things. Maybe informed consumers at best. As for passion, I'd say it's more obsession. I don't think otaku seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge but just naturally come to know it through experiencing and analyzing the things they like.
>If they read the same books and create the same content, is there a difference between the otaku doing it for fun and the person doing it for money?
Depends on if you're judging them on their content or their personality.

>> No.26641906

>I don't think otaku seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge
What I meant here is that I don't think they just sit down and study like someone who learns a trade does. They just happen to come to know stuff about their topic over time and experience and maybe a little research.

>> No.26643365

What an awfully dismissive view. Something a pseudointellectual who has a personal chip against otaku would say.

>> No.26704327

What's it called?

>> No.26704890

as an otaku and a vapid consumer i can vouch for the fact that all otaku who aren't engaged in the act of creation are just vapid consumers

>> No.26709752

Tell him, anon. Nihilism has no place in otaku culture. No "doomers" can be otaku. Otaku are passionate and knowledgeable, exactly. Not to mention; being genuine as a major factor in this culture. Spotting fakes and normalfags is very easy when you care so much about a subject. The degree some may find "creepy" or even the subject itself "creepy" just comes with the territory. But only a fake would become preoccupied with how the outside world sees them. True otaku are genuine and true to themselves and their loves despite outside forces saying it's abnormal.
It doesn't matter what normals say. Normals, doomers, all those other fakes can say what they will. But they lack the passion that we have.

>> No.26757150
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You shouldn't be proud of being otaku

>> No.26757217

Get off this board, then.

>> No.26757552

Wherever I go, people always tell me...
>You shouldn't be proud of being fat.
>You shouldn't be proud of being an otaku.
>You shouldn't be proud of being a pedophile.
... but screw that. I'll be proud of whatever I want. And if anyone has a problem with it, they can suck my fat, otaku, pedophile dick.

>> No.26758878


>> No.26758960

anyone who is 消費型オタク and proud of it is a fucking loser

>> No.26770255


>> No.26771355

This is the most powerful post I've seen on /jp/

>> No.26774846
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I understand that moe and cute girls are a very important facet of (anime) otaku culture, but I struggle to agree with the concept that the enjoyment of cuteness is the sheer identifying marker of one. Would fujoshi not be considered otaku despite having a leaning towards attractive 2D men instead of cute girls, for example? I would absolutely consider the BLhags on this board to be otaku but I doubt they're shlicking to Tsugu for example. What do you guys think? I understand that otaku culture is naturally male centric but I feel female otaku and female oriented genres existing makes looking at it from different angles necessary.

>> No.26775136

>What do you feel are the most fundamental values and tenets of otaku cult
Not doing anything meaningful with your life and being an annoying faggot online

>> No.26776013

Fujoshi are disgusting. The only hags who deserve any kind of respect are the lolicon ones.

>> No.26776300

Vtuber image, post discarded.

>> No.26776319
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through dick, unity and lolicon

and a lot of mehnera power

>> No.26776602

kill yourself

>> No.26777636
File: 528 KB, 607x800, 1600865252303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's image is a vtuber too, bakatare. If it were 2hu I'd have used a 2hu.

>> No.26777753

Sorry, I should clarify.
Hololive vtuber image, posts discarded.

>> No.26777780

who cares anon?

>> No.26777800
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Well, you're no fun at all.

>> No.26777822

At least I'm not taking over a thread with my autism because I got called a faggot. Stop posting, preferably forever.

>> No.26777911

I'm crying of happiness by listening to shitty otaku music and being in a certain fandom. I was not that happy while having sex with 3 cute asian girls or while traveling, no drug can compare to this. I thought it was a phase but after 15+ years I now sure I will be in this shit until I die.

>> No.26777931

You didn't call me a faggot, though. I don't actually have any more Vtuber images though so I'll quit the bantz as you wish for now.

>> No.26777974

Isn't this the one that's deleted her account over 30 times?

>> No.26779775
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OP here: Boys can be moe and/or cute. I didn't say "sexy women", just cute things in general. Cute males, cute females, cute animals, cute objects, cute robots too.

Fujoshi inherently like bishounen and shota, i.e. cute boys, and have an idealized view of homosexuality. For that matter certain kinds of guys as well as girls tend to like "traps"/crossdressing which is just their idea of making a boy cuter. Female otaku like cute girls such as in idolshit properties as well. I also think it's overlooked that fujoshi like lesbian pairings as well, something about "forbidden love". (Also I'm of the biased opinion that they're all lez anyway for liking boys who look and act like girls).

>a very important facet of (anime) otaku culture
I wasn't talking about that either. "Anime"(in this case meaning cutesy) style has a widespread appeal and you can appeal to basically anyone by making their object into a cute character. I consider anime and video games detached from each other, and possibly PC nerds from console nerds, but PC nerds with VN and doujin games, console/arcade nerds with action, fighting games, and RPGs, and anime nerds can all appreciate cute anime style characters. Machines, military, music, whatever the hobby can be made cute and as a result, better for it. Though I think cuteness over sexiness is what defines otaku. iM@S on your plane instead of a realistic pinup girl, race queens in general instead of just generic half-naked girls standing around cars, itasha themselves. I feel like it has a backwards influence on manga as well, influencing them to be drawn in an "anime style" instead of whatever. It definitely has one on books with the existence of the light novel genre.

>> No.26783142

That's being a NEET, not an otaku

>> No.26811986

What songs do you like?

>> No.26866024

Why so many times?

>> No.26868681

Appreciating the classics and not being a normie that only watches flavour of the month anime, but also enjoying mainstream anime when it interests you. Essentially Not being a normie but also enjoying whatever anime or manga you want without feeling the need to justify yourself. (whether fomo for not watching the new flavour of the month anime or it's not watching this one particular classic that everyone shills because you've got other things or it doesn't personally interest you.

>> No.26895187

There's more to otaku than anime watchers

>> No.26908246

it's her gimmick probably

>> No.26928519

Do I have to actually watch anime to be an "otaku"? I've seen over 150 but I don't really care about any show made after 2012. I don't even want to watch anything anymore. I don't think having "otaku cred" isn't worth it. Touhou still comforts me but most of the time I just want to close my eyes and listen to vtubers ( I know ) screech in a language I gave up understanding.

>> No.26928627

In general on the English only internet but mostly still there in japan where the obsessed loser stereotype is still alive and un-ironically earnest.

>> No.26928684

A train otaku, for instance, does not necessarily just consume media related to trains, they also do something like ride trains and obsess over schedules.
It is in the nature of the otaku to be obsessive but not necessarily to just consume media.

>> No.26929582

No but vtubers don't make you otaku either.
