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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 79 KB, 810x636, nekoko love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2620249 No.2620249 [Reply] [Original]

Because FUCK YOU Aeka.

>> No.2620265

No one else has played YMK here before, OP. You are the first to have seen this. Good job.

>> No.2620261
File: 311 KB, 960x1440, b0044523_782790.jpg..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was cosplaying her at first.

>> No.2620273
File: 216 KB, 1024x805, 11..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fan art~

>> No.2620276
File: 178 KB, 321x472, Picture 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry Aeka, OP doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.2620282




>> No.2620290
File: 55 KB, 800x600, 1241930574605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2620299


That is awesome, does 420chan know?

>> No.2620303

It's just from today, so no I don't suppose they do.

>> No.2620314

I'll post it there.

>> No.2620329


I'm trying to post on /yakui/, but my computer is world-tier slowpoke, so yeah.

>> No.2620334


>> No.2620335


The greatness will probably be lost on them

>> No.2620342



>> No.2620344
File: 12 KB, 168x168, 1223854358451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't know, I don't really go there.

>> No.2620405

Where can I get it???

>> No.2620413



>> No.2620416


>> No.2620425

YMK, shitty VN with an even shittier anime.

>> No.2620443

I wish this game had a Pygma-chan route.

I would get a bad end because I resisted her footjob.

>> No.2620455

I'd die.

>> No.2620461

questions need answers

>> No.2620474
File: 114 KB, 254x348, 1242767033609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty VN

You're either a troll or have shitty taste. Either way I hate you.

>> No.2620485


pirate bay

>> No.2620486


There you go.

>> No.2620539

So you're telling me to give in and cum?

>> No.2620561

I-I just don't want to die.

>> No.2620564

how do I torrent?

>> No.2620565

Well, I can't resist what you tell me, Pygma.


Thanks Pygma-chan. That felt great <3

>> No.2620567



>> No.2620573

It's easily the worst talked about VN on /jp/. Not necessarily bad, but it's incredibly mediocre given its popularity.

>> No.2620576


It's only talked about so much because it makes people feel feelings.

>> No.2620581

I felt nothing, Clannad does a better job of that.

>> No.2620586

I don't think so troll.

>> No.2620590

Fuck you two, stop making me horny.

>> No.2620591


That's your feelings, then.

I, for one, was wondering why my chest was so tight and eyes so watery at Nekoko's climax.

>> No.2620597


>> No.2620600

How could you feel nothing during the Aeka route? You must be one stone cold son of a bitch.

>> No.2620601

The pleasure of climaxing inside bro.
We understand.

>> No.2620602


Theres a reason that YMK is talked about a lot.

It's a great VN.

>> No.2620605

Compared to most of the things we talk about on /jp/, I see YMK very little. It usually pops up more on /v/ than here.

>> No.2620610


Aeka's route was the first time I've ever cried reading a VN (that was before I played Clannad).

Her story was so sad, but it had a truly happy ending. ;_;

>> No.2620615


I guess we post at different times then, as I see a ton of YMK love fairly often.

>> No.2620625

Aeka was a worthless whore who used guilt and her body to get someone else to do what she should have done herself. The most I felt was pity that there was no rape scene.

>> No.2620631


But thats the thing, she had to resort to sex in order to get the most BASIC human interaction, and that soon bloomed into true love.

>> No.2620637


You'd whore yourself out too if you were as lonely as she was.


>> No.2620639

Logic of an attention whore.
That is why she will always be #2 behind mizuki.
Manipulative sex craved bitch is the best.

>> No.2620642


Download the YMK torrent from The Pirate Bay

Download uTorrent

Install uTorrent, and add the file you got from the pirate bay into it.

Wait until it finishes downloading and enjoy a great VN.

>> No.2620644

Why is everyone's first VN YMK? It was mine at least. Must have been two or three years ago when I was first lurking on /h/ and someone posted a torrent link. Looking back, I don't think I really liked it that much (the only scene I fapped to was the coke scene with the redhead), but it opened the gate to tons of other great VNs, like Ever17, FS/N, Tsukihime, and CLANNAD. (Well, actually, I hated CLANNAD, but I still consider it an accomplishment.)

>> No.2620646
File: 37 KB, 329x329, 737f8962948a90059341da47c601b240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Well, I suppose...

>behind Mizuki


>> No.2620648


So someone who just wants one person to talk to is an attention whore?

Yeah, no.

>> No.2620656


It was the first one I actually read as a VN, and not as a fappan game, I guess. (I played a few eroge beforehand.)

It's really what shot me into /jp/ related media, so yeah.



>> No.2620661


>> No.2620662
File: 58 KB, 800x600, mizuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not why I liked her, but yup.

>> No.2620665


What? Cocaine induced strangulation sex in the pool?

Count me in!

>> No.2620671

Why did you like her? Do you have an autoerotic asphyxiation fetish?

>> No.2620677


It's my first VN too. I want to give Clannad a shot since all the other popular VNs (E17, FS/N, etc.) have fantasy and sci-fi themes which I'm not really into. I can't seem to find a download for Clannad though.

>> No.2620678


what? Her hair is red! Or at least reddish brown! I haven't played the game in years and am too lazy to look through the rest of the thread to find out her name, but for all intents and purposes, she's the redhead.

>> No.2620683

I kinda liked how Aeka was a whore who used her body to get someone to do what she didn't have the stones to do.

I mean, story wise. Not Aeka wise.

It made the story better. She wasn't some "holier than thou" perfect girl, which you would expect because that's always what happens to bullied giris.

Unfortunately, that puts her in third place. Of the heroines.

>> No.2620687


She's a brunette.

Kyoka is the redhead.

>> No.2620702


whats her disability?

>> No.2620707


