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2615907 No.2615907 [Reply] [Original]

Why wasn't the U$A prosecuted for crimes against humanity after attacking Japan with nuclear weapons?

>> No.2615908

Because they won.

>> No.2615909


>> No.2615922

because at that point in time we could have easily destroyed the world.

>> No.2615919
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>United States
>Winning World War 2

>> No.2615926

America won
The UK slightly won
Everybody else lost.

>> No.2615927

Who the hell is the U$A? United Dollad Association? Like a bank or something?

>> No.2615937
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>Unconditional surrender
>Meaning that like Germany and unlike Italy they couldn't bargain for a two-sided armistice with their Allies overlords

>> No.2615955

great another WW2 thread

>> No.2615956


The United States didn't win anything.

It was the guys from England and Russia who did all the dirty work.

>> No.2615963

Russia lost even if they were on the winning side, just because of the sheer amount of life they lost.

>> No.2615973

America won both in Europe and in the Pacific. The Russians never made any progress until the US started flanking them from the west. They were just throwing man after man into the killing fields until we saved them.

>> No.2615979
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That's a blatant lie. I'm such an idiot for getting angry over this.

>> No.2615983

When we say that the U.S. "won," we mean that the U.S., out of everyone who had participated in the war, was in the best economic/political situation afterwards.

>> No.2616003


We also bombed the fuck out of anyone who pointed a gun at us and made them surrender. Hence, victory.

>> No.2616007


It's not like they had a shortage of starving, uneducated peasants.

>> No.2616026

/jp/ is now officially too dumb to live.

>> No.2616036


How long do we have left, doc?

>> No.2616039

Britain, not England, faggot.

I hate when faggots forget about Scotland and to a lesser extent, wales.

Heck, some of the best soldiers were in the Black Watch.

>> No.2616047


We haven't forgotten about you, you exist as part of the larger entity known as Great Britain. Honestly, I'll never know why the crown didn't fully incorporate you folks during the height of the empire.

>> No.2616056
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lol, have a poring, /jp/

>> No.2616068


How could we ever forget about you faggots when you bitch incessantly about being marginalized?

>> No.2616077


I'm still mad at you. Leave me alone.

>> No.2616092

The same reason why no one went after Russia after raping half of Germany.

>> No.2616096

Whos Meiji and why would she need restoration?

>> No.2616111

Because Scotland "won" England through inheritance you stupid fuckhole. The height of the Empire was 1929 IIRC.

>> No.2616121

After having failed to honour the law of war in the East, Germans deserved everything they got from the second-line Soviet troops primarily responsible for the mass-rapes.[1] *Especially* the women. Hitlers willing executioners, every Frau was morally culpable.

Now the rapes of Polish women, that was a war crime.

[1] Frontoviks tended not to engage in mass rape.

>> No.2616123

>U$A prosecuted for crimes against humanity after attacking Japan
>crimes against humanity after attacking Japan
>crimes against humanity


>> No.2616128

How is this /jp/-related?


>> No.2616135

You can't prove that Wales exists.

>> No.2616138

Here's a better question - why did we execute Japanese officers for waterboarding american prisoners, but Bush and Cheney are still free after waterboarding suspected "terrorists", some of whom were completely innocent?

>> No.2616140

It's true! There's this great big blur saying "google maps has no detail at this level of zoom" when you try and focus on it! I can't even see my own house!

>> No.2616142


>> No.2616149

Because the terrorists are evil and we should subject ourselves to their standards and morals in order to combat them.

>> No.2616156

they kinda had it coming...

Nanjing was way worse than 911

>> No.2616159

because burning trash is not a crime against humanity

>> No.2616164

>On February 6, 2008, the CIA director General Michael Hayden stated that the CIA had used waterboarding on three prisoners during 2002 and 2003, namely Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Abu Zubayda and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri.

>completely innocent


>On July 20, 2007, U.S. President George W. Bush signed an executive order banning torture during interrogation of terror suspects.

>> No.2616170

because an invasion would have been more bloody

>> No.2616179

They had a better and utterly insane method of having Japan surrender. Bat bombs. Imagine thousands of simultaneous fires on Japan.

It just wasn't developed fast enough.

>> No.2616180

oh wait that doesn't make sense
I mean the Allies prosecuted the Germans for burning Jews

>> No.2616226
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Bat bombs weren't intended to cause surrender.

>> No.2616227

Fuck the Jews, the Allies, and the New World Order. The Axis should have won the war. Japan was the last nation in open military conflict against the New World Order. Sadly, they lost.

>> No.2616237

Just a sidetrack, who are the ones who committed cannibalism in WW2?

>> No.2616299
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Filthy Finns, that's who.

>> No.2616347

Because we run the committee that charges people with such crimes. Also we won.

>> No.2616349
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I can't believe some people that are supposedly /jp/ers make posts saying that they think the Japanese aren't people. Newfags have invaded guys.

>> No.2616357

Some faggots out there think its cool to pretend they hate japan while fapping to vn and idol threads. Nobdy cares that you are weeaboo. You're on 4chan and posting on /jp/. Its to be expected.

>> No.2616365


Japanese aren't people, they're robots entrusted with the task of coding eroges for the superior white man. However, due to a manufacturing error, they can only write in their own convoluted language, so it's up to the overseers to scramble the text back to English.

>> No.2616370

Are you a dumbass who got trolled, or are you just meta-trolling?
Is hard to say, really.

>> No.2616388

>>>...the superior white man.

Unless you are of pure Aryan blood, you don't have a right to make such claims with a dirty heritage when your ancestors were fucking wild uncivilized beasts. I'm tired of these serfs acting like just because they share the same skin color, they're the same as the superior race. It's scientifically proven that their mixed genetics make them biologically inferior to us.

>> No.2616389

Trolls trolling trolls who are trolling.

>> No.2616397
File: 22 KB, 650x336, mg42_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had one of these, I would've killed you all right now.
