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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 705 KB, 800x601, idontgetit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2613107 No.2613107 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand.

>> No.2613114


Stop that. Nobody is going to save your image. You do not need to conserve quality.

>> No.2613117

She's talking about sleeping, obviously. What else would you do in the horizontal position?

>> No.2613121
File: 107 KB, 799x599, toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm a shallow and thoughtless person.

>> No.2613124

This is a new and interesting thread.

>> No.2613127

Paint with your feet.

>> No.2613449

This is a new and unique response.
Such a great poster; very vital to /jp/'s quality.

>> No.2614691 [DELETED] 

ITT: Katawa Shojo Devs pretending to be anon and posting similar threads to whore about their pathetic game.

>> No.2614700

Why you bump it then?
What a clever KS dev disguise.

>> No.2614720


Get back to /a/.

>> No.2614725

>Lets talk about mediocre shit like Umineko

>> No.2614733

ITT: Katawa Shojo Devs pretending to be anon and posting similar threads to whore about their pathetic game.

Copy and Paste this in every Katawa Shoujo thread.

Sure, better than this KS wannabe shit.

>> No.2614750

Go the fuck back to /a/ you underage b& spammers. We don't need your kind here.

>> No.2614756


Because Katawa Shojo Devs are pretending to be anon and posting similar threads to whore about their pathetic game.

>> No.2614767


>> No.2614774

I don't think they need to whore it out, plenty of people know about it already.
However, fags like you are easy to troll and jump to ridiculous conclusions, so....here we are.

>> No.2614775

I wish you would pretend to be someone with a brain.

>> No.2614786

I wish you'd realize that Katawa Shojo Devs are pretending to be anon and posting similar threads to whore about their pathetic game.

Copy and Paste this in every Katawa Shoujo thread to warn others.

>> No.2614797

You don't understand how attention whoring works.

>> No.2614806

You're dumber than a cunt full of nigger cock, son.

>> No.2614814

Get the fuck back to /a/ already.

Annoying shit.

>> No.2614815

Sup Devs!

ITT: Katawa Shojo Devs pretending to be anon and posting similar threads to whore about their pathetic game.

Copy and Paste this in every Katawa Shoujo thread.

>> No.2614836

I just got the Kenji end. Shat bricks.

>> No.2614848

ITT one butthurt faggot doing his best impression of athens by accusing everyone of being a KS dev

>> No.2614863

ITT: Katawa Shojo Devs denying the fact that they pretend to be anon and posting similar threads to whore about their pathetic game.

Copy and Paste this in every Katawa Shoujo thread to warn others.

>> No.2614864

There's like three KS devs here making threads about their shitty game and samefagging/circlejerking. Ignore it and hide the thread.

>> No.2614899

I have a better idea.

I'm going to report you.

>> No.2614903

Way to misdirect your rage.

>> No.2614907

Take a look at the IRC, see all those people with OP or Admin? Those are the Devs.

You see the other 90% of the users who don't have OP or Admin? Those are regular users.

At most you'll get 2 devs talking in the IRC at once, if you're lucky.

Yeah, I guess the Devs are the only people who like it.

>> No.2614917


Yeah, no.

>> No.2614945

Yeah because I'm sure the devs would admit to spamming /jp/.

>> No.2614953 [DELETED] 

Correct! Katawa Shojo Devs do pretend to be anon and post similar threads to whore about their pathetic game.

Everyone, Copy and Paste this in every Katawa Shoujo thread to warn others.

>> No.2614960

Why do they need to spam /jp about their game when everyone on /jp/ already knows about it?

>> No.2614962

Yes, it has to be the devs. Nobody has ever spammed threads for a single VN over /jp/ before.

Quick, start reporting! They might bump a Touhou thread or two off the board!

>> No.2614968 [DELETED] 

Attention, they can't get enough of it.
The very reason those Katawa Shojo Devs are pretending to be anon and posting similar threads to whore about their pathetic game.

Help Copy and Paste this in every Katawa Shoujo thread to warn others.

>> No.2614969

Telling people to spam is against the rules. Reported.

>> No.2614970

I have a better idea.

Stop being so butthurt that people don't like your shitty game.

>> No.2614975

Sup Devs!

I see you're once again pretending to be anon and post in similar threads to whore about your pathetic game.

>> No.2614978

>/jp/ won't have anything else to talk about until Mahou Tsukai no Yoru comes out.
Lurk fucking moar dumbass KSfags. When the next comiket come around, enjoy seeing your KS thread straight to page10. Just cause we have nothing to talk about doesn't mean you can spam KS shit.

>> No.2614983

Why can't we have nice things? It'd be nice to be able to discuss KS normally without spamming and shitstorms

>> No.2614986

Being a regular member of /jp/, /a/, and /v/, I'm getting quite sick of seeing all of these threads. Take it somewhere else.

>> No.2614987

Blame the newfag invasion from /a/.

>> No.2614990

Because those Katawa Shojo Devs are pretending to be anon and posts similar threads to whore about their pathetic game.

>> No.2614997

Here's a good idea.


Look at the 3Dfags and use them as an example. It doesn't bother anybody because it's only one thread the repeats each time it breaks the post limit.

Nobody here wants to see the front page with two or more threads of the same thing. This goes for anything.

I'm tired of seeing KS so much and I'm tired of seeing KSfags vs the rest of /jp/ raging at eachother.

>> No.2615006

Reporting all of you.

>> No.2615012

No, but if they wanted a site that already knows everything about the game to be spammed with KS threads, they wouldn't tell everyone to stop.

>> No.2615015


Stop repeating yourself.

>> No.2615018
File: 418 KB, 1280x720, reg1245486243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vast majority of KS threads were indeed made by the devs or their IRC/forum lackeys before the demo was released. I should know because I would actually discuss their game with them in those threads and they would confirm it.

Now? It's mostly friends from /a/ and /v/ making these KS threads. The devs no longer have to keep reminding us that their project isn't dead/stalled anymore.

Pic unrelated to thread but related to fridge_kick.gif.

>> No.2615019
File: 68 KB, 360x200, TakeItEasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2615025

I'm aware of this. I'm not talking about the ones complaining about the KS threads, I'm talking about /a/ (and partially /jp/) turning a game that might be decent into something I can only now think of as shit because it's fanbase is shit.

>> No.2615030

How the hell am I supposed to take it easy with all these damn KS threads flooding the board?

>> No.2615042

Get out of here /a/.

>> No.2615044

Uh, they know that telling people to stop won't actually change anything because they themselves are the ones doing the spamming. So obviously they would tell people to stop to give the impression that they are not behind the spamming.

>> No.2615060

True, very true.

ITT: Katawa Shojo Devs pretending to be anon and posting similar threads to whore about their pathetic game while putting the blame on /a/ and KS fags so they could go clean.

>> No.2615067

Ask yourselves.

WHY would the Devs spam threads?
The game is free, there's no room for profit in the fucking game, and they know everyone on 4chan knows about the fucking game, the only reason they would have to spam threads is to troll.

If that's true, they've succeeded

>> No.2615071

>Nobody here wants to see the front page with two or more threads of the same thing. This goes for anything.

This would require people looking past the first page for..anything. Not really going to happen.

>> No.2615079


Are they releasing the full version for free, or do they expect consumers to "pay a premium" for it?

>> No.2615082


Go back to /a/. We don't want your kind here.
/jp/ is a slow board, thread stay alived for days and worthwhile thread can usually be found past page 5 or 6

>> No.2615087

Blog post says it's free and instead of Donating to give money to Charity...

I *really* don't think they intend to make any money off this.

>> No.2615093

I propose somebody with time on their hands hijacks this thread with something of higher value.

>> No.2615094

Attention. Why do camwhores post pics for free? And everyone might know about it but the more they're reminded of it the more attention the devs will get.

>> No.2615098

Oh, and not to mention a Ren'py game that costs money would be easy as shit to pirate.

>> No.2615103

I'm gonna have to stick my neck in here for awhile... Never underestimate the power of attention whoring. It makes you feel good about yourself, makes you stronger, it gives you confidence... I hate to admit but if I made a game, the more people I know playing the game I created... the more satisfaction I get...

Oh wait!... I did a Visual Novel... it's short and highly offensive but I did my best in it...

Wanna try?...

Windows Version

Mac Version

Linux Version

More details in here...

>> No.2615115

Uh... wan't me to draw Katawa Shoujo Guro?

>> No.2615117

Are you new here?

There is a reason threads get bumped after many hours pass. The board is slow and people actually have the time to look at the other ten pages.

>> No.2615120

So why aren't the Devs screen names more pronounced in Threads or their Website?

>> No.2615123

>/jp/ is a slow board, thread stay alived for days and worthwhile thread can usually be found past page 5 or 6

I'm (primarily) a /m/oron, thank you. Not an /a/sshole.

Yes, /jp/ is a slow board, but you still have redundant threads scattered through the board.

This VN spam happens every fucking time something new is translated, and I'm fairly sure it's not the devs spamming those.

>> No.2615124


Dammit!! Mugen, You know what you should do.

>> No.2615130

Actually, I wouldn't call /jp/ slow so much as it's not SPAMSPAMSPAM POSTPOSTPOST like /a/ and /v/.

>> No.2615135

Okay, I guess the Princess Waltz Devs were spamming threads, and the Fate/Stay Night devs were the only people spamming threads.

People can't like Visual Novels, impossible.

>> No.2615142

>This VN spam happens every fucking time something new is translated
No it doesn't. The only people who think this are those who only pay attention to popular VNs. Even when it does happen it doesn't reach these levels.

>> No.2615150

Even when we do get translation spam, it only lasts a few days until it dies down to just a few threads a day.

KS has been getting like 15 threads on here each day for three weeks now. I don't even want to imagine what /a/ is like.

>> No.2615151
File: 97 KB, 175x150, reg1166129060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me, Mugen-kun draws some really great 2D backgrounds.

Why can't the KS devs get someone to do the same? It is because "Tsukihimay didn't do it"?

The KS devs need to stop trying to emulate the Japanese. Then again their entire game was basically stolen from Raita so perhaps it's a lost cause.

>> No.2615159
File: 93 KB, 360x254, Monty Phyton - Spam .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did someone said 'SPAM'? I heard someone says 'SPAM'.


>> No.2615161
File: 7 KB, 471x258, 1242484589444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN !barYV1VtIA

>> No.2615175

ZUN... you got fake e-mail?... I need to talk to you right now.

>> No.2615186

What the fuck? Photo backgrounds are somehow more authentically Japanes enow? Despite, you know, EVERY professional VN using drawn BGs? Damn, they said themselves they just didn't get any offers until it was too late to do it (considering 100+ BGs).

>> No.2615194

Mugen's cock slipped out of your mouth a little, there.

>> No.2615195

ZUN are you in here?... I really need to get in touch with you...

>> No.2615207

ZUN I have a business proposal for you involving "real money" so I really do need to get in touch with you...

>> No.2615208

>ZUN are you in here?... I really want to get to know you better.

>> No.2615219
File: 19 KB, 264x246, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2615229

I guess not... I wanted to test you by sending you several documents in Japanese and I need to have them translated really quickly... If possible, I would like to have contact with you so if I need quick translation I could send it to you and have them translated. I shall pay you US$15 for every A4 page translated...

>> No.2615232

/jp/ - manwhores

>> No.2615240

Better than Katawa Shojo Devs pretending to be anon and posting similar threads to whore about their pathetic game.

>> No.2615244

I don't think you believe that even yourself

>> No.2615256

Katawa Shojo Devs still pretending to be anon and defending thread to whore about their pathetic game.

>> No.2615270

At least use sage.

>> No.2616065

So are you arguing that because we can't prove it's not KS devs posting KS threads, then it is the KS devs because of a Devil's Proof?

>> No.2616089
File: 92 KB, 461x650, 1240788466970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2616100

KS devs *exist*

>> No.2616116


say it in red

>> No.2616119
File: 105 KB, 600x450, Kyrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't be sure it's the KS devs, but certainly, they're suspect, given that the continuing unlikely attention it's received. Consider; it's a game with nearly nothing original - everything relies on boring cliches and tired character archetypes so thoroughly saturing otaku media that even the most ignorant /a/-goer would ignore it, under most circumstances.

Its two unique aspects, namely the grotesquely mained "heroines" and its English don't adequately explain the disproportionate attention it receives, if we consider that guro fans are a minority and every other western-made VN is rarely discussed here.

Thus, while we can't prove the devs or their gofers are responsible, the circumstantial evidence allows us to draw the inference that they're most likely responsible.

>> No.2616125

>Consider; it's a game with nearly nothing original
Consider: It's a game produced for free by 4channers, and while not the first of that kind, undoubtedly the best.

That you did not consider this requires that I call into question your mental faculties.

>> No.2616129

It's not that bad a game. I don't see how it warrants so many threads though.

>> No.2616143

>Consider: It's a game produced for free by 4channers

Except virtually no one here pays for VNs, anyway and that being made by 4channers is only considered meritorious to people who consider this website some sort of secret internet club and are willing to overlook the creative bankrupcy endemic to nearly everyone who posts on this site (meme spamming being proof of this).

>and while not the first of that kind, undoubtedly the best.

That's not saying much.

>> No.2616144
File: 29 KB, 307x297, #$@#$.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2616145

Well, since it's the first free english v-novel made by fans for fans/4channers.
Let it pass, the threads will die down soon.
Plus, it's a pretty good game, so far.

>> No.2616148

KS threads give the devs negative reputation. Given that, even if they did start them in the beginning, I highly doubt they're continuing it that far. They aren't retarded, neither do they seem like the kind of faggot that takes pleasure in annoying others.

Obviously there'll be people calling it shit (like you know, everything else out there) but it is a good (albeit slow) work and while not a masterpiece, they did produce something worthwhile. I look forward to seeing other projects like that.

>> No.2616152

We get your point: you didn't like KS and therefore the ensuing popularity.
Now, quit bitching about it.

>> No.2616154

>They aren't retarded, neither do they seem like the kind of faggot that takes pleasure in annoying others.

Have you not seen the IRC logs?

>> No.2616158

Sup, anon pretending to be a dev (or vice versa) here

Every fucking KS thread on both /a/ and /jp/ for the past weeks has been absolutely terrible and makes me wish 4LS would've committed a ritualistic mass suicide instead of actually getting something done. I see no reason why 4LS would want to see KS threads here, seeing how worthless they are. They get more than enough virtual blowjobs on their own forum already´so attention whoring is out, plus every person who is ever going to play KS already has; the gazillion blog posts and forum threads OUTSIDE OF 4chan during the first two weeks have guaranteed that.

I'm really sorry for both /a/ and /jp/ for the VN-newfags who played KS as their first game and are now shitting both boards up with their ignorance. However, /v/, that bastard child of /b/ and gamefaqs, is capable of not only dealing with similar influx in good spirits but also having fairly decent threads about KS at the same time. Not to mention how unlikely it is for 10ish people to make and fill the literally hundreds of 4chan threads during the past month.

Face it, this shit was brought upon /jp/ by /jp/, nobody else.

>> No.2616171

Not complaining about the influx of low/high quality KS threads.
So, your post just made me meh.

>> No.2616173

KS isn't serious business.

Just hide the threads.

>> No.2616178

>Except virtually no one here pays for VNs
Irrelevant. Being free will still make something more popular, all else being equal.

>being made by 4channers is only considered meritorious
It's not that it's GOOD that it was made by people here. It's that it's KNOWN to people here. Being known is a requirement of being popular. People here knew about it, therefore people here played it.

>That's not saying much.
Your opinion is obviously worthless in this matter. It's saying enough.

>> No.2616185
File: 799 KB, 320x240, Facepalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>97 posts and 10 image replies omitted.

Jesus. A hundred post thread over bitching whether KS should be on /jp/ or not. What the hell is wrong with you people?

>> No.2616190

Take it to /a/ or /v/. /jp/ doesn't want KS anymore.

>> No.2616189 [DELETED] 

Your reasoning is good, but contains a few holes. For one:

1. >They get more than enough virtual blowjobs on their own forum already´so attention whoring is out

Attention whores don't operate by this logic.


>However, /v/, that bastard child of /b/ and gamefaqs, is capable of not only dealing with similar influx in good spirits but also having fairly decent threads about KS at the same time.

It's quite possible that they've only been active on /a/ or /jp/ for two reasons. First, they're most likely to visit the boards with which they're familiar, which would almost certainly include /a/ or /jp/. Secondly, while I don't frequent /v/, I'd imagine that VNs aren't typically popular there (correct me if this is wrong).

>Not to mention how unlikely it is for 10ish people to make and fill the literally hundreds of 4chan threads during the past month.

Not all of them, obviously, but we can't rule out the possibility that they're still at it.

>> No.2616195

Your reasoning is good, but contains a few holes. For one:
>They get more than enough virtual blowjobs on their own forum already´so attention whoring is out

Attention whores don't operate by this logic. Think of any whom you've met and consider it.

>However, /v/, that bastard child of /b/ and gamefaqs, is capable of not only dealing with similar influx in good spirits but also having fairly decent threads about KS at the same time.

It's quite possible that they've only been active on /a/ or /jp/ for two reasons. First, they're most likely to visit the boards with which they're familiar, which would almost certainly include /a/ or /jp/. Secondly, while I don't frequent /v/, I'd imagine that VNs aren't typically popular there (correct me if this is wrong).

>Not to mention how unlikely it is for 10ish people to make and fill the literally hundreds of 4chan threads during the past month.

Not all of them, obviously, but we can't rule out the possibility that they're still at it.

>> No.2616197

Right... I assume you haven't been on 4chan for too long, since you seem surprised KS received disproportionate amount of attention, compared to the fact that it's a pretty mediocre DEMO of a VN and then proceed to attribute it to crackpot conspiracy theories.

KS project is popular, because it's a part of 4chan. It started here, many many anons threw around ideas or contributed in some way. There has been a thread every now and then about it for the two years it's been in developement. Almost every time there was a new blog post, there'd be a thread on /jp/. Maybe it's not a 4chan project anymore but it's a part of "us" anyway. You either have no idea how Anon's mind works, or you are just stupid.

>> No.2616199

The only reason threads like these are remaining active is because you fags keep bitching about it. For fuck's sake, just hide the thread without saying shit. Don't give other people another reason to post in it. Threads will die easier that way.

>> No.2616202

That would suggest we ever wanted it.

>> No.2616205

I assume most of us were slightly interested for a while before we got sick of it. KSfags have outstayed their welcome.

>> No.2616206

Cool reply, bro.
I'm not even objecting to KS threads here. So I have no idea why you're yapping about the origins of KS and relevance to 4chan anons.

>> No.2616208

I support this poster.

>> No.2616210

Would you really prefer more threads about Touhou, Umineko, insertothervisualnovelhere, or /b/ refugee shit?

>> No.2616211
File: 44 KB, 232x330, NORG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support the Gardenmaster.

>> No.2616214
File: 267 KB, 700x700, 1241590970131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as there is a steady stream of fan material to keep us busy, I have no problem with KS threads. The excessive bitching about them only starts shitstorms and legitimizes trolling.

>> No.2616215

Yes, why not?

>> No.2616219

Alright, suggest some demos of BETTER vns then.
I'll be waiting. It has to be in ENGLISH.

>> No.2616220

I propose once this thread is over that we all stop responding to KS threads.

>> No.2616221

>I am this poster.


>> No.2616222

Headmaster or Gardenmaster, faggot?

>> No.2616228
File: 59 KB, 365x464, Cid1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always thought that Acrotomophilia is a pretty interesting fetish subculture, and I for one am happy to see KS threads entering the main stream. It's really an interesting study in human sexuality.

>> No.2616345

So how is this game, anyway?

>> No.2616352

ITT: Rage

KS clearly gets the Troll of the Year award.

>> No.2616376

Better than what you'd expect.

>> No.2616384

You're a KS dev, aren't you?

>> No.2616392

Ye- I mean no.

>> No.2616393

I thought the demo to be quite good, except for the Lilly route. Too early to say anything about the finished product though, naturally.

>> No.2616424

The demo didn't have a Misha route.

Therefore there is nothing to demo about.

>> No.2616433

I think you both are KS devs

>> No.2616440

KS > Touhou

>> No.2616483


Fountain pens > tangerines

>> No.2616491

gtfo, tangerines are the best
