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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 73 KB, 472x692, arisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2612961 No.2612961 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ doodlan' server.

1) Use this program http://wistinga.googlepages.com/oC11b72rv1.zip
2) Open the network window, and set a name
3) Connect to

>> No.2612970

Continuation of the program BOOF found last night.

>> No.2612978

No one cares. Why is it the worst posters always come in pairs? Jones / boof, sion/taiko, etc.

>> No.2612982

This one's up to 16, and I doubt it will fill up.

>> No.2612984

Get out

>> No.2612988

Just join or wait if Jones uploads the .wpe after the session.

>> No.2612990

I'll join if there are a lot of people.

>> No.2612995

Weird, it's all in Japanese, including the text that's supposed to be English

>> No.2613003

Sage for banned idiot posting again.

>> No.2613005

Last menu, pick English.

>> No.2613006

Cool sage, bro. You sure showed him.

>> No.2613007

6 now

>> No.2613009

its still broken~

>> No.2613012

No, you just still fail at ports, BOOFy my lad.

>> No.2613015

Never mind, figured it out. I accidental opened oc from my desktop which opens it through applocale.

>> No.2613018

what ports need opening...

id didn't work last time and i was hard wired.

>> No.2613026


>> No.2613062

ports jones?

>> No.2613103

Why the fuck is nobody drawing?? I feel like a douchebag just drawing alone.

>> No.2613119

I'm eating bro

>> No.2613130

But, you are a douchebag.

>> No.2613139

Don't feel that way anon, don't let that get you down. Just keep drawing, keep chasing your dreams!

>> No.2613162

Well, it's lagging too much, so I'll just go to SAI and draw something.

>> No.2613178
File: 340 KB, 2000x2000, canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing last night's wpe, wouldn't it be better if the artistically inclined anonymous sketched whatever they want in peace and without lag in SAI, Paint or PS and post it here?
It's only a couple of guys that can actually draw anyway.

>> No.2613184

No. Learn to draw first.

>> No.2613199

You got a point

>> No.2613211

Meh, it keeps crashing on me.

>> No.2613214

I'm really sorry. It seems it breaks whenever someone past 8 tries to draw.

>> No.2613227

It's fun to watch people draw, though.

>> No.2613233

The ports are open, yet I get this error message:

?????????? 10060.

>> No.2613234

So what now, Jones? What now?

>> No.2613237

>One of the things I like about Japan: Japanese pornstars.

Not really. And they usually seem to be hating whatever they're doing. And their straight pubic hair makes my cock shrivel.

Things I like about Japan, things I like about Japan...


>> No.2613241

It's a little hard to just randomly post doodles on here, inevitable "drawfag attention whore learn to draw less like shit" trolling and whatnot. That and actually drawing together at the same time is fun, since you see "oh hay somebody's drawing Saya, I wanna draw that too" so it's a little more fun. It's less about showing off proper art technique and more about socializing.

>> No.2613243

That would be because I stopped hosting.

Open to suggestions.

>> No.2613245

Oekaki board?

>> No.2613256

Original content (however sketchy) > Screencasting.

Actually, screencasting would be interesting. But Anonymous wouldn't let their privacy be breached like that. Oh, well.

>> No.2613258

Lemme know when the server's back up. Sorry for complaining.

Maybe make the canvas and number of layers smaller? You could make it more like paintchat, where there's only 3 or so layers, but everyone takes up a certain spot on the canvas. (That's what ends up happening in oC anyways.) I highly doubt we actually need 16+ layers.

>> No.2613259

>It's less about showing off proper art technique and more about socializing.

You think this is any better? Leave /jp/.

>> No.2613266

Can we get Eksopl to host a Paint Chat on his site?

>> No.2613267

i have a halo ce up

>> No.2613272


>> No.2613288

Can't, the number of layers can't be less than the number of users in "extend mode". I think that's probably the biggest problem- it had to load all of those layers for all of the users that connected. That, and the program wasn't designed for more than eight.

>> No.2613303
File: 3 KB, 177x107, Screenshot-openCanvas1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to get this to work.

>> No.2613310

Well, just make a regular 4

>> No.2613315

Oops, I just realised that you stopped hosting. Sorry.

>> No.2613320 [DELETED] 

1) Damn, that style is ugly.
2) I stopped hosting. Sorry, but please read the entire thread first.

>> No.2613319


Here's a link to an English tutorial on how to serve a paintchat from your computer. I can't do it because I have a router.

If someone has a webhost, you can use this tutorial: http://psychol-bob.deviantart.com/art/Install-paintchat-from-webhost-101781274

>> No.2613324

I'd do this if paintchat worked for me, which it does not.


>> No.2613331 [DELETED] 

I already did, and I even posted again to say so: >>2613315
Sorry, but please pay more attention first.

>> No.2613330

Have you tried paintchat when you're the one hosting? A lot of paintchats don't work for me, usually because the server is slow, but it has nothing to do with the actual paintchat program.

>> No.2613340 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I deleted that post for a reason.

>> No.2613347

I haven't. Guess I'll download paintchat and try it.

>> No.2613372

Guys, I'm trying to host with OpenCanvas. Try connecting to me:

>> No.2613397

Can't run the PaintChat.jar, which is strange since my Java is up to date.

>> No.2613426


Are you sure?

>> No.2613456

Unfortunately, the program crashed. I'm not sure what happened.

>> No.2613471

Let's just find a random empty paint chat. I will look for one

>> No.2613477

I tried to connect repeatedly. I got a list of names, in which I'm pretty sure I saw yours, but it would just disconnect instantly.

WTF man, wtf.

>> No.2613479



>> No.2613482

You have the recommended Java installed (Version 6 Update 13).

>> No.2613491

But this one doesn't work.

>> No.2613528

has anyone figured anything out?

>> No.2613556


This one is empty, and it loaded fast for me.

>> No.2613595


get in here

>> No.2613613

Good one, and empty.

>> No.2613624
File: 83 KB, 1132x579, DASD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anons only artistic talent

>> No.2613638
File: 70 KB, 509x550, ANONYMOUSJONESAGE4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons only artistic talent
I drew Jones yesterday.

>> No.2613681
File: 45 KB, 500x800, Renko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, have you found a good paintchat?

>> No.2613682
File: 9 KB, 431x327, currybuttbirth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Birth of CurryButt.

>> No.2613686

Everyone is here


>> No.2613693

Wow. That's the most graphically realistic depiction of currybutt evar!

>> No.2613697

It seems it's full of retards, there's no way one can draw something good in there.

>> No.2613708
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 0337427388a780_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, fukken saved

>> No.2613718

We just can't draw. You can erase all of our shit if you want.

>> No.2613745

It's like I'm really in /b/!

>> No.2613752

It's full of trolls and general faggotry right now. It's impossible for anyone to actually draw.

>> No.2613757

Well, they all came in there through this thread.

/jp/ is so shitty.

>> No.2613766

Yeah, these people came from /jp/...that's the most depressing part. I thought /jp/ was full of cynical assholes, not /b/tard NHURR HURR DOUBLE NIGGER JEWS SUCK LOLOL shitheads.

>> No.2613768


JEWS DID 9/11!!!

>> No.2613774

It's OK, we all blind ourselves from the truth sometimes.
However, jews do suck.

>> No.2613776

Maybe we just like trolling YOU

>> No.2613799

I drew a half-way decent Japanese bird and it got erased.
Also somebody started real art and that got scribbled on.

>> No.2613810

You got paintchat to work for you?

>> No.2613815

>got scribbled on

What a faggot. We need a place where someone can kick them off.

>> No.2613845

Trolls are using names they find in this thread and imitating them in the chat. I'm pretty sure somebody's pretending to be SlickDenis.

Anyways I left because it's completely overrun by retarded /b/ trolling.

>> No.2613861

Not bad.

>> No.2613876

i was gonna draw some toehoes but yeah, too many retards.

>> No.2613880

its a shame this didn't work. its a good idea but seriously, people fagging it up.. ugh.

>> No.2613886

Which channel are you guys on now?

>> No.2613892

I'm depressed now.

>> No.2613906

Well if anyone knows how to set up a dedicated and moderated paintchat, I have webspace available

>> No.2613914

check here:


also in some replies below that. it tells you how to set it up. please do, and mod /kick fags that come in, because im looking forward to this if someone'll actually host it.

>> No.2613919

the annoying faggot said that he will leave if we draw him something fappable...

>> No.2613941

yea, but other annoying faggots keep drawing ALL OVER THE EVERYTHING and clearing, so even if someone could, its impossible. jesus, someone set up something more private.

>> No.2613957

Fuck that faggot

>> No.2613960

i hope this gets set up soon. this is more than mildly enraging.

>> No.2613972

Feels like high school, man. Some bullies used to make me draw hentai promising that they won't beat me up.

>> No.2613969

What happened to all the other paintchats we had available 6 months ago?

>> No.2613982

Well I fail, I'm not set up for SSH at the moment. I'll sort things in a weeks time.

>> No.2613983

All dead.

>> No.2613992


Some fag posted on /a/ about this

>> No.2613993

Jones, delete this fucking thread please. We don't need anymore people.

>> No.2614000

Feels bad man ;_;
Sai, any chance you sketch some more stuff out? A Patchoulie is fine.

>> No.2614003

This is why we can't have nice things

>> No.2614003,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking depressing

>> No.2614003,2 [INTERNAL] 

I-it wasn't really /jp/, guys! ;_; Some /b/tards just found our thread. ;_; Right? Right?

>> No.2614003,3 [INTERNAL] 

It was posted in /a/.
We got insiders.

>> No.2614003,4 [INTERNAL] 

Archive returns only two hits that were ignored and deleted promptly.

>> No.2614003,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2614003,6 [INTERNAL] 

It was also posted in /r9k/.

>> No.2614003,7 [INTERNAL] 

That's a more reasonable explanation.
