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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 56 KB, 864x480, saki-01-large-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2610797 No.2610797 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2611042

I can't, I'm low on taco power.

>> No.2611050

I'd like to learn to play sometime, but it's got so many damn rules.....
I wonder how many unique hands there are overall....

>> No.2612257

I'm on.

>> No.2612280

Who's up for red fast?

>> No.2612482

ahh a tenhou thread
all right

>> No.2612489

Serious question... what makes this any different from playing Facebook poker?

>> No.2612497

It's not poker for one thing.

>> No.2612504

This is not Facebook
You don't need to have a face to play.

>> No.2612515

Serious question... what makes this any different from playing Melty Blood?

>> No.2612528

Holy shit Zodd!
3baiman dato?

>> No.2612533

Button mashing is much more effective in Melty Blood than in tenhou, thanks to the yaku thing.

>> No.2612594

lol abe u mad?

>> No.2612619
File: 20 KB, 753x584, 1240073833973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Japanese, which automatically makes it good and awesome and fun!

>> No.2612625

Mahjong is Chinese

>> No.2612628

Not Tenhou's riichi mahjong, dumbass.

>> No.2612696
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>> No.2612711
File: 74 KB, 540x585, yung_joc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah Joc is African American. What now!?

>> No.2612729

Which way do i even read?

>> No.2612742

People really need to stop comparing mahjong to poker. It's more like rummy. Mahjong doesn't even have betting in rounds during the game, it's nothing like poker.

>> No.2612749

What the fuck people. How hard is this for you to learn? You can learn the basics in 5 fucking minutes. JUST MATCH FUCKING TILES. It is not that difficult

four sets of 3 of a kind and 1 pair
seven pairs

ta-da simple

hell you can even go 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 5-6-7 7-8-9 and 1 pair

>> No.2612758

thanks I'm out

>> No.2612789

Whats that hand called?

>> No.2612822

getting old 1/10

>> No.2612856

There are no hands in mahjong. They're called yaku.

And could you be more specific. There are 3 yaku listed there.

>> No.2612873

Just used to the American version with special hands like "heaven's grace" "5 odd honors" "civil war" etc. I don't remember ever seeing that specific ordering. You ever try to play this style with the JP they'll look at you funny.

>> No.2612907

where are the yakus? he didn't even list what tiles they are (pin,sou,man) and if its a open or closed hand

>> No.2612912

Pin-Fu, Ii-Pei-Kou

>> No.2612918

here' a pretty good guide:

>> No.2613032

This thread is the reason I rarely play with 4chan ppl.
Most don't know what the fuck they are doing and the rest are assholes.

>> No.2613041

Bump for more bros.

>> No.2613070

If it were that simple I'd have no problem, but I can never get a yaku.

>> No.2613072

get in tenpai, declare richii. simple

>> No.2613073

It should be obvious.


That's the only way the comic makes sense.

>> No.2613083

Riichi is work a yaku in and of itself? Cool, thanks, didn't know that.

>> No.2613084


Then stop calling. If you don't call you automatically get one for a closed hand.

>> No.2613091

only if you declare riichi

>> No.2613125

You'll want to relearn the rules for Japanese Riichi.

Hong Kong and Japanese style mahjong at least share most of the same principles and rules, but the Japanese style is much more intricate with yaku, riichi, dora, and scoring.
American mahjong, on the other hand, is nearly a completely different game that shares little in common with either HK, Taiwanese, or Japanese style.

>> No.2613141


Furiten is when your wait is something you already discarded? Or does it include what your opponents have discarded also?

>> No.2613147

only your discards

>> No.2613293


Only your own discards, but it also includes open waits. For expamle if you have a 4-5 and are waiting for a 3 or 6 and have discarded a 3 already you won't be able to ron a 6.

>> No.2613321

You can call pon on honors tiles and that's an automatic yaku.

>> No.2613342

You've lost me. So, you're in furiten, you've discarded a 3 on a 3,6 wait. You mean to tell me not even the 6 can't save the hand? Why's that?

>> No.2613349


If there is a tile in your pond that would complete your hand (even with 0 han), then you cannot ron.

Also, if you pass up a chance to ron, then you can't ron until after someone claims a discard, or you draw.

>> No.2613356


You'll also probably only get 2 han. Only really worth doing if you're trying to beat someone else to a win, or your hand is stacked full of dora and/or red fives.

>> No.2613370

OK, so it's not necessary to change your wait to get out of furiten. Now, is this someone taking YOUR discard or someone taking any discards that clears up the furiten?

>> No.2613376

or you're going for a yakuman

>> No.2613380

Then stop stealing tiles you don't need.

>> No.2613392

just hope for a tsumo or see if you can change your wait

>> No.2613417


No, that is only for if you pass up a chance to ron. It's to stop you from choosing your target.

If you're waiting on a tile in your pond, you're fucked. Change your wait. If you've riichi'd, then just suck it up and wait till the end of the round and eat the loss.

>> No.2613432

>OK, so it's not necessary to change your wait to get out of furiten. Now, is this someone taking YOUR discard or someone taking any discards that clears up the furiten?

To clear this up, furiten has nothing to do with taking discards.

If you are waiting for a tile in your discards, you are in furiten as long as you do not change your wait. If you are in riichi and pass up a ron, it is permanent as well.

If you passed up a ron while not in riichi, you are in temporary furiten, and can ron again when you discard a tile.

>> No.2613435


It's post like these that make me rage, even though I understand you're probably not much of a mahjong expert either. But DON'T! NEVER EVER! Tell a beginner to pon on a yaku hai tile. THAT'S ALL THEY EVER DO. Pon on Yaku hai and with luck with for 1000 or 2000 points. And again... and again. And then someone else wins with a man gan and all these wins were for nothing.

(e.g. you're in the lead and it's almost the end or you need to bump someone of the dealer's position)

It won't get you any points. It's like playing an open tan yao, nothing by itself. All it does is annoy the fuck out of more experienced players since if there is more than one person like this on the table chances are every game will be forced to go fast and mahjong loses a lot of it's appeal. It's not fun like that.

>> No.2613440

Thank you all for making sense of it.

>> No.2613560
File: 13 KB, 139x323, tenhou_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing in 0000 isn't that much of a different.
Most of time you have to count on tsumo to win and those japanese almost always pon on a yaku hai tile.

>> No.2613632

I always tend towards keeping my hands closed, because you can much more easily adapt your hand to future draws if you haven't called, and of course you'll probably get a much higher scoring hand if you win closed. I guess a lot of it's knowing when to open and when to stay closed and judging on those borderline situations.

>> No.2613715

Oh by the way, how do you register you name in Tenhou?

>> No.2613720

That's because most of them are just as much noobs as we are. If I had some money I'd buy myself an coount and play in the higher ranking rooms. Oh well.

>> No.2613740

Mornin /jp/. We're in a bit of a pickle right now. Anyone mind explaining what happened here
tl;dr 2 players get their points deducted after someone gets a ron.

>> No.2613749


It's a special penalty for Daisangen, the player who dealt the third dragon after someone had already declared two dragon pons is held liable for half the hand's worth even if somebody else deals into the hand.

>> No.2613852
File: 49 KB, 727x569, all honors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, this sucks.

>> No.2613905
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>> No.2613909
File: 58 KB, 729x585, dai san gen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game rocked, two potential Yaku Mans in three hands. And the second one comes true.

Well it helps that the guy that threw the chun was building a chin itsu and thus obviously was reluctant to throw away his tenpai this close to the end, but well... shit happens, huh?


>> No.2613932

Nice, I'm up to 4 kyu so far, it's my goal to eventually make 1 dan in there. It's much, much more difficult and strategy based in there. Although ronning one of the JPs for 24000 in the first round is an amusing way to make them ragequit.

>> No.2614002


There's got to be an unwritten rule that if you ragequit from Tenhou or elsewhere you're a fucking pussy. That's more of a general rule, I guess, but would someone really do that if they were playing at a table? pff.

>> No.2614048

Goddamn someone took my name again. I should have registered a long time ago.

>> No.2614167

Figuring out how to join games....

>> No.2614185

first number is how many waiting. second is how many playing.


>> No.2614192


Thanks. Reading it now.

>> No.2614205

You should hide Akagi's face and only show his nose.

>> No.2614243

It's still a Chinese game, you're just playing with Japanese rules.

>> No.2614276

Well yeah, and it's also shitty cause it just makes them autodiscard while they're gone. So its quite easy to have hands you'll never be able to complete, but on the plus side you have one player who can easily deal into your hand. Still, stupid.

>> No.2614414

Whoever Natsume is, you're freaking retarded.

>> No.2614453

I remember seeing the stats somewhere, only a couple hundred IDs qualify to play in the tenhou room. Getting to shodan is the first real challenge because you can actually lose points.

>> No.2614455

Some faggot over in /a/.

>> No.2614465

You pekokan?

>> No.2614475

I'm not Natsume but I apologize for being absolutely horrible last game, I just kinda played only half focused. It's fucking hto over here and I've been playing way too many games this morning... Time to take a break.

>> No.2614483

I've played 8 games and still won

>> No.2614501

That's good for you, but I can't seem to go on for more than 4 games.

>> No.2614518

You should drink energy drinks like Akagi

>> No.2614530

I feel like a proper game of mahjong should go on for six han chans and be played at night in a hot, smoke-filled room with some electric fans running.

>> No.2614544
File: 40 KB, 640x480, snapshot20080201003838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the fold-out chairs and old, grizzled men watching and playing.

>> No.2614564


Sure, if you want to get fan death.

>> No.2614652


What is that, death by fan? I've never been killed by a fan. I live in the shitty hot humid South and during the summer I leave a fan running while I sleep, and I've never died.

>> No.2614665

>I've never been killed by a fan.
Me neither. Then again, I suppose it would be a bit strange to have a following just for lazing around my apartment all day.

>> No.2614683

Know how many win you need to get to 1dan?
Also bump for players in 7447.

>> No.2614728

>What is that, death by fan?
Yeah. Fans cut up the oxygen atoms in the air so if you leave one running in a closed room for too long you will suffocate.

>> No.2614734

Fans don't kill people, chopped up oxygen molecules do.

>> No.2614885
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>> No.2614896
File: 116 KB, 802x622, yakuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, thought I sage'd there.
Next hand, the game sure is fair.

>> No.2614916

how is that worth 32000

>> No.2614928
File: 74 KB, 748x634, tenhou_gg5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg fapper.

Would be a close game if you didn't play into zzdd hand earlier.

>> No.2614931

>(Japanese: chīhō – 地和): Non-dealer only, closed hands only

>If a non-dealer is dealt 13 tiles that are one tile away from a completed hand, and then draws the fourteenth tile from the wall to complete it on the first draw, it automatically becomes a yakuman hand, regardless of its contents.

>> No.2614943

Don't you just love it when you're waiting for 2,7 sou and the guy to your left throws a 2 sou closed kan?

>> No.2614947

7 pairs without a single dora... 32000? what the hell?

>> No.2614959

Looks like Chihou to me.

>> No.2614967

Lol'd fucking hard.

But I still love Akagi

>> No.2614981
File: 238 KB, 728x620, owned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't give up tanyao, anyway.

>> No.2614991

I forgot what happened in that game even though I just played it.

>> No.2615024

bitches love to ippatsu tsumo your ass.

>> No.2615450

Need 2more guys at 7447.

Gonna go play in 0000 if no one turn up .

>> No.2616184

bump for players
and hoping for less disconnects

>> No.2616186
File: 139 KB, 640x480, 24zgenc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head BUMP

>> No.2616203

People in 7447 need to play less in the south round games and stick in the east-round only ones. Some of us don't have that long to play a game.

>> No.2616259

I tried
I gave it my best
I got to tenpai
wai wai!

>> No.2616267

The sand in hell is a magical sand

>> No.2616284


>> No.2616294

need more players.

>> No.2616300 [DELETED] 

You post fast.
If you're Spdwagen, than that was sand for us both in this game.
A hell a lot of sand. Poor waldo

>> No.2616311

You post fast.
If you're Spdwagen, then that was sand for us both in this game.
A hell a lot of sand. Poor waldo

>> No.2616359

Poor me indeed. There were two times in there that I was 1 tile from a yakuman and had to throw into someone elses hand.

>> No.2616377

I'm the guy who uses the nick Spdwagon
I don't know this Spdwagen...

>> No.2616406

What the hell happened to that game?
I was just disconnected for the, I don't know, 10th time and the game seems to be over, but I can't even watch the replay. How did it end?

>> No.2616411

Take it easy. It is not a 0000 game.
$1 won.

>> No.2616415

Spdwagon(+2) waldo(-41) AoA(+39)

>> No.2616416

I can't take it easy when I'm disconnected every 5 minutes and my winning tiles are discarded while I'm away.

>> No.2616422

beato(-20) AoA(+7) $1(+56) K-On!(-43)

I was damm shitty in that game, keep playing into people hand.

>> No.2616442
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>> No.2616448
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>> No.2616657


>> No.2616660

>beato(-20) AoA(+7) $1(+56) K-On!(-43)
can you explain me please how does +\- thing work? I just can't figure it out...

>> No.2616667

After the game is finished, the number of points which each of three players other than the winner has is rounded off to the nearest 1,000. The winner's points are the difference between 120,000 (30,000 × 4) and the total of these three players' points. The number of points is divided by 1,000, and 30 is finally subtracted from it. The sum of these final points is always zero. In most cases there are some additional points of awards or penalties related to the players' final place.

Example: The initial points are 25,000 each. A (winner): 43,600, B: 14,500, C: 15,400, D: 26,500, and rounded off to B:15,000, C:15,000, D:27,000. The number of the winner's points is calculated as follows irrespective of initial points: 120,000 − (15,000 + 15,000 + 27,000) = 63,000 (There sometimes happens the case like this. The result of the winner differs from 64,000 that was counted rounding 43,600 off and adding 4 × 5,000 (difference between 30,000 and initial points)). The final points and place: A:+33 (1st), D:−3 (2nd), C:−15 (3rd), B:−15 (4th). The 1st place is also counted like: (30 − 15) + (30 − 15) + (30 − 27) = +33.

tenhou has +20 +10 -10 -20 at the end of the game afaik.

>> No.2616734

you guys are awful

>> No.2616739

go easy on them. 7447 is a training room

>> No.2616752

And who are you?

>> No.2616823

The quality of 7447 seem to have like went up 3fold recently.
I used to win like 40% of the time last time but now I would be lucky to win by a small margin.
Last 10 games record

>> No.2616836
File: 79 KB, 640x480, thehell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone recommend a good book for learning Mahjong? I'd love to learn how to play but don't have the courage to ask all those Jewish women who play every week.

>> No.2616876

what's your average position and end points?

>> No.2616883

Games played: 151
Average end pt.: +18.556
Best end pt.: +87
Average position: 2.026

>> No.2616897


>> No.2616898


That's not even necessary. Just find a guide online for riichi mahjong with all the hands and principles of the game. And I'm guessing those women don't play Japanese rules anyway.

>> No.2616907


I thought it was the room for English speakers.

>> No.2616930

My games seem to be hit or miss. Either I play like crap or play really well.

Last 10 games were (latest first): 1st, 4th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 2nd, 2nd, 1st, 2nd.

Just registered a new name (ArisaP) so I have to build up some sort of record again.

>> No.2616994

Enjoy your 2 pages.

I was 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0 (disconnect, 2) in the last games, but that was just a lot of magical sand.

>The quality of 7447 seem to have like went up 3fold recently.
but there are still people like MOEjong or K-On! (and a lot of NoName) that don't even know the rules.

>> No.2617150


I do see a lot of people calling tiles for absolutely no reason, like I did the week after I'd just watched Akagi and wanted to learn how to play. Read the rules, people.

>> No.2617609

thank you.
I figured out how to count winners points... but I still don't get how to do it with 2, 3 and 4. Can you give me a more detailed explanation so I can understand, please?

>> No.2617703

Yeah, that's what I did when I first started out. I called out every tile I see.

Thing is, they don't have the experience to analyze their hands too well yet. You should already have a rough idea what your hand will be before you discard the first tile (and deciding whether to play open/closed due to that). Don't be afraid to take apart melds for 'safety', trust your judgment a little more.

>> No.2617798

A lot of people in 7447 need to read http://v3gas.navhost.com/mahjong/#part8 or something like it.

>> No.2618437

nvm, I figured everything out. thanks again.

>> No.2618945
File: 137 KB, 1280x1024, KOKUUUUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, which one of you bastards pulled off koku shimusou (13 orphans- Yakuman hand) on a poor sucker? :[ "selente" i believe.

>> No.2619145

Sorry guys, but I'm gonna have to autodiscard. I can't play with people who round after round grab 1000 and 2000 point hands while people who know what they're doing get fucked out of tenpai from a 16000+ one round after round.

>> No.2619153

7447 is shit. Full of faggots who can't play for jack shit and only pons.

>> No.2619162

u mad?

>> No.2619196

This is new how?

>> No.2619239


It's not new, but perhaps it's time to make a new lobby for "/jp/ players who know how to fucking play riichi mahjong" and let the morons pon and chi their little hearts out in 7447 all night long or something. Sometimes people here who know how to play would like to play against each other and not 0000s.

>> No.2619261


How about actually asking people to play? It isn't hard to ask a few people if they're busy or not.

>> No.2619266

You forgot the "taking 9 seconds to make every single move" part of new players.

>> No.2619268

While playing the game with people that know what they're doing is enjoyable, playing with "beginners" shouldn't change your playstyle, if they bumped off your Haneman+ they actually did a thing right.

>> No.2619272

I blame Saki for creating a new wave of players. It was probably the same around when Akagi came out. People will either improve their games or quit playing.

>> No.2619286

word. if your playing against people who do that then compromise a little on your hand.

>> No.2619292


Then I'd suggest only playing in the fast game rooms. Beginners won't be playing in there unless they enter without realizing the shortened time limit for dealing.

>> No.2619295

I think its a good thing we got a surge of interest. Might even lead to a /jp/ tourney.

>> No.2619312


A whole tourney with people that take 5 seconds to think? No thanks, I'll stick with my IRC tourneys.

>> No.2619343

>when Akagi came out

Nobody played Mahjongg on 4chan before that.

Well, they may have PLAYED, but there were never any "hey, let's play" threads.

>> No.2619403

now dont go being antisocial on a board made for antisocial ppl. Come on, show me that beautifull smile of yours.

>> No.2619444
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>> No.2619447

Well well I think 1000-2000points hand are valid strategy. But come on if you are down 10-15k you shouldn't be building those hand. Most of the time if a person got a mangan/haneman in the first round, it is easy for him to just win that game with every other person just making up 1k-2k to end the game.

>> No.2619450
File: 66 KB, 736x625, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn rage quitters. Quite a few of them on 7447.

>> No.2619461

That's the point, they aren't doing it because of any strategy, they go right off on round one through the end for those hands, even if they're 20k points down.

>> No.2619464

Damn it, I would have been in Tenpai if I didn't get overruled by that last pon, GGs everyone.

>> No.2619473

You were a good player. You and I kanned the fuck out of that other guy in riichi and ended the turn early that one time.

And gave me 12000 points :3

>> No.2619483


They don't realize that when you get a low enough score, you can get some magical sand.

>> No.2619487



>> No.2619513

These threads are almost as bad as the Melty Blood ones.

>> No.2619640


Oh, if I hadn't, I'd have gotten screwed. Was 3 tiles or so from tenpai at that point.

Also, GGs on that last game everyone. I think I may be done for the night.

>> No.2619683


Then maybe ignore them? I don't know, just an idea.

>> No.2619684


I'm pretty sure that I can't be happy with anybody that plays slower than 3 seconds of thinking time.

>> No.2619686

2moar bros needed to start.

>> No.2619792

Too many doras. GGs, I'm done for real this time.

>> No.2619799
File: 74 KB, 742x627, tenhou_doradora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the dora rabbit-b

>> No.2619975
File: 315 KB, 640x480, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a couple more here.

>> No.2620019

I can't read hands nor do I know the full extent of scoring, so I walked straight into that one.

>> No.2620117

I shouldn't have gone into riichi with that shitty hand. Oh well, GG.

>> No.2620153

nice one, rabbit

>> No.2620154

Yeah, the more people to play with the better. At least, for me.

>> No.2620155


>> No.2620169

I think that was the fastest game I've played so far

>> No.2620206

How fast was it

>> No.2620209

Good games everyone, I think I'm getting addicted to this. Does anyone know if there is a room with the numbered bonus tiles you set aside that you also see in Akagi?

>> No.2620218

I don't think Akagi had bonus tiles.

>> No.2620240

It was over by the 5th round. Scathe was unluckily leaking points everywhere.

It looks like I'm mistaken. Never mind me

>> No.2620250

Fastest I was in was 3 hands.

>> No.2620277

The gods of mahjong must hate me tonight ;_;

>> No.2620296

Fastest one I had was two hands.
First hand: I hit someone for 12k
Second hand: Me and another person double ron'd the same person for 12k/8k

That was funny.

>> No.2620301

He seems to be all out of magical sand these days

>> No.2620708

That was a good game

>> No.2620832
File: 96 KB, 742x624, tenhou_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were you thinking throwing the 3man when you are not even in tenpai.

>> No.2620851

I was pissed :[ I agree, you shouldn't play on auto when full flush is so obvious.

>> No.2620854

he was obviously going for a kokushi musou

>> No.2620880

look at the wall... there's no tiles left. he basically handed him Houtei Chinitsu. hence "not in tenpai" being a big factor. nevermind the fact it was the last draw.

>> No.2621295

Gah, my electric company sure picked a fine time to go out on me for a few minutes.

>> No.2621346

Need more players.
Come on I know there is at least 8guys idling there at the moment.

>> No.2621432


>> No.2621527

gg AoA.

>> No.2621540

nice uradora

>> No.2622555


>> No.2624307

Anyone up for a game?

>> No.2624378


>> No.2624447

Well that hurt

>> No.2624451
File: 61 KB, 728x620, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good game lol

>> No.2624457

Not a good game at all

>> No.2624480

your tears are delicious

>> No.2624491

I just got a suuankou so I'm not sad at all.

>> No.2624526

Ugh, thought I'd at least get a positive score that time. GGs

>> No.2624531

I'd love to join you guys, but I have no fucking idea how to play. That two page PDF just kind of jumps in assuming you already have a clue.

>> No.2624543



"so you want to play mahjong" is a decent explanation. I think it also has a few links to sites where you can the computer to get used to it.

>> No.2624555


>> No.2624582


>> No.2624597


>> No.2624719

That was the worst fucking game ever.

>> No.2624729

No you are just bad at this game

>> No.2624768


No, I had bad luck. No magical sand at all.

>> No.2624799

Hmm looking at the game again I see what you mean.

>> No.2625443


>> No.2625466

Protip: Making kans when someone riichi'd is often a bad idea.
Thanks for the uradora.
