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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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26067642 No.26067642 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>25960602

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)

DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)



>> No.26067645
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>> No.26068953
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Hey guys I think it's not impossible after all

>> No.26069308

Woah, this image...

>> No.26069988
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Oh look, another chef.

>> No.26070180

Is it just me or did they never hand out the mini Augustas from the last poll?

>> No.26070237

Yeah, they haven't. It's pretty probable that they'll be coming with next maint, since the 5th Pop Contest is coming too, but knowing dev tea, they'll just keeping pushing it back.

>> No.26070298

She'll be pretty broken for a mini if she has her AW ability so I kinda get it. Wouldn't be surprised if the new chef is just powercreep to replace her after they had to give her away for free. Either that or a ranged variant.

>> No.26071272
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>> No.26071392

>3 new banners in span of 1 week.
Bloody hell.

>> No.26071428

They aren't doing good I guess, I liked the girl event this time, I think her name is "Ursula".

>> No.26071457

I don't mind it, I think of it as buying discount 4* fragments.

>> No.26071511

Damn and I wanted to try to get the event girl, but now everything changes

>> No.26071582

The stained glass girl?
I think she's Saint Ursula, whom the Virgin islands are named after.

>> No.26071704
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EN Magicami is censored. This is their statement about it.

>> No.26071768

How unsuprising, its not like the publisher has a track record of altering h-scenes

>> No.26071861

In a nutshell, EOPs earn their fate.

>> No.26072100

>regressive japan is more free than liberal west
human race is a joke

>> No.26072126

What kind of laws force you to alter a translation?

>> No.26072144

the voices in your head telling you that pictures are the same as real humans

>> No.26072804
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If you still want swimsuits.

>> No.26076538

>Feedback has been negative so we're rejecting it
I hate this meme in companies where they only accept feedback if its super nice and positive.

>> No.26077091

What a joke. "Enjoy your memes for kids for your adult game. Audiences, right?"

>> No.26077784


>> No.26077810

I shouldn't have pressed post so quickly but these are sex scenes from chapter 5 and 6 in Magicami, apparently they got rewritten/censored?

>> No.26077898

Really just goes to show that the line given about "laws and regulations" is bullshit and they're just removing rape porn probably because Mindgeek wants it gone.

>> No.26080516

Some uploaded the Kisaku collab scenes but is it just me or did the idiot upload them muted?

>> No.26080579

Oh, and I can't believe they aren't animated, did they really expect people to pay for this shit?

>> No.26083841 [SPOILER] 
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Can I get some ideas or opinions on what team type should I go for next in Flower Knight Girl if these are the characters I have? I had some ideas in mind but I'd like opinions from other people if I can get some because I haven't decided what team "type" to go for next in terms of an act again party, a dodge party, and things along those lines.

I was going to finish building my counter team by picking up Tarragon via ticket but I read that free rolls weren't over on the day I was going to do that so I'm delaying it until the day the free rolls end to prevent any unfortunate accidents I might regret even if the odds of it happening are pretty low. Also most likely planning to go for Rarity Grown Hydrangea after I get enough stones to level her up so I wanted to consider my counter-type team done or mostly done with these two and wanted to start planning the next one.

>> No.26083916


At least someone else has a voiced version of Akisa.

Technically, Aka and Eriza's scenes have some animation to it. Although it's probably the reused same one (or at least very minor differences). I guess it's to make it more like the same 90s eroge feel that they are going for with static CGs.

>> No.26084521

It's even worse that these scenes will have their text censored or rewritten to be more consensual...

>> No.26084588

If the game even lives that long in english I can see them just skipping the entire collab and citing licensing problems, whether true or not.

>> No.26084741

It's really disappointing they chose to censor another game like this. Even for someone not into the mind break and corruption fetishes of these scenes, it still completely damages the story by how they're changed. The girls are supposed to be disgusted and terrified when they're first raped by the monsters, quickly coerced into it or willfully wanting to have sex. Every time the MC flashes back in terror to a specific "rape" scene it feels ruined by how I remember the English version showing them getting off to it from the beginning.

Why don't they stick to damn vanilla only games if they can't commit to the rape in games with mixed content?

>> No.26085169

Same could be said of them licensing loli-heavy games like Osawari and then censoring all of them (extremely poorly) and then DMCAing the change comparison gallery. And then almost doing the same thing with FKG after saying literally two weeks prior that they weren't going to be censoring games anymore.

I really wish people would just learn their lesson and leave Nutaku to die. It's never going to get any better. They're just going to keep doing this while siphoning money from people who don't know any better and leaving the best games on DMM to die so they can shill more western shit that's made in a week to cash in on the trend.

>> No.26085171

Do not know why people still get mad when all those things about Magicami were almost known beforehand the release or you could expect them to happen.

I am not trying to defend the game in any way because I dropped it after playing it for only 2 days but if you want rape and all that stuff, it would be better to play a game that is focused on that or simply watch hentai, to be honest.

>> No.26085201

>if you want rape and all that stuff, it would be better to play a game that is focused on that
So... Magicami?

>> No.26085263

>Do not know why people still get mad when all those things about Magicami were almost known beforehand the release or you could expect them to happen.
What is your point here? People picked up the game and they enjoy it in some shape or form. Finding out the scenes that haven't been released yet are going to be inferior versions that their Japanese counterpart is disappointing. I started Magicami a couple of days ago and got to chapter 10, seeing the 4 rape scenes the game gives us for free in the story. I knew something felt off about them but I didn't think too much of them. What I did take from those four rape scenes was that they were pretty short and just there for the story's tragedy scenes. I assumed that all the major dress and event rape scenes that are still only in the Japanese version right now will pander more that kind of content. Finding out that the story scenes were censored just tells me that one of the main reasons why I didn't enjoy them much is likely because the things I enjoy about rape and corruption scenes were censored out, and that the future scenes will get fucked the same way.

>I am not trying to defend the game in any way because I dropped it after playing it for only 2 days but if you want rape and all that stuff, it would be better to play a game that is focused on that or simply watch hentai, to be honest.
And what if we want a mix of both? What if we enjoy the vanilla as a lead-up to the rape and NTR scenes?

>> No.26085324

I would not classify Magicami as that kind of game for what I have played and seen plus previous thread agree on this.

Everyone has their opinion though.

>> No.26085366

Every story scene except the intro is rape.
Almost every tower scene is rape of or by the girl in question.
A huge swath of the dress scenes are rape, especially for girls like Seira.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Your "opinion" is literally nothing because it's just objectively incorrect based on a lack of information from, by your own admission, just a couple of days of experience.

>> No.26085377

Besides Magicami, Kamihime, and Taimanin; Are there any other fetish heavy game on DMM?

>> No.26085434

I guess you could just play the Kisaku game. Although it's very early 2010s.

>> No.26085579

>fetish heavy
Not anymore.

>> No.26085588

Don't know if this may help but you can try 2 games I had in mind.

Femdom + Succubus -> ミッドナイトガールズR -> http://games.dmm.co.jp/en/detail/midnightGirlsR/
Succubus + Huge/Giant Breasts -> 淫魔降臨デビルカーニバル (requires smartphone or emulator)
-> http://games.dmm.co.jp/en/detail/devilcarnival/

Speaking from my own experience, the first game is somewhat fun but the second one is complete garbage but damn the breasts...

>> No.26085705

About 30% of the Japanese version of the game is rape. That is by no means a small number, especially when plenty of them are unavoidable story related scenes. There are plenty of games built around the formula of pandering to both vanilla and rape audiences, while taking advantage of the fact that people who enjoy NTR love it when there are a bunch of vanilla scenes to lead up towards the eventual corruption.

>> No.26086138

I guess otogi

>> No.26086200

Are the MURABITOs still in full force?

>> No.26086338


>> No.26086636

I have my own idea of what rgument could be brought to change it back, but I am sure it would backfire in some fashion if the response isn't coordinated. Basically, isn't it worse to imply the girl is instantly ready despite the forced context ?

>> No.26086656
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I don't get why my connection to Aigis and specifically Aigis is garbage. My updates get stuck, I get disconnected a lot and I get weird errors but it suddenly all goes away when I use a VPN. I didn't have these problems last month or the months before and my connection to the other games or DMM itself is perfect, did anything change with the game? I hope I don't have to stick to a VPN forever if I want to continue with this game.

>> No.26086724

kys dumb raphy poster

>> No.26087016
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>> No.26087312

So what chapter in Magicami is when someone gets an animated scene with a dog? Saw a gif of it in sankaku

>> No.26087381

Dress story with Anubis Seira

>> No.26087477

Honestly if ENG MGCM gets to those points, I really wonder how they'll explain "getting fucked by a dog", "sudden monster rape that results in egg laying" and "gets drugged and raped in a bang bus".

I guess the last one they just remove all mentions of the drugs and rewrite it to make Seira a slut that wants some van sex but the other two seems a little harder to work around.

>> No.26087521

it's a man in dog costume

>> No.26087767

Wasn't that also in Kamihime's Cybele?

>> No.26088173

i hate risleys design and appearance but apparently shes really good and broken in gameplay for aigis?

>> No.26088245

This actually upsets me more than the "poggers yeet" stuff. Why would you go out of your way to ruin the mood of a corruption scene? It's still a rape scene at the end of the day, only now you've changed every character to also be an easy slut.

>> No.26088271

yeah, in some I guess, it's being awhile that i have seen the hscenes

>> No.26088349
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>Both bunny girls in the same roll
I won't say how many rolls I did, but I believe something bad is going to happen to me sometime in the near future. Guess I should be trying to roll dupes but last time I attempted that, I blew through my stash and got nothing. I'll need to farm for coins next time Aka gets the event dress.
Seems barely worth bothering with in sabbath without the lead passive, all the time gauge manipulation is on the SR Iroha.

So just like Kamihime, the translation completely changes the tone.

Half of Seira's stuff is tragic in some regard and her tower scene is the second one available.

>> No.26088770

Does Aka even have any rape scenes in the game for us yet?

>> No.26088855

Whose this "us"? ENG players? If we went by Japanese Gacha release order, the second batch, Military Girls, has her get struggle rape by a demon.

If you mean JP, pretty sure there's a few other than that. Even discounting the Oyaji-tachi Collab.

>> No.26088935

>Whose this "us"? ENG players?
Yes, I meant how much of the rape scenes for her do we have already, if any.

>> No.26089168

I really like how searching chinese zombie in the aigis wiki brings up Shu-Xian like it absolutely knows what im talking about

>> No.26089188

Glad I chose the JP version since I saw this coming as soon as I saw the word nutaku

>> No.26089364

None, the only rape in the game right now is the main story scenes.

>> No.26090225

2019 Evo Hanabi is rape in a daydream. Not sure about any other 2019 Evo dresses off the top of my head.

>> No.26090669
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Thanks. Do the girls know that they get raped in alternate worlds? I'm only on chapter 10 so far, so I'm not sure if it gets brought up. Feel free to spoil me if it does. From the videos I've seen of scenes in pornhub, some of the rape scenes look as if the other girls are watching it happen... or something like that. At the end of a couple of the rape videos there, the rest of the girls not involved in the scene appear at the end and either look shocked or sad. Here's one exampleL https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e1216a4564f6 and pic related of when it happens.

Do you guys know anything about this?

>> No.26090897

Not really, the stories are written in a way were they still make sense even if the porn wasn't there so the h-scenes kinda feel like they're in a vacuum.
Some times the h-scenes take place at the end of the dress story and kinda work in a "what happened after" soft of way and are no reactions. sometimes they take place in the middle of the story when it makes sense like the girl gets attacked or captured or something, after it ends and the story continues some of the other girls might show up but at best they react at how she looks "beat up", not really anything explicit about the sex.
The closest thing is the Babel Tower scenes, there the girls have a dream about an alternate timeline with an h-scene and at the end they talk a bit about what they saw.

>> No.26091202

I read somewhere in the last thread that at chapter 12 the universes or some shit merge. What's that all about?

>> No.26091299

It's a canonical explanation to why PVP/Sabbath can exist in the game basically. The opponents you fight are basically magical girls from other timelines.

>> No.26094938

Thanks again. How far are the first actual NTR/cheating scenes that I've heard people talk about? I knew blue hair gets some kind of cheating with in a wedding scene, right?

>> No.26096387

That only came out recently so it will take a while to show up in EN.
Reindeer Seira on Christmas also has kind of a cheating scene but they don't really put much focus on it.

>> No.26097176

So as someone on the JP side and hasn't been keeping up since the Riri Arc, do they ever explain what happened at the end of Chapter 12? While you can assume that Kamisamaman somehow manages to put everyone back into their proper dimension, do they retain the knowledge of the Room and Tobio? At best, it seems like they remember her since she got them to rescue Omnius from the other dimension. Speaking of which, does Tobio still remember her as Isana?

>> No.26097892

I think the devs only had the story planned up to chapter 12, right now they're just buying time going around stuck in a different universe and giving each girl their personal chapter to coincide with their 2020 dress release, they don't explain anything new about Isana or that was still unexplained by chapter 12 and stuff that happened there like the girls being in the white room or recognizing Tobio gets totally ignored.

>> No.26103009
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>> No.26103965
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I like how it took nearly a year to add buff and debuff timers

its gonna be funny seeing Techcross ignore all these quality of life changes when they make release a new game and scrap Ayarabu

>> No.26104098

Game should be doing well enough since they haven't started spamming free rolls out of their ass like Unitia.

>> No.26104494

You're planning to roll the Grisaia banner?
I'm rolling the poorfag banner once a week though.

>> No.26104722

The game hasn't reached Unitia level of dying yet until they start giving out 140 free rolls for "returning players", 5* tickets, 5* character pick tickets and old 5* seasonal limited as event rewards.

>> No.26104879

Which gacha game is the most /d/? Taimanin?

>> No.26105067
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This thread needs more top tier fashion.

>> No.26106582

This for the coming chapter?

>> No.26108636

Why did they remove the 3-star, 4-star and 10 roll tickets in the raid boss shop in Ayarabu?

>> No.26108939

They claimed that they already added more ways to get those tickets (tower, union, expedition), so they remove them from the shops so players can spend those raid tokens to buy other things.
Yes it's fucking bullshit excuse.

>> No.26108988
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>> No.26110981

It's just her 2020 design. Been in the OP since pre-launch.

>> No.26111938

Are you good at this? Can you give any tip on the boss raid mode? How do I build a team to reliably kill the boss at level 35?

>> No.26112732

It looks like you have a lot of top tier damage dealers so probably just that.

Something like debuff and solar are like counter in that if you're far from a team of 5 they're just not effective. Good non-RG 6*s are hard to get for those in the first place.

Dodge doesn't really have much survivability compared to counter, especially after two turns. That means you also need damage. So unless you have meconopsis or something, might not be worth it.

Definitely get a otk/burst team though, built around wheat or xmas dusty miller, to at least deal with the bosses that just remove your defence entirely.

Also I can't remember all of these flower knights or their abilities just by their icon so you didn't exactly make it easy for someone to respond.

>> No.26112964

>Also I can't remember all of these flower knights or their abilities just by their icon so you didn't exactly make it easy for someone to respond.
I thought it was normal to just screenshot your box of characters when asking for help in any game so my bad. How should I have asked then or what should I show?

>> No.26113864

Well I'm not saying there aren't veterans that would know the roughly 700 (+ more, is it bloom art or is it a skin?) icons by heart, it'll just make it harder for you to get any responses, especially in a relatively inactive thread like this.

It would be great if you had the names, granted this game doesn't exactly make it easy to get.

>> No.26117864
File: 120 KB, 680x383, EfMMkf3VAAI3Yjo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this game so popular?
I mean it doesn't look like something that would sit in top 3~5 for so long.

>> No.26118993

They pay for it, the game itself doesn't make any harm since it literally plays itself and new units are usually locked through a paid gacha.

>> No.26119333

I didn't know publishers could pay for a trending ranking boost. I guess that's how some relics from the past like Sengoku Princess G and Idol Wars Z are popping up in top 10 sometimes.

>> No.26125549

Now imagine trying to find games without a focus on penetration.

I think it's more that it nickel and dimes the player and Japan doesn't seem to have a problem with paying to get that shit out of the way.
But it really fucking died off after that extended release maint to add more servers. I couldn't even bother to keep up with it until Tsukuyomi showed up just because it had a vram leak and I'd have to restart my browser to clear it. And the nonstop cycle of improvements to try and see +100 increase in stats is a chore.

Idol Wars Z is IAP only for anything new and pretty much the only way to get the highest rarity, since those aren't included in the normal ticket pool, and the limit break item for the highest rarity is also nearly impossible to get, so dupes are preferred. Usually when they celebrate hitting rank, it's because iOS of all things reached top 3.

>> No.26125566

I know that, I'm just asking if we're getting it for the next chapter.

>> No.26125696

>Now imagine trying to find games without a focus on penetration.
Deep One, half the scenes are foreplay or masturbation.

>> No.26128461

Seems very likely. Next chapter's Dress drops are all Hanabi's.

>> No.26128485

You weren't supposed to answer that
Maybe the issue is that most games only give the one scene per girl/outfit, so they go for penetration and don't bother with anything else.

>> No.26129275

Honestly, I get it. If you only get one shot with a character, I would rather them do penetration rather than anything else. Especially if there's little chance for them to get another version. If you got multiple chances with a character, you can experiment with different sexual acts.

>> No.26129322

eiyuu senki on android started crashing on me for no reason since a day or three ago, I tried reinstalling it but it's still crashing on me
has this happened to anyone else?

>> No.26129471

Fine on my end.

>> No.26129569

english magicami never had a chance
garbage localization and tranny discord devs

>> No.26129711

It gets worse, the head mod personally warning one of the first anons who posted the image about the censorship on their discord, using [current year] buzzwords >>>/vmg/118268

>> No.26129749

>rape culture
Nah, that's more like a 2015 buzzword.

>> No.26129759
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forgot pic

>> No.26129772

Did these retards even look up what game they got their hands on? There's a fucking train grope/rape scene, gangbangs and so forth.

>> No.26129827

Probably only saw that it was very popular and thought they could trick the nutaku normtards, or that they had to do it because nutaku normtards are vanillafags who loudly screech at anything not vanilla.

>> No.26130106

Mist Train is live, I think.

>> No.26130284

is 野生少女:失われし楽園 worth picking up?

>> No.26130367

thanks for sharing anon
jesus christ, fuck nutaku
leftism is a mental illness

>> No.26131011

Failure to distinguish fantasy from reality and censorship has no political bias so you can stop acting as if only the left is against perceived sexual deviancy.

>> No.26131230

>Bow Chef
>Magic Chef
>Chibi Chef
Is using a chef the new meta?

>> No.26131301

It's still in pre-reg here. The new banners do mention that it's about to go live though. Probably sometime next week or around the time Ove Generation closes, since it's basically its replacement.

>> No.26131424

The reaction from both the perpetually offended and the braindead masses makes me want to keep Japanese media protected and untranslated.

>train grope/rape scene
That was actually as a result of that Kaori purposely seeking out that specific train car for that experience, based on what she found/posted on some message boards.
But Seira's tower scene is going to be completely butchered.

>> No.26131829

Hell, would the double-standard of shotas be in effect? If lolis are a no go, would shotas be out too? So Seira's Reindeer Dress and Aka's Tower scene are probably out too.

>> No.26132561
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>> No.26132606

That's 2/2 collabs in ayarabu with collab girls having breast envy over the ayarabu girls.
It's one thing if it's someone like Kazuki being sulky but Amane and Ruine don't magically stop having huge honkers just because Daikokuten's tits are bigger than my head.

>> No.26132774

Does anyone have a clip of the dog scene(not gif) of Seira and also the dolphin one in Kamihime. Since some guy uploaded 2 of those videos to Pronhub and got inevitably removed... Now the only thing I could find in the net are their Gifs

>> No.26133396

If you know the pornhub link, you can check https://web.archive.org/ to see if there is a previous version of the web saved.

>> No.26133429

I think this line graph is fake.

>> No.26133845

Yeah the increase after english translation isn't steep enough, and it isn't taking into account the projected increase in retard acquisition rate after ttanslation which still always manages to be outdone.

>> No.26134059

Who's the bow chef?

>> No.26134761

>Failure to distinguish fantasy from reality and censorship has no political bias
Nope, it's pretty much an exclusively left-wing thing since 2012. Right-wing puritans are not a problem anymore.
Nutaku's main office and management is Canadian, which is already a dead giveaway about their general attitude towards political censorship of "problematic" fetishes.

>> No.26136324

Thanks for the tip, but in the end the site still couldn't find them

>> No.26136955

Anyone here playing Deep One?
What's your opinion on the game?

I started playing it recently and I have mixed feelings. I like the fact they decided to fully voice the story. But the story itself feels so needlessly complicated, them throwing chuuni terms and organization names left and right doesn't really help. Does it get better?
Are SR characters viable? I assume the game is mostly about dishing out big numbers so I was wondering how hard every lower rarity is outclassed by SSRs. Is the power difference big to the point it's necessary or is the content not that difficult by itself?

>> No.26137027

try this anon
I remember seeing the dolphin one weeks ago

>> No.26137798

I don't get why they have to always have an event running with zero breaks in between. I simply can't be arsed to read sometimes. I also hate how there's a limit on strengthening materials which means I have to keep using them up just to continue grinding.

>> No.26138116

I never played the original eroge but maybe all those terms and organizations are mostly as references to it.
I'm up to the second chapter and the story doesn't really feel complicated, they're just going around looking for Nakoto and how to get out while dealing with the recurring villain and a bit with each girl's personal problem, same with the events' stories, pretty standard stuff for this sort of game, I like the limited cast and how you have some actual characterization and growth in the relationships between the girls, compared to games where they just add a new girl every event and ignore the old ones.
It's easy to get LB items for SRs and since the PvP is full of teams with a single girl and most of the events easy to clear I'd say they're viable, the hardest content is stuff like the current event, a boss battle that gets harder, without some good SSRs you might not be able to clear the EX and Challenge difficulty levels, so you miss out on some items but you can still clear the missions and get the free event SR and copies, they also recently added a 50 floor event where you could have trouble with the last few floors but it's not a timed event so you can clear it once you get a strong enough team.
They kinda fixed it by sending items over the limit to the 倉庫 as long as you're below or right on the limit, but for some retarded reason if you have more than 300 on either type of strengthening material you can't do a quest, even if if that quest doesn't drop the type you have over the limit.

>> No.26139012

At least for Seira, there's still two videos of her Anubis dress still up on pornhub. Although, one of them is hidden behind Japanese IP only, I think.

>> No.26139775

if you asked me then it feels like this thread is only ever alive when everyone is complaining about nutaku magicami
are the other games that terribly dead?

>> No.26139818

It's /jp/, anon. The board in general moves at a snail's pace, ignoring certain threads full of crossboarders.

>> No.26140120

DMM and nutaku general was never that fast even by /jp/ standards.
People used to discuss Aigis, FKG, Kamihime, ES:WWX and jp Magicami a lot. At least a lot compared to other games.

>> No.26140145

now its only ever magicami en with all the other games being buried

>> No.26140317

Because there's crossboarders currently in the thread (which also their novelty is quickly fading away after realizing how shitty EN localizations are), without them this general is pretty slow but as someone said earlier that's the board's nature.

>> No.26140413
File: 1.17 MB, 870x1039, 1592446543885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of other dead games, who's going to be memed to 1st in the Aigis popularity poll? I'd love to see Reflet there for a chibi reflet if you ask me considering she's the perfect mix of cute and busted.

>> No.26141077

Found it! Thank you so much for this, anon. Wanted to see the English version of this scene as well but beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.26143579
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Preferably someone who isn't there just since the players want her for free, but that's probably asking for too much.

I'll be happy if either of these two make it to the finals.

>> No.26143662

I dunno if I want a chibi Reflet. She's barely used outside of Tower, and from what I've seen of Tower videos, Reflet strats are stupidly tight on timing and whatnot so having her lose a good chunk of stats seems fatal.

>> No.26143860
File: 912 KB, 847x1200, 1573559911270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked Reflet not because I wanted a chibi of her but because she seems to be a good balance between actually great in gameplay and super cute so it feels like she might actually have a fighting chance from the characters I like.

Otherwise I'd be rooting for the demons like >>26143579 and hoping Esnea wins but I don't think she's good enough in gameplay for people to want a chibi of her. Who would you pick if you had the choice for who gets the chibi?

>> No.26144070

>Reflet strats are stupidly tight on timing and whatnot so having her lose a good chunk of stats seems fatal.
I can confirm this as a Reflet owner since a week, it looks good on paper, but then you lose a single floor 16 times in a row while your Reflet is minmaxed.

>> No.26145504
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>> No.26146408
File: 1.26 MB, 638x690, 3576869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was last year, look at the difference between 2nd and 3rd.
I'll probably vote for whoever I want to reach 10th for pop gacha.

>> No.26146553

>that 2 and 3
Dont give me hope anon because polls never end the way I want them to end

>> No.26147147
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>> No.26147690

>part of a DMM pack
No wonder I didn't see her

>> No.26147822
File: 273 KB, 502x811, 0995e428f2be10bfb562de17f59bac86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always sad when a revival has two units and none of the Bonboros are for the objectively cuter one

>> No.26148070

I mean, right now I'm only playing MGCM and 神姫 but there's never really much to discuss other than to occasionally laugh at EOPs.

>> No.26153524

Do you need like level 100 and max unlocked seals (the menu where you spend the dragon gems) shikigami to run that expedition? I'm stuck at the 3 3* tickets one.

>> No.26153595

Is it worth spending SC to clear the gazillion revivals up right now on aigis?

>> No.26153627

no, you just need to MVP your luck and have expeditions at rank 8
I got 24hour ones with 4* uncap items at rank 6 but since I hit rank 8 the best rares I got were the ones with 500k exp and 3* tickets.

>> No.26154311

Nah. SC is finite and unless you are rushing, it's not worth it given how frequently they run the revivals.

>> No.26154918

The Harem Gacha for the Collab in MGCM is out. Looking at the previews on the Fanza main page (https://p.dmm.co.jp/p/netgame/top/bg/200911_bg_671714_j8ogWF.jpg)), it looks like if you would want to get one, it's certainly the most profitable of the bunch.

Looks like it's one of those large pictures that they scroll around like in Babel or Events?

>> No.26155406

3000 paid gems
~1 oz. of silver for one scene (+some dresses with the standard shit rates)

>> No.26155919

Yeah, not sure what they were thinking when limiting to paid gems.
15000 gems for just 5 scenes. Budget nukige are under 3000 yen and can have 15-20 scenes a pop.

Hopefully they take that money and do more quality scenes like Shinsengumi Kaori.

>> No.26156107

There's a good deal of SC you gain from the special mission kills so I'd use enough to collect those at least. Also the Fes at the 10,000 kills reward.
Last time I blew a bunch of SC at the last vote and I think I went past the 300 votes limit to collect them all, so this time I'm trying to just collect them all, especially with the reward unit being a black and all.

>> No.26156120

Could someone post the new aigis lewds please?

>> No.26156361
File: 1.21 MB, 1149x648, ayakashi expedition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It becomes like this, I don't know what I should do.

>> No.26156680

To be more precise, you need to clear the special kill mission at least 34 times to get the final 10,000 reward (or 20 times just to collect the SC), which you need at least 510 votes to enter the mission enough.
The mission gives you some votes back, and you also get a free vote every day, so essentially you need to spend 430 stamina within the next two weeks to manage it.

Natural regen only nets you a good ~331 before the maintence hits (and any you had pooled before the event started), so assuming you don't let your stamina cap once during the event you still need to blow some stamina refills to cover the missing 99.

Of course if you don't care about the Fes or the other exp fairies and goodies, or maxing out the complementary black unit, you can just collect the 15 SC from the first 6k kills with your natural regen, but I personally think the event is pretty rewarding in itself so I don't mind using a few crystals for more stuff.
Just do it slowly as your charisma allows so you don't have to spend any extra SC for charisma refills.

As for clearing all the revivals, personally I'll probably just aim to farm the few that I'm actually going to use the unit from so I gain enough Bonboris to make them useful. They'll come again later anyways, and I'm fed up with filling my barracks with units I never use.

>> No.26156734

Douzo lad.


>> No.26156753


>> No.26156782

Dear lord that triple blowjob. Kamaitachi is now my favorite class.

>> No.26156952

Searched really hard and still couldn't find the remaining two you mentioned

>> No.26157013
File: 371 KB, 591x450, blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell is up with the blue rarity anyways? I see that it exists but I've never gotten a single unit from it.

>> No.26157076

Serial Code

>> No.26157089

Sapphire rarity is exclusive to merchandise and nico premium purchase when there's a stream, they're in between gold and platinum rarity.

>> No.26157147

I think Anubis Seira is should still on someone's Mega.

>> No.26157170



You couldn't find these two?

>> No.26157258

Alright. Thought they had an extra rarity in the past which they just gave up on.

>> No.26157695

I did, but of course I only get a "this video is not available in your country message" despite using VPNs

>> No.26159842

Even Japan VPNs?

>> No.26160090

Petite's translation of both H-scenes for the Canaria sisters. https://pastebin.com/raw/3BwtT2JW

>> No.26160118

Nvm, mobile VPN(even in japan) didn't work but PC one did the trick, Thanks a whole bunch, really grateful for it!

>> No.26160531
File: 179 KB, 1200x675, EhnovbnUMAARnJf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mist Train confirmed for the 15th or 16th.

>> No.26161652

mist train reminds me of the ads I keep seeing for mist train girls on my twitter from the people I follow

>> No.26161834

uhhh it's pretty obvious what to do
you just use your highest power rating shikigami for the rank up expeditions
raising the bonus chance has no effect on the main reward, it just has a chance to double the extra tickets, and even then it caps at 50%

>> No.26164375

Thanks anon, now I will go back to stealing raid boss

>> No.26164450

Can I toss Fes/Musica at hero units in Aigis or does it HAVE to be hero spirits to skill level them up?

>> No.26167573

Hope the f2p gacha isn't as shitty as Otogi but I doubt it.

>> No.26167765

I thought Otogi is one of the most f2p friendly games on DMM?

>> No.26168613

It depends on what you consider to be f2p friendly. Otogi gives you ton of free gems and tickets, but the gacha is absolutely fucking awful, probably one of the worst on DMM, no guaranteed mechanic for f2p gacha, the rate is extremely bias toward old and outdated 5*, and since they don't show the actual rate up for their banners, no one can tell if it even has rate up in the first place.

>> No.26168833

Is that a motherfucking ugly bastard Eliza scene

>> No.26168854

>I was suddenly pushed down by the three Youkai sisters, who then indulged themselves in observing and toying with my son.
See; this is the problem with translation opposite of what Nutaku does.

>> No.26168894

My son sure is lucky getting three girls all to himself while his poor dad gets none

>> No.26168939

Let's not pretend like Petite was ever a paragon of Aigis translations. He's always been regarded as shit, so this kind of thing is expected.

>> No.26169143

who are the busted absolute must have units right now in aigis that have not won a poll before?
judging from the discussion above it seems that the strongest girls end up winning because players want them for free but who are those? I'm kinda new to this and dont know most characters

>> No.26169272

If the Gacha is anything like the pre-reg, I think the feeling of wanting to die will be high for this one (aka the usual shit with Otogi). Then again, HaseP is in charge of it, so maybe he can bring over some of that good changes that the FKG Gacha had.

If you mean top right, that's probably Tobisaku.

>> No.26169280

>who are the busted absolute must have units right now in aigis that have not won a poll before?
I think only Duo fits this now.

>> No.26169350

Tobisaku is a Chad.
But Eliza does have a scene fucking fat Tobio, you don't really see much of his body though.

>> No.26169361 [DELETED] 

Made for BBC!

>> No.26169387

wasnt reflet really good too? I always see people talking about her, wanting her or see her in videos for tower
and who is the girl that placed #3 here? >>26146408 is she good?

>> No.26169900

That's why you DON'T gacha on Otogi and instead pool your resources into Dice so you get tickets instead

>> No.26169929

Reflet is considered meta because she can solo tower floors for the highest scores. Yet to see her being utilized outside of that.
#3 last year was Charlotte, also good for some tower floors and very good subjugation/afk strategy unit.

>> No.26170084

blonde Minato Aqua is Char, not Charlotte, that's the daily revival plat magic fencer

>> No.26170335

Doesn't the same euphemism exist in English too, or have I just spent too long reading Japanese to not see a real problem with this?

>> No.26170478

No. Calling one's dick their son is a joke, not a euphemism.

>> No.26170697

As long as it's a thing either way

>> No.26170768

I mean you can call your dick pretty much anything but just because you can doesn't mean you should.

>> No.26172623

Anyone know the answer? Want to know before I buy a bunch of hero spirits from the shop

>> No.26172817

Not sure but if I had to guess they don't work

>> No.26172831

Kamaitachi are those weasel youkai things right?
When did they turn into girls?

>> No.26172851
File: 585 KB, 958x638, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 three-stars in 80 pulls.
Why can't I be lucky in magicami instead?

>> No.26172915

>Hero units can only be Cost Reduced, and Skill Raised via either their duplicates, or Hero Spirits.
Wouldn't go throwing a Fes at them

>> No.26173793

Filthy EOP here, please explain the phenomenon of fat Tobio and Tobisaku to me.

>> No.26173974

Everything that happens in Magicami is literally just parallel worlds and alternate timelines.

>> No.26174069

Most non-vanilla dress scenes happen with an alternate universe Tobio, I doubt anyone gives a fuck about self-inserting in this game and even if they did it's not like they would be ok with alts so I guess it's just a joke, and maybe to only pay one VA for all males.

>> No.26174322

So there's a universe where Tobio is a goddamn ugly bastard??
And he fucks all the magical girls anyways?
That is fucking hilarious.

>> No.26174844

I mean that's the point. The Magical Girls are bounded to him because they are all potential partners of Tobio from countless timelines. So no matter the Tobio, it's likely he's at least together with one of them.

>> No.26175800

>Djibril game after all these years
>Nothing but vanilla content

for shame

>> No.26175872

It's a bit different then that. He is creating a new timeline every time he fucks up and decides to swap over to another one, the old one is then absorbed into the new one. There may not be an infinite amount of different outcomes by default and more like all the MC's are individually creating new universes every time they fuck up. There likely isn't a universe where he's an ugly bastard because of this. Think of it like there having to be a one constant of the MC and the magical girls existing in a specific way and the parallel worlds are just different ways Omnis can go from that point onward... like a same starting point but infinite possibilities for endings.

>> No.26177877

I did some daily pachinko thing on DMM's site and won 200 exchange balls
you can exchange them into points but apparently i have to enter a phone number so I entered mine but I think it only accepts japanese ones
has anyone tried this using some kind of site online similar to guerillamail except it lets you get texts from a fake japanese number?

>> No.26177976
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>> No.26178272

>Skill timings down to the microsecond and gotta start from zero if you mistime anything

These reflet strats are some real stuff

>> No.26178480

With all events in MGCM almost done, what stage do you guys normally auto clear to kill stamina?

>> No.26178531
File: 268 KB, 850x1063, 1579122224615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I buy male affection items and toss them to White emperor and that other male collab unit from 7sins for easy affection SC? Assuming black male units give 5 SC at 150% too
Is there some strat to milking this as a SC source?

>> No.26178793

Black males do give 5 SCs. There's no real way to milk it since you're limited to 10 affection items a month from demon crystals. Easiest way to use them is to buy 2 white emperor copies per month.

>> No.26178961

Nah, that's just what he's doing as Omnius (hell, that's just the Omnius that we're following). There are still other timelines where he's Tobio that's completely separate from the current one.

>> No.26179188
File: 25 KB, 310x310, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I mean. Have we seen any timelines where he's fat or a different person? It looks like all universes follow one constant template but have different outcomes. Some of them he's omnis and gets to fuck around with universe hopping and some where he's just a normal guy, but there will always a Lily with pink hair and so on.

>> No.26179460

I mean, not in the English version maybe. In the JP version, we already seen a ton of Tobios and very different versions of the main cast. Like one universe where they are literally rabbits (that looks human) or one where they are pirates and the like.

>> No.26179551

My mistake then. That's interesting and kind of lame at the same time. If they're rabbits they might as well be different characters.

>> No.26179652

There is one where he is an orc, and you know what an orc does to a knight.

>> No.26179698

God, I hate when it's used like that. Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena has the MC transform or disguise himself as fat men for some scenes and it just defeats the whole purpose. Make it some evil orc or random fat guy. It defeats the whole purpose if its still the MC.

>> No.26179794

There's plenty of rape by random guys in Tower and Event scenes, dunno why they insist on using the MC for dress scenes.

>> No.26179810

It's more fun for them to come up with new versions of the MC, probably. It makes for fun versions like Tobisaku.

>> No.26179879

They must appeal to people who want to see the MC, sadly...

It's only fun if the alt versions are like the MC in any way. If it's just an orc that's supposed to be the MC what is the point? An evil version of a character is far more interesting than a random character sharing the same name as the person they're supposed to be.

>> No.26180029

You're getting it wrong.
Ominous takes over a timeline where his desires for keeping all of his girls alive is still possible. None of the girls have met Tobio until they complete Sabbath, he's just some floating cat that they seem to have a nagging connection to, like how he has an unclear but familiar memory from a girl's catch phrase.
But there exists timelines where the girl has met Tobio, and the circumstances for the girl or Tobio can be different each time. Kamisaman explains this too when she has to spill the beans, they're all girls Tobio is compatible with and share a possible fate with.

Because the setup/circumstances for tower is completely different. They're memories of someone that died and ended up in the tower but most of the time it serves as an uncomfortable potential outcome of some activity they're involved with currently.

>> No.26180148

For some reason, even when timing it right my runs still go wrong.
So I just gave up.

>> No.26180601

She really needs to buy a swimsuits that fits her.

>> No.26180962

It's their way to make completely fantastical and hot rape scenes. Though I'd prefer it if it was various forms of cosplay mindbreaking I'm not going to fault people for wanting their fantasy scenarios.

>> No.26181010

I does lead to some nice scenarios, I liked Rabbit Seira and how it reminded me of that "I just shagged a cow" doujin.

>> No.26181709

RoboTobio in Ifrit Ao's scenario was pretty funny.

>> No.26182024

Story maps to farm pajama dresses I haven't maxed out. There's not much else to do when no events are up, really, unless you haven't cleared tower yet.

I like the world where youkai exist and oni just casually wander into the forest to eat dick-growing mushrooms so they can jerk off or rape their friends as a form of entertainment.

>> No.26185710

Is nutaku the only place where they translate/localize hentai gacha?

>> No.26185835

Unfortunately, yes.

>> No.26186004

Oh okay, I'm looking for some pre-reg games to be a day one chad but I don't know nip so I would just give up.

>> No.26203550

I don't want to be one of thise guys but i havent played aigis in about a year and a half. So any signs of it dying or aigis 2? What are the new top tier blacks? Are any of the new AW2 any good? Any new mecahnics?

>> No.26205338

>Get black stone while rolling for char and get excited
>It's just the shitty nekomata instead

why does this game hate me so much

>> No.26212919
File: 1.69 MB, 1140x644, firethorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to NT-, I mean, 3P Ringo.

>> No.26213249
File: 5 KB, 480x480, Ed0Tcx2U8AAFI-i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could make a 4p with quincy

>> No.26215040

I would have to have her first. Guess that will depend on the rest of the month.

That and I probably have a sealstone I can use on it.

>> No.26220883
File: 1.42 MB, 1258x715, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they up the rates in mist train girls or something? I just got 5 SS dupes in a row

>> No.26221262

You'll only get one at the end of the pre reg anyway.

>> No.26222474

I don't have any expectation for the game, but somewhere deep inside I hope it becomes that "Priconne clone with porn" like Kamihime is to Granblue.

>> No.26224955

They upped it by 3x.

>> No.26243090

Not him but you only get to choose one? That's lame.

>> No.26243674

Does MGCM do reruns?

>> No.26243936

Nope. They eventually introduce ways to get old event units and scenes but they've never done a rerun.

>> No.26246268
File: 129 KB, 689x633, 1573911478519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of this game before but it looks pretty good

>> No.26257559

It got uploaded.
Still disappointing that's not animated but the voice acting is top tier, I think it's the most times they've made the girls say おちんぽ and おまんこ in all the scenes in the game and the おおお moans are great too, might have been worth the money for some seiyuu fags.
I'm actually hoping they do this again with the rest of the girls, maybe add more incentive for the rolls like a guaranteed UR or a adding some previous limiteds to it.

>> No.26258861

If they do it school by school, there's certainly a chance for 2 more times. I just hope that if they do another collab like this, you don't need paid Gacha to see everything, even if someone would probably upload it in the end.

>> No.26259175

I don't see them doing that unless they add event dresses or make the h-scenes drop on chance, they have to make money somehow.

>> No.26260222

What are the serial code things for Mist Train Girls and why do you get more than 1?

>> No.26260963

I specifically asked for more sloppy fellating sounds on the survey knowing that Tezuka Ryouko has done them in other games so I guess it's a half win.
Don't really care for them saying ちんぽ, but unbleeped まんこ usually gets me going.

Shinsengumi Kaori had really good voice acting too so I'm surprised they put her as the free event dress especially right after Raiha Kaori.

>> No.26261127

>tried Magicami
I don't really the 3D thingy so I guess I will pass that. Is the pre-reg game Versus Tales good?

>> No.26261188

no it's shit

>> No.26263777

Nope, Nutaku will fuck it up like usual.

>> No.26264154

Otogi already flopped once.

>> No.26265267

>Eithne #13

>> No.26265772

Bandit AW2 finally happened, but it didn't net Amanda any new art so it was all in vain.

The Devil King got killed, so in a sense they could launch Aegis 2 after the heaven arc gets done, but the game is still milking them money so it's pretty unlikely.

Pretty old news already, but there's the tower where you try to beat comparatively difficult stages with as little units and cost as possible for higher scores. Gives you daily free shit depending on your total high score.
I just want a mode that limits unit use to one stage only.

>> No.26270047

>Versus Tales
Wait, what the fuck is this? Is this just a remade Otogi Frontier?

>> No.26270393

First run bombed so they rename and relaunch it.

>> No.26270476

So was Otogi Frontier wiped from both DMM and Nutaku?
I remember playing it for a bit; was there any data transfer or other bonuses for previous players?

>> No.26270744

It's still alive on DMM, and is having 3rd annivesary event.
The one on Nutaku was a shitty old version of the game, and it bombed, the new one, which they renamed Versus Tales is more up to date with the DMM ver.

>> No.26270747

If you're on Nutaku, if you play Versus on the same account, everything transfers. If you played DMM, opening it should have a transfer code that you can use for johren and maybe Nutaku?

>> No.26270877

Oh, so it's a Nutaku thing only.
That's a very strange treatment - an EN-only reboot of a game that died. Never seen anything like this. Wonder who's the party desperate for gaijin bucks here?

>> No.26282369 [DELETED] 

is there a trick to farm story drop costumes in magicami or i just on hell and pray ?

>> No.26282483

is there a trick to farm story drop costumes in magicami or i just set it on hell and pray ?

>> No.26283137

More or less. I haven't really figured out a trick to it. I can go days without getting anything and for some reason the N ones seem to be the hardest to get.

>> No.26283587

>completing stages to see how far my team can get
>drop plenty of costumes , even 2 in the same drop pool 1 time
>actively farm the same stage for a costume
>absolute 0

>> No.26292426
File: 1.50 MB, 3120x1440, Screenshot_20200912-172349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good

>> No.26305033

Any annoying as heck levels when it becomes Hard mode? I guess if you don't off the Oni Seira lineup fast enough, they will Instant Kill you.

>> No.26310360

4 knight Ao was the most brutal at f45, if i remember right. after that, it went pretty smoothly

>> No.26327155

Using Solais and/or Reflet for most of these maps makes the game so much easier.

>> No.26330984

Solais is such a bullshit character for one everyone gets for free after a while of playing. Now you've got the chibi Augusta too to add to that list.

>> No.26331423

Are there any melee units that make the game a lot easier? Or are any of the other heroes good?

>> No.26332101
File: 429 KB, 1136x640, 1572828977544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest memory has the same same 125% max hp, but also increases defence by 10(30)%.

>> No.26332120

Can't say anything about the heroes, but Wendy is a pretty top-tier melee. Having a triple true damage AoE is useful pretty much anywhere, and since she won't die you can often just throw her at a tower stage alone and get a 85k point 2 star score from a stage you can't actually 3 star yet.

>> No.26333795

Whats the new event or what was the newest update? The wiki doesnt have it up yet

>> No.26338628
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>> No.26339204

Is it a gacha 6* or is it up in the item exchange?

>> No.26343897

kinda weird question
does anyone know if online i could find the cut ins that appear during magicami battle ? they remind me of persona ones and i kinda like them.

>> No.26349892
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They're busted, but mostly for very long maps.
Who's a free unit that's good early on?

>> No.26361628
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>> No.26368975
File: 181 KB, 1024x512, NP200915tfn150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eiyuu Senki or Hero Senki has a new way to calculate character's powers which has increased most character's power unless they had a lot of HP like Kirinoe.

My team went from 25k to 35k power wow.

Also, new banner.

>> No.26369196

Hero, the only male character, seems to be the one with most power at the moment with around 7k of all the characters I own at least.

Second place is a well deserved Achilles with around 6.8k.

Does anyone has a higher character's power than these two? This will be very helpful in arenas events because a team with higher power means more points earned.

>> No.26369315

I hope this carries over to Arena then and not that they nerf the points to adjust to the new Power inflation.

>> No.26369635
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Highest team power I can manage to make even if the team does not really work.

I would say that new maximum team's power should be around 45k.

>> No.26369646
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My Commodus and Cu are over 7, but my hero is only 6k.

>> No.26369826

> of all the characters I own at least.
That's why I said that and most of the 4 star characters I have are not level 100 or fully equipped.

>> No.26373338

2020 Hanabi


>> No.26373506

Dumb hat

>> No.26374218

why did they make it so big? It looks retarded.

>> No.26374409

Looks like a bruiser without seeing the ratios.

>> No.26380315

Can't really name any free ones, at least on the same level of brokeness.
It doesn't take that long for Solais to ramp up to a few thousand attack and 3 targets, at which point she's already plenty strong enough. The stage needs to be pretty tough in the first place to not give you the time to ramp up a solais with a bunch of practically free witches/chrono witches that she allows you to spam.

>> No.26381627

Not a fan of the room only character thing in Deep One desu. This current one requires 125 coins (the summer swimsuit ones were 150) which means you need to do 12 ten-rolls even when you factor in the free ten-roll. That's 36000 gems if they're all free gems and even if you use paid gems, you get a 50% discount only on the first ten-roll. I want Martha and Giselle but I have far from enough. Fuck.

>> No.26382525

Isn't the paid half-off daily? But yeah it's pretty lame, I guess it's for whales that got what they wanted after 12 rolls before getting 300 coins.
It's just an h-scene but I really like the scenes in this game, wish someone would make a viewer since it seems easy to rip all the content.

>> No.26383176

>new tower scene is Aka again
I'm glad since her first one was shit but are they really skipping Akisa? Or was that scene with Eriza supposed to be it for her?
She also had the tamest content in the Kisaku collab with no おまんこ おちんぽ lines and barely breaking at all, pretty shit treatment for someone who's supposed to be the most popular.

>> No.26384058

I just hope I have enough jewels and luck to roll both SR and UR. Not very nice of them to throw it behind another limited Hanabi.

>> No.26384767

What happens to the moon coins when the set ends? Do they change to something else at least or do they completely disappear?
It'd be nice if they stayed around but I doubt that if they're the same currency for the ceiling SSRs.

>They come with a scene
No wonder. I was thinking they were kinda expensive for just an outfit change.

>> No.26384999

It's event specific which shows how it's geared towards whales.

>> No.26385217

For the summer event you could exchange them for yellow coins after the second half started, I guess same will happen here.
I think the ones you didn't exchange just disappeared.

>> No.26389237

>the hat looks retarted
this is actually the best part

>> No.26390043
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>Over 4 BP in one hit

Game's kinda broken now.

>> No.26390070

>Tower mode in FKG
>Has ranking built in that ranks the top 1000 players
finally some true pay to win content that will separate the casuals from the whales

>> No.26391093

Saw someone straight up comparing it to Luna tower in Princess Connect but Luna tower seems a lot easier considering you can simply just toss bodies to clear a floor then heal and not be penalized for it because enemy HP was also kept.

Tower in that game also didn't have any sort of rankings or points and was fully a pve thing so it's super stress free because you could revisit past stages at any time during the time of the month the tower opens.

>> No.26391887

When's the next FKG stream? Assuming we'll get election gacha soon.

I guess doing a tower is the new hot stuff on the DMM menu of death games so it doesn't surprise me they do this now.

>> No.26392006

I wouldn't have a problem with this if the coins could be kept for another time, like if the Gacha returns, you can continue from there instead of starting from 0 again. But having to do 12 10-rolls in one shot to get them is way too high, even if it has a H-scene (just the one, probably).

>> No.26392060

Not for a while, that's why they just had a Producer Letter that gave a list of upcoming Events and previewed some new Knights and some Blooms, like what they usually do for streams.

Election Gacha will come after Halloween, which is the next Event.

>> No.26392348
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I'm doing said tower right now actually, you can see the UI here for comparison. If done correctly like in here, tower is really just another source of income for a player and another event with cute stories.
I can pretty much run whatever at the non-boss floors and the real boss floors are so easy that most endgame players challenge themselves to 1-round the boss. The usual tower cycle is 10 floors a month with 1 EX stage that gives increased rewards. If you miss a tower cycle then you can access past floors using the scrollbar and get the same rewards everyone got on that tower cycle after clearing plus the floors from this cycle.

If they remove the rankings/point system from the FKG tower then it should be a lot nicer but I'm not sure if I like the idea of a competitive PVE tower with rankings and shit that wants you to bring specific abilities, characters and teams.

>> No.26392617

Where can I see that producer letter?

>> No.26392747

kinda sad that I focused my resources in flower knight girl towards a counter team and now the new endgame meta is to never get hit

>> No.26393300

Right below the game, where the announcements usually are. In the mobile version, it's just one of the News Tabs.

>> No.26393685

Could you tell which day was that? I see a lot of tabs about events and other stuff.

>> No.26393796

Nvm just found it
>both election events almost at the same time
I have no option but save gems even though the new girls look cute.

>> No.26393918

Will the wiki for this do a tower guide like strategies, translations or suggestions on how to clear it and stuff? I want to clear it to get all the clear rewards before they go away but not sure if my characters are strong enough

>> No.26395249
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I guess this is karma for fucking up the Reroll Gacha and not getting anything? With this, and as long as the Halloween doesn't have anyone I want (although I really do want a Halloween Megi to complete the Detective + Phantom Thief Halloween gang), I'm set for going all the way to 110 rolls for the new Nemunoki.

>> No.26403797
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You can see the producer letter in the news section to see if there's something else it could temp you.
>I'm set going all the way for Nemunoki
Same here, for tarragon I still have to save a little more.

>> No.26408872

Is it considered a PriCone clone if it has people who worked on it also working on Mist Train. Also, a fusion of FKG, Otogi and PriCone sounds unholy.

>> No.26412231

Considering how they fully copied most of the UI and game, I'd say yes.

Personally, I just want a game that also copies how generous the original game is but I guess it's hard for DMM games to compete with cygames generosity.

>> No.26415520

Man those trains below S look fucking trash.

>> No.26416214

Oh it's out. Time to see if there's suplexes.

>> No.26417998

>Got the purple haired puppeteer girl and the fox girl SS
The rates doesn't feel bad for now but that was the same thing for Otogi in the beginning so we can't say for sure.

>> No.26418288

Got nothing but trash from the prereg bonuses. The game is buggy as hell, and I keep getting infinity loading screen when moving between menus.

>> No.26418525

I got the puppeteer girl from the pre reg so I only got the fox girl from rolls, the rates are 3% for the highest rarity and the gameplay is just your typical autobattler so the only thing it has going for is the visuals and people willing to fuck trains, personally I want the pink haired girl but probably she'll be an anniversary exclusive and of course it's going to be a pain in the ass to get her (that's if the game reaches the 1st year)

>> No.26418741
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Game is literally unplayable right now. Can't even pass the first battle since it keeps freezing, or throwing error and kick me back to the title scene.
Guess I should try it again later.

>> No.26419723
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Fish pussy

>> No.26421474

Damn Mist Girls is looking like another game where I afk for most of the year and only log in for rolls. Doesn't really stand out at all from all the other turn-based RPG-esque style games and I've picked up too many other DMM/mobile games to be able to add this one to my list of dailies.

>> No.26430030

