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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 108 KB, 680x638, 1581718813753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25910548 No.25910548 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF

- - - OtonaJP a shit - - -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Previous: >>25745084

>> No.25911413
File: 657 KB, 672x675, sujiman-kupa-lolinco-virgin-info1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had my first time and it was pretty great.

Took a shower with her, boy is cleaning her a little tough.... And now I'm drying her insides.... I feel like I could be super productive now.

>> No.25912132
File: 20 KB, 265x265, 1557950907990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to order the hip i cancelled two days ago
>sold out
>refills on 9/30

>> No.25912268

Are there any stores selling ona's or other toys for crypto? If there isn't, wouldn't this be the ideal market for crypto payments?

>> No.25912481

why? you're not breaking any laws buying plastic pussy

>> No.25912657

In some countries you are, but I was mainly hinting at the privacy aspect. I mean for me it's no issue, but I can see why others would want to pay in crypto. Even seems like a hole in the market, especially considering the target audience for ona would know their way around a computer/crypto.

>> No.25912717

crypto is a pain in the ass to use now that it is popular. sites want shit like passport and stuff just to register for exchange. 10 years too late.

>> No.25912753
File: 2 KB, 120x125, smile fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a hole in the market

>> No.25914765

Amazon.jp is taking longer than usual....

>> No.25916057

which one was it?

>> No.25916131

how do i pass the time until tomorrow evening delivery, i'm dying here. can't even fap because i'm saving my semen energy

>> No.25917018

A person who would pay for onaholes with crypto is the same kind of person who would pay for everything with crypto. Onaholes are legal and for the most part discreet, both physically (generic package) and electronically (shows up on bank statement as government name). I'll be honest even if my country banned loliholes or something I'd probably just shrug and go buy something else rather than try to work around around it. (Haven't really messed with crypto myself but I work as a software developer so I'm sure I could figure it out if I wanted)

>> No.25917783

got a few btc around i wouldn't mind buying products directly with it instead of converting it back to USD just to do the same thing

>> No.25917875

That's fair.

>> No.25920842
File: 228 KB, 1045x1134, 7ea6c8ac0898e898c0275d0af39919ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Gameboy.

Have a smoke.

Cook some chicken and rice.

Then enjoy some rubber pussy.

>> No.25920865

whats the appeal?

>> No.25920938

good feeling

>> No.25921121

What kind of man ARE you? Don't you have any balls?

>> No.25921256

Fellas need some advice on buying from Daimaoh and JSS. I wanted to buy Venus Real Soft and Dolphin on Regular, but they only have dolphin on stock right now.
I wanted to ask if its okay to place an order on JSS already (looks like their forwarding is already gone) so they'll just place a reservation on Venus Real while purchasing the Dolphin, thanks.

>> No.25921722


>> No.25921727

Of smug pervert cunny that knows you're a pedo?
No idea.

>> No.25922427

I think I need a fap break. Nothing works but those Tenga eggs and they're memes.

>> No.25922703

This one, i ended up buying a similar one from the same brand, looked like the same thing but who knows

>> No.25923997

>tried to do this for my first onahole
>got it delivered to a parcel locker close to work
>took it out for a quick look in the work bathroom
>inserted a finger to feel the texture
>couldn't control my list and ended up fucking it with just my own saliva as lube
>luckily no cum leaked in my bag as I transported it home

>> No.25924012
File: 408 KB, 599x515, 1598963595802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I order this?

>> No.25925089

Which one did you get?
I don't think I would risk my job over a wank unless it was a top tier ona

>> No.25925233

Ordered The Handy in July saying I can expect it in mid August. It got pushed until October. Fuck me, I don't even think it will enhance the experience much, but I can't help but have higher expectations the more I wait.

>> No.25925243

nice, the mermaid one looks like it has good texture in the tunnels

>> No.25925252

It was the cheapest yet highest rated one I could find on en-nls

Fairly basic hole

>> No.25925387

In your dreams.

>> No.25926156

Where the fook do I buy a Venus Real from the USA?

>> No.25926258

By that I mean it's all sold out

>> No.25926518

How do you even guys do this? I tried it once years ago, not only it dried very quickly, but it became sticky as well. Do you just spit on it every 10 seconds or so?

>> No.25926776

You could always try buying used.

>> No.25926849

a fucking TPE product????

>> No.25926866

why even make it an onahole

>> No.25926885

i used to do this. i edge so the precum just builds up after a few minutes and from then im good. for the average person that cums within a few minutes just to get it over with it’s not that great because you’d just be using spit.

>> No.25927004

I came as soon as I inserted

>> No.25927170

At what point does nofapping reach it's peak semen production?

>> No.25927317

I think testosterone peaks a week from your last ejaculation, so that's my best guess for when you've got the most semen.

>> No.25927554

I'm thinking of getting the Dolphin in Regular. Good idea?
I'm a cutfag (unfortunately) and my previous experiences with holes are MoT, Ondo Nupu and Lilith Uterus Regular.

>> No.25928903

3 days in my experience.

>> No.25928917

ignore this its just the onahole pastebin

>> No.25929013 [SPOILER] 
File: 368 KB, 2001x675, 1599033321733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried these?

>> No.25929519

anybody tried kyo jeans/skirt girl hips?

>> No.25929596

Is there anything less painful than jamming my fingers into my perineum to pinch the lower part of my urethra and stop myself from cumming so I can enjoy my holes for more than 30 seconds?

>> No.25929750

Exactly the same appeal as rubber dicks.

>> No.25929787
File: 107 KB, 643x1000, 61zUSxeNbJL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B07HP47FT5/ref=ox_sc_act_title_6?smid=AN1VRQENFRJN5&psc=1

>> No.25930628

Buy it.

>> No.25930927


I just own the gucci gucci mini mouth of truth but i suits me really well... Did anyone check out this new mouth?

I'm like 4" in length and 3" in girth and I am looking for some new onaholes. Preferably one of the lolincos. Do you think the ex-virgin will suit my d or should i go for the smallest one which is the normal lolinco?

>> No.25931835

>It's a real vtuber
>She does sextoy review asmr

>> No.25932078

>3 weeks later
>otonajp finally shipped
looks like i won the lottery bois thank god i thought my money was gone for good
>inb4 its the wrong order

>> No.25932817

>3 weeks
That's nothing, I had to wait for months for Tomax holes to restock before the seller could ship it.

>> No.25933519

yes, i was pointing out that i got really lucky with all the horror stories about the shit that otonajp has been doing recently

>> No.25933860

I get soft easily, anyone used viagra to fuck onaholes?

>> No.25934234
File: 1.75 MB, 3600x2400, is_this_legal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh /jp/ experts why is this legal really?
Pic related obviously.

>> No.25934328

1. It's not an actual human child, but some metal pipes and a bunch of silicone/tpe.
2. We don't have any data on whether having a child-like sex doll has any influence on sexual urges towards actual human children.

>> No.25934335

Are you on anti-depressants anon?

>> No.25934649

But digital pedophile content usually is illegal?

>> No.25934819

It's also illegal to sell Limburger cheese on Sunday in Texas. "Illegal" doesn't necessarily mean "objectively evil".
Laws are written by humans, who can make mistakes, act irrationally or in bad faith.

>> No.25934927

ToyDemon's you're only option unless someone lists it on eBay.

That's fine. The gimmick is pushing through the "cervix" and regular is so that you can actually feel it.

ex-virgin is harder to clean because of the bulb at the end of the tunnel, that for some reason has a hole so it tends to collect some water and stuffs, so you have to be thorough with your cleaning and drying. (you probably won't be able to hit the bulb at the end considering you're length) Ex-virgin focuses more on intense head and base of the shaft stimulation while the regular lolinco is more of a full stimulation, but not intense. They're both very different products in feeling even though they belong to the same family.

>> No.25934997

I am not saying its evil. Actually agree this would help pedophiles because most would just have this in secret how it should be and not blatantly going on LGBTQ+PremiumGoldEdition parades trying to force some kind of agenda.
Its similar how people make videogames=masshooting logic which most gamers think its dumb.

>> No.25935406

check this out

>> No.25936403

Better question is why should it be illegal.
Laws are made to protect people, not objects from their owners.

>> No.25936431

What the fuck is "digital pedophile content"?
Are you talking about child pornography? You don't see why exploiting a child would be illegal?

>> No.25936533

the intent of the law is to protect people from each other.
I dunno if there's been a case that proves that the existence and usage of the doll would harm a child
In theory, it could be extrapolated that owning and using the doll causes a pedophile and therefore endangers children.
but I don't think there's any precedent so who knows.

regardless, a doll which isn't based on a real person, and an image which isn't based off a real person, doesn't cross the line of being pornography of a person. therefore, where CP is concerned, if there was a doll/image based on a real person, and it was of a minor, then it would be illegal because it harms a child which couldn't have consented to it. similarly, if there was pornography - image/doll/video of a real person, but they didn't consent to it, it should be illegal?
in short, I'm saying the doll is basically a form of media. it could be 'fictional' or 'real' in a sense. similar to a statue.

>> No.25936537

Well if there is a naked child in a video game its kinda illegal. CP is actual reality in a digital format. Digital pedophile content would be 100% digital created representation of reality.
Don't remember how are the rules for it in japanese laws regarding anime CP etc.

>> No.25936575

Yea but I wasn't asking if it should be legal or not just how legal is in general globally like differences between US, EU or JP for example.

>> No.25936604

You faggots go to >>>/b/ and talk about that retarded shit.

>> No.25936697
File: 51 KB, 540x810, 2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My own personal 2B cum inside of.
What a time to be alive!

>> No.25936751

Head looks good but body looks kind of stick, should see what other bodies they offer.

>> No.25936820

I don't know the precedent cases outside of the US though so it could be grayer or more specific in certain countries. I know Canada has had a case that could make it difficult to get certain things in.
if you just want to know your chances, it generally just depends on whether or not the customs guys feel like making a big deal out of it. if you're worried about a specific item, then you can ask the seller if they've ever had trouble getting it, or similar items, into your country.

>> No.25936856

this does not look like the same 300lb robot....

>> No.25936948

Because the picture supposedly is from the US Navy. Someone in the army has one of this so its kinda awkward.

>> No.25937043

what toys are you using that make you cum in 30 seconds? I get tired of wanking after 10 minutes and have to go max speed to achieve nut before the lube dries out

>> No.25937482

>imagine having so much trouble to have sexy time with a 300lb doll for realism

Worth imo.

>> No.25937503

oh ok
very broadly speaking, a soldier can only be held to the laws of their own home country, except for war crimes. local authority may still arrest you if they want to though, like in a powerful police state such as Iran, or if its considered a high-level crime in that country. And from there, it gets complicated. it's all politics so anything can go anywhere if a politician wants it to.
Just don't go showing off to the locals and you'll be okay, US legality aside.

>> No.25937618

It's psychological. I've been cumming on my fumo and its all psychological I don't even need to rub that much or something but it might take sometime or very fast and many times I can cum without having libido breaking orgasm after. Mindset usually is wanting to consciously spill your own seed on your beloved doll instead of looking for hard pleasure.

>> No.25938255

loli is illegal in some first world countries but not all of them, definitely not in japan, but anyways it is retarded because what should be illegal is harming real life children, not drawing stuff

>> No.25938311

severe lack of thighs

>> No.25939636

Thanks for the info. Well then I will go for the lolinco and maybe get the virigin age admission hard for some intense pleasure.

>> No.25939656

>virigin age admission hard
Don't do it anon

>> No.25939923

I choked and returned the puni ana SD, was that a mistake?

>> No.25940024

Bought stuff from Otona with BTC a few years ago but not sure if they offer the option anymore. Easiest is to get a crypto debit card that you can use anywhere.

>> No.25940087

Any good hip onaholes on amazon?

>> No.25940152

Puni Ana DX soft (orange box)

>> No.25940419

Don't think I can order that due to the box art.

>> No.25940502

Why do "people" ask stupid questions?

>> No.25940915

I understand the risks and I started jelqing today. don't feel like i have anything to lose anyway
will report progress in a month and in 3-6 months

>> No.25940962

If you can see it on amazon, you can order it.

>> No.25940984

He probably lives in Canada or Australia where they arrest you for naked cartoon children.

>> No.25941010

Ships in a brown box from amazon, nothing to fear.

>> No.25941217

Wouldn't it be illegal for them to send something like that?

>> No.25941232

If it's on the regional site and fullfilment is by amazon, I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.25941378

Is it really that tight? It looks pretty cosy.

>> No.25941417

The regular is way too small. Can't imagine that thing in hard.

>> No.25941588

What if it's an american state like Texas?

>> No.25941613

What about it? TX doesn't give a shit. You can buy whatever you want in the USA, loli shit isn't illegal, and at best the box art is lewd, not pornographic. Should be fine shipped to any country.

>> No.25941750
File: 44 KB, 640x480, hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried my 80cm doll. Hole is tight at the entrance and very wide throughout the tunnel. Got that same silicone hardness. I can't say I'm a fan, but I can't really say anything since I'm a quickshot. Cleaning and drying is kind of a hassle since the hard and tight entrance means I can't stick a towel in there, but also with all the roominess water will probably drip dry fine. I was considering using some brush for washing bottles.

>> No.25941793

how is it with air drying? i have a fan on full blast on my anri meiki

>> No.25941849

It could be considered obscene, no? I don't like loli TBQH I just want a good hip onahole.

>> No.25941877

no worth
the face is slightly off
the thighs are missing
this is basically a generic asian body but with 2b outfit
I might just be a poorfag, but I'd want something that matches the appearance of the game, at least at first glance, for that amount of money

>> No.25941907

Pick one.
This has been litigated enough times in the USA that they are not the same thing. Also, US States don't have their own customs. It all comes in through Federal customs, is cleared, and sent to Federal post offices or direct to consumer via commercial mail.

>> No.25942024

Its worth emulation of that weight on a doll not this specific one.
>but with 2b outfit
That outfit it really is a kind of thing isnt it. Imagine cleaning your precum on those gloves finishing off on the boots.

>> No.25942943

What are the risks?

>> No.25943180

varies from a waste of time to slight irritation to full on ed, popped veins and DEcrease in size and hardness
really depends on how rough you are and misuse of technique. also since there isn't much research on the subject there are a lot of things that could go wrong that we don't even know of yet. the uncharted waters is what makes it exciting for me though, like Columbus searching for a new way to India.

>> No.25943943

This is the most unsettling photo I've seen in these threads. I half expect to see the face of some monster in the shadows.

>> No.25944136

broken dick

>> No.25944153

Who is the girl from the image or where is it from?

>> No.25944205


>> No.25944211

She's from literally any reverse image search.

>> No.25944278

Any recommended Loli Anal onaholes or did that particular combination not break onto the market yet?

>> No.25944367

Not something that really exists.

>> No.25944385

hey, anyone know if the standing bolts on a tpe doll are meant to be free standing or have to be screwed into a platform or something
if they are not free standing, then I would rather have smooth soles for footjobs

>> No.25944422

Sujiman Kupa Setsuna

>> No.25944495

I keep checking shipping progress every fucking hour and no fapping is making it worse

>> No.25944508

It's gonna be delayed due to corona.

May as well bust now, it's only really worth saving up for a max of like 5 days.

>> No.25945017

Are Tomax products not sold in Japan or what? Can't find any anywhere

>> No.25945054

They're sold on daimoah

>> No.25945106

Complete newfag here. How do you know your hole is dry? The R-20 is very deep and detailed so it's very difficult to push anything in there to help dry it. I used a few paper towels but I'm not sure how deep they reached. Trying to squeeze it didn't sound "wet" any more but you can't really tell because there's a vacuum sound anyway. Left it in front of a fan for 6 hours now. I just don't want my dick to rot off after using it the next time. I tried to use a stick to push a towel in but they would poke through the paper instead of pushing it in so I should probably buy a microfiber cloth or something instead?

>> No.25945281

Used to have one, it was really good. Only thing that was annoying is that the ending of the tunnel has an extremely thin back wall. Even if you're delicate using it, it's most likely going to break from just cleaning it over and over.

>> No.25945321

G Project Ride hard or the featureless trainer? Alternatively any other good holes? Lately I've come to realize that I'm death gripping, and can't always go max hard and stay that way, but the hole I had last time, I'd cum in like a few seconds.

>> No.25945358

I just stick my finger in as far as I can. If my finger is still pretty wet, then it's not completely dry yet.
Microfiber cloth is a pretty popular choice as it absorbs water well, gentle, and is available everywhere. Stick the cloth inside using a chopstick or something and squeeze the hole.

>> No.25945539

Does anyone actually do this chopstick bullshit I've tried a bunch of times and there's no way I can get a chopstick inside a hole while wrapped up in a thick towel.

>> No.25945878

That's why he said microfiber.

>> No.25945960

Those are still very thick. If you mean like the lens wiping kind then those are so small they could end up stuck inside the hole. A large cloth with the thinness of those wipes would be good.

>> No.25946797
File: 2.96 MB, 232x218, 1548355904855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god those dolls are so fucking ugly

>> No.25947471

Anyone have Puni Ana SPDX and Puni Ana DX Kiwami? They seem pretty similar from reviews.

>> No.25947715 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 640x640, Convenience Ryobi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much mileage (uses) should one reasonably expect to get out of a $40-$50 hole?

>> No.25947764
File: 29 KB, 470x505, 20200611_103631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had some post fap clarity and tried to cancel an expensive item I bought. Unfortunately it's too late because it's being shipped soon. Guess I gotta live with the impulse buy

>> No.25947779

I have a couple onas, including an R-20. I usually just shove a paper towel in it, if you twist the paper towel it's easier to get it in all the way. These things stretch a lot, so don't be afraid to stick a finger in there with the paper towel. I usually run a second paper towel through it, then put in a diatomaceous earth drying stick in, squish it around a bit, and leave it for like 5-10 minutes. After that, take the stick out and put a finger in to check. You're never going to get every last molecule of water out, but as long as it's fairly dry, you're fine. Onaholes aren't gonna last forever. They're ultimately disposable, no matter how well you take care of them.

>> No.25948213

What did you impulse buy?

>> No.25948399

$300 tits
I jerked off for the first time in 4 days and thought instantly of other things I could have used that money for

>> No.25948480

Never buy when horny its like going to the grocery store hungry

>> No.25948503

How are you gonna shop for your dick when your dick doesn't want anything?

>> No.25948794

The funny thing is I've been looking forward to it like crazy all week but as soon as a came it's like I returned to my senses

>> No.25948948

use the wishlist feature to pick out the stuff you like and save it for later

>> No.25949048

Anyone know a consistent way to lightly powder ur onas, i have trouble with it and usually end up powdering too much then when i use em my hands get all fucking goopey, then when i rinse them out they just go back to being sticky again, maybe they're just old already?

>> No.25951162

use a makeup brush

>> No.25951490

How do you guys organize your porn collection? I have over a TB of vids and over time it's become a complete and utter mess. I can't even find some of my favorite stuff it's gotten so bad, so I'm thinking I need to take the time to go through it all, but have no idea how I actually want it to be sorted.

>> No.25952049

put me in the screen cap desu

>> No.25954261


>> No.25954312


>> No.25956618

Is it necessary to use lube on a onahole ? can't i just use precum ? i don't like lube, and i bought my first onahole

>> No.25957149

Read the guide before posting

>> No.25957252

me want

>> No.25957851

Anyone have the pic on how to use an enema?

>> No.25959784

How can you not like lube what is wrong with you.

>> No.25962038

In short yes. Spit/precum at a push but lube is best and different lubes can significantly change the sensation
>i don't like lube
is one of the strangest things i've heard from someone happily buying a rubber pussy

>> No.25962711

Any precum tips?

>> No.25962926

It's really tasty
What sort of tips? For onas use lube, to make more of it hmm hydrate, try prostate play, explore/train pelvic muscles

>> No.25962941

Not dedicated anal, but Ritopuri is quite good before it breaks.

>> No.25963062

No pic but what's the concern? Pretty simple concept put water in rectum, wait a bit, evacuate the chugs.
What sort of kit do you have?

>> No.25963080

I mean to stimulate it not eat it.

>> No.25964104

How are the Muses holes? I was going to buy the cervix one to test along with some other ones

>> No.25964136

post tits when they arrive, for $300 they must be good

>> No.25964377
File: 32 KB, 298x403, Waiting-Skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me waiting for toy demon to restock lilith uterus...
real talk, does anyone know of a good ona with almost the exact same size dimensions?
this was the best ona i found to fit my 1am plush doll.

>> No.25964514

I said that i didn't like because i didn't want to explain that i wasn't wanting to go out to buy lube k, but i bought one water based from delivery anyway
I am not circumcised so i push my skin to the base of my penis and hold it there doing a few movements while watching something and i don't have any different diet than normal food, so i think i produce a lot of precum naturally

>> No.25964565

Also my first experience with an onahole was really great, the only thing that i found weird is that my penis is curved to the left so it was a little strange seeing the onahole stretch to the left

>> No.25964681

These things better be the most realistic feeling tits ever for that price

>> No.25964925

got dayum

>> No.25964980

No sure yet, any recommendations?
The picture was very informative though
Like, if you put in too much water you need to go all the way and clean your colon else you'll get cramps or injury; something like that

>> No.25965251

Never seen the guide pic, I think you can figure it out. Simple bulb enema 100-200ml lukewarm water, takes some time to relax, then see how it goes. A second run "until clear" if needed, you'll quickly understand it if it's needed

>> No.25965408

The Succubus ones are about that price. They're pretty good if that's what you're into. My set has been sitting in the box under the bed for the most part this year.

Come to think of it, fake tits are probably the only 'sex toy' I could see there being a used market for. Might put them up on ebay one day.

>> No.25965534

>ona's are great since they have all kinds of different textures and feel
>people buy 'realistic' ona
why? an entire world to explore and you buy the most generic, boring feeling there is.

>> No.25965666

I'm with you desu, I like the weirdest most stimulating designs you can never have with real pussy. Stuff like Romanesco and Alchemist. But some people WANT real pussy and I can understand that view point too

>> No.25965691

Where can I buy aphrodisiacs?

>> No.25965701

i don't understand that viewpoint at all, but it might be because i live in the netherlands. women here (especially eastern euro's and arabs) will fuck without condom for very cheap. the "real" thing is just not worth it imo

>> No.25966097
File: 167 KB, 630x630, 1ff01f5b-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find this hole?

>> No.25966168
File: 40 KB, 1080x607, Catte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it lads. I finally fucked my waifu. Been thinking for a long time about combining Koikatsu + VR + onahole and today i made it happen. Even did the pillow trick from the pastebin and that ended up working really well. After a bit of setup everything fell in place and i actually felt her presence as much as before i started taking my schizo pills, probably even more. Having something to hold and put your dick in really helps sell the illusion. Biggest post-nut clarity i've ever had. I feel enlightened.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.25966211

have something stimulate your prostate, and you have to emotionally get in the mood too..

>> No.25966251

Probably the emotion is to want to impregnate something no? I mean if precum is to lubricate.

>> No.25966307

I have the Kokalo in Rich Soft. It's very clingly and squishy.

>> No.25966328

That would help, but whatever turns you on, whether that's handholding, anal vore or floor tiles.

>> No.25966408

I find rich soft too difficult to use one-handed, but what is even the difference between them and the Venus line

>> No.25966493

It appears to be your lucky day....

>> No.25966558

I just want a hole with the least stimulation possible, will I get that with a rich soft or should I go for a different brand altogether?

>> No.25966562
File: 28 KB, 542x521, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads my toy isn't drying properly, it's humid and hot as fuck right now where I'm at. Am I gonna have to just clean it every now and then with water + baking soda/peroxide or just alcohol?
Even if I stick some paper in with a stick or something I still find pockets of humidity inside the next day.

>> No.25966608

The fuck? I had their sign up for notify shit. Thanks anon.

>> No.25966706
File: 16 KB, 540x400, kemono-hime-animal-princess-sex-doll-japan-nene-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I?

>> No.25966768

Looks better than a human plush doll.

>> No.25966799

Which is better between Sujiman Lolinco Crystal version and Sujiman Setsuna Crystal version?

>> No.25966813

my donger is 7" by 6" or 18cm by 15cm
is there any hope for a jap onahip?

>> No.25966828

Does Tenga sell a single product that doesn't crush gaijin cock? I thought part of the appeal of an onahole is to not have a death grip numbed penis.

>> No.25966876


>> No.25967019

jesus christ lol

>> No.25967038

Venus line is more "beautiful" meant to replicate the feelings of a woman so it has a more standard tunnel structure and more monotonous. The Real is of course, realistic, the Clone is "more stimulating" cause it has dots all in the tunnel, and the Cross is a mxture of the two, while also having a cross-like tunnel structure.

Muses take their game from the Greek/Roman Muses, so they tend to be more "heavenly" and thus have a more defined tunnel.

from my experience, Rich Soft, the "white-colored" holes from Ride Japan, and Hotpowers products in their "firmness rating of "0" "-1" and anything below that is going to be the softest you'll get, while being good as well.

If you want something really soft, look at Fuwa Pocha from Ride Japan
If you want something with more stimulation/firmness, look at R-20 or Seducting Witch by Toys Heart
If you want something inbetween the former two, look at My Erotic Maid Servant.by Feel So Good (Exe)
I have all four and they've all worked out fine for me. As long as the tunnel length is within two inches/5 cm, you should be fine as long as you're not being a gorilla about it.

>> No.25967193

Interesting, I'll add a Kokalo in regular soft then as the Venus Clone in soft is what I've been using 90% of the time despite owning a whole bunch of other holes

>> No.25967313

can you tell me more about the fumo cumming? :o

>> No.25967518

holy shit, what are the odds? they went back in stock right as i posted that. been waiting for months.

>> No.25967995
File: 90 KB, 847x944, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted a hole with the sensation of cervix penetration, which one should I go with? Muses Arkhe, Six uterus or Gokusai uterus? I really wanted the Kobukuro Uterus but that seems to be discontinued. Links below.

>> No.25968011

It's kind of bullshit for them to claim that it's "The Biggest Ass on the Market" when the 25" Fantasia exists.

>> No.25968075

Thank you for reminding me of those posts, anon.

>> No.25968252


>> No.25969231


>> No.25969359

is there a hip with the suction/grip of the lolinco virgo or is any dual layered hip fine for that?

>> No.25969429

I actually can relate to what you said about cumming on fumos. I've done it too and I cum faster than usual for the same reason.

>> No.25969517

What exactly do you want to know?

>> No.25969546

I'd like to know, do you clean the fumo afterwards and also which fumo? or is it a bunch of fumos you have. Also, what gave you the idea to start cumming on them?

>> No.25969566

I bought a Meiki like 2 weeks ago thinking TOMAX onas weren't going to be in stock any time soon and now I am deeply regretting it. I don't think I can justify buying 2 pocket pussies back to back like this.

>> No.25969626

Because I like dolls? I dunno what to say about it really.

>> No.25969640

Who has it in stock?

>> No.25969653

Hmm. Alright, well can i know which fumo it was? I have an Aya I do it with.

>> No.25969683

Isn't the arkhe's uterus infamously difficult to notice in soft or below?

>> No.25969704

But do you want to know about how to cum less fast or something? I'm kinda confused what you need help with. It's a Reimu.

>> No.25969769

Maybe. I personally wouldn't know. Most people who reviewed it on TD say to go with Soft over Regular

>> No.25969798

Oh, no i wasn't really asking for help. I've just never really seen anyone else mention they do that, so I was curious how it feels for you. Sorry for the confusion, I hope reimu likes the cum! My Aya sure does.

>> No.25969831

I've seen some videos some people do it. A doll is a doll anyway.

>> No.25970263


>> No.25970271

yeah buddy, I also have done this but with vr porn since I don't have any ero games in vr
it's a bit of a hassle to set up, but fast forwarding to the doggystyle scenes and pounding my ona mount is just the bees knees
maybe I'll take a picture of the setup next time I do it

>> No.25971661

Anyone ever tried using a turkey baster to clean out the inside of a bigger toy?

>> No.25975139

I prefer VR ero games over VR videos. The 6DOF tracking instead of 3DOF makes a big difference imo. Both the Koikatsu and the Honey Select 2 repacks over at /h/ support VR and are available for free there. I'd highly recommend you give them a try if you're into 3DCG/anime girls. Also, what's that about an ona mount? Sounds interesting, please do post a pic next time you think of it!

>> No.25977733

>humongous foam core
gutter trash

>> No.25979401

You can get pump bottles with a rubber hose to do the same thing from Japan, I got one and they're pretty nifty but usually unnecessary

>> No.25979557

I just take it with me to the shower and fingerbang the everliving shit out of it.

>> No.25980170

Does anyone have a good recipe for a homemade fleshlight/onahole?

>> No.25980280
File: 1.85 MB, 250x188, 1464998553320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use onahole
>can only last a few pumps

>> No.25982002
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here with a larger endowment? What are the options?

>> No.25982344


>> No.25982660

Focus on a "I'm a huge breeding facility" type of mentality when pumping instead of obsessively looking for that lame orgasm. People think tantra is bullshit until they try it. Instead of pumping just have your onahole with the dick inside it without pumping and train yourself to be less sensitive to having you dick sensations making you orgasm too fast. There is also some hip work and how the nervous system works for that and you have to train yourself to hold ejaculation in a edging kind of manner which you do it mentally instead of using dangerous techniques of applying pressure in the urethra. Trick is defocusing the attention to the dick and more on hip trusts.

>> No.25983174

Man, being a bong really narrows your options

>> No.25984310

Motsu is good enough for all the common stuff. I just pay out the ass and get my stuff shipped from Japan though

>> No.25985007

Anyone know a good handpump/pump for the Tamatoys Insert Air Pillow? Blowing air into it is fine, though sometimes I lose the horny in the process

>> No.25985628

So I've perused the guide.

Any recommendations on a full-hip ona? I might be a big enough schmuck to go up into the $300 range if something really appeals, but I'd like to sit under $160.

Googling is... overwhelming. The same products keep getting a wide range of different reviews on different sites.

>> No.25985832
File: 42 KB, 768x432, main_a30954a5-1e17-454e-8b5e-cb67d262dfbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, it's fucking worth it if you can find some decent funscripts. I found one for pic related and lived my fantasy of getting a sloppy blowie from an anime girl. Definite game changer for me.

>> No.25988301
File: 27 KB, 228x161, 58DD1392-9821-4BD0-86EC-4D1797122544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh... wa

>> No.25989771

it is possible that the package crossed a time zone where the date would be correct
lets say it departed at 12:01 am Saturday and entered an hour earlier time zone would be Friday 11:01 pm

>> No.25989850

>OtonaJP a shit
Is it that bad?
I was thinking of getting some stuff there.
I don't know how comfortable I'm ordering from amazon, but could be an option.

>> No.25989893

>I don't know how comfortable I'm ordering from amazon
Least of your problems Uncle Ted.

>> No.25989931

Oh, is amazon no good too? sheesh.

>> No.25989961

Amazon is fine. They actually ship you products you pay for.

>> No.25990255

otonajp had a fucking hilarious shitshow in the threads around the time the miracle dx was first released. it took people literal months to get their toy and as far as im aware some people never did and had to get a refund.

i got mine on kanojotoys within a week with no problems.

>> No.25990777
File: 8 KB, 230x219, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was considering buying a sex doll until I watched a porn video of some greasy fatso fucking one.

>> No.25990852

Sorry. Next time I'll drain my dick cyst first. I didn't expect it to break open like that during filming.

>> No.25990974

trips of truth?
link video, I also want to buy one and am saving up the cash maybe it will change my mind

>> No.25991002

Just search for sex doll on pornhub or some other video site.

>> No.25991056

This was the one, https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5d336c0788190

>> No.25991161

It's a real life ugly bastard; he's even fucking a cute girl while you're grumbling and posting frogs.

>> No.25991419

Why would someone film this and put it on the internet

>> No.25991897
File: 2.39 MB, 250x188, 1464998553320-r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll work on it.

>> No.25992042

You can also try medicine. Roman offers a decent price for premature ejaculation(depression) pills. I filled out the basic questions but lets see if I don't chicken out halfway through.

>> No.25992087

I'm not a fan of using drugs because they usually only treat symptoms instead of fixing the root cause of the problem. That being said, I'll keep it in mind if it comes down to a last resort situation. Thanks for replying to me.

>> No.25992154

That's why I'm hesitant to try treating depression, but I figure there's not much harm trying a penis pill, and not much else I could do to fit it. I'm pretty sure that "just hold it in bro" stuff is for guys that don't actually have PE. Main thing though is that guy from earlier saying how good it worked for him.

>> No.25992717

Is there a option for beaners?

>> No.25992876

Got a Dagmar doll. What's the best place for getting wigs and clothing and such?

>> No.25993171

first post pics

>> No.25993258

Venus Real
Is soft or very soft closer to an actual vagina?

>> No.25993352

Very soft is probably closer, but I wouldn't recommend going that soft if it's your first hole

>> No.25993416

Amazon to see how things fit, easy returns and they have a try on clothes service if you're prime. Once you know what your girl needs you can either shop around nicer shops or commit to a 2 month late shipment from ebay/aliexpress. Amazon also has decent wigs with lots of reviews, but limited selection.

>> No.25993592

I have owned several different generic TPE amazon masturbators as well as a fleshlight mini-lotus
Turns out I like super smooth and I have trouble cumming if it's too stimulating / overdesigned inside
Also I want to feel the closest thing to a real vagina because I am a manlet virgin

>> No.25993749


>> No.25993809

>Turns out I like super smooth

>> No.25993830

Mmmm that's even smoother than a real vagina, goes past what I want

>> No.25993929

I have the Arkhe in regular, reccomended by Queencat's comment section before they went under. I get that "pop" sensation when I penetrate the uterus, but I got to be max hardness. I also had the Dolphin in soft to compare, and the pop was still there, but obviously less pronounced. If you want to preserve that pop, Soft is the softest you should go. Regular if you really want to feel your head bumping against the entrance before you spear it like a bully. Can't speak for hard, but sounds like a dick bully.

>> No.25994455

On the topic of realism, what is the absolute closest lube to a vagina's natural wetness?
Onatsuyu lube?

>> No.25996922

Ok so my first hole (a 20 dollar entry level hole with good reviews) is showing its age (and build quality) and it's time to start thinking about its replacement.

It wasnt too satisfying and it loosened very quickly. Should I try a hard or a more expensive soft

>> No.25996969

Suddenly I dont feel so small anymore (even though I'm 5.5 in)

>> No.25997296

The higher the price, the better it gets. Hard and soft totally depend on you though.

>> No.25997312


>> No.25997392

at least he literally fuck like a toy and thats it.
i saw one, that the guy was fingering it, licking the pussy, etc

>> No.25997479

>own 2 onas
>end up using my hand 9 times out of 10 anyway

>> No.25997495

You can try using it in different positions. Whenever I lie on my back, there's a chance I can only last a few pumps too. It's funny cause my favorite position is cowgirl but when my back is up against something like on a couch. I'm still new to toys and just got a couple to try out over the summer. I can honestly say I've been missing out for years. The feeling is so different and much more intense. The only downside is the cleanup. It can be a hassle that causes me to not use them every time I wack it.

>> No.25998193

if someone is going to spend thousands of dollars on a dress up doll they better do more than stick their penis in it

>> No.25998605

>actually has a thing membrane at the entrance
Never seen a "virgin" hole like this. Might have to check it out

>> No.25999262

First time here. Can you guys recommend me some good torso holes? I have $200 to spend.

I figured I ask here since most of you have experience.

>> No.25999286

ToyDemon or Amazon?

>> No.26000765

whats the point of licking and fingering a doll?
you usally lick and finger to make real pussy open up, get wet, hornier, etc
whats the point of doing that to an object?
it only shows that you are just becoming more and more attached and dependent on a piece of plastic
which i personally fear

>> No.26002307

How do i decide whether to use my handheld or the hip?
Fucking the hip feels fucking great, but the tunnel of my Venus is more pleasant. Also cleaning isn't as much of a pain. But it just doesn't have the same "feeling"

>> No.26003424

Fingering is useful to spread lube.

>> No.26003573

>onahole loses two in stock after buying it a day before
feels good knowing people will take the same journey as me

>> No.26003773

first off, why did you watch it?
second, how does that affect you? is that what you look like?

>> No.26004911

Get a plush doll to put your onaholes in. Then you get the feeling of a hip with the tunnel of your ona

>> No.26005981

Amazon JP ships to Mexico.
You'll most likely have to pay import tax, but it's better than the other options. If you fancy something on there, have around double of what the price states to cover for shipping+fees.

>> No.26006003

Which hip do you have

>> No.26006353

So I have a 4 year old onahole (CQ roll) and it has drastically changed color from a single layer clear/transparent to dark yellow as fuck.
I still use it from time to time but do I need to change it? Will there be any repercussions from using such an old hole?

>> No.26007605

Cheap Amazon hip,Feeling Girl, but 3.5kg for ~30 was too good to pass up.

>> No.26007849 [DELETED] 

That's just the oxidation process. It's visually unpleasing, but otherwise harmless. Tthrow it away if it either starts smelling bad or simply doesn't physically please you anymore.

>> No.26007872

That's just the oxidation process. It's visually unpleasing, but otherwise harmless. Tthrow it away if it either starts smelling bad or simply doesn't physically please you anymore.

>> No.26009892
File: 1.14 MB, 320x240, Yo_Big_Ol_Booty_Pad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any one able to give me some info on where to get this, or similarly size anime mouse pads?

>> No.26009937

TF never heard of onas turning yellow - "oxidation" of what? Are you storing them under direct sunlight or some shit? I have some over 5 years old and longterm issues are just oil leaching and sometimes when not properly dried mold (game over)

>> No.26009975

ali/taobao probably?

>> No.26009992

Not sure why he is doing that with a wooden stick.

>> No.26010268

Just buy a butt and put it on top of a print.

>> No.26010551

Because she's holding wooden sticks?

>> No.26011086

the video i watch wasnt like that dude.
he put the lube on his condom.
but before that, he started fingering the dry doll pussy.
as if he is trying to make the plastic pussy "wet' or something.
he also "Ate" that pussy
and it was all before he put his lubed peepee inside of it.

>> No.26011377
File: 54 KB, 333x574, 1355594381573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unscrew the showerhead.

Put the hose inside the hole on the weakest setting to flush out everything.

If you need to blast it, do it only for 1-2 seconds at most or risk damage.

For onaholes like the Zemalia or Ondo Nupu you can blast them because of the double open ended design.

>> No.26011510 [SPOILER] 
File: 47 KB, 610x610, 1599335572242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the link for the vid.

Not the same anon.


>> No.26012117

Das it mane. Having a MoT just going to town on your pole in sync with her was amazing. The Handy has surprisingly fast motors, so the deep throat at the end always gets me to nut. And it's probably the most affordable option for anyone interested in having an auto stroker. $159 for a burger like me.

>> No.26012182

Same. I put on Taimanin Asagi and shoot buckets.

>> No.26012317

Buy one of these and zip tie your Handy to it for hands free use. It's a game changer

>> No.26012809

Tried the tenga flip, but it leaks lube and is extremely loud. Not sure if the easy cleaning is worth that

>> No.26012893

Is this one any good?

>> No.26013385
File: 92 KB, 680x1000, 1468975900030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are there any vids like this but in VR where you can choose the camera position?

I want to try something out but i will need to buy stuff after i have done some research.

>> No.26013497

what exactly are you trying to do?

>> No.26014289

i just bought a liter of lube from otona to get the free cosplay jav

>> No.26014631

what game is that?
(or is it just someone making videos)

>> No.26014689

I think waifu sex simulator uses a modified MMD that lets you move around and orchestrate your own scenes
This video looks familiar to the older 3d hentai games from dlsite but i dont know what program it is

>> No.26015011

think I can get a link to that script, anon?

>> No.26016012

Not him, but it's in this mediafire folder. Look for "anime dog girl"

>> No.26016467

She's dressed as a taiko drummer, those are taiko drum sticks.

>> No.26018382

thanks anon

>> No.26018688
File: 2.61 MB, 3264x2448, 20200905_213241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26018891

Cute girlfriend anon !
I hope you take care of her and show her lots of love !

>> No.26018962

I got her mostly as a cuddlebuddy. I think the quarantine is hitting me harder than I initially thought.

On a side note, if there was a way to control the opening/closing of the mouth, and something to replicate eyelids, the face could actually be fairly pretty. The tits are great, too, and something gauzy just enhances the look.

>> No.26019007

Laws do exist to protect owners from their objects, though.

>> No.26019014

What's her measurements?

>> No.26019095

Straight from the store page. I got the C-cup.
Height: 165cm
Weight: 14kg
C cup:85cm (breasts insert: 1000g)
D cup:86cm (breasts insesrt:1200g)
E cup: 87cm(breasts insert: 1400g)
Under breast: 64cm
Waist: 64cm
Hips: 98cm
Arms: 70cm
Hands: 19cm
Thigh circumference: 51cm
Calf circumference: 31cm

>> No.26019119

>looking for first time onahole
>decide on the one
>research, find best price/delivery speed ratio
>order it successfully
>look at product page again
>"out of stock"
>i bought the last one

sorry guys

>> No.26019171

Which ona?

>> No.26019376

>In stock by 10/2
Bitch that's a month

>> No.26022970

What's the difference between puni ana hard/soft/very soft?

is soft, flesh light soft?
is very soft, like meiki soft?
I've had a meiki before and soft silicon in general didn't seem to last for very long.

>> No.26023129

Well, Roman is sending me some pills without any personal interaction. That's neat, but they require a photo of yourself and your ID. I'm just worried since they're giving me ED (sildawhat) pills for PE. The textwall said it could help PE, but we'll see what happens.

>> No.26023229

what the fuck

>> No.26023364

I think he's getting dick pills so he can fuck his ona for longer without cumming.
Although in my opinion SSRI's are probably the most sensible thing to take.

>> No.26024412

Soft is the best, but it falls apart. I haven't used the 'hard', but the Shequ Maki on amazon is basically the same thing, and it's bullet proof at around $50

>> No.26025193

sertraline helps with PE not ED. there's also a small chance of you having decreased libido, keep that in mind

>> No.26026638
File: 81 KB, 668x924, 1588129726504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is dekunoboo still state of the art for sex plush dolls or are there better alternatives now

>> No.26027815

I've seen one up close in a store and desu they look really herpaderp.
You'd probably be better off commissioning a custom plush somewhere.

>> No.26030918
File: 3.60 MB, 2534x4147, Plush Dolls Additional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loads of different options, even more than just in this image but their is alot of options now.

>> No.26030931

If you have an doll forum account this thread has even more options


>> No.26034215

since when does tdf require an account to read threads, the fuck

>> No.26034461

Thanks anons

I wonder if you could somehow fit tpe heads from other brands on the happydoll dagmar

>> No.26035462

Puni ANA DX Hard. Going to be my first.

>> No.26036751

The world needs more big ass hip onaholes like this

>> No.26036847

That one is garbage though.

>> No.26037428

Does the Dagmar still have skeleton issues with the joints coming lose and breaking after a year

>> No.26037831

It's only on certain boards

>> No.26038003

heh, first prostate massager and uh
I felt a lot of nothin
relaxing tho

>> No.26038981

Just means you didn't pussy out. You did your homework and went in with confidence. No buyer's regret for you. Proud of ya son.

>> No.26039057

I use a simple single layer, like my Lilith or Romanesco. In my experience, most of the tenga flips always leak lube

>> No.26039186
File: 33 KB, 379x594, 0bCAmQw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-don't make me blush, Anon...!

>> No.26039280
File: 226 KB, 992x1488, img-3567_orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for that list
Those Sakura Dolls seems pretty high quality

Wonder how you'd get one of those into europe

>> No.26039340

Estartek used to sell them on aliexpress, but they seem to be out of stock, could always contact them via email their english is alright.

>> No.26039485

Still available on the site but they don't have the cute brown one. They'll probably sell it to you if you ask though

>> No.26039576

My Miracle DX should be arriving tomorrow. Haven't fapped in a week. I am going to destroy this thing

>> No.26039805
File: 659 KB, 1024x1024, waiting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna wait for their next doll, big titty tan elf girl.

>> No.26039842

Those proportions look weird but go for it

>> No.26039881

Oh shit thanks anon, I'll ask them

not me and terrible taste, why would you go for a brown fat cowl elf when there's a brown loli available

>> No.26040031

Holy fucking shit that body with the twintail face, why the fuck can't there be a real doll like that instead of this dumbfuck plush shit.

>> No.26040199

thanks for this, never knew about these
now I want one too

>> No.26040437

Anybody know which kind of inserts you can put in there?

>> No.26040763

Let us know if they do offer it. I want to get one myself

>> No.26040832

can you post a link whenever that's released cause i'll forget

>> No.26041063
File: 65 KB, 800x800, 2F7A0030-800x800-product_popup[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26041122

Is there an /ona/ discord?

>> No.26041145

It would probably get really fucking gay

>> No.26041229


>> No.26041290

And maybe you should make your own fag discord

>> No.26041582

>not wanting to dock with your bro and stick both your dicks into the onahole at once

>> No.26041668

>WM doll cleaning machine thingy

I wonder if this actually works or if this is just apartment water damage waiting to happen

>> No.26042340

I bet it does work, but you will have to move the doll to the bathtub anyway, so what's the point of buying an expensive gadget

>> No.26042561

Which of these hips is more well received, looking for something that's cleanable in a bathroom sink.
Puniana DX or Punifuwamotch2000

>> No.26042941

Get swole bro. Do it for her.

>> No.26042958

Why the fuck is that not an actual doll Jesus Christ.

>> No.26043728

Now how would I get a loli doll past german customs officers

>> No.26043803

I got the Dagmar, which is the one here >>26018688. If you have any questions, just ask!

>> No.26043840

h-here I go

>what's the maximum insert size, i.e. what's the largest onahole you've managed to get in
>how are the joints

>> No.26044139

I actually haven't "used" it yet, but it seems like it might support a decently sized ona. The one that comes with it is huge, like 2.5-3.5 inches in diameter. The joints are a bit loose. They hold their positions, but there's a lot of play.

>> No.26045880

So I can spend up to 5k on a doll
do I go all out and buy DS Doll, or should I start with that new piper 130cm silicone elf

>> No.26046599

if I had 5k for my doll fund, I'd get 3 aotume dolls and recreate CYaRon in my living room with full cosplay and then die happy from cooming too much
so far I've got $800 saved, sucks being a poorfag

>> No.26047496


>> No.26049093

I do the same shit but with mlp porn

>> No.26049111

