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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 53 KB, 472x424, 1240627936775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2596134 No.2596134 [Reply] [Original]

What's her disability again?

>> No.2596143


Being a lesbian.

>> No.2596146

Being in K-on.

>> No.2596147

she's an uguu

>> No.2596149


>> No.2596152

Too much moe (*´Д`)=3

>> No.2596164
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There's nothing wrong with carpet-munchers or whatever they call them.

I have a lovable tomboyish daughter named Cirno and I would be perfectly fine if she ends up with a female.

>> No.2596204


>> No.2596222

>Among the behaviors Bienvillle cited as conducive to or symptomatic of nymphomania: dwelling on impure thoughts, reading novels, and eating too much chocolate. Oh, and indulging in "secret pollutions" (masturbation).

>> No.2596246
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>> No.2596250

Mental retardation

>> No.2596259
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This couldn't get any more Japanese than this, even if she was shitting the Emperor.

>> No.2596266

retard moe is best moe

>> No.2596279
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Yui is my fat princess.

>> No.2596281

Put her in a Gojira suit wearing a kimono with Mt. Fuji in the background.

>> No.2596284

Sounds like a "Jesus loves you" diagnosis.

>> No.2596296

First off I will say I love MOE. I own Bottle Fairies for god's sake. Honestly though I've put off this show because it just doesn't look interesting. Girls in a band? Pass.

But I dunno. What's there to it? I keep looking at the pictures posted and thinking Manabi Straight with music. Girl wants to try her hardest to be in accepted into a group she has no talent in but like Amamiya Manami she tries her hardest and succeeds anyway?

Probably not going to be too excited. Unless it's OVERWHELMINGLY cute I dunno. Is it worth a shot or will I wind up wanting my time back?

>> No.2596308
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K-on is a waste of time for anyone. Manabi Straight was better because it had lolis and gratuitous violence.

>> No.2596314

Sub-par humor, uninteresting story, decent moe. The moe seems to get better with each episode, my nutbladder was really sore after watching this week's.

>> No.2596326

It IS overwhelmingly cute, but not in the Bottle Fairy sense.
Also she IS talented, just dumb as a post.

>> No.2596329
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>Manabi Straight was better because it had lolis and gratuitous violence.

Nah, Strike Witches has more violance plus loli pantsu.

>> No.2596333

It's more entertaining than Saki if you don't like Mahjongg.

>> No.2596337


I'll add that for me overwhelmingly cute is things like Bottle Fairies, Tiny Snowfairy Sugar, and Fushigiboshi no Futago Hime. All of which I would watch for the cute factor alone. Manabi Straight I sat through because my friend enjoyed it but my MOE circuits are way beyond what normal people can stand. I need excessive amounts of sugar to get excited.

>> No.2596346
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Silly anonymous, Saki isn't about マージャン

>> No.2596354
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>> No.2596357

Episode 7 almost gave me a diabetic seizure.

>> No.2596363

A good example of K-On's brand of cute is in episode 3--

Skip to about 6:22 and watch that quick scene, about 20 seconds; Ritsu's facial expressions in this scene make me HHHHHNNNNNNGGGGGGG

If that doesn't sell you, pass on this show.

>> No.2596370

anon should take a picture of himself doing a moe kyun

>> No.2596377


Stop cheating, BREASTS

>> No.2596381
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>> No.2596384

Lucky Star with guitars. Only the most pathetic of neckbeards give this brand of transparent otaku pandering even the slightest bit of attention. For shame, /jp/ - this is the sort of show which you should denigrate and ignore (at least openly).

>> No.2596387

K-ON is a modern day masterpiece. With an intricate plot, incredibly complex characters, fantastic storytelling, marvelous animation and thought-provoking themes, this show redefines what animation truly is and should be. There is no doubt that it will one day be enshrined in the pantheon of legendary anime.

>> No.2596389
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>> No.2596394


I have since the very beginning. Even if it was good (which it isn't), I still wouldn't watch it due to the pandering. kyoani ought to be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.2596395
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>> No.2596396

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

>> No.2596397

You dumbasses that can't appreciate the modern marvel and the artwork brought on by K-on seriously needs to learn how to watch it extensively and see the implicit meaning and the symbolism exemplified in this work. For example, the ep. 7 of K-on was dedicated to the theme of Man versus Society. The relationship between Oneechan and Emouto is obviously a symbolic metaphor of Jesus Christ and Judah showing the shift of the relation of the two transforms from their childhood to the present as the K-on group members which also symbolizes the biblical character where Mio serves as St. Peter, Richan being the Pontius Pilate, and Eye Brows obviously representing the all seeing eyes of the God which most of you are probly too stupid to even see. Sawako sensei serves as the angry mob of Jews representing both the unwanted guest that torments Jesus and his disciples as well as the former K-onbu member intended to show the relation between the Judaism and the Christianity that follows it. This is just one of the major theme in the episode as there are countless other sub plots such as Yui's parents traveling to Germany being the struggle between the transformation of the world from the Cold War Era end of the aggression between the world's two super power to the current age of Global Terrorism. But I do under stand, that such an intricate and quality plots of K-on could never be understood by the baka-gaijins on 4chan ^^.

>> No.2596399
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>kyoani ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Seriously. How dare they make things I don't like?

>> No.2596400

I had no idea what you were saying so I looked that up.

Holy shit. Downloading now.

>> No.2596403
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>> No.2596404

...yet Aria has even less plot, ran for three seasons, and is regarded as Godlike.

Grow up; every anime is pandering to something, stop pretending like you're King Shit just because you can "see through their evil pandering scheme"

>> No.2596407

K-ON is a satirical series meant to mock those who would actually enjoy the series as it is. It draws inspiration from Suda51's No More Heroes, in that the same people who praise Travis for being violent, ruthless, and not giving a damn with no backstory except for wanting to be number one are the same degenerates who will enjoy the characters of K-ON for a shallow sense of moe without any real driving character to them. The people who are bought into this commercialized, shallow sense of moe are subtly ridiculed throughout the show. It's, in a sense, a modern day's rendition of A Modest Proposal.

>> No.2596408

>regarded as Godlike

Yeah, by the same sheep who like radiohead and mac computers.

>> No.2596409
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If you like moe~ slice-of-life, K-On is where it's at. Most of the hate comes from a recent /a/ bandwagon mentality against the genre.

>> No.2596413
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>> No.2596423

Aria is regarded as "godlike" by the same sorts of people who think that anything other than plotless "moe~" slice of life shows represent the pinnacle of storytelling. Their judgments are hardly admissible as evidence, given that they're essentially the male equivalent of yaoi fangirls.

>> No.2596424



>> No.2596425

Bravo, you have completely summed up my all thoughts about this shitty show that I was previously unable to state myself.

>> No.2596426
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>All of the arguments against K-On! involve two premises: the show uses simplistic archetypes and these archetypes are used to pander to otaku tastes. These are both true, but that's a problem inherent in almost all anime and isn't going to convince otaku of jackshit, especially when these qualities are intentionally sought out. If you're not going to argue from that perspective, why are you here? Anime for the most part is a trashy medium, and taste only means something within the community itself. It's like walking into Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles and loudly complaining that the two should never go together and that the establishment is run by niggers.

>> No.2596427
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It's just pure and simple moe. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.2596432
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>> No.2596434


I might like Mio pretty well, but people make such a big fucking deal that I'm sick of the whole thing.

This crap doesn't even belong in /jp/ anyway, does it?

>> No.2596437


>people make such a big fucking deal

The people that don't like it?

>> No.2596438
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>> No.2596441

K-On like majority of the other shows are just mediocre/average.
But tell you what, I will still watch it for the moe and it is a good time sink.

>> No.2596442
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/jp/ is the only board that appreciates it now.

>> No.2596445


Get the fuck out, please.

>> No.2596448
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>doesn't even belong in /jp/

Now it does.

>> No.2596453

Hey, I use Macs and I can't stand Aria.
But it's not like the Mac is my only computer; I've got a couple Win machines and a few Linux as well.

>> No.2596456
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I appreciate けいおん!

>> No.2596463

Well put.
It hasn't got anything of an amazing story or anything, but it's hyper-moe.
I don't see why people bitch about those of us who watch the show, it's not like we're paying for it or anything.

>> No.2596464



>> No.2596478
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I wish this was in color.

>> No.2596482


That looks so lewd

>> No.2596495

Can I get this image without the text?

>> No.2596500
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Op here. I've only watched one episode of K-ON and I agreed wholeheartedly with this >>2596384 Anon until I read this thread. I guess now that I know that you guys know >>2596407 the corporate truth behind K-ON's production, I've gained some respect for K-ON's userbase. I always assumed slice of life fans were just the male equivalent to yaoi fangirls, but after reading this thread I realized you're just watching it for kicks and giggles.

In conclusion, I guess entertainment doesn't always have to be about 'deep' plots.

Though, I still don't know what you guys see in Lucky Star. Last time I checked, Lucky Star isn't/wasn't moe.

>> No.2596502


That's nice, dear.

>> No.2596513

>In conclusion, I guess entertainment doesn't always have to be about 'deep' plots.
Any child who has played Tetris can tell you that.

>> No.2596516

>Anime for the most part is a trashy medium, and taste only means something within the community itself.

It's trashy because people buy the merchandise of shows like these, giving companies incentive to make more. I'm not suggesting that anime could ever actually be anything more than awful cartoons, but if people took a stand rather than make excuses of "I'm watching this for the moe~," then we might actually see an improvment (however slight) in the available programming.

As an aside, saying you're watching something "for the moe~" makes you the male equivalent of the sorts of "people" who watched Gundam Wing back in the day for the lolcharacters and then construed them as gay when they all had girlfriends. This kind of mentality is what's really making anime as a whole get worse with each season.

>It's like walking into Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles and loudly complaining that the two should never go together and that the establishment is run by niggers.

A more fruitful question in this case is to consider how things came to be this way, as opposed to how they are now.

>> No.2596525
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>> No.2596527

Any chance of getting OP's image without the text?

>> No.2596539


>> No.2596543


I don't hate the show, but there's no way you can possibly jam this square peg into /jp/'s round hole. It doesn't fit.

>> No.2596546

unless you j-j-j-jam it in

>> No.2596550

What if the circle was really really big and the square was really really small?

>> No.2596574

>gets worse with each season
You're trying to pass off subjective opinion as industry fact, when it's just a shift in popular ideas, which will be subsumed by the next popular concept in visual entertainment in a few years, ad infinitum.

>> No.2596582
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ITT we take cartoons seriously.

Who the fuck cares if you're a loser bastard that compensate your lack of sex and professional fulfillment with anime arguments? Nobody.

Either enjoy it while you still can or simply go do something else, nobody is paying you for bitching about anything. You're no fucking critic, nobody gives a shit for your arguments.

I wish I could gain a penny for every idiot thinking voicing their thoughts on 4chan is useful for someone, I'd be rich by now.

>> No.2596589
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This is the VN, Touhou, and doujin culture board. Moe~ is practically our bread and butter, so I'm sure the K-On peg fits quite nicely.

>> No.2596596
File: 14 KB, 300x330, duty_calls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an imageboard. People post images and then discuss them. That's kind of the whole point.

>> No.2596597

If done properly an anime could potentially surpass books in overall immersion. Alternatively, video games have the potential to surpass anime. Despite how much praise we give books, it's an outdated artform. Anime has everything books have but much much more. But for something like that to happen people would have to start taking anime and video games seriously. Here's a crazy proposal for the video game industry, what if we were to hire virtual actors. These actors would be multi-talented people that would receive the full duty of drawing, animating, coding, and voice acting their character. Just like real actors they would get paid millions.

The only artform that could surpass animation and video games is virtual reality.

>> No.2596606

The reason people give praise to books is because it's the basic of the basics. Like how everyone likes sandwiches. The idea is so simple, how can you hate it?

>> No.2596610

Guess what, dumbass? Anime is cheap entertainment. Anime is merchandise. Anime is bottom market. Anime isn't as profitable as you retarded weeaboos like to make it sound. Anime fans are escapist fucks. Anime fans aren't after superproductions. When anime fans says they're after super productions they just want to bitch about something because they have nothing better to do about their lives, the next day the go to the shop and buy a K-ON dvd because they can't get enough of cute girls doing cute things.


Who gives a flying fuck? Move on with your life.

>> No.2596612

I sometimes pick apart my sandwich and eat the ingredients separately.

>> No.2596614
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It's like you think more avante garde works would be more popular if people were properly shamed into liking them. In actuality, your criticisms only reinforce your position as an outsider among those who just want to relax and enjoy cute things.

>> No.2596618

Dude, you're the one taking things too seriously.

People here are just arguing for the sake of argument or because they are bored without anything better to do. No one actually has delusions about Internet arguments actually mattering, because any idiot knows that it doesn't.

>> No.2596623

>Anime has everything books have
No it doesn't.

>> No.2596625

Except it's an anime and not a VN, Touhou, or a doujin so your reasoning sucks.

>> No.2596626
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>> No.2596631
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>> No.2596634


butthurt that people don't like your shows or are you just an idiot who takes people who take cartoons seriously seriously?

>> No.2596635

>You're trying to pass off subjective opinion as industry fact, when it's just a shift in popular ideas, which will be subsumed by the next popular concept in visual entertainment in a few years, ad infinitum.

I'm not trying to pass it off as fact, it's merely my opinion. Seriously though, do you think that the shows of recent years represent an improvement over those of the past?

>> No.2596642
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I can't call this discussion. It's just a bunch of losers doing unnecessary bitching for no reason, even the people involved are aware what they're doing is meaningless so instead of lowering even more the quality of the board (which is already bordering the bottom, per se) we can have actual discussion like intelligent people instead of wasting our time with bullshit personal views nobody gives a flying fuck, we're adults here, you know.

...oh wait, this is 4chan. I forgot. We're all teenagers here. Fuck this, let's throw our shit at others like we usually do! Being a troll is funni xD Look mom, I trull people gud!!!11

>> No.2596643

Logic error detected. You say otakus are elitist/escapist and that they only complain because they are bored.

Protip: The only reason why we watch anime and play video games is because they are the best of the best. If our shitty western 3D shows were good we'd watch them. If anime starts to such then we'll escape to the next high.

We 'escaped' from our friends because they weren't good enough. We 'escaped' from our families because they weren't good enough. We left /a/ when they stopped being good enough. After all, that's the point of escapism.

>> No.2596646

somehow, this went from angry, to take it easy, then back to angry

>> No.2596653

lol u mad?

>> No.2596656

>The only reason why we watch anime and play video games is because they are the best of the best.

Are you kids still awake? Get back to your animu club and discuss with your friends how Evangelion changed your life forever, pal.

You teenagers should stay the fuck in /a/, seriously. It's getting annoying.

>> No.2596659

lolz u troll'd meee xD

your gud trullz


>> No.2596660

>actual discussion like intelligent people

What sort of "intelligent discussion" could we have on /jp/ which wouldn't end up being pretentious, pedantic pseudo-intellectual drivel while remaining true to the purpose of this board?

And consider that however lowly you might consider the discussion here, is it not infinitely superior to the mindless trivial bantering about the worthless details of personal lives, etc. found everywhere in real life?

>> No.2596692

In several points, yes. Animation quality is way up over the hand-painted cel 90's. There's a much greater percentage of "akiba-kei" style anime: heavy on girl characters, formulaic scenarios, you know the drill, which isn't necessarily good or bad. Within that generic framework, there's all sorts of creativity on minor aspects. When that gets played out, interest in something different will grow, and the whole thing loops.

>> No.2596694
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Skipping all this dumb discussion, just kind of curious to hear from some people who have been watching the show. I watched two episodes and I think that one (retarded) character is kind of cute, but the episodes themselves were really boring (retarded). Is there anything worth it past the two I have watched, or is it just going to be the same thing every episode.

>> No.2596701

The show is fine if you have time to waste.

>> No.2596714

He's a 4channer, it's obvious he's got time to waste.

>> No.2596716

Well when you put it that way, I might as well, though I'll probably regret it eventually.

>> No.2596717

I feel it's a bit like Lucky Star, in the way that it gets better for each episode. The two latest were really good. In my opinion.

>> No.2596721


>> No.2596722
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Second episode is probably the most boring episode in the series so far. I would recommend you just keep with it for a couple more episodes, and if it hasn't grown on you by then, drop it. Like other shows in the genre, the plot is pretty much non-existent and it's mostly about enjoying the atmosphere and the characters. If you've seen Hidamari Sketch or Manabi Straight, those would be the best comparisons, so you can ditch it if you didn't like those.

>> No.2596726

If I didn't like anime, manga, touhou, and visual novels do you really think I'd be wasting my time here with you losers? I'm offended that you would think so lowly of me.

Let me reiterate my post - this time pay attention because I'm only going to say this once. From a subjective point of view we enjoy otaku related things, while we detest non-otaku related things. When a lackluster anime like (say) Lucky Star appears and starts destroying our misconceived notions about our choice in entertainment, we call it out for what it is - a steaming pile of turds. If the anime industry continues to dissolve into moeblobs and pander to the ADD crowd, we, the otakus will 'leave' it for the next high.

But by all means DO continue with your blatant ad hominems. I'm curious, by what method will you deliver your rebuttal.

>> No.2596731
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>> No.2596733
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Don't worry, if I watched anime for plot I would have stopped watching years ago. I am enjoying at least one of the characters so far, as long as they don't kill that for me I could make it the whole season.

>> No.2596749


Mio develops severe depression, Yui is diagnosed with a learning disability, Ritsu gets Ritalin for her hyperactive behavior, and Tsumugi gets sent to a strict Catholic school to curb her lesbian tenancies. The whole show starts to fall apart then.

>> No.2596763
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>the otakus will 'leave' it for the next high.

Please, go ahead. You can start by leaving /jp/, the bastion for the tasteless idolization of the evil "moeblobs".

>> No.2596773

>>Tsumugi gets sent to a strict Catholic school to curb her lesbian tenancies
I don't think that would work.

>> No.2596774

Oh God, it's like that fake Calvin & Hobbes comic where Calvin takes Ritalin and Hobbes goes away.... ;_;

>> No.2596776

>pander to the ADD crowd
>slice of life

>we, the otakus will 'leave' it for the next high.
Just like you did when the industry devolved into generic mecha?

>> No.2596797
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I think by "curb" he means "bloom like the purest of white lilies."

>> No.2596823

Tsumugi will be in a sequel to Strawberry Panic.

>> No.2596836

oh noes dude, Japan is making anime you don't like. This is a crime, no seriously, you should fight for it. It's your right to get the anime you want the time you want. Don't lose this battle, looking cool there rangers, lead the way!

This post is too good to be real, too much idiocy even for 4chan standards.

Nice try, but you need more training.

>> No.2596842
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There will never be a SP2. It makes me so mad ;_;

>> No.2596845

You guys sure do take this shit seriously.

>> No.2596882
File: 115 KB, 800x575, cgbflzrnxktsliufcbwb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you h8ers need to listen up. K-ON changed my life. I used to be a loser NEET like you guys, not bathing for weeks and posting shit like "3D is pig disgusting" at every opportunity. But that's all behind me thanks to K-ON. From the moment I saw the first episode I was moved. Yui joining the light music club inspired me to change my self-destructive habits. I printed out a picture of Mio on iron-on transfer paper and made a t-shirt and left my house for the first time in god knows how long. Before, whenever I went out in public, I felt like I was invisible. Now, however, everywhere I went people would be like "You like K-ON? That shit's pretty awesome, dawg."

I even found a Japanese girlfriend thanks to K-ON. I'm not talking about some pigfaced kiss-sui type shit either. For the past few weeks I've been scoring some high-class, Mugi-chanesque pussy. She introduced me to her father (who loves K-ON too) and now I have a six-figure salary job so I can buy all the K-ON! merchandise that comes out.

K-ON truly is the greatest anime ever. If you fags would just give it a chance you may find the inspiration to be more than just a virgin leech on society.

Pic related, it's me at home after a night at the club. Bitches were all over me after my karaoke rendition of "Dont be lazy"

>> No.2596886
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>strict Catholic school to curb her lesbian tenancies

>> No.2596905

And you don't take things serious enough. I guess that explains why:

1). You're a virgin.
2). You're reading and reviewing SERIOUS post on /jp/ at midnight.
3). You're a pathetic weeaboo loser. On the off-chance you die tomorrow nobody (including your family) would care about it.

Keep being nonchalant about life and let's see which one of us are the first to break free of these bad habits of ours.

>> No.2596923
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>pathetic weeaboo loser

>> No.2596924

Sorry if I offended your otaku pride, broski. It wasn't my intention.


>> No.2596932
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>> No.2596935
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>> No.2596937

Feels good man.

>> No.2596939

This guy looks just like me having the pussies and all.

We be rocking the bitches, bro.

>> No.2596954

>You're a virgin.
gtfo normalfag
