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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2588235 No.2588235 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou trip.

I just blazed some salvia. Gonna start up Touhou and try and report what I see. Maybe I'll see Gensokyo. Or trip out. Starting up PCB now.

>> No.2588247

Please help me and to survive my monogynopaedium! We do not have a money even on bread - we remained out of employment! you can rescue us from hunger:

>> No.2588254

How can you still type properly?

>> No.2588263

Well there's your answer

>> No.2588276

zombie reimu you say

>> No.2588280

I remember being in a shop trying to buy something on salvia. I was too spaced out and I was in slow-motion mode. I must have looked like a heroin addict.

Typing on it has to be hell.

>> No.2588284

You'll keep dying if you try to watch the whole screen. I never noticed how beautiful the patterns are because the game forces you to limit your focus to a certain area.

>> No.2588290
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>> No.2588292


Smoking salvia doesn't incapacitate the guy for hours. Probably just half an hour at most. When I tried it everything got blurry and slow for about 10 or so min. Then it just kinda died down from there.

>> No.2588298


Makes sense.

>> No.2588312


Cool font there broski

>> No.2588313

Colors everyfucking where. The danmaku kinda moved out of the screen and towards me. I looked away from the monitor and I saw danmaku coming at me from things in my room. I tried to get out of my chair but fell on the floor and stared at my lights on the ceiling. Danmaku came at me. Stayed down there until trip was over. Game overed before midboss. Brb gonna do it again.

>> No.2588332

If you're able to describe a salvia trip, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.

>> No.2588340

Hey wait, isn't Saliva an illegal substance punishable by a minimum of 10 years in federal prison?

brb, fbi

>> No.2588342

i don't get it
you = retarded

>> No.2588346

Oh shit, there goes my child saliva service. Now all these little girls have drooled for nothing.

>> No.2588348

I don't think you've smoked salvia. At least, not correctly.
You should be too fucked up to even work a mouse coherently for about 10~15 minutes and then be more or less sober (unless you're already stoned as well...good times)

>> No.2588352


Yes. So? 90% of people on /jp/ smoke all kinds of stuff.

Why do you think they're here?

>> No.2588354
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>> No.2588356

Tell me about it. My child sweat shop was raided by the FBI. They confiscated all my sweat and little girls.

>> No.2588358


I bought a pack of leaves from this smoke shop. I didn't have any rolling papers on me so I had to unroll a swisher and use that to smoke it.

>> No.2588359

Should've been lower, 'cause then I wouldn't think you pulled it out of your ass


>> No.2588360

Funny, a few months back there was a very vocal group of Anonymous against people who even mentioned drugs. I still think it's funny how things change.

>> No.2588364


Congress hasn't put it as Schedule 1 drug yet. Right now it's handled by state law.

>> No.2588365
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I was under the impression everyone here was poor.

>> No.2588375


Use a pipe. That's a ghetto ass way to smoke.

>> No.2588378


As if that stopped anybody from getting drugs.

>> No.2588381

What happened? We used to hate drugs together, /jp/. We used to sage drug threads together. And now you're like this? ;_;

>> No.2588385

If you know where to get drugs, you're a fucking normalfag who shouldn't be here.

>> No.2588386


If you can look at any of those pics and keep a straight face, you probably aren't stoned.

>> No.2588387


Either that or a nigger.

Coincidentally, 90% of /jp/ are niggers.

>> No.2588391

Fuck you, nigger.

>> No.2588394

And nothing changed.

>> No.2588397

>lol /jp/ is a secret club for us cool NEETs
No it isn't. And salvia is legal in most places anyway, all you need to know how to do is walk into a shop or order it online

>> No.2588401
File: 121 KB, 344x433, cirnosparklingeyes2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What KEYEND of nigger?

>> No.2588405

>lol /jp/ is a secret club for us cool NEETs
Yes, it is.

>> No.2588407

He's lying.

>> No.2588408

>lol /jp/ isn't a secret club for cool NEETs

Oh my. Normalfags think that they can just take over now. I guess this is it for /jp/.

>> No.2588413

Fucking stupid.

>> No.2588422

/jp/ is a secret club now? I hear some normalfag anime fans in my classes talk about /jp/ whenever VN-anime adaptation comes up.

>> No.2588424

Despite the fact that most people here have jobs or go to college?

>> No.2588431

You have no way of proving this

>> No.2588432


Probably real NEETs that want everyone on /jp/ to be NEETs so they keep telling themselves and everyone this so they don't feel like a loser.

>> No.2588436

I go to college, but I don't socialize with people nor do I do drugs.

>> No.2588437
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>> No.2588444

I have a job but fucks like you are no fun and come out as retarded pompous fools. ALL NEET, ALL THE TIME is preferable.

>> No.2588447

They're probably the ones who take the "3D pig disgusting" meme seriously and actually wish they had 2D wifes. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.2588452

Being an actual NEET, I belong here more than you.


>> No.2588456


I have an office job but I'm pretty much a shut in off work. The only friend I made at the office is a fellow VN connoisseur and is into Touhou.

>> No.2588482

I go to college but I'm far from being a normalfag. The whole NEET vs. normalfag thing is a false dichotomy.

>> No.2588497
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But I already have a 2D wife, there's nothing to wish for.

>> No.2588512


That is the cancer that is killing /jp/. The more they make /jp/ to be a super cool secret club for super otakus, the more the young bloods of the anime fandom will want to come in here and shit things up to be cool like us.

>> No.2588522

Preferable to guys with jobs, girlfriends, friends and lives.

>> No.2588528

I only use Escitalopram

>> No.2588534

And if they don't the place will be flooded with normalfags talking about nailing 3D Japs and where the best places to get wasted in Japan are.

>> No.2588539

My problem with the losers that go to school or work isn't that they go to school or work. It's that they feel the need to talk about it here.

/jp/ - Japanese porn games and mediocre doujin shooters


/jp/ - your fucking blog

>> No.2588540

Because only the newcomers are trouble and the horrible metatrolls that have been here since day 1 and shitting things are innocent, right Aniki?

>> No.2588550


When did I saw only newcomers are trouble? I said acting like /jp/ is a super cool club attracts normal anime fans here and knowing that the anime fandom is filled with mostly shitty kids, they'll shit up /jp/.

>> No.2588559

Pretty much everyone on /jp/ is from /a/. It's been filled with anime fans from day one.

>> No.2588566

I'm fairly certain it's not even the real NEETs who are forcing this sort of mentality on /jp/. By necessity, a NEET not only has no ambition/initiative (and thus, not motive) to undertake these sorts of actions, but he also isn't an attention whore. On the contrary, NEETs are the very antitheses of attention whores; if they really cared about the way in which they were perceived or about whatever communities they belonged, they wouldn't be NEETs to begin with.

No, this trend of immature backlash and silencing of contrary opinion is undoubtedly caused by human detritus from /b/, gaia and other festering intellectual sinkholes of the internet attempting to "fit in."

>> No.2588569

Fuck off, you useless NEETs dont do anything but sage all day.

>> No.2588571

All you do is complain about women all day, athens.

>> No.2588574


I'm sure we weened alot of current /jp/ users off the shit /a/ likes. It seems like everytime we have an anime thread, our tastes generally go towards yuri, seinen and loli shit.

>> No.2588582

It's not that difficult to say, "everyone on /jp/ is a NEET" nor does it bring any special attention to you.

>> No.2588584

>>2588497 I already have a 2D wife
That girl has shading. You poseur!

>> No.2588591

How do you know what I do 'all day'?

>> No.2588598

DXM + DRYL & TOUHOU is the only combo.

>> No.2588606,1 [INTERNAL] 

My brother smoked salvia and said he saw a black hole form in front of him with dead people in it

No thanks.

>> No.2588605


But it does bring about an attempt at creating a sense of camaraderie amongst people who browse /jp/ by creating some sense of homogeneity.

>> No.2588606

Let's talk about drugs guys... I don't care if you work or not.

>> No.2588613

If you agree with me, what's the problem? And if you don't agree with me, why not?

>> No.2588617

Because all you do is use /jp/ as your blog to talk about how shitty and slutty women are. Gee thanks athens, everytime you show up, you shit up a thread. You even fucked this thread, which is already a horrible thread.

>> No.2588618

I play Touhou while being drunk so it's like I'm really ZUN!

>> No.2588624

That's all you do whenever you post. The only reason why you even post here is because /r9k/ kicked you out.

>> No.2588626


>> No.2588629

So how come we hate normalfags on /jp/ anyways? Don't we want to have new people come in so /jp/ doesn't stagnate?

>> No.2588631

Sage for talking about sage.

>> No.2588634

Same person. I have been here since the beginning. I couldn't post here all day even if I wanted to.

>> No.2588635

Stagnation is fine. Growth involves change, which is scary.

>> No.2588637

NEETs blog as much as people with school or jobs.

>> No.2588640

Actually, I fully support his opinion about you, but as you can see, these two posts were posted within a single minute, and with this certain flood filter, you can't post that quickly, dumbass.

>> No.2588642

But I'm not OP.

Take it easy...

>> No.2588645

Stagnation is awesome so I don't see your point.

>> No.2588648

Remember LUE?

If you don't know what LUE is, then my point is proven.

>> No.2588650

Mostly NEETs make up stories about having little sisters who love them. They are obviously false, so it's not really the same thing.

>> No.2588653

Flood Filter = 30 seconds, not a minute.

>> No.2588660

Under a minute is not 1 minute.

>> No.2588662

So you're comparing jaypee to the board that got it's influx of new users forcefully closed by a third party? Fascinating.

>> No.2588663


how strangely erotic

>> No.2588665

The point still stands, it is more than possible to post two posts within a minute.

>> No.2588670

Everyone hates you athens, stop trying to pretend that it's just one person.

>> No.2588675

But not very realistic, and rather retarded, just as it is retarded how you make shitty posts about women, and how you make shitty posts about /jp/ being shit, even though you are one of the reasons /jp/ is being shit.

>> No.2588676

No, I'm just pointing out that wishing for "stagnation" and "no new users whatsoever" is dumb.

>> No.2588681

You are quite clearly inferior to me as is most of /jp/. Anyway, I need to go and get changed. Laters faggots.

>> No.2588692

Gee, that sure is supported with facts much. Nice job bailing out, asshole.

>> No.2588694

But of course is dumb you fag, not to mention that is pretty pointless around here. But I bet even you have dumb dreams.

>> No.2588699

Hey Athens, you left before giving an answer, but why'd you plagiarize this statement from a fundamentalist neo-con website and change Muslim to woman?

>As narcissists, women are paranoid, have victim mentalities, feel humiliated, have explosive personalities, are vengeful, lack empathy, are oblivious of the pain that they cause to others, lack conscience, consider themselves superior to others, demand preferential treatments while they deny the basic human rights of others, are scornful and abusive of others but expect respect and undeserving recognition. They lack self- esteem but are most concerned about their image. It is not that they love themselves, in fact they don't, they are ashamed of themselves but they are in love with their own reflections. What matters to them most is not how they are and how they feel inside but how others see them. The image is more important than true self. Their world is in shambles but they are most concerned to protect the image of sanity, that's why women constantly talk about how fun-loving they are all the time in descriptions on year books and so on.

>> No.2588707

Or they start threads like >>2588563

>> No.2588709

A smile just appeared on my face. How wonderful, HOW WONDERFUL /jp/!

>> No.2588723
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This thread pleases me.

>> No.2588738


No surprise there.

>> No.2588741
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>> No.2588747

NEETs are ten times worse than the average anon. I'm not even sure whether these self- proclaimed NEETs are representative of all NEETs anyway. All they do is whine and complain, the slightest hint of normality is pounced on, its sad.

>> No.2588757

Fuck off, Cirno.

>> No.2588768

Late to the party (durr hurr), but /jp/ has changed significantly as of several months ago. Those bitching about how /jp/ has changed apparently didn't notice this shift in acceptance of normalfags (maybe because the old guard has long left?).

>> No.2588772


I'd like to think people stopped that because it's fucking stupid, but that's just me being too optimistic.

>> No.2588785


>> No.2588830


Old guard is still here. Just that they are more prone to lurking rather than shitposting.

>> No.2589310

Why are Marisa's bullets cards and not stars?

>> No.2589328

You're looking at Yukari. Marisa is next over.
